Hackney Petty Sessions Book: 1733 (nos 604-94)

Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1991.

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'Hackney Petty Sessions Book: 1733 (nos 604-94)', in Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book, ed. Ruth Paley (London, 1991), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol28/pp103-117 [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Hackney Petty Sessions Book: 1733 (nos 604-94)', in Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book. Edited by Ruth Paley (London, 1991), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol28/pp103-117.

"Hackney Petty Sessions Book: 1733 (nos 604-94)". Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book. Ed. Ruth Paley (London, 1991), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol28/pp103-117.

604. Complaint being made that the several Headboroughs of the Parish of St. John at Hackney have been very negligent in the discharge of their Duties at the several Watch-houses on the foot way within the said parish Ordered that they be summoned to attend at the next meeting to answer the said Complaint.

605. Mr. Hezekiah Walker and Mr. John Townsend the present Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of St. John at Hackney attended [altered from attending] pursuant to their Summons and laid before the said Justices their book of assessment for the relief of the Settled poor of the said parish for this present year by which it appears that they have collected £269:4s:9d and that they have paid £200 and upwards. Ordered That they do as soon as Possible compleat their said Collection.

606. Mary South Spr servt to Edward Batty Victr at the White Hart in Clopton in the Parish of St. John at Hackney brought by Henry Harrill one of the Headboroughs of the said Parish and charged upon the Oath of her said Master on violent Suspicion of having feloniously taken out of a Chest of Drawers which Stood in the Bed Chamber of the said Edwd. Batty 33 Guineas in Gold and about five pounds in Silver the Property of the sd. Edwd. Batty and Ester the wife of Wm. Hewson brot by the same Officer for being accessary to the sd. felony in receiving the said money knowing the same to be Stolen. The said Mary South confessed the same & was Committed to Newgate and the sd. Ester Hewson was committed to new prison and the following persons were bound to prosecute the said Mary South [and in the same sums] to prosecute Ester Hewson: Edward Batty of Hackney Victr in £80, Thomas Hodgson of the same Gent £40, Samuel Woolmer of the same Gardner £40. [See 60, 63.]

607. Signed a warrant to Levy the Penalty on those defaulters who have neglected to perform their Statute worke on the Highways within the Parish of St. John at Hackney on the Oaths of Mr John Harcourt & Mr Markham Spearing the present Surveyrs.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 22 January 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen

608. Signed the following Order upon Mr Thomas Wood - Middx:ss To Mr. Thomas Wood Churchwarden and Overseer of the Poor of the Parish of St. John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex for the year 1731. These are in his Majesties name to require you forthwith upon Sight hereof to pay to Mr. John Davis the present Churchwarden and Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish of St. John at Hackney the sume of Eleven Pounds Eighteen shillings and nine pence which you have Collected and received of the Inhabitants of the said Parish and is remaining in your hands beyond your disbursements in the discharge of your said Office of Churchwarden and Overseer of the Poor of the Parish aforesaid and in Case you do not comply with this our Order We will proceed against you according to Law Given under our hands & Seals the 22d day of January Anno Dmo 1733. [signed] Henry Norris, Samuell Tyssen.

609. Ordered That Mr John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to George Sherrard Eight shillings for nursing and maintaining Elizabeth Thornton for four weeks very sick & Weak.

610. Ordered That D°. do pay to Dianah Jennison two shillings she and her Children having been Sick for a considerable time. [See 390, 529, 550, 580].

611. George Fowler Headborough for [Well Street and deleted] Grove Street complained that there are so few persons residing within his ward that he cannot possibly perform his Duty at the Watch and therefore prayed to be allowed some men from the rest of the Headbors. Ordered That he be allowed two Watchmen from each Headborough.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 5 February 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett

612. Margaret Lee wid°. of William Lee made oath that her late husband was last legally settled in the Parish of St. John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex and that she hath not since gained any legal Settlement elswhere.

613. Ordered That Mr John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to Mary Anderson Wid°. five shillings towards her present Subsistance she having been sick and weak. [See 403].

