Accounts: June 1525 - March 1530

St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 1901.

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'Accounts: June 1525 - March 1530', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603, ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Accounts: June 1525 - March 1530', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Edited by J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Accounts: June 1525 - March 1530". St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

June 1525 - March 1530

This is thaccompte of Edward Stokwod Gent/ and Willm Hayle Gent Church= wardeyns of the/ p'ishe Churche of Saynt Martyns in the ffylde/ by, Charyngcros' in the Countie of Midd'. ffrom the feste of/ the Natite of Saynt John Baptist in the xvjth yere of the/ Reigne of Kyng henry the viijth vnto the ffest of th'ann'= ciacon/ of or lady in the xxjti yere of the Reigne of or sayd sou'aigne/ lorde kyng henry the viijth. That is by the space of iiij yeres/ and iij q'rt's complete. (fn. 1)

Arrerages ffirst the sayde Accomptants (fn. 2) do charge theym wt:—xxiijs 6d ob to them delyu'ed by M' Humffrey Cooke of the Gaderyng money at Hoketyde (fn. 3) by fore the tyme of these Accomptants / and wt:—xijs by the sayd accomptants Receyuyd of M'ris More also Gaderyd at Hoketyd by the Women byfore the tyme of these Accomptants—S'm xxxvs 6d ob.

Recepts at buryalls Obbytts & knylls the ffirst yere of this Accompte.

Ao io ffirst Receyuyd the xxijth day of Septemb'r for the smale lights at the buryall of peter kylks Chylde iiijd
Buryalls It'm Rec' the xxixth day of Septemb'r for the smale lights at the bury all of A woman that dyed owte of Roger Brygges howse iiijd
It'm Receyuyd the vjth day of Octob'r at the buryall of M' Edward Norrys for the iiij torches & grette lights vs iiijd
It' for his knyll xd
It'm Receyuyd the xvth day of Octob'r for the smale lights at Ry-chard Cudds yeres mynde (fn. 4) iiijd
It'm Receyuyd the xxvij day of Octob'r for the grete lyghts at Rob't Arnolds yeres mynde ijs
It'm Receyuyd the xxviijth day of Octob'r for the smale lights for John Goldsmyth Chyld iiijd
It'm Rec' the xxixth day of Octob'r for the smale lights for John Gefferey Child ijd
S'm'—ixs viijd
S'm' pag'—xlvs ijd ob
It'm Receyuyd the same day for the smale lights for John Coorsys Child ijd
It'm Receyuyd the xxxt day of Octob'r at the buryall of John Rawlyn s'u'nte for the lights xd
It'm Receyuyd the xxxjth day of Octob'r for the torches & the lights of Henry Myller Child xvjd
It' Receyuyd the same day for the lights at the buryall of Rob't Careles Child iiijd
It' Receyuyd the same day for ij torches & the lyghts at the buryall of Miller Child viijd
It' Receyuyd of M' Edward Norrys the iijrd day of Nouemb'r at his monyth mynde for iiij torches and the grete lyghts iiijs
It' Receyuyd the vijth day of Nouemb'r for the lights at the buryall of M' Morys s'u'nte xvjd
It' Receyuyd the xth day of Nouemb'r for the lyghts of henry Ru'myngs Chyld iiijd
It' Receyuyd the xjth day of Nouemb'r for the lights for John Cowper Child xijd
It' Receyuyd the vjth day of Decemb'r for the lyghts for henry Ru'myng Child iiijd
It' Receyuyd the xjth day of Decemb'r for the lyghts for John Harrys s'u'nte iiijd
It' Receyuyd the xiijth day of January for the lyghts for Banast'r Child ijd
It' Receyuyd the xxvijth of January at the yeres mynde of M' John Norrys for iiij torches & the grette lyghts iiijs
It' Receyuyd the xiijth day of ffebruary for Alyn wyfs pytt in the Porche (fn. 5) xxd
It' for hir knyll & the lights xvjd
It' Receyuyd the iiijth day of Marche for the lyghts for John Mason Child ijd
It' Receyuyd the xiijth day of Marche for the lyghts for Thom's lewys wief vjd
It'm Receyuyd the xiiijth day of Marche for the lyghts for my lord Cardynals (fn. 6) s'u'nte ijd
It' Receyuyd the v day of Aprill for the lights for John Moston Child ijd
It' Receyuyd the xixth day of Aprill for the lights for John Moston s'u'nte ijd
It' Receyuyd the xxth day of Aprill for the lyghts for Another of the sayd John Moston s'u'nts ijd
S'm pag'—xixs ijd
It'm Receyuyd the xxijt day of Aprill for the lyghts for a Colyar that was slayne vd
It'm Receyuyd the xxiijt day of Aprill for the pytt of John Hale (fn. 7) vjs viijd
It' Receyuyd of the same John for ij torches ijs
It' Receyuyd of the same John for the Candelstiks & the best lights ijs viijd
It' Receyuyd of the same John for his knyll xijd
It' Receyuyd the xxvijt day of Apryll for the lyghts for Rychard Harryson Chyld xd
It' Receyuyd the xxxt day of Aprill for the lyghts for the Child thatt cam oute of the lazarhows (fn. 8) at Knightsbryge ijd
It' Receyuyd at the yeres mynd of Rychard Elderton the first day of May for the lyghts ijs iiijd
It' Receyuyd the ijde day of May for the lyghts for M' Humffrey Child and for ij torches xxd
It' Receyuyd the vth day of May for the lights at the yeres mynde of M' Henry Bryan ijs iiijd
It' Receyuyd the xijth day of May for the lyghts & Torches at the yeres mynd of M' Humffrey Cooks wif & his fader and moder iiijs
It' Receyuyd the xiijth day of May for the lyghts for Rob't Carlile s'u'nte iiijd
It' Receyuyd the xixth day of May for the lyghts for Harman Shomaker Child ijd
It' Receyuyd the same day for the lyghts at the yeres mynde of Rob't Hatche ijd
It' Receyuyd the xxjt day of May for the lyghts at Master Cooks Beryall ijs
It' for his knyll xijd
It' Receyuyd for the Churche Torches iiijs
It' Receyuyd for his pytt in the Churche vjs viijd
It' Receyuyd the iijrd day of Juyn for the lyghts for Alard olles Chyld iiijd
S m—xxxviijs ixd
S'm of all the buryalls Obbytts & knylls. ffor the ffyrst yere of this Accompte [£3. 7. 7]

