Index: L - Z

The Church in London, 1375-1392. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1977.

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A K McHardy, 'Index: L - Z', in The Church in London, 1375-1392(London, 1977), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

A K McHardy, 'Index: L - Z', in The Church in London, 1375-1392(London, 1977), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

A K McHardy. "Index: L - Z". The Church in London, 1375-1392. (London, 1977), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

Lacer, Margaret, nun, 5

Lagyngheth, John, 390

Laindon (Essex), 642

Lakenham, Thomas, brother, 7

Lakyngton, John, chaplain, 215

Laleham (Middx.), 381

Lamarsh (Essex), 269

Lambard, Robert, clerk, 216

Lambe, David, 132; chaplain, 44

Lambert, Richard, 490

Lambourne (Lamborne), Robert, rector, 574

Lameth, John, chaplain, 45

Lamorran (Cornwall), 171

Lamyer, Thomas, 481

Lancastre, John, 526

Lanchester college (co. Durham), 586

-, John, 443, 514
-, Nicholas at, vicar, 251

Langbourn ward, 466–73

Langby, Thomas, chaplain, 110

Langedon, Robert, 419

Langeley, see Langley

Langford, lady de, 459

Langham, Simon, cardinal, 569 n

Langhorn (Langhorne)
-, John, 470
-, Robert, 494

Langley (? Herts.), 640

Langley, King's (Herts.), xxi

Langley (Langeley, Langlee), Robert, 124; chaplain, 87

Langman, Robert, 130

Langston, John, 125

Latonner, John, 438

Latton (Essex), 328

Laugher, Richard, 449

Launceston (Cornwall), prior, 171

-, Geoffrey de la, rector, 211
-, John, chaplain, 20

Laver, Little (Essex), 604, 638

Laver Magdalen (Essex), 156

Lax, John, 130

Layghton, Robert, chaplain, 98

Layston (Herts.), 224

Leach (Leche, Lecche), Nicholas, 130; chaplain, 92

Leckford prebend, 594

Ledbury, John, vicar, 16

Ledis (Ledys), see Leeds

Ledred (Ledrede), John, 122; chaplain, 57

-, Richard atte, chaplain, 214
-, William atte, 424–5, 536

Lee Chapel (Essex), 141

Leeds (Kent), prior, 492

Leeds (Ledis, Ledys), Thomas de, monk, 13, 195

Leek, Thomas, 134; chaplain, 20

Leggett (Legat, Leget), Roger, 18, 119

Legh, Simon de, rector, 549

Leicester (Leics.), abbot, 414; archdeaconry, 159

Leighs (Essex), prior, 156

Lekhampsted, John, 118

Lemie, Roger de, chaplain, 213

Lemman, Simon, 421

Lemsterr, Roger, rector, 185

Lenge, William, 134

Lepere, Robert, rector, 52

Lerpoll, William, 439

Lese, Nicholas, 136

Lesnes (Kent), abbot, 445–6, 451, 518

L'Estrange, William de, archbishop of Rouen, 554, 576

Lethe, Geoffrey, 457

Letys, Edmund, rector, 347

Leueysham, Agnes, 487

Levenoth, John, chaplain, 211

Lewconore, Thomas, clerk, 3

Lewe, John de, chaplain, 102

-, Alice, 472
-, John, 134, 472

Leye, Katherine, sister, 15

Leyre, John, 461

Leyton (Essex), 652

Lichfield (Licchesfeld, Lychfeld), Nicholas, brother, 8, 194

Lichfield diocese, see Coventry and Lichfield diocese

Lightfoot, William, chaplain, 203

Lightgrave, William, 524

Lime Street ward, 482

Lincoln (Lines.), xiv; archdeaconry, xi; bishop, x n. 9, xxiii n. 63, 414; see also Buckingham, John; diocese, xi–xii, xiv, 157–9, 161, 548–9, 551–2, 559, 561–2, 574, 580–1, 590, 601, 603, 609, 612, 614, 620, 623, 625, 627, 632, 642–3, 646–9

Lindsay (Lyndeseye, Lyndisey)
-, Joan, sister, 4
-, John, 128; chaplain, 86, 189
-, John, prior, 4

Lindsell (Essex), 318

Linton (Lynton, Lyntone)
-, Hugh, chaplain, 29, 109
-, John, 138, 149; rector, 209

Lirpe, Gilbert, 519, 524

Listen (Essex), 262

Litlington (Lyttelyngton)
-, Nicholas, abbot, 390
-, Richard, 480

Little (Litele, Litle), John, 118; chaplain, 177; rector, 269

Littleton (Middx.), 340

Lokyn, Katherine, 447

London, archdeacon, 140, 146; archdeacon, official of, xiv n. 20; archdeaconry, xi, 628; bishop, ix, xix, 436, 464, 483, 543, 645; see also Braybrooke, Robert; Courtenay, William; Northburgh, Michael; Sudbury, Simon; bishop, commissary of, xviii, 608; bishop, official of, xiii; bishop, vicar-general of, xx–xxiii; consistory, xviii, xxii, 571–3; diocese, xi, xiv, xix–xxiii, 548–651 passim; diocese, chancellor of, xxiii; episcopal chapel in, 641; episcopal houses in, xix–xx, xxii, 624, 652; episcopal palace in, xx–xxi, 562, 564–5, 567, 572–4, 576, 603, 609–10, 616; officiality, 550, 630

-, Bartholomew, 390
-, John, 390
-, Semanius de, brother, 195

London Bridge, chapel of St Thomas the Martyr on, 40, 133, 190

Long (Longe)
-, Adam, rector, 29
-, Nicholas, 542, 544
-, Richard, 462
-, Robert, 426

Longdon Hills (Essex), 652

Longeford, John, chaplain, 11

Longeley, Thomas, 120

Longeman, Robert, chaplain, 92

Lonnesdale, Thomas, 123; chaplain, 6

Lopham, Denys, 495

Lord, John, rector, 604

-, John, 467; chaplain, 39
-, William, vicar, 16

Loryng, Margaret, nun, 14

Loughton (Essex), 648

Loundres, Richard, 456

Lount, William, 131

Louthe, Robert de, 440

Lovekyn (Lovikyn)
-, Henry, chaplain, 17
-, John, 467; canon, 10

Lovenham, Henry, 131

Lovyngton, —de, 473

Lowkyn, Katherine, 487

Lubenham, Laurence, 424

Lubry, Thomas, chaplain, 211

Lude, William, chaplain, 47

Lumbard, John, 409

Luscote, John, prior, 12

Luton, John, 475

Lyce, John, canon, 4

Lydford, John, mr, xxii–xxiii

Lygh, Thomas, vicar, 625

Lyle, Mary de, sister, 15

Lymbury, Agnes, nun, 197

Lynchelade, —, 445

Lyncoln, John, 446

Lyndewyk (Lyndewyke)
-, Alice, 396
-, Robert, 407

-, Nicholas, 459
-, Walter, 134
-, William, 156

-, Hugh, kt, 490
-, Peter de, chaplain, 27

Lyon, Adam atte, 483

Lyrycocke, Robert, rector, 293

Lyter, Idonia, nun, 14

Lythington, William, 390

Lytlee, John, chaplain, 33

Lyttelyngton, see Litlington

Lyverpole, John, chaplain, 7

-, John, vicar, 16
-, Richard, chaplain, 45

Maghfield (Maghfeld)
-, Geoffrey, 419, 423
-, Gilbert, 418, 420, 429

Mahomid, Richard, chaplain, 80

Maidstone (Kent), 650

Makin (Maykyn, Maykyng), Richard, 421; chaplain, 505

Maldon, prebend, 16

Maldon, John, 432

Maler, Sybil, sister, 15

Mallyng, Thomas, 452, 513

Malmesbury (Wilts.), abbot, 413

Malpas, Robert, 443

Maltmonger, see Trades

Malton, John, 124; chaplain, 64, 87; rector, 182

Manby (by Louth, Lines.), 580

Mannyng, Peter, brother, 12

Mansell, Richard, vicar, 379

Mansyn, John, 454; rector, 102

Maplestead, Great (Essex), 273

Maplestead, Little (Essex), 272

Marchal, see Marshall

-, Alice, 442
-, Thomas, chaplain, 213

Marche, lord de la, 452

Markeby, Henry, 461

Markfield (Leics.), 159

Markley, Robert, 512

Markyate (Herts.), prioress, 409

Marny, Robert, 480

Marr, Robert, rector, 575

Marshal, earl, 480

Marshall (Marchal, Marchall)
-, John, 480
-, Robert, chaplain, 78
-, Roger, 537
-, Simon, 132; chaplain, 101