614. Allowed an Indenture whereby Elizabeth Johnson aged fourteen Years a poor Child of the Parish of St John at Hackney was bound apprentice to Elizabeth Emerton of the Parish of St Mary Islington in the County of Middlesex milliner.

615. Signed a Warrant to remove Lionel Theed to the House of Correction to hard Labour for leaving his wife and Child without making provision for them whereby they have been and continue to be burthensome and chargeable to the said parish on the Oath of Mr John Davis Churchwarden. [See 620].

616. John Morris at the Kings Arms at Kingsland applyed for a License in the room of Wm. Boardman gone away from thence. Agreed That he have a License at the next General Meeting for that Purpose.

617. Allowed a Bill of Henry Harrill Beadle for conveying Wm. Tallis from Hackney to Walton in the Parish of Kimcoate in Leicestershire amounting to two Pounds Eighteen shillings and three Pence.

618. Adjourned to this day fortnight 9 in the morning.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 19 February 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Alexander Garrett, Samuel Tyssen

619. William Austin brought by Henry Harrill one of the Headboroughs of the Parish of St John at Hackney by vertue of a Warrant granted by Henry Norris Esqr for assaulting and Strikeing Eliza. North. Discharged both parties being agreed. [See 64].

620. Robert Lloyd Headborough of Hackney Gardener Bound in £20 To appear at the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Middlesex to be held at Hicks hall in St John Street to answer the Complaint of Henry Norris Samuel Tyssen and Alexa. Garrett Esqrs three of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the sd. County for willfully sufferring one Lyonel Theed to Escape out of his Custody whom he was to have conveyed to the House of Correction by virtue of a Warrant under the hands & Seals of the sd Justices and not Depart the Court without License. Coram Henry Norris Alexa. Garrett [and] Samuel Tyssen arm. [marginal note: returned - Aprill the 3d 1733]. (fn. 1) [See 615].

621. Ordered That a Warrant of Distress be made out against the Several Persons whose names are hereunder Written to Levey the poors Rate upon them they have refused or neglected to pay the same at the Complaint of Mr John Davis Churchwardn & Overseer.

Church Street: Thomas Masling Senr 6s.; Matthias Woodyard 10s.; John Singleton 4s.; Wm Gibbons 2s.; James Thompson 4s.

Mare Street: John Whittle 10s.; Wm. Shepherd 2s.; Eliza. Severn 7s. 6d.; James Bayes 3s.; Thomas Shepperson 2s.; Giles Lomas 2s. 6d.; Robert Bell 2s.

Homerton: Samuel Barnard £1; Wm Crotchrode 5s.; John Osman 2s.; Wm. Platt 4s.; Jeremiah Kemp 4s.; Henry Vaughan 4s.; Joseph Skearing 7s.; Elizabeth North 1s. 6d.; Frances Green 5s. 6d.; Henry Godwin £1 1s. 6d.; Ann Bartrum 2s.; James Simms 2s. 6d.

Clopton: Wm. Jones 3s.; Thomas Sowden 1s. 3d.; Edmund Matthews 6s.; Samuel Holdsworth 4s.; Richd. Hedge 2s.; Thomas Archer 2s.; Wm. Gateley 3s.

Newington: Thomas Barnard 2s. 6d.; Eliza. Thompson 7s. 6d.

Shacklewell: John Rice 5s.; Lambert Lance 10s.; James Mortimer 15s.

Dorleston: Thomas Hilliard 4s.; Henry Walker 4s.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 5 March 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Alexander Garrett

622. Signed a Warrant of Distress against the several Defaulters who have not paid the poors Rate upon the Oath of Mr John Davis Churchwarden & Overseer of the poor of the parish of St John at Hackney pursuant to an Order of the last Petty Sessions.

623. Took the Examinacon of Sarah Crew Singlewoman touching her legal Settlemt which appeared to be in the Parish of St James Clerkenwell in the County of Middlesex and signed an Order to send her thither. [See 641].

