The Church in London, 1375-1392. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1977.
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A K McHardy, 'Index: A - K', in The Church in London, 1375-1392(London, 1977), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].
A K McHardy, 'Index: A - K', in The Church in London, 1375-1392(London, 1977), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,
A K McHardy. "Index: A - K". The Church in London, 1375-1392. (London, 1977), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.
References in Arabic numerals are to entry numbers and not pages.
Abberton (Essex), 643
-, John, 405
-, Richard, 424
Abraham (Habraham)
-, John, 123; chaplain, 6
-, William, 135, 144; chaplain, 111
Abyngton, William, chaplain, 107
Acta, episcopal, ix, xvii–xxiii, 547–652
Acton (Middx.), 158, 354
-, John, 118
-, William, 436
Administration, diocesan, xx
-, John, clerk, 16
-, Nicholas, 427
-, Cecily, sister, 7
-, John, 126, 132, 142, 145; notary, 44;
rector, 642
-, Thomas, 436
Albotesle, Robert, 142
Aldbury (Herts.), 231
Alderker (Ellerker), Robert de, rector, 104
Aldersgate ward: within, 474–6; without, 477–9
Aldewych, Roger, chaplain, 18
Aldgate ward, 449–52
Aldrystone, Ralph, chaplain, 104
Aleyn, William, 122; chaplain, 57
Algere, William, chaplain, 191
All Hallows Barking, chantry in, 587; church, 91, 117, 506
All Hallows Bread Street, church 208, 216, 489, 491–3; parish 491–3; rector, 474
All Hallows the Great, church, 93, 538; parish, 538
All Hallows Honey Lane, church, 92, 543
All Hallows the Less, church, 94, 537–8
All Hallows Lombard Street, church, 155, 203, 213, 216, 453
All Hallows London Wall, church 99; parish, 403; rector, 401, 596
All Hallows Staining, church, 95, 507
Ally, Thomas, 504
Alman, Bartholomew, 136
Alphamstone (Essex), 270
Alred, Richard, 194
Alswick (Herts.), 225
Altecr', John, chaplain, 111
Alvyrton, Thomas, canon, 4
Amery (Amory, Ammory, Aumory)
-, Gilbert, chaplain, 178
-, William, 120; chaplain, 75; rector, 602
Ampney Crucis (Gloucs.), 557
Amwell (Herts.), 245
Amy, John, rector, 601
Amys, John, chaplain, 145
-, James, 94
-, John, chaplain, 35; clerk, 69
-, Margaret, nun, 5
Ankerwyke (Bucks.), prioress, 409, 412
Anne, John, 134
Anstey (Herts.), 226
Ansty, John, rector, 316
Antoyne, John, 131
Appelby, John, 140, 146
Appeweyn, John, chaplain, 95
Appilton, John, 479
Aquitayne, John, chaplain of, 77
Archdeaconries: Bedford, 159; Buckingham, 159; Canterbury, 165; Chichester, 166; Essex, 156; Hertford, 157; Huntingdon, 159; Leicester, 159; Lincoln, xi; London, xi, 628; Middlesex, xii, 158, 160, 217–395, 628; Norfolk, 163; Northampton, 159; Norwich, 163; Oxford, 159; Stow, xi; Sudbury, 163; Worcester, 164
Archdeacons: Colchester, 140, 146, 397; Essex, 140; Huntingdon, 159;London, 140, 146; Middlesex, 146
Archer (Archier)
-, Elias, 211; chaplain, 76
-, John, 216
-, Ralph, chaplain, 39
Arderne, Richard, 510
Arkesden (Essex), 632
Arnold (Arnald)
-, John, 122
-, Richard, 507
-, Elizabeth, nun, 6, 197
-, Thomas, bishop of Ely, xxiii, 554, 576,
Aschhirst, Thomas, 469
Ashbourne (Asscheborn, Assheburne)
-, John, 506
-, Nicholas, 183
Asheldham (Essex), 141, 151
Ashstead (Surrey), 591
Aspeland, John, 472
Aspenden (Herts.), 590
-, Henry, 464
-, John, chaplain, 214
Asshebornham, John, 436
Assheburne (Asscheborn), see Ashbourne
Assheby, Matthew, 527
Assheford (Assheforde)
-, Katherine, nun, 14
-, William, 506
Asshewell, Robert, chaplain, 63
Asshfeld, John, 135
Aston (Astone)
-, John, 147; chaplain, 211; clerk, 104
-, Thomas, 159
-, William de, chaplain, 111
Athelard, Robert, 390
Attelburgh, Bartholomew, 149
Attorneys, 584, 588
Aubel, Nicholas, chaplain, 72
Augustinian order, 622
Aument, Thomas, rector, 635
Aumory, see Amery
Austin friars, 401
Austine (Austyn)
-, Alice, 523
-, Thomas, wife of, 471
Avignon (France), xxiii
Aykton, Thomas, 132
Aylestone (Aylesdon, Aylston), William, 131; chaplain, 59
Ayre, John, 491
-, Margaret, nun, 14
-, William, chaplain, 88
Baillip, Richard, chaplain, 211
Bakedale, Thomas, brother, 194
Baker (Bakere)
-, Gilbert, 494, 498
-, John, rector, 358
-, Lucy, 438
-, Robert, chaplain, 203
-, William, vicar, 596
Bakton, Thomas, 140, 146, 431
Baldewell, John, 432
Baldewene, Adam, chaplain, 91
Ball (Balle)
-, Alice, 549
-, John, chaplain, xviii, 611
Ballingdon cum Brundon (Suffolk), 264
Balliol Hall, see Oxford
Bally, John, 544
Ballyng, Edmund, monk, 12
Bamme, Adam, 404, 422, 435, 469, 470, 502
Bampton, Thomas, chaplain, 86
Banbery (Bannebury), Hugh, 144; chaplain, 5
Barantyn (Barentyn), Drew, 460, 461, 476, 520
-, John, 467; chaplain, 173
-, Nicholas, 144
Bardes, Gautron' de, 466
Bardfield, Great (Essex), 644, 645
Bardfield Saling (Essex), 644; chapel, 645
Bardolf, Robert, 403
Barentyn, see Barantyn
Baret (Barett)
-, John, chaplain, 14, 133
-, Simon, 121; chaplain, 59
-, William, 492, 505
Barewe, see Barow
Barker, William, 406–7; clerk, 108
Barking (Essex), 505; abbess, 502, 506, 528; nuns, 435
Barkway (Herts.), 219
Barley (Herts.), 160, 218
Barling (Essex), 141, 152
Barlings (Lines.), abbot, 436
Barnaby, William, 422
Barnes (Surrey), xx, 548
Barnet (Herts.), 158
Barnet, Laurence, brother, 8, 194
Barnston (Essex), 302
Barnwell (Cambs.), 450; prior, 479
Baron (Baroun)
-, John, chaplain, 214; rector, 602
-, Stephen, 403
Barow (Barewe, Barowe, Barwe)
-, John, 131; chaplain, 47
-, Thomas, 135; chaplain, 83, 186
-, William, rector, 175
Barre, John, 485
Bartlot, Thomas, 127; chaplain, 185
-, Bernard, chaplain, 112
-, John, chaplain, 100
-, Jordan de, 118
-, Robert, chaplain, 210
-, Robert de, rector, 638
-, William, 150, 155
Bartylby, John, brother, 112
Barwe, see Barow
Basse, John, 405
Bassishaw ward, 437–41
