House of Lords Journal Volume 10: 2 August 1648

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 10, 1648-1649. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 10: 2 August 1648', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 10, 1648-1649( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 3 October 2024].

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"House of Lords Journal Volume 10: 2 August 1648". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 10, 1648-1649. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 3 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Mercurii, 2 die Augusti.

PRAYERS, by Mr. Cawdrey.

Domini præsentes fuerunt:

Ds. Hunsdon, Speaker.

Comes Sarum.
Comes Mulgrave.
Comes Rutland.
L. Viscount Say & Seale.
Comes Suffolke.
Comes Midd.
Comes Lyncolne.
Ds. Howard.
Ds. Maynard.
Ds. Berkeley.
Ds. North.

Message from the H. C. with an Ordinance and Orders.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Sir Gilbert Gerrard Baronet; who brought up divers Particulars, wherein their Lordships Concurrence is desired:

1. An Ordinance for settling the Militia of the County of Midd. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

2. An Order for Ten Pounds to Cornet Richard Macklawin. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

3. An Order for additional Names to the Committees for Sequestrations for the County of Kent.

(Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

4. An Order for Colonel James Hopton to have his Arrears, out of the Sequestration of the Estate of Sir John Hewett; (videlicet,) Five Hundred Fifty Eight Pounds, Thirteen Shillings. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

The Answer returned was:


That (fn. 1) this House agrees to all the Particulars now brought up.

Order to raise Forces in Ely.

The Order for raising a Troop of Horse in the Isle of Ely, was read the Third Time, and Agreed to.

(Here enter it.)

Letter from L. Adm.

The Earl of Salisbury reported from the Committee at Derby House divers Particulars:

1. A Letter from the Lord Admiral.

(Here enter it.)

Ordered, To be communicated to the House of Commons.

D° from Sir J. Hobart.

2. A Letter from Sir Jo. Hubbert was read, concerning the Isle of Ely.

Captain Carter to have a Troop.

3. A Report that an Order may be granted, for a Commission to be given to Captain William Carter, to command a Troop of Horse in Cheshire.

Agreed to.

Letter from the Gov. of Oxon, about the Disposal of the Persons concerned in the Design to betray that City.

4. An Extract of a Letter from the Governor of Oxford, was read, as followeth:

"I have sent to his Excellency, concerning the betraying of this Garrison, to know what to do with the Persons I have in Custody, that are deep in the Business; but they being Townsmen, I suppose he is loth to determine. I should therefore humbly desire your Lordships to consider and determine of some Way for their Trial; for the Delay of it doth much encourage the Enemy. Those that I have in Hold, are Men that do confess they are under the Oath of Secrecy the most of them, and the rest privy to the Design. I have sent my Major to wait upon your Lordships, to know your Pleasure in these Particulars; desiring your Lordships Directions in it. In the mean Time, I remain

Oxon, this 31th July, 1648.

"Your most humble Servant,

"Tho. Kelsey."

Ordinance to exempt Peers from being assessed for Horses, &c.

Ordered, That these Lords following do prepare an Ordinance, and bring the same into this House with all convenient Speed, for exempting the Peers and the Assistants and Attendants of this House from having imposed upon them Horse and Arms, unless it be particularly expressed in any Ordinance.

Order for Gen. Skippon to raise a Regiment.

Next, the Order for the Committee at Derby House to grant Commission to Major General Skippon, to command, raise, and enlist, a Regiment of Horse, was read the Third Time.


And the Question being put, "Whether to agree to this Order?"

It was Resolved in the Negative.

Message from the H. C. to release Col. Lylburn.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by the Lord Carr:

To let their Lordships know, that they have taken off the Restraint of Lieutenant Colonel Lylburne; and they desire their Lordships would please to take off the Restraint he lies under by this House.

The Question being put, "Whether Lieutenant Colonel John Lylburne shall be released from the Restraint he lies under by Order of this House?"

It was Resolved in the Affirmative.

The Answer returned was:


That this House hath taken off the Restraint of Lieutenant Colonel John Lylburne.

Sir P. Killigrew to go to the King.

Ordered, That Sir Peter Killegrew may go with the Earl of Midd. to the Isle of Wight, when his Lordship goes.

Howard, a Pass.

Ordered, That Mr. Thomas Howard shall have a Pass, to come out of Holland.

Message to the H. C. with Letters.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Dr. Bennett and Mr. Eltonheade:

To deliver to them the Letter of the Lord Admiral, and the Letter of Sir John Hubbert, and the Extract of Lieutenant Colonel Kelseye's Letter.

Order to raise 5000 l. for a Regiment rejected.

The Order for raising of Five Thousand Pounds, for the Service of raising a Regiment of Horse, for the Safety of the Parliament and City, was read the Third Time.

And the Question being put, "Whether it should pass or not?"

It was Resolved in the Negative.

Message from the H. C. to take off Col. Lylburne's Fine;—for a Conference about Major Rolfe;—and with Orders and Ordinances.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Leechmore, ɬ who brought up these Particulars, wherein they desire their Lordships Concurrence:

1. To desire their Lordships would please to take off the Fine of Lieutenant Colonel John Lylburne.

Agreed to.

2. That their Lordships would please to give a Conference concerning Major Rolph, when their Lordships please.

3. An Order that the Judges do adjourn the Assizes in Norff. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

4. An Order concerning Mr. Sykes.

(Here enter.)

Agreed to.

5. An Order for Payment of Twenty Pounds apiece to Margarett Roberts and Jane Smyth.

(Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

6. An Order for discharging of Mr. Sykes out of Execution. (Here enter it.)

Agreed to.