Ao 2o Recepts by the sayd Wardeyns for buryalls Obbytts/ and knylls in the seconde yere of thys Accompte as ensuyth

ffyrst Receyud the xiiijth day of July for the lyghts for Thom's Banastre Children iiijd
It'm Receyuyd the xviijth day of July for the lyghts for A man that dyed sodenly in the Churche lane ijd
It' Receyuyd the xviijth day of August for the Torches & the lights at the yeres mynde of M' Henry Wentt iiijs
It' Receyuyd the first day of Septemb'r for the lights at the buryall of John Crossis Suster xviijd
It' Receyuyd the xxt day of Septemb'r for the lights & the knyll at the buryall of Thom's Joys iijs
It' for his pytte in the Churche vjs viijd
It' Receyuyd the vjth day of Octob'r for iiij torches & the grette lights at the yeres mynde of Edward Norrys iiijs
It' Receyuyd the xvjth day of Octob'r for the lyghts at the monyth mynde of Thom's Joys iiijd
It' Receyuyd the xxxth day of Octob'r for the lyghts at Rob't Arnolds mynde ijs viijd
It' Rec' the xijth day of January for the lights at the buryall of Thom's lewkenor viijd
It' Receyuyd the xvjth day of January for the lights of Will'm Browne Child vjd
It'm Rec' the xxvjt day of January for the Torches & the lights at the yeres mynde of M' John Norrys iiijs
It' Rec' the iijrd day of ffebruary for the lyghts at the buryall of Rob't Careles Child iiijd
It' Rec' the vijth day of ffebruary for the lyghts of sr John Axston (fn. 9) buryall viijd
It' Rec' the viijth day of ffebr' for the lights at the buriall of John Jefferes wief xd
It'm Rec' the xijth day of ffeburary for ij torches and the lights at peter leuce buriall iijs
It' Rec' the xiijth day of M'che for the lyghts at the monyth mynde of sr John Axston iiijd
It' Rec' the seconde day of May for the lights at the yeres mynde of Richard Eld'ton iiijd
It' Rec' the xijth day of May for the Torches & the lights at the yers mynde of M' Humffrey Cooks father and moder iiijs
It' Rec' the xxiijt day of May for the lights ij torches & ye lights atte buriall of Rob't potters wyff iiijs viijd
S'm pag'—xlijs
It'm Receyuyd the xxvijth day of May for the lights of Will'm peteley Child ijd
It' Receyuyd the second day of Juyn for the lyghts at the buryall of John Hare Moder xd
It'm Receyuyd the ixth day of Juyn for the lights at the buriall of Rychard Goldyng Child ijd
S'm of all the buryalls the Obbits knylls & yere Mynds for the seconde yere of yis Accompte xliijs ijd

Ao 3o Recepts by the sayd Wardeyns for buryalls Obbytts and knylls/ in the thyrde yere of this Accompte. As followith.

ffyrst Receyuyd the xxxt day of Juyn for the lyghts & Torches atte buryall of M' Humffrey Cooks wif iiijs
It'm for hir pytt in the Churche vjs viijd
It'm for hir knyll xijd
It' Rec' the iijrd day of July for iiij torches & the lights At the buryall of George ffabian iiijs
It'm for hys knyll xijd
It'm for his pytt in the Churche vjs viijd
It' Receyuyd the vth day of July for the lyghts at the buriall off Symond Ducheman xijd
It' Rec' the xxvjth day of July for the iiij Torches & the lyghts At the monyth mynde of M' Humffrey Cooks wif iiijs
It' Rec' the second day of August for the lyghts at the buryall of Will'm Wakelyn Ducheman xijd
It' Rec' the xijth day of Septemb'r for the lyghts at the buryall of Giles Vanbright xijd
It' Rec' the xxt day of Septemb'r for the lyghts of A mayde owte of Jamys of Colyns hows iiijd
It' Rec' the vjth day of Octob'r for the torches & lights at M' Edward Norrys mynde iiijs
It' Rec' the xjth day of Octob'r for the lyghts at the buryall off Henry Myllers s'u'nte ijd
S'm:—xxxiiijs xd
S'm pag':—xxxvjs
It'm Receyuyd the xixth day of Octob'r for the lights at the Buryall off Henry Martyn xvjd
It'm Receyuyd the xxviijt day of Octob'r for the lights at the yeres mynde of Rob't Arnold ijs
It'm Receyuyd the seconde day of Nouemb'r for the lights at the burial of Henry Myllers Chyld ijd
It'm Rec' the xixth day of Nouemb'r for the lyghts at the buryall off John Hares s'u'nte iiijd
It'm Rec' the xxvjth day of Decemb'r for the lyghts' at the buryall of John Gough s'u'nte iiijd
It'm Receyuyd the xixth day of January for the lyghts at the buryall of Henry Wilson daughter viijd
It'm Rec' the xxxjt day of January for the Torches and lights at the yeres mynde of M' John Norrys iiijs
It'm Rec' the iiijrt day of ffebruary at the buryall of my lady Mortym' for her knyll iijs iiijd
It'm Receyuyd of hir for the lights & the Torches at the buriall & hir monythes mynde xxs
It'm Receyuyd the vjth day of ffebruary for the lights at the buriall of Will'm Wharlton Chyld iiijd
It'm Rec' the xiijth day of ffebruary for the lights at the buriall of John Gough mayde viijd
It'm Rec' the xvth day of ffebruary for the lights at the buriall of John Gough other mayde iiijd
It'm Rec' the xxijth day of ffebruary for the lights of M' Cooke Child iiijd
It' Rec' the ixth day of Marche for the lights at the buriall of A man owte of Jamys A Colyns hows viijd
It' Rec' the vjth day of April for the lightsatte buryall of Richard Harryson Child xd
It'm Rec' the xvjth day of Aprill for the lights atte buryall of Henry M' Stokewood s'u'nte xijd
It' Rec' the xxvijt day of Ap'll for the lights atte buryall of John Crosse xd
It'm Receyuyd the viijth day of May for the lights at the buryall off John Gough Mayden iiijd
It'm Receyuyd the xxjt day of Juyne ffor the Torches & lights Atte yeres mynde of M' Humffrey Cooks wyff iiijs
Sm' pag':—xljs vjd
S'm of all the buryalls Obbytts & knylls the iiird yere of this Accompte lxxvjs iiijd