Marston St Lawrence (Northants.), 647

Mart Lane, 506

-, Hugh, 408
-, Robert, rector, 206

Maryner, William, 489

Mashbury (Essex), 305

Mason, Geoffrey, 438

Matching (Essex), 327

Mathew, Roger, 437

Maundur, John, 148

Maunfeld, Geoffrey, 502

Mauntoft, John, vicar, 393

Mawton, John, chaplain, 214

Maykyng, see Makin

Mayn, William, vicar, 393

Mayon, Richard, chaplain, 183

Medborne, Warin, 143

Meddebury, Henry, rector, 204

Medlane (Medelane), Thomas, 446, 481, 534

Medomsley, prebend, 586

Meesdon (Herts.), 227

Meiz, John, 467

Melbourne (Melborne, Meldeborn, Meldeborne)
-, Gilbert, 455
-, John, clerk, 43
-, William, 122; chaplain, 85, 188

Melton, William, chaplain, 214

Menel (Menell), John, chaplain, 31, 131

Merch', Gilbert, 481

Merdon, John, chaplain, 110

Merifeld, Adam, 489

Merlawe, Richard, 390

Mersham (Kent), 597

Merston, Robert, 491

Merton (Surrey), 531; house, 451; prior, 396, 405, 427, 433, 447, 462, 469–70, 481, 511, 530; prior and convent, 435; priory, 513

Merton College, see Oxford, Merton College

Merwe, Nicholas, 515

Meryfeld, John, clerk, 2

Meteford, Reginald, 130

Mewt, William, chaplain, 92

Michel (Michell), John, 127, 129; chaplain, 14, 37

Michewyk, Richard, 407

Middlesex, archdeacon, 146; archdeaconry, xii–xiii, xviii, 158, 160, 217– 395, 628; county, xii; deanery, 336–95

Middleton (Essex), 266

Middleton (Middelton, Midilton, Myddleton, Myddylton)
-, Hugh, 531
-, John, chaplain, 39
-, Thomas (de), canon, 393; rector, 357
-, William, chaplain, 215

Midhurst (Sussex), deanery, 166

Mildenhall (Mildenhale, Myldenhale)
-, John, canon, 4
-, Richard, 453

Minims, North (Herts.), 584, 589

Mimms, South (Middx.), 382, 620

Minchinhampton (Gloucs.), 556

Minoresses without Aldgate, abbess, 528, 544; abbey, 15, 200–1, 519;minoresses, xii, 15, 405, 425, 467, 473, 526, 528, 534, 543; 'nuns', 540

Mirymuth, John, 390

Miskham, John, vicar, 280

Misterton (?Somerset), 599

Mocking (Mockyng, Mokkyng)
-, —, 484
-, John, 463
-, Thomas, 423, 427

-, Joan, 526
-, William, chaplain, 56; rector, 616

Mogon', John, 454

Moigne, Roger, 469

Mokeron, William, 457

Mokkyng, see Mocking

Molde, Robert, chaplain, 34

Monken Hadley (Herts.), 377

Montague (Montacu, Mountague), John, 492, 503

Mora, prebend, 523–7

Moraunt, Thomas, 472

Morborne (Hunts.), 559

Mordon, William, 390

-, Agnes, nun, 5
-, Henry, 115, 144
-, Henry atte, 132
-, John, 428; canon, 3; chaplain, 214
-, Thomas, canon, 4
-, William, 481

Morekoc, Thomas, 543

Morell, Richard, 452

Morn, William, 154

Morris (Moreys, Morice, Morys)
-, Alice, nun, 5
-, Margaret, nun, 5
-, Peter, 438
-, Richard, 435
-, Thomas, 429–30

Mort, David, 143

-, John, 120
-, Robert, canon, 16

Mottrum, Adam, mr, xx–xxiii, 549–51, 607, 648

Mought, William, 130

Mountague, see Montague

Mountnessing (Essex), 652

Mulsham, John, chaplain, 81, 184

-, John, canon, 16
-, William, mr, canon, 16

Multon, Ralph, 143

Munc, John, chaplain, 115

Mundene, —, 480

Mursley (Bucks.), deanery, 159

Muster, John, 488

Muston, Thomas de, chaplain, 181

Myddylton, see Middleton

Myldrede, John, chaplain, 64

Myles, Henry, 132

Naples, Margaret, 478

Nasing (Nasyng, Nasyngg), John, 129, 524–5; chaplain, 52

Navesby, William, 140, 146

Navestock (Essex), 140

Naylyston, William, chaplain, 34

Neel, Hugh, clerk, 43

Neherbury, John, monk, 12

Netheravon, prebendary, 550

Netteswell (Essex), 329

Neubalt, William, 121

Neuton, see Newton

Neve, Bartholomew, 405, 410, 515

Nevyle, lady de, 102, 399

Newark (Surrey), 'abbey', 433; prior, 405, 407, 431, 445, 489, 495, 497, 512, 521, 523–4, 528; prior and convent, 435

Newbald, William, chaplain, 59

-, John, 130
-, William, 134; chaplain, 20

Newhey, John, chaplain, 31

Newington (Kent), prioress, 447

Newman, John, 467

Newnam, Joan, nun, 14

Newnham (Beds.), prior, 157, 159, 161

-, Andrew, 539
-, John, 522
-, Richard, chaplain, 214

Newport Pagnell (Bucks.), 161

Newton (Neuton)
-, John, 119; canon, 3; chaplain, 33, 41; rector, 648
-, Robert, 133; chaplain, 34
-, Thomas, chaplain, 212

Newynton, Walter, 396

Neylonde, Thomas (de), xxii, 607

Nichol, Thomas, rector, 618

Nicholas IV, pope, ix

Nicholas, William, 509

Noir, William, 123

Noket, Thomas, 473

Norfolk, 588; archdeaconry, 163

Norfolk (Northfolk, Northfolke)
-, John, 125, 484; chaplain, 68
-, lady de, 113
-, Nicholas, 126
-, Walter, 122

-, John, 456; chaplain, 17
-, Richard, subclerk, 44
-, William, 136, 144; chaplain, 5

Norman, Walter, 119

Normanton, John, 452, 506

Northampton (Northants.), xxi, 637–40; All Saints church, convocation in, xi, 637, 640; archdeaconry, 159; parliament at, 140

Northampton, earl of, see Bohun, William

Northawe, John, 526

Northburgh (Northborowe)
-, Michael, bishop of London, xviii n. 37
-, Robert, chaplain, 208

Northfolke, see Norfolk

Northolt (Middx.), 345

Northwich, see Norwich

Northyn, John, vicar, 327

Norton, prebend, 16

-, Isabel, nun, 197
-, John, 118
-, Leonard, 462
-, Robert, 509
-, William, 405

Norwich, ix; archdeaconry, 163; bishop, see Bateman, William; Despenser, Henry; deanery, 163; diocese, xxii, 607, 610, 630; St Peter Hungate church, 163

Norwich (Northwich, Northwych, Norwych)
-, John (de), 130, 142; chaplain, 17
-, Robert, 142
-, William, chaplain, 73

