Henry VIII: July 1534, 21-25

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Henry VIII: July 1534, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp380-385 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: July 1534, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp380-385.

"Henry VIII: July 1534, 21-25". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp380-385.


July 1534, 21–25

21 July. 997. Robert Gostwyk, Priest, to Cromwell.
R. O. I covet daily to be near my native country in mine old age, if I might obtain the King's favor and the licence of the bishop of London for non-residence in my rectory of Westhornton and Yngerston, and let them to farm to a spiritual as to a temporal man, trusting that my kinsman Job Gostwyk has labored with you in the premises. If my said kinsman woul not be displeased, I would resign one of them, as I receive no benefit from it, and have froward neighbors. I thought I had exchanged the ungrateful for the grateful, but have not found it to be so. Yngerston, in vig. S. Mari Magd., viz., 21 Julii.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
21 July. 998. Thomas Fynglas to Cromwell.
The letter of this date printed in the State Papers, II. 200, is of the year 1535.
21 July 999. Cornelius O'bryen to Charles V.
Lanz, II., 99. His predecessors have long occupied Ireland without rebellion, wit constancy, force and courage, as appears by ancient chronicles. His family came from Spain, and are surnamed “du gendre militaire,” and many the kings ruled all Ireland till the English took it. Since then they have never ceased to oppose the pride of the English, and have never yielded to them. Submits himself with his lands, kin and adherents to the protection of Charles, and is ready to serve him with 1,660 horse, 2,440 foot, equipped and armed. Will also raise for his service 13,000 men, not . . . . . ., (fn. 1) be still well armed, with backbushes, bows, arrows and swords, and place a his command more than 100 castles, quite apart from the aid of his father in-law, the earl of Desmond, whose cousin the writer has to wife, “a savoifeu de Jacques conte, ami de V. M.” Desires credence for his servants Rol and Dominic de Paulis. Clus Castle, 21 July 1534. Signed: Corneliu O'Brien, prince de Irlande.
21 July 1000. Count of Cifuentes to Charles V.
Add MS. 28,586, f. 309. B. M. * * * * (f. 314 b.) Carneseca told him that he had news from France of the 26th ult. that Francis would not give his daughter to the Scotch king, and he would not marry the daughter of the duke of Vendôme; and he suggested the Emperor's offering to him the daughter of the king of Denmark.
Replied that he knew nothing of the Emperor's will. Hears for certain that a secretary of the king of Scotland has come here to tell the Pope that his master has been requested by the king of England to come to his interview with Francis; but he has refused until he knows the Pope's pleasure, as he is an obedient son of the Church, and the king of England an enemy to the Church. The Pope says that a league has been concluded between England and Scotland, including the Emperor.
The Nuncio in France has written that the Vayvode has sent an ambassador to England to arrange a marriage there. The King will not give him the Princes, but another kinswoman of his and the king of Scotland, for whom he has not asked. He told the ambassador to bid the Waywode renounce his obedience to the Apostolic See. The ambassador answered that he was surprised to hear such advice from the King. On the way back through France he told the King that he had been offered 20,000 or 25,000 ducats if the Vayvode would make war on the king of the Romans; but he replied that it was a small sum for which to be bound to wage such a war. * * * *
Spoke to the Pope, as of himself, about some means for the Emperor to agree with France to the prejudice of England. His Holiness was sure that the French king would join the Emperor gladly, but he feared that the Emperor during the negotiations would take the king of England's part and leave the French king. Replied that his majesty was not accustomed to use such deceit. * * * Rome, 21 July 1534.
Sp., pp. 19.Modern copy.
Ibid., f. 319. 2. “Relacion de la carta del conde de Cifuentes de xxi. de Jullio de '34. Respondido todo en Palencia xvj. de Agosto 1534.”
Contemporary abstract, with marginal notes, of the above letter of Cifuentes, with others of the cardinal of Jaen, the Comendador Mayor and Valencuela.
Sp., pp. 20. Modern copy.
22 July. 1001. Sir Will Parre to Cromwell.
