Accounts: March 1550 - March 1552

St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 1901.

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'Accounts: March 1550 - March 1552', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603, ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Accounts: March 1550 - March 1552', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Edited by J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Accounts: March 1550 - March 1552". St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

March 1550 - March 1552

This ys the Accompte of vs John goolyghtly and John Best churche wardens of the paryshe of Saynt Martyns In the ffelde Besyde charynge crosse electe & chosen to contynew as wardens ffrome the ffeast of the anuncyacyon of the Blessed vergen Saynte Mare In the yeare of oure Lorde A thowsau'de ffyve Hundreth & ffyfte and in the ffourth yeare of the Raygne of oure soufferaygne Lorde Kynge Edwarde the Sexte By the grace of god kynge of Englande ffraunce and Irelande defendor of the ffaithe and in yerthe of the churche of Englande and Irelande Supreme hede, vnto the feast of the anuncyacyon of the Blessyde vergen Saynte Mare in the yeare of our Lorde a thowsande fyve Hundreth ffyfte and two That ys to saye for the space of two Hole yeares to Be fully completyd and ended of all And singuler our Receptes and paymentes and other ordenary charges specifyed and contenyd In this accompte As By the declaracyon Heare of more playnly doithe appeare Heare after as foloweth.

The fforesayd Wardens doith charge Them selves withe nothynge of the wardens Beynge in the Rome the Last two yeares before Sauenge a Byll of dept of Randell Kyrbe to the Some of xxv shyllynges and in John golthurst handes doithe Remayn of Dwe Dept to the churche other xxvs Ls
Receptes ffor Buryalles and Brekynge of the grounde ffor the ffyrst yeare of this our accompte (fn. 1) xxxiijs
Gathered at the foure quarter dayes ffor the clarke and Sextons wages In thesse two yeares of this our accompte xijli xvs iijd
Gathered the year's afore Sayde for pews iijli iijs xd
Som' totallis of thes Recettes xvli xixs jd

paymentes ordenary

In primis payde to the clarke for this Hole yeares wages Endyng at christmas for thes two yeares viijli
Itim payde to the Sexton for his wages the Same years endynge at christmas iiijli
It'm payde to the Sextons wyff for wasshynge and mendynge the Sorplesses and other Lynnynge of the churche this Same yeres vjs viijd
It'm payde to the Sexton for Browmes the sam yeres viijd
It'm payde for Bread and drynke at (fn. 2) the accompte of the olde churche wardens xijd
Som' of thes paymentes xijli viijs iiijd

Rep'racions Done the fyrst yeare of this our accompte

In primis payde to Robert pennythorne thelder for mendynge of a pewe And makynge of two new pewes xiiijs xd
It'm payde to a Laberer for takynge vp the pavement where the Same pewes doithe stande and carrynge the Rubyssh awaye iiijd
It'm payde to the Same pennythorne for settynge vp the Boxe in the qwyar [for ye pore (fn. 3) viijd
It'm payde to Empye taylor for makynge two hears clothes and for Makynge of a pulpet clothe ijs viijd
It'm payde to John mockyll for a phaltor Booke (fn. 4) xxd
It'm payde to the Same mockyll for a paper Booke for to wryght the Recorde of Buryalles, wedynges and chrystenynges (fn. 5) xvjd
& for ij lytell porsses to put money in ijd
It'm payde stockdall for prayssynge the churche goodes (fn. 6) ijs
It'm to Andrew weston for makynge of two new pewes and for mendynge of other two pewes xvjs viijd
It'm for a hondrethe of Lyme iiijs viijd
It'm for Sande ffoure Loode ijs
It'm payde to Bryan the Brycklayer for Syxe dayes as well in tyllynge as in pauynge in the churche as in the quere at a xjd the daye vs vjd
It'm payde to his seruante John nutkynge for Syxe dayes of Lyke worke at vijd the daye iijs vjd
It'm for dryncke to the workmen and Laborars ijd
It'm to a Laborar for carrynge of tyle and Sande and carrynge of Rubyssh iiijd
It'm for a Loode of howse tyle viijs iiijd
It'm to thomas gybbs Laborer for Syxe dayes worke iijs
It'm for two hondreth of pavynge tyle vs iiijd
and for caryge of the Same tyle frome London iijd
It'm payde to the plomers for vijli and a halfe of Sother (fn. 7) wythe the workmenshype in Sotherynge the gootters of the churche iijs iiijd
It'm payde to willi'm hopwood for a deaske of Ireon to the pulpett (fn. 8) iijs
It'm payde for thre Locks for the pore mens Boxe (fn. 3) xijd
It'm payde for the caryage of Sande tyle and Rubysshe iiijd
It'm payde for makynge cleyne of the churche after mr Hoppers s'monds iiijd
It'm payde to wyll'm waters cutler for makynge clean of and mendynge of ffyfe pare of harnes v sourdes and v Daggers (fn. 9) vjs viijd