Norwold, John de, chaplain, 102

Notaries, xxii–xxiii, 42, 44, 106, 114, 554, 578, 607, 628

Notley (Bucks.), abbot, 159, 161, 494

Notley, Black (Essex), 562, 564

Nottelee, Margaret, sister, 15

-, Isabel, nun, 6
-, John, chaplain, 88

Notyngham, John, 128; chaplain, 86

Noverton, William, chaplain, 214

Noyer, William, chaplain, 75

Noyes, Edmund, chaplain, 53

Nuncios, papal, xix

Nyne, Bartholomew, chaplain, 68

Odyham, Richard, 422

Oefford, Thomas, vicar, 393

Official of the bishop of London, see London, bishop, official of

Ogbourne (Middx.), 336; prior, 477

Oliver (Olyver)
-, Edmund, 94, 508
-, William, 433, 445, 448

Olthorp, Thomas, 133

Ondeby, Richard, rector, 24

Ongar (Essex), deanery, 156

Ongar, Chipping (Essex), 652

Ongar, High (Essex), 556

Orcheston, Richard de, rector, 290

Ordination, licence to celebrate, xix–xx, 593, 624

Orewell, see Orwell

Orgon, John, 454

Orgrave, Thomas, canon, 393; master, 392

Orpington (Kent), 602

Orwell (Orewell)
-, John, 436
-, Richard de, brother, 7

Oseberne, Richard, 437

Osmoston, Geoffrey de, chaplain, 204

Osney (Oxon.), abbot, 414

-, John, 517
-, Thomas, 452

Otto and Ottobon, constitutions of, 587

Oundle (Northants.), deanery, 159

-, Ralph, chaplain, 87
-, Robert, 135

Oving (Bucks.), 552

Ovington (Essex), 259

Ovington (Hants.), 638

Ovyng, Henry, 436

Ovyngton, John, 390

Oxenford (Oxonia, Oxonie)
-, John de, canon, 3; clerk, 3
-, William, 409

Oxford, xxii; archdeaconry, 159; colleges, xvi, 470; named, Balliol Hall, 535; Merton College, 438, 441, 493

Oxwyk, William, 148

Padworthe, Thomas, chaplain, 108

Page, Thomas, clerk, 81

Pak, Henry, chaplain, 605

Pakynton, William, 146, 159

Palgrave, Richard, 390

Palmer (Palmere)
-, Thomas, 122; chaplain, 90
-, William, 124, 430; chaplain, 21

Pancras (Middx.), manor, 636

Panfield (Essex), 289

Papal bull, xix, 607

-, Henry, 450
-, Joan, nun, 6, 197
-, John, 406; chaplain, 210, 212, 448, 487
-, William, 528, 536

Paries, Ralph, 468, 470

Parliament, x, xvi, xx–xxi

Parndon, Great (Essex), 330

Parndon, Little (Essex), 331

'Parva Pynkeford', field, 589

-, John, 475
-, Robert, 446
-, Roger, 492–3, 498

Passelewe, prebend, 16

Passeneye (Passtheneye)
-, Richard, brother, 195
-, Semanus, monk, 13

Passour (Passoure)
-, Alice, sister, 15
-, John, canon, 3

Pateney, William, 490

Pateshull, Thomas, rector, 48

Patten-maker, see Trades

Pavy, John, 131

Paxton, William de, rector, 84

Payne (Payn)
-, Henry, 525
-, Roger, 413, 498
-, Thomas, 584, 588

Pays, John, 430, 472

Peasants' Revolt, xix–xx, xxii

Pebmarsh (Essex), 271

Pecche, William, kt, 473

'Peek, le', chantry in, 461

Peioun (Peienne), John, 61, 203

Pelgrene, William, clerk, 75

Pelham, Brent (Herts.), 228

Pelham, Furneux (Herts.), 230

Pelham, Stocking (Herts.), 229

Pelhill, Robert, 476

Pelle, Richard, 439

Pellyng, John, 514

Penbrok, Walter, chaplain, 53

Pencrych, John, 150

Penn (Pen, Penne)
-, David, 127; chaplain, 101
-, Maud, 494

Pentlow (Essex), 260

-, Joan, nun, 197, 430
-, Maud, nun, 6

Percy, Stephen, rector, 580

Peres, Roger, rector, 212

Perfit, William, 515

Perivale (Middx.), 347

Perpount, Robert, 132

Perrington (Peryndon, Perynton)
-, Henry de, 123
-, Richard, 140, 146

Persoun, Ralph, brother, 622

Pertenhale (Pertanale, Pertynhale)
-, Joan, sister, 7
-, John, 118; chaplain, 39
-, Richard, 149, 158; rector, 354

Perys, Stephen, chaplain, 43

Peterborough (Northants.), abbot, 412

Peter's Lane, 434

Petworth (Sussex), 166

Petyt, John, rector, 220, 603

Peykerk, Ralph, chaplain, 208

Peys, Thomas, 136

Phehw, James, rector, 49

Philip (Phelipp, Philippe, Phylyp), John, 526–7; chaplain, 72

Phippe, Beatrice, 527

Pickard (Picard, Pychard, Pykard)
-, —, 508
-, John, 124, 422, 432, 453; chaplain, 58

Piebaker (Pybaker, Pyebakere), Andrew, 406, 427

Piel, see Pyel

Pilot, John, 495

Piriton (Pyryton)
-, Hugh de, rector, 618
-, Richard, 628

'Pisenensis', bishop, see Egmund, William

Pisford, John, 124

Pitton, Robert, chaplain, 191

Plague, xxi

Pleshey (Essex), 303

Pleyfeyre, Richard, chaplain, 21

Pleystowe, John, chaplain, 206

Plommer, Richard, 439

Plymer, John, clerk, 87

Plympton (Devon), priory, 622

Podemey, Alexander, rector, 229

Pole (Polle)
-, Juliana, nun, 5
-, Reginald atte, 405
-, Thomas, 461, 489, 502

Pollard, Thomas, 644

Pomfreit, see Pontefract

Pond, William, 644

Pondre, Alice, 471

Pontefract (Pomfreit, Poumfrat, Pounfrett, etc.)
-, Henry, 461
-, John, 418, 433
-, Thomas, 390
-, William, 479, 520–1

Ponyngg, Robert, chaplain, 50

-, John, 406
-, Stephen, rector, 638

Popilton, William, 493

Porter (Portour)
-, John, brother, 8
-, Nicholas, 521
-, Richard, rector, 627
-, Thomas, 449
-, William, 145

Portsoken ward, 541–5

Potton (Potyn)
-, John, 142
-, John de, mr, 561
-, Nicholas, 504
-, William, rector, 556

Potynham, Thomas, chaplain, 52

Poulee, Isabel, nun, 5

Poulterer, see Trades

Poumfrat (Pounfrett), see Pontefract

Pountfree, John, clerk, 216

Poyntell, Henry, 132

Prata, Pileus de, archbishop of Ravenna, 554, 576

Prayers, 566, 629

Prentys, John, 514

Prest, Henry, 426

-, Alice, 482
-, John, chaplain, 215

Prior, John, 467

Prittlewell (Pritewell, Prytewell), Adam (de), 150, 155, 165; rector, 203, 213

Procurations, 554, 576, 578

Procurator, Richard, 135

Prophet (Prophete), John, mr, xxii–xxiii, 607

Provendre, Richard, chaplain, 10

Puckeridge (Herts.), 551

Purle, John, 148, 156

Purleigh (Essex), 156

Purveys, Gilbert, 538

Puryton, William, 128

Pychard, see Pickard

Pyctotte, Thomas, 485

Pyel (Piel, Pyell)
-, Joan, 530
-, John, 396, 478

Pykard, see Pickard

Pykenham, 485

Pyket, Bartholomew, kt, 558

-, Alice, 608
-, John, 608

-, John, 121
-, William, rector, 181

Pynkeneye, Arnald, 494

-, John, chaplain, 24
-, Thomas, 434

'Pynpeford', field, 584

Pyrye, William, canon, 2

Quarrington (Lines.), 643

Queenhithe ward, 445–8

Quenington (Gloucs.), 417

Querton, Robert, 144

Queryngham, Robert, 128

Quinton (Northants.), 627, 646

Quyng, Henry, 138

Rabas, Roger, 411

Rache, John, chaplain, 204

Rademere, John, 121

Radenore, John, chaplain, 59

Radwell (Radwelle)
-, Richard, 409, 424–5, 430
-, William, 428

Ragdale, Thomas, brother, 8

-, John, 495–6
-, Robert, 495

Ram, John, 437

Ramsey (Hunts.), 450; abbot, 522, 527

Ramsey (Rameseye, Ramseye)
-, Adam, 454
-, Robert, 427, 429

Randolf, John, chaplain, 35, 109, 212

Rason, William, 494

Ratforde, John de, chaplain, 90

Rattesey, Adam, 453

Raudeby, John, 126

Rauff, John, rector, 633

Raukdych, John, canon, 2

Raulyn, see Rawleyn

Raundes, John de, 125

Rauton, Philip, chaplain, 73

Ravenna (Italy), archbishop, see Prata, Pileus de

Ravenyston, John, vicar, 16

Rawleyn (Raulyn), John, 522, 542

Raynald, see Reynold

Rayne (Essex), 290

Reade (Rede)
-, Ralph, 494
-, William, 480
-, William, bishop of Chichester, xxiii

