Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1991.
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'Hackney Petty Sessions Book: 1734 (nos 695-778)', in Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book, ed. Ruth Paley (London, 1991), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol28/pp117-129 [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Hackney Petty Sessions Book: 1734 (nos 695-778)', in Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book. Edited by Ruth Paley (London, 1991), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol28/pp117-129.
"Hackney Petty Sessions Book: 1734 (nos 695-778)". Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book. Ed. Ruth Paley (London, 1991), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol28/pp117-129.
695. Martha Collins widow living at the Plow in Homerton attended pursuant to her Summons for keeping an [Ale deleted] Ill Governed and disorderly ale House and acknowledged her fault and promised to take a great deal of care for the future. Agreed That she be Excused for this time and in case she offend again that her License be Suppressed. [See 694].
696. Thomas Fowles applyed to have a License to sell Ale at the White [Hart deleted] Swan on Cambridge Heath in the room of [Philipa illegible removed deleted] Eliza. Lightwood removed. Agreed That he be Licensed at the next General meeting [for deleted] as shall be appointed for that purpose.
697. Richard Tye applyed to be Licensed to sell ale at the Faulcon in Homerton in the room of Philip Dunne removed. The said Richard Tye not being an Inhabitant of this Parish and the Rent of the said House not being Sufficient to make a Settlement, Agreed That further consideration of what is necessary to be done thereupon be respited until the next meeting. (fn. 1)
698. Ordered That Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to Ann Trott afflicted with the foul Desease one shilling for the present and two shillings pr week from this day and until further Orders. [See 706, 726].
699. Ordered That D°. do pay to Robert Ronsum two shillings and Six Pence towards his present Subsistance he having been very Lame and being very poor and out of Business.
700. Adjorned sine die.
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 4 February 1734
Justices present: Henry Norris, Stephen Ram
701. Took the Examinacon of George Barrenger touching his last Settlement which appeared to be in the parish of St John at Hackney. (fn. 2)
702. Signed an Order to remove Esther Coxon widow of Benjamin Coxon and Mary Esther seven years old and Mary five years old their lawful Issue from the parish of St Mary of Stratford Bow in the County of Middlesex to the parish of Westham in the County of Essex as the place of their last legal Settlement.
703. Ordered That Eliza. Wheeler and Ann Wheeler Children of John and Tomasin Wheeler be received into the work house and entertained there for two weeks. [See 707, 708].
704. Ordered That Ann Addes a Poor Child of this Parish be bound apprentice to John [recte Thomas] Sears of the parish of Westham in the County of Essex Baker and that Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay him forty shillings with her. [See 687, 710].
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 18 February 1734
Justices present: Stephen Ram, Henry Norris
705. Ordered That Susannah Twitchell aged 13 years a poor Child of the Parish of St. John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex be bound apprentice to Joseph French of the parish of St. Saviour in Southwark Pin Maker and that Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay forty shillings with her and also twenty shillings towards cureing her of a Scorbutical Humour and that she have the usual Clothing. [See 710].
706. Ordered That Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do provide Necessary clothing for Ann Trott. [See 698, 726].
707. Ordered That Elizabeth and Ann Wheeler be continued in the work house for one Week from this day. [See 703, 708].
708. Ordered That Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to Tomassin Wheeler five shillings towards buying her some Goods to put her into a way to get her living she being very poor. [See 703, 707].
709. Middlesex Jacob Upham Maketh Oath that this day as he was driving a Coach from the Yard belonging to Henry Davis in Church Street in the parish of St John at Hackney in the said County of Middlesex to the Stand over against the Church as the said Coach came over against the House of Mr Wm. Yelloly in Church Street in the sd parish the near Wheel Stopped suddenly against a large Stepping Stone in the Road which the said Mr Yelloly caused to be put against his said dwelling house by which means he was flung from the Coach box into the Road by which fall his Hip is bruised and that the Horses then ran away with the Coach and broke the pole peice. [signed] Jacob Upham. Sworn before us the 18th day of February in the year of our Lord 1734 [signed] Henry Norris Stephen Ram. Ordered That the said Mr. William Yelloly have notice to attend at the next meeting to answer the said Complaint and that the present Surveyors of the Highwayes of this parish be Summoned to attend at the same time to receive such directions as his Majesties Justices of the peace shall think proper to give relateing to the [deletion] said Highwayes. [See 713].