The Mermaid Tavern, Saturday, 10 March 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett

624. Ordered That Mr. John Harcourt and Mr James Huggett Junr the present Surveyrs of the Highwayes of the Parish of St. John at Hackney have notice to attend at a meeting hereby appointed to be held on Monday the 19th of this Instant March to receive directions for the better repairing and amending the Highwayes belonging to the said parish.

625. Hen: Norris Esqr Signed a Warrant to search the House of David Wight in Homerton for 14 Rabbitts Stole out of an Out house adjoyning to the dwelling house of Mr John Archer and his property on the Oath of the said Archer.

626. Allowed a Certificate owning Francis Woodfield a Lunatick to be an Inhabitant of the Parish of St. John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex.

627. Ordered That a Warrant of Distress be made out against the several persons whose names are hereunder written who have refused or neglected to pay the poors rate of the said parish of St John at Hackney upon the Oath of John Townesend one of the Overseers of the poor of the said parish.

Church Street: Elizabeth Morris 7s.; Richard Huggins 5s.; Daniel Card 6s.; John Baker 8s.; Christopher Mason 5s.; William Underhill 8s.; Thomas Masling Senr 12s.; Wid°. Newcome 4s.; John Singleton 4s.; Eliza. Bruce 8s.; Eliza. Fletcher 4s.; Samuel Bennett 12s.

Mare Street: John Whittle £1; Jacob Crew 8s.; William Shepherd 4s.; Walter Graham 8s.; Richard Stoakes 8s.; Susannah Stallard 10s.; Giles Lomas 5s.; Samuel Summer 5s.; William Brownson 5s.; Robert Bell 4s. Homerton: Ruth Dennett 4s.; Robt Dumbleton 6s.; James Arnold 6s.; Wm Crotchrode 10s.; John Barker 6s.; Luke Townesend 4s.; John Osman 4s.; John Webb 6s.; Wm. Pratt £3 15s.; Hez. Walker for Temple Mills £1; Henry Vaughan 8s.; Samuel Stockell 10s.; Joseph Skearing 14s.; Jacob Crew 6s.; Wm. Eames 10s.; John Archer 8s.; Francis Walker 3s.; Eliza. North 3s.; Thomas Monk 14s.; Wm. Henderson 10s.; Frances Green 11s.; Eliza. Loroder £1; Henry Godwin £2 3s.; Newman Bourne 6s.; James Simms 5s.; Wm. Hewitt 4s.; David Taylor 13s.; James Betts 4s.; John [Manshipp] 15s.

Clopton: David Martin £2; John Iles 6s.; John Pettett £1 5s.; John Hanson 15s.; Thomas Archer 4s.; Wm. Gateley 6s.; Jeremiah Woodley £3 5s.

Grove Street: John Rooke 6s.

Well Street: Thomas Wood £3 5s. 6d.

Newington: Henry Donmer 19s. 6d.; Thomas Barnard 5s.

Shacklewell: Elias Woodfield £1 16s.; Capt Fitzgerald 4s.; James Mortimer £1 10s.

Kingsland: Thomas Bartmaker £1 2s. 6d.; Alexander Spurling 4s.

Dorleston: Thomas Hilliard 8s.

Land Holders: Charles Crane 4s. 6d.; Bootes for Land late Sellmans 8s.

628. Adjorned to Monday next to this place by ten in the forenoon.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 19 March 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett

629. Henry Norris Esqr Signed a warrant to apprehend Sarah Browne Wid°. upon the oath of George Freeman her late Servt in Husbandry she refuseing to pay him 7s 6d for five dayes Labour.

630. Middx:ss Edward Bush and Thomas Cooke of the Parish of St John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex Labourers make oath that yesterday the 18th day of this Instant March they these Deponents together with one John Wheeler Drank five Quarterns of Distilled Liquors called Geneva in the House of David Wight in Homerton in the sd parish of St John at Hackney for which [paid deleted] they paid Seven Pence halfe penny and they these Deponents further say upon their Oaths that the said David Wight for some time past hath used commonly the selling of Distilled Liquors by retaile to be Drank in his said dwelling house. Edwd Bush [mark] Tho Cooke [mark]. Jurat 19° die Martij 1733 coram nobis [signed] Henry Norris Samuell Tyssen Alexa Garratt.

