Henry VIII: October 1525, 1-15

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: October 1525, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp749-757 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: October 1525, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp749-757.

"Henry VIII: October 1525, 1-15". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp749-757.


October 1525

1 Oct.
R.O. Rym. xiv.94.
1677. TREATY of the MORE.
Obligation of Louis Briseyns, earl of Maulevrier, to observe the same. 1 Oct. 1525. Sealed.
Lat., vellum.
Rym. xiv. 95.
2. Obligation of Charles de Luxembourg, earl of Brienne, to observe the same. Montreuil, 1 Oct. 1525.
Lat., vellum.
1 Oct.
R.O. Rym. XIV. 96.
Letters in favor of Ric. Pace, now returning to England. His health has been very bad, and is so at the present moment. He suffers from a sleeplessness night and day, which baffles the Venetian physicians. Ducal palace, 1 Oct. 1525.
Lat., vellum.
1 Oct.
Harl. MS. 442. F.49. B.M.
1679. The COINAGE.
Proclamation to be made by the sheriffs of London, ordering the circulation of coins at the values expressed in the statute of 15 Hen. VIII. St. Alban's, 1 Oct. 16 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, p. 1.
Writ to Sir [William] Bayly, mayor and escheator of London, for restitution of temporalities on the election of Rob. Warton as abbot. Hampton Court, 1 Oct.
ii. Similar writs for Kent, Surrey, Essex, Herts, Berks and Somerset.
Pat. 17 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 8.
3 Oct.
Calig. B. VII. 211 b. B.M.
Has received his letter dated Hatfield, 24 August, and thanks him for his good mind towards him. The commissioners have passed forward for the conclusion of a peace. Refers him to Magnus for farther particulars. Edinburgh, 3 Oct. (Signature torn off.)
P.1. Add. Endd.: "[From the] bishop of St. Andrews."
3 Oct.
Thanks him for sending on to Rome certain writings for the [prom]otion of Melrose, about which he wrote on Aug.26.
"The commessionaris ar makand forchtwart and departit ... concluding thus pece to the weill of baitht the realmys, my laubors ... d evyr takin in that behalf, now and at all tyme, sen your [gr]aces first writings, notwithstanding grett solistatioun and persua ... ys in the contrar." Refers to the archdeacon of the [Es]triding, the ambassador from the King.
Desires credence for his familiar clerk, Peter Houstoun, whom he is sending to the [court of R]ome. Edinburgh, 3 Oct.
Hol., p.1, mutilated. Add.: To my lord Leg[ate's] grace. Endd.
3 Oct.
R.O. Rym. XIV. 97.
1683. TREATY of the MORE.
Obligation of the city of Toulouse for payment of the money due to England by the treaty. Toulouse, 3 Oct. 1525. Sealed.
Lat., vellum.
4 Oct.
Has received his letters of July 8, about the coming of Mr. Almoner to reside in his stead. Thanks him for the licence to return, and at last "to be delivered from this pleasant country." Has received also the King's letters to the same intent from the Knight of St. John. Is waiting for Mr. Almoner's coming, especially as when Wolsey and the King wrote they did not know that Wingfield was dead, and the bp. of London would have been left alone if he had gone. Will do all he can for Wolsey's pensions and the arrears. As he has written to Mr. Toneys, has received of Wolsey's money lately 1,469 ducats, which is 330l. 10s. 6d. Has asked Toneys to take them of Mr. Wyot for his diets, and yet he will not have much before the day. The King's affairs are mentioned in their common letters. The Emperor seems desirous to continue in sincere love and intelligence with the King. Toledo, 4 Oct.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
4 Oct.
Eras. Ep. p. 896.
Has heard so exact an account of Pole from Lupset that he knows him as well as if he had lived with him. Is glad to find there is some one in these deplorable times to devote himself to the cause of learning and piety. Recommends to him very highly John à Lasco, for whose departure he is inconsolable. He is sure to gain Pole's affection, because he is so like him. Has in Italy friends, like Pace and Lupset, and especially Pole, in whose company he might grow young again; but he is tied by cruel fate to Basle. Basle, 4 Oct. 1525.
4 Oct.
Lettere di Principi, I. 176.
The action taken by the Pope with the Venetian ambassador on the news from England, which you think will bear little fruit, seems to me sufficient to prevent the Signory from making an agreement, unless it be compelled by necessity. Leonard Spina writes that M. Sigismondo's office has been given to somebody at the instance of the duke of Vendôme, without respect to his poor orphan children, and before it is quite certain that he is dead. (fn. 1) Rome, 4 Oct. 1525.
