Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1991.
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'Hackney Petty Sessions Book: 1752 (nos 1076-1108)', in Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book, ed. Ruth Paley (London, 1991), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol28/pp182-194 [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Hackney Petty Sessions Book: 1752 (nos 1076-1108)', in Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book. Edited by Ruth Paley (London, 1991), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol28/pp182-194.
"Hackney Petty Sessions Book: 1752 (nos 1076-1108)". Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book. Ed. Ruth Paley (London, 1991), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol28/pp182-194.
1076. The Persons whose Names are hereunder written having been elected at the Court Leet to Execute the following Offices for the year 1752 appeared to take upon them the same,
Kingshold: Constable: James Bolton sworn [for] William Plant. Headborough: Samuel Stanroyd, Church Street Division sworn. Aleconner: James Atkins Sworn [for] Benjamin Wensley.
Lordshold: Constable: Andrew Grinley Sworn [for] Walter Graham. Headboroughs: James Atkins Sworn [for] William Branson, Mare Street Division; John Rogers, [Mare Street] Division, Sworn;
John Cowley Sworn [for] Alexander Sheafe, Upper Homerton Division; William Cawne Sworn [for] Benjamin Shervill, Clopton Division; John Johnson Sworn [for] John Clarke, Grove Street Division; Robert Ward, [Grove Street] Division, Sworn. (fn. 1)
1077. The Persons whose Names are underwritten were Sumoned to give an account of their respective last settlements. To witt
Clapton: William Caton, Sworn.
Mare Street: Samuel Webb, Sworn.
Dorleston: Richard Dale, Sworn, One Month.
Well Street: William Johnson, Sworn, One Month; William Room, Sworn.
1078. Mr S. Woolmer desired an Order to Mr Slater to pay him the Ball. of his Acct. as Ch. W. [Marginal entry: to bring his Acot. next P. Sess.] (fn. 2)
1079. Adjd. to [Fryday deleted] Teusday next 11 o'Clock. (fn. 3)
The Blue Posts Tavern: Tuesday, 21 April 1752
Justices present: Henry Norris, John Dekewer, George Garrett
1080. Nathaniel Roberts who lately kept an Alehouse at the Sign of the Cock and Red Cap on Stanford Hill Attended and complained That he is turned out of the said House by his Landlord And therefore desired That he may have his Licence continued to him in some other House which he shall take for that Purpose. Ordered That Jacob Green who hath now taken the said House have Notice given him and be Sumoned to appear at the next Petty Sessions to Shew cause why he takes upon him obstinately and upon his own Authority to keep a Comon Alehouse or Victualling House within this Parish And uses Commonly the Selling of Ale Beer &c to be drank in his said House he not having a Lawfull Licence for that Purpose And why he should not be prosecuted according to Law for the Same. [See 1086].
1081. Paul Bishop, who was Elected at the Court Leet for the Lords Hold to Execute the Office of Headborough for Dolston and Kingsland Division for the Year 1752. Appeared and desired that Thomas Taylor might be sworn into the said Office in his Stead which the Justices agreed to and he was Sworn accordingly to Execute the said Office.
1082. Benjamin Wright appeared and complained That one John Davy did on the [blank] cheat & defraud him of Two Shillings and Six Pence under pretence That he was Sumoning Bailiff and that he was come to sumon the said Benjamin Wright to serve on A Jury And that for the sd Two Shillings & Six Pence he would Excuse him therefrom And [blank] Chase the Summoning Bailiff attended and declared That the said Benjamin Wright is not Sumoning Bailiff Therefore on the Oath of the said Benjamin Wright as aforesaid and that he did give credit to the said pretence of the sd. John Davy and accordingly did give him the said Two Shillings and Six Pence for the Purpose aforesaid A Warrant was granted to apprehend the sd. John Davy.
1083. Warrants were Signed and Sealed by Henry Norris and John Dekewer Esqs whereby Nehemiah Ring and Edward Barnard ChurchWardens of the Parish of Saint John at Hackney were appointed Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish for the Year 1752.