Ao 4o Recepts by the sayd Wardeyns for buryalls obbytts & knylls/ in the iiijrth yere of this Accompte= as ffollometh:

ffyrst Receyuyd the vjth day of July for the lights & ij torches at the buryall of Thom's Osborne xijd
It'm Receyuyd the xth day of July for the torches & the grete lights atte buryall of M' Comptroller s'u'nte iiijs
It'm Receyuyd the xxijt day of July for iiij torches & the grette lights atte buryall of Jaspere Ducheman iijs
It' Rec' the xxviijt day of August for the lights & Torches atte yeres mynde of M' Henry Wentt iiijs
It' Rec' the xvijth day of Septemb'r for the lights of Rob't Wilson Child iiijd
It' Rec' the xixth day of Septemb'r for the lights atte buryall of A Child owte of Rob't Wilson hows iiijd
It' Rec' the iijrd day of Octob'r for the lights & torches of M' Edward Norrys yeres mynde iiijs
It' Rec' the xvjth day of Octob'r for the lights for the buryall of A Child owte of Richard Harryson hows xvjd
It' Rec' the xxiiijt day of Octob'r for the lights of Rob't Wilson Child iiijd
It' Rec' the xxviijt day of Octob'r for the lights and torches at the yeres mynd of Rob't Arnold iijs iiijd
It' Rec' the iijrd day of Nouember for the lights of Will'm Brown Child the Skynn' iiijd
It' Receyuyd the xviijth day of Nouemb'r for the lights at the buryall of John Bishope Child ijd
It' Rec' the xixth day of Decemb'r for the grete lights atthe be/ ryall of John Cowp' wif ijs viijd
It' Rec' the xxiiijt day of January for the lights of Will'm pally child iiijd
It' Rec' the xxxt day of January for the lights & torches at M' John Norrys yeres mynde iiijs
It' Rec' the vijth day of ffebruary for Will'm petloo wifs pytt vjs viijd
It'm of hir for the lights & torches iiijs
It' Rec' the xxth day of Marche for the grete lights at the mo/ nyth mynde of the said petloo wif ijs
It' Rec' the xixth day of May for the lights & torches at the buryall of halyn Redeman (fn. 10) iiijs
It' Rec' the xxjt day of Juyn for the lights at the monyth mynd of halyn Redeman xvjd
It' Rec' the xxijt day of Juyn for the lights & torches at Mast' Humffrey Cooks wifs mynde iiijs
S'm of all the buryalls Obbyts & knylls the iiijrt yere of thys Accompte. lj ijd
S'm pag':—ljs ijd

Recepts by the sayd Wardeyns for buryalls Obbytts/ and knylls for iij quart'rs in the Vth yere of this Accompte.

ffrst Receyuyd the ffirst day of July for the lights at the buryall of Petir kelks Child iiijd
It'm Receyuyd the ixth day of July for the lights at the yeres mynde of Peter Smyth iiijd
It'm Receyuyd the xviijth day of August for the lights & torches at the yeres mynde of M' Henry Wentt iiijs
It'm Rec' the iijrd day of Octob'r for the lights & torches at the yeres mynde of M' Edward Norrys iiijs
It'm Rec' the xxviijt day of Octob'r for the lights & Torches at the yeres mynde of Rob't Arnold iijs iiijd
It'm Receyuyd the xxvijt day of December for the lights at the buryall of John Masse vjd
It' Rec' the xxviijt day of Decemb'r for the lights of John Gough Child iiijd
It' Rec' the vjth day of January for the lights of John Miller Child viijd
It' Rec' the xjth day of January for the lights of Adrian Masse child vjd
It' Rec' the xiijth day of January for the pytt, the lights and the Torches at the buryall of M'ris Elizabeth Brian xiijs iiijd
It'm Rec' for the lights at John Hares buryall ijs
It'm R the xxxt day of January for the lights & torches at the yeres mynde of M' John Norrys iiijs
It'm Rec' the vjth day of ffebr' for the lights of Ric' Goldyng s'u'nte ijd
It' Rec' the vijth day of ffebr' for the lights of Thom's Holynar child ijd
It' Rec' the ijd day of Marche for the lights of John lesyng s'u'nte iiijd
It' Rec' the vth day of M' for the lights at the buryall of A nother of John losyng s'u'nts iiijd
It' Rec' the xviijth day of M'che for the lights at the buryall of Stephen Borys Moder xviijd
It' Rec' of Alyn Redeman for his pytt in the Porche (fn. 11) xxd
S'm of all the burialls Obbytts & knylls for the iij last q'rtt's of this Accompt xxxvijs vjd
S'm Tot' of all the buryalls Obbitts and knylls for al the sayd iiijth yeres and iijrd q'rtters xiijli xvs ixd
S'm pag':—xxxvijs vjd

Ao lo The Gaderyng at the quart' daies in the first yere of this Accomp [te]/ mt the Gaderyng of Good ffryday, pascall (fn. 12) money, & the Sepulc[re]/ light, mt hok monday & Tuysday.

ffyrst Receyuyd of money Gaderyd in Michaelmas q'rtt' in the first yere of this Accompt vjs vjd ob'
It'm Gaderyd in Cristmas q'rtt' the same yere vjs iijd
It'm Gaderyd in or lady day q'rtt' the same yere vijs ijd
It'm Gaderyd in Midsom' quart' the same yere vijs viijd
It'm Receyuyd of Henry Rom'an for A yere Rent of the Churche Acre endyd at Mychaelmas in the sayd first yere ijs
S'm of the gaderyng money wt the church acre xxixs vijd ob'.
It'm Receyuyd of the Gaderyng on good ffryday the same yere xiijs vd ob'
It'm Receyuyd of the Pascall money at Easter the same yere xijs iijd
It'm Gadered to the Sepulcre light the same yere vijs ijd ob'
It'm Receyuyd in Gaderyng money of Hokmonday and Tuysday the same ffirst yere xiijs ijd
It'm ffownde in the churche by Salcott jd
S'm of these p'celles xlvjs ijd
S'm Tol of the first yers Gaderyng lxxvs ixd ob.'