Reading (Berks.), abbot, 400, 436, 459

Redenhall (Norfolk), deanery, 163

Redhod, John, 149, 154; rector, 186

-, John, 494
-, Richard, 521
-, Thomas, chaplain, 209

Redys, Christine, sister, 4

Reed (Herts.), 220

Refectory, William, clerk of, 2

Reigate (Surrey), 473

Reklyswade, Jordan de, monk, 13

Renel, Andrew, chaplain, 72

Rent-collector, William, clerk of, 3

Rents, xvi, 396–546 passim

Repton, John de, canon, 3

Revel, William, 143

Rewley (Oxon.), abbot, 412, 444, 480

-, John, chaplain, 85
-, Robert, 122

Reynham, Adam (de), 122; chaplain, 57

Reynold (Raynald)
-, John, 435, 490
-, Richard, 122

Reynwell, William, 418

Reys, Walter, 118

Richard II, xv, 584, 588–9, 636

Richman (Richeman), William, 132; chaplain, 50

Ridgewell (Essex), 284

Rifton(?), John, chaplain, 184

Ripley (Surrey), 431

Ripton, King's (Hunts.), 161

Risby, Robert, 448, 541

Rising (Risyng, Rysyng)
-, William, rector, 562, 581
-, William de, prior, 3

-, Henry, rector, 215
-, John, chaplain, 210
-, William, rector, 210

Robetot, William, 615

-, Edmund, 509
-, Henry, 509

Roche, Philip, chaplain, 14

Rochester (Kent), bishop of, 547; cathedral, prior, 167, 411, 476; diocese, 167

Rode, William, 170

Roding, Abbess (Essex), 652

Roding, Aythorpe (Essex), 313

Roding, Berners (Essex), 309

Roding, High (Essex), 314

Roding, Leaden (Essex), 311

Roding, Margaret (Essex), 310

Roding, White (Essex), 312

Rodris, William, 148

Roger, Philip, vicar, 567

Roilond, William, chaplain, 209

Rok, John, chaplain, 109

Roket, John, 480

Roldeston, John de, rector, 630

Rolls, clerk of, 492; chancery, clerk of, 499

Rollys, Michael de la, canon, 4

Rome (Italy), xix

Romeneye, John, 543

Rommeseye, John, chaplain, 206

Rood, John, chaplain, 91

Rosse (Roos, Rous, Russe)
-, John, 126; chaplain, 42, 209; clerk, 115
-, Philip, 129; chaplain, 52
-, Robert, 106
-, Thomas, brother, 12
-, Walter, 120; chaplain, 187

-, Henry de, 126
-, John, monk, 12

-, John, 447
-, Richard, canon, 3

Rotour, John, 449

Rouen (France), archbishop of, see L'Estrange, William de

Rous, see Rosse

Rouseby, Thomas, chaplain, 203

Rousham (Rowesham), Geoffrey, 129; chaplain, 10

Roydon (Essex), 322

Royston (Herts.), prior, xi, 417, 628; priory, 217

Rufton, John de, chaplain, 88

Rushden (Herts.), 551

Russe, see Rosse

Russell, Richard, 464

Ruston, John, 124

-, John, chaplain, 27
-, Roger, chaplain, 35

Ryffyn, William, 142; chaplain, 448, 465

Rykhill, William, 447

Ryngwode, Robert, 127

Ryot, Roger, 462, 543

Rypton, John de, 3

Rysk, Walter, chaplain, 39

-, Richard, 467
-, Robert, clerk, 16

Saffrey, Richard, 462

Sagowe, William, chaplain, 206

Saham, Thomas, 541

St Alban Wood Street, church, 24

St Albans (Herts.), abbot, 396–7, 401, 435–6, 476, 496, 512; house, 487

St Albans, Thomas de, 435–6, 476

St Alphage London Wall, church, 22, 525

St Andrew by the Wardrobe, church, 19

St Andrew Holborn, church, 18

St Andrew Hubbard, church, 28, 421, 432

St Andrew Undershaft, church, 27

St Anne and St Agnes, church, 26, 476; rector, 139

St Anthony, hospital, 9

St Antonin, church, 20, 399, 448, 531, 538

St Audoen, church, 23, 497; rector, 139

St Augustine on the Wall, church, 29, 451; rector, 139

St Augustine Watling Street, church, 21; parish, 497; rector, 154

St Austell (Cornwall), chapel of St Michael, 567, 605

St Bartholomew, church, 403, 421, 519

St Bartholomew, hospital, xviii, 7, 423, 436, 441, 443, 454, 458, 461, 476–7, 479, 481–2, 489, 496–8, 502, 518, 537– 8; master, 415, 493

St Bartholomew, priory, 2, 107, 398, 434; prior, 416, 432, 435, 443, 461, 469, 475–9, 481, 485, 487–8, 491–2, 495, 504, 521, 526, 529; prior and convent, 476

St Bartholomew by the Exchange, church, 38, 115, 396; parish, 396

St Benet, chantry, 535

St Benet, church, 470, 488

St Benet Fink, church, 36; parish, 397

St Benet Gracechurch, 35, 433, 466; parish, 433; rector, 154

St Benet Paul's Wharf, church, 34, 508; rector, 154

St Benet Sherehog, church, 37

St Botolph, church, 432, 483, 542–3

St Botolph Aldersgate, church, 33, ?477–9

St Botolph Aldgate, church, 32

St Botolph Billingsgate, church, 31, 401, 419

St Botolph Bishopsgate, church, 30, ?456

St Bride Fleet Street, church, 39; rector, 628

St Cadoc (St Davids diocese), 169

St Christopher, church, 110, 399, 422, 486–7

St Clare, see Minoresses

St Clement, chantry, 471

St Clement Eastcheap, church, 41, 472; parish, 406, 501; rector, 471; rector and parishioners, 431

St Clement's Lane, 466

St Davids, bishop, 412; see also Houghton, Adam; diocese, 169, 607

St Dionis Backchurch, church, 215, 398, 443, 469, 516

St Dunstan in the East, church, 214, ?505– 6, ?537

St Dunstan in the West, church, 42, 600; rector, 417, 628

St Edmund, chantry, 471

St Edmund King and Martyr, church, 43, 472, 502

St Ethelburga Bishopsgate, church, 25

St Faith, church, 140–1, 145

St Gabriel Fenchurch, church, 70, 468–9

St George, church, 45, 420, 423; fraternity, 45

St Giles, fraternity, 523–4, 526–7

St Giles Cripplegate, church, 111, 520–7, 534; rector, 140; vicar, 522, 526–7

St Gregory, church, 44; rector, 140, 151, 554

St Helen Bishopsgate, priory, 5, 141, 145, 152, 451, 454–5, 467–8, 470, 488, 490–1, 510; church, 115, 427, 482, 503, 507; hospital [sic], 452, 466; nuns, 396, 401–3, 427, 436, 459, 476, 543, 545; prior [sic], 517; prioress, 419, 422, 431, 460, 464, 480, 482–3

St Ives (Hunts.), deanery, 159

St James, ?church, 451

St James Garlickhithe, church, 47, 409, 436, 447, 507–8, 517, 528

St John, fraternity, 397

St John the Baptist, fraternity, 8, 119

St John the Evangelist, church, 207; parish, 499; rector, xiii n. 19, 499

St John Walbrook, church, 48, 440, 510, 539, 541; parish, 540; rector, 481

St John Zachary, church, 46

St Katherine, church, 403, 421–2, 455, 466, 504, 506, 509, 516, 520, 526, 530–1

St Katherine by the Tower, hospital, x, 116, 433, 526, 544–5; house, 449, 468, 473, 487; master, 442, 539, 545

St Katherine Coleman, church, 49; rector, 139

St Katherine Cree, church, 50

St Lawrence Jewry, church, 52, 472, 517, 528; rector, 139

St Lawrence Pountney, collegiate church, 17, 94, 399, 410, 422, 451, 457, 461, 480, 522, 537; master, 424, 515; parish, 410, 536

St Leonard Eastcheap, church, 211, 216, 407, 421; parish, 407; rector and parishioners, 431–2

St Leonard Foster Lane, church, 51, 472

St Magnus the Martyr, church, 86, 189, 427–8, 515; parish, 427; wardens, 429

St Margaret Fish Street Hill, church, 74, 177, 423, 429–30; parish, 429–32; rector, 406; rector and parishioners, 430