1084. Ordd. Notice to Jerry Bowne & Wm Perkins to appear. (fn. 4) [See 1088].
1085. Adjourned to this Place to Fryday next at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon.
The Blue Posts Tavern: Friday, 24 April 1752
Justices present: Henry Norris, John Dekewer, George Garrett
1086. Jacob Green Attended being Sumoned to Shew Cause why he takes upon him obstinately and upon his own authority to keep an Ale House or Victualling House within this Parish and uses commonly the selling of ale Beer &c to be Drank in his said House he not having a lawfull Licence for that purpose And why he should not be prosecuted according to Law for the same and confessed that he does so and begged Pardon of the Justices for the said Offence. And the said Justices Signed a Licence authorizing and allowing him to draw and sell Beer and Ale [& Beer deleted] untill the next General renewing of the Licences of Victuallers. [See 1080].
1087. Mr Nehemiah Ring, Church Warden and Overseer of the Poor of the Parish of Saint John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex made Oath that Mary Denby Wife of Thomas Denby very lately applyed to him for releif for her and her Child and complained That her said Husband is run away from her without making any Provision for her And that She is in necessitous circumstances And he did releive her accordingly And the said Mary also testyfyed the same on her Oath The said Justices thereupon Issued a Warrant at the request of the said Nehemiah Ring to apprehend the said Thomas Denby to answer the said Complaint And to be further dealt with according to Law.
1088. Signed Warrt appointing Jerry Bowne an Overseer. (fn. 5) [See 1084].
1089. Ordd. Notice to Dan11: Stacy. (fn. 6)
1090. Signed a Pass to Remove Ann Leaking (the wife James Leaking who &c) & her [2 Children deleted] Sons to wit [Dan deleted] James aged abt. 2 Yrs & Daniel aged abt. 8 Mos. to the Parish of Ridge in the County of Hertford in their Way to the Kingdom of Ireland the Place of [his & deleted] their last legal Settlement as a Vagrant Wandring abroad & Lodgeing in the open air and not giving a good acct. of herself. (fn. 7)
The Blue Posts Tavern: Thursday, 7 May 1752
Justices present: Henry Norris, John Dekewer, George Garrett
1091. The following Persons were sumoned to appear this Day to answer a Complaint Exhibited against them for having exercised their Trades or Ordinary Callings in the Parish of St: John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex on Sunday the 3d Day of May instant and to Shew Cause why they should not be convicted and the Penalty levyed on them as the Law directs. Viz:
Ann Kemp, at the Catt and Shoulder of Mutton, in Mare Street On the Oaths of Nehemiah Ring and Edward Barnard Church Wardens 8 Persons drinking, others drinking in other rooms, Mrs Kemp making Liquors Cakes made ready for baking, which she confessed, and was therefore Convicted and ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & paid 5s.]
Philip Holmes, at the Green Dragon, in Well Street Vict. On the Oaths of Nehemiah Ring and Edward Barnard & his own Confession - Convicted & Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & paid 5s.]
Ann Williams, at the Spread Eagle, Homerton Vict. Only one came out of the House Drunk, which she alledged came in drunk & was turned out by her. [Marginal entry: Excused.]
Michael Walton, at the Flying Horse, in Mare Street, Vict. The Evidence not being Clear, he was not convicted. [See 1103].
1092. Ordered That the appellts [for deleted] against the Poors Rate be heard on Fryday the 29th: Instant.
The Blue Posts Tavern: Saturday, 16 May 1752
Justices present: Henry Norris, John Dekewer
1093. The Persons whose names are hereunder written were by a Warrant under the hand & seal of Henry Norris Esq sumoned to appear here this Day to shew cause why they should not be convicted and the Penalty levyed on them as the Law directs for severally exercising their Trades or Ordinary Callings on Sunday the Tenth Instant in this Parish, viz
James Vaughan, at the Mermaid Tavern in Church Street On the Oath of Nehemiah Ring, Church Warden Company drinking had Wine on the Table before them, which he Confessed and was therefore Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & paid 5s.]
Robert Gardiner, at the two Black Boys in Well Street Victualler On the Oath of Nehemiah Ring Several Persons sat on benches in the Yard with Drink before them and others in the Garden but it appearing not to be quite three o'th Clock And promising not to offend was Excused.
[Marginal entry: Excused.]
