Henry VIII: October 1525, 16-31

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: October 1525, 16-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp757-772 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: October 1525, 16-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp757-772.

"Henry VIII: October 1525, 16-31". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp757-772.


October 1525

16 [Oct.]
R. O.
Was at St. Alban's by 11 o'clock on Sunday, but the King was at dinner before he came. Had audience after dinner in the Queen's chamber, and showed how Wolsey had despatched all manner of instructions about this voyage to France. "After gracious words to my great comfort, of the which I thank your Grace," was instructed, along with Fitzwilliam, to endeavor to ascertain whether madame Regent took this peace feignedly or cordially. Westminster, "the 16th day of this present month."
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal.
Cal. D. IX. 87.
B. M.
1. The King has appointed Sir Will. Fitzwilliam and John Taylor ambassadors, with instructions to visit the lady Regent, and obtain her oath to the treaty, witness her submission before the judges, and receive instruments, &c.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated.
Calig. D. IX.
88. B. M.
2. Instructions for Sir Will. Fitzwilliam, treasurer of the Household, and John Tayler, LL.D., sent ambassadors to the lady Regent of France. 1. They shall ask for an audience of my lady Regent, after a friendly, manner, where it is not necessary for her "to keep her estate in her travers," when Tayler shall declare their message; and they shall state that as commissioners they are ready to take the oaths and submissions consequent on the treaty, and have brought the necessary papers with them. They shall ask when it will be convenient for her to confirm them, "extending also her lauds, wisdom, and merits in the politic government of that realm." 2. At the time appointed they shall state that although, by reason of the wars between the two crowns, there have been sundry occasions of displeasure between them, "yet, nevertheless, the great familiarity, intelligence, and sincere demonstration that, as well by personal meeting as otherwise, was commenced between them was so enracined and imprinted in the King's mind, that the sparks thereof could not by any means be so totally extinct but that his Grace, like a virtuous prince, had always remaining in his heart a certain special impression of benevolent mind and love toward the said French king's person;" and, therefore, when the French king was taken, prisoner Henry did not press his demands to extremities, but, for the sake of peace, consented to some diminution of them, hoping they might conduce to the King's liberty. 3. For this purpose he had not only instructed his ambassadors at Rome to press for the French king's liberation, but those also at the Emperor's court in conjunction with the lady Alençon and others, on conditions not derogatory to the French king's honor, trusting that the Emperor would have right good respect to their representations. 4. In doing this they will not fail to discover in what state the negociations are for her son's deliverance, and shall urge her, in accordance with her communications made to the King's highness and Wolsey (whose letters they shall not fail to deliver), not to show herself too precipitate for his redemption; as, by the King's help, he shall doubtless be recovered without prejudice to his honor or his interests. 5. They shall object specially to the overtures of marriage to be treated between the French king and the Emperor as prejudicial to his and her interests. 6. Because the Emperor's reputation and power will be greatly enhanced. 7. The French king's friends in Italy will be discouraged. 8. It will be derogatory to her just influence. 9. Henry is now sending his almoner to be sole ambassador in the Imperial court for the furtherance of such things only as tend to the good of Christendom, as Sir Ric. Wingfield is dead, Sampson revoked, and the bp. of London is not to remain any longer. 10. They shall advertise the King and Wolsey diligently of their proceedings. 11. They are to bear in mind the dower of the queen dowager (Mary), and urge that she should have full control of it, without any governor to be appointed for the same. 12. That when she obtains possession of it she is resolved to appoint her own treasurers or farmers. 13. They shall urge her, in Wolsey's name, to show herself compliant in the same matter, as most agreeable to the King's highness and as a singular pleasure to Wolsey, stating also that Mary had always been favorable to France. 14. That Wolsey is resolved to do his uttermost to preserve the good understanding between the two realms, not doubting that she will do the same. 15. To thank her for her promise to communicate all her affairs to Wolsey, and assure her he will give them the best attention.
Pp. 10, mutilated.
16 Oct.
Cal. B. I. 300. B. M. St. P. IV. 409, note.
The commissioners of England and Scotland have met at Berwick. The three years' peace was agreed to with general comprehension, but the Scotch insisted also on a special comprehension of France, which makes the other of little effect. Beton, when the matter was discussed in Parliament, required three things to be put in articles: 1, the said assistance to be given to France; 2, safe-conducts to be void; and, 3, Spain, Flanders, and the confederates of England to be friends of Scotland. Magnus signified these things to Henry, who cannot agree to the first; he also warned the Archbishop that it could never be accepted; and the Archbishop asked him if they could not say nay. The instructions of both sides were so absolute that no agreement could be come to. A three years' peace was proclaimed to keep the Borders quiet, which were ready to break out in consequence of unredressed murders and robberies done by the Scots; though there is only a prorogation of peace taken for 40 days, and an appointment that the commissioners shall meet again at Berwick on Martinmas Day. Has returned to Edinburgh to learn the pleasure of the King and the other Lords. Wishes to know when and where he may confer with him. The abbot of Holyrood and Adam Otterburn will report the reasonable offers made in presence of Angus by the English officers of the Borders. Edinburgh, 16 Oct.
Headed: Copy of a letter sent from T. Magnus to the Chancellor of Scotland.
18 Oct.
R. O.
Inventory taken, 18 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII., of ecclesiastical vestments, &c. taken by Laur. Stubbes from Hampton Court to Oxford for the use of the college there, containing also a list of the chapel books; sc., Antypheneres, in vellum, written; Legents; Grayles, in vellum; ditto in paper, printed; missals, ditto; processionals; hymnals; manuals, ordinals.
Pp. 11. Endd.
19 Oct.
R. O.
Thanks him for his kindness in showing him his magnificent building. On returning home, looked to see if he had any books worthy of the library of St. Frideswide's, and has entrusted those he thought fit to the dean of Chichester. Begs he will accept them; and will look out for others. Aldingbourne, St. Frideswide's Day. Signed,
Lat., p. 1. Add.: Rmo, &c., Carli Ebor. legato, &c.
19 Oct.
Le Glay, Négoc. II. 620.