Bassyngborne, John, clerk, 114
Bastwold, Thomas, 513
-, John, canon, 2
-, William, rector, 610
Bate, William, 119
Bateman (Batman)
-, Thomas, 135, 145
-, William, bishop of Norwich, xviii n. 37
Bath and Wells, diocese, 168
Bathe, William, 132
Batman, see Bateman
Battersea (Surrey), 596
Baud (Baude, Bawde), John, canon, 16; rector, 88, 191
'Baudesrente', tenement called, 476
Baudry, John, chaplain, 45
Baudy, Perot, 468
Bawde, see Baud
Baye, William, chaplain, 96
Beaconsfield (Bekenesfeld, Bekynsfeld), Thomas (de), 122; chaplain, 9
Beauchamp (Bewchamp)
-, Roger de, rector, 556
-, Walter, 510
Beaumont (Essex), 605, 635
Bedeforde, John, clerk, 72
Bedeman's Berg (Essex), 652
Bedewyn (Bedewynd, Bedewynde)
-, Richard, 405, 425
-, Thomas, clerk, 584, 589
Bedfont (Middx.), 359, 591
Bedford, archdeaconry, 159
Bedyng, John, 502
Beeleigh (Essex), abbot, 451
Bekenesfeld, see Beaconsfield
Bekyngham, John, vicar, 652
Belchamp Otton (Essex), 258, 599
Belchamp St Paul's (Essex), 140, 151
Belchamp Walter (Essex), 257
Belde, William, chaplain, 69
Belgrave, William, chaplain, 43
Belgyan, William, 125
Belhomme (Belham), William, 403, 541
Bellwood (Bellewode, Belwod), John, 131; chaplain, 31
Bemoy, Richard, 468
Benedictine order, 641
Benefices, xiv; exchanges of, xvii, 548–651 passim
Beneger, Henry, notary, 115
Benfeld, Simon, 537
Bennett (Benet, Beneyt)
-, John, 119, 135; canon, 3; chaplain, 45,
-, Stephen, 135; chaplain, 83, 186
-, Thomas, 438
Bennington, William, rector, 89
Bentley, Great (Essex), 567, 613
Bentyngford, John, canon, 3
Berden, Adam, rector, 69
-, Robert (de), 155, 165; rector, 203
-, Thomas, 131
Thomas de, rector, 205
Bereford (Berford), see Burford
Bereham, John, 472
Berkhamsted (Bercamstede, Berchamstede)
-, John, clerk, 16
-, William, vicar, 16
Berkyng, John, 148
Bermondsey (Surrey), 424, 446, 470, 486, 502–4, 510, 513, 531; prior, 405, 409, 418–19, 425–6, 429–30, 432, 447–8, 451, 463, 489, 494–5, 498, 532
Bermyngton, William, chaplain, 40
Bernard, Thomas, 467
Bernham, see Burnham
Bersaire, John, 452
Bersle, Adam, 644
Bertlot, Thomas, chaplain, 82
Bery, John, 445
Beswick (Besewyk)
-, John, 126; chaplain, 182
-, Robert, chaplain, 182
-, Thomas, 127; chaplain, 97
Betewyk, John, chaplain, 79
Bethersden (Kent), 577
Bethlehem hospital, 11, 198, 456, 458; precinct, 459; see also St Mary, hospital
Betrych, Gilbert, chaplain, 75
Bette, William, celebrant, 300
Bever, Henry, 150; rector, 100, 154
Beverage (Beverache), William, rector, vicar, 308, 623
Beverley (Beverle, Bevorle, Bevyrley)
-, John, 120
-, John de, chaplain, 74, 110
-, William, 115; canon, 393
Bewchamp, see Beauchamp
Bewer, Katherine, sister, 15
Biddlesden (Bucks.), abbot, 495
Biggin (Herts.), hospital, 222
Bikeliswade, Jordan, monk, 195
Billingsgate ward, 418–23
Billyngford, James de, 539
Bilney, John, 583
Birch, Little (Essex), 603
Birdbrook (Essex), 282, 648
Bisham (Berks.), prior, 436
Bishopsgate hospital, see St Mary Bishopsgate
Bishopsgate ward, 453–9
Bisshoppeston, John de, rector, 550
Blackburn (Blakbourne, Blakburne), William, 128; chaplain, 81
Blakdene, Alice, sister, 15
Blake, Joan, sister, 15
Blakeneye, John, 496
Blakesale, Thomas, chaplain, 11
Blakestok, Thomas, 490
Blaunche, John, 438
Blomvill (Blounvill, Blumvill), Richard, 424, 425, 452, 488
Blount, Thomas, 510
Blyseworthe, Nicholas, chaplain, 90
Blythe, Ralph, chaplain, 97
Bocking (Essex), 598
Bocklee, William, chaplain, 59
Bocok, Thomas, 513, 534
-, Humphrey, earl of Hereford, 626
-, William, earl of Northampton, 626
Bokbynder, Richard, chaplain, 184
Bokelsmyth, see Bucklesmith
Bokesworth (Bokysworthe), Richard, 118; chaplain, 33
Bokkyng, Elias, 409
Bokyll, Thomas, 489
Bokyngham, see Buckingham
Bolbrys, prebend, 16
Bole, Thomas, 468
Bolee, John, chaplain, 110
Bolfe, Thomas, 409
Bome, William, 524
Bonauntr', Thomas, 469
Bonce, Gilbert, 522
Bone, Margery, 457
Bonet, Gilbert, 480
Bonsall (Derbys.), 618
Bontyng, John, 475
Bonyngton, Ralph, chaplain, 88
Boreford, William, chaplain, 59
Borgeloun, John, chaplain, 188
Borham, John, chaplain, 88, 178
Borley (Essex), 263
Borw, Simon de, 470
Boseworth, Henry, 418–19
Bosham (Boshome)
-, Bartholomew, 396
-, John, 434, 454, 528
Boston (Lincs.), xiv
Botelor (Botellor, etc.), see Butler
Boterwyk, Thomas, 443
-, Joan, sister, 15
-, John, chaplain, 105
Boudon, Thomas, 143
Bouges, William, chaplain, 116
Boughton, Thomas de, 121
Bourn (Cambs.), 162
Boursee, John, chaplain, 109
Bow, deanery, xii–xiii, xviii, 155, 165, 203–16; rectories in, xiii n. 19
-, John, 52, 463
-, Thomas, 129; chaplain, 52
Bowet, Henry, mr, 412
Bowryng, John, chaplain, 586
Boyle, William, vicar, 591
Bradeford, John, chivaler, 444
Bradgar, Robert, 147
Bradlee, Thomas, canon, 4
Bradmour, John, 479
Bradwell near the Sea (Essex), 594
Braintree (Essex), 291
Brakynbergh, John, 432
-, John, rector, 42, 174
-, Robert, 120
-, William, 425, 455; chaplain, 52
Brandon (Brandone)
-, Richard, 426
-, Robert, clerk, 114
Brankweyn, Richard, 503
Brantingham, Thomas, bishop of Exeter, xix–xx, 567, 593, 605, 607, 622, 641, 651
Bras, William, 124
Brasier, see Trades
Braughing (Herts.), deanery, xii, 156, 160, 217–52; parish, 249
Bray, John, 494
-, Katherine, prioress, 14
-, Robert, bishop of London, xv, xvii n. 30,
xviii, xxiii
Braytoft, John, canon, 3
Brazier, see Trades
Bread Street ward, 489–500
Brekespere, Adam, 132, 517; chaplain, 96
Bren, William, 121
Brennysgrave, Simon de, chaplain, 103
Brentford (Middx.), 367
Bresty, Robert, 122
Bret, Adam, 478
Brewer, Thomas, 438
Brewer, see Trades
Brewode, John, 150, 161
Bridbroke (Brydbrok), William, 149, 157; rector, 496
Bridge (Brugg, Brugge)
-, Nicholas atte, clerk, 19
-, Philip at, vicar, 234