631. Ordered That Henry Crockford Johnson aged 13 years a poor Child of this Parish be bound apprentice to Thomas Gressingham of the Inner Temple Gent and that Mr John Davis the Churchwarden do pay him 40s with him. NB N°. 3 next Aleination Office Kings Bench Walks.[See 643].

The Mermaid Tavern, Saturday, 7 April 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen

632. The List returned by the Vestry for the Justices to appoint Overseers of the poor of the Parish of Saint John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex for the year ensuing is as follows: 16 years **Mr. Joseph Sureties; 11 years +Mr. John Whittle; 16 years +Mr. John Cox; 17 years +Mr. John Oswald; 10 years **Mr. Hezekiah Walker; 11 years +Mr. Robert Aldwinckle; 20 years +Mr. Edward Nutt; 7 years +Mr. John Howard; 7 years +Mr. William Yelloley; +Mr Gabriel Lopas Dies Piniera; +Mr William Brooks; 11 years +John Jacob Esqr.

633. Signed Warrants to appoint Mr John Davis Churchwarden and Mr Joseph Suretes and Mr Hezekiah Walker Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Saint John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex for the year one thousand seven hundred and thirty three.

634. Middlesex To wit Simon Ireton of the Parish of St John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex Smith and John Woodenton of the same Parish Carpenter make Oath that one Alexander Douglas living at a certain place called the Wick in the parish aforesaid hath for some time past used the selling of ale and Beer [deletion] by Retale to be drank in his house in the said parish and particularly on the twenty seventh day of March last he sold to these Deponents two pints of Strong Beer called two penny which [he deleted] they drank in his said dwelling house and for which they paid him four pence and they these Deponents further say not. [signed] Simon Ireton [and] John Woodington. Sworne before us the Seventh day of Aprill in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty three [signed] Henry Norris, Samuell Tyssen. Ordered That a warrant be made out to Levy the sume of twenty shillings upon the said Simon Ireton which he hath forfieted to the use of the poor of the parish of St John at Hackney were [sic] the said Offence was committed.

635. Signed the following order upon Mr John Townesend - Middlesex To wit To Mr. John Townesend one of the Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Saint John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex - We whose hands and Seals are hereunto Sett two of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex resideing within the Parish of Saint John at Hackney in the County aforesaid one whereof is of the Quorum having this day appointed Overseers of the Poor of the said parish for the year one thousand seven hundred and thirty three You the said John Townesend one of the Overseers of the poor of the said parish for the year last past are hereby required not to lay out or pay away any more of the money you have Collected and received of the Inhabitants of the said parish in the discharge of that office and also forthwith to make up an account in writing of all moneys by you collected received and paid in the discharge of [that deleted] your said Office and being so stated you are to lay the same before us at a Meeting hereby appointed to be held at the Mermaid Tavern in Church Street in the Parish aforesaid on Monday the twenty third day of this Instant Aprill by ten of the clock in the forenoon and in case you faile herein we will proceed against you as the Law directs Given under our hands and Seals the seventh day of Aprill in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty three. Henry Norris, Samuell Tyssen. [See 655, 659, 665].

636. Adjourned to Monday the twenty third day of Aprill one thousand seven hundred and thirty three.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 23 April 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett

637. John Davis of the Parish of Saint John at Hackney undertaker made Oath that Elias Beake lately Deceased was buryed in Sheeps Wool only.

638. Ordered That Susannah Holbrook aged ten years a poor Child of this Parish do go out upon liking to Joseph French of the parish of St Mary Overes in the County of Surry pin maker. [See 650, 654].

639. Ordered That the Clerk do make out a warrant to convey Elizabeth North to the County Goal on the oath of Mr. John Davis Churchwarden she refuseing to let the parish Officers come into her house to make a Distress for the poors Rate and that the Beadle do give her notice to attend at the next to shew cause why the said warrant should not be signed and Executed against her. [See 651].