6 Oct.
Galba, B. VIII. 208. B. M.
Wrote last on the 26th that my Lady was to have left the Hague next day, but it was the 28th before she departed. On that day, on his way from the Hague to Rotterdam, partly by wagon and partly by water, he was met by Christopher Morres, who brought letters from William Lelegrave, stating that the Emperor's placard, a copy of which he enclosed in his last, required to be made out in more ample form, and signed by the financiers; for without this the tolleners, who had the farm of the tolls, would not even let the Emperor's own things pass. Could not get it rectified, as my Lady was on her journey, and only arrived at Bois-le-Duc yesterday evening, though the audiencer, Lawrence Bleew, showed friendly diligence in despatching the placard with my Lady's letters to the master of artillery and to the burgomaster of Antwerp for delivery of the merchandize sent thither by lord Sandes, and arrested by its pretended owners.
During my Lady's absence from Malines, Hesdin has remained at his house there six or seven weeks with his wife. He has been writing to his friends at the court, desiring that the charges against him may be investigated, but has only been answered that my Lady was much displeased at his returning to Malines without her leave. A few days ago she sent to him John de la Sawte, to order him not to remain in any of the Emperor's countries till he had explained why he fled from the court. He has accordingly left his house, and sent his wife thither to intercede for him. Bois-le-Duc, 6 Oct. 1525.
P.S.—Hopes that by this time Wolsey has provided for at least two of three things: 1st, his return to Calais; 2nd, for remittance of money, either to Antwerp or Calais; and, 3rd, if he is to remain longer, for his diets in the last two journeys he has made in these parts. There are three knights at Calais, Sir John Wallop, Sir Barth. Tate, and Sir Rob. Jerningham, not only adequate personages to fill his place, but better able to serve the King for 20s. a day. Often 40s. a day do not meet Wingfield's expences; but persons who have less acquaintance by long service would not spend so much. Has just received a printed copy of the treaty of peace between England and France, a copy of which he sends, that Wolsey may judge "whether the French can add or minish to the advancement of their purposes."
Hol., mutilated, pp. 4. Add and Endd.
7 Oct.
R. O.
Inquisition taken at Colshill in Warwickshire, 7 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII., before Thos. Slade, escheator, on the suppression of the benedictine priory of Tickford, Bucks, by virtue of the bull of Clement VII.; at which time there were a prior and two monks who had been transferred to other monasteries. Possessions of the priory in co. Warwick: the manor of Tyckford, in the parish of Aston, with advowson of Aston and the chapel of Bromwicham; a close in Aston, called the priory close; seven acres of meadow of John Rastell; 2d. rent in Castelbromwich, &c.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand (?); pp. 4.
8 Oct.
Ep. IV. App. Eras. Ep. ed. 1642.
A declamatory epistle on the peace between the Emperor and the French king, stating, among other things, that the King treated strangers with the same courtesy as his own subjects; and the world expected that the peace thus commenced would be brought to completion by the King's influence and authority. No line of action was more suitable to the Defender of the Faith. Bruges, 8 Oct. 1525.
10 Oct.
R. O. St. P. IV. 407.
On the 7th at Hexham we determined to lay the pledges for Tynedale at Sheriffhutton. Three have come this morning, the rest will be here tonight or tomorrow. They are all of the greatest offenders, so that if any of the surnames for which they stand bound withdraw from justice, the pledge may be immediately executed, and another of the same surname taken in his place. They are all very penitent, and before absolution were content to be sworn to observe every article in the enclosed bill. Thinks their lives should be spared. The duke of Richmond's abilities and virtue are hardly equalled in anyone twice his age. Mr. Almoner will report with what gravity he desired to be recommended to the King, Queen, and Wolsey. Is to be tomorrow at Pomfret at the Oyer and Terminer; afterwards will begin the survey of my lord of Richmond's lands at Sheriffhutton. Writes seldom about the matters of the bishopric, which, he trusts, are well established. Sheriffhutton, 10 Oct. Signed.
10 Oct.
R. O.
Indenture, dated 10 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII., of the receipt by John bp. of Exeter, president of the princess's Council, Edw. lord Dudley, chamberlain, Jas. Denton, chancellor, John Porte, justice, Ric. Sydnor, treasurer of the chamber, and John Salter and Geo. Bromeley, of her council, of the follow- ing stuff from Geffrey bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, by Ric. Strete, archdeacon of Salop.