Receuyd by us John goolyptle and John Best the foresayde wardens for Sertayne goodes Belongynge to the parrysh churche a foresayde, Solde by us withe the assente and consent of the hole parrysh or the moost of the same parrysshnors as doithe apeare By a Byll Subscrybed withe there hands the parcelles as folowyth

In primis Recevyd for two holde Blew vellet (fn. 10) coppes wt stares xxxs
It'm a Sute of vestmentes of grene sylke the orfrase of the prest of golde withe all thyngs Belongynge to them xxxs
It'm a vestment of Blew vellet withe stares and all thyngs there to xijs
It'm a deakon and Subdeakon of Blew damaske withe stares and all thyngs to them xixs
It'm a vestment wt a deakon of Blacke vellet and all thyngs to them xvijs
It'm a vestment of crymssen vellet Branched (fn. 11) the grounde wroke [sic] of yellow the orphras of golde and all thyngs there too xviijs
It'm a vestment of grean Sattyn of Brydgeons (fn. 12) withe flowers and all thyngs there too vjs
It'm a Blew dam'aske vestment withe scallop shells and all thyngs there too viijs
It'm a vestment of Redd vellet the orphras of clothe of golde withe all thyngs there too xxs
It'm a Blew dam'aske vestment withe all thyngs there too vjs
It'm a coope of Redd dam'aske withe garters (fn. 13) ijs viijd
It'm a grene vestment of Satten of Brydgeons wt all thyngs there too iijs
It'm a vestment of whyte dam'aske wh'th Redd droppes vs
It'm a Lyttell qwesscion (fn. 14) of clothe of golde iiijd
It'm a Lentten vestment of whyt Sylke wt all thyngs there too iijs viijd
It'm a ffrount for an alter vellet cremssyn and purple payned (fn. 15) xxs
It'm a hearssclothe of clothe of golde Bordered wt Redd vellet Enbrothered whyth angells liijs iiijd
It'm Syx ffrounts for alteres of Satten a Brydgeons Redd and grene payned viijs
It'm a cannapy clothe of grene vellet and Redd payned liijs iiijd
It'm thre payre of corttayns of single Sarsnet ijs
It'm tenn corporas casses ijs iiijd
It'm thre deask clothes xijd
It'm a vestment of crymssen Satten of Brydgeons wt stares and all thyngs there too xijd
It'm a vestment of whyte ffoustyan wt a Redd crosse iijs iiijd
It'm a pycks clothe of Redd Sarsnet viijd
It'm a bannercloth (fn. 16) of Blew dam'aske wt scallopes shells xvjd
It'm a pycks of Lattyn and a pare of candellstycks of Lattyn xxd
It'm a compter poynt (fn. 17) to Laye before the Aultore vjs
It'm for Sertayne olde Surplesses aultorclothes and towylls iijs iiijd
It'm for Sertayne payned clothes and other oulde Lynnynge iijs iiijd
It'm for Banner clothes and streamers (fn. 16) ijs iiijd
It'm a Suytt of vestments of Bawdkyn (fn. 18) wt all thyngs there too xvs
It'm a coope of Lyke Bawdkyn be Longynge to the same
Som' to'llis Recevyd of and for thes goods aforesayde xvijli iijs viijd
It'm payde to Andrewe weston for makynge of two pewes at the qwere Doore for maistres Hewycke ixs
It'm payde to henry Roomane for myndynge the Boxe for the poore and for Mendynge of the key of the churche doore xxijd
It'm payde to the glaysseyr for mendynge of a wyndow on the Sowthesyde of the churche the which wass Brockynge withe theffes ijs
It'm for the alteracion of two challyse wey'nge xxvij ounc' thre qwartorns and thereof makynge a com'union coope and a kever weyenge xxtiiiij ounc' & Halfe and halfe qwartorn, and soo Remayneth thre ounc' Di' qwartorn pryce at xviijs ixd and soo Layde owte xsiiij for the Betterynge of the Syluer and makynge of the Same coope parssell gylte (fn. 19) xs iiijd
Some totallis for the fyrst yere— vli xjs iijd

Rep'racions the Seconde yeare.

It'm payde to Robert penythorn thelder for the knellynge stoylls in the Qwere and foote passes (fn. 20) the xxtivj daye of march iiijs
It'm payde for a Ladder iijs viijd
It'm payde for a Bawdryk for A bell iiijd
It'm payde to John Dode for glassyng and new Reparyng all the wyndows in the churche the xiiij daye of June xxiiijs iiijd
It'm geuyng in Reward to martyn the warden of the Brycklayers for his good fortheraunce towardes owr water xijd
It'm payde for two yerdes of grene clothe to couer the comunyon tabyll the xx daye of awgoost xixs
It'm payde for xj elles of holland clothe for two surplesses the Same daye at xxtijd the ell xixs iijd
It'm for makynge of the same surplesses vs
It'm payde for the layinge of a stone and pavynge of mrs woodes graue and maister Dymokes (fn. 21) graue xijd
It'm Delyverd vnto will'm Browne sporyar for the makynge of the countyt at eyvy (fn. 22) Brydge the xvj Daye of June, in the fyrst yeare of our soufferinge Lorde kynge Edwarde the Sexte xls

Rep'racions the Seconde yeare.

