House of Lords Journal Volume 3: 2 March 1626

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 3: 2 March 1626', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 3: 2 March 1626', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 3: 2 March 1626". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 3, 1620-1628. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


In this section

DIE Jovis, videlicet, 2 die Martii,

Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales, quorum nomina subscribuntur, præsentes fuerunt:

p. Archiepus. Cant.
Archiepus. Eborum.
Epus. London.
Epus. Dunelm.
Epus. Winton.
Epus. Petriburg.
Epus. Hereforden.
Epus. Wigorn.
p. Epus. Norwicen.
p. Epus. Roffen.
p. Epus. Co. et Lich.
p. Epus. Bath. et W.
p. Epus. Bangor.
Epus. Elien.
p. Epus. Cicestren.
p. Epus. Oxon.
p. Epus. Cestren.
p. Epus. Landaven.
Epus. Lincoln.
p. Epus. Sarum.
p. Epus. Exon.
p. Epus. Meneven.
p. Epus. Bristol.
p. Epus. Asaphen.
Epus. Carlien.
p. Epus. Gloucestren.
p. Thomas Coventre, Miles, Ds. Custos Magni Sigilli.
p. Comes Marleborough, Magnus Thesaur. Angliæ.
p. Comes Manchester, Præs. Concilii Domini Regis.
p. Comes Wigorn, Ds. Cust. Privati Sigilli, et Senese. Hospitii.
p. Dux Buckingham, Magnus Admirall. Angliæ.
Marchio Winton.
Comes Arundell et Surr. Comes Maresc. Angliæ.
p. Comes Pembroc, Camerar. Hospitii.
Comes Northumbriæ.
Comes Salop.
p. Comes Kantii.
Comes Derbiæ.
p. Comes Rutland.
Comes Cumbriæ.
p. Comes Sussex.
Comes Huntingdon.
Comes Bath.
Comes Bedford.
p. Comes Hertford.
p. Comes Essex.
p. Comes Lincoln.
p. Comes Nottingham.
Comes Suffolciæ.
p. Comes Dorsett.
p. Comes Sarum.
p. Comes Exon.
Comes Mountgomery.
p. Comes Bridgwater.
Comes Leicestriæ.
Comes North'ton.
p. Comes Warwic.
Comes Devon.
p. Comes Cantabr.
Comes Carlile.
p. Comes Denbigh.
Comes Bristol.
p. Comes Angles.
Comes Holland.
p. Comes Clare.
p. Comes Bolingbrooke.
p. Comes Westmerland.
p. Comes Berk.
p. Comes Cleveland.
p. Comes Mulgrave.
Comes Danby.
p. Comes Tottnes.
p. Comes Monmouth.
Vicecomes Mountague.
Vicecomes Wallingford.
Vicecomes Purbeck.
Vicecomes Maunsfeild.
Vicecomes Colchester.
p. Vicecomes Rochford.
Vicecomes Tunbridge.
p. Vicecomes Say et S.
Ds. Conway, Prin. Sec.
p. Ds. Abergavenny.
p. Ds. Audley.
p. Ds. Willoughby de E.
Ds. Delawarr.
Ds. Berkley.
Ds. Morley et M.
p. Ds. Dacres de H.
p. Ds. Scroope.
p. Ds. Duddeley.
p. Ds. Stourton.
Ds. Herbert de Sh.
Ds. Darcy et M.
p. Ds. Vaux.
Ds. Windsore.
Ds. Mordant.
Ds. St. John de B.
Ds. Cromewell.
Ds. Evre.
Ds. Pagett.
p. Ds. North.
p. Ds. Howard de W.
Ds. Wootton.
p. Ds. Russell.
Ds. Grey de G.
Ds. Petre.
p. Ds. Spencer.
Ds. Denny.
Ds. Stanhope de H.
Ds. Arundell de W.
Ds. Teynham.
Ds. Stanhope de Sh.
p. Ds. Noel.
p. Ds. Brooke.
p. Ds. Mountague.
p. Ds. Grey de W.
p. Ds. Deyncourt.
Ds. Robarts de Truro.
p. Ds. Vere.
p. Ds. Ley.
LORD Viscount Wallingford, Excused, etc.
Lord Bishop of London,
Lord Bishop of Ely,
Lord Denny,

New River Company's Bill.