Bridge ward, 424–33
Bridgwater (Som.), master, 417
Briggesworth, Richard, 441
Bright (Bryght), Robert, 123; chaplain, 51
Brisele, Robert, 405
Bristow (Bristowe, Brustowe)
-, Geoffrey, 467
-, Thomas, 536
Broad Street ward, 396–404
Broghton, see Broughton
Broke, John, chaplain, 210
Brokeman (Brocman), John, 586, 598
Brokhalle, John, 424
Brokhampton, John de, rector, 344
Bromholm, Maud, 456
Bromley (Bromlee, Bromleye)
-, John, chaplain, 54
-, William, canon, 3
Bromsgrove (Brymesgrove, Brymmysgrove)
-, Simon de, 127
-, Thomas, chaplain, 64
Bron, see Brown
-, Richard, 579
-, William, 437
Bronnesbury, John, 431
Brook, Thomas, 453
Brouderere, 'lord', 408
Broughton (Hunts.), 601
Broughton (Broghton, Browghton)
-, John de, chaplain, 181
-, Thomas (de), 121; chaplain, 64
Brounyng, William, 526
Brown (Bron, Broun, Browne, Brunne)
-, Elys, 406
-, Joan, nun, 6, 197
-, John, rector, 317, 625
-, Philip, 119; chaplain, 18
-, Richard, 460, 492
-, Robert, 127
-, Thomas, 451, 504, 533
-, Walter, clerk, 4; rector, 86
Broxbourne (Herts.), 243, 651
Broxted (Essex), 321
Brugg, see Bridge
Brunne, see Brown
Brustowe, see Bristow
'Bruyl, le', chase, 650
Brydd, John, clerk, 300
Brydport, John, chaplain, 55, 109
Brydsale, John, chaplain, 39
Brykhulle, William, chaplain, 36
Brykkesworthe, Adam, vicar, 107
Brymesgrove (Brymmysgrove), see Bromsgrove
Brympton (Som.), 168
Brysty, Robert, chaplain, 57
Buck (Buk, Buke)
-, John, 453
-, Thomas, 409; chaplain, 205
Buckingham, archdeaconry, 159
Buckingham (Bokyngham)
-, John, bishop of Lincoln, xviii n. 37,
548–9, 551–2, 559, 561–2, 574, 580–1,
590, 601, 603, 609, 612, 614, 620, 623,
625, 627, 632, 637, 642–3, 646–9
-, John, chaplain, 110
-, John de, chaplain, 191
Buckland (Herts.), 221
Bucklesmith (Bokelsmyth, Bukelsmyth), John, 438, 514
Budbrooke (Warwicks.), 164
Budby, William, 482
Budd (Budde, Bude), John, 126; chaplain, 56
Buk, see Buck
Bukworth, John, 145, 150
Bulmer (Essex), 265
Bumpstead, Steeple (Essex), 280
Bunch, William, vicar, 219
Burbach, John, 474
Burden, William, 490
Burdews, John de, chaplain, 86
Burford (Bereford, Berford, Bureford)
-, John, master, 199; rector, 25
-, John de, vicar, 647
-, Robert, 541
-, William, 121
Burgate, Walter, 457
Burgo, Gwydo de, monk, 12
Burgulon, John, 122
Burham, John, chaplain, 63
Burley (Burlee, Burleye)
-, John, vicar, 548
-, Richard, chaplain, 31
Burnham (Bucks.), abbess, 436; abbot, 413
Burnham (Bernham)
-, Margaret, nun, 6, 197
-, Thomas, canon, 10
Burray, Nicholas de, master, 632
Burstowe, Richard, 130
-, John, 492, 499
-, John de, 106, 474; rector, 106, 549
-, Peter, chaplain, 19
-, Peter de, clerk, 594
-, Philip, 468, 505
-, Thomas de, chaplain, 59
-, William, 418, 515; clerk, 2
Burton upon Trent (Staffs.), prior, 414
-, John, 426
-, Reginald, 452
-, Adam de, 104
-, Edmund, 467
-, John de, 475
-, William de, widow of, 447
Bury St Edmunds (Suffolk), abbot, 450
Busse, Robert, 489
Bussh, John, 525
Butchers, see Trades
Butle, John, 131
Butler (Botelor, Botellor, Botiller, Botteler)
-, Agnes, sister, 15
-, Richard, mr, 485
-, Thomas, 491
-, William, 121
Butley (Suffolk), 630; prior, 163; priory, 105
Bygood, Thomas, 498
Byk', Peter, clerk, 103
Bylermyng, Richard, chaplain, 94
Bynbrok, John, chaplain, 79
Bys, William, 419, 427–8
Bysouthe, Rose, 420
Bysshop, Thomas, 143
Bywell, John, chaplain, 81
Cadeneye, Angerus, vicar, 245
Calle, Richard, rector, 597
Cambridge (Cambrygg, Cantebregia, etc.)
-, Henry, 487; wife of, 430
-, John, 123; chaplain, 51
-, Ralph de, canon, 3
Campdene, Nicholas, chaplain, 86
Campion, John, 405
Camryngham, Thomas de, chaplain, 9
Canaan, Philip, chaplain, 86
Candlewick Street ward, xvi, 405–10, 501
Canfield, Great (Essex), 315
Canfield, Little (Essex), 316
Canon (Canoun)
-, John, 413
-, Philip, 189
Cantebregia, see Cambridge
Canterbury (Kent), xxii–xxiii; administration, xxii; archbishop, x, xix, 203,
492–3, see also Islip, Simon; Sudbury,
Simon; archbishopric, xx; archdeaconry, 165; chancellor, xxiii
-, Christ Church, 445–6, 453; prior, xx,
396, 408, 450; prior and convent, 431;
priory, 431
-, court, xix; diocese, xiv, 564, 577, 597;
jurisdiction (immediate, peculiar), xii,
156, 598, 602; province, ix, xix
-, St Augustine, abbot, 504; church, 441
-, St Gregory, prior, 165, 500
Canterbury (Cantuar, Cantyrbury, Cauntirbury), John, 128; chaplain, 86, 198
Cantoys, John, 461
Canynges, John, 477
Capel (Capell, Capell')
-, John, 469
-, John (de), rector, 300, 558
Capon (Capoun)
-, Thomas, 132; chaplain, 65
-, Walter, chaplain, 106
Carbonell, John, 462
Cardington (Kerdyngton, Kerdynton), John, 136; chaplain, 110
Carlisle (Carlehill, Cartel, Carlill)
-, Adam, 110, 399
-, Robert, 134; chaplain, 20
Carlton, John, canon, 4
Carmelite friars, 417
Carpe, William, chaplain, 17
Carpenter (Carpenterre)
-, Henry, 457
-, John, 439
Carshalton (Surrey), 587
Carwyle, John, chaplain, 78
Casse, Henry, rector, 365
Cassell, John, vicar, 393
Caster, Robert, chaplain, 189
Castle Baynard, 117; ward, 434–6
Castre, Bartholomew, 462, 491
Catisbery, John, 390
Catour, Robert, rector, 614
Catton, John, 126
Cauntirbury, see Canterbury
-, Isabel, nun, 6, 197
-, Margaret, sister, 15
Cavel, Philip, 156
Cestre, see Chestr'
Chaddesden (Derbys.), college or chantry, master, 428; master and brothers, 464
Chaddesden, Nicholas, mr, xviii, 555
Chadworth, Robert, chaplain, 104
Chamberlain (Chamberlyn, Chaumberlayn, Chaumbyrleyn)
-, John, chaplain, 205
-, Richard, rector, 221
-, William, chaplain, 31
-, John, 419, 500
-, William, mr, 497
Champayne, John, rector, 291
Chancery, clerk of the rolls of, 499
Chandeler, Richard, 456
Chandler, see Trades