Thomas Wood, at the Falcon in Homerton Victualler. On the Oath of Nehemiah Ring several Persons sitting on Benches in the Yard drinking with drink before them about half an hour after three therefore Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted and pd. 5s.] Joseph Souter, at the Greyhound in Homerton Victualler On the Oath of Nehemiah Ring four or five Persons drinking in an Arbour in the Garden and [more deleted] several Company's drinking and Smoaking in other Parts of his premises therefore Convicted he having Confessed the same and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & paid 5s.] Henry James Holloway, at the Adam & Eve in Homerton Victualler. On the Oath of Nehemiah Ring Company Drinking in his House abt. half an hour after three o'th Clock Which he Confessed Therefore was convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & pd. 5s.] Sarah Hattersley, at the Mermaid & Bird in Hand, in Church Street Vict. On the Oath of Nehemiah Ring Several Companys drinking and Beer bringing out of the Cellar about half an hour after three o'th Clock Which She Confessed therefore Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted and paid 5s.]
Elizabeth Hurdle, in Mare Street, Chandler. On the Oath of James Atkins That he delivered her a Sumons to her Signed by Mathew Eagelsoe Constable to appear here this Day for that Purpose. She Did not appear. [Marginal entry: Summoned, did not appear.] Nehemiah Ring, One of the Church Wardens of the Parish of St. John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex gave an Information upon Oath against Elizabeth Hurdle aforesaid for Exercising her Trade or Ordinary Calling in the said Parish on Sunday the Tenth Day of May instant To wit Serving Customers with Chandlery Wares. The said Justices signed a Sumons requiring her to appear at the House of Henry Norris Esq in Well [recte Grove] Street, in this Parish on [Fryday deleted] Tuesday next at five of the Clock in the afternoon to answer the said Information. [See 1102, 1108, 1127].
The Blue Posts Tavern: Friday, 29 May 1752
Justices present: Henry Norris, John Dekewer, George Garrett
1094. The Persons whose Names are underwritten were sumoned to appear here this Day to shew cause why they have refused or Neglected to pay the several Sums of Money set down against each of their Names which they are rated towards the relief of the Poor of the Parish of Saint John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex and were due at Ladyday last past.
Church Street: fol. 2, Isaac Silver rated £1 10s., to pay, £1 [marginal entry: pd]; Joseph Faikney rated £3, Empty; fol. 5, Martha Walker rated 6s., Excused; fol. 13, Daniel Milner rated 6s., Excused; fol. 23, William Margerum rated £1 2s. 6d., to pay, £1 2s. 6d., Paid; James Hodges rated £1 4s., to pay, 18s., Paid; fol. 26, Nathaniel Irlam rated 6s., Excused; fol. 28, Mathew Perks rated 12s., Gone; fol. 30, Thomas Bishop rated 4s., Excused.
Mare Street: fol. 34, Thomas Davis rated 6s., [To pay ¾. deleted] Excused [4s. deleted]; fol. 44, William Flaxmore rated 6s., to pay, 6s., Paid; fol. 45, Henry Godfrey rated 6s., Paid ½ a year, 3s., pd; fol. 49, John Rust rated 12s., Paid 12s., pd; fol. 51, Aaron Gomez da Costa rated £1 4s., to pay, 12s. [marginal entry: pd]; fol. 53, [Joseph deleted] Edward Parsons rated 6s., [marginal entry: Ex]; fol.55, *James Bowine, rated 16s. 6d.; fol.56, Elizabeth Thompson rated 6s., Paid, 6s., pd; William Archer rated 10s. 6d., Paid, 10s. 6d. pd; fol. 61, Deborah Olderhead rated 6s., Excused; fol. 62, Ann Potts rated 6s., Paid, 6s., pd.
Well Street: fol. 69, Elizabeth Sadler rated 6s., Excused; fol. 70, William Morris rated 12s., Excused; fol. 72, Peter Mangender rated 6s., Excused.
Homerton: fol. 81, Andrew Ram rated £1 2s. 6d., Paid, £1 2s. 6d., pd; fol. 86, James Todd rated 6s., Paid, 6s. pd; Elizabeth Lloyd rated £1 2s. 6d., Paid, £1 2s. 6d., pd; fol. 87, James Rolph rated 9s., Excused this year; fol. 88, Edward Brooksby rated £1 17s. 6d., to pay, £1 17s. 6d., Paid; fol. 93, Deborah Vandercluse rated 6s., Paid, 6s., pd; fol. 96, Thomas Cooper rated 6s., Excused; fol. 97, Charles Wale rated £1 10s., Paid, £1 10s., pd [marginal entry: John Mathews]; fol. 98, Abel White [and] George Needham rated 12s., Paid 1 Qut, 3s., pd [marginal entry: Ex]; fol. 99, Robert Singfield rated 10s. 6d., Gone; Margaret Jones rated £1 2s. 6d., Gone; fol. 100, Ann Williams rated 12s., Excused; fol. 101, John Hampson rated 6s., Excused; Elizabeth Morgan rated 12s., to pay 12s., Paid; fol. 106, Philippa Maria Bates rated 6s., Paid, 6s., pd; fol. 109, Margaret Sadleir rated 6s., Excused; fol. 110, Daniel Stacy rated £4 11s. 6d., to pay £4 2s. 6d. [marginal entry: pd]; fol. 112, John Cox rated 19s. 6d. [marginal entry: pd].