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 4 March 1734
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett
710. Allowed an Indenture of Apprenticeship whereby Susannah Twitchell a poor child of the parish of Hackney was bound to Joseph French of the parish of St. Saviour in Southwark pin maker and also one other Indenture whereby Ann Addes a poor Child of the said parish was bound to Thomas Seares of the parish of Westham in the County of Essex Baker. [See 687, 704, 705].
711. Ordered That Sarah Cavennough aged [sixteen deleted] fourteen years a Poor Child of the Parish of Hackney be bound apprentice to Randall Burr of Bacon Street in the Hamlet of Bethnal Green in the County of Middlesex Stocking maker and that Mr John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to him forty shillings with her and also twenty shillings to be laid out in necessary Clothing for her. [See 735].
712. John Westrop applyed to be Licensed to keep an ale house at the Bull at [Kingsland deleted] Newington in the room of the Widow Ware removed. Agreed That he be Licensed at the next General meeting to be held for that purpose.
713. Ordered That Mr. Wm. Yelloley be Summoned to attend at the next Special Sessions [to deleted] for the Highwayes to be held at the Court house in White Chapple to answer what shall be Objected against him for a nusance by him committed in the Common Highway within the parish of St John at Hackney for causing large Stones to be placed in the sd. Road by which meanes several of his Majesties Subjects have sustained Damage and that Jacob Upham have notice to attend at the same time and also the Surveyrs of the Highwayes of this sd parish to receive proper directions for removing the same. [See 709].
714. Henry Harrill made oath that he delivered a Summons to Thomas Mellers requiring him to attend his Majesties Justices of the Peace at this Petty Sessions to give an account of the place of his last legal Settlement - which he neglecting to do Ordered That a Warrant be made out to apprehend him for that purpose he being likely to become burthensome and chargeable to the parish.
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 25 March 1734
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett
715. Allowed an Indenture of apprenticeship whereby Edward Wilson aged Eleven Years a poor Child of this parish [of deleted] was bound to Robt. Brown fisherman of the Hamlet of Poplar and Blackwall in the County of Middlesex.
716. Signed Samuel Sadleirs Bill for Business done for the Parish amounting to the sum of nine pounds three shillings & Eight pence from November the 21st 1733 to the 25th of March 1734.
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 8 April 1734
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett
717. Poors Rate appellants: Thomas Pile rated 8s. reduced to 5s.; Robert Iles rated £2, reduced to £1 16s. 0d.; John Copley rated 5s. [marginal entry: paid]; John Steward rated 15s., not relieved; Edward Fox rated 8s., to bring a Certificate; William Mills rated 4s., Excused; William Browne rated 12s., Excused; John Sandford rated 7s., to pay; [William Rogers rated 4s. deleted]; Thomas Reeves rated 6s., Excused poor; William Rogers rated 4s., Excused poor; Martha Baxter rated 4s., Excused poor; Joseph Moore rated 8s., to pay; William Platt rated 4s., to pay; John Osman rated 4s., Excused poor; Elinor Atchison rated 4s., Excused poor; William Davis rated 8s., to pay 6s. Ordered That a warrant be forthwith made out to Levy the Poors Rate on the several defaulters.
718. Jemima Kirton Singlewoman made Oath that the Place of her last legal Settlement is in the Parish of Hackney by serving Samuel Webb Esqr. (fn. 3)
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 29 April 1734
Justices present: Henry Norris, Stephen Ram
719. Signed a nominacon warrant whereby Morgan Bynon and Edward Brooksby Churchwardens and Edward Nutt and John Cox Inhabitants of the Parish of Saint John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex were appointed Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish for the year 1734.
720. D°. for Henry Harrill Beadle.
721. Ordered That Mr John Davis Churchwarden do pay to Mary Seager a Poor Traveller whose husband Dyed in a Barn at Dorleston Eight shillings in order to help her and her four Children forward in their Journey.
722. James Odey made Oath that he is legally Settled in the Parish of Hackney. Ordered That the sd James Odey have a Certificate directed to the Churchwardens & Overseers of the Poor of the Hamlet of Ratcliffe in the County of Middlesex owning him and Ann his wife [Ann deleted] to be Inhabitants Legally Settled in the Parish of St John at Hackney in the said County.
