Henry VIII: July 1526, 1-15

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: July 1526, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1030-1041 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: July 1526, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1030-1041.

"Henry VIII: July 1526, 1-15". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1030-1041.


July 1526

1 July.
Lettere di Principi, I. 230.
I hope we shall within a few days have the king of England for a declared friend and confederate. Nothing stands in the way but a protestation, which he wishes to be made in Spain before he declares himself. I hope he will aid us with a considerable sum of money. Rome, 1 July 1526.
2 July.
R. O.
2294. ITALY.
From letters from the secretary of the Great Master of France, dated Turin, 2 July.
Has written in two letters about the loss of Lodi and the repulse of the marquis of Guasto, the occupation of the camp there by the Venetians, and the building of a bridge over the Po by the Papal troops for the purpose of plundering around Pavia. The enemy are so stupid, that though they are numerous and strong at Milan, they intended to leave the town to go to Pavia; but the lanzknechts besieging them, heard of it, and, leaving the siege, arrived there before them, and shut the gates, saying they were enough to defend it; but he thinks they did it for the sake of getting the booty placed there by the Spaniards as well as by the Italians and Germans. The Spaniards then returned, but meanwhile the garrison of the castle had sallied out, obtained provisions, and cast down the enemies' works.
The Papal army has crossed the Po, and encamped near the Carthusian House at Pavia. The Venetians are at Marignano, about five miles from them, and 15 from Milan. After taking Marignano, St. Columbano and St. Angelo, with 8 guns left by the Spaniards at Binasco, the Venetians sent to ask the lanzknechts at Pavia to serve the league, offering them treble pay and all the booty in Pavia, and if they would not serve the league, made the same offers with safe-conduct to leave, if they would give up Pavia. They took three days to answer this, and it is thought they will yield the town. 800 Spanish and Italian foot arrived at Novara, either going to defend Alexandria, or else retreating. It was said that Bourbon has arrived at Savona with 6 galleys.
The Venetian and Papal troops are determined to fight the Spaniards when they have a chance.
One company of John de Medicis' army attacked and killed some Spanish gunners at Nuovo, about 30 miles from Milan.
Pp. 2, Lat. Endd.: Extractæ litterarum e Roma.
2 July.
Harl. MS. 442, f. 63. B. M.
Proclamation made in the Court of Chancery, summoning commissioners of the peace, subsidies and sewers to appear in the Star Chamber on Thursday next. 2 July 18 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, p. 1.
3 July.
R. O.
In his last letter, of which he encloses a copy, he informed Wolsey that the Pope's army had gone to the duke of Urbino, captain of the Venetians, intending to cross the river and go towards Milan with him. Meanwhile a Venetian captain, with 200 men-at-arms and 2,000 foot, was admitted into Lodi, which was held by Imperial infantry, on the night of June 24, St. John's Day, by a noble who was entrusted with one of the gates. A few who resisted were killed, the rest surrendered. The next night, some Imperialists from Milan came to Lodi, but did not succeed except in rescuing those who had taken refuge in the castle. Next morning the duke of Urbino entered the town with the rest of the Venetian army, and, while covering the Papal troops during their passage of the Po, bombarded the citadel. They then set out together for Milan, intending either to compel the Imperialists to fight, or to shut up themselves in Milan. They say the Imperial forces there are 300 men-at-arms, as many light horse, 6,000 Spanish and Almain foot, and 10 guns. They are repairing the walls, and strengthening it with outworks, and are extorting money from the townspeople by taking away their arms, and threatening to plunder the town. Bourbon's arrival at Genoa with six galleys has made them bolder. The Pope hears that the Emperor has given him authority to collect at Genoa 100,000 ducats for the war. The Orsini are raising an army to attack Sienna, which adheres to the Emperor, and lies between Rome and Florence. Rome, 3 July 1526. Signed.
News has come that Francis has gladly consented to the treaty, and has published it in France. The Pope and the Venetians will do the like next Sunday. Sends another "quaternio" of the catalogue of Greek books.
Lat., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
3 July.
Vit. B. VIII. 91 b. B. M.