Wrote about 18 days ago by a courier who was sent to M. de Praet. Was then on the point of starting on his journey to the king of France at Madrid. Believed that another courier would have been sent when the duchess of Alençon had been here five or six days; but the negotiations have been tedious, and she returned to the King at Madrid on Saturday without having come to any conclusion. The present courier is going to Bourbon, who has arrived at Barcelona, and from thence to De Praet; and De Bouclans has promised that he will cause him to proceed to Margaret.
Has delivered Margaret's letters to Francis, and visited him on her behalf. The fever has left him very weak. The King said that he should ever regard Margaret as a second mother, for her endeavors to establish peace and amity between himself and the Emperor. Has visited the duchess of Alençon and the French ambassadors, D'Aubron and the president. Has acted so as not to arouse their suspicions.
Gives an account of the negotiations respecting the marriage, the ransom, and the duchy [of Milan]. The duchess has sent to ask leave to return to France in safety, which has been granted her. The Emperor is determined to regain the duchy. If the Duchess returns, the hope of peace will be lost. On Sunday received Margaret's letters and instructions. The Emperor was then five leagues hence, with a small company, having bidden farewell to the Duchess. On his return presented the letters to him, and explained the two chief points touching the prorogation of the mercantile truce for those countries [i.e., between England and Flanders ?] and the Emperor's ally [the king of Denmark] and his wife. Informed the Emperor of Margaret's reasons for sending M. de Beur (Bevre) and the president into England. The Emperor said he could do nothing with respect to the truce until after the Duchess's departure. Told him Margaret had been informed that Madame the Regent, the chancellor of France, and Robertet had asserted that they were at peace with the English. Considering the articles drawn up before the battle [of Pavia] and the capture of the King, the Emperor and the lords of his court would not believe it. The French ambassadors confirmed this assertion. The English ambassadors denied it at first, but at length acknowledged the fact, but without saying in what manner the peace had been made. They laid great stress upon the said truce made there [in Flanders], of which they exhibited a copy; and they stated that Margaret had frequently advertised them that those countries could no longer maintain the war.
In reply to this, satisfied the Emperor that Margaret had constantly offered to furnish them [with supplies] according to the treaty. Informed him of the abstinence from war which they had already made, under color of the passage of Jean Jockir, and of the subsequent truce, intended to defer the publication of the peace which had been agreed upon long previously. The advertisements contained in the memorie of the secretary De l'Assault (De la Sauch) have also enlightened the Emperor and his ministers, who now perceive that the English had no occasion to act as they have done, although they complain of not having had news from their ambassadors here for a considerable time, and profess to have relieved the Emperor from his engagement, as they were aware of the rupture of the marriage, and did not wish to remain at war alone. The English ambassadors have this day spoken to the Emperor, and offered to make a new treaty, not forgetting to demand the money lent, and that promised as indemnity. Will not forget, if the commercial intercourse is brought in question, to recommend that it should be remitted par de là. The Emperor has already been spoken to respecting the merchandizes imported from England into Flanders without staples, and touching the value of gold and moneys.
As to the Emperor's ally [the king of Denmark], the Emperor replied that Margaret had done her best for him, but he was not well advised or prudent. The Emperor comprehends the double peril of war and revolution with which those countries are threatened in consequence of the words made use of by him [the King] and his wife. He is pleased to find that Margaret did not grant the favor which he [the King] requested; and he does not wish them to reside at Ghent. He will not permit them to continue such insolence. The Emperor also inquired into their conduct and manner of living. It had been asserted they were ill treated, and that no account was made of them.
The Emperor was not discontented with the embassy of De Bevres and the President, but esteemed it very advantageous for his affairs, both in Italy and in those countries, and calculated to interrupt the treaty which was being negotiated with the French. With regard to the instructions which he sent to Margaret by the commander Pignalosa, and which were sent back (remises) by her advice, the Emperor was greatly pleased with what she had done, and would have done the same himself for the same reasons, had he been in her place. He had pretended to be displeased, in order to satisfy the English, and comprehends the necessity there was to conclude the said truce,—still better on seeing the treaty of the said English. The Emperor is grateful for Margaret's constant activity in his affairs. He found great pleasure in learning the treaty concluded by those of Bois-le-Duc, and the reparation which they have made. Toledo, 19 Oct. 1525.
20 Oct.
Lanz, I. 169.
Gives an account of his negotiations in Portugal for a marriage between the Emperor and Princess Isabella, the Infanta. The affair has been conducted as secretly as possible, but everybody is aware of it; and if not yet entirely known in the Emperor's court, it soon will be. Desires to be informed of the course of events. The agreement made by the English has caused the French to be less tractable. Has learned from a merchant that peace between the two kingdoms has been published in England, and that the marriage of the Dauphin and the daughter of England had been agreed upon. The Emperor's brother, the king [of Portugal], must have heard of this, but has said nothing to La Chaulx. The news, however, seems to create no great sensation here. Torres Nuevas, 20 Oct.
20 Oct.
Calig. D. IX. 84. B. M.
Notification by Wolsey that Henry VIII. has extended the terms of three months allowed to Francis I., and two months to Louise of Savoy, for ratification of the treaty of 30 Aug. last, to the 30 April next, considering the long journeys necessary, and the difficulty of travelling in winter. 20 Oct. 1525. Signed: T. Carlis Ebor.
Made in the presence and with the consent of Brinon, and witnessed by his signature.
Lat., pp. 4.
20 Oct.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 98.
1712. TREATY of the MORE.
Obligation of the city of Lyons to observe the said treaty. Lyons, 20 Oct. 1525. Sealed.
Lat., vellum.
22 Oct.
R. O.
Receipt by Sir Henry Wiat, treasurer of the Chamber, for 78s. from Wm. Shelley, serjeant-at-law, executor of Sir Edw. Belknap, chief butler of England, of money due from his office from Mich. 12 Hen. VIII. to 26 March 12 Hen. VIII., on which day he died. 22 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII.
Lat. Signed by Wiat and Ric. Trees.
22 Oct.
R. MS. 14 B. XXII. A. B. M.
1714. SHIPS.
Names of the King's ships within the port and haven of Portsmouth and the river of Thames, 22 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII.