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 13 May 1734
Justices present: Alexander Garrett
723. John Jennison made Oath that he is an Inhabitant legally settled in the parish of St John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex.
724. Ordered That Robert Inott aged Eleven years a poor child of this Parish be forthwith bound apprentice to Daniel Loiseauz of the Hamlet of Mile End new Towne in the County of Middlesex Weaver and that Mr Morgan Bynon the Churchwarden do pay forty shillings with him and also that he lay out twelve shillings in clothing for him he being almost naked.
725. Ordered That Edward Addes aged thirteen years a poor Child of this Parish be forthwith bound apprentice to Edward Poole of the same Parish Brewer and that Mr Morgan Bynon the Churchwarden do pay forty shillings with him.
726. Ordered That Mr Morgan Bynon Churchwarden do pay to Ann Trott afflicted with the foul Desease two shillings pr week from this day until further orders. [See 698, 706].
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 27 May 1734
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett
727. Eliza. Harvey made Oath that John Huntrod father of Lewis Huntrod aged about twelve years was last legally Settled in the Parish of St John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex. [See 780, 782].
728. Ordered That the warrant Signed by Samuel Tyssen Esqr against William Burrell for begetting Elizabeth Robinson Singlewoman with Child of a base Child or Children that when Born are likely to become burthensome and chargeable to the parish of St John at Hackney be Executed unless he gives Bond with Sureties to Indempnify [sic] the parish or [deletion] enters into Recognizance to appear at the next Quarter Sessions to answer the same. [See 105, 757, 786].
729. Edward Higgs applyed to have a License to Sell ale and Beer at the Sign of the Shipp the Bowling Green house in Clopton. Agreed That he be Licensed at the next General meeting for that purpose upon this Condition that it continues to be a Bowling Green [deletion] house.
730. Ordered That Ann Inott aged thirteen years a Poor Child of this Parish be forthwith bound apprentice to Daniel Loiseauz of the Hamlet of Mile End new Towne in the County of Middlesex weaver and that Mr Morgan Bynon the Churchwarden do pay forty shillings with her and also that he lay out twelve shillings in Clothing for her she being almost naked. [See 732].
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 10 June 1734
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Stephen Ram, Alexander
731. William Cumberland apprentice to George Fox a Farrier in Homerton complained against his said Master for beating and misusing him who attended to answer the said Complaint and acquainted the Justices that he Struck him on Thursday last with a small horse-whip [and deleted] for not getting up to worke in the morning at four a Clock [in the morning deleted] but it appearing to the Justices that the Correction he gave him was immoderate [and deleted] advised him not to do so for the time to come and also repremanded the boy and Ordered him to behave himselfe better for the future. [See 188, 233].
732. Allowed an Indenture whereby Ann Inott aged thirteen years a poor Child of this Parish was bound apprentice to Daniel Loiseauz of the Hamlet of Mile End new Towne weaver. [See 730].
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 15th July 1734
Justices present: Henry Norris, Alexander Garrett
733. Jane Ady made oath that Thomas Reynolds lately deceased was buried in Sheeps Wool only.
734. Allowed a Certificate directed to the parish of Mitcham in the County of Surry whereby William Pronton and Mary his wife were owned to be Inhabitants legally settled in the parish of Hackney.
735. Allowed an Indenture of apprenticeship whereby Sarah Cavennough aged fourteen years a poor Child of this parish was bound to Randall Burr of the Hamlet of Bethnal Green Stocking maker. [See 711].
736. Allowed an Indenture of apprenticeship whereby John Inott aged fourteen years a poor child of this parish was bound apprentice to Nicholas Loveman of the Hamlet of Poplar and Blackwall in the County of Middlesex Fisherman.
737. Mary Past peticoned to have a License for one of her houses at Cambridge Heath. The Justices Debateing matter are of Opinion that she ought not to have a License.
738. Ordered That Mr Morgan Bynon Churchwarden do pay to Elizabeth Barnes Widow ten shillings towards her subsistance in going to the place of her Settlemt her husband lately dying here and she having three Children to provide for.
739. Examined and allowed a Bill for Business done by Samuel Sadleir for the parish from Aprill the 6th last past to this day amounting to the sum of ten pounds fourteen shillings and four pence.