R. O. On receiving your last which you wrote for my fee to the abbot of Peterborough, I immediately sent it by my servant, to whom he used many untoward words, by which I fully understand he intends to delay me from the five nobles “which was your mastership's request, by your first letter, that he would for your sake be content to depart withal over and above mine old fee.” Please to arrange with him in this matter, or I am like to take such lack as I never had before. I am sorry to trouble you. Canforde, 22 July. Signed.
p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
22 July. 1002. Dr. John London to Cromwell.
R. O. I thank you for your goodness, and have sent you two doz. quails and your half-year's fee of 40s. Oxford, 22 July.
Hol., p. 1.Add.: Secretary. Endd.
24 July. 1003. Cambridge.
Harl. MS. 7,041, f. 183. B.M. Mem. by D. Edmondes and W. Bukmaster of their being sent on Friday 24 July 1534, by the university of Cambridge, to set forth their cause against the townsmen concerning their privileges. They appeared at Lambeth before the lord Chancellor, archbishop of Canterbury, duke of Norfolk, marquis of Exeter, Dr. Sampson, Dr. Fox, Dr. Thyrleby and Dr. Haynes, who gave a decision that the Vicechancellor might hold a civil court in Stourbridge fair.
Mod. copy, p. 1.
24 July. 1004. [Sir] George Throkmarton to Cromwell.
R. O. I received your letter at the assizes of Warwick in favor of the abbot of Leicester, and have done my best to accomplish your desire, considering the promise I made before I knew it. I have caused the matter in variance between the abbot and Mr. Arderne to be put to arbitrement, so that I hope the extremity of the law shall not be proved. The abbot is bound to thank you during his life. I hear that Eustas Kytteley is gone to complain to the King about me for wrongfully taking from him the farm of a parsonage. I bought it from Mr. Wigston, who bought it from Kytteley. I beg that I may answer him if he complains, and I hope he will be punished for pulling off the seals of my evidence. I would be loath in my old days to have trouble, especially from one whom I have brought up of nought. I think no man living would have borne so much with him as I have done, considering his conditions. Warwick, 24 July.
That all things may be plain to you, I have sent my writings to London to Keylam my son, to show you. Signed.
p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.: Giles Throkmerton. The name “Giles,” however, is struck out and corrected in a modern hand, “Sir George.”
1005. The Abbot of Leicester.
R. O. “Certain articles of wrongs and injuries done against the abbot of Leicester by his ordinary.” (fn. 2)
1. The Bishop and his officers, by threats and other means, take away the abbot's authority and appoint the officers under the abbot, to the great hindrance of the house. 2. He made an ordinance that if the officers were unprofitable, the abbot and convent should expel them and appoint others, but he has rebuked the abbot for doing so, and charged him on pain of cursing to take in again Sir Hew Whitewyke, one of those so expelled. 3. He kept Whitewyke in office for six or seven years to the great hindrance of the house, as, when sent to London on the business of the house, he stayed there a quarter of a year at a time, spending the money of the house and giving away sums of money in the hope of becoming abbot. 4. The Bishop sent down his officers and came himself to replace Whitewyke in the office of prior, against the abbot's will. 5. The ordinary and officers have come to the monastery seven or eight times a year to trouble the abbot, who has been obliged to send for doctors from the Arches to defend his right. 6. The Bishop has made restraint by injunctions in visitation for all the great farms belonging to the monastery, and will not allow the abbot to let them. 7. The Bishop's chancellor sent letters to the convent in the Bishop's name to prevent them from allowing any farms to go forth without his knowledge, which causes division and unquietness. 8. The Bishop charges the monastery with certain persons, who have “the finding of the house to the great charge of the same, which he heretics and apostates, gone out of religion.” 9. Instead of a cellarer and subcellarer, chanter and sexton, each of whom had certain receipts, the Bishop has put in a “mynystrer” or two, who have all the rule of the house. 10. When the abbot has punished any of the brethren the Bishop has written to him to release them; therefore he cannot punish them and they do not fear him. 11. When the abbot and some of the brethren complained to the Bishop in his visitation of certain officers, the Bishop's officers favored the offenders and would not punish them, nor suffer the abbot to do so. 12. Some of the maliciously disposed brethren complained to the Bishop at his visitation of the abbot and of the honest men who love their master and their religion, and the Bishop, believing them, punished the honest men and expelled some of them for three or four years. Some of these malicious persons have repented and asked the abbot's forgiveness, saving that the complaints were made for pure malice.
