Henry VIII: July 1534, 16-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Henry VIII: July 1534, 16-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp377-380 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: July 1534, 16-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1883), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp377-380.

"Henry VIII: July 1534, 16-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1883), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol7/pp377-380.


July 1534, 16–20

16 July. 982. Gabriel Pecock, Warden of the Friars of Southampton, to Cromwell.
R. O. I have not heretofore written to you, out of fear that you might have taken some displeasure against me on insufficient information. None are more anxious to avoid your and the King's displeasure. On 15 July there came to us a father Black Friar, and without any authority took the keys from our porter and delivered them to one of his servants; and by ringing the bell he assembled us in the chapter-house and said he was come as our visitor by the King's authority, and read an instrument under seal, as he said, of my lord of Canterbury, containing a transumpt of the King's letters patent, by which authority was given to Dr. Browne, provincial of the Augustine Friars, and Dr. Hylsey, provincial of the Black Friars, to be our visitors. We took him to be Dr. Hylsey, for when I spoke with him in the town before he did not deny it. For the reverence we bore to our prince, though nothing was shown us under his seal, we were willing to accept him as visitor. But we found by chance by one of his servants that he was not named in the commission, and was not Hylsey. Not knowing what to do, we desired him to show us his authority, and he showed us a letter to your mastership, so ill written that I could not read it plainly, under seal, as he said, of Dr. Hylsey; and knowing that he was a wise father and a good clerk, we did not believe it but begged him to show us the first writing again, to see if there was any power for Dr. Hylsey to substitute another in his place. This he refused, though we desired him again and again before the mayor. On our refusing, therefore, to allow him to proceed, he threatened us with the King's displeasure and yours. We beg you will not suffer us to be brought into peril. Southampton, 16 July.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Secretary.
16 July. 983. John Malenbeck.
Harl. MS. 4,900, f. 7 b. B.M. Grant of arms by Henry VIII. to John Malenbeck of Dantzic. Westm., 16 July, 1534, 20 Hen. VIII.
Lat. Copy, p. 1. With the arms in the margin.
17 July. 984. Lord Lisle to Cromwell.
R. O. I thank you for the great pains you have taken for me in the matter betwixt Sir Edw. Seymour and me, which I can never recompense. If Sir Edw. had performed his promise and given me possession after deliverance of the evidence into his hands, as I gave possession to him, you would never have been put to this trouble. Nevertheless I remit the matter wholly to you, trusting I shall be no loser, and send a new obligation to my lord Chancellor and yourself, as the date of the old is expired. I send a letter from master Hacket. [There is a report in Flanders that the King our master is dead, and that there will be thousands laid upon it. (fn. 1) ] I beg you to sanction that the old wall and the new may come together between the Devlyn tower and the mill gate, which is but 212 foot in length, and can be done with 40 trowels more, if the wall between the Beauchamp tower and Our Lady in the Wall is not to go through. Calais, 17 July 1534.Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.
17 July. 985. Lord Lisle to Lord Chancellor.
R. O. I thank you for the pains you have taken in the matter between Sir Edw. Semer and me, &c. The land that I have kept since the death of my wife was the jointure of my wife's brother John lord Lisle, whose wife was sister to my lord of Norfolk that now is, “who was enfeoffed to the use of my lady Merrell, wife to my said lord John Lisle, and by the counsel of Sir John Erley, justice of the Common Place, made suit unto my lord Norfolk that dead is, my lord Norfolk that now is, my lord Barners, and Sir Oliver Pool, priest, for release,” with which they were content, and I had it under their seals. I will abide however by your lordship's advice. Calais, 17 July 1534.
Draft, pp. 3. Endd.: My lord Chancellor's letter.
17 July. 986. John Fysher, priest, (fn. 2) to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I delivered my lord's letters to my lord of Winchester concerning my cause immediately on receiving them, but they prevailed very little. He caused me to attend at Greenwich, thence to York Place, and from York Place to Chertsey and so drives me about to my great cost and hindrance. I can never recompense your goodness and my lord's in writing so favorable a letter. I beg you to obtain a letter from my lord to the King concerning the advowson of Bysshyppys Hanton and the vicarage of Blockeley, which have in times past been given jointly to one man, and to send letters to Mr. Nores or some other of the Privy chamber to help my lord's letters and get the bill signed. I will be glad to give him that takes the pains a doublet of satin, for I am not like to obtain it at the suit of the bishop of Winchester. Kingston on Thames, 17 July.
Hol., P. 1. Add.: At Calais.