It'm payd the xvj daye of June to x'poffer nedam and John Joh'son for suche charges as they bestoed in makynge clene the Harnes of the parrysh as also in the tyme of mvsterynge wt the same harnes when as John goldhurst and Randall Kerckby were churche wardens xvijs
It'm payde for Bell Roops xxv pounde weyght of hemp at thre pence the pounde the xxij daye of Desember vjs
It'm for halff a hondreth Lyme for the Reparynge of the churche as in tyllynge ijs ijd
It'm a qwarten of Rowff tyle ijs
It'm payd will'm french for v dayes worke in tylyng at xd the daye iiijs vjd
It'm payd to wedow yonge for a Loyd of Sande vjd
It'm payd to thomas gybbs for vj dayes & a halff in s'uyng (fn. 23) the tyelar at vjd the daye iijs iijd
It'm payd for tyle pyn's ijd
It'm payde to Robert pennythorn thelder for a hondreth and fyue foote of qwarter Bord and v syngle qwarters—the Qwaters— xd
Bestowed on the closyng vp of the churche steple wyndow the Borde at iiijs iiijd
It'm for a hondreth Di' (fn. 24) of nayles vjd
It'm for workmanshyp of the same wendow and other workes in the churche ijs
Som'— viijli xd.
Receuyd of Robert Huycke (fn. 25) Esquyer for a payre of Brokynge gattes in the churche Lane towardes his owne house vjs
Som' of all Recettes xxxdli xxjd
The Some of alowance xxdjli vd
Deducte also for the fall of the money (fn. 26) iiijli xds jd
And So Remaneth in Redy mony iiijli vjs iijd
The saym John golyghtly and John best fownde be the p'roche in Rerage for the fall of the cherche mony then beyng in there hands xxs

The Dept of John goldherst and Randall Kerkby not acompted for which is—Ls

[Signed] ego Robert' vicari' affirmo ha'c co'putacion'
Thom's Woode Russell [mark] J. goldherst. [mark]
[the mark of John Evans]
[mark] Burnoppe [the mark of Harry Weston]
Andro Weston.


  • 1. There is no mention of burial receipts for the 2nd year of the account. The second year began on March 25th, 1551. The extant registers begin on the 21st Jan. 1551 (N.S.) This year, 1551, London was visited by the 'sweating sickness.' Two names in the Register are annotated "ex sudore." Machyn's Diary "The vij day of July begane a nuw swet in London" and on "The viij day of July was a plage"; on "the x day of July the Kynges grace removyd from Westmynster. . . . . . for ther ded serten besyd the Court." In the Register on July IIth is recorded the burial of one who had died "ex sudore."
  • 2. The giving up of.
  • 3. One of the early Tudor attempts at solving the problem of poor relief; such relief had been a compulsory burden on parishes since 1536. There had been a chest in St. Martin's choir since 1532 (vide p. 28), but whether for the poor or not is not said. In 1547, churchwardens were ordered to have such a chest.
  • 4. Psalter, by 2 and 3 Ed. vi, c. i, psalms were allowed to be adapted from the Bible. This book might be the First Prayer Book of Ed. vi, published in 1549.
  • 5. First mention of such registers. The parish registers are extant from Jan. 21st, 1550–1, and have been published by the Harleian Society. By the Injunctions of 1547, registers were commanded to be carefully kept.
  • 6. i.e. valuing them preparatory to their sale, see p. 137.
  • 7. Solder.
  • 8. Injunctions of 1547: all churches to have "a comely and honest pulpit."
  • 9. From the time of Edward i, every parish was bound to have a certain amount of armour ready for use; it was periodically inspected.
  • 10. Not an ecclesiastical colour, but was in common use for vestments.
  • 11. i.e. embroidered.
  • 12. Bruges.
  • 13. The 'ties' of the cope to keep it in place on the wearer's shoulders.
  • 14. Cushion.
  • 15. cf. n. 3, p. 20.
  • 16. For processions, e.g. in Cross week and on Corpus Christi day.
  • 17. Counter-point, qy. a book of the service in counterpoint: or cf. counterpane (vide, Halliwell under "counterpoint"), which might perhaps be used for a rug or carpet for the chancel floor.
  • 18. Cloth of gold.
  • 19. Parcel i.e. partly gilt. Plate was all gilt, parcel gilt or white.
  • 20. cf. the last item on p. 183.
  • 21. Buried 16 June, 1551 (Register).
  • 22. The conduit at Ivy bridge; Ivy bridge Lane was the first turning west of Salisbury St. (London Past and Present).
  • 23. Serving.
  • 24. One cwt. and a half.
  • 25. vide Index.
  • 26. The depreciation of the coinage between 1543 and 1552 was very considerable. The ordinary proportion of 11 oz. 2 dwt. of pure metal to 18 dwt. of alloy was gradually changed until, in 1551, it was 3 oz. of pure metal to 9 oz. of alloy.