The Gabryell Royall, 700 tons, 16 years of age. The Marye Rosse, 600 tons, 14 yrs. The Petur Pomgarnet, 340 tons, 14 yrs. The John Baptiste, 400 tons, 13 yrs. The Grette Barke, 200 tons, 12 yrs. The Lesse Barke, 160 tons, 12 yrs. The Mary James, 260 tons, 16 yrs. The Mary George, 240 tons, 15 yrs. The Mary and Johne, 200 tons, 4 yrs. The Primerosse, 160 tons, 2 yrs. The Minion, 180 tons, new. The Maudelen of Depforde, 120 tons, 3 yrs. The Katerine Barke, 100 tons, 3 yrs. The Mary Impereall, 120 tons, 2 yrs. The Barke of Bullen, 80 tons, 14 yrs. The Trinite Henrye, 80 tons, 6 yrs. The Barke of Murlesse (Morlaix), 60 tons, new. The Swepstake, 65 tons, 3 yrs. The Swalowe, 60 tons, new. The Gryffyn, 80 tons, 14 yrs. The Grett Sabra, 50 tons, 3 yrs. The Lessere Sabra, 40 tons, 3 yrs. The John of Grenewyche, 50 tons, 12 yrs. The prize taken by Thos. Sperte, 60 tons, 15 yrs. The Hulke, 160 tons, 3 yrs. The Mary Gylforde, 160 tons, 1 yr.
A paper roll. Endd.
R. MS. 14 B.
XXII. B. B. M.
2. Names of the ships which the King will have reserved to his own use.
The Henry Grace de Dieu, 1,000 tons, 12 yrs. old. The Mary James, 260 tons, 16 yrs. The Prime Rose, 160 tons, 2 yrs. The Mynyon, 180 tons, new. The Mawdelen of Depford, 120 tons, 3 yrs. The Katheryne Barke, 100 tons, 3 yrs. The Trinitie Henry, 80 tons, 6 yrs. The Barke of Morles, 60 tons, new. The Swepestake, 65 tons, 3 yrs. The Swallowe, 60 tons, new. The Lessar Saabra, 40 tons, 3 yrs. The Mary Guldeford, 160 tons, 1 yr. The Great Sabra, 50 tons, 3 yrs.
A paper roll. Endd.
Otho, E. IX.
64 b. B. M.
3. "[An account of how ma]ny ships the King [hath, this] ... year of his reign, what portage [they be of, and w]hat state they be in the same day; [also where th]ey ride and be bestowed:—
"[Firs]te, the Great Henry Grace Dieu, being of portage 1,5[00 ton, r]ideth at Northfleet betwixt Gravesend and Erith, being in good reparation, calking except, so that she may be laid in the dock at all times when the same shall be ready. And Brygandyn, the clerk of the ships, doth say that before the said ship shall be laid in the dock, it is necessary that her mast be taken down, and bestowed in the great storehouse at Erith; and also he saith that and the said Great Henry be not housed over in such wise that the same may be sufficiently defended from snow, rain and sun, it shall be utterly destroyed within few years; and also he esteemeth that the charge to house it will amount to the sum of 100 marks or above."
The Sovereign, 800 tons, in a dock at Woolwich. She must be new made from the keel upward; "the form of which ship is so marvellous goodly that great pity it were she should die, and the rather because that many things there be in her that will serve right well."
The Gabriel Royal, 650 tons, lieth on the east side of Erith. She "is in such case that, and ... she shall be meet to do service either in peace or war, where she hath five waalys, she must be taken down, overlop and all, unto the lowest waale save twain, and from thence builded new, her fashion and proportion is so evil; insomuch that where she is now of portage as above, she must be brought to 500 or thereabout."
The cost will amount to ccc ... l.
f. 64. "... being of porta[ge] ... [ton, lieth] upon the east side of the Isle of Dogs, [which must be calked from] the kele upward without board and within overlopp ...; [and the same] must be done in all goodly haste, for betwixt the wyn ... light may be seen in many places, and the charge is ... or fifty pounds, and also she is esteemed most meet [of all the] ships that shall be laid in the new dock with the G[reat Henry (?)]
"Item, the Mary Rose, being of portage 600 ton, lieth in [dock] at Deptford beside the storehouse there, which must [be] ... and calked from the keel upward, both within and without.
"Item, the John Baptist and the Barbara, every of them bei[ng of] portage 400 ton, do ride both together in a creek of ... parish, and been much what in one estate, for they must be calked from the lowest to the highest, within the board and without; and the same must be done in all goodly haste, for else it will be [hard] to keep the Barbara above the water." It is estimated the cost will be "... fifty and three score pounds a piece. Also because they have been both in the Levant, they must be searched under the water for worm holes, wherefore the charge may not be easily esteemed."
The Great Nicholas, 400 tons, at Deptford Stronde, must be new made. The Mary George, 250, at the Isle of Dogs, must be calked and searched for worm holes. [The Mary J]amys, portage ..., [lieth on the so]wth side of Redclyffe, "and must be clearly [new made]." The Henry of Hampton, 120 tons, at Reedryth, "being of small valour, ... because she is not only spent, but is also of such evil fr[ame] that she is not worthy any cost, but is esteemed for the [best] that she be broken and saved to the most advantage." The Great Bark, 250 tons, the Less Bark, 180, the two row barges, 60 tons each, and the Great Galley, 800, all lying in the pond at Deptford, must be calked and searched, and also be housed over, or else coated with pitch and resin in all places above water.
In Sir Robert Wingfield's hand; badly mutilated, pp. 3.
* This is probably somewhat earlier than the two preceding documents.
23 Oct.
Calig. E. II. (108.) B. M.
Thinks the town is sufficient for the said ... the soldiers in wages of 8d. and 6d. a day, "the most substance whereof had been admitted into wages," the ... Gilbert Talbot, Sir Ric. Wingfield, and Sir John Petche, whose souls Jesu [pardon] ... the time of their being deputy of the said town. He and the Council think it would be unadvisable to put these men from their s[aid r]owmes. Arrangements for those in petty wages, and for more efficient substitutes. Has discharged the stranger gunners, and put in Englishmen. At his return out of France will make a plain statement of the money remaining in his hands. 50l. of it were advanced to Wingfield, and .. marks for baron Hales and the King's [commissioners] being here. G[uisnes,] 23 Oct.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 2.