Ao 2do Recepts by the said Wardeyns of the Gader= yng at the q'rtt'/ Daies the seconde yere. Wt Goodfryday. Pascall Money. the/ Sepulcre light. Wt Hok monday & Tuysday. & ye churche Acre.

ffyrst Receyuyd of money Gaderyd in Mychaelmas quartt' in the seconde yere of this Accompt vjs jd
It'm gaderyd in Cr'stmas qu'rt' the same yere vjs viijd
It'm Gaderyd in our lady q'rtt' the same yere vs xd
It'm Gaderyd in Midsom' q'rtt' the same yere vijs iiijd
It'm Receyuyd of Henry Rom'an for A yere Rent of the Churche Acre endyd at Michaelmas in the said second yere ijs
S'm of the Gaderyng Daies. wt the Church Acre xxvijs xjd
S'm pag' ciijs viijd ob'
It'm Receyuyd of the Gaderyng on Good ffryday the seconde yere xxs
It'm gaderyd for the Pascall at Easter the same seconde yere xiijs iijd
It'm Gaderyd for the Sepulcre light the same yere vjs iiijd
It'm Receyuyd of the money gaderyd on Hok Monday and Tuysday the same Seconde yere xvs iiijd
It'm founde in the Churche by Goodman Whashe jd
S'm Tot of the second yeres Gaderyng iiijli ijs xjd

Ao 3o Receipts by the sayd Wardeyns of the Ga= deryng at q'rtt'/ Daies in the thirde yere of this Accompte. Wt good ffryday./ pascall Money. sepulcre light. hokmonday & twysday. mt/ Money gaderyd for the Organ player, &c'.

Gaderyng Daies.

ffyrst Receyuyd of the Gaderyng of Michaelmas quart' the sayde thirde yere vjs viijd
It'm Receyuyd of the Gaderyng of Cristmas q'rtt' the same yere iiijs vjd
It'm Receyuyd of the Gaderyng of or lady day q'rtt' the same yere vijs viijd
It'm Receyuyd of the Gaderyng of Midsom' q'rtt' the same yere vjs vid
It'm Rec' of Henry Roman for A yere Rent of the Churche Acre ijs
S'm:—xxvijs iiijd

Gaderyd for the Organ pleyar

It'm gaderyd in the Churche for the Organ player the first q'rtt' iijs ijd
It'm Gaderyd the seconde q'rtt' for the Organ player iijs jd
It'm Gaderyd the iijrd q'rtt' for the Organ player iijs iiijd
It'm Gaderyd the iiijrt q'rtt' for the Organ player iijs iijd
S'm xijs xd

Pascall Money & other thyngs.

Syft Money. It'm gadered for the pascall at Ester the said iijrd yere xjs xjd
It'm gaderyd for the Sepulcre light the same yere vjs ijd
It'm gaderyd on good ffryday the same yere vjs ixd
It'm Receyuyd of the Money Gaderyd on Hok Monday and Tuysday the same iijrd year xiijs jd
It'm Rec' of the Gyfte of Edward Wood late the Kyng's s'u'nte xs
S'm—xlvijs xjd
S'm Tol of the iijrd yeres gade ryng iiijli viijs jd

Ao 4o Receipts by the sayd Wardeyns of the Ga= deryngs at the q'rtter/ Daies the iiijrt yere. Good ffryday. pascall money. Sepulcre/ light. Hoke Monday. & for the Organ player.

Gaderyng daies.

ffyrst Gaderyd in Michaelmas q'rtt' the iiijth yere vjs vjd
It'm Gaderyd in Cristmas q'rtt' the same yere vjs iiijd
It'm Gaderyd in or Lady day q'rtt' the same yere vjs xd
It'm Gaderyd in Midsom' q'rtt' the same yere vjs ijd
It'm Rec' of Henry Roman for A yeres Rent of the Churche Acre ijs
S'm—xxvijs xd

Pascall Money & other thyngs.

It'm Receyuyd of the Gaderyng on Good ffryday the same yere viijs iijd
It'm Gaderyd for the Pascall at Easter the same yere xiijs jd
It'm Gaderyd for the Sepulcre light the same yere vjs xjd
It'm Gaderyd on Hokemonday & Tuysday the same yere xiijs viijd
S'm—xlis xjd

Money gaderyd for the Organ player.

It'm Gaderyd in the Churche for the Organ player in Michaelmas q'rtt' the same iiijrt yere iiijs
It'm Gadererd in the Churche for the same Organ playar in Cristmas quartt' the same yere iiijs
S'm Col of the iiijrt yeres gaderyng lxxvijs ixd

Ao 5to Receipts by the said Wardeyns of the Ga= deryns at q'rtt' Daies./ duryng for iij q'rtt's. endyd at or lady day th'ann'ciacion./ A'no Regni Regis Henrici octaui xxj.

Gaderyng Daies.

It'm ffirst Rec' of the Gaderyng in Michaelmas q'rtt' the vth yere vjs ijd
It'm Gaderyd in Crystmas quartt' the same yere vjs ijd
It'm Gaderyd in or lady quartt' the same yere vjs viijd
S'm of all the vth yeres Gaderyng xixs
S'm Col of the vth yeres Receyts xxxijli xiiijs ixd
S'm pag'—iiijli xvjs ixd

Ao 1o The sayd Accomptants Aske Allowance for payme'ts/ by theym layed oute. to & for the Churche bse. in the/ ffirst yere of this Ac= compte. As p'tic' lerly ensuyth.

