House of Lords Journal Volume 10: 27 April 1648

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 10, 1648-1649. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 10: 27 April 1648', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 10, 1648-1649( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 22 January 2025].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 10: 27 April 1648', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 10, 1648-1649( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed January 22, 2025,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 10: 27 April 1648". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 10, 1648-1649. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 22 January 2025.


In this section

DIE Jovis, 27th of April.

PRAYERS, by Mr. Ash.

Domini præsentes fuerunt:

Comes Manchester, Speaker.

Comes Northumb.
Comes Pembrooke.
Comes Salisbury.
Comes Denbigh.
L. Viscount Say & Seale.
Comes Kent.
Ds. Howard.
Ds. Mountagu.
Ds. North.
Ds. La Warr.
Ds. Dacres.
Ds. Wharton.

Murdock, a Pass.

Ordered, That Joseph Murdocke shall have a Pass, to go into Ireland, and to bring over his Wife and his Children.

Merchant Strangers Petition, for an Addition to the Ordinance for settling the Jurisdiction of the Admiralty.

Upon reading the Petition of divers Merchant Strangers; desiring, "An additional Ordinance may be made to the Ordinance for settling the Jurisdiction of the Court of Admiralty; that the said Ordinance shall extend to all Marine Causes, as well now depending either in the Admiralty or Delegates, as for the future for those that shall be begun before the Expiration of the Three Years limited by the said Ordinance:"

It is Ordered, That the Consideration of this Petition is referred to the former Committee of this House concerning the Court of Admiralty.

Preachers at the Fast thanked.

Ordered, That Mr. Cawdrey and Mr. Hericke have Thanks returned them, for their Sermons Yesterday at Martin's (fn. 1) Church, being the Fast-day; and are desired to print and publish their Sermons.

Petition from the Common Council:

The Sheriffs of London, with divers Aldermen and Common Council Men of the said City, presented a Petition to this House, from the Lord Mayor and Aldermen and Common Council of the City of London; which was read, as followeth, with an Information annexed.

(Here enter it.)

They withdrew; and the House taking the same into Consideration;

Ordered, That the Speaker should return them this Answer following; which, the Messengers being again called in, the Speaker read it unto them; (videlicet,)

Answer to them.

"Mr. Sheriffs, and Gentlemen of the Common Council of the City of London,

"The Lords have commanded me to return Thanks to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, of the City of London, for the good Affections that they have expressed in this their Petition; asserting the Resolutions of the City to adhere to the Parliament, according to their solemn League and Covenant.

"They likewise have commanded me to assure you, that it hath ever been a principal Part of their Care, to prevent any Danger or Inconvenience that might threaten the Disturbance of the Quiet of the City of London, or tend to the Decay of the Trade thereof, though, to their great Grief, these late Troubles have much hindered the Success of their Endeavours therein; which Care they are fully resolved still to continue, to the utmost of their Power: And they assure you, that it never entered into their Thoughts to have the City of London to be disarmed; and they hope there can be no such Intentions in any others who wish well to the Safety of the Parliament.

"As to the Report which hath been brought unto you by one John Everard; they will put it into a further Examination, that they may be satisfied of the Truth or Falshood of it; and, except there be further Proof of it, they hope such a Report shall not render the Army to be suspected of any such Design, considering the many former and late Experiences that the Parliament and City have had of the Fidelity and good Services of the Army.

"As to the Particular of setting up the Chains within the City; they do fully leave it to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, to do therein as they shall think fit.

"To the last Particular, concerning Major General Skippon; he being a Member of the House of Commons, the Lords can resolve nothing therein without a joint Concurrence of that House; but they will take it further into their Consideration."

Report concerning a Fleet for the Irish Coast.

A Report from the Committee of the Admiralty was read, appointing a Navy to be for the Guard of the Irish Coasts; which this House approved of, and ordered to be sent to the House of Commons, for their Concurrence. (Here enter it.)

Rowe to be instituted to St. Michael, near Guilford.

Ordered, That Dr. Bennett do give Institution and Induction unto Thomas Rowe Clerk, to the Rectory of St. Michaell juxta Gilford, in Com. Surrey, void by Death; Salvo Jure, &c.: Under the Great Seal.

Petition from the Common Council, concerning an Intention of the Army to plunder the City desiring Leave to put up their Chains, &c.; and for Gen. Skippon to command the City Forces.

"To the Right Honourable the Lords assembled in Parliament.