24 Oct.
R. O.
Arrived at Rome on the 18th, tired out with the difficulties and troubles of the embassy to Germany and Hungary. Shudders at the recollection of the dangerous places he has passed through. Can say, without boasting, that he has prevented from falling many places which were tottering, and has raised up others which had fallen. The popular so-called evangelical fervor has driven both the bad and the good to arms, as he predicted. Many have already expiated their crime by blood, but there is great hope that the application of steel and cautery will prevent the cancer from spreading further.
Nothing was a greater hardship to him during his embassy than his absence from the city, and his inability to serve his Majesty. Will devote himself and his see of Salisbury to his service. Rome, 24 Oct. 1525. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
24 Oct.
Vit. B. IV. 155. B. M.
Mainly to the same effect.—Left Bohemian affairs unsettled, and on leaving Buda wrote to Wolsey how doubtful the King was. Does not write about Italian affairs, as he has arrived so recently. Matters are undecided. Hieronymus Moro has been taken by the Imperialists, and it is feared everything will be again in confusion, nec desunt qui Venetis male om[inantur].
The English ambassadors are expected. Rome, 24 Oct. 1525. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2, mutilated.
24 Oct.
P. S.
1718. ISLE OF MAN.
Grant for Sir Anth. Browne to be lieutenant of the lordship and island of Manne, and other islands pertaining thereto, during the minority of Edw. Stanley, s. and h. of Tho. late earl of Derby; with same fees as Sir John Irland. Ampthill, 29 Sept. 17 Hen. VIII. Del. the More, 24 Oct.
Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4.
25 Oct.
Vit. B. VII. 199. B. M.
1719. CLERK to WOLSEY.
Wrote in one or two of his last letters that upon the resolu[tion] lately come from Madame la Regente, touching the new [league], the Pope and Venetians sent to the duke of Milan to know to what point he would come, and whether he would agree to it.
Hieronymo Morone, the Duke's chancellor, advertised the marquis of Pescara from time to time of the negotiations. The Marquis was not content with the [Emperor's] demands, of which he has also complained to the Pope, but always gave good words to Morone, who, with the Pope, promised to make him king of [Naples] if the matters succeeded. Perceives now [from] the Pope that the chief foundation of any good su[ccess] in Italy against the Emperor was upon the Marquis, [who,] being the Emperor's lieutenant, with the sole governance of the army, and with a marvellous credence among the soldiers, could easily, if so disposed, have brought any great enterprise to pass against the Emperor, either in Naples or Milan. But the Marquis dissembled with Morone, pretended to be sick that he might come and disclose to him the final resolution at Noara; then sent word to the Emperor, and finally seized Morone and his secretary.
The Pope and Venetians are sore dismayed, not so much that their counsel is discovered, as that they are disappointed of the succors they might have had from the duke of Milan, who is sore sick, without another qualified councillor, and with a powerful army in his duchy, which will bridle him well enough. The Emperor's agents have been very vehement with the Pope about these matters. His Holiness says that he has told them plainly that neither the Emperor nor his ministers have [treated] him as they should do, and that he was compelled to seek these ways to assure himself and his friends. The league is in total desperation, although the Venetians show them[selves] galliard, and call upon the Pope, who says he is loth to pipe and dance also. He will not, however, confess to have the matter in despair, but says that, if France will come forward, the ... might do well enough.
He has heard that France is very nearly come to a conclusion with the Emperor, who has reduced his demands, fearing the ... against him in Italy. [Asked] the Pope what he would do then, for the powers of Italy could not resist these two princes. He replied, that as soon as the French king was at liberty, means could be found to persuade him that it is not best for his purpose to see the Emperor lord of all. This hope of a possible breach between the two sovereigns seems to be the Pope's only comfort.
The marquis of Pescara, since the taking of Morone, has behaved moderately to the Duke, and has sent him word that he took Morone by the Emperor's orders, adding that he knows Morone acted of his own accord, for the Duke, being so sick, could not have attempted these matters; that the Emperor favored him well, and would in any wise have him co ... still. He has made a similar declaration to the senate of Milan, and used other good words, but men think the Emperor will at length take the duchy himself and deprive the Duke, on pretence of his consenting to these new practices.
P.S.—The marquis of Pescara has sent to the Pope on[e] ... Partato, who two months ago was sent from th ... to Rome by post, and had a fall by the way, to show the Pope that he has informed the Emperor of the heinous practices against him imagined by the King's highness, Fraun[ce, the] Venetians and the duke of Milan, and had received a commission authorizing him to stop them; in fulfilment of which he had seized Morone, and intended to send him to the Emperor; but he did not purpose making any new stir in Milan, nor against the Venetians, with whom the Emperor was in amity.
Asked the Pope how it was that he was not named among the authors of these practices. He replied that Clerk might see in what case he stood with them, when they dissembled with him in a matter so evident. Told him he had the more cause to beware of them. He says he can do nothing with men or money to help the Duke now; and he knows well enough that, whatever the Venetians said, when it came to the point, they would make a face, but not p ... confines with their army; France also does not come forwards, and there is no remedy but to see what may be done by fair words and promises to the Imperialists, which he will have no scruple in breaking, "were they never so made, seeing they had [done so to] him." He then showed Clerk treaties and letters from the Marquis concerning these practices, promising and swearing not to fail, and exhorting and advising him how to proceed. The Pope is sore aggrieved at this conduct, but dissembles for the present, and hopes by fair promises to make them forbear from doing anything against the Duke till they know the Emperor's further pleasure. Meanwhile Madame la Regente will either conclude with the Emperor, or fall to these practices of Italy. If the latter, matters will undoubtedly succeed against the Emperor. If she conclude with him, and the French king is set free, the Pope doubts not that he and Wolsey can persuade him to disregard any promises he may have made. On this ground, the Po[pe] and Venetians desire the Regent to [conclude] with the Emperor that Francis may be liberated, rather than that she should forsake the Emperor's practices, and condescend to those of Italy; for the Italian powers would be ever in fe[ar] and jealousy lest she should forsake them, and return to the Emperor when he made any reasonable offer for her son's liberation. They think that when Francis is at liberty, he will consider himself much more clogged [by his] bonds, than before by his imprisonment, and will be as [ready] to loose himself. The Pope therefore desires Wolsey to solicit the Regent to conclude either with the Emperor or the Italians, for the delay is hurtful every way.