640. Ordered That the Clerk do wait upon John Gould and Stephen Ram Esqrs and acquaint them that Complaint hath been made that their Servants do frequently throw weeds and dirt into the Road which hath frequently obstructed the Current of the Waters and been very detrimental to the same and to desire that they will give such directions as may prevent it for the future.

641. Granted a warrant to apprehend Robert Crew and Elizabeth his wife for harbouring and unlawfully entertaining Sarah Crew their daughter now big with Child of a Base Child who hath returned into this parish from the parish of Saint James Clerkenwell whereunto she was legally removed as the place of [his deleted] her last Legal Settlement whereby a Burthen and charge is like to be brought upon this parish on the oath of Henry Harrill. [See 623].

642. Ordered That Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay Samuel Sadleir his Bill for Business done for the parish from the tenth day of November one thousand seven hundred and thirty two to the twenty third day of Aprill following amounting to the sume of Eleven pounds and Six shillings.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 7 May 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen

643. Allowed an Indenture of apprenticeship whereby Henry Crockford Johnson aged thirteen years a poor Child of this parish was bound to Thomas Gressingham of the Inner Temple Gentleman. [See 631].

644. Ordered That Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to John Cawne two shillings & Six pence towards bearing his Expenses into Lincolnshire he being Sick & Weak.

645. John Cawne sworne to Execute the Office of Headborough for Clopton ward & parish of Saint John at Hackney in the room of Benjamin Evans.

646. Robert Barnes Sworne to Execute the Office of Headborough for Church Street ward and parish of Saint John at Hackney.

647. James Martin Sworne to Execute the Office of Headborough for Newington ward and Parish of Saint John at Hackney in the room of Barnard Byfield.

648. Ann Fisher made Oath that Bennet Hougham and Henry Mont [Mary Ross & William Gray deleted] lately deceased was buryed in Sheeps Wool only.

649. Elizabeth Blevin made Oath that Mary Ross and William Gray lately Deceased was buryed in Sheep's Wool only.

650. Ordered That Susannah Holbrook aged ten years a poor Child of this parish be forthwith bound apprentice to Joseph French of the parish of Saint Mary Overes in the County of Surry pin maker and that Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay forty shillings with her and Six shillings towards provideing some Clothes for her she being almost naked and having had the meazles since she hath been upon likeing with him. [See 638, 654].

651. Henry Harrill made Oath that he Summoned Elizabeth North to appear before the Justices this morning at this place and told her it was to shew cause why she should not be committed to the County Goal for refuseing to let the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor come into her house to make Distress for the Poors Rate and she not appearing pursuant to such notice a warrant was accordingly signed to convey her to Negate [sic] and to require him to keep her safely until she pays four shillings and Sixpence which she is rated towards the rielief of the poor of the parish of Saint John at Hackney for the year one thousand seven hundred and thirty two. [See 639].

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 4 June 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Alexander Garrett

652. Agreed That Mr. Samuel Bishop be Chosen Headborough for Dorleston and Kingsland [deletion] Ward in the parish of St. John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex in the room of Alexander Spurling who was Elected to and served that Office for the said [deletion] Ward in the year 1721 and Wm. Griffith was Sworne to Execute that Office in his room and Stead.

653. Elizabeth Blevin made Oath that Ann Rosewell and Thomas Herrington lately Deceased was buryed in Sheeps Wool only.

654. Allowed an Indenture of apprenticeship whereby Susannah Holbrook aged ten years was bound to Joseph French of the parish of St. Mary Overes of the County of Surry Pin maker. [See 638, 650].

655. Mr. John Townesend one of the late Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of St John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex not having laid his accounts in discharge of his said office in writing before us pursuant to several Orders for that purpose Ordered that a warrant be prepared by the Clerk to convey him to his Majesties Goal of Newgate as the Law directs for his contempt and neglect. [See 635, 659, 665].

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 18 June 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Stephen Ram

656. Ann Fisher made Oath before Stephen Ram Esqr that Richard Batty, Ann Frances and Barbara Rudge late of the parish of Hackney Deceased were buryed in Sheeps Wool only.