7. An Order for Five Hundred Pounds, for victualing of Garrisons.


8. An Ordinance for Seven Hundred Thirty Pounds, Four Shillings, to be paid to Colonel Wm. Herbert.

9. An Order for Commissioners to be added to the Committee for Sequestrations for Surry.

10. An Order for adding Wm. Dingly, &c. to the Committee of Sequestrations for the County and City of Worcester.

11. An Order for Five Hundred Pounds for Mr. Stephens.

12. An Order for One Thousand One Hundred Thirteen Pounds, and Six Pence, to be paid to Captain Parsons, out of Malignants or Rebels Estates in Ireland, and the Interest of Two Thousand One Hundred Eighty-five Pounds, as by former Orders is expressed.

13. An Order for One Thousand Ninety-two Pounds, Twelve Shillings, to be paid to Captain Parsons, by the Treasurers of Sequestrations at Guildhall.

14. An Order for One Thousand Ninety-two Pounds to be paid to Captain Parsons, out of such Discoveries as he shall make of Delinquents Estates not seized by any Committee.

15. An Order for Payment of Five Hundred Pounds to Mr. Darnall. (Here enter it.)

Read, and Agreed to.

16. An Order for granting (fn. 2) a Commission to the Mayor of South'ton, for raising Forces, for Defence of that Town.

17. An Order for giving Mr. Carter a Commission.

18. An Order for those that have invited the Scotts to come into England be Traitors.

The Answer returned was:


That this House hath taken off the Fine of Lieutenant Colonel John Lylburne, and agrees to the Orders concerning Mr. Sykes, and the Order concerning Margarett Roberts, &c. and to the Order for putting off the Circuit of Norff.; that their Lordships will give a Conference To-morrow Morning, concerning Major Rolph: To all the rest of the Particulars, their Lordships will send an Answer by Messengers of their own.

Answer from the H. C.

Dr. Bennett and Mr. Eltonheade return with this Answer from the House of Commons:

That they agree to the Pass for Monsieur Montreul, and to the Petition of Colonel Devereux: To all the rest, they will send an Answer by Messengers of their own.

Message from thence, with the Votes about the Treaty with the King, and for Committees to go to Him.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Mr. Wheeler; who brought up the Votes sent down concerning the Treaty with the King in the Isle of Wight; to which they agree, with some Alterations, wherein they desire their Lordships Concurrence.

(Here enter them.)

Agreed to.

2. To let their Lordships know, that they have appointed a proportionable Number of their House, to join with One Lord, to go to the King, in the Isle of Wight.

The Answer returned was:


That this House agrees to the Votes now brought up, with the Alterations.

Vote to declare those Traitors who invited the Scots.

Next the Vote for those that invited the Scotts to come into England be Traitors, was read.

The Question being put, "Whether to agree to the Vote now read?"

It was Resolved in the Negative.

Protest against rejecting it.

Memorandum, That, before the putting of the aforesaid Question, these Lords following desired Leave to enter their Protestation, if it were carried in the Negative; which being granted, they do accordingly enter their Dissents, by subscribing their Names:

L. Viscount Say & Seale.
Comes Pembrooke.
Comes Sarum.
E. Mulgrave.
Ds. Howard.

Pacy and Snellock.

Upon reading the Petition of Steven Pacy:

It is Ordered, That Mordant Snellocke shall stand committed to the Prison of The Fleete, there to remain till he hath given Obedience to the Orders of this House, made in the Cause between him and the said Pacy.

Letter from Major Huntington:

A Letter from Major Rob't Huntington, directed To the Earl of Manchester, Speaker of the House of Peers, or to the Speaker pro Tempore," was read, with a Paper inclosed, intituled,

"Sundry Reasons inducing Major Robert Huntington to lay down his Commission; humbly presented to the Honourable Houses of Parliament."

(Here enter them.)

Upon this, the said Rob't Huntington was called to the Bar. And the House commanded, that the Letter and Narrative should be shewed him; and asked, "Whether the Subscriptions to the same were his Hand-writing, and whether he would avow the Matters contained in them?"

And his Answer was, "That it was his Hand, and would avow it."

Ordered, That this Business shall be taken into Consideration To-morrow Morning; and then the said Rob't Huntington shall attend this House.

His Letter.

"For the Right Honourable the Earl of Manchester, Speaker of the House of Peers, or to the Speaker pro Tempore.

"My Lord,

"I have herewith humbly presented this Narrative, which I desire may be made known to the Right Honourable House of Peers, being very fit for their Knowledge, as it relates to the Kingdom's Safety; and for my own Discharge, having voluntarily laid down my Commission, to be in a Capacity to acquaint the Houses of Parliament with such dangerous Practices as will ruin (if not timely prevented) the Honour, Safety, and Authority of the Parliament; to which, and your Lordship as a principal Member thereof, I humbly rest,

"My Lord,

August 2d, 1648.

"A faithful and devoted Servant,

"Rob't Huntington.

Narrative of the Proceedings of the Army, which induced him to resign his Commission:

"Sundry Reasons inducing Major Robert Huntingdon to lay down his Commission, humbly presented to the Honourable Houses of Parliament.