Chantries, 398, 400, 406, 409, 421–2, 435, 445, 447, 460–1, 463, 465–6, 471, 475, 480–1, 488, 497, 508, 518, 531, 535, 543; as benefices, 551, 557, 567, 587, 600, 647; chaplains of, xiv–xv
Chapels, 113, 393, 409, 466, 471, 514, 550, 567, 586, 601, 605, 614, 626, 641, 644–5
Chaplains, x, 1–216 passim; 428, 435, 443–4, 463, 465, 487, 497, 538; types of, xiii–xv; chantry, see Chantries; conventual, 5, 14; fraternity, 8, 45; parochial, 5, 18; private, 5, 18, 20, 32, 39, 50, 76–7, 82, 94, 102, 104, 106, 110, 114, 127, 144–5
Chappe, William, 131
Charleton, Thomas, 492
Charterhouse, 12, 196, 418, 423, 458, 485; brother Thomas of, 482; prior, 399, 402, 429–30, 434, 444, 465, 479, 520
Chartesey, John, 538
Chaucer, Geoffrey, xv
Chaumberlayn (Chaumbyrleyn), see Chamberlain
Chaundeleir, John, 471
Cheap ward, 528–35
Chekyn, Peter, chaplain, 587
Chelmsford (Essex), 586; chapel, 586; deanery, 156
Chelsea (Middx.), 353, 624
Cherchehull, see Churchill
Cherrington (Cheryngton, Cherynton)
-, Nicholas, 390
-, Richard, 486
Chertsey (Surrey), abbot, 426, 434, 447
Cheseman, Richard, 407
Cheshunt (Herts.), 244, 530, 534; nuns, 480, 497; prioress, 402, 405, 419, 463– 4, 512, 516
Chestane, William, chaplain, 81
Cheston, William, 145
Chestr' (Cestre)
-, Richard, chaplain, 55
-, William, rector, 183
Chesulden, William, 147, 161
Cheyne, Roger, 539
Chichester (Sussex), xvi; archdeaconry, 166; bishop, 414, see also Reade, William, bishop of Chichester; dean, 414; diocese, 650
Chichestre, Richard, 390
Chickney (Essex), 320, 561
Chicksands (Beds.), prior, 532–3
Chignall St James (Essex), 602
Chippenham, Adam, rector, 41
-, John, 402, 459
-, Robert, 494, 497, 536
-, Walter, chaplain, 205
Chiswick (Middx.), 140, 151; church, 374
Chitterne, John, 434
Chrishall, prebend, 518
Christofre, Angelus, 428
Christopher, le, rents of, 453
Churchill (Cherchehull, Churchehull)
-, John, 133
-, William, chaplain, 33
-, William de, 120
Chut, Michael, 435
Chyshull, John, 2
Chyvele, John, chaplain, 117
Cifrewast, see Siferwas
Cirencester (Gloucs.), abbot, 412
Cirencester (Circestre, Cyrcestre), John, 129; chaplain, 52
Cisors, see Taylor
Claidon, John, 427
Clapham (Beds.), deanery, 159
Clarence, Lionel duke of, 558
Claveryng, John, 486
Clee, John, 397
Clement, Richard, 426
Clere, Henry, vicar, 16
Clergy, taxation of, see Taxation
Clerical wages, xix, 617
Clerk (Clerc)
-, Hugh, 507
-, John, 437, 440, 494; chaplain, 209
-, Richard, 129; chaplain, 52
-, Robert, 119; chaplain, 81, 184
-, Thomas, 133, 542–3; chaplain, 111
-, William, 467
Clerkenwell (Middx.), 424, 446, 469, 482,
488, 506, 513, 533
-, St John (of Jerusalem), hospital, 389,
477, 536; prior, 475, 481, 494; priory,
417, 446
-, St Mary, nuns, 435, 492; prioress, 405,
409, 414, 425, 433, 437, 442, 444, 462,
468, 473, 476, 511–13, 528; priory, 14;
subprioress, 506
Clerks, private, 113; see also Chaplains
Clifford, Richard, canon, 393
-, —,499
-, John, rector, 208
Clonnyll, John, 424
Clophill, William, 478
Clopton (Worcs.), 164
Cloun', John, 466
Clovyle, —, 481
Cobham (Kent), 636
Cobham (Cobeham, Cobbeham)
-, John de, kt, 636
-, Reginald, 537
Cock (Cok) on the Hoop, le, tenement called, 501
Codeford, John, mr, xiii, xxi–xxiii, 577, 630, 635, 647
Codyngton, —, 506
Coggeshall (Essex), abbot, 545
Coggeshall (Coggeshale)
-, John, chaplain, 40
-, Richard, vicar, 632
-, Robert, chaplain, 177
-, William, 451
-, John, chaplain, 20
-, Margaret, 396
-, Nicholas, 403
-, Richard, 403, 428
-, Thomas, 125
Coke, Thomas. 449
Colchester (Essex), 608; abbot, 504; archdeacon, 140, 146, 628; archdeaconry, 628; 'prior', 516
Colchestre, William, 390
Coldyngton, Thomas de, rector, 110
Coleman Street, 117; ward, 442–7
Coleyn (Coleigne, Colonia, Coloyne)
-, Richard, 480
-, William (de), xii–xiii, 140, 146, 464, 640
Colfot, John, 119
Colkyn, Agnes, 445
Colman, Thomas, 492
Colne (Hunts.), 614
Colneye (Middx.), chapel, 409
Colonia (Coloyne), see Coleyn
Colpeper, John, 537
Colshull, William, 467
Colston, Thomas, chaplain, 20
Colton, William, clerk, 27
Colwelle, Alice, 478
Coly, John, chaplain, 9
-, John, rector, 596
-, William, 411
Colyngham, William, chaplain, 107
Colyntre, John, 186
Combe, John, 150, 447
Commissary, episcopal, xxii, 608
Compton, Thomas, canon, 4
Consistory court, xviii, xxii
Contumacy, see Excommunication
Convershall, see Domus Conversorum
Convocation ('parliament', 'council'), x–xi, xvi, xix–xxi, 140, 553, 568, 582, 585, 606, 619, 621, 637, 639
-, John, 134
-, Thomas, canon, 16
Cook, see Trades
Coonen, Richard, chaplain, 79
Cooper (Couper, Coupere)
-, John, 454; rector, 561
-, William, 128; chaplain, 8
Copland, Thomas, chaplain, 39
Copmanthorp, William, 150, 156
Corbrigg, Hugh, 491
Corbryght, John, clerk, 34
Corby, John, vicar, 393
Cordwainer ward, xvi
-, John, 492
-, William atte, 134
Cornhill ward, 483–8
Cornwall, 171, 605
Cornwall (Cornwaill, Cornwaille, Cornwayll)
-, Benedict, 400, 470, 486
-, Henry, wife of, 490
-, John, chaplain, 91
-, Michael, 499
Cornwallis (Cornwaleis, Cornwaleys)
-, —, 82,127
-, John, 481
Cosham, John, 449
Cost, Godfrey, 453, 470
Cosyn, John, chaplain, 538
Cotel, Richard, 149,158
Coteler, Walter, chaplain, 190
Cotes, John, 144
Coumbe, John, 154
Coupe, Geoffrey, 480
Coupe, la, prebend, 16
Couper, see Cooper
Coupland, Thomas, 118
Courtenay (Curtenay), William, archbishop of Canterbury, xx, xxii–xxiii; bishop of Hereford, xxii–xxiii; bishop of London, ix–xii, xiv, xvii–xxiii, 547, 549, 550–2, 564, 577, 584, 588–9, 597–8, 602, 630, 635–6, 647–8; acta of, 547–652; member of council, xxii
Cove, Alice, sister, 116
Coved, William, chaplain, 27
Coventry (Coventre, Covyntre)
-, John, 133
-, Richard, 313
-, Robert, monk, 12
-, William (de), 134; chaplain, 93
Coventry and Lichfield, bishop of, see Stretton, Robert; diocese, 607, 618