3 brass pots, 1 brazen pestle and mortar, 4 pans, 1 colander with a skynner, a brazen ladle and gridiron, a bread grater, 5 broches, a fire sklysse, a chafing dish, a frying pan with a flesh hook, 6 leather pots, 7 doz. and 2 pieces of pewter vessel, 6 tablecloths and 3 towels, 2 neck towels for the panter, 2 cupboard cloths, 2 purpoynts with 12 napkins, a chest with the irons for keeping the prisoners, a chest with 3 locks, containing divers books of the extent of the lands of the marches and other muniments. Plate belonging to Arthur Newton, in gage for 20l. Ready money: in groats, 88l. 2s. 8d.; 684 cr. at 4s. 4d. = 148l. 3s. 8d; some are not "of the sun" nor of such value. In pence, 53l. 3s. 8d.; some little and some broken; 2 royals cracked.
"Item, it may please your lordeshipp to see for that my lorde of Exceter may redelyver thiese or the valor. I thinke ther is more. Ther hath ben so fewe commyssioners ther mony daye. I am gladd to here of your commissyon into thoose parties. Our lords sende yowe goode assistance and those that meane justyce. For there is jeopardye."
Pp. 2. Endd.: The inventory of my lord of Chester's stuff.
11 Oct.
R. O.
Rejoices at the peace concluded between their ambassadors. Supposes he has heard of the illness of the King her son in Spain. Has had certain news of his recovery, which is more miraculous than natural. Lyons, 11 Oct. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd. twice.
p. 339.
Is advertised by her ambassadors of the zeal which the Cardinal has for her son's interests. Hopes by his means to establish an indissoluble bond of union between the two sovereigns. Has news of the recovery of her son, who had been seriously ill for four or five days, and was given over by his physicians. His convalescence is more miraculous than natural, and her grief is turned into joy.
11 Oct.
R. T. 137. R. O.
Since her last letters, received news of the serious illness of the King her son, who was given up by the doctors. Her anguish was partly alleviated by the union of the Lords of this kingdom, and their determination to live and die in obedience to the Dauphin. Has since heard of his recovery, which has been almost miraculous. Her daughter has greatly helped it, both by her prayers and her good treatment. Is making the greatest diligence to send money to England. Lyons, 11 Oct.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
11 Oct.
R. O.
Writ to [the sheriff of Oxford and Berks] for delivery to Wolsey of the site, &c. of St. Frideswide's, Oxford, and of the manors of Bolles, Shipton, Cuddeslow, Bynsey, &c. 11 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII.
Draft, Lat., pp. 3, large paper.
Titus B. I.
78. B. M.
Is glad to hear how devoutly the King received the holy jubilee, and for the accommodation of his servants has adjourned the term. John Joachim has been with Wolsey, and communicated such news as were written to him and the President in ciphers out of France. In consequence of the Emperor's high demands, the deliverance of Francis is likely to be delayed; seeing that the French king has recovered from all peril of death, the Emperor demands the whole duchy of Burgundy, Picardy, &c.
Draft, p. 1.
13 Oct.
R. O.
After writing his last letters, four days ago, was with the King's mother, and told her his charge. She professed her obligations to Henry, and desired the Bishop to assure him of the eternal gratitude of her son and his kingdom. Need not report their conversation about what was said by Mag. D. Gregorius (Cassale), who has already written about it, and is writing now. Does not think matters so near being settled as they should be. Advises that either he or Gregory should not stay longer. The other can wait for their resolution, which they say they will give in a very short time. As being the heavier man, will therefore proceed tomorrow, that he may be at Rome at the same time as Gregory. Will write thence. Lyons, 13 Oct. 1525.
De Praet arrived yesterday as Imperial ambassador, and had audience today from my Lady. The Venetian ambassadors are also here, not to stay, but on their way home from Spain.
Lat., Hol., p. 1. Add.: IIImo [et R]mo * * * Cancellario digmo, Dno. meo unico. Endd.
13 Oct.
R. O.
" ... nyth of September. ... booke as hereafter f[oloweth] ... ber ... [par]ticulerly the holl chea ... off t ... [cas]tell of Lodelowe sustey[ned] ... pay[ments] ... to masons, plomers, tylers ... an ... [o]fficers and labourers, as other ... the same reparations overseen and ... duryng the performyng off ... a ... age person off Lodelowe and ... themployment whereoff ... maner above ... xi. day off this Septem[ber], the xvijth yere off [the reign of o]wure sov[er] ant lorde above said king Henry [the Eighth] ... rec. of Mr. Sydenall, at Thornebery, by the commandment of my lordes and masters my lady Princes' [c]ow[ncil]."