"Having taken up Arms in Defence of the Authority and Power of King and Parliament, under the Command of the Lord Grey of Warke and the Earl of Manchester, during their several Employments with the Forces of the Eastern Association; and, at the modeling of this Army under the present Lord General, having been appointed by the Honourable Houses of Parliament Major to the now Regiment of Lieutenant General Cromwell; in each of which Employments having served constantly and faithfully, answerable to the Trust reposed in me, and having lately quit the said Employment, and laid down my Commission, I hold myself tied, both in Duty and Conscience, to render the true Reason thereof, which in the general is briefly this: Because the Principles, Designs, and Actions, of those Officers which have a great Influence upon the Army are (as I conceive) very repugnant and destructive to the Honour and Safety of the Parliament and Kingdom, from whom they derive their Authority; the Particulars whereof (being a Breviate of my sad Observations) will appear in the following Narrative:

"First, That, upon the Orders of Parliament for disbanding this Army, Lieutenant General Cromwell and Commissary General Ireton were sent Commissioners to Walden, to reduce the Army to their Obedience, but more especially in order to the present Supply of Forces for the Service of Ireland: But they, contrary to the Trust reposed in them, very much hindered that Service, not only by discountenancing those that were obedient and willing, but also by giving Encouragement to the unwilling and disobedient, declaring, "That there had lately been much Cruelty and Injustice in the Parliament's Proceedings against them," meaning the Army. And Commissary General Ireton, in further Pursuance thereof, framed those Papers and Writings then sent from the Army to the Parliament and Kingdom; saying also to the Agitators, "That it was then lawful and fit for us to deny Disbanding, till we had received equal and full Satisfaction for our past Service;" Lieutenant General Cromwell further adding, "That we were in a double Capacity, as Soldiers and as Commoners; and having our Pay as Soldiers, we have something else to stand upon as Commoners:" And when, upon the Rendezvous at Tripple Heath, the Commissioners of Parliament, according to their Orders, acquainted every Regiment with what the Parliament had already done, and would further do, in order to the Desires of the Army, the Soldiery being before prepared, and notwithstanding any Thing could be said or offered to them by the Commissioners, they still cried out for "Justice! Justice!"

"And for the effecting of their further Purposes, Advice was given by Lieutenant General Cromwell and Commissary General Ireton, to remove the King's Person from Holdenby, or to secure Him there by other Guards than those appointed by the Commissioners of Parliament, which was thought most fit to be carried on by the Private Soldiery of the Army, and promoted by the Agitators of each Regiment; whose First Business was, to secure the Garrison of Oxford, with the Guns and Ammunition there; from thence, to march to Holdenby, in Prosecution of the former Advice; which was accordingly acted by Cornet Joyce, who, when he had done the Business, sent a Letter to the General, then at Keinton, acquainting his Excellency that the King was on His March towards Newmarkett. The General, being troubled thereat, told Commissary General Ireton, "That he did not like it;" demanding withal, "who gave those Orders?" He replied, "That he gave Orders only for securing the King there, and not for taking Him away from thence." Lieutenant General Cromwell, coming then from London, said, "That if this had not been done, the King would have been fetched away by Order of Parliament; or else Colonel Graves, by the Advice of the Commissioners, would have carried him to London, throwing themselves upon the Favour of Parliament for that Service." The same Day, Cornet Joyce being told that the General was displeased with him for bringing the King from Holdenby, he answered, "That Lieutenant General Cromwell gave him Orders at London, to do what he had done, both there and at Oxford."

"The Person of the King being now in the Power of the Army, the Business of Lieutenant General Cromwell was, to court His Majesty (both by Members of the Army and several Gentlemen formerly in the King's Service) into a good Opinion and Belief of the Proceedings of the Army, as also into a Disaffection and Dislike of the Proceedings of Parliament; pretending to shew, that His Majesty's Interest would far better suit with the Principles of Independency than of Presbytery. And, when the King did alledge (as many Times He did), "That the Power of Parliament was the Power by which we fought;" Lieutenant General Cromwell would reply, "That we were not only Soldiers, but Commoners; promising that the Army would be for the King in the Settlement of His whole Business, if the King and His Party would sit still, and not declare or act against the Army, but give them Leave only to manage the present Business in Hand."

"That, when the King was at Newmarkett, the Parliament thought fit to send to His Majesty, humbly desiring that, in order to His Safety, and their Addresses for a speedy Settlement, He would be pleased to come to Richmond. Contrary hereunto, Resolution was taken by the aforesaid Officers of the Army, That if the King could not be diverted by Persuasion (to which His Majesty was very opposite), that then they would stop him by Force at Royston, where His Majesty was to lodge the First Night; keeping accordingly continual Guards upon Him, against any Power that should be sent by Order of Parliament to take Him from us; and to this Purpose Out Guards were also kept, to prevent His Escape from us with the Commissioners, of whom we had special Orders given to be careful, for that they did daily shew a Dislike to the present Proceedings of the Army against the Parliament; and that the King was most conversant and private in Discourse with them; His Majesty saying, "That if any Man should hinder His going, now His Houses had desired Him, upon His late Message of the 12th May, 1647, it should be done by Force, and by laying hold on His Bridle; which if any were so bold to do, He would endeavour to make it His last." But, contrary to His Majesty's Expectation, the next Morning, when the King and the Officers of the Army were putting this to an Issue, came the Votes of both Houses to the King, of their Compliance with that which the Army formerly desired. After which, His Majesty did incline to hearken to the Desires of the Army, and not before. Whereupon, at Caversham, the King was continually solicited by Messengers from Lieutenant General Cromwell and Commissary General Ireton, proffering any Thing His Majesty would desire, as Revenues, Chaplains, Wife, Children, Servants of His own, Visitation of Friends, Access of Letters, and (by Commissary General Ireton) "that His negative Voice should not be meddled withal; and that he had convinced those that reasoned against it, at a General Council of the Army: And all this they would do, that His Majesty might the better see into all our Actions, and know our Principles, which lead us to give Him all these Things out of Conscience; for that we were not a People hating His Majesty's Person, or Monarchical Government; but that we liked it as the best, and that by this King;" saying also, "That they did hold it a very unreasonable Thing, for the Parliament to abridge Him of them;" often promising, "That if His Majesty would sit still, and not act against them, they would in the First Place restore Him to all these; and, upon the Settlement of our own just Rights and Liberties, make Him the most Glorious Prince in Christendom. That, to this Purpose for a Settlement, they were making several Proposals, to be offered to the Commissioners of Parliament then sent down to the Army, which should be as Bounds for our Party, as to the King's Business; and that His Majesty should have Liberty to get as much of those abated as He could; for that many Things therein were proposed only to give Satisfaction to others who were our Friends;" promising the King, "That, at the same Time the Commissioners of Parliament should see (fn. 3) these Proposals, His Majesty should have a Copy of them also;" pretending to carry a very equal Hand between King and Parliament, in order to the Settlement of the Kingdom by Him, which, besides their own Judgement and Conscience, they did see a Necessity of it as to the People; Commissary General Ireton further saying, "That what was offered in these Proposals should be so just and reasonable, that if there were but Six Men in the Kingdom that would fight to make them good, he would make the Seventh, against any Power that should oppose them."