ffirst paid to John Carvar for the Carvyng and garnysshyng of the Rode looft, & for the makyng of the Image of J'hus & of our lady, & the xijth p'phetts (fn. 13) iijli vjs viijd
It'm paid to M' Wyncote for the Bell Ropes weyng liiijt l'br' at jd q' le l'br' S'm— iiijs vijd
It'm paid to hym for A smale Rope for the littill bell p'ce (fn. 14) vd
It'm paid to Lewys Dooff wexch'undeler for the makyng of iiij grette tap's wt other wexe as by his bill apperith ixs iiijd
It'm payd to the same wexch'undeler for ij tap's Wayeng ij l'br' p'ce xiiijd
It'm paid for a q'rttion of an C (fn. 15) of newe wexe to Renewe the R'de light (fn. 16) xijs vjd
It'm paid to the same lewys Duff for the makyng of liit l'br' of wexe for the Rode light xxijd
It'm payd to hym for makyng of ij smale tap's ijd
It' for A l'br' & di' of tallough Candill at Alhalontyd (fn. 17) to sett A bowte the Churche ijd
It'm for viij l'br' of Candill to sett A bowte the Churche on Cristmas Day in the Mornyng xd
It'm for Holy & Ivy Agaynst Crystmas ijd
It'm for cools to watche wt att Cristmas (fn. 18) ijd
It'm for A glas for the lampe jd
It'm paid for A paper booke for the Clerk to wright in the buryalls (fn. 19) iijd
It'm paid to Lewys Duff wexch'undeler for newe wexe & Also for makyng of wexe Agaynst Easter, As by his bill apperyth xxjs ixd
It'm for palme (fn. 20) Agaynst palmesonday iijd ob'
It'm for syngyng brede (fn. 21) the same day jd
It'm paid for iij l'br' of ffrankensence vjd
It'm paid to Nich'as Clerks wif for the scowryng of the grete Candelstiks & other thyngs Agaynst Easter ijs
It'm paid to Nich'as Clerk for watchyng of the Sepulcre (fn. 22) ijs
It'm for A Sak of Cools to be hallowyd in the Churche on Easter evyn (fn. 23) iiijd ob'
It' for Tapes to make Girdels for the vestme'ts jd
It' paid for smoke peens (fn. 24) ixd
It'm paid for Rybbyn to mend the vestme'ts xd
It'm paid for a pascall weyng v l'br' at vijs the l'br' s'm ijs xjd
S'm—vjli ixs xjd
S'm pag'—vili ixs xjd
It'm payd for A ffonnte Taper (fn. 25) wayeng l'br' p'ce vijd
It'm for a l'br' of Tenebre (fn. 26) Candill p'ce vijd
It'm ffor di' l'br' of Judas (fn. 27) Candill iijd ob'
It'm payd to the Waxch'undeler for wexe & makyng that was dewe in the tyme of M' Wilson & Roger Cooke, when they were ChurcheWardeyns vijs
It'm payd to Lewys Duff for makyng of vjth grete Tap's weyng iiij l'br' A pece, & for xij l'br' of newe wexe to the same Tap's & for makyng of vj l'br' of old wexe, As by his bill apperyth vijs vjd
It'm for xliijt elnes of lynen Cloth for Surplices at viijd the Elne s'm xxviijs viijd
It'm payd to Nich'as Clerks wief for makyng of vth surplices for men and for the makyng of ij Surplices for Children iiijs
It'm paid to Petley wif, for the makyng of ij men surplices iijs viijd
It'm paid to Nich'as Clerks wief for the mendyng of old surplices vjd
It'm paid for the Garnysshyng of iiij torches Agaynst Corp' xr'i day xijd
It'm payd for byrche at Midsom' ijd
It'm payd for bromes by all the yere iiijd
It'm payd for lampe Oyle by all the yere vjs
It'm payd to Will'm Sexten for his hole yeres wages for lightyng of the Candills iiijs
It'm payd to the Clerk for writyng of the buryalls & other thyngs to the Churche at xijd the q'rtt'—s'm iiijs
S'm—lxviijs viijd ob'
S'm of all the payme'ts' of the ffirst yeres Accompte ixli xviijs ijd ob'

Ao 2do The sayd Accomptants Aske Allomance for payme'ts by them/ layd owte. to & for the sayd Churche use. in the seconde yere/ of this Accompte. As p'tjc'lerly ensuyth.

ffirst payd for C of pavyeng (fn. 28) to Repare the Graves in the Churche xiiijd
It'm for bote hyer to bring them by wat' ijd
It'm payd to pecok for newe pavyeng of the Graves in the Churche ijs
It'm payd to lewys Duff wexch'undeler for the makyng of iiij newe torches as by his bill & the Clerks booke apperyth xs
It'm to hym for makyng newe Torches of old Torches ends iiijs
It'm payd for the pavyeng of Thom's Joyes Grave ijd
It'm payd to Roger Cooke for A loode of Tymb'r & xijth fote & di' for the porche ixs
It' to M' Humffrey for evysborde (fn. 29) iijd ob'
It' to M' Humffrey for nayles ijd ob'
It'm payd for sawying of the said Tymb'r for the porche ijs
S'm pag'—iiijli xvijs iijd o'b
It'm for Caryage of the same Tymb'r iiijd
It'm paid to Thom's by South & Richard Smyth Carpent's for vijth Daies & di' of eche of theym at viijd A day A man 'm xs
It'm paid for ij playne Songbooks for the ffeests of J'hc, (fn. 30) & of the visitacion (fn. 31) of or lady p'ce ijs viijd
It'm paid for holy and Jvy Agaynst Cristmas ijd
It'm paid for viij l'br' of Tallough CAndell to set abowte the Chur che At Cristmas xd
It'm for Cools to watch wt at Cristmas ijd
It'm for glewe to mend the Organs jd
It'm paid to Will'm patryge & to John horsby Tylers, for viij daies & di' A man, in tylyng of the Porche & Churche ixs ijd ob'
It'm to Thom's peycok for A Rooff Tyle jd
It'm paid to Lewys Doof for makyng iij tap's of iiij l'br' apece & ij tap's of ij l'br' A pece, & for A l'br' of Newe Wexe xviijd ob'
It'm paid for smooke peens ixd
It'm paid for A newe Case for the newe Herscloth (fn. 32) vs iiijd
It'm paid to Nich'as Clerks wyffs for the scowryng of the grete Candelstiks & other things anenst Ester ijs
It'm paid to hir for mendyng of the Awbes xxd
It'm paid to John yong Saddeler for Bawddryks for the bells ijs viijd
It'm paid at Ester to lewys Deoff for the Sepulcre light, & for maky'g of the Roode light, & for the makyng of iij tap's, as apperyth by a bill xxs viijd
It'm for pAlme & syngyng brede on pAlmesonday iijs ob'
It'm for A pAscall, & for Tenebre Candill & for di' l'br' of Judas Ca'dill iijs ixd ob'
It'm for Coolls to Hallowe on Ester evyn. vd
It'm for iij l'br' of ffrankensens xijd
It'm for watchyng of the Sepulcre ijs
It'm for poyntts jd
It'm for pynnes ob'
It'm to John Myller Smyth for makyng of A bell Clap' p'ce iiijs
It'm to hym for A paire of garnetts (fn. 33) for A pewe dore viijd
It'm to hym for me'dyng of the lock of the Steple dore iiijd
It' for garnysshyng of iiij torches, at Corp' x'pi tyde (fn. 34) xijd
It' to John laurens for iij loods bryks for the porche iijs vjd
It'm paid for ijm'l Tyles for the porche & the Churche at vs iiijd ml s' xs viijd
It'm for C (fn. 35) lyme to the said works vs viijd
It' to M' Watts for his Child to pley at Organs byal that yere xvjs viijd
It'm paid to Browne Sexten for his hole yeres wages iiijs
It'm paid to the Clerk for kepyng of the booke of buryalls by all that yere iiijs
S'm—vjli iijd ob'
S'm pag'—vjli iijd ob'
It'm payd for bromes by all the yere iiijd
It'm payd for lampe Oyle by all the yere vjs
It'm payd for byrche agaynst Midsom' (fn. 36) ijd
S'm—vjs vjd
S'm of all the payme'ts of the second yeres Accompte vijli xvs ixd ob'