1,000 tiles, 6s. 8d. 57 bushels of lime, 7s. 10d. To tilers: the master, 6d., the servant, 3d. a day. To three plumbers soldering on the leads, 16d. a day. To Harre Taverner, of Stanton Lacy, for carrying tile stone thence to the castle, 6d. a load. Carriage of stone, &c. from the Frythe, 6d. a load. 5¼ lb. "sother," 16d. Board nails, 6d. a 100. Hache nails, 4d. Lath nails, 2d. "Stabulling" 1,000 tile stone, 10d. Sand, 4d. a load. Clay, 2d. a load. To a man for underpinning and "wydying" the walls, three days, at 4d. To a carpenter, for two days' work in the outer chapel, 12d. "Wyndyng and dawbyng," 4d. a day. 2 ½ doz. crests, ... &c. Total, 5l. 17s. 11d. Received from Mr. Sydnore, surveyor to the Princess, 5l. The rest due "to me, Water Roggers."
"Md., that I, Watere Roggers, of Ludlowe, have don the reparacions on the Castyll of Ludlowe, at the comandment of Master Sydnore, surveyor generall in the ... don frome the xxv. daye of Janowry, in the xvii. [yere of our lo]rd Herry the viijth." Carriage of timber: to diggers at the "quarell," 3½d. a day. Making a key for the wicket of the great gate, 8d. Sawing wood, 14d. the 100 ft. Felling and siding timber at the Fryth, 4d. a day. Taking down the tiles of the old boiling house, 10d. Soldering ... over my Lady's chamber, 4d. To carpenters, for "worchyng," 6d. a day. "A potacion to the holle workemen," 10d. Making floors, 4d. a day. Carriage of poles for scaffolds, "taboll stone," &c. Locks for the utter chapel and the cellar, 12d.; for the wardrobe and great chamber, 14d. Wages of masons, &c. Total, from 11 ... 17 H. VIII. to 13 Oct. ... 45l. 17s. 9d. Received from Ric. Benson, chaplain, 5l.; and from Sydnor, 35l. Due to Rogers, 5l. 17s. 9d.
Note by Sydnor, that he paid the above sum to Roger's servant at Windsor.
Mutilated, pp. 37. In the original covers.
14 Oct.
R. O.
Wrote last from this town on the 6th. Is half ashamed to have omitted writing so long, and more to write now without anything of consequence. Since Wm. de la Barre and Richard, the courier, came from Spain, there has been no news from the Emperor or elsewhere. My Lady, who has been somewhat "crasyd" since she came hither, intends to go to Malyns on Monday, and to stay five or six days at Hoowstrate on the way. Being without money, he proposes, when he has taken her out of the town, to go to the Mint at Andwerpe, as he does not know whether his friends can lend him any more money. Will be there at the end of the coming week, if the King or Wolsey want anything done there. Bolduk, 14 Oct. 1525.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord the Legate, &c.
14 Oct.
R. O.
1700. PENRITH.
Demise during pleasure granted by the King under the privy seal to the earl of Cumberland, of the castle and lordship of Penreth, the lordships, &c. of Salkeld, Scotby, Soureby, Langwaythby, and Gamelesby, "the forest of Inglewood called Plompton, and the closes and improwments called the ward of Penreth and the ward of Gatesgales," the Earl undertaking to make repairs and pay the wages of the soldiers in Carlisle Castle. Dated 14 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII.
ii. Similar demise to Will. lord Dacre, dated 26 Nov. 19 Hen. VIII.
14 Oct.
Captivité, Doc. Inéd. 378.
We have sent the treaties of peace made with England, and the obligations we have been bound to give, to be proclaimed and registered. The treaty is very beneficial to the kingdom. We understand that, although such treaties are usually despatched by the Court without difficulty, you have subjected the matter to debate and delay, which may cause irreparable damage; and the city of Paris has made this an excuse for deferring it. Other cities have not done so, neither the princes nor lords. If the estates of Normandy have any objection, they can make a declaration of it. We have already provided 26,000 francs on this account for Calais, and the treaty has been published in France and England. If the English become acquainted with your obstinacy, they will probably draw back with the money they have received from us, and be more fierce for the war than ever. Lyons, 14 Oct.
Ibid. p. 349. ii. Extract from the registers of the Parliament of Paris.