"The Head Quarters being removed from Reding to Bedford, His Majesty to Wobourne, the Proposals were given to me by Commissary General Ireton, to present to the King; which His Majesty having read, told me, "That He would never treat with Army or Parliament upon those Proposals, as He was then minded." But the next Day His Majesty, understanding that a Force was put on His Houses of Parliament by a Tumult, sent for me again, and said unto me, "Go along with Sir John Berkley to your General and Lieutenant General, and tell them, that, to avoid a new War, I will now treat with them upon their Proposals, or any Thing else, in order to a Peace: Only let Me be saved in Honour and Conscience." Sir John Berkley falling sick by the Way, I delivered this Message to the Lieutenant General and to Commissary General Ireton, who advised me, not to acquaint the General with it till Ten or Twelve Officers of the Army were met together, at the General's Quarters; and then they would bethink themselves of some Persons to be sent to the King about it. And accordingly Commissary General Ireton, Colonel Rainsborough, Colonel Hamond, and Colonel Rich, attended the King at Woburne for Three Hours together, debating the whole Business with the King upon the Proposals. Upon which Debate, many of the most material Things the King disliked were afterwards struck out, and many other Things much abated by Promises; whereupon His Majesty was pretty well satisfied.

"Within a Day or Two after this, His Majesty removed to Stoke; and there calling for me, told me, "He seared an Engagement between the City and the Army;" saying, "He had not Time to write any Thing under His Hand, but would send it to the General after me;" commanding me to tell Commissary General Ireton, with whom he had formerly treated upon the Proposals, "That He would wholly throw Himself upon us, and trust us for a Settlement of the Kingdom, as we had promised;" saying, "If we proved honest Men, we should without Question make the Kingdom happy, and save much Shedding of Blood." This Message from His Majesty I delivered to Commissary General Ireton at Colebrooke; who seemed to receive it with Joy, saying, "That we should be the veriest Knaves that ever lived, if in every Thing we made not good whatever we had promised; because the King, by His not declaring against us, had given us great Advantage against our Adversaries."

"After our marching through London with the Army, His Majesty being at Hampton Court, Lieutenant General Cromwell and Commissary General Ireton sent the King Word several Times, "That the Reason why they made no more Haste in this Business was, because that Party which did then sit in the House while Pelham was Speaker did much obstruct the Business, so that (fn. 4) they could not carry it on at present;" the Lieutenant General often saying, "Really, they should be pulled out by the Ears:" And to that Purpose caused a Regiment of Horse to rendezvous at Hide Parke, to have put that in Execution (as he himself expressed), had it not been carried by Vote in the House that Day as he desired.

"The Day before the Parliament voted once more the sending of the Propositions of both Kingdoms to the King by the Commissioners of each Kingdom at Hampton Court, Commissary General Ireton bad me tell the King, "That such a Thing was to be done To-morrow in the House; but His Majesty need not be troubled at it, for that they intended it for no other End but to make good some Promises of the Parliament, which the Nation of Scotland expected Performance of; and that it was not expected or desired His Majesty should either sign them or treat upon them, for which there should be no Advantage taken against the King." Upon the Delivery of which Message, His Majesty replied, "He knew not what Answer to give, to please all, without a Treaty."

"Next Day after this Vote passed, the Lieutenant General asking me thereupon, "If the King did not wonder at these Votes?" I told him, "No; for that Commissary General Ireton had sent such a Message by me the Day before the Vote passed, to signify the Reason of it." The Lieutenant General replied, "That really it was the Truth; and that we (speaking of the Parliament) intended nothing else by it but to satisfy the Scott, which otherwise might be troublesome." And the Lieutenant General and Commissary General enquiring after His Majesty's Answer to the Propositions, and what it would be, it was shewed them both, privately, in a Garden-house at Putney, and in some Part amended to their own Minds. But, before this, the King, doubting what Answer to give, sent me to Lieutenant General Cromwell, as unsatisfied with the Proceedings of the Army; fearing "they intended not to make good what they had promised; and the rather, because His Majesty understood that Lieutenant General Cromwell and Commissary General Ireton agreed with the rest of the House in some late Votes that opposed the Proposals of the Army." They severally replied, "That they would not have His Majesty mistrust them; for that, since the House would go so high, they only concurred with them that their Unreasonableness might the better appear to the Kingdom." And the Lieutenant General bad me further assure the King, "That, if the Army remained an Army, His Majesty should trust (fn. 5) the Proposals with what was promised to be the worst of His Conditions which should be made for Him;" and then, striking his Hand on his Breast, in his Chamber at Putney, bad me tell the King, "He might rest confident and assured of it." And many Times the same Message hath been sent to the King from them both; but with this Addition from Commissary General Ireton, "That they would purge, and purge, and never leave purging the Houses, till they had made them of such a Temper as should do His Majesty's Business; and rather than they would fall short of what was promised, he would join with French, Spaniard, Cavalier, or any that would join with him, to force them to it." Upon the Delivery of which Message, the King made Answer, "That if they do, they would do more than He durst do."