Clopton: fol. 116, Elizabeth Trevor rated 12s., Not to be found; Nathaniel Simpson rated 15s., Paid, 15s., pd; fol. 118, Robert Reeves rated £1 10s. 9d., Excused; fol. 121, Margaret Gilding rated 6s., Excused; Mary Dixon rated 9s., Paid, 9s., pd; James Oliver rated 9s., Excused; fol. 122, Daniel Thomas rated 6s., Paid, 6s., pd; fol. 124, John Watson rated 6s., Gone; fol. 128, Abraham Judah rated £3 6s., to pay £3 1s. 6d. [marginal entry: Spial Warrt]; fol. 131, Thomas Reeves rated 6s. [marginal entry: Ex]; fol. 133, Henry White rated 6s., Paid, 6s., pd; John Pickett rated 6s., Paid, 6s., pd; fol. 134, Richard Hedge rated 6s., Excused; fol. 136, John Wolf rated 6s., to pay ½ Year, 3s., Paid; fol. 137, Nicholas Bartmaker rated £2 12s. 6d., to pay £2 5s., Paid.
Newington: fol. 142, Ann Crow rated 12s., Paid, 12s., pd; Stephen Humphries rated 7s. 6d., Paid, 7s. 6d., pd; fol. 147, William Lacey rated 6s. [marginal entry: Ex]; fol. 149, John Hughes rated 12s. [marginal entry: Ex]; fol. 150, John Brooksby rated £1 10s., to pay, £1 10s., Paid; John Stonard rated 12s., to pay, 9s., Paid.
Shacklewell: fol. 151, Henry Simson rated 12s., Excused this Year.
Kingsland: fol. 161, Elizabeth Chace rated 9s., Excused.
Dorleston: fol. 163, George Henderson rated 9s., Gone; fol. 164, Michael Metcalfe rated 6s., Excused; Paul Bishop rated 6s., Paid, 6s., pd.
Landholders: fol. 166, Thomas Johnson rated 3s., to pay, 1s. 6d., Paid; Dinah Cox rated £1 17s. 6d., Paid, £1 17s. 6d., pd; Simon Boulton rated £1 10s., Excused; fol. 168, John Taylor rated 12s., to pay, 12s. [marginal entry: pd]; Samuel Holland rated 3s., Excused.
1095. John Dekewer Esq Signed a Warrant to apprehend John Keymer on the Oath of John Moore for threatning to do him a Mischeif and fire his House And for that he is afraid of some bodily harm to be done to him by the said John Keymer.
1096. Abraham Judah, appeared being sumoned to appear here this Day in order to shew Cause why he did refuse or neglect to pay the Sum of Three Pounds and Six Shilllings which he is rated and assessed towards the releif of the Poor of this Parish and was due at Ladyday last, and why a Warrant of Distress should not be Issued out to levy the same as the Law directs And he now refused to pay the said Sum so rated and Assessed upon him as aforesaid Although the said Justices offered to abate the Sum of four shillings and Six Pence part thereof and to accept the sum of Three pounds One Shilling and Six pence in [full deleted] stead thereof. (fn. 8) [See 1100].
1097. William Smethergill applyed for leave to draw Drink at the Six Bells in Church Street in the room of Hester Tennant removed Which the Justices will consider off and he was directed to produce an Attestation of his good behaviour under the hand of Col. Willoughby; who he had declared would give him such a one.
The Blue Posts Tavern: Tuesday, 2 June 1752
Justices present: Henry Norris, John Dekewer
Forenoon, from ¼ before 10, to 12.
Afternoon, from ¼ before 3, to ¼ before 5.
1098. The Persons whose Names are hereunder written were by a Warrant under the hand and Seal of Henry Norris Esq sumoned to appear here this Day to shew Cause why they should not be convicted and the Penalty levyed on them as the Law directs for severally exercising their Worldly Trades or ordinary callings on Sunday the Twenty fourth day of May last in this Parish, viz:
Robert Nutkins at the Kings Arms at Kingsland Victualler On the Oath of Edward Barnard Church Warden Entertaining Company in his House which he confessed Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted and pd. 5s.]
William Bunch, at the Red Lyon at Dorleston Victualler On the Oath of Nehemiah Ring Church Warden Several Persons drinking in his House and two men drinking in his Yard Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & pd: 5s.]
John Lavinder, at the Black Bull, at Kings land Victualler On the Oath of Edward Barnard Church Warden Two Persons drinking in a Room with Liquor before them which he Confessed Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & pd. 5s] Samuel Wade, at Kingsland, Pastry Cook Charged by Nehemiah Ring Church Warden with making Cakes and heating his Oven to bake them all which he Confessed and justifyed. Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted and pd. 5s.]
Robert Ward, at the Cock at Shacklewell Victualler On the Oath of Nehemiah Ring Church Warden Several Persons drinking in his House and Yard Which he Confessed Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted and pd. 5s.]
John Hughes, at the Coach and Horses at Newington, Victualler Charged by Nehemiah Ring Church Warden with Entertaining Company the Doors open To witt 3 Persons drinking up one pair of stairs He Confessed That Two Persons (and not more) were drinking up Stairs But alledged in his Excuse That they were relations Viz one of them his Brother and the other his Brothers Wifes Brother and that they dined with him and were there as Freinds and not Guests and did not pay for any thing they eat or drank therefore was Excused, and promised not to entertain Company on the Lords Day. [Marginal entry: Excused]
Henry Field, at the Jolly Butchers at Newington Victualler Charged by Edward Barnard Church Warden with Several Persons drinking in his House to which he Confessed. Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted and pd. 5s]
Joseph Goodwin, at the Weavers Arms, at Newington, Victualler On the Oath of Edward Barnard Church Warden Several Persons drinking at the Door of his House and in the back-Yard belonging to and behind his House and drinks before them all, The Doors all open backwards and forwards Which he confessed. Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & pd. 5s]
Elizabeth Ward, at the Bird Cage, Stanford Hill, Victualler On the Oath of Edward Barnard Church Warden Several Persons drinking in [the deleted] her House Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & pd. 5s]
Isaac Garrett, at the Sign of the Turnpike, Stanford Hill, Victualler Charged by Edward Barnard Church Warden with Several Persons drinking in the fore Room of his House which he confessed Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & pd. 5]
Samuel Woolmer, at the White Hart, at Clopton, Victualler. Confessed entertaining Company and that Several Persons were Drinking in his House Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & pd. 5s] [See 1108].
1099. Ordered That John Keymer have Notice That he bring a Certificate from the Place where he was last legally Settled, in fourteen Days. [See 1050, 1052].
1100. Qu[ery] Abraham Judah, q if Rate lawfully demanded of him haveing been dem: only by the last Overseer (then out of Office). (fn. 9) [See 1096].
1101. Allowed R[ichard] D[ann]'s Bill for Business done for the Parish on the account of Mr. Thos. Slater the late Churchwarden from 14 Octr:1751 to 21 April following amounting to [blank]. R[ichard D[ann]'s Bill for Business &c was Examined & allowed. (fn. 10)
The Blue Posts Tavern: Wednesday, 17 June 1752
Justices present: George Garrett, John Dekewer
1102. The Persons are [sic] hereunder written were by a Warrant under the Hand and Seall of George Garrett Esqr Sumoned to appear here this Day to answer a Complaint Exhibited against them by Nehemiah Ring and Edward Barnard Church Wardens on the fifteenth Day of June instant for having Exercised their several & respective Trades or Ordinary callings in the Parish of St. John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex on Sunday the Seventh [and on Sunday the fourteenth deleted] Day of this Instant June and to shew cause why they should not be Convicted And the Penalty levyed on them as the Law directs. Viz: Mary Gibbs, at the Sign of the Tower, in Church Street in Hackney Victualler Convicted on her Confession for Entertaining Company on Sunday the 7th. Instant in her House and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted and paid 5s.]
Hugh Kennedy at the White Horse & Cock in Church Street in Hackney, Victualler On the Oath of Nehemiah Ring Church Warden - Company drinking in his House Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & pd. 5s.]