Ao 3o The sayd Accomptants aske Allowance for payme'ts by the[m] made./ to & for thuse of the sayd Churche. in the iijrd yere of this Accompte./ as p'tic'lerly ensuyth.

ffirst payd to Wharlton man for ij daies plasteryng of the porche xvjd
It'm payd to his laborer for ij daies in the same worke xd
It'm payd for ij loods of lyme for the porche at xd the lood xxd
It'm payd to Nich'as Clerk wyfe for mendyng & wasshyng of the Awbbs xxd
It'm payd to John yong for bawdderyks (fn. 37) for the bells vs iiijd
It'm payd to M'Humffry Cooke for the basse Capuls (fn. 38) of the porche & for the karvyng of theym ijs
It'm paid to hym for nayles & spryggs xvjd
It'm payd to lewys Duff for makyng of c'tayn wexe Agaynst all halon/ tyd, As by his byll Apperith xijs
It'm for Talloughcandill at all hallontyd the same yere ijd
It'm for Cools to Watch wt all At Crystmas ijd
It'm for holy & Jvy At Crystmas ijd
It'm paid for a newe shule p'ce iiijd
It'm for palme and syngyng brede on PAlmessonday iijd ob'
It'm for A glasse of the Pyctor of Cryst (fn. 39) ijd
It'm for Di' l'br' of ffraunkancens ijd
It'm paid to lewys Duff at Easter for the Pascall & other lights, As Apperyth by his byll xiiijs vd ob'
It'm for Tallough CAndell at Easter for the Churche xd
It'm for Garnysshyng of iiij Torches at Corp' x'pi tyde xijd
It'm to lewys Duff for the makyng of iiij Tap'ers of xxt l'br', & for vj l'br' of newe wexe, As by his bill apperyth iiijs viijd
It'm for A key for the Churche doore, & for A key for the hangyng lock xiijd
It'm payd to the same Smyth for a key for the p'cession (fn. 40) dore, & for buckulls for the Bawdderyks, & other things As by his bill apperith ijs vd
It'm for vj newe Torches, wt the hyer of ij torches, And for the makyng of vj ends of old Torches Agaynst my lady Mortymer' buryall. for all as by A bill apperith xxxiijs iiijd
It'm for Cools to be hallowed on Easter Evyn vd
It'm for ij l'br' of ffrankencens p'ce viijd
S'm—iiijli vjs vijd
S'm pag'—iiijli xiijs jd
It'm payd for Watchyng of the Sepulcre ijs
It'm payd to Nich'as Clerk wief for scowryng of the grete Candlestiks & other thyngs anenst Easter xxd
It'm payd for bromes by all the yere iiijd
It'm payd for lampe Oyle by all the yere vjs
It'm payd for smoke peens ixd
It'm paid to M' Watts for his Child for half yere to play at Organs viijs
It'm payd for Byrche at Midsom' ijd
It'm payd to the Sexten for his hole yeres wags iiijs
It'm payd to the Clerk for kepyng of the booke of buryalls by al the yere iiijs
It'm payd to John ffranklyn plom' for viij l'br' of Sowder for the Churche gutt'r at vd the l'br' s'm iijs vjd
It'm for ffyer for the plom' ijd
S'm—xxxs vijd
S'm of all the payme'ts of this iijrd yers Accompte cxvijs ijd

Ao 4o The sayd accomptants aske Allow'nces for payme'ts by them/ land omte. to & for thuse of the sayd Churche. In the iiijrth yere/ of thys ther Accompte. as p'tic'lerly ensuyth.

ffyrst paid to Wharlton plasterer for v daies in Whityng of the Churche at viijd the day S'm iijs iiijd
It'm paid to his laborer for vj daies at vd the day S'm ijs vjd
It'm payd to A nother laborer for v daies at vd the day S'm ijsjd
It'm payd to Goodman Clerk for A lood of lyme p'ce xd
It'm paid for ij Corporas Cases (fn. 41) p'ce xvjd
It'm paid for the mendyng of A blew damaske Coope, & of A vestme't vjs iiijd
It'm paid to the wexe chAundeler for newe wexe, & for the Repayryng of all the lights agaynst alhallontyde, As by hys byll Apperith ixs viijd ob'
It'm paid to Henry Roman Smyth for the makyng of the grete bell Clapper & other necessaries, As by his bill duth appere [for xxijs xjd
It' for Cools to Watche at Crystmas ijd
It' payd to ffranklyn plom' for iij l'br' Sowder spent in sowderyng the gutt's xvd
It' payd for his ffyer for the same Sowderyyng jd
It'm for holy and Ivy anenst Cristmas ijd
It'm for viij l'br' Candell to sett A bowte the Churche on Cristmas day S'm xijd
It'm for vj l'br' ffrankensence at iijd the l'br' S'm xviijd
It'm for pAlme & syngyyng brede Agaynst Palmes Sonday iijd ob'
It'm for pyns for the Sepulcre ob'
S'm—liijs vjd ob'
S'm pag'—iiijli iiijs jd ob'
It'm payd for A quart' cools for Easter Evyn vd
It'm payd to the Wexe Chaundeler for makyng of the Sepulcree light/ & for the pascall/ & for makyng of the Roode light/ and for Candill/ And for iiij newe Torches/ And for newe wexe & other waxe makyng agaynst Easter/ As by his bill apperith lvijs iijd
It'm for watchyng of the Sepulcre ijs
It'm for scowryng of the Churche Candelstikes & other thynges xxd
It'm to Nich'as Clerkes wif for wasshyng of the Church gere & for me'ding of the Awbbes & settyng on of the p'ables (fn. 42) xxd
It'm for the garnysshyng of iiij tap's anenst Corpus x'pi day xijd
It'm for bromes by all the yere iiijd
It'm for lampe Oyle by all the yere vjs
It'm payd to the Sexten for his wages by all the yere iiijs
It'm for byrche anenst Midsom' ijd
It'm to the Clerk for his Wages for the kepyng of the booke of burialles by all the yere iiijs
S'm—lxxviijs vjd
S'm of all the payme'ts of this iiijrth yerrs Accompte vjli xijs ob'