The duke of Milan has assur[ed for] himself the castles of Milan and ... The Imperialists have Pavia, Lodi and Noara, and might have all the rest of the [duchy], except the above two castles. Fears the Duke will surrender them for a small recompence, or else that they will send for 3,000 or 4,000 more lanceknights, and take them by force. 25 Oct.
Copy by Tuke, pp. 10, mutilated. Endd.: Roma, ab episcopo Bathon., 25 Oct.
26 Oct. 1720. For WELHOO ABBEY, Linc. dioc.
Assent to the election of Ric. Whiggeft (fn. 1) as abbot. The More, 26 Oct.
Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7.
P. S. 2. Petition for the same, dated 20 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII.
26 Oct.
Galba, B. VIII. 210. B. M.
Wrote last on the 14th, stating that my Lady intended leaving Boisle-Duc on Monday the 16th, but she remained till Thursday. Left a day before, "to seek remedy for a moneyless ambassador," as he told Wolsey he would do. Has met Richard Gresham; told him his necessity, and what day he had begun his journey at Calais, viz., the 24th April last; so that the time of his continuance to the 27th inst. is 190 (fn. 2) days, during which he has only received 140l. by Fitzwilliam, and there is owing to him 50l. for diets, at 20s. a day. To prevent him from selling his plate, Gresham advanced him 50l. upon a bill acknowledging the receipt of his diets in full to the 28th. Begs Wolsey will see him repaid. Antwerp, 26 Oct. 1525.
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated.
27 Oct.
Galba, B. VIII. 211. B. M.
Wrote last yesterday. Sent the letter by Richard Gresham, who relieved him with 50l. in his extreme need, and will present it, in order to be repaid. As the present letter will probably arrive before it, informs Wolsey that my Lady has changed her purpose, and remained at Bois-le-Duc till Thursday the 19th, when she passed towards Howstrate, where she remained till yesterday. Today or tomorrow she will be at Malines. Arrived himself at Antwerp on Saturday last. As the sum he borrowed is for diets ending today, begs leave to return to Calais, or to have sufficient money for his diets.
While he has been here the artillery and munitions that were at Valenciennes have arrived and been shipped. It is expected those left at Lille will be here today, and be ready to set forward in three or four days, either to London or Calais. Informed Wolsey of his getting a new placard indorsed by the principals of the finances, discharging the artillery from customs and tolls. Notwithstanding this, some of the boats coming from Valenciennes were stopped at Replymonde, between Ghent and Antwerp; the tollener refusing to obey the Emperor's placard, because he had that toll to farm with all profits, and paid for it beforehand. Lelegrave will doubtless write more fully. Intends to be tomorrow at Malines. Thinks before long my Lady will hear from Spain what course affairs will take between the Emperor and the French king. The news received by the merchants are contradictory. Has seen a letter to a merchant of this town, signed by the duke of Milan, by which it appears that he is recovered from his sickness. The duke of Ferrara is gone to the Emperor in Spain; and the marquis of Mantua, it is reported, is about to go thither also, though Wingfield can hardly believe it, as he is gonfalonier of the Church. There is likely to be a breach between the Emperor and the king of Portugal, as some Portuguese ships have sunk a ship of the Emperor's, laden with cloves. Antwerp, 27 Oct. 1525.
Hol., pp 3, mutilated. Add.
27 Oct.
Le Glay, Négoc. II. 627.
Proposal for a marriage between the French king, or his son, and the queen-widow of Portugal. Bourbon has been requested to come hither with his train. The Viceroy advises that the negotiations should be confided exclusively to Margaret and the Regent. The intelligences which France pretends to have in Italy, even in the duchy of Milan, and the peace with England, have greatly encouraged the French. Those countries [the Netherlands] can no longer sustain the war on account of their extreme poverty, especially now the said peace has been concluded. The matter was long debated in the Emperor's council:—the impossibility of levying any further aids, the murmurs of the merchants, the fear of rebellion, the Lutheran sect, with other considerations. The Emperor, nevertheless, decided not to prolong the truce with France, as there was no prospect of peace. The illness of Francis is dangerous. If Bourbon come to the Emperor, the chances of peace will be still less than at present. The Emperor has ratified and taken his oath to the Portuguese marriage [i.e. between Charles V. and Isabella, daughter of Emmanuel king of Portugal]. Toledo, 27 Oct. 1525.
28 Oct.
R. O.
Saturday the 21st, Taylor arrived at Dover, and found no ship ready, and none would have been got if it had not been for the diligent labor of Sir Edw. Guldeford, warden of the ports. For this reason, and on account of the bad weather, could not ship his horses till Monday. Crossed on Tuesday. Arriving at Calais, was visited by the Treasurer, and showed him the letters of commission, address, and other things. As his horses were tired with being two nights at sea, determined not to start till today. Will lie tonight at Boulogne, and make all haste to the end of their journey. Calais, 28 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace.
28 Oct.
Calig. B. II. 66. B. M. St. P. IV. 409.
On his return from Berwick, Magnus found the young King had gone towards Glasgow and Dumbarton, the Chancellor being then at St. Andrew's, and the rest of the Council in sundry other countries. Wrote a letter to the Chancellor, of which he sends a copy. Arranged to meet his Lordship at Dunfermline, who regretted that the assembly at Berwick had no better effect. Told him that if he had been informed of the articles given to their commissioners about lending aid to France, the English would never have repaired thither; that he had always insisted that France should not be comprised; that it must create suspicion in England to see that the young King purposed any such assistance, and though there was now peace between England and France, if henceforth a breach should happen, it would be unnatural for the nephew to assist against the uncle. "Howbeit, he said, the council of Scotland had in their opinions that if the King's highness and your Grace had not permitted and suffered France to comprehend Scotland, they would not then in anywise have spoken one word of France, but would have made the same their quarrel and cause why that France by them should not be comprehended." Sends copy of the articles given to the Scotch commissioners. Their demand is to assist France within the same realm only,—a restriction which the Chancellor says he caused to be added by Adam Otterbourne. He thinks if he could confer with the King and Wolsey they would be satisfied with it, considering how Scotland is divided, and how they have broken the band of Rouen and the old league with France. The matter cannot be mended now, except by Parliament, and he will not answer for success there. Believes the Chancellor would be glad to satisfy England if possible.