Hodie 2a vice lectæ sunt, the Amendments of the Bill touching the New River from Chadwell and Amwell, brought to London.

Allowed, and the Bill ordered to be ingrossed.

Ld. Ley introduced.

Hodie Henry Lord Ley (the Eldest Son of James Earl of Marleborough) was brought into the House (in his Parliament Robes), between the Lord Crumwell and the Lord North (Garter going before); and his Lordship delivered his Writ, kneeling, unto the Lord Keeper; which being read, he was brought to his Place next to the Lord Deyncourt.

Lords of the Council of War have Leave to appear before the H. C.

The Lord Keeper signified unto the House, That certain Lords, who are of the Council of War, and Members of this House, have received a Warrant from the Speaker of the Commons House of Parliament, to appear in that House on Friday next, according to the Act of Subsidy granted Anno 21° Jacobi Regis; and that the said Lords thought it their Duties first to acquaint this House therewith.

Whereupon that Clause of the said Act of Subsidy, which concerns the Accompt thereof, was read. And the House gave them Leave to appear, and answer before the Commons, according to the Tenor of the said Act.

Lady Purbeck's Privilege.

Upon the reading the Petition of Thomas Scory, who caused the Horses of the Lady Purbecke to be attached; and of the Petition of Robert Maddox, and George Gillett, the Two Bailiffs who attached the said Horses, and were (all Three) committed to The Fleet, for their Contempt herein; it is Ordered, That the Two Bailiffs shall be discharged; and that the said Thomas Scory shall pay their Fees, and then he the said Thomas Scory shall be discharged of his Contempt also.

Duke of Buckingham asks Leave to answer a Complaint of the Commons.

The Duke of Buckingham signified unto the House, That he had this Morning received a Message from the Commons House of Parliament, desiring Satisfaction of his Grace, why, after a legal Discharge of the Ship called The Saint Peter of Newhaven, the same was again stayed.

And his Grace, acknowledging it to be the greatest Happiness that could come unto him, to answer his Actions in Public, humbly besought Leave that he might satisfy the Commons herein.

Referred to the Committee of Privileges.

But their Lordships thought, that for a Member of this House, to be sent unto, to give Satisfaction there, might be derogatory to their Privileges; and therefore appointed the Committee for Privileges, etc. to meet this Afternoon to consider of former Precedents of the Manner of Proceedings between the Two Houses in Cases of like Nature, and to report the same to the House To-morrow Morning.

Ld. Willoughby's Counsel assigned him.

It is Ordered, That Mr. Attorney General and Mr. Serjeant Crew may be of Counsel here with the Lord Willoughby, touching his Petition for the Earldom of Oxon, etc.


This Day Sir Charles Cæsar and Sir Robert Rich reported, That they had taken the Deposition of George Kellwood, touching the Petition of Tymothy Pinckney, according to the Order of the House, Mercurii, 1 Martii; the which Deposition was read.

Bp. of Lincoln to answer this Charge.

Whereupon it is Ordered, The Copy of the Petition of the said Tymothy Pinckney (exhibited this Parliament) and the Copies of the Depositions of the said George Kellwood, and of Edward Ferrers, James Kynnedy, and Ann Pinckney, taken here, touching the said Petition, shall be sent to the Lord Bishop of Lincolne; and that his Lordship shall return Answer unto the same in Writing, under his Hand, by this Day Fortnight.


Dominus Custos Magni Sigilli declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque in diem crastinum, videlicet, diem Veneris, 3m diem instantis Martii, hora nona, Dominis sic decernentibus.