St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 1901.
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'Accounts: March 1548 - March 1550', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603, ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Accounts: March 1548 - March 1550', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Edited by J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Accounts: March 1548 - March 1550". St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
March 1548 - March 1550
Thys ys the acco'mpte of us John Goldhurst and Randall kyrbee Chur'wardens of the paryshe of Saynt Martyns in the ffelde besyde Charynge Crosse electe and Chosen to contynew as wardens ffrom the ffeaste of our lady thannu'cyacion in the yere of our lorde a Thowsaunde ffyve hundreth ffortye and eyght and in the secounde yere of the raygne of our sou'aygne lorde kyng Edward the syxt vnto the feast aforesayde of our lady in the yere of our lorde a Thowsaunde ffyve hundreth and ffyftye and in the ffourth yere of the raygne of our sayd sou'aigne lorde Edward the syxt by the Grace of god kynge of Englonde ffraunce and Irelonde Defendor of the ffaythe and in yerthe of the Churche of Englonde and Irelond supreme Head That ys to saye for the space of too hoole yeres complete, of all and synguler our receptes and paymentes and other ordynarye Chaurges specyfyed and conteyned in thys accom'pt as by the Declaracyon hereof more playnlye appere as ffollowethe.
Memorand' the sayd wardens do Charge them selves with nothynge of the wardens beynge in the rowme the laste two yeres byfore.
The gatherynge at the Quarter dayes for the fyrste yere of this accompte wyth the money gathered for the pewes in the Churche and paschall money wyth other receptes as ffollowethe (fn. 1)
Our Lady Quarter
Imprimis receyued of the p'yssheners ffor the token money in the Churche | xxxs | |||
It'm receyuede ffor the Clarke and sextens wages and for the pewes | xxjs xd |
Mydsomer Quarter
Myghylmas Quarter
Crystmas Quarter
It'm receyued for the Clarke & Sextens wages | xxs xd | |||
Sum'a totalis for thes foure Quarters of the fyrst yere | vli xiiijs vijd |
The gatheringe at the Quarter dayes for the secounde yere of this accommpt wyth the token money and other receptes as hereafter more playnelye apperethe:—
Our Lady Quarter
Imprimis for the Clarke and sextons wages | xlijs iiijd | |||
It'm receyued for the token money of the p'issheners | xviijs |
Mydsomer Quarter
Myghylmas Quarter
Crystmas Quarter
It'm receyuid for the Clarke & sextons wages | liijs | |||
Sum'a totalis of the foure Quarters in the secound yere | viijli iijs xd |
Receptes receyuid by the sayd wardens in the tyme of this accompt as hereaft' appereth
Imprimis receyuyd for ij hundreth of laten and a quarter after xviijs viijd the hundreth | xljs xd | |||
It'm receyuyd for a pyxe of syluer weynge xxth vnces after vs vjd the vnce (fn. 2) | vli xs | |||
It'm receyuid for a payxe of syluer weynge vjth vnces and a half after iiijs viijd the vnce | xxxs iiijd | |||
It'm receyuyd for iiij knottes of syluer weynge iijth vnces and a quarter after vs the vnce | xvijs vjd | |||
It'm receyuyd for a Crosse of laten and a payer of sensors of laten weynge xiiij pounde after iiijd the pound | iiijs viijd | |||
It'm receyuyd for Images of Alyblaster (fn. 3) | vijs | |||
It'm receyuyd for certayne Images (fn. 4) that where out of the Aulter clothes | iiijs | |||
Sum'a totalis of thes receptes | xli xvs iiijd (fn. 5) | |||
Sum'a totalis of all the hole receptes of thesse too yeres | xxvjli xiijs vd |
The sayd accom' pta'nnts do aske alowaunce for paymentes by them Layde out to and for the Churche vse in the fyrste yere of this accompt as here afte' more playnely apperethe.
Imprimis payd to the sexton (fn. 6) ffor hys hole yeres wages | xls | |||
It'm payd for a Paraphrase (fn. 7) | vs | |||
It'm payd for the makynge of supplycacion | ijs | |||
It'm payd for wrytinge at westmy'ster | xijd | |||
It'm payde to the sexton and his wyeffe for wasshynge and sckowrerynge at easter | ijs | |||
It'm payd when we were byfore the Commyssioners (fn. 8) | ijs | |||
It'm payd for a boxe | ijd | |||
It'm payde for the fformes standyng before the hyght Aulter | vs viijd | |||
It'm payd for a byll presented to the kyngs Comyssyoners concernynge Chauntres ffree Chappells & suche lyke (fn. 9) | xijd | |||
It'm payde for wasshinge of x peces of Churche gere | xd | |||
It'm payd to the Clarke for hys quarters wages at mydsomer | xxs | |||
It'm payd to Rychard Burnoppe for makynge of the commu'yon Cuppe weynge xxxiij vnces at viijd the vnce | xxijs | |||
It'm payd for new by'dynge the bybyll | vs iiijd | |||
It'm payd to a playsterer for his workemanshipe ffor whytynge the Churche (fn. 10) | xlvjs viijd | |||
It'm payde for reade leade and syse | xijs | |||
It'm payde for hundreth of lyme | vs | |||
It'm payde for ij loodes of sande | xd | |||
It'm payde for browmes | iiijd | |||
It'm payde for nayles to make scafoldes | xijd | |||
Item payd to a Brickelayer and hys man for too Dayes worke | ijs | |||
It'm payd for a thowsane of brycke | vjs viijd | |||
It'm payde to the Clarke for hys wages at myghyllmas | xxs | |||
It'm payde to the paynters for wrytinge (fn. 11) too hundrethe yerdes & xij after xd the yerde | viijli xvjs viijd | |||
It'm for wrytinge a Copye of this our accompt at our ladye Daye | ijs | |||
It'm payde to ij plummers for mendyng the leades | ijs | |||
It'm payd for ther fyre | xijd | |||
It'm payde for xiiij pownde of sowlder at vjd the pownde | vijs | |||
It'm payde for a bell rope | xd | |||
It'm payd to a workma' and his laborer for layinge of a graue stone | ijs | |||
It'm payde to the Clarke for hys wages at Crystmas | xxs | |||
It'm payd for kepynge our booke of accompt and wrytynge the same in p'ticuler p'celles after viijd the quarter the hole yere and makynge other bylles | ijs viijd | |||
It'm payd when we were byfore the commyssyoners at ij seuerall tymes | xs | |||
Sum'a totalis of all the ffyrste yeres paymentes | xxjli vs viijd |
The sayd accompta'nntes dothe aske alow= aunce for paymentes by them layde out in the secounde yere of thys accompte as hereafter more playnely appereth.
Imprimis payd to a workman for iij dayes worke in takynge downe the Aulters (fn. 12) | ijs vjd | |||
It'm payde to ij laborers for workynge abought the same worke | ijs viijd | |||
It'm payde for lyme and sande for the same workemen | iijs iiijd | |||
It'm payde to the Clarke for hys wages at our Ladye Daye | xxs | |||
It'm payde for a drayght of a lease for the way to the Churche and to counsell for deuysynge the same | ijs | |||
It'm payd for a payer of Inventories of the Churche goodes presentyd to the kyngs Commyssyoners (fn. 13) | iijs iiijd | |||
It'm payde to the sexton for hys hole yeres wages | xls | |||
It'm payde to a Scryvenor for wrytynge more in the same Inventories | xijd | |||
It'm payde to the shreffesman (fn. 14) when we were byfore the kyngs Comyssioners | xijd | |||
It'm payde for breade and Dryncke at the makynge of the sayde Inventores | vijd | |||
It'm payde for wasshynge vj peces of the Church gere | vjd | |||
It'm payde for wasshynge xvj peces of the Churche gere another tyme | xvjd | |||
It'm payde for makynge of a keye and mendynge of a locke for the Churche Dore | xijd | |||
It'm payde to the Clarke for hys wages at mydesomer | xxs | |||
It'm payde for iiij bell ropes | iijs iiijd | |||
It'm payde for mendynge of pewes and for nayles | xvd | |||
Item payde to a workeman and hys laborer for pauynge of iij graues | xxd | |||
It'm payde for tewleue (fn. 15) fotte of newe glasse for the Churche | vs vjd | |||
It'm payde for pauynge tyle to paue the sayd graues | xxd | |||
It'm payde for lyme and saunde for the payuynge of the sayd graues | ijs ijd | |||
It'm payde for a ballrycke for the gret bell | xijd | |||
It'm payde for the Carryage of the olde s'uyce bokes of the Churche to westmy'ster and to the sumner (fn. 16) | viijd | |||
It'm payde for wasshynge vj peces of the Churche gere and mendynge the same | viijd | |||
It'm payde to the Clarke his half yeres wages at myhylmas ande at Crystmas | xls | |||
It'm payde for makynge a pewe and for bordes and nayles for the same | iijs vjd | |||
It'm payde to master pekyns for the seale (fn. 17) for the way to the Churche | vijs | |||
It'm payde for kepynge of the boke of our accompt after viijd the quarter this secounde yere | ijs viijd | |||
It'm payde for ij skynes of parchement to wryght this our accompt | xijd | |||
It'm payd for wrytinge this our accompt in paper and p'chement and castynge of the same and other nessesaries wrytten | viijs viijd | |||
Sum'a totalis of all the Secounde yeres payme'tes | viijli xviijs (fn. 18) | |||
Sum'a totalis of bothe thesse too yeres paymentes | xxxli iijs viijd (fn. 19) | |||
So remayneth dewe to the saide Wardens of this accompt | iijlixs iijd |
Goldehurst Soluit
Thys accoumpte ys fullye & utterlye p'fited by the vewe of the deputy by the Comishionar
an'o io et secud'o p. et Mar. reg etc die xvo aprilis. & for theyre ful & clere discharge
Jho' Goldehurst (fn. 20) agr/ ethe to paye on thys syde su'daye nexte:—xs, & Ra'del Kyrbye (fn. 20)
hathe payed yn hande:—iijs iiijd
[Signed] Robert Huycke Rychard Boyley H. Haughton.
Rog: [mark] lee
John [mark] Evance