The sayd Accomptantes Aske Allowance for pay= me'ts/ by them layd omte. to & for thuse of the sayd Churche. for/ iij quart's in the vth yere of this Accompte. endyd atthe/ ffest of the Annu'cyacion of or lady. the xxjt yere of the/ Reigne of Kyng Henry the viijth. as ensuyth.

ffyrst payd to John Burnape Carpent' for vij daies makyng of the pale & Gates of the Churche yarde at viijd the day iiijs viijd
It'm to his man for vij daies at vjd A day S'm iijs vjd
It'm for xvjth fote of Tymb'r for the Gate at ijd the ffote S'm ijs viijd
It'm for sawyng of the same Tymb'r vijd
S'm'—xjs vd
S'm pag'—iiijli ixs xjd
It'm to Roger Cooke for v daies for the Gate & the Organs at viijd A day S'm iijs iiijd
It'm to Rob'ton for v daies in the same worke at vjd A day S'm ijs vjd
It'm to A laborer for ij daies dyggyng the holes for the Gate at vd the day S'm xd
It'm to John Brooke to truse the grette bell ij dayes at viijd the day S'm xvid
It'm for vij peeces of tymb' for the grate at iiijd the pece S'm ijs iiijd
It'm for the Sowderyng of the ij grete CAndilstikes ijs
It'm for iiij peeces to bere the pAle poostes at iijd the pece S'm xijd
It'm for ij smale Rayles in the Middill of the pAle at iijd the pece S' vjd
It'm for ij Railes after the pale of viij fote long p'ce xijd
It'm for tymb'r for the ij smale gates p'ce ijs
It'm paid to Miles Rob'ton for iij daies wt Burnape in the sayde workes at vijd the day S'm xxjd
It'm to Thomas Bakhows for ij daies in the same work at vjd A day S'm xijd
It'm for holy& Ivy agaynst Crystmas ijd
It'm for Cools then to watche wt ijd
It'm for ix lbr' of Tallough Candell for Cristmas day S'm xjd
It'm to the wexch'undeler for wexe & Makyng of tap's Agaynst M'ris Bryan buryall as by his bill apperith vs ijd
It'm for pavyeng of the same M'ris Brian grave viijd
It'm for bromys by al the iij q'rtt's iijd
It'm paid to the Sexten for his iij q'rtt's wages iijs
It'm paid to the Clerk for his wages for iij q'rtt's kepyng of the booke of buryalles & other necessaries to the Churche S'm iijs
It' for paper & p'cheme't wt the hillyng (fn. 43) for to drawe and engrose thiss booke of Accompte for the sayd iiij yeres & iij quart's ijs vjd
It'm pAyd to Lewys Duff wyff wexch'undeler for the makyng of iiij newe Tap's of v lbr' Apece, And for vij lbr' of Newe waxe. As by hir bill apperyth iijs xjd
S'm xxxixs iiijd
S'm pag'—xxxixs iiijd
It'm payd for the drawyng of thys Accompte for all the iiij yeres & iij q'rtt's of A yere/ Aswelle of & for the yerely p'ticlers & devysyons of the Receiptes of the forsaid Buryalles. And of the yerely p'tic'le's & devysions of the yerely Receiptes. As of & for the yerely p'tic'lers & devysions of the yerely payme'ts: As by fore they be playnly & clerely declared & exp'ssed in this forsayd Accompte. xs
S'm p'g' [xs]
S'm of all the payme'tes of the iijrd q'rtt's in the vth yere iijli ixd
S'm of all the payme'tes of the forsayd foure yeres & iij quarters Accompte xxxiijli iijs xid ob'
And So the sayd ChurcheWardeyns be in Surplisage that is to wytt, that they have layd owte more than they have Receyuyd. As byfore is playnly erp'ssed. Aswelle by the p'tic'ler Receyttes, As by the p'tic'ler payme'tes ixs ijd ob'

Whyche som'e The sayd Churche Wardeyns do forgyne Vnto the sayd Churche &c'

Arrerages due to the said Churche
Henry Roman owt at Michaelmas the xxijt yere (fn. 44) of the Reigne of kyng henry the viijth for A hole yeres Rent for the Churche Acree ijs
S'm pag'—xs

Gyfts given to the sayd Churche.

ffyrst gyven by M' Doctor Rothall (fn. 45) late Bisshope of Durh'm A Vestme't of Rede velvett, Chekered wt yelowe, & the Aube (fn. 46) wt all things that belongyth to the same
Also gyven by Mr ffoster A vestmet of Grene velvett paned (fn. 47) wt cloth of silu', wt A Corporas case of Rede velvett, wt Jhc, & the kynges Armes, brodererd
Also gyven by M' John Brym' prist, A vestme't of Rede Saten of Brygges (fn. 48) wt A grene Crosse & the Awbe wt Al thyngs p'teynyng therto
Also gyven by M' Doctor Nix (fn. 49) Bysshope of Norwyche, two Aulter Clothes of p'pylle & Crymesyn velvett wt ij Curteyns of Rede & blew Sarcenett (fn. 50)
Also gyven by M' Humffrey Cooke to or lady of pitie Aulter, two Aulter Clothes of Redd Satten of Brigges & Grene & A paire of Vestme'ts
Also given by M'Thom's Alford an old Coope (fn. 51) of Redd Satten of Brigges wt A Corporas case of cloth of gold
Also given by M'Wright to the Churche. Asmale peire of lattyn Candelstikes and two sheyttes
Memord that ther was delyu'ed vnto thands of John ffranklyn Plom' in old lead of the Churches C iiij & di' & xxvj lbr'