Cowesby, William, chaplain, 56
Cowick (Devon), xx
Cowlee, William, chaplain, 58
Cowley (Middx.), 343
Cowmbe, Peter, 390
Cowpere, Philip, clerk, 16
Craft (Crafte), Adam, 405, 472
-, Katherine, nun, 14
-, Margaret, nun, 14
-, Nicholas, 647
Cranewell, William, chaplain, 40
Cranford (Middx.), 365
Cranwich (Norf.), deanery, 163
Cray, North (Kent), 167
Creeksea (Essex), 652
Crepulgate, Stephen de, 122
Cresewyk, see Creswick
Crespyn, John, celebrant, 314
Cressyngham, John de, rector, 597
Creswick (Cresewyk, Cressewyk, Creswyk), William, 442, 451, 479, 488; chaplain of, 50
Cretyng, John, 463
Criell, see Kiryell
Cripplegate ward: within, 517–19; without, 520–7
Cristemasse, John, 149, 171
Grocer, Thomas, 147; rector, 598
Croidon, see Croydon
Crooked Lane, 408
Cros, Alice, sister, 15
Crosby, Richard, notary, 106
Crowe, John, 522
Crowmer, Robert, 495
Croxton (Cambs.), 162
Croxton (Leics.), xvi; abbot, 435; abbot and convent, 436
-, John,148, 162
-, Thomas, 142
-, William, master, 387
Croydon (Croidon)
-, Alice, sister, 4
-, John, 443; chaplain, 212
Crull, Robert, rector, 355
Crutched friars, 452, 458, 505, 507–8, 538
Cryps, William, chaplain, 109
Cudy, William, rector, 559
Culhull, Robert, 130
Cullyng, Thomas, dom, 641
Cululli, Robert, chaplain, 106
Cupgate, Robert, 469
Curtenay, see Courtenay
Curtis (Curtays, Curteis, Curteys)
-, John, 430, 434, 508
-, Nicholas, chaplain, 80
-, Ralph, 123
-, Richard, 470
-, William, 454
Curuer, John, 446
Cyrcestre, see Cirencester
Dabridgecourt (Dabriscourt, Dapriscourt), Nicholas, 422, 504
Dalby, Thomas de, rector, 91
Dale, William, vicar, 551
Dalyngton, William, chaplain, 212
Damarv, Thomas, chaplain, 35
Damport, Adam, 148
Danbury (Essex), 552
Dancastre, John, 461; chaplain, 55
Dane, Robert, 513
Dannebury, Hugh, 136
Danvers, William, rector, 649
Danyell, Peter, 453
Dapriscourt, see Dabridgecourt
Darcy, Elizabeth, sister, 15
Dartford (Kent), 538; deanery, 167; nuns, 413, 424; prioress, 428, 450
Datchworth (Herts.), 584, 589
Daventry (Northants.), prior, 159, 161
Daventry (Dautre, Daventre)
-, Ralph, clerk, xix, 572–3
-, Richard, chaplain, 117; vicar, 620
-, Thomas, 122
-, Geoffrey, chaplain, 45
-, John, chaplain, 101
Davy, John, 440, 467
Dawe, William, 541
Dayvyle, William, 142
Dean (Deene, Dene)
-, John,128;canon, 3
-, Nicholas, rector, 548; vicar, 355, 609
-, Richard de, 129
-, Thomas de, monk, 13
Dedynton, William, vicar, 393
Demeyn, William, chaplain, 18
Dene, see Dean
Dengie (Essex), 580; deanery, 156
Denham, Richard, 390
Denny, Robert, 482; kt, 468, 491
Denton, Robert, chaplain, 50
Depedale, Richard, rector, 581
Depham, Thomas, 461
Derby (Derbi)
-, Nicholas, 122
-, Robert, canon, 393
-, Thomas, 403; clerk, 216
Derham, John, 123, 533
Derlyng, John, 484
-, Philip, 509
-, Stephen, 431
Dersyngham, William, chaplain, 206
Despenser, Henry, bishop of Norwich, 610, 630
Diss (Norf.), 163
Diss (Disse, Dyssh), John, 123; chaplain, 55
Ditton, Long (Surrey), 565
Doddinghurst (Essex), 612, 652
-, Alice, 421, 431
-, John, 407
Dokesworth, Robert, 142
Domus Conversorum, 490, 493
Donewych, John, 148, 160
Donnington (Donyngton, Donynton)
-, John, 451, 516
-, Ralph, 191; chaplain, 124
-, Thomas, 123
Donwirth, Robert, chaplain, 214
Doos, la, manor, 558
Dorslee, see Dursley
Doser, Simon, 461
Double, Ralph, 448
Doulee, Alice, 5
Doushous, Thomas, 513
Dove-cote, 411
Dowgate ward, 536–40
Downys, John, clerk, 92
Dragon, le, rent called, 458
-, John, 644
-, Thomas, rector, 635
Drapers, see Trades
-, John, vicar, 602
-, Robert, prior, 10
Drayton, West (Middx.), 141, 152
Drayton (Dreyton)
-, Gilbert, rector, 609
-, John, 119; chaplain, 214
-, Nicholas, monk, 13
Dromy, David, 468
Duffeld, John, 614; rector, 20, 649
Dumbeley, John, 127
Dunbarre, Agnes, sister, 15
Duncryco, John de, rector, 218
Dunmow (Essex), 558; deanery, xii, 296– 322; prior, xi, 628; priory, 297, 456
Dunmow, Great (Essex), 300
-, John, canon, 2
-, John, chaplain, 11
Dunster (or Halfree), Roger, rector, 82
Dunton Waylett (Essex), 549
Durant (Duraunt)
-, Henry, 454
-, Walter, brother, 538
Durham, ix; bishop of, see Hatfield, Thomas; diocese, 586
Durham, John, 127
Dursley (Dorslee, Dursle), John, 125; chaplain, 68
Durys, Joan, subprioress, 14
Duure, Adam, chaplain, 90
Dyer, William, 411
Dyfford, John, 159
Dyghton, William, 140, 146
Dyk, John, 469
Dykeman, John, rector, 239
Dymayn, William, 118
Dynby, Joan, nun, 14
-, Bartholomew, 125
-, John, rector, 64
Dysford, John, 147
Dyssh, see Diss
Ealing (Middx.), 373
East Cheap, shops in, 408
Easter, Good (Essex), 298, 304; prebend, 16
Easton, Little (Essex), 317
Eastwick (Herts.), 238
Eccleshale, John, rector, 188
Edward III, xii
-, Henry, 406
-, John, 407; rector, 176
Edyngton, William, 128; chaplain, 8
Effrenata , constitution, xix, 617
Egmund, William, suffragan bishop, xxiii n. 63, 645
Ekepoll (Ekpol), Simon, 135, 145
Ekyndon, John de, vicar, 371
Ellerker, see Alderker
Ellerton, William, 120
Ellysworth, Richard, chaplain, 56
Elmswell (Elmeswell, Elmyswell), John, 131; chaplain, 105
Elsing Spital, 10, 60; prior, 154, 405–6, 409, 413, 421, 433, 435, 437, 444–5, 451, 461, 517–18, 523, 528–9, 532–3, 536; see also St Mary, hospital
Ely (Cambs.), bishop, 413; see also Arundel, Thomas; deanery, 162; diocese, 162, 561; monastery, 453; prior, 464
Elyn, John, 644
Elyngham, John, 426
Elys, Martin, 148; rector, 140–1
Ember Saturday, 624
Emond, John, 469
Enfeld, Lucy, 524
Enfield (Middx.), 371
Enyas, David, chaplain, 24
Erghum, Ralph, bishop of Salisbury, xxiii, 550, 575
Ermyn, William, 412
Esey, Maud de, sister, 15
Esher (Surrey), xx, 547
Essex, xii, 424; archdeacon, 140; archdeaconry, 156, 628
Essex, John, 126; chaplain, 182
Est', William, clerk, 33