Thinks Angus has been indiscreet of late, and led by others into disputes in various parts of the realm, especially for not doing justice and for favoring thieves. Arran gave Magnus fair words, but was most opposed to the wishes of England at the meeting. Angus has broken many promises about days of truce. He keeps near the King, being afraid of being put from him. The Chancellor quarrelled with him for not doing execution on the Armstrongs who committed the outrages in Tynedale. He took pledges of them only for Scotland, not daring to offend the thieves or borderers. The Chancellor is favorable to all the King's demands, except those about resisting Albany, and the Queen's conjunct feoffment. He says the Duke can never have authority again, but if he come as a subject they cannot oppose it, and that as to the conjunct feoffment the Queen must be ordered by her husband.
Thinks a peace should be taken till Candlemas, so that meantime France may declare how they will comprehend Scotland. Magnus and Dacre could arrange it without making the dean of York come to the Borders. Sends copy of a terrible cursing which he has got executed along the Borders in consequence of Wolsey's letter to the archbishop of Glasgow.
The young King has returned to Stirling. The commissioners seem little inclined to keep to the meeting at Berwick on Martinmas unless they be assured of agreement. They cannot abate the special assistance till the assembly of the Lords at the King's coming here in eight days. Desires speedy knowledge of the King's pleasure about this and the articles touching the Queen and Albany. Edinburgh, 28 Oct. Signed.
Cal. B. II. 289.
B. M. St. P. IV. 416, note.
2. Copy of a curse pronounced against thieves on the Scotch borders by Gawin archbishop of Glasgow.
Calig. B. VII.
55. B. M. St. P. IV. 412, note.
[Articles in the instructions of the Scotch commissioners]:—
1. That truce be taken for three years, with special comprehension of France, if possible; 2, otherwise with general comprehension of friends, and an article adjoined that it be lawful to help France with men, ships, victuals, &c. 3. That England shall solicit the Emperor to enter for Spain and Flanders in such amity as before. 4. That subjects of either realm may travel through the other without safe-conducts.—Peace may be concluded even if the last two articles be refused. Signed: "Ja. Sanctandr'—G. Glasgwen'—Ja. Dumblanen'—David de Abirbrothk'—Erl of Angus—Erl of Aran—Erle of Lenox—Erle of Morton—M. John Campbel The'—George Se. Crucis—Alexr. Cambuskynneth—Johne lord Erskin."
29 Oct.
Howard's Letters, p. 161.
Have written several times desiring the authorization of the earls of Westmorland and Cumberland to the offices of deputy warden in the E., W., and Middle Marches. Fear some disorders will arise if the writings be delayed. Enclose copy of a letter from the King to Sir William à Parre (fn. 3), for the admission of a yeoman over their number. Lord Dacre has died by a fall from his horse. The earl of Cumberland desires some of his officers with the town and castle of Carlisle. Have sent him information by Dr. Tate. Sherriffhutton, 29 Oct.
Sir Wm. Heron desires to be discharged of Riddisdale. Wish to know his pleasure touching lord Ogle for the bailliwick of Tyndale. Signed: Brian Higdon—W. Frankeleyn—Joseph Uvedale—Will. Jasse (Parre ?)—T. Tempest.
Add.: My lord Legate, &c.
29 Oct.
R. O.
Indenture between Sir Wm. Gascoyne, treasurer of Wolsey's household, and John Higden, dean of his college, dated 29 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII., witnessing the delivery to the latter of certain evidences belonging to the above college. Attested by John bishop of Lincoln, Robert Carter, John Skewys, Thomas Cromwell, and Thomas Canner, in the presence of Wm. Burbanke.
Lat., vellum, mutilated.
30 Oct.
R. T. 137. R. O.
The greater part of the transcript of this letter is lost. In the abstract transmitted to the Record Commission, it is described as giving a detailed account of divers conversations which the ambassadors had with Wolsey and the king of England at the More. The single leaf remaining begins with these words:—
"son maistre, lequel ne avoit tenu compte du rapport des Hespagnolz, des quelz il entendoit la malice et les fins par les avoir practiques et lexperience du passe. Toutesvoys vous prioit, Madame, de y faire avoir lœil pour le temps advenir."
He (Wolsey ?) then touched upon what Gregory de Casal had written, and showed us all his letters. He seemed by his conversation to fancy (gouster) the order taken for the offensive, and to incline himself thereto without difficulty. He then entered on matters which I, Brinon, cannot write to you, as he made me promise not to mention them. Lastly, we spoke of the exchange of the prisoners of war, and agreed that on the deliverance of Guildford all the prisoners in England should be set at liberty. We spoke also of the obligations which he was to deliver to us or to Antony Cavaller, if you agreed to it. He first excused himself by the absence of the Treasurer. We said his principal deputy (commis principal), named Fruller (Fowler), was present. He was called, and it was agreed that the warrant of safe-conduct should be made out, and the obligations placed in his hands or Bonvisy's, but that the deliverance should not be made until our ratifications and obligations were delivered; which in truth is according to agreement. So, if the ratifications don't come soon, some other provision must be made for the November payment. Beg that the letter for the surety of arrears, and the gift to the Cardinal, may be despatched, which they will not deliver till they obtain the English ratification. London, 30 Oct.
Fr., pp. 2. Add.: "A Madame."
Nero, B. VI.