"After this, the Delay of the Settlement of the Kingdom was excused, upon the Commotions of Colonel Martin and Colonel Rainsbrough, with their Adherents; the Lieutenant General saying, "That speedy Course must be taken for outing of them the House and Army, because they were now putting the Army into a Mutiny, by having Hands in publishing several printed Papers, calling themselves "The Agents of Five Regiments," and "The Agreement of the People;" although some Men had Encouragement from Lieutenant General Cromwell for the Prosecution of those Papers. And he being further pressed to shew himself in it, he desired to be excused at the present, for that he might shew himself hereafter for their better Advantage; though, in the Company of those Men which were of different Judgements, he would often say, "That these People were a giddy-headed Party, and that there was no Trust nor Truth in them;" and to that Purpose wrote a Letter to Colonel Whaley, that Day the King went from Hampton Court, intimating doubtfully, "That His Majesty's Person was in Danger by them, and that he should keep Out Guards to prevent them;" which Letter was presently shewed to the King, by Colonel Whaley.

"That, about Six Days after, when it was fully known by the Parliament and Army that the King was in the Isle of Wight, Commissary General Ireton standing by the Fire Side in his Quarters at Kingston, and some speaking of an Agreement likely to be made between the King and Parliament, now the Person of the King was out of the Power of the Army; Commissary General Ireton replied, with a discontented Countenance, "That he hoped it would be such a Peace, as we might with a good Confidence fight against them both."

"Thus they who at the first, taking the King from Holdenby into the Power of the Army, cried down Presbyterian Government, the Proceedings of this present Parliament, and their Perpetuity, held forth an earnest Inclination to a moderated Episcopacy, with a new Election of Members to sit in Parliament, for the speedy Settlement of the Kingdom; and afterwards, when the Eleven Members had left the House, and they marching through London with the Army, the Seven Lords impeached, the Four Aldermen of London committed to The Tower, and other Citizens committed also, then again they cried up Presbyterian Government, the Perpetuity of this present Parliament; Lieutenant General Cromwell further pleasing himself with the great Sums of Money which were in Arrears from each County to the Army, and the Tax of Sixty Thousand Pounds per Month for our Maintenance. "Now, faith he, we may be, for aught I know, as long as we live." And since the sending forth the Orders of Parliament for the calling of their Members together, Lieutenant General Cromwell perceiving the Houses will not answer his Expectation, he is now again uttering Words, persuading the Hearers to a Prejudice against the Proceedings of Parliament, again crying down Presbyterian Government, setting up a single Interest, which he calls "an honest Interest, and that we have done ill in forsaking of it." To this Purpose, it was lately thought fit to put the Army upon choosing new Agitators, and to draw forth of the Houses of Parliament Sixty or Seventy of the Members thereof, much agreeing with his Words he spake formerly at his Chamber at Kingston, saying, "What a Sway Stapleton and Holles had heretofore in the Kingdom! and knew nothing to the contrary, but that he was as well able to govern the Kingdom as either of them." So that in all his Discourse nothing more appeareth than his seeking after the Government of King, Parliament, City, and Kingdom; for the effecting whereof, he thought it necessary, and delivered it as his Judgement, that a considerable Party of the chief Citizens of London, and some of every County, be clapped up in Castles and Garrisons, for the more quiet and submissive Carriage of every Place to which they belong; further saying, "That, from the Raising of the late Tumult in London, there should be an Occasion taken to hang the Recorder and Aldermen of London then in The Tower, that the City might see, the more they did stir in Opposition, the more they should suffer;" adding, "that the City must first be made an Example." And since that Lieutenant General Cromwell was sent down from the Parliament for the reducing of the Army to their Obedience, he hath most frequently, in Public and Private, delivered these ensuing Heads, as his Principles, from whence all the foregoing Particulars have ensued, being fully confirmed (as I humbly conceive) by his Practice in the Transaction of his last Year's Business:

"First, That every single Man is Judge of Just and Right, as to the Good and Ill of a Kingdom.

"2. That the Interest of honest Men is the Interest of the Kingdom. And that those only are deemed honest Men by him, that are conformable to his Judgement and Practice, may appear in many Particulars: To instance but One; in the Choice of Colonel Rainsborrough to be Vice Admiral. Lieutenant General Cromwell being asked, "How he could trust a Man whose Interest was so directly opposite to what he had prosessed, and one whom he had lately aimed to remove from all Places of Trust?" He answered, "That he had now received particular Assurance from Colonel Rainsborrough, as great as could be given by Man, that he would be conformable to the Judgement and Direction of himself and Commissary General Ireton, for the managing of the whole Business at Sea."

"3. That it is lawful to pass through any Forms of Government, for the accomplishing his Ends: And therefore, either to purge the Houses, and support the remaining Party by Force everlastingly, or to put a Period to them by Force, is very lawful, and suitable to the Interest of honest Men.

"4. That it is lawful to play the Knave with a Knave.

"These Gentlemen aforesaid in the Army, thus principled, and (as by many other Circumstances might appear) acting accordingly, give too much Cause to believe, that the Success which may be obtained by the Army (except timely prevented by the Wisdom of Parliament) will be made Use of to the destroying of all that Power for which we first engaged. And having for above these Twelve Months past (sadly and with much Reluctancy) observed these several Passages aforesaid, yet with some Hopes that at Length there might be a Returning to the Obedience of Parliament; and, contrary hereunto, knowing that Resolutions were taken up, that in case the Power of Parliament cannot be gained to countenance their Designs, then to proceed without it; I therefore choose to quit myself of my Command, wherein I have served the Parliament for Five Years last past, and put myself upon the greatest Hazards, by discovering these Truths, rather than, by Hopes of Gain, with a troubled Mind, continue an Abettor or Assistant of such as give Affronts to the Parliament and Kingdom, by abusing their Power and Authority, to carry on their particular Designs; against whom, in the Midst of Danger, I shall ever avow the Truth of this Narrative, and myself to be a constant, faithful, and obedient Servant to the Parliament of England.

