Henry VIII: October 1534, 6-10

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Henry VIII: October 1534, 6-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp478-482 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: October 1534, 6-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp478-482.

"Henry VIII: October 1534, 6-10". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp478-482.


October 1534, 6–10

6 Oct. 1230. The Marquis of Exeter.
See Grants in October, No. 2.
6 Oct. 1231. The Canons Resident of Sarum to Cromwell.
R. O. We hear that the see of Sarum is vacant, and the dean and chapter are answerable to the King for the temporalities of the bishopric. Please let us know when the said vacation began. Sarum, 6 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
6 Oct. 1232. Sir Will. Meryng to Cromwell.
R. O. The bishop of Lincoln and his servant Foster, bailly of Newark, have sent me a subpœna to appear before my lord Chancellor and the Council in the quindene of Michaelmas. I can neither ride nor go, and never did any displeasure to the Bishop or to Foster. I only went to Newark to do my duty at the sessions after the riot, with great pain to myself, to serve the King and save my indemnity. I beg your favor in this matter. Meryng, 6 Oct.
I beg you to continue your favor to the town of Newark.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
6 Oct. 1233. Thos. Fouler to Cromwell.
R. O. I thank you for your letter sent by Mr. Surveyor concerning Sir Ric. Whetehill, for payment of his rents due at Mich. anno 25. I am compelled by his slackness “to call forth his lands in every parish church that the batterings may be sold to pay the King's reuts,” and that the lands may be let according to Mr. Dauncey's decree to him that will give most money for them, which I doubt not will give an annual increase of 20l. or 30l. over what he now pays by the King's patent. For thus doing my office I have Sir Richard's extreme illwill, and he says he will complain of what he calls my extortion to the king and Council. Calais, 6 Oct. 1534. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.: F.
7 Oct. 1234. John Casale to Cromwell.
R. O. I wrote to you that being at Venice and hearing of the Pope's death, I thought it advisable to go to Rome that some one might be here on the King's part at such a juncture. The French ambassador at Venice and Messer Giovanni Giovachino also urged me to it. At the same time I had letters from the knight my brother, informing me of his going to Rome on the business of which you are aware, and I was anxious to speak to him. Thus I fell in company with the cardinal of Mantua, whom I thought right to accompany, to persuade him to do service to the French king and to us, as he was formerly alienated from France; and I think I have done such service with him that the French shall know the merits of our King. The Frenchmen here have begged me not to leave until the matter is settled because there are every day new practices, and especially since these French cardinals arrived, “le cose si stregono piu che mai.” No time has been lost from “il Corsino” having arrived at Venice ill and been unable to go on, for we have determined to send his despatch into Hungary, and have written to the King and other friends to provide for secure passage, as the roads are very dangerous. Letters have arrived through Venice from king John of Hungary, which I send, along with another written to me by Messer Antonio Wrancio, his secretary, by which you will see that the said secretary is going into France, and what his commission is. I think that king John is sending him thither on account of the news he has had of the affairs of Germany, and the practices of our King and Francis with the Landgrave and the duke of Bavaria, by which he has been encouraged to abandon a peaceful policy and to seek a league with us. The said Messer Antonio had a commission from his King to go into England, in case the knight my brother were there (ci fusse]. As he is now here, (fn. 1) I do not know what he will do, but we have written to him that if the king of England wants his services he should not fail to go there (venirci), as I think he will do. If therefore his majesty wishes it, Wallop might be commissioned to receive his instructions. Rome, 7 Oct. 1534. Signed.
Ital., pp. 3. Add.
7 Oct. 1235. Henry Earl of Essex to Cromwell.
R. O. According to your last letter I have sent for John Coke, gaoler of Bury St. Edmund's, who sent me word that he would come to me, but only when he himself pleased, and made very light of my message. I have therefore not yet sent for Baker and Wystow till I know your pleasure. Stansted, 7 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary.
7 Oct. 1236. William Godolghan to Cromwell.
R. O. Touching Rowland Godman, a merchant of London, who entered the port of Falmouth with a ship of 60 tons laden with Gascon wine, in which was the writer's brother and others. Rowland went to Penryn and stayed 16 days. There he pretended he was going to Ireland at Cromwell's direction. Godolghan, 7 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
7 Oct. 1237. Thomas Russhe to Cromwell.
R. O. On Sunday last my undersheriff of Norfolk, by advice of the learned, seized 84 colts which had been bought at Titilsal, and there forestalled as they came to St. Faith's fair. The moiety belongs to the King by statute 25 Edw. III. cap. 3. I have written to my son Alberd to inform you further. Some of them are very good ones, and if it be a forfeiture, as is thought by Sir Humph. Wyngfeld, Mr. Talmach and master Hare, you shall have your pleasure. You will be sued by the owners of the colts for their restoration. Let Anthony Wyngfeld be sheriff next year, and let me know your pleasure about the colts. Ipswich, 7 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
8 Oct. 1238. Cromwell, Master of the Rolls.
See Grants in October, No. 3.
8 Oct. 1239. Sir Geo. Throkmarton and Ric. Fullwode to Cromwell.
R. O. According to your letter, we have kept this poor woman in possession, notwithstanding the injunctions, and by virtue of our commission we have taken the depositions of “the said Alice Slye,” which we have certified to the lord Chancellor. We hope you will continue to befriend her, for the voice of the country is she hath great wrong; for Miles Edmondes is 60 years of age, and he never claimed title till now. 8 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