"[Ill ac] R. &c. Cæsarei instant ... trahant in partem eorum. Aliæ eti[a]m praticæ sunt ut inter [e]um et Pontificem fiat aliqua concordia, et Rex Gallorum videtur etiam in hoc auctoritatem suam interponere. Quid successurum sit nescitur. Bene verum quod persona Ducis, quæ in rebus belli valde est experta, magnam habet auctoritatem in Italia. Situs Ferrariæ, copiæ pecuniarum et tormentorum, quibus valde munitus est, multum faceret ad favorem et fomentum confœderatorum. Don Hugo abiit quatuor abhinc diebus, et heri dux Suessæ. Romæ timent aliqui eos auxilio, præsertim peditum, hanc urbem armis molestaturos; tamen adhuc non videntur præparationes alicujus momenti. Alia non sunt dicenda, omnia enim sunt in præparationibus quibus Deus det bonum et fœlicem exitum. Ego ex causis per ultimas datas xx. Junii scriptas id censeo quod per eas censere scripsi ad quas me refero. Cupio tamen meo judicio non plus tribui quam mea tenuitas et ignorantia patiatur," &c. Rome, 3 July 1526.
Cipher, undeciphered; mutilated.
R. O. 2298. ITALY.
News from the Venetian camp sent to their secretary in France.
The Proveditore writes from Lodi, in the duchy of Milan, on the 26th of June, that on the day before, at dawn, lord Malatesta Baglione crossed the Adda by order of the duke of Urbino, and attacked Lodi on the side towards Milan, which was defended by 1,500 Spaniards. He took this quarter, and pursued the enemy into the middle of the city, where he killed and took prisoners the whole force. On the following night the citadel was surrendered to the Venetians. The Imperialists who were besieging Milan despatched the marquis of Guasto to relieve the city, but, finding within two miles of it that they were too late, they retreated. The Venetians pursued, killed and captured a great many of them.
Lat., p. 1. In Vannes' hand.
4 July.
Calig. B. I. 296. B. M.
Received his letter, dated Carlisle, 21 June, complaining of the Armstrongs committing a foray in England, and of the shelter of the Nixons. They have determined on the destruction of all thieves on the Borders, if England will do the same. Whenever robberies are done the wardens on both sides shall raise a power, pursue the thieves, burn their goods, take their "wiffis and barnys," and ship them to some foreign island; and all harborers of thieves shall lose their goods. Desires to know the king of England's mind, and whether he will consent to this arrangement. King James intends to leave Edinburgh on the 17 July for the Borders, to punish the thieves. Edinburgh, 4 July.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
4 July.
Galba, B. IX. 22. B. M.
Wrote last the ... June. Has received no letter from him since. After many deliberations with the lords of Bruges, my Lady has commanded them to allow nothing contrary to the intercourse, reserving the right to adjudge between parties burgesses of the town. As soon as this was known, the burgesses caused kerseys and stockbreds to be sent for from Antwerp, and began to buy and sell without difficulty. Encloses the authentic copy of the Act.
Thinks Lylgrave has told him how the Tollenar of Ripilmond and the [Master] of the Emperor's artillery wished to prevent the King's artillery from passing without paying custom and toll. Spoke to Hoghestraet and others of the Council, who, after a day and a half's deliberation, ordered Termonde, master of the artillery, to see that it passed free of toll, the King paying all other costs. Hopes it will arrive in England with the first good wind.
After dinner yesterday, asked my Lady about her departing for Wynnyndall, and if she had news that Hacket might send to Wolsey. She said her last news was from the Viceroy in France, before his departing for Spain; Italian matters are not going as well as she would, but she thinks that God does all for the better. Hoghestraet said he had received from France a copy of the alliance between the King, the Pope, the French king, the Venetians, &c., but he felt sure that the King would not permit anything that might turn to the displeasure or dishonor of the Emperor. Said he did not doubt that, unless the fault was in themselves, for the King was better disposed to keep peace than any other crafty prince. Asked Hoghestraet if he should follow the said [Lady]. He answered that my Lady had ordained that my lord of Palermo, with other lords of the Council, and Hacket, should meet her at Owdenarde on Saturday next. The French king is not disposed to fulfil all the articles with the Emperor. There is great labor on both sides to keep them friends. It depends upon the business of Italy. Bruges, 4 July.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: My 1. Legatt. Endd.