740. Ordered That a warrant be made out against George Fowler to answer the Complaint of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Hackney for neglecting to make provision for his wife and family whereby they are become burthensome and chargeable to the sd parish on the Oath of Mr. Morgan Bynon one of the Churchwardens. [See 805].
741. Ordered That Warrants be made out against Dorrington Browning Mary Feasant John Blakey and Mary Moreton to answer the Complaint of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of the parish of Hackney for Intruding themselves into the said parish to Inhabit as parishioners contrary to Law they being no legal Inhabitants therein and being likely to become burthensome and chargeable to the said parish and they having refused to attend us to be Examined upon Oath touching the place of their last legal Settlement although duely Summoned for that purpose. [See 744, 774].
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 29 July 1734
Justices present: Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett, Stephen Ram
742. The accounts of Mr Hezekiah Walker one of the Overseers of the poor of the parish of St John at Hackney for the year 1732 not having been audited - Ordered That a Warrant be made out directed to Stamp Brooksbank Esqr Mr. Matthias King Mr. John Howard Mr Charles Garrett John Nicholas Esqr Mr Gilbert Page Mr Michael Roan Mr James Lewis Beishers Mr James Huggett the Elder Mr Benjamin De Vinck Mr Robt Aldwinckle Capt Thomas Pangbourne and the present Churchwardens appointing them to be a Committee to audit the said accounts of Mr Hez: Walker and that any five of them be a Quorum and they are desired to make a report in writing under their hands or under the hands of any five of them to his Majesties Justices of the Peace resideing within the said Parish at a meeting hereby appointed to hold at this place this day fortnight at ten in the forenoon how they find the same.
743. Thomas Hilliard applyed to have a License to keep an ale house at Dorleston in the parish of Hackney in the room of Stephen Pattmore who kept the sign of the Two Brewers at Kingsland who lately ran away from the said House - Agreed That he have a License for that purpose at the next General Meeting to be held for Licensing of Victuallers [he deleted] his being weak which renders him incapable of following of his Business. [See 661].
744. John Blakey brought by Wm. Harris one of the Headboroughs of the parish of Hackney by virtue of a Warrant granted by Alexa. Garrett Esqr to give an account of the place of his last legal Settlement who made Oath that he was legal [sic] Settled in the parish of Tottenham in the County of Middlesex in right of his father John Blakey. [See 741].
745. John Hill made Oath that he is a Inhabitant legally settled in the parish of St John at Hackney by serving Mr John Brewer of the said parish Baker for a year at the wages of ten pounds and desired he might have a Cert directed to the parish of Redbourne in the County of Hertford owning him to be an Inhabitant of the sd parish of Hackney. Ordered That he have a Cert according to his said request.
746. Adjorned to this day fortnight to this place at ten in the forenoon.
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 12 August 1734
Justices present: Samuel Tyssen, Stephen Ram, Alexander Garrett
747. John Tennant applyed to have a License to keep the Ale house at the Sign of the Six Bells in Church Street in the room of Mary Philpott. Agreed That he be Licensed at the next General meeting to be held for Licensing Victuallers.
748. Ordered That Mr. Morgan Bynon the Churchwarden do pay towards the support of Elinor Broome wid°. a patient in Mr. Guys Hospital twenty [deletion] seven shillings for twenty seven weeks past.
749. Samuel Tyssen and Alexander Garrett Esqrs. took the Examinacon of Ann Bull Singlewoman touching the Female Bastard Child she was delivered of in the parish of St Mary Stratford Bow in the County of Middlesex on the nineteenth day of June last which is now living and Chargeable to the said parish [and deleted] By which she charged one John Devan late of the Hamlet of Mile End old Towne Velvet Weaver with being the reputed father of the said Female Bastard Child and accordingly signed an adjudication against the said John Devan the reputed father.
750. Signed an [sic] allowed the accounts of Mr John Davis Churchwarden and Overseer of the Poor of the Parish of St. John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex for the years one thousand seven hundred and thirty two and one thousand seven hundred and thirty three by which accounts there remains due to the parish the sum of twenty nine pounds seventeen shillings and two pence.