657. Elizabeth Blevin made Oath before Samuel Tyssen Esqr that James Wooten and George Small late of the parish of Hackney Deceased were buryed in Sheeps Wool only.

658. Henry Norris Esqr Signed a warrant to apprehend Margaret Hater on the Oath of Thomas Bartrum for assaulting and beating him and breaking his Windows.

659. The above named Justices this day auditted and Examined the accounts of Mr John Townesend one of the late Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Saint John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex for the year 1732 by which accounts it appears that there is remaining in the said Mr Townesends hands to ballance the said accounts the Sume of thirty three pounds one shilling and one penny which they ordered that he should forthwith pay [the said ballance deleted] over to Mr Hezekiah Walker and Mr Joseph Sureties the present Overseers of the poor of the said Parish. [See 635, 655, 665].

660. David Bentley applyed to be Licensed in the room of Ludlow Browne at the Kings head at Kingsland, agreed that [deletion] it be considered at the General Meeting for Licensing.

The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 16 July 1733 [The clerk has incorrectly dated this entry Monday 17 July]
Justices present: Henry Norris, Alexander Garrett, Stephen Ram

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 3 September 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett, Stephen Ram

661. Thomas Hilliard of Dorleston Weaver applyed for a License to keep an Ale house at Dorleston But there not being any vacancey agreed that he be not Licensed. (fn. 2) [See 743].

662. Ann Fisher made Oath that James Howard and Abraham Hewitt were buryed in Sheeps Wool only.

663. Ordered That Mr John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to Mary Kirby Widow One pound fifteen shillings for nursing and maintaining and necesary Expences for Ann the wife of Thomas Strainer for four weeks the time of her laying Inn she being afflicted with the foul Desease in a Violent manner.

664. Ordered That Mr John Davis the present Churchwarden and Overseer of the Poor of the Parish of Saint John at Hackney do prepare an account in writing of all moneys by him received and paid in the discharge of that Office for the year 1732 and lay the same before Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Stephen Ram, and Alexander Garratt Esqrs his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex at a meeting hereby appointed to be held at the Mermaid Tavern on Monday the tenth day of September 1733 in order to be Examined by us.

665. The following order was made upon Mr John Townesend.

Middlesex To Mr John Townesend one of the late Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of St. John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex. These are in his majesties name to require you forthwith upon sight hereof to pay to Mr. Hezekiah Walker and Mr. Joseph Sureties the present Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish of Saint John at Hackney Thirty three pounds one shilling and one penny being the Ballance due from you to the parish and is remaining in your hands in the discharge of that Office and in case you faile herein we will proceed against you as the Law directs - Given under our hands and Seals the third day of September in the year of our Lord 1733. [signed] Henry Norris, Samuell Tyssen, Stephen Ram, Alexa. Garrett. [See 635, 655, 659].

666. Adjorned to Monday the 10th of this Instant September to this place at nine in the morning.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 10 September 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Stephen Ram

667. Mary Townesend wife of Thomas Townesend made Oath that her said [Late deleted] Husband hath frequently used such threatening words to her that she apprehends [her deleted] to be in danger of her Life or of some Bodily harm he will do unto her and also that he hath frequently beat and abused her in breach of his [sic] peace. Ordered That he be Summoned to attend at the next Meeting to answer the said Complaint.

668. Richard Lawn Servt. to Mr. Wm. Thurston Hackney Coachman charged by Mr Richd Nicholas with defrauding and Cheating him of halfe Guinea. Agreed That it be respited until the next Meeting.

669. Ordered That Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to Mary Freeman five shillings for laying Thomas Stringers wife.

The Mermaid Tavern, Saturday, 27 October 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Alexander Garrett, Stephen Ram

670. Allowed a Certificate whereby George Kinward and Eliza his wife were owned to be Inhabitants legally Settled in the Parish of St. Mary of Stratford Bow in the County of Middlesex directed to the parish of Dudley in the County of Worcester.