5 July.
R. O.
Never could have thought that his words would have appeared so incredible as they must now do to the King. The report sent of the retreat of the Turks by his Majesty's ban of Jaycza is unfounded; on the faith of which the King had forgotten to provide for the security of the Archbishop. Learned from a spy three days ago, that the Turk on the Feast of the Visitation had entered Belgrade. More than 3,000 tents had been pitched on the banks of the Zaw. If his Majesty has any one who understands the ground and the house of the Beglerbeg, he will be able to understand how large a space is covered by the encampment of the Janissaries. The Turk is working with great fervor, and is only waiting for his guns and the Feast of Baryan (Easter) to push forward. His Majesty's intention not to allow the enemy to cross the Zaw can no longer be fulfilled. The King has sent in different directions and dispersed his forces. In Sirmisch there is nothing now to be found but the Turks and a few of the King's subjects. Cannot any longer resist the Turks, who have not only crossed the Zaw but the Danube.
As the month is exhausted, expects that the forces with the writer will disperse. Has no money to give them, and if he had the Church's goods there is no one to coin them into money, or to pledge them to. The Nazadist æ have nothing to eat, and without speedy relief will not be able to remain. There will be no resistance, therefore, to the navy of the Turks. Part of the forces had been sent out to reap and gather wood. The shepherds had been sent to tend the vineyards. The Rasciani in a body have left the harbour for want of proper instructions from the King. As the King has summoned all to Tholna, knows not what aid to call upon. Has no armed forces except the archbishop of Gran's (dom. Strigoniensis) and one or two others. The advance of the Turk is not marked by any disorders. The Turk thinks nothing of taking this castle, calling it only a snack (pro gentaculo). I hope in the Lord, if your Majesty make a proper provision, he will find it hard to digest at three meals and more (quod et prandium et cænam sub eo consumere posset); otherwise he will certainly make a snack of it. "Ex castra Waradinen. feria quinta proxima post festum Visitationis Mariæ, 1526."
Lat., pp. 3.
R. O. ii. Baron del Burgo to Clement VII.
Ital. translation of No. 2306. (See 10 July.) P. 1.
R. O. 2. Two other copies of § i.
7 July.
Vit. B. VIII. 90. B. M.
Gives an account of a surprise on the 24th June by the Imperial and Venetian forces on Lodi; the attempt to recover it by the Imperialists, and a subsequent attempt by the duke of Urbino with the same forces on Milan. The Imperialists are encouraged by the advent of Bourbon, who has reached Genoa with six galleys, and he has been commissioned by the Emperor to levy 100,000 ducats in Genoa. The Orsini have raised a numerous army to besiege Sienna on the Emperor's part. News has come that the league has been published in France; the Pope will publish it on Sunday next. A Spanish captain has been killed at Milan, named S. +, and the 100 musketeers who were under him. Rome, 7 July 1526. Signed. Apparently not his signature.
Lat., pp. 2. Add.
7 July.
R. T. 149. R. O.
At the petition of John Elgin, (fn. 1) an ambassador (mandatarius) of the Scotch, grants to all Scotch subjects freedom to visit his dominions, and to carry on traffic there. Koenigsberg, 7 July 1526.
Lat., pp. 2.
8 July.
Vit. B. VIII. 92. B. M.
After mass the league was published at Rome with great rejoicings, and a speech delivered on the occasion. Of the taking of Lodi, and the attack on Milan, and the number of the troops in the papal army. 7,000 Swiss are daily expected. The Spaniards keep in the town of Milan, and beleaguer the citadel. They hold Ticino, Alexandria, Cremona and other towns, and are in great distress; their only hope is in the veterans, who are confident from their former victories. The nobles of Sienna, who were driven out by the populace which favors the Emperor, made an attempt to recover it. Rome, 8 July 1526. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2.
9 July.
Galba, B. IX. 24. B. M.