August 2d, 1648.

"Rob't Huntington."

Ordinance to settle the Militia of Middlesex.

"Be it Ordained, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That these Persons following; videlicet, Sir Gilbert Gerard, Sir Edward Barkham, Sir Richard Sprignall, Baronets, [ (fn. 6) Sir John Danvers, Sir Wm. Roberts,] Sir John Hippesly, Sir James Harrington, Sir John Thoroughgood, Knights, John Huxley, John Morris, Richard Downton, and Daniell Proctor, Esquires, shall be, and are hereby ordained and appointed, Commissioners for the Militia of the County of Midd. without the late Lines of Communication, and Places mentioned in the Weekly Bills of Mortality, for the better Securing and Safety of the Parliament and the said County; and shall have Power and Authority, and are hereby authorized, by themselves or any Five or more of them, to put that Part of the said County into a Posture of Defence; and are hereby authorized to raise, out of the respective Towns, Townships, Parishes, Liberties, and Places, within the said County (other than in such Places as are within the late Lines of Communication and Weekly Bills of Mortality), such Forces of Horse and Foot as they or any Five or more of them shall think fit; and them to list, arm, and exercise, and to form them into Regiments, Troops, and Companies, and them to muster, array, and weapon, from Time to Time, in Places fit for that Purpose; and to appoint over them Colonels, Captains, and other Officers, from Time to Time, by Commissions under the Hands and Seals of the said Commissioners, or any Five or more of them, as often as there shall be Occasion in that Behalf; and are authorized, by themselves or their said Commanders, to lead, conduct, and employ, the said Persons, arrayed and weaponed, for the Suppression of all Rebellions and Insurrections that may happen within the said County, according as the said Commissioners, or any Five of them, shall from Time to Time give Directions, or shall be otherwise directed by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, or the Committee at Derby House; any former Order, Declaration, or other Matter to the contrary, in any Wise notwithstanding: And if any of the said Forces, either of Horse or Foot, shall refuse or neglect (upon Summons from their respective Officers) to appear, with their Horse and Arms so charged upon them, at such Times and Places as they shall be required, or to send some able Man, with such Horse and Arms as shall be charged upon them, that then it shall and may be lawful for the said Commissioners, or any Five or more of them, to impose such Fine upon such Offenders as to them shall seem meet, provided it exceed not the Sum of Five Shillings per Diem upon him that shall find a Foot Arms, and Ten Shillings per Diem upon him that shall find a Horse Arms, the said Fines to be levied by Distress (in case of Refusal), and Sale of their Goods, or to imprison their Persons, until they conform and pay such Fines: And for the Maintenance of the said Forces, it is hereby further Ordained, by the said Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That the said Commissioners, or any Five or more of them, shall have Power, and are hereby authorized and required, to lay an equal Rate or Assessment upon the said County (other than on such Places as are within the late Lines of Communication and Weekly Bills of Mortality) not exceeding the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds per Mensem, and to nominate and appoint Assessors, Collectors, and Treasurers, of the said Monies, and to grant Warrant or Warrants, under the Hands of any Five or more of them, to any Constable, or other Officer whatsoever, to levy the said Sums so to be assessed and taxed, by Way of Distress and Sale of the Goods of such as shall refuse or neglect to pay the same, together with reasonable Charges of Distraining: And it is further Ordained, That the said Treasurer or Treasurers, which shall be appointed by the said Commissioners, shall issue forth and pay such Monies as shall be paid to him or them by virtue of this Ordinance, in such Sort and Manner as the said Commissioners, or any Five of them, shall, by Warrant or Warrants under their Hands, appoint and direct: And if any of the said Assessors or Collectors shall refuse the Service, or any Constable, Headborough, or other Persons, shall refuse to do or execute any Act or Service which shall be required by the said Commissioners, or any Five of them, in Execution of this Ordinance, or prove negligent therein, the said Commissioners, or any Five of them, shall have Power, and are hereby authorized, to commit such Person to Prison, or to impose such Fine upon him or them as to them shall seem meet, so as such Fine for any One Offence exceed not Ten Pounds, or Imprisonment Twenty Days; such Fines to be disposed for the Uses aforesaid: And all Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Bailiffs, Constables, and other Officers, are required to be aiding and assisting in the due Execution of this Ordinance; for which, the said Commissioners, and all and every the said Persons, shall be saved and kept harmless and indemnified, by the Authority of Parliament.

"Provided, That this Ordinance, and every Thing therein contained, shall continue for the Space of Six Months, and no longer."

Order for 10 l. to Cornet Macklaughin.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Sum of Ten Pounds be given to Cornet Richard Macklaughin, the Messenger from Sir Michaell Livesey; and that the same be charged at Habberdash'rs Hall.

Committees for Kent.

"Additional (fn. 7) Names for Deputy Lieutenants, Committees, and Commissioners, for the County of Kent, to act upon all Ordinances of Parliament concerning the Militia, Sequestrations, and Levies of Money in that County.

Colonel Algernon Sedney.
Sir Cheyney Culpeper.
Sir John Roberts.
Mr. Thomas Parramore.
Captain Fotch.
Mr. Tho. Broadnox.
Sir Thomas Styles.
Mr. George Duke.
Mr. Richard Porter.
Mr. John Parker.
Mr. John Twisleton.
Mr. William Say.
Mr. Wm. Draper.
Mr. John Seyliard.
Mr. Edward Ashe.
Colonel Thompson.
Mr. Samuell Short.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Persons abovenamed be hereby enabled and authorized to act in the County of Kent, upon the Ordinances above-mentioned, according to the several Powers given in the said Ordinances."