671. Agreed That Richard Stoakes chosen Headborough for Mare Street Ward in the room of Zachariah Thompson removed out of the parish until the next General Court Leet to be held for the Mannor of Hackney and untill an other shall be chosen in his room or be otherwise legally discharged from that office and he was accordingly Sworne to Execute the sd Office.

672. Ordered That Susannah Stanley aged 12 years a poor child of this parish be bound apprentice to Robert Roberts of the Parish of St James Clerkenwell in the County of Middlesex Carman and that the Churchwarden Mr John Davis do pay him forty shillings with her and that she have a Cap two shifts a pair of Shoes and a pair of Stockings out of the worke house. [See 675].

673. Ordered That Sarah George aged ten years a poor Child of this Parish be bound apprentice to Thomas Taylor of the parish of St Andrew Holborn in the County of Middlesex Band Box maker and that Mr John Davis the Churchwarden do pay him forty shillings with her. [See 675].

674. Adjorned to Monday the 12th of November 1733 to [nine deleted] ten of the clock in the forenoon.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 12 November 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett, Stephen Ram

675. Allowed two Indentures of apprenticeship whereby Sarah George was bound to Thos Taylor of the parish of St Andrew Holborn in the County of Middx Band Box maker & Susannah Stanley to Robert Roberts of the parish of St James Clerkenwell in the same county Carman. [See 672, 673].

676. Thomas Perry applyed [and deleted] for reliefe and acquainted the Justices that he hath Surfeit upon him and desired he might be put into the Hospital for Cure. Ordered That the Clerk do prepare a peticon to get him into St Thomas's Hospital and that Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay him two shillings towards his present subsistance. [See 686, 767].

677. Ann Fisher made Oath that Elizabeth King and Mary Elizabeth Bush lately Deceased was buryed in Sheeps Wool only.

678. Signed a Summons [deletion] requiring the several Defaulters resideing within Church Street, Mare Street, Well Street Grove Street Homerton and Clopton in this parish that have neglected to perform their Statute worke towards the repairing the sd Highwayes of the sd parish to appear here on the 26th Instant by nine of the clock in the morning to shew cause why the penalty should not be Levy'd upon each of them as the Law directs.

679. Ordered That Mr. Joseph Sureties one of the present Overseers of the Poor of this Parish do pay to Mr. John Townesend one of the late Overseers of the Poor of the sd parish the Sum of ten shillings which he had made himselfe Debtor to the parish beyond his receipts in the discharge of that Office.

680. Samuel Tyssen Esqr signed a discharge for John Wheeler now in Custody in New Prison. (fn. 3) [See 9, 48, 89, 119, 129, 582].

681. Ordered That the Clerk do prepare a peticon for to get John Raby into St Thomas Hospital. [See 570, 571].

682. Ordered That John Braceys wife be taken into the workhouse and that her said husband do pay to the Churchwarden Mr John Davis one shilling pr week towards her subsistance and that in case he failes in paying the same weekly that she be discharged out of the sd house. [See 381, 402].

683. Ordered That Mr John Davis the Churchwarden do pay eight shillings to get Mary Morris's Clothes out of Pawne also two shillings towards her subsistance and that she be discharged out of the work house.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 26 November 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett, Stephen Ram

684. It appearing that there is remaining in the hands of Robert Aldwinckle and Edward Nutt Surveyors of the Highwayes of the parish of St John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex for the year 1731 the sum of thirty Seven pounds Six shillings and one Penny to ballance their accounts and that there is due to William Stoakes and James Huggett Junr one of the present Surveyors of the Highwayes of the said parish more than that sum for Ballast by them sold & delivered for the use of the sd parish in the said year. Ordered That the said Robert Aldwinckle and Edward Nutt do forthwith pay to the said William Stoakes so much as remains due to him on that account and the residue to James Huggett in part of his Bill for the said year and that the said James Huggett do bring to this years account so much as shall remain due to him over and above what he shall receive of the sd Aldwinckle and Nutt and that he do receive the same before any of the Debts contracted in the last year be paid.