On Friday, 6 Oct. 1525, Montmorency presented letters from Louise to this court, requesting them to publish and register the treaties with England; and stating that the English, who are hard to deal with, (fn. 2) insist that the treaties shall be approved by this court, and by the other sovereign courts of the realm, and demand numerous obligations from princes, gentlemen, and chief towns. As it is arranged to deliver the treaties and obligations to the English by the end of this month, and necessary to carry them to Rouen, Thoulouse, and Bordeaux, and to assemble the estates of Normandy and Languedoc, Montmorency prays them to proceed to the approbation of the said treaties with the utmost diligence, and to write on them "lecta, publicata, et registrata." Moreover Louise has instructed him that it is necessary to add the word "approbata;" for Brinon has written to the Chancellor that if this word be not expressly inserted by the sovereign courts, nothing could be done with the English, and the peace would be broken. If one do not what they demand, they do not keep any promises they make.
Charles Guillart, first president, replied that, if ever peace were necessary, it is so now; that the English are a suspicious nation, and insist on things being done according to their fashion and desire, without which one cannot satisfy them; and that the court will do everything possible for the preservation of the peace and the weal of the King and kingdom, and proceed to the approbation and publication of the treaties.
Ibid. p. 351. iii. Extract from the same.
On 6 Oct. 1525 the provost of the merchants and the eschevins of the city came into the court of Session, and said that the city assembled on Wednesday last touching the obligations which relate to the treaty of peace with England, and that they loudly complained because the Court had sent no deputies. The commonalty said that this was done in order to throw the responsibility on them. The Court resolves that it will neither go nor send to the said assembly, and informs the provost and eschevins that this is not the first time that the cities of the realm have entered into obligations, for they did so at the treaties of Arras and Senlis in the time of Lewis XI., and also at the marriage of Charles VIII. and Margaret of Austria.
15 Oct.
Lanz, I. 175. Bradford, p. 170.
Describes his journey from Perpignan to Madame the Regent at Lyons, and his good reception. She praised Charles's great humanity towards the King her son (Francis) in visiting him during his severe illness, and alluded to the hearty reception given by the Emperor to Madame d'Alençon. Believes that if it rested with Madame, she would consent to the restitution of Burgundy, out of the desire she has to see her son again. Two ambassadors from England are here, but the Regent said nothing about them. One of them is the auditor of the Apostolic Chamber, and the other Gregory Casale. Peace has been everywhere proclaimed between the two kingdoms. Three weeks ago 100,000 crowns were sent from here to England as the first payment of what is due. Believes the rest will be paid in paper and fair words. This peace is very inconvenient to the Emperor. As the Cardinal (Wolsey) has sent two Italians here as ambassadors, it seems that he desires once more to embroil the affairs of Italy. Desires to known how he is to conduct himself with the said ambassadors. The Cardina has two ends in view,—the first being to obtain great sums of money for the king of England under pretence of war, and the other to keep the French king and the Emperor in perpetual war or distrust. Before releasing Francis from prison, Charles should assure himself of him, either by force or by a strict alliance, in order that Francis may not in future to him any injury or mischief. Madame has informed me that Bourbon had arrived at Barcelona, and hoped this would not be a bar to the peace, as his demands could be easily arranged. Lyons, 13 Oct.
This letter has been delayed by the illness of the treasurer Robertet. The Venetian ambassadors, who lately quitted the Emperor, have arrived in this town, and visited the Regent, who earnestly requested that the signory (of Venice) would intercede for peace and union between Charles and Francis, and for the speedy release of the latter. These ambassadors informed De Praet that they had been advertisted of the final conclusion of peace between France and England; and they inquired whether it had been made with the Emperor's consent. Did not know how to answer them, except that he supposed the English had not concluded anything to the Emperor's prejudice, and that the king of England had probably given the Emperor previous notice of his intention. Lyons, 15 Oct. 1525.
15 Oct.
R. O.
Bill in Chancery by John abbot of St. Austin's without Canterbury, praying an injunction against Will. Goldwyn, who, on pretence of wanting fuel for a brewhouse, got a lease of the woods of the monastery at Plumsted and Shotershill from the late abbot Thos., in 4 Hen. VIII., and not only refuses to sell any to the Abbot's tenants, but has cut down timber wastefully in excess of the terms of his lease.
ii. Copy of injunction, dated 15 Oct. 17 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 3.


  • 1. See 28 July.
  • 2. "qui sont gens difficiles."