"Additional Committees for Sequestrations in the County of Kent.

John Browne Esquire.
Mr. John Goldwell.
Mr. John Adye.
Mr. John Adryan.
Mr. Dan. Shatterden.
Mr. John Parker.
Mr. Peter Buck.
Mr. Peter Peake, of Higham, Junior.
Mr. George Hall.
Mr. Herbert Springate.
Mr. Norton Curteis.
Mr. John Chapman, of Malling.
Mr. Edward Howell, of Wrotham.
Mr. Henry Adye, of Merewroth.
Mr. Payne, of Brenekley.
Mr. Bridge, Senior.
Captain Fotch, of Thannett.
Mr. Thomas Parramore, of Thannett.
Mr. Francis Butcher.
Mr. Tho. Monins, of Cant.
Mr. Lee, Senior.
Mr. Hen. Crittenden, of Leigh.
Mr. Rob't Pettye, of Otforde.
Mr. Peter Pett.
Alderman Masterson.
Mr. Johnson, Senior, of Tonbridge.
Mr. Amhurst, of Pembury.
Mr. James Tassell.
Captain Terry, of Aldersey.
Mr. John Osborne.
Mr. Tho. Broadnox, Junior.
Mr. Thomas Bate, of Lydd.
Mr. Thomas Brett.
Mr. John Naylor.
Mr. Samuell Shorte.
Mr. William Boys.
Mr. Edward Stucy.
Lieutenant Lambe.
Captain Butcher.
Major Sharpe.
Mr. Mandey, of Sandwich.
Capt. Edward Peke, Junior.
Mr. Stephen Monins, of Dover.
Mr. Richards, of Dover.
Mr. Broome, of Dover.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That these Persons abovenamed be added to the Committee for Sequestrations in the County of Kent."

Order for 558 l. 13s. to Col. Hopton.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That Colonel James Hopton have his Arrears of Five Hundred Fifty-eight Pounds, Thirteen Shillings, paid and satisfied to him, out of the Sequestration of the Estate of Sir John Hewett, of Warsley, in the County of Huntington, Baronet, or elsewhere where any of his Estate lyeth; and the said Colonel James Hopton, or his Assignee or Assigns, are appointed to receive and enjoy the said Sequestration, until the said Sum of Five Hundred Fifty-eight Pounds, Thirteen Shillings, be paid unto him: And the Committees, Sequestrators, and Treasurers of the Sequestrations in the County of Huntington, or elsewhere where any Part of the said Sir John Hewett's Estate lyeth as aforesaid, are required to take Notice of this Order, and to yield ready Obedience thereunto; and his or their Acquittance or Acquittances shall be a sufficient Discharge to the several Persons abovementioned."

Norfolk Assizes to be adjourned.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Judges adjourn the Assizes to be holden for the Norffolke Circuit until a longer Time."

Order for 350 l. to Sykes:

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Sum of Three Hundred and Fifty Pounds, Part of Seven Hundred Seventy-eight Pounds, Ten Shillings, Three Pence, be forthwith paid unto William Sykes, or his Assigns, and be charged at Habberdash'rs Hall; and the Acquittance or Acquittances of the said William Syke, or his Assigns, for Payment thereof, shall be a sufficient Warrant and Discharge to the said Committee, or such other Person or Persons as shall pay the same.

Order to discharge him out of Execution.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That it be referred to the Committee at Habberdash'rs Hall, to use the best Means they can, to discharge the said Wm. Sykes out of Execution; he being in Execution for Interest for Money procured by him for the Parliament."

Order for 500 l. to Darnall.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds be forthwith paid to Ralph Darnall Esquire, Clerk Assistant in the Honourable House of Commons in Parliament assembled, or his Assigns, out of the Arrears of the late Court of Wards, in Part of Satisfaction for Loss of his Office of One of the Attornies of the said late Court of Wards: And the Committee of the Revenue are hereby required to pay the same to the said Ralph Darnall, or his Assigns, accordingly."

Order for 20 l. to Roberts and Smith.

"Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Sum of Twenty Pounds apiece be forthwith paid unto Margarett Roberts and Jane Smith, for their great Pains taken in the Parliament's Service, and their Imprisonment and Dangers sustained thereby; and that the said Forty Pounds be charged at Habberdash'rs Hall."

Ordinance for raising a Troop of Horse, in the Isle of Ely.