Thise be the Daymes of the p'ishon's that were p'sent at this p'sent Accompte Gybyng, That is to say,

Wyll'm Hayle soluit

Master Hayle ys acquieted & discharged thorowlye for al imp'fections yn thys accoumpte by the deputy of ye com'issionares, & standethe bonde to paye ten shylly'gs thys syde su'daye next (fn. 52)

Robert Huycke Rychard Boyley Hal [Haughton] Rog' [mark] lee
[mark] John [mark] evansse


  • 1. i.e. June 24, 1525, to March 25, 1530. "xvj" mistake for "xvij," vide "Note on Dating."
  • 2. They were not the first churchwardens, vide note, p. 13.
  • 3. The second Mond: and Tuesday after Easter, vide p. 31. Monday was the women's collecting day; for the insignificant sums collected by the men. cf. pp. 26, 27, 37, 38.
  • 4. Memorial service.
  • 5. Alyn, apparently the parish clerk, and therefore by right of custom buried in the porch (vide n. 1, p. 8). His wife, and perhaps his family, shared this privilege.
  • 6. Cardinal Wolsey.
  • 7. i.e. in the Church.
  • 8. Vide Strype's Stow, App. ii, p. 21. One of four hospitals for lepers, built temp: Ed. III. There were lazarhouses at St. James and St. Giles. That at St. James came to an end in 1531.
  • 9. Clearly not a person of means—probably a clergyman.
  • 10. cf. n. 1, p. 2 and p. 8.
  • 11. cf. n. 1, p. 2.
  • 12. Either the Easter fee which occurs later as 'token' money, or a collection towards the expenses of "the paschal Light," but the latter is probably what is here called the sepulchre light. Note also the difference between the "Pascall money" and the expenditure on "the pascall."
  • 13. The Rood loft was across the chancel arch; on the centre was the Rood or crucifix flanked by figures or the Virgin and the Apostles. The figures faced west (vide n. 2, p. 162).
  • 14. price.
  • 15. a quarter of 100.
  • 16. Rood light, i.e. lights on the Rood Loft.
  • 17. All Saints' Day.
  • 18. Coals, i.e. charcoal.
  • 19. Note that only burials are mentioned.
  • 20. Vide n. p. 40.
  • 21. The cross-marked wafer used in the Mass.
  • 22. From Good Friday night to Easter morning—a precaution against fire and sacrilege.
  • 23. From this hallowed fire all the lights were kindled at Easter. For a time all lights were extinguished; then first the Great Paschal candle and second the perpetual lamp before the sacrament were lighted.
  • 24. Perhaps some kind of pastille to be burned "to sweeten the Church."
  • 25. A hallowed taper to stand by the font, cf. "the Light that lighteth every man into the world."
  • 26. 'Tenebrae' was an office for Wed: Thur: and Friday in Holy Week. During this service all lights were gradually extinguished. The last of the Tenebrae candles was taken behind the altar, and after a short space brought forward again alight, to typify Christ's Resurrection (vide Smith & Cheetham).
  • 27. Probably the same as Tenebrae candles. The Judas candles may be distinguished as the 24 tapers or sises which were fastened on a frame called the "Judas-Cross" or "Lenten hearse" (vide pp. 64, 74, 83, 149).
  • 28. Paving tiles.
  • 29. Eaves-board.
  • 30. The Feast of the Name of Jesus, August 7.
  • 31. July 2; a festival instituted in 1389 A.D., in commemoration of the Virgin's visit to Elizabeth.
  • 32. A cloth used to drape the 'Herse,' which was similar to a 'catafalque.'
  • 33. hinges.
  • 34. Thursday after Trinity Sunday. A great festival on which the sacrament was carried in procession, accompanied by banners, flags and torches, to various parts of the parish, where portions of a special service were performed. The clergy often wore garlands in this ceremony (vide pp. 91, 105, 108, 122, 124).
  • 35. a cwt:
  • 36. Ordinary decoration for the eve (June 23) of St. John the Baptist.
  • 37. Baldricks—the leather band by which the clapper was suspended from the dome of the bell.
  • 38. basse, ? hollow (Halliwell) or base; Capuls, ? Tapuls for tables. The capital letters C and T are frequently not distinguishable in the MS. Probably "base-tables," i.e. the projecting mouldings near the bottom of the walls (Oxford Gloss. Arch.).
  • 39. Picture.
  • 40. Probably in the South Aisle.
  • 41. The Corporas was a square piece of linen on which the sacramental bread was placed during consecration: when not in use it was kept in a case. These cases were often of rich material heavily embroidered (vide p. 20).
  • 42. qy. apparels—pieces of embroidery used on the skirts and cuffs of certain vestments.
  • 43. Cover, vide The Oxford New English Dictionary.
  • 44. That is 1530. No rent was received and accounted for in the gatherings for the odd three-quarters of a year on p. 11. This fits in with the assumption in n. 1, p. 1.
  • 45. Ruthall, Bp. of Durham, 1509–1523, succeeded by Wolsey.
  • 46. Alb, a long straight vestment, of white linen or silk, with close sleeves, ornamented with "apparels" (vide note p. 17). Worn during the celebration of Mass.
  • 47. i.e. ornamented with strips or patterns of cloth of silver (Halliwell).
  • 48. i.e. Bruges.
  • 49. Bp. of Norwich, 1501–1536.
  • 50. Curtains probably to hang from the canopy over the altar; the curtains were drawn close during the mass from the consecration to the elevation, when they were thrown open again.
  • 51. When spread out it shows as an exact semi-circle. The straight edge was ornamented by the orphreys (vide note 1, p. 31).
  • 52. This approval of the accounts should probably be dated 1 and 2 P. and M., vide pp. 57, 126, 133. The 10/- was paid in 1555, vide p. 153.