685. The several Defaulters resideing within Church Street, Mare Street, Well Street, Grove Street, Homerton and Clopton [deletion] in the parish of St John at Hackney who have neglected to perform their Statute worke on the said Highwayes were this day heard pursuant to a Summons under the hands & Seals of the above named Justices Issued out for that purpose.

The Mermaid Tavern, Saturday, 8 December 1733
Justices present: Samuel Tyssen, Stephen Ram, Alexander Garrett

686. Ordered That Mr. John Davis Churchwarden do pay to Thomas Perry three shillings towards his present Subsistance he being very Infirm. [See 676, 767].

687. Ordered That Ann Addes do go upon likeing to Thomas Seares of the parish of West ham in the County of Essex Baker. [See 704, 710].

688. To several Defaulters resideing within Newington, Shacklewell, Kingsland Dorleston and Land Holders in the parish of St. John at Hackney who have neglected to perform their Statute worke on the said Highwayes were this day heard pursuant to a Summons under the hands & Seals of Samuel Tyssen & Alexa Garrett two of the above mentioned Justices. Ordered That the Clerk do make out a warrant to Levy the penalty on the several Defaulters within the said parish who have neglected to worke or pay towards the necessary repairs of the said Highwayes according to the several dayes they have made default is particularly specifyed in a List this day settled by us for this present year They having each of them been summoned to attend us to shew cause why they refused or neglected to do the same who either did not attend pursuant thereunto or could not produce any sufficient excuse.

689. Adjorned to Monday the 17th day of December 1733 to this place by ten of the clock in the morning - By order of the Justices.

The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 17 December 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett

690. Henry Norris [and deleted] Samuel Tyssen [Esqrs deleted] and Alexander Garrett Esqrs Signed a Commandmt directed to Wm. Platt living in Homerton in the Parish of Hackney requiring him not take upon him with out proper License to sell Ale Beer Brandy or other Distilled Liquors by Retail to be Drank in his said house upon pain of being Committed to the County Goal as the Law directs and it was delivered to him in the presence of the said Justices. [See 693].

691. Ordered That Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to James Bolton the sume of three pounds for his trouble and attendance for Eight weeks in Executing the Office of Beadle for Henry Harrill who was then Confined in the Marshalsea prison for Debt.

692. Jacob Alvares de Fonseca Gabriel Lopez Pinheiro Jacob Mendez Dacosta and Benjamin Mendez da Costa were heard upon their appeals against the poors Rate pursuant to a refferrence from the Sessions for that purpose they complained [that deleted] of there being rated each of them two pounds and ten shillings when other Gentlemen are rated but two pounds that live in as good Houses as they and appear to be in as good or better circumstances which is unequal and therefore prayed to be reduced. Upon Debateing of the matter Ordered That they be each of them reduced to two pounds.

693. William Platt living in Homerton in the Parish of St John at Hackney was served with an order under the hands and Seals of Henry Norris Samuel Tyssen and Alexander Garrett Esqrs requiring [not deleted] him not sell Ale Beer Brandy or other Distilled Liquors by Retail to be Drank in his said house without a proper License for that purpose upon pain of being committed to the Common Goal for the County of Middlesex as the Law directs. [See 690].

694. Complaint being made against Martha Collins Wid°. at the Sign of the Plow in Homerton for keeping an Ill governed and disorderly ale House. Ordered That she have notice to attend at the next meeting to answer the said Complaint and that Mr James Bolton the Constable have notice to attend at the same time. [See 695].

The Mermaid Tavern: Monday, 21 January 1734
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Stephen Ram


  • 1. Theed had been comitted as a vagrant. Lloyd was indicted at the April sessions; he pleaded guilty and was fined 1s. on 8 May. MJ/SR/2592, recog. 85.
  • 2. Hilliard appealed to the Sessions, alleging that his failing eyesight prevented him from earning a living in any other way. He was unsuccessful. MJ/SP/1733/OCT, 78.
  • 3. Wheeler had probably been committed on a charge of wife-beating (89).