Wrote last on the 4th. Has since received no letter from Wolsey. Yesterday came hither with the lord of Pa[lermo]. He said my Lady had news from the Viceroy, but it was kept secret. But in a manner of confession he said they had heard from France that the obstacles made by Francis proceed from the comfort given him by the King and Wolsey; that the Emperor had required an extract of all the old and new contracts between him and Henry; that Henry had sent 15,000 ducats a month to assist the Emperor's adversaries in Italy; that a personage in the court says that Wolsey has written to my Lady, encouraging her to assist the peace with the French king; but at the same time he assists the Emperor's adversaries to make war. He begged Hackett to keep this secret; and he makes the same request to Wolsey, for they must now dissemble as they do here. Said he would not believe that the King or Wolsey had done or would do anything contrary to the Emperor's welfare, but whatever they did was for a good intent.
Has letters from Antwerp "that our ships with dord ... and gunpowder" left towards Zeland at 3 p.m. on the 7th.
When the Lady Margaret came hither, it was not known but that Francis was as ready to deliver to the Emperor the articles he had promised, as the Emperor was ready to receive them. My Lady had intended at the end of the war to visit all the principal towns in Henault and Flanders, for some good intent pecunial; but now that Francis has changed his purpose, and she expects war more than peace, she will tomorrow return to her house at Malynes. Owdenarde, 9 July 1526.
Hol., pp. 2.
Ibid. f. 24*. A decipher by Tuke of the passage in cipher.
P. 1.
10 July.
R. O.
Copy of the letter of the baron Del Burgo, apostolic nuncio in Hungary, 10 July.
The Turk has been in Belgrade since the day of the Visitation of St. Mary. Most of his army has crossed the Save. They are carrying great quantities of lime and timber for building, as his Holiness will see from the accompanying letters of the bishop of Colocz. No order is taken here, and things are most desperate. This year so much only of Hungary will remain as the enemy choose to leave. They may take only what is between the Save and Drave, but next spring they will occupy the rest. Considers the case hopeless, as there is nothing here fit for war, and the enemy has everything. There are no captains, no money, no plans, no obedience, no ships, no provisions. The army has not yet assembled, but when it does assemble it will do nothing, as it is disorderly and without money. It will remain for ten or fifteen days, and then will separate to get food. What the Pope has sent, and intends to send, will not provide a small fraction of what is necessary. There is no hope but in God.
Lat., p. 1.
11 July.
Vit. B. VIII. 93*. B. M.
The duke of Urbino, from whom so much was expected on the night of the 7th, has abruptly retreated, notwithstanding the protests of many, to the town of Marignano, ten miles from Milan, to his no small disgrace, as is generally thought. Rome, 11 July 1526. Signed,
Lat., p. 1.
11 July.
Vit. B. VIII. 154*. B. M.
Address and endorsement of a letter from the bishop of Worcester to Wolsey. 11 July 1526.
12 July.
R. O.
The King removed from Angoulesme on the 3rd July, to hunt and visit castles and gentlemen's places. He sent a message to Tayler by the Chancellor, directing him to go on to Poitiers for better accommodation. Learned that the King had received letters on 11 July from Henry VIII. Wonders there were none for himself. Encloses the news here in court. Hears also that the Venetians have taken Lodi, and slain all the Imperialists, and that the siege of the castle of Milan is raised. The Imperial ambassador came to Tayler on the 9th, along with a Spaniard who is going from the Emperor to England, and desired Tayler to excuse him to the King and Wolsey for not fulfilling a promise by which he should have been in England before this. He has been dangerously ill by the way; but he said he had so good a message he hoped to please the King.
Did not confer with them long, as they were very inquisitive about things of which Tayler knew nothing, and would not have told them at any rate. Hears that the Swiss put off their going into Italy, which is a great drawback to this prosperous beginning. Does not think the Italians will join the Spaniards without them. All the Italians who followed Francis have left for Italy. The marquis of Saluce is gone thither as a captain. Tayler is commanded to go on to Towers. Has not heard from England since 18 May. Poitiers, 12 July 1526. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
12 July. 2310. WALTER BULSTRODE.
His will. Proved 12 July 1526. Printed in Nicolas' Testamenta Vetusta, p. 625.