Estfeld, Robert, 457
Estradu, David, 169
Eton (Bucks.), 642
Eton (Etton), Robert de, chaplain, 88, 204
Everdon (Everdone)
-, Henry, rector, 643
-, Richard, 129,149,154; chaplain, 52
-, Richard de, rector, 34
Evere (Eure), Thomas de, rector, 349
Eversam, William, chaplain, 112
Evesham (Worcs.), abbot, 450, 502
Evesham, William, 120
Evote, William, 517, 533
Ewe, John de le, 123
Exale, Thomas, 123; chaplain, 7
Exchanges, see Benefices, exchanges of
Exchequer, x–xii, 558, 628, 640
Excommunication, xviii–xx, 555, 560, 563, 571–3, 579, 583, 592, 595, 608, 611, 613, 633–4, 650, 652
Exeter (Devon), ix, xxiii; bishop of, see Brantingham, Thomas; diocese, 171, 567, 605, 651
Exeter, John, 390
Exonia, Robert de, canon, 3
Exsale, John, 455
Exstede, Thomas, vicar, 393
Exton, Thomas, 462, 489
Eydon (Eydone)
-, John, 119; chaplain, 107
-, Thomas, 119; chaplain, 107
Eynsham (Eynesham), William, 420, 446
Eyston, Thomas, 451
Eyton, John, chaplain, 105
Fairford (Fayrford)
-, Robert, vicar, 16
-, Walter, rector, 51; vicar, 16
Fairhode, John, 413
Faith (Feithe, Feyth), John, 136, 144
Fakenham (Fakenam)
-, Edmund, 520
-, John, 121; chaplain, 214
Fallardeston, Nicholas, chaplain, 211
Falstolf, see Fastolf
Fannere (Vanner, Vannere)
-, Agnes, 544
-, Henry, 481, 537
-, Joan, 503
Fannewright, John, 560
Faringho, John, 390
Farringdon (Faringdon, Farndon, Faryndon)
-, Roger (de), rector, 75, 178
-, William, 456
Farringdon ward: within, 460–5; without, 411–23
Fastolf (Falstolf), Hugh, 444, 503
Faucons, prebend, 16
Faversham (Kent), 473; abbot, 412
Fawn, John, notary, 42
Fécamp (France), abbot, 435
Feithe, see Faith
Felaw (Felawe), Thomas, 120, 544; chaplain, 38
Felde, Richard, rector, 59
Felet, John, chaplain, 600
Felstead (Essex), 301
Feltham (Middx.), 360
Feltwell, Roger, 143
Ferers, Elizabeth, sister, 15
Feriby, Simon, 467
Fermour, Walter, 485
Ferrynig, Thomas, chaplain, 58
Ferthyng, Thomas, 124
Fey, John, chaplain, 5
Feyth, see Faith
Fille (Fylle), Robert, 130; vicar, 16
Finchingfield (Essex), 279
Finchley (Middx.), 369
Finsbury, prebend of St Paul, 521–2
Fisher (Fisshere, Fyschere), John, 136; chaplain, 5
Fishmonger, see Trades
Fitzrauf, John, 563
Fitz Simon (Fysimond, Fysymond)
-, Ed', 482
-, John,468, 506
Fitz Walter, —, 442
Fladbury, Nicholas de, rector, 265
Flanders, 554
Flecher, Stephen, 544
Fledborough (Fledborowgh, Fleteburgh), Peter de, 123; chaplain, 102
Flete, John, canon, 2
Fleurdelys, [sign of] the, 408
Flore, Richard, 134
Ford (Forda, Forde)
-, Henry, 129; chaplain, 52
-, John, brother, 13,195
Forester, see Forster
Forneux, see Furness
Fornham, Nicholas, vicar, 564
Forst, Walter, vicar, 16
Forster (Forester)
-, John, 491; chaplain, 82
-, Richard, 442, 514, 522
-, William, 127
Foucher, William, 490
Foulham, see Fulham
Foulness (Essex), 626
Foun, John, 118
-, Geoffrey, 39
-, William, 39
Fourneys, see Furness
Fowey (Cornwall), 651
Foxearth (Essex), 261
Foxton, Margaret, 436
Frammelyngham, William, 510
Franc', Peter de, chaplain, 117
Francis (Franceis, Franceys, Fraunceys)
-, Adam, 441, 446, 455, 490, 505, 510,
531–2, 534
-, Agnes, 144
-, Elias, 442
-, Herbert, 132
-, John, rector, 180
-, Richard, 475
-, Robert, 150, 164
-, Henry, 534
-, Richard, 432
Fraternities, 397, 428, 493, 523–4, 526–7; chaplains of, 8, 45, 119, 135
Fraunceys, see Francis
Fraunkeleyn, John, 434; clerk, 110
Freek, Thomas, 436
French (Frensch, Frensshe)
-, Cecily, nun, 5
-, John, 476, 489
-, John, chaplain, 203
-, Richard, 135; chaplain, 83
Freshford (Fresshford, Fressleford), Robert, 129; chaplain, 35
Friars, see Austin friars, Carmelite friars, Crutched friars
Friars minor, 520
Friars preachers, 399, 436, 465
Frowyk, Henry, 490
Fryerning (Essex), 614, 649
Fryseby, Roger, rector, 55
Fulbourn (Cambs.), 162
Fulbourn (Fulbourne, Fulburne)
-, Thomas, 490
-, William, 146, 162
Fulham (Middx.), xxi–xxii, 356, 583, 585, 623; manor, 586–7, 590–4, 602, 604–8, 611, 617, 621–2, 624–6, 632, 642; vicarage, 466, 471
Fulham (Foulham)
-, John, canon, 4
-, Letitia, 423
-, Richard, 127; chaplain, 103
Fullere, John, chaplain, 8
Fulmere, Robert, 410
Fulnetby (Fulnadby, Fulnethby), John, 119; chaplain, 33
Furness (Forneux, Fourneys, Furnays,
Furneux, Furnews)
-, Robert, 123
-, Roger, chaplain, 55
-, William, 122; chaplain, 60, 188; rector,
627, 646
Fyraveray, John, chaplain, 111
Fysch, John, chaplain, 103
Fysymond, see Fitz Simon
Fytlyng, Amandus, 140, 145–6
Fytzavery, John, 144
Gaddesby, Adam, 143
Gadham, Robert, 201
Gadrik, Thomas, 134
Gamboun, John, 446
Gamell, John, 505
Gardyner, John, clerk, 106
Garendon (Leics.), abbot, 465
Garforde, John, chaplain, 182
Garlickhithe, 117
Garthorp, John, 118
Gascon, Peter de, chaplain, 117
Gate, William atte, 507, 520
Gausby, William, 126
Gavtron, William, 481
Gaytryng, Thomas, chaplain, 20
Geddington (Gedyngton, Gedynton), Alan (de), 130; chaplain, 17
Geddyngg, Thomas, clerk, 96
Gemens, Agnes, 513
Geneva, Robert of, 607
Gerard, Andrew, rector, 268
Gerbrigg, Thomas, 459
Gerford, John, chaplain, 70
Gerveys, Roger, 464; rector, 642
Gestingthorpe (Essex), 256
Geveyne, Peter, chaplain, 52
Gifford (Giffard, Gyffard)
-, John, 390
-, Richard, 495
Gilbert (Gylberd)
-, John, bishop of Hereford, xix, 616, 624
-, Richard, 536
Gildesburgh, William de, rector, 97
Gillyng, John, 432
Gilmyn, Thomas, vicar, 361
Gilston (Herts.), 237
Gisele, Thomas, 125
Glatton (Hunts.), 562, 581
Glazyere, John, chaplain, 33
Glenaunt, John, 484
Gloucester (Gloucs.), xxi
Gloucester (Glowcetr')
-, Hugh, monk, 12
-, Robert, chaplain, 212
Godard, Richard, 435
Goderam, Richard, rector, 283
Godeslawe, Henry, 144
Godewyn, Stephen, 486
Godgrom, John, 543
Godlak, Thomas, 472
Godrigg, William, rector, 79
Godstow (Oxon.), prioress, 412