St Margaret Lothbury, church, 75, 178, 398, 443; parish, 398

St Margaret Moses Friday Street, church, 77, 180, 494, 498; parish, 498

St Margaret Pattens, church, 76, 179; rector, 565

St Martin le Grand, collegiate church and royal free chapel, xii, xiv n. 20, 16, ?133, 409, 434–5, 451, 461–2, 464, ?476, 479, 483, 498, 503, 517, 519; dean, 476, 495, 531; dean and chapter, 474; prebend, 518

St Martin Ludgate, church, 81, 184

St Martin Orgar, church, 80, 183, 409, 422, 424, 501; parish, 409, 501

St Martin Oteswich, church, 84, 187; parish, 402

St Martin Pomery, church, 83, 186, 455, 529–30; rector, 154

St Martin Vintry, church, 82, 185

St Mary, chantry, 557

St Mary, hospital, 452–3, 455–8, 473, 485, 488, 503–4, 506–8, 524, 529, 532–3, 535

St Mary Abchurch, church, 63, 405, 515; parish, 405

St Mary Aldermanbury, church, 60, 441, 460, 522

St Mary Aldermary, church, 204, 216, 480, 492

St Mary at Hill, church, 69, 407, 420, 433

St Mary Axe, church, 62; rector, 139

St Mary Bethlehem, see Bethlehem

St Mary Bishopsgate, hospital, 4, 422, 435, 440, 461–2, 465–6, 468, 475, 480–1, 490, 495, 498, 520, 538, 541, 544; prior, 210, 403, 407–9, 422–3, 435, 459, 465–6, 475, 481, 491, 495, 498, 510–11, 517, 528, 536, 538, 541; see also St Mary, hospital

St Mary Bothaw, church, xiii n. 19, 165, 210, 444

St Mary Colechurch, 68

St Mary Graces, abbey, 13, 95, 156, 195, 396–8, 412, 421–2, 431; abbot, 426, 433, 446, 448, 462, 466, 468, 470–1, 481–2, 486, 502–3, 505, 507–9, 514, 538, 542–3, 545–6; abbot and convent, 498

St Mary le Bow, church, 165, 203, 532; see also Bow deanery

St Mary Magdalen, church, 518; parish, 490

St Mary Magdalen Milk Street, church, 72, 173, 438, 528

St Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street, church, 73, 174

St Mary Mounthaw, church, 66, 175; rector, 139

St Mary Overy, see Southwark

St Mary Somerset, church, 65, 445–6; rector, 559

St Mary Staining, church, 67, 117, 176, 463, 468; rector, 139

St Mary Woolchurch, 64, 400, 486

St Mary Woolnoth, church, 61, 467, 485

St Matthew Friday Street, church, 85, 188, 407; parish, 500

St Michael Bassishaw, church, 58, 510, 542; rector, 440

St Michael Cornhill, church, 59, 483–5, 487–8

St Michael Crooked Lane, collegiate church, 212, 216, 408, 424–8, 497, 515, 536; parish, 408, 425; rector, 446; wardens, 426

St Michael le Querne, church, 55, 463, 557

St Michael Paternoster, church, 203, 205, 216, 480, 539; parish, 539

St Michael Queenhithe, church, 56; rector, 154

St Michael Wood Street, church, 57, 517, 519

St Michael's Lane, 408

St Mildred Bread Street, church, 79, 182, 447, 492, 494; parish, 494

St Mildred Poultry, church, 78, 181, 404; parish, 404

St Nicholas Acon, church, 89, 192, 448, 472

St Nicholas Cole Abbey, church, 88, 191, 447, 496; parish, 495–6; rector, 154

St Nicholas Olave, church, 90; rector, 139, 154, 576, 578

St Nicholas Shambles, church, 87, 647; rector, 154

St Olave Hart Street, church, 97, 452

St Olave Old Jewry, church, 96; rector, 601; see also St Stephen Coleman Street, church

St Olave Silver Street, church, 98, 115, 155, 517

St Pancras (Middx.), 141, 531; manor, 636

St Pancras Soper Lane, church, 206, 427, 445, 461, 483, 531

St Paul's cathedral, church, x– xiii, xv, xx– xxi, 140–72, 396–7, 406, 411, 418–19, 421, 423–4, 430, 432, 435–6, 445, 447– 8, 453, 456, 460–5, 470–1, 475, 479–80, 494–5, 497–9, 507, 516, 518–22, 525, 531, 533, 535, 538, 628, 640; almoner, 479, 493; canons, xiii, 140, 146, 465, 493, 517; chancellor, 140, 146; chantries, xv, 406, 435, 475, 497, 518; 'college' in, 536; convocation in, x–xi, xxi, 553, 568, 582, 606, 619; dean, 140, 146, 411, 464, 493–4, 520–2; dean and chapter, 411, 434, 447–8, 463, 517–18; monastery [sic] 493; prebendaries, xiii–xiv; prebends, 521–7

St Peter Cornhill, church, 102, 117, 483; rector, 453–4

St Peter le Poor, church, 100; parish, 401; rector, 139, 154

St Peter Paul's Wharf, church, 101, 504, 525; rector, 154

St Peter Westcheap, church, 103, 536

St Sepulchre Newgate, church, 107; parish, 417, 571

St Stephen Coleman Street, chapel, 601; church, 105, 115, 442

St Stephen Walbrook, church, 104, 516

St Swithin, church, 106, 410, 514–15; parish, 579

St Thomas of Acon, church [sic], 436; hospital, 8, 194, 455; house, 440; master, 442, 444, 456, 491, 508, 510, 512–14, 516, 522, 524, 528–9. 532–3, 537

St Thomas the Apostle, church, 108; parish, 571; rector, 480

St Thomas the Martyr, see London Bridge

St Vedast, church, 165, 209, 462–3, 476, 497

Sakevile, Christine, 435

Saling, Great (Essex), 277

Salisbury, bishop, 412; see also Erghum, Ralph; canon, 550; diocese, 575, 597; earl, 434

Salisbury (Salesbery, Salesbury, Salusbery)
-, John de, chaplain, 174
-, Nicholas, canon, 393; rector, 631
-, Paul, 444, 511
-, William, mr, canon, 16

-, John, 516, 533
-, Robert, 142

Salman, William, 150, 161; chaplain, 72, 173; clerk, 75

Salmont, William, rector, 648

Salve Regina, fraternity, 428

Salyng, Richard, mr, 510

Sampson, Thomas, 407

Sanctii Munionis, Giles, mr, provost of Valencia, 554, 576, 578

Sanctuary, violation of, xx, 595

Sandon (Essex), 610

Sandon, John, 390, 439

Sanford, Edmund, esquire, 488

Sarych, Richard, canon, 3

Sawbridgeworth (Herts.), 236, 625

Sawtry (Hunts.), abbot, 448

Saxe, Robert, canon, 4

Schalgrave, Richard, chaplain, 173

Scherdelowe, Henry, canon, 3

Schereve, Roger, chaplain, 81

Schertegrave, see Shortgrave

Scheryngton, John, chaplain, 22

'Schetebournelane', see Sherborne Lane

Schort, Hugh, 419–20, 423

Schypley, William, clerk, 35

Schypthorp, John, chaplain, 72

Schyrland, Simon, chaplain, 110

Scrivener, William, 571

Scrope, Richard, 452

Seals, 548–50, 630, 635, 647–8

Sechforde, John, 461–2

Seething Lane, 507

Segevawse, John, 414

Sekyndon, Nicholas, 159

Seland, Lambert, chaplain, 86

Selby, John, clerk, 113

Selham (Selam), Walter, 127; chaplain, 103

-, John, 491, 511–12
-, John, 121; chaplain, 64
-, Robert, chaplain, 181

Sempringham (Lines.), prior, 414

Senesterrys, William, chaplain, 99

Senestre, Nicholas, 121

Sermon Lane, 435

Seryne, Richard, 524

Seton (Setoun)
-, Adam, 450
-, John, 446

Seustern (?Seuster), William, 122; chaplain, 188

Sewell (Sewale)
-, John, 424
-, Richard, brother, 8, 194

Sexell (Sexel), John, 132; chaplain, 105

Sexoy, John, 542–3

Seynet, Joan, sister, 15

Shakell, John, 435–6

Shaldon (Shalden)
-, John, brother, 622
-, Philip, canon, 2

Shalfleet (Isle of Wight), 170

Shalford (Essex), 276

Sheering (Essex), 326, 550

Shelford, Henry de, 125

Shellow Bowells (Essex), 306

Shenley (Herts.), 161

Shepperton (Middx.), 339

Sherborne Lane (Schetebournelane), 467

Shillingford (Shilingford, Shilyngford), John, 492–3

Shipdham (Norfolk), 163

-, Thomas, chaplain, 214
-, William, clerk, 216
-, William de, rector, 356

Shires, Michael de, vicar, 364

Shirlond, Simon de, 120

Shiryngham, William, 494

Shodington, Alan, vicar, 359

Shoebury North (Essex), 652

Sholdham, John, chaplain, 203

Shordiche, John, 409

Shoreditch, St Leonard, church, 54; rector, 139

Shortgrave (Schertegrave), Thomas, 130; chaplain, 92

Shottesbrooke (Berks.), xvi, 472, 484

Shouldham (Norfolk), prior, 532–3

Shrovesbury, William, 147

Shutyntone, Alan de, vicar, 591

Sibile (Sibill, Sybil, Sybyle)
-, John, 418, 450, 486, 513
-, Thomas, chaplain, 212