100. B. M.
1730. VENICE.
A catalogue of letters from different doges of Venice to Henry VIII.:—(1.) From Ant. Grimani, demanding again ("iterum et vehementissime") the release of the Venetian galleys detained in England; 11 Nov. 1522. (2.) From the same, thanking Henry for his good will to Venice, and for writing to the Emperor for the release of certain galleys; 28 Jan. 1521. (3.) From Leonard Lauredano, transmitting ratification of the league between England and France, and thanking Henry for including the Venetians; 11 Aug. 1515. (4.) From the same, congratulating Henry on his success against the French, and promising his aid to drive them out of Italy, 26 Aug. 1512. (5.) From the same, declaring the joy of the Venetians, shown both in public and private, on account of the alliance between England and France; 28 Aug. 1514. (6.) From the same;—letters patent confirming the peace between England, in which Venice was included; 11 Aug. 1514. (7.) From the same, thanking Henry for his cordiality towards the Venetian ambassadors; 8 June 1515. (8.) From Ant. Grimani, thanking Henry for the release of the galleys and goods of the Venetian merchants, and promising eternal regard for him; 31 Mar. [1523]. (9.) From Leonard Lauredano, credentials for Sebastian Justinian and Pietro Pescaligo, ambassadors to England; 11 Feb. 1514. (10.) From the same, that he persists in his intention to make peace with the Emperor, and desires credence for the Venetian ambassador on the subject; 7 Jan. 1513. (11.) From the same, promising to do his utmost along with the other confederates for the expulsion of the French from Italy, and to send an ambassador to England to confirm the league entered into in the King's name at Rome; 16 June 1512. (12.) From Andrea Gritti, announcing his election on the decease of Ant. Grimani, 21 May 1523. (13.) From Leonard Lauredano, stating that he was not opposed to peace with the Emperor, but desired Henry to promote it; 30 Mar. 1514. (14.) From Andrea Gritti, regretting the recall of Pace, whose health did not allow him to remain; 30 Oct. 1525.
Lat., pp. 2.
31 Oct.
R. O.
Hector the Frenchman was here 30 Oct. Sends the news he brought. Desires to know if he shall retain him. Has paid him now for 16 months at the rate of 14 cr. a month, in all 48l. 10s. 8d. of sterling money; of which he has received from Sandys 9l. 3s. 4d. Desires a warrant for the remainder. Calais, 31 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace. Endd.
31 Oct.
R. O.
Sends commendations to Cromwell and his wife. Is not able to repay his kindness shown when he was with him at London, and also in soliciting his matter at need. But God provides for those who help poor people, "as I do understand by my bro[th]er-in-law your mastership is provided." Requests him to help his brother-in-law, Ric. Rutter, the bearer, in an action. Will send him shortly a stock of herring. Calais, 31 Oct. 1525.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Master Crowmwell at London.
31 Oct.
R. O.
The bond is signed and sealed by the generals, according to agreement. In a few days the four treasurers of France will sign it, but they are at present absent. Tours, 31 Oct.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
31 Oct.
Lanz. Staatspap. Karls V. p. 15.
1734. CHARLES V.
In a memoir sent to De Pradt and John Hannart by Madame it is stated that Des Barres has been sent to him under color of obtaining the neutrality of Burgundy and her anxiety to know his answer, and that she has no hope of obtaining aid for the war. In the Emperor's answer, dated 31 Oct., he states that he has informed her of his intentions by Des Barres, who was more inclined to peace than war, which they were in hopes would have been obtained at the coming of Madame d'Alençon, but she left without arriving at any conclusion. The French, instead of advancing in their offers, have retracted; and this is to be attributed as much to their arrangement with the English as to certain negociations in Italy, which the Emperor hopes to prevent. He will for the present stand upon the defensive.
She expresses a hope that the Emperor has provided for the dispute about Naples and the indemnity of England.
The Emperor answers, all these matters have been "demandées" by the instructions of De Roeulx, but the answer has not been conformable to the demand. His Majesty has given orders that Nic. Perrenot shall come to him.
She tells him that Madame la Regente has sent to her Douarty of the King's chamber, to ask her to employ her services in arranging some treaty between the Emperor and the King, in general terms. She orders them to tell the Emperor, that in order to bring John de la Sauch from England, whom De Beures and the President had left there at their departure, Madame had sent thither Jean Jouglet, lord of Maretz, until she could be apprized of the Emperor's intentions; and she wishes him, when he sends a Spanish ambassador into England, to join with him one from Belgium. The Emperor replies that he is not disposed to send an ambassador from Spain, nor shall be until he knows the determination of the English ambassadors at his court, to conclude the renewal of their amity in virtue of the fresh powers, which they say they have received, to treat with the Emperor, and showing that the King intends to remain on friendly terms with him.
She writes that the king of Scots had written to ask that, in consideration of their ancient amity, she would permit mutual intercourse between the subjects of the two kingdoms to continue, offering reparation for injuries.
The Emperor replies that as the English have treated with France and Scotland without him, it is but reasonable that he should provide for his own interests, and not lose his friends.
Date of Margaret's communication, Breda, 9 July 1525; of the Emperor's answer, Toledo, 31 Oct. 1525.
R. O.
Capt. du Roi. Franc. I. Doc. Inéd. 359.
1735. FRANCIS I.
1. Overtures for peace.
In accordance with the proposal made by the Emperor to the duchess of Alençon and Berry, the King's sister, viz., that each party should make certain offers by writing, the Duchess says that her brother has made certain great offers to the Emperor for universal peace and his own deliverance, which his council either of France or here would never have made. These, however, she will agree to for the good of Christendom, provided they are taken with their conditions and modifications, viz.:—
1. On his marriage with Eleanor queen of Portugal, Francis shall acknowledge that he holds the duchy of Burgundy in the Emperor's name; and the Emperor will give it to her and to the eldest son born of that marriage. 2. If the Emperor prefer to have actual possession of the duchy, Francis is willing, on being delivered from prison, to give him hostages and sureties for its deliverance, provided the Emperor, on obtaining possession, deliver to Francis other hostages for its restoration, if it shall be adjudged by the court of Parliament and of the Peers to belong to France.