Gofair, see Gover
Golde, Thomas, vicar, 16
Goldesburgh, Simon, 444
Goldre, William de, 127
-, John, 498
-, William, chaplain, 77
Goldsmith, see Trades
Goldsmiths' fraternity, 493
Goldsmyth, William, chaplain, 55, 463; vicar, 557
Gondeby, Richard, chaplain, 208
Goryng, William, 409
Gosfield (Essex), 275
Goshalme, Helen, nun, 6
Got, John, 487
Gotham, William, 147
Gove, Robert, 132
Gover (Gofair, Govayre), John, 488, 508
Gowes, Thomas, chaplain, 116
-, Peter, 136; chaplain, 39
-, Richard, 424
Grafham (Hunts.), 549
Grafton, —, 499
Gransden, Great (Hunts.), 561
-, John, chaplain, 177
-, Thomas, vicar, 393
Graunge, William, chaplain, 20
Graveley (Gravele, Gravelee)
-, Hugh, 427
-, Thomas, mr, chaplain, 53
Graveneye, John, 448
Gravesend (Gravysende), John (de), 452, 459
Greenford (Middx.), 346
-, Henry, 461
-, Roger, chaplain, 17; Roger atte, 131
-, Thomas, 133
-, William, chaplain, 24
Grenefeld, John, 489
Gretham, Walter de, rector, 580
Gretton (Grettone), Richard, chaplain, 91; vicar, 587
Grew (Grewe)
-, John, 125
-, William, 126
Grey, lord de, 504
Greylond, Anne, 32
Grifph (?), William, 125
Grille, Reginald, 501
Gromond, John, 151
Groome, Emmet, 522
Grosby, Richard, chaplain, 215
Grosham, Helen, nun, 197
Grove, William atte, 449
Grubbe, Peter, 429
Grymhull, Hugh, 613
Gryslee, John, monk, 12
Gueth, John, chaplain, 208
Guildhall, 53, 133, 501, 524; college at, 462
Gunthorp, John, chaplain, 39
Gurle, Richard, 131
Gydeney, William, canon, 2
Gyle, John, 405, 516
Gylot, John, chaplain, 83
Gyneyve (?), Peter, 129
Haberdasher, see Trades
Habraham, see Abraham
Hackney (Middx.), 357, 646
Haddenham (Cambs.), 162
Haddon, John, 435
Hadham, Little (Herts.), 233
Hadham, Much (Herts.), 232; manor, xxii
Hake, Roger, chaplain, 184
Haket, Roger, 119
-, Agnes atte, 440, 450, 493, 539; see also
-, Katherine, sister, 15
-, Walter atte, 523
Halet, Richard, monk, 12
Halewey, Robert, 201
Halfree (or Dunster), Roger, rector, 82
Haliwell, 523, 534; 'church', 537; nuns, 403, 430, 435; prioress, 399, 405, 408, 430, 444, 461, 467–8, 472–3, 489, 491, 495, 516–17, 528–30, 532; priory, 6, 197, 432, 440–1, 450, 453, 469, 471, 508
Hall (Halle)
-, Agnes atte, 449; see also Hale
-, John, 515; rector, 22
-, Ralph at, rector, 242
-, Reginald atte, 126; chaplain, 60
-, William atte, chaplain, 208
Hallingbury, Great (Essex), 333
Hallingbury, Little (Essex), 334
Halom, Robert, 435
Halstead (Essex), 255, 608
-, Andrew, canon, 2
-, Edmund, 451, 502
-, John,143
Halton, William, 405
Halyday, Robert, 129
Halyngbury, John, clerk, 70
Ham', Thomas, 541
Hambledon (Hambyldon, Hameldon), Richard, 129; chaplain, 52
-, Henry, 427
-, John, 454
-, Roger, chaplain, 19
Hampdeby, Robert, 122
Hampschyr, Robert, chaplain, 28
Hampthylle, Thomas, chaplain, 87
Hampton (Middx.), 379
-, John, 121
-, Thomas, 124
Hamwode, Henry, 477
Hanchurch (Hancherch, Hanchirche), Nicholas, chaplain, 105, 207
Hande, Isabel, 437
Hanham, John, 487
Hanningfield, South (Essex), 575
Hanworth (Middx.), 358
Haper, William, 526
Hardyngham, —, 399
Haredon, William, canon, 3
Harefield (Middx.), 376
Harendenne, Edmund, vicar, 577
Hargrave, Adam, rector, 552
Harland, Michael, vicar, 626
Harlington (Middx.), 341
Harlow (Essex), 325; deanery, xii, 323–35
Harmondsworth (Middx.), 337
Harne, le, rent called, 454
Harpele, Ralph, rector, 326
Harpole (Northants.), 548
Harringay (Middx.), 368
Hartest (Suffolk), 163
Haselee, William, clerk, 10
Haseley (Oxon.), 159
Haslingfield (Cambs.), 610
Hatfield (Essex), priory, 323
Hatfield (Hatfeld)
-, John, clerk, 3
-, Richard, 433
-, Thomas, bishop of Durham, 586
Hatfield Broad Oak (Essex), 324
Hatley St George (Cambs.), 561
Haubegh, Nicholas, 128
-, John, 615
-, Thomas, wife of, 615
Haukyn, see Hawkin
Hauley, Nicholas, chaplain, 103, 209
Haunsy, Robert, clerk, 85
Hauton, Thomas, 399
Haveray, William, 541
Haveryng, lady, 534
Hawe, William, 437, 441
Hawkin (Haukyn, Hawkyn), John, 89, 542; chaplain, 57, 192
Hawynsard, Margaret, nun, 14
-, Robert, vicar, 16
-, Thomas, 489
Haydok, Richard, 411
-, John, 124
-, Thomas, chaplain, 50
Haylys, John, chaplain, 95
Hayton, Thomas de, rector, 39
Hayward, John, 123
Hayz, Thomas, 475
Headley (Hants.), 635
Hedingham (Essex), deanery, xii, 253
Hedingham, Castle (Essex), 254
Hedingham, Sible (Essex), 274, 598
Hedon (Hedone), Robert (de), 121; chaplain, 59
Heend, John, 505
Heghfeld, Thomas de, chaplain, 209
Hegme, John, 523
Hekpol, Simon, chaplain, 111
Helkneye, William, chaplain, 111
Helpysfeld, Christine, sister, 4
Hemel Hempstead (Herts.), 620
Hened, John, rector, 610
Hendon (Middx.), 349
Hendone, John, clerk, 18
Henle, John, canon, 393
Henny, Great (Essex), 268
Henny, Little (Essex), 267
Henry, William, chaplain, 111, 182
Henyngham, Thomas de, chaplain, 174; rector, 599
Herbury (Herbery), Henry, 459, 480
Herdwyk, John, 133
Herdy, William, chaplain, 18
Hereford (Herefs.), ix, xix, xxii; bishop of, see Courtenay, William; Gilbert, John; bishop, vicar-general of, xxii; consistory, registrar of, xxiii n. 61; diocese, 548, 616; earl of, see Bohun, Humphrey
Hereford (Herford)
-, Robert, 390
-, Walter, chaplain, 56
-, William (de), 121; chaplain, 93
Herewode, Richard, 508
Heringay, Robert, 523
Hermesthorp, John de, 116
Herne (Kent), 564
-, John, clerk, 300
-, Philip, chaplain, 14
Herteshorn, John, 478
Hertford (Herts.), deanery, 159
Hertford (Herteford), Philip, rector, 590; vicar, 246
Hertfordshire, xii, 584, 589
Herthill, John, rector, 603
Hertyngdon, Adam de, canon, 550
-, John, chaplain, 23; rector, 287
-, Richard, 402
Herymay, Robert, 523
Hespley, John, vicar, 393
Heston (Middx.), 378
Hevenyngham, lady de, 50
Hevenyngton, Robert, monk, 12
Hewitt (Huet, Huwet), John, 128; chaplain, 103, 108