Pp. 6.
25 July. 1006. Ralph Leyche to Richard Cromwell.
R. O. Hears that there is a nisi prius against the King for the matter of Godfrey Fuljambys, in Derbyshire, on Wednesday, and another in Nottinghamshire on Friday next. If so they have been stolen out lately without any warning to the King's counsel, expect it be to the King's attorney, who favors Fuljambe. They would never be so indiscreet as to sue out such writs without consent of Master Secretary, except by craft, as you may learn from him. Ask him to send his letters to the sheriff that he shall put out such writs, and to the justices not to allow them to pass, as all the jury are Fuljambe's friends, as appeared before my lord Chancellor, and the master of the Wards, who appears for the King, is not advertised, nor Mr. Hynde, nor the solicitor, &c., and we are shamefully handled. Obtain a letter from Mr. Secretary to the sheriff not to return the writ, for if this matter pass you and I shall lose 1,000l. The matter is plain to the King, as will appear by four several offices, and there is no color of title against him. Obtain a letter from Mr. Secretary to his servant John Brabazon to receive the rents of the said lands, amounting to more than 700 marks. 25 July.
Give credence to my servant John Wylde the bearer.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
25 July. 1007. [Cromwell to the Abbot of —.]
R. O. Desires him to make up his differences with Geo. Goldwyn, the bearer; and whereas his fathers might have had divers offers of the abbot and his predecessor, thinks the abbot can do no less than grant as much to the son as he would have given the father, as he is charged with his father's debt and with the support of his brothers and sisters. His father died in prison at the abbot's suit. Thanks the abbot for his hawk. London, 25 July.
Draft, much corrected by Cromwell, p. 1.
25 July. 1008. Thos. Thyrleby and Others to Cromwell.
R. O. By the King's command we have met sundry times at the Blackfriars, London, to debate such matters as you proposed to us, but cannot set them forth without the help of men learned in the laws of God and of the realm. We have required several times the assistance of master Sayntegerman, but he has excused himself. We therefore wait for your further pleasure. London, 25 July.
Signed: Thomas Thyrleby—John Olyver—Edward Karne—Wylliam Bretten—John Hughes.
p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
25 July. 1009. Geo. Rolle to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I have received your letters dated Calais, 14 July. Before receiving them, in consequence of the relation of Mr. Smyth and Mr. Hussey I informed the justices of the Common Pleas of the uses of the indenture between the late lord Daubeney and Sir John Bassett, promising to produce the indenture in Michaelmas term. On this there were devised divers bills of exceptions into six several offices, that neither writ of covenant nor writ of entry might pass to be engrossed this end of this term, which charges came to 18s. I trust, therefore, you will order John Davy or some other to send up the said indenture. I advise you to search out the next heir of Fox late bishop of Winchester, being survivor of all the feoffees of all the recoveries, requiring him upon the sight of the indenture and the recoveries to make a new feoffment to your friends to the uses contained in the said indenture. Lord Lisle should also write to lord Norwiche, chief justice of the Common Pleas, reciting the uses of the said indenture, and desiring him and his fellow justices to be good to you and your son by the admitting of such bills of exceptions and other writings and evidences produced by your counsel. If you send lord Norwich a firkin of sturgeon it will not be lost. The letter may be sent to me the beginning of next term, directed to lord Norwich and his fellow justices, for they are all one though he is chief. You may tell them the cause of fear lest lord Daubeney should discontinue the tail, or we can show it by word of mouth. I will convey your subpœna and letters myself for more surety. I intend to ride to Devonshire on Lammas eve. I beg you to move lord Lisle to surrender Ryngysayssh to me. I have been paid for the images and scripture I bought for Mr. Bassett. I have my buck at Umberlegh with some danger of the keeper. My wife desires to be commended to you. London, St. James' day.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: At Calais.


  • 1. MS. mutilated.
  • 2. The bishop of Lincoln.