Sibthorp, John, 120

Siferwas (Cifrewast, Syferwas, Syverwas), John, 436, 530–1, 541

Significations, see Excommunication

Silkiston, Andrew, 469

Sirete, Thomas, canon, 16

Skinner (Skynner, Skynnere)
-, Richard, 541
-, Thomas le, chaplain, 551

Skirlaw (Skirlawe, Skyrlowe)
-, John, mr, canon, 16
-, Walter, mr, xiii, 16

Skrafeld, Roger, chaplain, 73

Slatburn (Slaytbourne), Roger, vicar, 357, 646

Sleford, William, 393

Smelt, John, 125; chaplain, 68

Smith (Smeth, Smyth)
-, Adam, 130
-, Andrew, 483
-, John, 119
-, Richard, 120; chaplain, 75, 178

Smothe, Nicholas, chaplain, 60

Snayth, Henry, 147, 162

Snoryng, Thomas, 124; chaplain, 63

Somerdaby, William de, rector, 72

Somersford, John, 439

Somersham (Somersam)
-, Isabel, sister, 15
-, John, 483, 545

Somerville (Somervyle)
-, —, 428
-, John, 460

Somerwell, John, chaplain, 47

Sonnyng, John, canon, 10

Sothern, Robert, 439

Sothewell, Adam, clerk, 111

Sourdenhalle (Sourdenale), Hugh, 124; chaplain, 647

Southcote, John, 514

Southfolk, John, 130

Southwark (Surrey), church, 446, 537–8; prior, 405–6, 409, 414, 418–19, 424–5, 427–8, 429–31, 433, 438, 447, 451, 456, 459–60, 477, 481, 490, 510; priory, 440, 445, 502–3, 505, 511; St Thomas, hospital, 446, 449–50, 464, 468, 484

Sowthmarton, Adam de, chaplain, 93

Spaldewyk, William, 474

Spalding (Spaldyng, Spaldyngg)
-, John, canon, 2
-, Reginald, 149, 154, 434
-, Robert, 124
-, William, chaplain, 212

Spark, John, 128, 516; chaplain, 104

Sparkenhoe (Leics.), deanery, 159

Spelman, Stephen, 446

Spencer (Spenser)
-, Agnes, nun, 14
-, Geoffrey le, rector, 77
-, Henry, chaplain, 204
-, Joan, nun, 6, 197
-, John, chaplain, 68; rector, 599
-, Lord le, 497
-, Richard, 405, 433
-, Thomas, 466
-, Walter, 124; chaplain, 58

Sperhunk, John, 458

Sperner, Reginald, 557

Spicer, John, vicar, 300

Spicer, see Trades

Spitele, John atte, 119

Spondon, Henry de, rector, 46

Spray, Clement, 477

Sprot, Katherine, 437

Sprotborough, Robert, rector, 74

Squier, Beatrice, nun, 7

Stable, Adam, 541

Stacbolle (Stakbole, Stakboll, Stakeboll)
-, John, 118; chaplain, 39; rector, 76
-, John jun., 118

-, John, clerk, 220
-, William, rector, 310

Stafford (Staffs.), xix; earl, 448; sheriff, xix

Staines (Middx.), 361

Stakeboll, see Stacbolle

Stakyng, William, 131

Stalham, John, 126

Stambourne (Essex), 283

Stambridge, Great (Essex), 652

Standon (Herts.), 248, 558

Stanewey, see Stanway

Stanfield (Stanesfeld, Stanfeld), John, rector, 274, 598

Stanford (Stanforde, Staunford)
-, John, 119
-, Roger, chaplain, 107
-, William, 115

Stanford Rivers (Essex), 631

Stanmore (Middx.), 348

Stanstead Abbots (Herts.), 241

Stanstead St Margarets (Herts.), 242

Stanston, John, chaplain, 86

Stantonbury (Bucks.), 623

Stanway (Stanewey, Stanwey), Richard, 119; chaplain, 33

Stanwell (Middx.), 338

Stanyng, John, chaplain, 39

Stapilton, John, 480

Stapleford Tawney (Essex), 652

Stapultee, William, 491

Staughton, Great (Hunts.), 588

Staundissh, Simon, 440

Staunford, see Stanford

Staunston, William, chaplain, 81

-, John, 129, 478; chaplain, 189; vicar, 16
-, John de, rector, 600

Stebbing (Essex), 278

Stebynhythe, John, clerk, 88

Stephyn, John, chaplain, 567; vicar, 651

Stepney (Middx.), 355, 548, 561, 609; manor, xx, xxii

Stepworth, William, chaplain, 69

Sterlyng, Richard, chaplain, 20

Sterre, Roger atte, 408

Steynton, Simon, 148, 168

Stock (Essex), 616

Stockton, Peter, 118

Stodley, William, canon, 16

Stoke, William, 136

Stoke Hammond (Bucks.), 161

Stoke Newington (Middx.), 141, 152

Stokkyng, William, chaplain, 31

Stondon (Stondone), John, 443; chaplain, 72

Stonham, William, 477

Stooe, Robert, 527

Stormsworthe (Stormesworth, Stormysworth), John, 127; chaplain, 79, 182

Stortford, Bishop's (Herts.), 156, 234

Stotard, Richard, 433

Stouhard, John, chaplain, 73

Stow, archdeaconry, xi

-, John, 390
-, Thomas, mr, 475

Strand (Middx.), 351

Stratfield Saye (Hants.), 631

Stratford Langthorne (Essex), abbey, 468; abbot, xi, 466, 471, 473, 628

Stratford-at-Bow (Middx.), nuns, 402, 457, 482, 509; prioress, 409, 460, 465, 494, 512, 515, 534; priory, 366

Straunge, John, 136

Strauston, John, chaplain, 43

Strekynton, Robert, chaplain, 57

-, Edmund, mr, canon. 16
-, Thomas, 148, 159; rector, 348
-, Walter, 460

Stretley, John, 115

Stretton, Robert, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 618

Strode, Thomas, 458

Studeye, Robert, 122

Stulpes, Richard atte, 458

Sturmer (Essex), 281

Sturry, Richard, kt, 396

Style, Richard, 427

Stylere, Robert, chaplain, 82

Sudbury (Suffolk), archdeaconry, 163; college, 484

Sudbury (Sudberia)
-, Agnes, sister, 15
-, Simon, archbishop of Canterbury, x–xii, xvii–xx, 203, 553–4, 564, 566, 568, 576–8, 582, 585, 595, 597, 602, 606–7, 617, 619, 621, 626, 629, 637, 639, 650; bishop of London, xxii, 626

Suffragan bishop, xxiii and n. 63

Suharde, Mary, prioress, 366

Sunbury (Middx.), 380

Sunday, Eustace, chaplain, 95

Sutton (Kent), deanery, 165

-, Geoffrey, 434
-, John, 390
-, Richard, prior, 7
-, Roger, mr, rector, 562, 564
-, William, 161; chaplain, 212