Madame also proposes to place Milan and Genoa in the Emperor's hands, for the investiture of which Maximilian received 100,000 crowns, while the cost to France of keeping Milan has been 10,000,000 of gold. If this be not a sufficient ransom, she proposes that Francis give up his claim to Naples, and the arrears due by the late king of Arragon; also the claims of France on the kingdoms of Arragon and Valencia and the county of Barcelona, by right of Madame Yolant, daughter of king John, who was married to Lewis duke of Anjou; also the 356,000 cr. which Ferdinand, the late king Catholic, owed to France; to restore Hesdin to the Emperor, Tournay being restored to France; to give up the sovereignty of Flanders and Artois during the life of the Emperor and his successor descending from his body by marriage.
If these terms are declined, Madame is willing to pay such sums as may be agreed upon for the deliverance of Francis, leaving old claims to be adjusted by law.
Fr., pp. 4.
R. O.
Capt. du Roi Franc. I. Doc. Inéd. 363.
2. Conditions of Peace.
1. To be perpetual. 2. Marriage of Mary Infant of Portugal, the Emperor's niece, with the Dauphin, to be treated of. 3. The French king, for his deliverance, to restore Burgundy to the Emperor, with Auxonne and the resort of St. Laurens, the counties of Masconnoys and Auxerroys, and the lordship of Bar-sur-Seyne, in such condition as they were held by Charles duke of Burgundy at his death:—saving that Francis may refer his rights to arbitration. 4. The conditions of the treaty of Arras to be observed as to foundations for the soul of John duke of Burgundy. 5. Francis to renounce all claim to Milan, according to the articles delivered by him to Hugh de Montcado. 6. Francis to renounce his right to Genoa and Ast, Naples, Tournay, and Arras and Hesdin; to raze the fortifications of Terouenne, to give up the sovereignty and resort of Flanders, and to get the peace ratified at Paris by the estates of France. 7. The Emperor to give up his right to Peronne, Mondidier, Roye, and the cities on the Somme, the counties of Boulogne and Guisnes, and all rights by the treaties of Arras, Conflans and Peronne. 8. Francis to abandon entirely Henry D'Albret and Charles of Gueldres, Ulrich of Wirtemberg, Robert de la Marche, and his children. 9. Francis to maintain half the army which the Emperor will send into Italy or Germany pour sa conservacion, or for any other enterprise in behalf of himself or the Infant Don Fernando. 10. If the Emperor proposes to go to Italy, Francis shall supply him with a fleet at such place as he wishes to embark at. 11. If he will go against the Infidels or other heretics, Francis shall also contribute half the expence, and go in person with him if desired. 12. Francis shall pay the king of England all the pensions and indemnities due to him, and the indemnity promised by the Emperor in the treaty of Windsor. 13. As to Bourbon, arrangements to be made such as have been offered to the Emperor. 14. The private interests of Madame Marguerite, the Emperor's aunt, Germaine queen of Arragon, the prince of Orange, and others named in De Rieux's instructions, to be considered "en concluant le principal." 15. The treaty to be ratified by Francis before his delivery.
Fr., pp. 4.
1736. GRANTS in OCTOBER 1525.
1. Tho. Ap. Owen, sewer of the Chamber. To be constable of the castle of Belleth, S. Wales, vice Sir Ryce Ap Thomas. 10 Sept. 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 Oct.—P.S.
2. Humphrey Forster, squire for the Body. Annuity of 50 marks. Stony Stratford, 8 Sept. 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 2 Oct.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 4.
2. Nich. Syghe, wardship of Edw. s. and h. of Nich. Merlond. Del. Hampton Court, 2 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 12.
5. Wm. Cowper, yeoman of the Pantry. Grant of two tenements in the parish of St. Giles without Crepilgate, London, late belonging to Tho. Stokton, deceased. Stony Stratford, 13 Sept. 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 5 Oct.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
10. John Browne, yeoman, of Middleton Tyas, co. Richmond, alias of Calais. Pardon. Del. Hampton Court, 10 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
10. Wm. Bruerton. Annuity of 10 marks out of the lp. of Denbigh, N. Wales, on surrender of patent 29 May 8 Hen. VIII. by John Dyngley. Del. Hampton Court, 10 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 9.
12. Wm. Corpson, yeoman of the Guard. To be keeper of Fulbrook park, vice Sir Tho. Lucy, deceased. Ampthill, 8 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Del. Hampton Court, 12 Oct. Pat. p. 2, m. 4.
12. Wm. Forster, laborer, of Playford, Suff. Pardon for having escaped, and liberated Edm. Nele, John Grene, and Tho. Mason, from Dereham prison, Norf., where Forster was committed on suspicion of felony. Del. Hampton Court, 12 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
12. Adam Holand, yeoman of the Guard. Reversion of the keepership of the New Park under Nottingham castle, with 4d. a day from the issues of the Castle mills; now held by Rob. Leche, by patent 8 July 6 Hen. VIII. Ampthill, 3 Oct. ... Del. Hampton Court, 12 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
12. John Pakyngton and Austin Pakyngton. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of chirograper of the Common Pleas. Olney, 17 Sept. 17 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 12 Oct.—P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 7.
12. Tho. Power, grocer, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners. Monastery of St. Alban's, 12 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
20. Tho. Stubbys, of Botton, in the parish of Grendon, Staff., husbandman, son of Henry Stubbys. Pardon for the death of Ralph Cowper. Del. Westm., 20 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 9.
20. Wm. Wilks, of Alstretton, Salop. Pardon for killing Ric. Dodde. Del. Westm., 20 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
23. Simon Burton. To have a corrody or sustentation in the monastery of Trewordrewith, Cornw., vice John Porte. Del. the More, 23 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
24. Wm. Vaughan, the King's chaplain, D.C.L. To have the pension which the abbot of the monastery of St. Saviour, Bermondsey, Surrey, is bound to give to a clerk of the King's nomination. Stony Stratford, 13 Sept. 17 Hen. VIII. Del. the More, 24 Oct.—P.S.
27. Roger Radcliff, gentleman usher of the Chamber, to have a corrody or sustentation in the monastery of Ramsey, vice John Poort. 27 Oct. anno 17.—S.B.
30. Aswer Scardeburgh, soldier, late of Calais. Denization, being a native of Cleveland. More, 30 Oct.—Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 25.


  • 1. "Whitgyfte" in the convent's petition.
  • 2. An error for 187.
  • 3. "Sparre," Howard.