17 July. 987. John Husee, the Younger, to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I wrote largely of your affairs by Nich. Rowland. I have not yet delivered your satin or letter to Mr. Skutt, because the quails and sable furs had not arrived ; but at my return I will see all things ordered. I would have bought the cloth of silver ere this, but waited to know your pleasure, for I know cheap silver is not for your wearing. I will go early tomorrow to Soberton, hoping soon to return, and after finishing your business, to Calais. I heard to day you have sent me some letters, which I have not yet received. No man is certain whether the King will over or no. London, 17 July.
Hol., P. 1. Add.
18 July. 988. Roland Lee, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, and Sir T. Englefield to Cromwell.
R. O. We have received by Robt. Brown your Pleasure concerning the restraint of the Commortha to George Mathew granted by the King. Whereas you have informed us that the commission for the discharging of felons is not to be granted, but execution to be continued, we desire you to be of a contrary opinion, otherwise many things will never come to knowledge. It is better to discharge one by whom the truth may be published, and six or more punished, than not. By this means many have been taken. Hereford, 18 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary.Endd.
18 July. 989. John Husee, the Younger, to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Late last night I received your Ladyship's letters. I have delivered to Mr. Rolle the one for him, and the one to your servant John Davy, which he will see conveyed. He has already had out five writs of exceptions for five sundry shires, all laid in four sundry offices, so there is no fear of any recovery or fine till next term. Mr. Rolle has found the indenture 17 Hen. VII. between the late Mr. Basset and lord Daubeney, which should be sent to John Davy at once, as the surest defence by law. Mr. Rolle has spent 12s. or a mark, which he wishes me to pay him. He says he counselled you long since to take all the lands in your own hands, although you paid more than the rent, for security. He wishes to remind you that it was once determined Mr. Mallet was to have gone to my lord of Winchester, and taken a new state, putting in feoffes of trust, but he knows not if it was done. Please send me an answer, to be left at the Red Lion against my return. Smythe is ridden into Gloucestershire for delivery of the woodsale at Paynswik. It will be seven or eight days before he returns.
Last night I delivered your letter to Skut with the 12 yards of satin. He will make it after the most used fashion now, large and long with double placards, and when the fur comes see it trimmed. The cloth of silver is scarce, because none but great personages wear it, “which makethe it ghesoner and derer.“ I have written of this and the two dozen quails. The King is now at Oking, and comes hither on Tuesday, and will tarry here and at Eltham till Friday, when he will meet with the Queen at Guildford. Southwark, 18 July.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
20 July. 990. [Cromwell] to —.
R. O. Ordering him to arrest Percival Worme, Will. Corneforthe, John Bygott and Will. Dobson as guilty of a murder in the county of York, who on being indicted for the same fled to Scotland, but have since returned to the bishopric of Durham, where they ride about at their pleasure. At my house in London, 20 July.
Copy, in the hand of Sir Francis Bigot, p. 1.
20 July. 991. G. Earl of Shrewsbury to Cromwell.
R. O. I find by your letter and my servant's report that my last letter to you by him was not subscribed, so that you are in doubt whether it came from me. I sent you a letter by my said servant touching a Scotchman whom I sent by him to you, but was oblivious. I send my chaplain, Sir John Moreton, to the Court to sue to the King for money for a wood of mine sold to him and another of my servants to the King's use. I find by a letter addressed to Sir Wm. Kingston and Thos. Hennege by Sir Brian Tuke that I am indebted to the King in 600 marks, upon indentures between the late Cardinal, Sir Hen. Wyatt and me, and that his pleasure is the money should be stayed. I think there is not so great a sum due, as the King has already recovered lands of mine to the value of 500 marks. I have not sold any wood this 40 years, nor would have done now but for necessity. If the King's pleasure be that I should have it, I will not fail either by myself or my son to appear before Sir Bryan before the end of next term, and pay all that I am indebted to him. Hannysworthe, 20 July. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Mr. Secretary.
20 July. 992. John Abbot of Wigmore to Cromwell.
R. O. The bishop of St. Asaph is lately deceased, and if I were a man of sufficient qualities I trust you would help me to succeed him. St. James's, Wigmoresland, 20 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
20 July. 993. Sir Edward Ryngkley to Lord Lisle.
R. O. If wind and weather serve, he and his wife intend to be at Calais on Tuesday after the feast of St. James. Sent lady Lisle a venison pasty from London. Nonyngton beside Sandwich, 20 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais.Endd.
20 July. 994. Cambridge University.
See Grants in July, No. 27.
20 July. 995. The Council in the Welsh Marches.
See Grants in July, No. 28.
20 July. 996. Laurence Mainwaringe of Cheshire.
Harl. MS. 67, f. 46 b. B.M. His will. 20 July 1534.
Copy, p. 1.


  • 1. This is struck out.
  • 2. Lady Lisle's chaplain.