"The Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, having taken into their serious Consideration the restless and malicious Designs of theirs and the Kingdom's common Enemies, who pretermit not any Occasions to involve this Kingdom into a new and more bloody War; and knowing the great Consequence of the Isle of Ely, both to the whole Kingdom in general, and to the Eastern Association in particular; and that, if the same should happen into the Hands of the Enemy, it would be a great Advancement to their Designs, and of great Prejudice to the Peace of the whole Kingdom; have therefore thought fit to raise One Troop of Horse, consisting of Three Score, under the Command of Colonel John Hobart, for the Guard and Safety of the same Isle; which Troop, by reason of the present Disturbances, it will be necessary to continue for Six Months; and that an Establishment of Seventy Pounds per Week be raised and settled for their Pay, that the Country may not be burdened with Free Quarter, Taxations, or other Assessment in that Behalf, during the Time of their Entertainment; which said Establishment of Seventy Pounds per Week, for the Space of Six Months, accounting from the First of July, 1648, will amount unto the Sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Pounds: Be it therefore Ordained, by the said Lords and Commons, That the said Sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Pounds, for the Pay and Entertainment of the said Troop as aforesaid, be, and hereby is, charged upon the Receipts of the Grand Excise, in Course, next after other Assignments, already charged first satisfied, together with Interest for the same, after the Rate of Eight Pounds per Centum per Annum, at the End of every Six Months from the Date hereof, until the Principal become due in Course as aforesaid; and that the said Principal and Interest as aforesaid be paid unto Captain Richard Harrison, who is hereby appointed Treasurer in that Behalf, or to such Person or Persons, Executors, Administrators, or Assigns respectively, as he, by his Assignment under his Hand and Seal, shall assign or appoint the same, or any Part thereof, to be paid; and the Receipt or Receipts of the said Captain Richard Harrison, or of such other Person or Persons as aforesaid, their respective Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, with the respective Assignment or Assignments under the Hand and Seal of the said Captain Richard Harrison as aforesaid, shall be a sufficient Discharge to the Commissioners of Excise for the Time being, for Payment of the said Principal and Interest accordingly: And it is further Ordained, That the said Captain Richard Harrison shall disburse and pay the same unto the several Officers and Troopers of the said Troop, for their Pay and Entertainment in the said Service, from Time to Time; and the particular Receipt or Receipts of the said Officers and Troopers shall be his sufficient Discharge in that Behalf: And be it further Ordained, by the Authority aforesaid, That the Sum of Two Thousand Three Hundred Eighteen Pounds, Five Shillings, and Six Pence, which appears, by the Accompt certified by the Committee for the Isle of Ely, to be due and owing, for Service and Expences in reducing of Croyland, be allowed for Payment and full Discharge thereof; and that the same be likewise charged upon the Receipts of the Grand Excise, in Course, and paid unto the said Captain Richard Harrison, who is hereby authorized to issue out the same to such Person and Persons to whom the same is due, by Order from the Committees of the said Isle of Ely, or any Two of them; and that the Receipt or Receipts of the said Richard Harrison, as aforesaid, shall be a sufficient Discharge to the said Commissioners of Excise, for Payment of the said Sum of Two Thousand Three Hundred Eighteen Pounds, Five Shillings, and Six Pence, with Interest, from the Date hereof, until the same become due in Course as aforesaid."

Letter from the L. Admiral, advising Gravesend and Queenborough to be fortified; — and desiring an Ordinance for Martial Law at Sea.

"My Lords and Gentlemen,

"I have received your Lordships Letter of the 28th of July, wherein came inclosed the Order of both Houses, bearing Date the same Day; and shall not be wanting (through the Strength of God) faithfully to put their Command in Execution. I also received, in a Letter from some Members of this Honourable Committee, the Copies of some Papers concerning Captain Greene, seized on by the Forces under Command of Sir Michaell Livesay. The securing of Greene and his Company will be, I conceive, very useful; which I humbly offer to your Lordships Consideration. I have discovered One or Two ill-affected amongst the Company of The St. George; the representing of whose Temper and Carriage I refer to Mr. Strickland and Mr. Bence, or One of them. The Spreading and Acting of dangerous Principles amongst the Mariners will not be easily prevented, unless there be some known Rules established for their Regulation, and Punishments authorized, proportionable to their Demerits that shall infringe them. I do therefore recommend it to your Lordships, to move the Houses, that an Ordinance for Martial Law at Sea may be speedily passed; as also that the Advocate of the Admiralty and Fleet may be sent down, to assist for putting the same in Execution, if your Lordships shall in your Wisdom think fit. Sir Anthony Welden, the Chairman for the Committee of Kent, hath several Times imparted to me his Opinion, that it will be very necessary to put Guns into the Fort at Gravesend, as also to secure Quinborrow Castle, as doubting some Attempts will be made upon it; his Advice being grounded upon Intelligence received from the Army, that the revolted Ships may have a Design to come up into the River, and so endanger both the Ships at Chatham and other Ships in the River of Thames; which I do also present unto your Lordships Consideration. I have proceeded in the Examination concerning The Fellowshipp; and find, that of about Three Score and Ten aboard her, Thirty-five have openly declared they will not oppose the revolted Ships. Some also amongst them are found out, that have been eminently active to seduce the rest. I shall therefore take Order for Discharge of such of them as have manisested their Disaffection, and shall endeavour to get their Places supplied with fit Men. And so, taking my Leave, I rest

Aboard The St. Géorge, in Tilbury Hope, this 1 of August, 1648.

"Your Lordships

"Very affectionate

and humble Servant,


"To the Right Honourable the Committee of Lords and Commons, sitting at Derby House."

Votes for a Committee to go the King, to treat with Him in the Isle of Wight.

"Resolved by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled,

"That a Committee of both Houses be sent to His Majesty, to acquaint Him with their Resolutions to treat Personally with His Majesty, by a Committee of both Houses, in such Place as His Majesty shall make Choice of in the Isle of Wight, upon the Propositions presented at Hampton Court, and the taking away of Wards and Liveries, for the settling of a safe and well-grounded Peace; which Treaty is resolved, by the Two Houses, to be transacted, with Honour, Freedom, and Safety to His Majesty, in the Isle of Wight, and with Freedom and Safety to such Committees as shall be appointed by both Houses of Parliament to treat with His Majesty.

"Resolved, &c.

"That the said Committee intended to be sent unto His Majesty, to acquaint Him with the Resolutions of the Houses, be dispatched away with all convenient Speed; and that the said Committee do return again to the Parliament within Ten Days from Friday next.

"Resolved, &c.

"That the Committee intended to be sent unto His Majesty, to treat with Him, shall have Power to treat with His Majesty, in the Isle of Wight, upon such Propositions as shall be offered by Him; and that the Committees that shall be appointed to go to His Majesty have Power to treat with His Majesty upon such other Propositions as shall be propounded, either by His Majesty, or both Houses of Parliament."


House adjourned till 10a cras.


  • 1. Deest in Originali.
  • 2. Origin. and.
  • 3. Origin. this.
  • 4. Origin. the.
  • 5. Sic.
  • 6. Bis in Originali.
  • 7. Origin. Monies Names.