R. O. 2311. NORFOLK to WOLSEY.
Came hither this afternoon. Thinks my lord of Oxford will not live 40 hours. Sir John Vere is gone tonight to his house, and will be with Wolsey tomorrow. Believes both he and the other party will be ordered by Wolsey in everything. Sir John will make suit to enter into the possession of this house, promising to give it up when Wolsey orders him. Norfolk's sister will make entire deliverance of the goods remaining in her hands. "The coming of master Synclere shall be nothing displeasant to her. Your matter of Blakamore is perfected, wherein Sir John Vere hath done his devoir." At Henyngham, this Friday, at 5 at afternoon, going homeward to my poor house."
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd.
13 July.
Rymer XIV. 178.
Inspeximus of the obligation of Louis king of France, dated at Amiens, 29 Aug. 1475, to pay 50,000 gold crowns to king Edward IV. Westm., 13 July 18 Hen. VIII.
14 July.
Vit. B. VIII. 93. B. M.
Wrote the news three days since. Bourbon, after landing at Genoa, passed to Milan with a small band, and when our troops found they could make no impression on Milan, and were not joined by the populace, they resolved to retire, much to the dislike of the Papal commanders, on the suggestion of the Venetians, who are entirely guided in these matters "ex quodam eorum instituto." The Siennese nobles who have attempted to recover the town have thought better of it, and asked the Pope to interfere. He has succeeded, and henceforth Sienna will favor the Pope. Rome, 14 July 1526. Signed.
Lat., p. 1.
14 July.
Vit. B. VIII. 94. B. M.
"Ill. ac R., &c. S. D. N. heri vocavi[t oratores] Regis Gallorum et Venetorum et nos, et licet rerum Lombardiæ successum sciremu[s] ... nobis repetiit, dolendo perditam in parte auctoritatem sine necessitate, et asseren[do] parum perditum esse si modo vellent alii, quos concernit negocium facere, et quod poss[unt] et quod debent; de quo quidem se non dubitare dicebat, cum notum esset omnibus Stem sua[m] in hoc periculo nunc esse solum ob aliorum interesse, ex quo potuit rebus suis optim[e] consulere si voluisset confœderatos negligere, sed potius voluit fidem servare quam proprium commodum attendere, contentaturque plus ut, salva fide, sibi periculum imm[ineat] quam si illa l æsa quodcumque maximum commodum ei successisset; et in hac opinione inte[ndit] perseverare, etiamsi personam suam propriam cuicunque magno discrimini supponere coge[tur], sperans invenire decentem correspondentiam.
"His dictis et facto magno discursu [de hoc] negocio et petito ab unoquoque nostrum quid ei videretur faciendum, cum cujuslibet op[inionem] intellexisset, et suam ipse quam in scriptis posuerat nobis legi fecit, cujus substa[ntiam] præsentibus introclusam ad D. v. R. mittimus, conclusum fuit quod ad [te]rrendum Pontificem in totum auctoritas proderetur, ex quo decreverat exercit. ab Helvetiis et Gallis ulterius Mediolan. non ire, ut saltem donec illi venerint aliqui[d] aliud facilius tentaretur, et hoc modo ostenderetur rem Mediolan. tentatam sub spe tumultus popularis, qui semper præsuppositus fuit; non successo, arte Cæsareorum qui populum armis spoliaveran[t], ad alia procedebatur. Fuit etiam conclusum quod si Vencti, ad quos hodi[e] super hoc scriptum fuit, venirent in sententiam ut regnum Neapolitanum nunc [ten]taretur, quod necessarium visum fuit omnibus ad divertend ... statim fieret numerus decem milium peditum, et cum eis mitteretur per terram unus ex capitaneis Pontificis, per mare autem molestaretur per triremes Venetorum, quæ sibi remanserunt, ultra eas, quas in mare Tirrenum pro rebus Januæ miserunt, et per triremes Pontificis et Regis Gallorum, si modo hæ in ordine jam sint, de quo dubitatur.