751. Signed and allowed the accounts of Mr. Hezekiah Walker and Mr. Joseph Sureties the late Overseers of the Poor of the parish of St John at Hackney for the year last past by which accounts there remains due to the said Parish the sum of One hundred forty three pounds [ten deleted] two shillings and Eleven pence.
752. Ordered That the said Mr John Davis [and deleted] Mr Hezekiah Walker and Mr Joseph Sureties do [do forthwith deleted] pay over the said several Ballances to Mr. Edward Nutt and Mr John Cox the present Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of St John at Hackney [deletion] on Monday next at ten in the forenoon at a meeting hereby appointed to be held at that time at the Mermaid Tavern. [See 755].
753. Adjorned to this day sennight to nine in the morning to this place.
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 19 August 1734
Justices present: Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett, Stephen Ram
754. Mr. John Davis late Churchwarden & Overseer of the Poor of the parish of Hackney for the years 1732 and 1733 paid to Mr Morgan Bynon the present Churchwarden & Overseer of the Poor of the said Parish the sum of Eighteen pounds one shilling and Eight pence which with the sum of Eleven pounds fifteen shillings and Six pence being the necessary Expences which he was at with Mr Hez; Walker one of the Overseers of the poor of the said parish in the year 1732 in Erecting the Workhouse and not [allow deleted] charged in his account for the said year and this day allowed by us amounts to the sum of twenty nine pounds seventeen shillings and two pence which was Ballance settled at the last meeting and which he was then Ordered to pay over to the said Mr. Bynon.
755. Mr. Hezek Walker and Mr Joseph Sureties Overseers of the Poor of the said parish of Hackney for the year 1733 pursuant to an order made at the last meeting this day paid to Mr John Cox and Mr Edward Nutt the present Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish the sum of One hundred forty three pounds two shillings and Eleven pence being the Ballance of their accounts and due to the parish in the discharge of their said Office. [See 752].
756. The following old Debts were this day discharged, To wit - Paid by Mr. Morgan Bynon Churchwarden: Mr Samuel Stanton apothecary, £17 3s. Od.; Mr Matthias Woodyard plumber, 11s. Paid by Mr John Cox & Mr Edwd Nutt overseers: Mr. Samuel Stanton apothecary more, £21 11s. 0d.; Mr. Edward Conyears Baker £32 16s. 0d.; Mr. Richard Phelpes Bell founder, £22 15s. 0d.; Mr. Matthias Woodyard plumber more, £40 7s. 0d.; Mr. Markham Spearing Bricklayer, £11. [Total] £146 3s. 0d.
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 7 October 1734
Justices present: Henry Norris, Stephen Ram
757. Took the Examinacon of Elizabeth Robinson Singlewoman touching the Female Bastard Child which she was delivered of on the third day of August last in the parish of Hackney in which she hath charged William Burrell a Breeches maker at Newington with being the father thereof. Ordered That an order of adjudication be made out against him and that he pay the sum of Eighteen shillings and Six pence which the parish hath been at and also to pay two shillings pr week so long as it shall continue chargeable to the parish. [See 105, 728, 786].
758. Biss Somers made Oath that his last place of last legal Settlement is in the parish of St Michael near Shipton Mallett in Somersetshire. [See 992].
759. Ordered That Mr Morgan Bynon the Churchwarden do forthwith cause the Bridge near the White Horse Ale House in Mare Street to be forthwith effectually repaired.
760. Ordered That Mrs. Sarah Browne have notice to remove the Nusance Occationed by her Cowes laying in the foot path leading from Mare Street and Well Street to Clopton and Homerton and cause the Soyle or filth which they made there forthwith to be taken up and in in [sic] Case she refuses or neglects to do it that Saml Sadleir our Clerk do cause a Bill of Indictment to be preferred against her to oblige her at the next Sessions to be held at Hicks=hall.
761. Adjourned to this day fortnight at 10 in the forenoone to this place.
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 21 October 1734
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen
762. Matthew Burgan applyed to have a License at the White Hart at Temple Mills in the Room of Samuel Phillipps. Agreed That he be Licensed at the next General meeting to be held for Granting Licenses.
763. James Bolton on his oath charged Thomas Cooke with assaulting him and kicking him upon his Legg on the 10th day of September last by which it was very much bruised.