John Farnell, at the Six Bells, in Church Street, Victualler On his own Confession two Persons Drinking in his House. Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & pd. 5s.]
Joseph Swaby, at the Rose & Crown, Cambridge Heath, Victualler On the Oath of Edward Barnard Church Warden several Persons drinking and Smoaking in his House Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. – NB. He did not appear but sent his Wife (who was heard what she could say). [Marginal entry: Convicted & pd.]
Michael Walton, at the Flying Horse, in Mare Street, Victualler Some favourable Circumstances appearing in his behalfe he was for this Time Excused. [Marginal entry: Excused.]
Sarah Hattersley, at the Mermaid & Bird in Hand in Church Street, Victualler Convicted on the Confession of John Bourn whom she sent in her Stead 4 Persons drinking in one Room in her House and one Man & one Woman in another Room in her House and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & pd: 5s.]
Martha Herbert, at the Plow in Hommerton Victualler On Confession of J Guy her Son in Law (whom She sent in her Stead) One Person drinking Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted and pd. 5s.]
Joseph Souter, at the Greyhound in Hommerton, Victualler Convicted on his own Confession Entertaining Company - Several Persons drinking in his House & Gardens and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & pd. 5s.]
Thomas Wood, at the Falcon, in Homerton, Victualler. Charged with two or three Persons Drinking in his House which he confessed and alledged they were relations of his Wife who came to see him on a Visit and as Visitors & not as Guests and did not pay for anythink [sic] they did eat or Drink Wherefore he is Excused for this time. [Marginal entry: Excused.] [See 1093, 1108, 1127].
1103. The following persons were also sumoned to appear here this Day by a Warrant under the hands & seals of George Garrett Esqr for having Exercised their Several Trades or Ordinary Callings on Sunday the fourteenth day of June instant in the said Parish To witt,
Gabriel Carter, at the Wick, Millman His Wife attended and declared That he is 100 Miles Distant and confessed That his Servants did Exercise the Trade on that Day But that it was a Case of Necessity and therefore on her Promise not to work any more on a Sunday he was Excused. [Marginal entry: Excused]
John Goaler, at the White Hart, at Temple Mills, Victualler Convicted on his own Confession several Persons Drinking in his House and Yard and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & pd. 5s.]
Lyonell Batsford, at the Ferry in the Marsh, Victualler Confessed a Great Many Persons drinking in his House and Yard but in Consideration of his having a large Family and that he promised not to offend again was Excused for this time. [Marginal entry: Excused]
John Crosley, at the Ferry in Clopton Victualler Confessed Several Persons drinking But promising to behave better for the future was Excused for this Time. [Marginal entry: Excused]
William Coleburn, at the Kings Head, in Clopton, Victualler. Confessed five or Six persons drinking at the Door of his House Convicted & Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & pd. 5s.]
Mary Hill, at the Crooked Billet, in Clopton, Victualler Confessed Several Persons drinking in the Yard belonging to her House but in Consideration of her great Age (78 Years) and bad Circumstances she was Excused for this time on her Promise not to offend again. [Marginal entry: Excused]
James Brasier, at the Ferry, in Clopton Victualler Confessed Entertaining Company but promising to do so no more on a Sunday Excused for this time. [Marginal entry: Excused]
Jacob Green, at the Swan, Stanford Hill Victualler Convicted on his own Confession Several Persons drinking in his Yard belonging to his House and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & pd. 5s.]
Ann Kemp, at the Shoulder of Mutton & Catt in Mare Street, Victualler On the Oath of Nehemiah Ring making and Baking Tarts which was also confessed by a Person whom She sent to Excuse her not attending And also That she was Sumoned therefore the said Ann Kemp is Convicted and Ordered to pay 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted] [See 1091].
The Blue Posts Tavern: Monday, 3 August 1752
Justices present: Henry Norris, George Garrett
1104. Mary Lucy applyed for Leave to draw Drink at the Yorkshire Grey in Homerton late the House of George Needham removed till the next General Licensing which the Justices granted and Signed a Permissive Licence for that Purpose.