Hexton, Richard, canon, 2
Heybridge (Essex), 141, 151
Heyham, William, 126
Heyron, Joan, nun, 5
-, Geoffrey, chaplain, 10
-, John, chaplain, 102
Heyworth, John, chaplain, 80
Higham Gobion (Beds.), 625
Hilderston (Hyldyrston)
-, John de, clerk, 21
-, Nicholas, 584
Hilhale, John, 592
-, Margaret, 438
-, Rosalind, professor, xv
Hillingdon (Middx.), 342
Hingham (Norfolk), deanery, 163
Hitchin (Herts.), prior, 405, 501
Hockley (Essex), 626
Hockwold (Norfolk), 163
-, Edmund, 398, 443
-, Sewale, 513
Hogham, John, 526
-, Henry atte, 452, 542
-, Richard, 456
Hokkele, William, 127
-, Alice, 535
-, Maud, 401, 455, 534–5
-, St Andrew, church, 18
-, St Giles, hospital, 387, 414, 424, 427,
429–31, 434, 446, 450, 454, 477, 481,
492, 494–5, 512, 535; master, 497
-, St Giles in the Fields (of the Lepers),
parish, 636
Hole, Thomas atte, 407
Hollingbourne (Kent), 165
Holm (Holme)
-, Adam, mr, 418
-, Roger, 140, 146, 448, 464–5, 512–14
Holmes, Richard, rector, 19
Holmystede, Margaret, sister, 15
Holstret, William, vicar, 393
Holtham, Roger de, chaplain, 174
Holweye, Avice, 448
Holy Trinity Aldgate, prior, 156, 158, 160, 217, 402–3, 405, 409, 413, 419–20, 422, 431–3, 435, 439, 441–2, 448–53, 455, 458–9, 468–72, 475, 480–1, 485–9, 494–5, 511–13, 519, 530, 532–3, 535–6, 540–5; priory, 3, 440, 504–10, 515, 523, 525
Holy Trinity the Less, church, 109, 429–30, 433, 482
Hontoft, John, rector, 70
Hontot, Nicholas, 515
Hoo, William, chaplain, 208
Hoper (Houper)
-, Edward, chaplain, 208
-, Richard, 142
-, Walter, 475
Horcho, Thomas atte, 115
Hore, Thomas, 400
Horewod, see Horwood
Hormead, Great (Herts.), 251
Hormead, Little (Herts.), 250
-, John, 421
-, William, 126; chaplain, 177
Hornby, William, 250
Hornchurch (Essex), 449
Hornwode, Roger, chaplain, 105
Hornworth, rent of, 458
Horscroft, William, 533
Horsepath (Oxon.), 649
Horstede, Simon, clerk, 31
Horston, William, 535
Horwood (Horewod, Horewode, Horwode)
-, Richard, 448
-, Roger, chaplain, 132, 443–4
-, Thomas, 438
-, Walter, chaplain, 17
-, William, 405
Hospitals, xiv
Hothom, Henry, chaplain, 182
Hoton, John, chaplain, 185
Hotot, Nicholas, 473
Houd, Henry, chaplain, 56
Houghton (Howton)
-, Adam, bishop of St Davids, xxiii
-, Henry, chaplain, 35
-, John, chaplain, 82; rector, 565
-, Robert, 118; chaplain, 42
Hounslow (Middx.), 375; prior, 478
Houper, see Hoper
Housebond, John, chaplain, 69
-, John, 126
-, Laurence, chaplain, 184
Howlf, Thomas, chaplain, 189
Howton, see Houghton
Hoyston, William, 516
Huchepoun, William, chaplain, 41
Huchon, John, 136
Huet, see Hewitt
Hull, Robert de, rector, 630
Humberston, William de, rector, 325
Humbre, John, 396
Hunsdon (Herts.), 240
-, John, 489
-, Ralph, 454
-, Roger, 131; chaplain, 47
-, Thomas, 525
Huntingdon (Hunts.), archdeacon, 159; archdeaconry, 159; deanery, 159
Huntingdonshire, 588
Huntyngdone, Thomas, clerk, 3
Hutton, Matthew, xvii n. 30
Huwet, see Hewitt
Hyde (Hide)
-, Joan, nun, 6, 197
-, William, 427
Hylleford, Alice, nun, 14
Hyltoft, John, 143
Hylton, Reginald, mr, canon, 16
Hyndeley, John, chaplain, 88
Hytwey, Thomas, chaplain, 110
Ickenham (Middx.), 344
Ilford, Little (Essex), 627
Incliton, Richard, 495
Ingatestone (Essex), 156; rector, 581
Ingelard, Beatrice, nun, 14
Ingylby, William, chaplain, 87
Inkflete (Ynkflete), Thomas (de), 124; chaplain, 88
Innkeeper, see Trades
Ipswich (Suffolk), St Peter, prior, 163
Irlound, Thomas, 485
Ironmonger, see Trades
Ironmonger Lane, 529–30, 532
Irtoun, Henry, 503
Irysch, John, chaplain, 104
Isaac (Ysaak), Thomas, brother, 8, 194
Isleworth (?) (Middx.), 363
Islington, St Mary, church, 71; parish, 636
Islip (Islep)
-, Simon, archbishop of Canterbury, xviii
n. 37
-, William, rector, 214
Itinerary, episcopal, xx–xxii
Ive, John, rector, 57
Ivinghoe (Bucks.), 159
Jacob, William, vicar, 623
James, Ed[ward], 116
-, John, 131; chaplain, 47, 214
-, Peter, 461
Jesore, —, 481
Jewel (Jewel, Juell, Juyll)
-, John, 129
-, William, 124; chaplain, 88, 191
Jolipas, Henry, chaplain, 206
Jolyf, William, rector, 604
Jordan (Jurdan, Jurdein)
-, Andrew, 439
-, John, 408
-, William, 491
Joye, John, rector, 103
Juell (Juyll), see Jewel
Jurdan (Jurdein), see Jordan
Kasteyn, Ralph, 478
Kellesey, William, 130
Kellishull, Laurence, 123
Kelsell, William, 447
Kelyng, John, chaplain, 442–4
Kendale, Thomas (de), 150, 154; rector, 1, 21
Kensington (Middx.), 362
-, Adam de, canon, 10
-, Isabel, 438
-, John, 491; chaplain, 95
-, Richard, 467, 526
-, Thomas (de), 128; chaplain, 8
Kentish Town (Middx.), 636
Kenyan, William de, chaplain, 74
Kerdyngton, see Cardington
Kertyl, Laurence, chaplain, 46
Kesteven (Kesteyn)
-, Ralph (de), canon, 393; rector, 33
-, William, 119
Ketyn, John, clerk, 78
Keys, Philip, 150
Kilburn (Middx.), 388, 407, 505; nuns, 539; prior [sic], 469; prioress, 469, 480, 483, 491, 493, 502, 530
Kilpyn, Helen, 397
Kimble (Kymbell, Kymbelle)
-, Richard, 520, 522
-, Thomas, rector, 601
Kingsbury (Middx.), 386
Kingshouse (Kyngeshous, Kynggyshows), William, 126; chaplain, 108
Kingston-on-Thames (Surrey), college, xvi, 425–6
Kington, West (Wilts.), 575
Kirby le Soken (Essex), 141, 151
Kirkstead (Lincs.), abbot, 477
Kirkstead (Kirkstede, Kyrkestede)
-, Ralph, chaplain, 59
-, Stephen, chaplain, 208
Kirkton, William, 425
-, John, chaplain, 212
-, Thomas, 489
Kiryell (Criell), lady (de), 420, 441
-, John, chaplain, 117
-, Robert, 421, 506
-, Robert de, kt, 636
-, Walter, monk, 12
Knotte, John, 475
Knowesle, Richard, 499
Knyght, Hugh, rector, 552
Knyvesworth, John, 483
Kyllysby, John, canon, 2
Kynet, Richard, vicar, 577
-, John, 448, 461
-, Thomas, canon, 2
-, William, 442
Kyngeston, Richard, 408
Kyrkeby, Robert (de), 149; chaplain, 112; rector, 101, 154
Kyrkestede, see Kirkstead