Swaffham (Swafham)
-, John de, prior, 297
-, Nicholas, 130; chaplain, 80

Swanne, Thomas (atte), 459, 485

Swete, Isabel, nun, 14

Swineshead (Beds, or Lines.), 565

Swynbourne, Thomas, 540

Swyneshed, John, chaplain, 18

Swynle, John, 147, 159

Sybyle, see Sibile

-, Robert, chaplain, 48
-, Simon, chaplain, 81

Syverwas, see Siferwas

Taillor, see Taylor

Tailor, see Trades

Taket, John, chaplain, 212

Tamworth (Tampworth)
-, Henry, 440
-, Hugh, 129; chaplain, 52
-, John, 133; chaplain, 34

Tangeley, Richard, 422

Tanner, Adam, 128

Taunton (Somerset), prior, 168

-, John, chaplain, 210
-, Stephen, chaplain, 214

Taverner, Adam, chaplain, 8

Tavistock (Devon), abbot, 641

Taxatio Ecclesiastica , ix

Taxation, clerical, ix–xiii, xviii–xix, 1–395

Taylor (Cisors, Taillor, Taillour)
-, Andrew, 456
-, Henry, 424; chaplain, 68
-, Nicholas, 435, 516, 523
-, Paul, 494
-, Ralph, 571
-, Richard, 467
-, Thomas, 424

Tedeshore, John, clerk, 216

Temple, New, 112, 133, 199, 484; master, 417, 433

Temple, William, chaplain, 206

Temple Bar, xxii, 652

Tennyngton, John, clerk, 2

Teperton, Nicholas, 426

Terynton, William, 147

Tettusbury, John, 536

Tewin (Herts.), 603

Tewkesbury (Teukesbury, Tewkysbury)
-, Thomas, 129
-, William, 123; chaplain, 52

Thaksted, Peter de, 123

Thame (Oxon.), abbot, 414

Thaxted (Essex), 299

Theobaud, John, clerk, 2

Therbow, John, chaplain, 88

Theydon Garnon (Essex), 156

Thirlowe (Thyrlowe)
-, James, rector, 264
-, Joan, 398

Thomer, William, 525–6

Thondorbe, Richard, 515

Thorley (Herts.), 235

Thorn, William, chaplain, 214

Thorney (Cambs.), abbot, 162

Thorney, Reginald, 435

Thornham, Hugh, vicar, 651

Thornton, Nicholas de, clerk, 584, 589

-, Elias, 451
-, Richard de, rector, 338

Thorpe le Soken (Essex), 141, 151

Thrapston (Northants.), 159

Thrawbrigge (Throwbrygge), see Trowbridge

Thundridge (Herts.), 247

Thurban, Richard, mr, canon, 16

Thurrock, West (Essex), 633

Thyrlowe, see Thirlowe

Tikhull, see Tykell

Tikton, William, 123

Tilbury-juxta-Clare (Essex), 293

Tillingham (Essex), 141, 145, 151

Tilty (Essex), abbey, 296, 518–19

Timberhithe Lane, 445

Timbermonger, see Trades

Titchmarsh (Northants.), 161

Titte, William, master, 11

Tolethorpe (Rutland), college, 632

Tolleshunt, prebend, 16

Tolworth, John, chaplain, 79

Tomer, William, 144

-, Alice, 408
-, Avice, 406, 489

Toppesfield (Essex), 285, 630

Tortington (Sussex), prior, 166, 418, 513, 515

Tottenham (Middx.), 372

Tower of London, 475, 650

Tower ward, 502–9

Tracy, Hugh, 121; chaplain, 59

Trades: brazier, 489; brewer, 464; butchers, 408, 647; chandler, 424; cook, 467; drapers, 469, 473; fishmonger, 475; goldsmith, 476; haberdasher, 490; innkeeper, 491; ironmonger, 469; maltmonger, 482; patten-maker, 466; poulterer, 437, 440; spicer, 463; tailor, 453, 462; timbermonger, 461; vintner, 424, 431

Traylee, John, chaplain, 40

Tregowe, William, 128

Trewbrigge, see Trowbridge

Treygoph', John, chaplain, 104

Treynell, Henry, 403

Trigg (Trigge, Trugg, Trygg)
-, John, 435, 445, 449, 464; chaplain, 44
-, Thomas, 428

Tripe, William, 495

Trot, Hugh, 409

Trowbridge (Wilts.), prior [sic], 515

Trowbridge (Thrawbrigge, Throwbrygge, Trewbrigge, etc.)
-, John, 151; rector, 111; vicar, 522, 527
-, Richard, rector, 237

Trowyn, John, clerk, 102

Trufford, William, rector, 574

Trygg (Trugg), see Trigg

Tryntham, Robert de, chaplain, 88

Tuce, William, brother, 198

Tuk, Simon, rector, 65, 559

Turk (Turke)
-, John, 125, 466, 471; chaplain, 68; mr, 427
-, Richard, 506
-, Robert, 529

Tumour, John, 125; chaplain, 68

Turre, William de, mr, 543

Tutbury (Tuttebury), William, 129; chaplain, 52

Twickenham (Middx.), 364

Twinstead (Essex), 294

Twyford (Middx.), 141

Twyford, Ralph, 143

Tyburn (Middx.), 370

Tykell (Tikhull, Tykhull), John, 127; chaplain, 79, 182

Tyngewyk, William, 460

Tynworth, John de, rector, 203

Tyrells, Carolus, 626

Tyringham (Bucks.), 612

Umfrey (Umprey), John, chaplain, 42, 118

-, John, canon, 3
-, William de, chaplain, 191

Urban VI, pope, 607

Valencia (Spain), provost, see Sanctii Munionis, Giles

Vanner (Vannere), see Fannere

Vascombe, —, 545

Vautort, John, 447

Veal (Veel)
-, John, chaplain, 93
-, Thomas, 588

Venour, William, 445, 507

Venysia, Peter de, chaplain, 26

Veyse, William, 120

Vintner, see Trades

Vintry ward, 480–1

Vudele (Vundele), Nicholas de, 126; chaplain, 60

Vullere, Adam, 481

Vury, Thomas, canon, 2

Vyaunt, John, 521

Vyne (Vyan)
-, Andrew, 422
-, Joan, nun, 14
-, John atte, 76
-, Philip atte, 478

Vynsentyshyve, tenement called, 527

Wade, John, 120, 140, 146, 420–1, 531; chaplain, 110

Wakefield, Henry, bishop of Worcester, 556–7, 617, 619

Wakeley (Wakele, Wakelee), John. 402, 472, 489, 493

Wakeryng, William de, brother, 7

Walche, see Walsh

Walcote (Walcotte, Wallcote, Wallcotte), John, 405, 486–7, 535

Walden (Essex), abbot, 479

Walden (Walldon)
-, Alice, 438
-, Richard, 486

Walklyf, Agnes, sister, 4

Wallworth, see Walworth

Walpolle, John, 492

Walsh (Walche, Walsche, Walssh, etc.)
-, John, 514
-, Stephen, chaplain, 66, 175
-, Walter, chaplain, 84
-, William, 135; chaplain, 95

Walsingham (Norfolk), prior, 163

Walsokene, Robert, chaplain, 86

-, Edmund, chaplain, 204
-, Stephen (de), 125; chaplain, 66

Waltham (Essex), abbey, 455; abbot, 418– 20, 422, 427, 433, 442, 446, 495, 504, 507

-, John de, rector, 594
-, Nicholas, canon, 10
-, Walter, 450

Waltham, North (Hants.), 604

Waltham Cross, Richard son of Vincent of, 37

Walthamstow (Essex), 577, 652

Walton on the Naze (Essex), 141, 151

Walworth (Walleworth, Wallworth)
-, —, 418
-, John, 424, 430–1, 510
-, Margaret, 396, 399, 419–20, 425
-, William de, 636

Wandar (?), William, 456

Wandeneshous, rent called, 494

Warboys (Hunts.), 159

Warde, John, 118; chaplain, 39

Warden (Beds.), abbot, 412, 476

Warden (Warden), William de, abbot, 13, 195

Ware (Herts.), 246, 590; prior, 470

Warefield, Walter, 390

Warewyk, see Warwick

Warley, Little (Essex), 156

Warmyngton (Wermyngton)
-, John, 130; chaplain, 20, 72
-, Richard, chaplain, 212; mr, clerk, xxii, 588, 636
-, Thomas, chaplain, 35
-, William de, 120; chaplain, 75

Warner, John, 469

Warwick, deanery, 164

Warwick (Warewyk, Warrewyk, Warwyk)
-, John, 134; chaplain, 93; vicar, 393
-, Thomas, 390
-, William, 121