8 Oct. 1240. St. Ives.
R. O. Visus compoti of Jo. Boteler, bailiff of St. Ives, 7 Hen.VIII., the ninth year of Jo. Wardeboys, abbot.
ii. The same of Jo. Crossley, 21 Hen. VIII., the 23rd of Jo. Warde-boys, abbot.
iii. View of frankpledge at Ellyngton, 16 Hen. VIII.
iv. The same, 8 Oct. [26 Hen.VIII.?], 28th of Wardeboys.
Pp. 6.
9 Oct. 1241. Sir William Poulet to Cromwell.
The letter printed under this date in the State Papers, I. 426, is of the year 1535.
9 Oct. 1242. Will. Abbot of York to Cromwell.
R. O. As I understand that the King's High Court of Parliament is prorogued to the 3d Nov., I beg you will obtain my licence of absence when it meets. A long journey in the winter would not only be chargeable to me, but put me in danger of my life. My servant shall deliver you your half-year's fee due Martinmas next and declare to you my mind. St. Mary's, near York, 9 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary.
9 Oct. 1243. Antony Waite to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Is glad to hear that she and lord Lisle are in good health, and the latter well recovered from his late sickness. Was with his master (fn. 2) yesterday, who thanks them for their honourable presents. Spoke to him of lady Lisle's matter according to her letter, and the trust she put in him at his leaving Calais. He replied that there was no one in England who would be gladder to do them service, and though he had foreborne the payment many years, he was content that the first payment should begin at All Saints' twelve-month; meantime they must either bind their land or find substantial collateral sureties. Asks their pleasure. Sent her letter to his cousin Wayt a fortnight ago. Would have sent it earlier if he had had a trustworthy messenger. He writes by the bearer, and his wife desires to be recommended. She is but faintly merry, and goeth up and down but weakly, for her sustenance is but small that a man may marvel that with so little food a woman may live.
Hears that a great ambassador (fn. 3) has come out of France. Wishes his shipping were elsewhere than at Calais, as it will be to their great charge. My lord La Ware, (“the whole stay of our corner of Sussex, for if we lacked him we might well say to have lost the greatest part of our wealth and catholykes, for he is surely a good lord and a just,”) has been ordered by the King to receive him, and my master has been asked to go likewise, but cannot for his age, especially at this fall of the leaf. Wymeryng, 9 Oct.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: At Calais.
9 Oct. 1244. Lope De Soria to [Charles V].
Add. MS. 28,587, f. 52. B. M. The Vayvode's secretary has arrived here on his return from England and France. The kings have given him no real help, but only words. Henry has offered him the Princess in marriage, and Francis, the sister of the prince of Navarre. It is all air.
Thinks the Vayvode had better make some agreement with the king of the Romans. * * * Venice, 9 Oct. 1534.
Sp., pp 8. Modern copy.
10 Oct. 1245. John Earl of Oxford.
R. O. His will, dated 10 Oct. 1534, 26 Hen. VIII.
Signed by the testator on every page and at the bottom. Also at the bottom by Geo. Colt, Edw. Grene, Thos. Tey and Ric. Antony.
Large paper, corrected, pp. 5. Endd.
10 Oct. 1246. Thomas Stydolff to Cromwell.
R. O. Please to license John Reed to be at his father's month's mind, to be kept at Whaybrege tomorrow night, for dirige, and on Monday his masses, where there will be a great assembly of his kin. It is thought by his mother-in-law and others that he should be there if it will suit your pleasure. I have sent a horse for him to wait and ascertain your pleasure for his return. If labour be made for one Ric. Pooll, servant to my lord of Winchester, your farmer of Schapertone in Middlesex, or by any of Mrs. Reed's friends to have the place in Whaybrege, stay it till my return. Saturday, 10 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
1247. Thomas Stydolf to Cromwell.
R. O. Since my departure from you I am informed that Sir Anthony Browno has labored with the King for the farm of the Hawe wharf or key (quay) of Weybridge, held lately by Will. Reed by grant of Henry VII. for 13s. 4d> yearly. He let it to Ric. Allddere, who holds it yet for 3l. 6s. 8d. yearly over and above the King's rent. It is worth more. I am told the King has granted it to him, and he has granted it to his servant Osborne. The truth is, he cannot come to the verity (?) whether Reed had it for years or for life. John Carltone has made secret inquiries, and was yesterday with Mrs. Reed and craftily handled her to have perfect knowledge thereof; but she handled him right wisely, saying that you should have it and must of right, as having the custody of the child, and that her husband took it to him and his heirs for years; else her uncle, Rob. Smyth, would have obtained the lease by means of Mr. Hennege. It is not, therefore, likely that Carltone has the grant as yet. Therefore, if you waste no time you will obtain it, and that you will be good master to my bedfellow, your beadwoman, that she may enjoy it, giving you a good yearly rent. As to your commandment to me to cause Nicholas, clerk of the works at Hampton Court, to speak with you touching all such causes as I opened to you by his request, I was yesterday at Hampton Court to fulfil it, but he has been at the Court for some time as a suitor against Nich. Townley. Ham Court (sic), Wednesday.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
10 Oct. 1248. William Grett to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Will be glad if he will pay him a little debt, as he was never so much in need. Lisle's servant, Wm. Petley, has had of the writer three hogsheads of wine, two of claret and one of white, amounting to 7 nobles 3s. 4d.; also a tun of wine, price 3l. 6s. 8d.; a piece of wine for Mr. Worley, price 16s. 8d., which Worley paid Petley, but he has not paid the writer. If Lisle will send him 50s. stg. he will forgive the rest, which is a tun of wine. The bearer, Mr. Beverley, will give him an acquittance. Otherwise he will have to seek remedy at the King's Council. Feversham, 10 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.: The 10th of October 1534.


  • 1. “Or, “If he now come here.” The expression in the original is, “Trovandosi mo qui,” which may apply either to Sir Gregory or to Antonio.
  • 2. The bishop of Chichester.
  • 3. Brion.