764. James Martin of the parish of Saint John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex Gardener and Thomas Cooke of the same Labr make Oath That Elizabeth Horseman keeps a Common ale house or victualling house at the sign of the two Brewers at Kingsland in the said parish and hath used selling of Beer and ale by Retaile to be drank in her said house and did yesterday sell to these deponents three pints of mild Beer [deletion] which they drank in the said house and Thomas Cooke one of these deponents paid her four pence halfe penny for the said Beer. [Signed] James Martin, Thomas Cook. Sworne before us the 21st day of October in the year of our Lord 1734, [signed] Henry Norris Samuell Tyssen. A warrant was signed by the sd Justices to Levy 20s on the said Elizabeth Horseman for her said Offence.
765. Thomas Matthews applyed to have a License at the Bowling house in Clopton in the Room of Edmund Matthews. Agreed That he be Licensed at the next General Meeting to be held for Granting Licenses. [See 868].
766. Elizabeth Lort made Oath that her late husband William Lort was last legally Settled in the parish of St George in Southwark by Renting of a house of Sixteen pounds pr ann in the said parish and paying all parochial Taxes there and signed an Order to remove John her son aged 8 years thither. (fn. 4)
767. Ordered That Mr. Morgan Bynon the Churchwarden do pay to David Bentley the sum of four pounds and four shillings for Lodging and maintaining Thomas Perry from Aprill the 12th last past to the 21st of September following. [See 676, 686].
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 11 November 1734
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Stephen Ram, Alexander
768. Mr [blank] Hannand applyed for a License for a person to keep an alehouse at the sign of the George in Clopton in the room of Wm. Rowley who is removed to the next Door and is Licensed there - But there not being any Vacancy [and th deleted] Agreed that he cannot be Licensed until there is a Vacancy.
769. Mr. Edward Brooksby the Churchwarden having Exhibited his Complaint against John Inott for Insulting him and giving him abusive Language in the Execution of his said Office in the Work house and also refuseing to worke there which appearing notoriously plain by Evidences Examined before his face. Ordered That in Case any Complaint of this Sort shall be made against him for the time to come that he be Committed to the House of Correction.
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 9 December 1734
Justices present: Henry Norris, Stephen Ram
770. Examined and allowed Samuel Sadleirs Bill for Business by him done for the Parish from July the 16th last past to the 9th day of December Instant amounting to the sum of Eight pounds Seventeen shillings and five pence.
771. Took the examination of Mary Edwards Singlewoman touching the Female Bastard Child born of her Body in the parish of St John at Hackney on the sixth day of November last and signed an adjudication against William Goodchild the putative father thereof.
772. Thomas Kirke applyed to be Licensed at the sign of the two Black boys in Well Street in the parish of Hackney in the room of James Matchin. Agreed That he be Licensed at the next General meeting to be held for that purpose.
773. Took the Examination of William Coates passed from Saint Giles in the Fields in the County of Middlesex and it appears by the said Examination that his Settlemt is in this parish by his being a hired [sic] by the year wth George Carter Esqr.
774. Took the Examination of Mary Feasant touching the Female Bastard Child born of her Body in this parish wherein she chargeth one Charles Hawes of the parish of St John in Southwark in the County of Surry Oar maker with being the father thereof Ordered that an adjudication be made out against him and that he pay twelve shillings & Six pence charges which the parish hath been at and two shillings pr week for so long time as it shall continue chargeable to the parish. (fn. 5) [See 741].
775. Thomas Warner made Oath that he is an Inhabitant legally settled in this parish by being a hired servant by the year with Dinah Wright and serving her Eight years and afterwards with her Executrix Mary Past in her same house for Seven years.
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 23 December 1734
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett,
Stephen Ram
776. Ordered That Mr. Morgan Bynon the Churchwarden do pay towards the Clothing of Mary the daughter of George Rumsey twelve shillings she being almost naked and Mrs Vandercleus being willing to take her into her service.
777. The Defaulters who have neglected to perform their Statute worke on the Highwayes within the parish of St John at Hackney were this day heard.
778. Ordered That a Warrant of Distress be made out against the several Defaulters who did not appear according to their Summonses and also agst those who did appear but could not assign any reasonable Excuse for their not havinging [sic] performed their Statute worke or paid towards the necessary repairation of the said Highwayes to Levy the several Sumes which they have forfeited for their neglect.
The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 6 January 1735
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett