House of Lords Journal Volume 7: 1 May 1645

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 7: 1 May 1645', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 3 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 7: 1 May 1645', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 3, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 7: 1 May 1645". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 7, 1644. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 3 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Jovis, 1 die Maii.

PRAYERS, by Mr. Coleman.

Ds. Grey de Warke, Speaker.

Comes Essex.
Comes Rutland.
Comes Pembrooke.
Comes Stamford.
Comes Sarum.
Comes Suffolke.
Comes Kent.
Comes Bolingbrooke.
Ds. North.
Ds. Wharton.
Ds. Mountague.
Ds. Howard.
Ds. Bruce.

Mr. Wise, late a Prisoner in the King's Bench, for a Disturbance in Sutton Marsh.

The House being informed, "That Mr. Wise is brought up by the Sheriff of Lyncolneshire, according to the Order of this House;"

It is Ordered, That he shall be brought before this House on Saturday Morning; in the mean Time, he is to remain in the Custody of the Gentleman Usher of this House.

The Speaker acquainted this House with a Letter he received from The States Ambassador, which was read, as follows:

Paper from The States Ambassador, desiring Audience.

A Monsieur,

Monsieur le Baron Gray de Warke, Orateur de la Maison des Seigneurs assemblez en Parlement d' Angleterre, À Westm'ter.


Ayant depuis quelque Temps, par Ordres expres de Messeigneurs Les Estats Generaulx des Provinces Unies du Païs Bas, mes Superieurs, reçeu Commandement de me presenter au Parlement d' Angleterre, pour y proposer Choses tendantes a la Conservation de la bonne Amitié et Correspondence entre les deux Nations; je m'addreste prealablement À vous, a Fin que par vostre Moyen je puistre obtenir au plustost Audience des Seigneurs et Communs assemblez en Parlement d'Angleterre, À Westm; et vous obligerez celuy qui est,


Vostre tres aff'tte À vous rendre Services,

De Londres, 1/11 May, 1645.

"Alb. Joachim."

To be communicated to the H. C.

Ordered, That this Letter be communicated to the House of Commons; and desired (fn. 1) that the Committee for Foreign (fn. 2) Affairs might meet on Saturday next, in the Afternoon, and receive (fn. 2) what the Ambassador hath to deliver.

Letters from Colonels Cromwell and Massey.

The Lord Wharton reported divers Letters from the Committee of both Kingdoms, which were read; One from Colonel Cromwell, another from Colonel Massey.

Ld. Herbert's & al. Cause.

Ordered, That the Cause of the Lord Herbert, &c. shall be put off to be heard till the Thirtieth of May next.

General Tyllier not to be removed back to The Tower, his Wound not being cured.

The Deposition of Major General Tyllier was read: (Here enter it). And Mr. Dixon, his Surgeon, certified this House at the Bar, "That his Wound is not cured; and it will be dangerous yet to remove him to The Tower, though he be sent for by the new Lieutenant of The Tower.

It is Ordered, That the Lieutenant of The Tower be sent to, to know the Reason why he sent for Tyllier to be remanded to The Tower; he having been permitted by Order of this House to lie near his Surgeon, for the better curing of his Wound.

Le Cœur, Hooper, Fairfax, and Legay.

Upon reading the Petition of Wm. Le Coeur, of Paris, Merchant; shewing, "That, about Four Years past, this House granted a Commission, under the Great Seal of England, to divers Merchants of London, to examine and enquire of the Accompts, Estate, Debts, and Credits, concerning Anthony Hooper and him, and to make Report thereof to this House; and accordingly divers of the Referees often met, and employed one Christofer Ayres as Clerk in the Business, and kept the registering of all Books, Accompts, Writings, Papers, and Examinations, taken before them, who still detaineth the same in his Custody; and the Petitioner, since Hooper's Death, hath often requested the said Referees to make their Report of the State of the Cause to this House, who are still willing so to do; and, to that Purpose, have often sent and directed the Petitioner to go to the said Ayres, to bring to them the said Books, Accompts, Papers, Writings, and Examinations, which he hath refused so to do; and now one Fairfax and Legay, great Debtors to the Estate of the said Hooper, go about under-hand to get all the said Examinations, Accompts, and Papers, from the said Ayres, and by that Means to conceal their Debts."

Hereupon this House Ordered, That the said Ayres shall forthwith shew Cause to this House, why he refuseth to deliver the said Books, Accompts, and Examinations, as is desired; and, in the mean Time, he shall not deliver the said Books, Accompts, Papers, and Examinations, out of his Possession, to any Person whatsoever.

Lady Teynham, a Pass.

Ordered, That the Lady Tenham shall have a Pass, to go into France, to her Husband, with such Servants and Necessaries as are sit for her Journey.

Mrs. Burby and Newell, a Pass.

Ordered, That Mrs. Frances Burby, and Mrs. Eliz. Newell, with Anthony Tingle and Ric'd Browninge, their Two Men, shall have a Pass, to come from Sir Henry Browne's House, in East Stratton, in Hampshire, to London.

Fairfax, Legay, and Jhannes.

Ordered, That the Cause between Ihannes, and Fairefax and Legay, which should have been heard this Day, shall be heard on the 16th Day of this Instant May peremptorily.

General Tyllier to remain near his Surgeon.

Ordered, That the Order of this House, for Major General Tyllier continuing near his Surgeon, shall be in Force until the Pleasure of this House be known.

The Deposition of Henry Tyllier;

His Deposition, concerning his Keeper's ill Treatment of him, and that the Wound he received from him is not yet cured.

Says, "That he had received a Command from the Lieutenant of The Tower, by one Mr. Yeates, Gentleman Gaoler, for his Remove out of the Chamber where he then was, to one Mr. Sopis, One of the other Warders of The Tower, being formerly kept by one Delayfeild, who, conceiving himself damnified by this his intended Removal, threatened the aforesaid Tillier with great Strictness and Severity, though at that Time he was close Prisoner, using him with base Language and Incivility, not permitting him to stir out of his Chamber, or any-body to come to him; so that, the Day before the said Tyllier was hurt, Mr. Yeates being present with him in his Chamber, and was an Eye-witness to the Rudeness and Misbehaviour of the said Delayfeild, both in his Carriage and Language, he was desired, by the aforesaid Tillier, to command Delayfeild from thence, which he at that Time did. The Day after, this Delayfeild coming to his Chamber about Two of the Clock to open the Door, where he was still Prisoner, that he might have his Victuals brought in, being Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, the aforesaid Tillier being extremely troubled to see himself neglected by his Keeper, this Delayfeild, of whom he had so well deserved, desired him Three several Times to depart the Chamber, and to lock the Door, and leave him to his own Quiet, which the said Delayfeild refused to do; and making his Approach to the Table where he fat at Dinner, replied, "He would stay there in Despite of him." Whereat the said Tillier arose from Table, and entreated him to forbear his Chamber, for that his Insolencies were not to be endured; and desiring him thus to leave his Chamber, the said Delayfeild violently laid Hands upon him, striking him with the Key of the Prison Door on the Forehead, to the great Danger of his Life, for which he hath been in Cure ever since the Two and Twentieth of January last, there being several Pieces of the Skull taken out, the Wound remaining yet uncured. Upon his Examination, he will set forth the whole Particulars; in the mean Time, he doth most humbly submit himself with this his Business to the most Honourable House of Lords.

"Henry Tillier."


House adjourned till 9a cras.


  • 1. Bis in Originali.
  • 2. Deest in Originali.
  • 3. Origin with.