"The humble Petition of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons, in Common Council assembled;

"Humbly sheweth,

"That they had lately presented unto them an Information from one John Everard (a true Copy whereof is hereunto annexed), whereby he doth give Intimation of some Speeches that passed from certain Persons at Windsor, of an Intention to disarm the City, and then to plunder the same; and that divers Reports to that Effect have been brought unto us, by Letters and otherwise, from divers Parts of this Kingdom, and from Foreign Parts; which Reports, together with the present drawing and continuing of the Army so near the City, and the Increase of the Number of Soldiers, hath been, now is, and will be, Occasion of great Fears, Decay of Trade, and an Inhancing of the Prices of Victuals within this City; the which Fears are much increased by the taking and keeping down of the Chains within the same: And the Petitioners do humbly conceive, that their Danger is increased, and their Strength much abased, by the disuniting of the Command of the Forces of the City and the Parts within the late Lines of Communication and the Weekly Bills of Mortality:

"For the removing of which Fears, and obtaining of those Things which may conduce to the Safety of the Parliament and of this City; the Petitioners do humbly pray,

"That Consideration may be taken of the Information given by the said John Everard; and that, upon a further Examination thereof, such Course may be taken therein as your Honours shall think fit.

"That the Chains within the City of London, which were lately pulled down, may forthwith be repaired, and set up again; and that the Army may be speedily removed to a further Distance from the City.

"That, by an Ordinance of Parliament, Major General Skippon, who was long since chosen, and still by Act of Common Council is continued, Major General of the Forces of the City, may be appointed to be Major General over the Forces within the late Lines of Communication and the Weekly Bills of Mortality; by which Means, he may the better be enabled to re-unite the Forces within the City, and the said late Lines of Communication and Weekly Bills of Mortality, for the better Defence of the City and Places adjacent, and likewise for the Preservation of the Parliament, to whom the City do resolve to adhere, according to their solemn League and Covenant.

"And they shall pray, &c.


Everard's Information of the Design of the Army to disarm and plunder the City.

"John Everard maketh Oath, That he, having some Occasion of Business at Windsor, upon Thursday the 20th of April, 1648, as he did lie in Bed, did hear some Gentlemen discourse in the next Chamber, the Number of whom he cannot tell, but by their Discourse they could not be less than Three or Four; and that he doth believe they were all Officers of the Army under the Command of his Excellency the Lord Fairefax. One of them was Quarter-master General Gravener, as he supposeth; another, one Colonel Ewer, or some such Name. And, after some merry Discourse, they began to be serious, and propounded what they thought fit to be done in reference to the present Exigences of the Kingdom; upon which Subject they discoursed an Hour or more. They made no Doubt of the coming in of the Scotts; and with the same Considence believed that the City of London would join with the Scotts; for the preventing of which, they could find no Way but to disarm the City, both Friend and Foe; and afterwards, they said, they would intimate, "That those who were the Friends of the Army should come forth into the Fields, and there they should be armed; and that they should have the Power of the City of London put into their Hands, to keep the rest of the Citizens in Awe; and that they should be maintained at the Charge of the City, so long as it should be thought fit to continue them: And because that Monies is the Sinews of War, having which they doubted not to procure Men enow, if there were Occasion to use them; and therefore, for the present Advancement of the same, if Need were (this City being disarmed), they would make them advance a Million of Money, or else plunder them." And the Party that spake this said, "he had acquainted Commissary General Ireton with it." All which, or to the like Effect, was spoken in this Deponent's Hearing.

"Jo. Everard.

"23 April. 1648, jurat. coram

"Jo. Warner, Mayor.

"Vera Copia, ex'r,


Report from the Admiralty Committee, for a Fleet for the Irish Coast.

"Die Martis, 25 April. 1648.

"By the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Admiralty and Cinque Ports.

"Whereas, upon a Report from this Committee, the House of Commons did, on the 17th of this Instant April, order, that Nineteen Ships should be appointed for Defence of the Coasts of Ireland and Wales, and left it to the Vice Admiral of the Fleet to appoint the Ships accordingly; and whereas the Vice Admiral hath, in Pursuance thereof, proposed the Ships following to the said Services; videlicet,

"For Guard of Milford, &c. and to ply sometimes about The Land's End, The Lyon,
Now on the Coast of Pembr'sheire.
"For Guard of the Irish Coasts, Bonadventure,
Assurance Frig.
Starr Fr.
Dragon Frig.
Elizabeth Frig.
Increase Frig.
Nonsuch Frig.
President Frig.
Weymouth Pinck,
Swallow, or Antilop,
Now or lately in the Irish Seas; and must, not long hence, at their respective Times come to re-victual.
Newly victualed, or fitting at Portsmouth.
Late at The Downes, or falling thither.


"That this Committee doth approve of the Employment and Sending of the said Ships as aforesaid; that the Commanders of the Vessels abovementioned to be newly victualed, or fitting at Portsmouth, be required to hasten away into the Irish Seas; that the Captains of The Antilop and Swallow be hastened to their respective Charges; and that Report be made hereof to both Houses of Parliament.

"W. Jessop, Secretary."


House adjourned till 10a cras.


  • 1. Origin. House.