1105. The Person underwritten was by a Warrant under the Hand and Seal of Henry Norris Esqr sumoned to appear here this Day to answer a Complaint Exhibited against him by Nehemiah Ring and Edward Barnard Church Wardens for having exercised his Trade or Ordinary calling on Sunday the Second day of August instant in the Parish of Saint John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex and to shew Cause why he should not be convicted and the Penalty levyed on him as the Law directs
John Cowling of Mare Street, in Hackney, Butcher On consideration of the Circumstances (which are but very indifferent) of the said John Cowling he is Excused on his Promise not to offend again in like Manner. [Marginal entry: Excused]
The Blue Posts Tavern: Saturday, 15 August 1752
Justices present:
The Blue Posts Tavern: Friday, 28 August 1752
Justices present: Henry Norris, John Dekewer
1106. Stoke Drayton brought in Custody of [blank] on a Warrt. Signed by Henry Norris and John Dekewer Esqrs for begetting Mary Atkinson Singlewoman with Child of a Female Bastard Child born of her Body in the Parish of St. John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex And the said Justices Signed an Adjudication of the said Stoke Drayton to be the reputed Father thereof [a deleted] One Copy of which was then Served on the said Stoke Drayton and another on the said Mary Atkinson. Stoke Drayton of Newington, Hackney, Labourer, George Watson of the same Wheelwright, bound each in £20, for the Appearance of Stoke Drayton at the next General Sessions of the Peace to abide such Order as the Justices shall then make concerning the sd. Female Bastard Child Whereof he is adjudged the reputed Father (if they shall make any) or else to abide the said Order made by the said Henry Norris and John Dekewer Esqs. (fn. 11)
1107. Mathew Dixon was committed to the House of Correction for want of Sureties [to indempnify deleted] and not indempnifying the Parish agst. a Bastard Child born of the Body of Elizabeth Riddle Singlewoman in the Parish of St. John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex. [See 1054, 1056, 1062].
The Blue Posts Tavern: Tuesday, 12 December 1752
Justices present: Henry Norris, John Dekewer [justices' names supplied from draft minutes]
1108. The Persons whose Names are hereunder written were by a Warrant under the hand and seal of [blank] Esq sumoned to appear here this Day to Shew cause why they should not be convicted and the Penalty levyed on them as the Law directs for severally Exercising their Trades or ordinary Callings on Sunday the Third Day of December instant in this Parish. Viz:
Joseph Sowter, at the Greyhound in Hommerton, Victualler On Oath of Edward Barnard That several Persons were drinking in the Garden belonging to the said Joseph Sowter's said Dwelling House which he also confessed he was convicted and paid the Penalty being 5s. [Marginal entry: Conv. & paid 5s.] (fn. 12)
Jeremiah Bowne at the Coach & Horses, Homerton Victualler Confessed that Company were drinking in his House [draft minutes add: but alledged the Gents had lodged at his House Saturday night] therefore convicted & paid 5s. [Marginal entry: Convicted & pd. 5s]
Daniel Bellnapp of Homerton Butcher. Confessed That a Peice of a Breast of Mutton was Sold by his Servant [draft minutes add: to John Price] (but said it was without his knowledge) declared he hath not, and promised he will not, sell Meat on Sundays Therefore was, for this time, Excused. [Marginal entry: Excused]
John Rust, of Church Street, Poulterer Charged with selling a Leg of Pork He alledged that it was sold on the Saturday before but owned That it was sent home to the Customer on the Sunday And was Convicted & paid 5s. [Marginal entry: Conv. & pd. 5s]
Mathew Booth, at the Blackmores Head, Clopton Victualler On Oath of Edward Barnard That a Soldier and two or three other Persons were drinking in his House which he confessed and that they were not part of his Family but alledged That they came to him about business and that he asked them to eat & drink but took no Money for it, was Convicted & pd. 5s. [Marginal entry: Conv. & pd. 5s.]
Robert Anderson, at the three Rabbitts, Clopton Victualler his wife appeared And confessed That her Maid Servant let in Mr: Samuel Woodfields Cowkeeper without her knowledge (She the sd. Mrs. Anderson being then at Church and promised not to offend therefore Excused. [Marginal entry: Excused]
Samuel Woolmer, at the White Hart, Clopton, Victualler Confessed that five Persons came to see him from London as Old acquaintance (they being [born deleted] natives of Clopton) and dined at his House and staid, but had nothing to drink during divine service, was Convicted & paid 5s. [Marginal entry: Conv. & pd. 5s] (fn. 13) [See 1093, 1098, 1102, 1127, 1130].
The Blue Posts Tavern: Monday, 29 January 1753
Justices present: Henry Norris, John Dekewer