Waryn, Andrew, 118

Wasshyngborn, Nicholas, 149, 156

Water, Adam atte, 492

Waterdone, Thomas, clerk, 3

Watford (Watfordd, Watforde)
-, John, 136, 144; chaplain, 5
-, John de, canon, 2
-, Thomas, prior, 2

Watkyn, John, chaplain, 80

Wattlyngton, Agnes, 448

Watton (Herts.), 159; chapel, 514

Waunesey, Margaret, sister, 15

Wayte, John, 271; rector, 643

Wedon, John, chaplain, 180

Wefi, Joan, sister, 15

Welbourne, John, 472

Welenton, see Wellington

Welewes, see Welwes

Welforde, Thomas, 475

-, John atte, chaplain, 190
-, Thomas de, 588
-, Walter atte, 428

Welles, William, 126

Wellington (Welenton, Wellendon, Wellyngton)
-, Henry, 135; chaplain, 111
-, Thomas, chaplain, 208

Welsokyn, Robert, chaplain, 189

Welwes (Welewes, Wylowes, Wylows), Henry (de), 149, 154; rector, 90, 576, 578

Welwyn (Herts.), 157, 648

Welyngboruth, John, canon, 393

-, John, 147
-, William, 156

Wenlok, William, 147, 159; canon, 393

Wermyngton, see Warmyngton

Wertele, Robert, 470

West, John, chaplain, 428, 435

Westby, Robert, chaplain, 86

Westminster, xxi, 428, 443, 454, 458, 502– 3, 505–6, 511, 530, 534
-, abbey, xx, 390, 460; abbot, xiii, 390, 396, 406, 421, 428, 430–2, 442, 460, 470, 475–6, 481, 489–90, 492, 494, 496, 499–500, 518, 525, 538; prior, 411
-, St Clement Danes, church, 350
-, St James, hospital, 392, 396, 403, 413, 434, 440–1, 456, 473, 476–8, 497; house, 490; master, 490–1, 496, 507, 514
-, St Margaret, church, 391
-, St Martin in the Field, church, 352
-, St Stephen, royal free chapel, 393, 466, 471, 481; dean and chapter, 411
-, sanctuary at, 595

-, John, 425; chaplain, 85, 107, 211
-, Nicholas, celebrant, 392
-, Thomas, 467; chaplain, 112

Wetewang, Thomas de, rector, 612

-, Joan, 425
-, William de, vicar, 561

Wethersfield (Essex), 292

Whafham, Joan, sister, 15

Wharves, 426

Whelere, Walter, chaplain, 18

Whelplee, William, chaplain, 36

Whitchurch (Middx.), 385

White (Whyt, Whyte, Wight, Wyght, Wyte)
-, John, 130, 426, 456, 482; chaplain, 40, 71, 205
-, Philip, 133; chaplain, 19
-, Robert, chaplain, 35
-, Thomas, 124, 425, 433, 500, 538; chaplain, 58
-, Walter, 469
-, William, 497

Whitefote, Richard, rector, 604

Whiteheuede, Maud, 426

Whitewelle, Henry, 426

Whityng, John, 133

Whyn (Whynne), John, 128; chaplain, 103

Whysch, Katherine, sister, 4

Whyte, see White

Whythod, Robert, chaplain, 80

Whyton, William, chaplain, 52

Wickham, [Bishop's] (Essex), 568, 597, 601; manor, xx–xxii passim, 599–600, 613–15, 618–20

Wickham St Paul's (Essex), 140, 145, 151, 288

Widford (Herts.), 239

Widley (Hants.), 599

Widmerpool (Notts.), 434

Wight, see White

-, lord de, 521
-, Walter, 125

Wildebor, Ralph, 464

Willesden (Middx.), 141, 145, 152, 383

Willesdon (Willeston)
-, Richard, 486
-, Thomas, 478

Willingale Doe (Essex), 307

Willingale Spain (Essex), 308, 623

Wimbish (Essex), 319, 574

Winchcomb (Gloucs.), abbot, 411

Winchester (Hants.), bishop, xix, 447, 536– 7; see also Wykeham, William of; diocese, xxiii, 170, 547, 565, 591, 599– 600, 604, 631, 635, 638; St Mary, monastery, 594

Winchester (Wyncestre, Wynchestre)
-, Henry, vicar, 393
-, John, 124

Winforton (Herefs.), 616

Wircestre, see Worcester

Wirdrawer, Margaret, 439

Witney (Wytteneye, Wyttoneye), John, 131; chaplain, 31; see also Wytton

Wittlisford, William, 390

Woburn (Beds.), xvi; abbot, 476; abbot and convent, 435

-, John atte, 129, 453; chaplain, 52
-, Lucy atte, nun, 14
-, Thomas atte, 413

Wodeford, John, chaplain, 47

Wodeham, John, clerk, 64

Wodehouse (Wodehous), Thomas, 399, 463, 485; chaplain, 214

Woketon, Hugh de, rector, 565

Wokking, Richard, vicar, 332

Wolaston (Woleaston), William, 132, 145; chaplain, 63

-, Hugh, 435
-, Katherine, nun, 5, 145

Wolfhay, John, 524–5

Wolnerch, Thomas, canon, 4

Wolpet, Walter, 644

Woodham Walter (Essex), 618

Woodhill (Beds.), 159

Woodmansterne (Surrey), 600

Worcester (Worcs.), archdeaconry, 164; bishop, xxii, 652; see also Wakefield, Henry; cathedral, prior, 164; diocese, 556–7

Worcester (Wircestre, Wyrcestre)
-, John, 123–4; chaplain, 55
-, Richard, chaplain, 214
-, William, 142; chaplain, 214

Worlington (Suffolk), 610

Wormebrygge, Richard de, chaplain, 39

Worteley, John, rector, 616

Wosbeche, John, 512

Wrattyng, John, 390

Wrestlyngford, John de, 125

Writs, x–xiii, 180, 558, 615, 628, 640

Writtle (Essex), 560, 652

-, John, 418
-, William, 529

Wurstede, Simon, 535

Wychyngham, William, chaplain, 109

Wyddial (Herts.), 223

Wydlok, William, chaplain, 57

Wyght, see White

Wygmore, Adam, 148

Wyk (Wyke)
-, John, 132; chaplain, 22
-, John, rector, 575
-, Richard, chaplain, 78
-, Thomas, 437

Wykeham, William of, bishop of Winchester, xx, 547, 553, 565–6, 568–9, 578, 582, 587, 591, 594, 596, 599–600, 604, 606, 629, 631, 635, 638, 650

Wykes, John, 525

Wykyng, William, chaplain, 40

Wyldegoos (Wyldgos), John, 122; chaplain, 48

Wylford, Thomas, vicar, 620

Wyllughton (Wyllyngton), John (de), 131; chaplain, 17

Wylows, see Welwes

-, John, 130; chaplain, 42; mr, rector, 631
-, William, chaplain, 47

Wyltschire, William, 510

Wylyndon, Henry, 144

Wymark, Richard, chaplain, 8

Wymington (Beds.), 574

Wymundeswold, Edmund, chaplain, 207

Wynchecombe, Thomas, 128; brother, 194

Wynchestre, see Winchester

Wynestede, Peter, vicar, 590

-, John, 418
-, Richard, 427
-, William, 445

Wynterton (Wyntirton)
-, Adam (de), 127; chaplain, 37
-, Henry, 140, 146

Wynwyk, Richard, mr, 518

Wyrcestre, see Worcester

-, John, 127; chaplain, 79
-, Peter, chaplain, 53
-, Thomas, chaplain, 87

Wyte, see White

Wytherdeley, Robert, master, 17

Wytleseye, John, 491

Wytton (Wytton')
-, John, 120
-, William, 536

Wyttoneye, see Witney

Yakeslee, Thomas, 437

Yde, John, 531

Yeldham, Great (Essex), 286

Yeldham, Little (Essex), 287

Yeovil (Somerset), deanery, 168

Yerdelee, Walter, chaplain, 93

Yevele (Yeveley), Henry, 402, 428

Ykham, Roger, brother, 195

Ynkflete, see Inkflete

York, county, 488

-, John, 428
-, Robert, 497, 499

Young (Yonge, Yongge)
-, Alice, nun, 197
-, John, canon, 2

Ysaak, see Isaac

Zatton, John, 143