"Putant itaque hoc faciendo si aliud melius non succedat, saltem Cæsareos in necessitatem induci debere, ut pecunias quas ex regno colligere possent ibi exponant, nec valeant in Lombardia aliquid ex eis mittere, et causatis (fn. 2) esse pro nunc, cum, postquam Galli et Helvetii venerint, intendant ex illo exercitu, qui magnus erit, partem in ipsum regnum mittere, qui aliis nunc noviter colligendis juncti satis erunt pro recuperatione regni, præsertim si domicelli illi ut spes est [si] negocium (fn. 3) viriliter tentari viderint, arma in favorem conf œderatorum sumpserint. Ex hac conclusione videtur satis provisum periculo, in quo videtur Pontifex esse, ob minas sibi per Cæsareos illatas; minati enim ei sunt se in Urbe bellum sibi facturos, nisi eos cautos reddat quod contra regnum Neapolitanum nihil tentabit. Si itaque habeant de eorum defensione cogitare, abstinebunt ab offensione aliorum, et tamen non propterea omittet S. D. N. quin de aliquo convenienti militum numero provideat, quo hic tutus esse possit.
"Voluit S. D. N. hæc omnia per singulos (fn. 4) oratores suis principibus cum diligentia significari, rogarique eos ut cum [suorum] interesse agatur, cœptis ne ruant adesse, et favorem et auxilium juxta da[tas] sibi a Deo vires præstare velint, asserens se etiam ea significaturam, et ut s ... proprium aliquem virum propterea missuram, prœsertim ad Regem Gallorum, quem calcaribus aliqualiter indigere, quamvis modestissime, Sanctitas sua innuit. Alia non occurrunt, &c. Rome, 14 July M.[D.XXVI]." Signed.
Cipher, undeciphered. Mutilated. Add. Endd.
The leaves of this document are deranged. Another despatch has been inserted between them.
Vit. B. VIII. 95. B. M. 2315. [GHINUCCI to WOLSEY.]
* * * "ex quo exercit. Pontificis et Venetorum decrevit nolle ulterius præsentare se cit ... nisi postquam venerint quingentæ lanceæ Gallorum et decem milia Helvetiorum, et ex consequenti videtur non posse in Lombardia ulte[ri]us aliquid fieri quod alicujus sit momenti, propterea videtur esse necesse ut non ulterius differatur negocium regni Neapolitani sed ... statim ipsum regnum drmis aggredi incipiatur, quod intendit Pontifex f[acere] cum exercitu decem milium peditum, et eo numero equitum qui colligi poterit cum classe competenti, ultra ea quæ pro recuperatione civitatis Ja[nuæ] designata est; quod faciendo recuperabitur auctoritas, tolletur hostibus modus colligendi ex dicto regno pecunias, et dabitur et tanta suspicio et causa cogitandi de propriis quod parum poterunt cogitare de alia ... propterea Pontifex requirit Venetos, tanquam eos qui ex vicinitate et ... ione rerum maritimarum id commodius facere possunt, ut velin[t] statim parare classem triremium in eo numero quo possunt, e ... ribuere in expositione pecuniarum pro equitibus et peditibus, donec Rex Gallorum super hoc avisatus etiam partem suam contribuat, quod eum statim ut h ... intellexerit facturum non dubitat, tum quia de interesse suo non minus aliorum agitur, tum quia ipse scit S. D. N. et Venetos non posse per se ipsos solos portare tantum oneris. Requirit etiam Regem Gallorum ut si non miserit suas triremes statim eas mittere velit, provideatque pro rata sua pedites necessari[os] pro supradictis præparationibus, ad recuperatione[m] dicti regni, ultra quadraginta milium scutorum quæ nunc contribuit.
"Super his autem tam orator Venetorum quam orator Regis Gallorum proprium cursorem miserunt cum omni celeritate, scripseruntque ad eorum dominos dictas rationes quæ S. D. N. ad hæc movent, et alias quamplures quæ brevitatis [causa] hic omittuntur, quæ tendunt ad ostendendum necesse esse ita facere ad superandum Cæsareos; quod si non fiat in omnium dedecus et detrimentum cedet. Sperat autem Pontifex exercitum supradictum sufficere ad aliquam partem regni Neapolitani recuperandam, præsertim cum pro compertissimo habeat populos et etiam barones ex malis tractamentis Cæsareorum in eam desperationem adductos ut, qualibet occasione licet levi nacta, arma contra illos sumpturi sint, quod si aliud ad præsens non fiat, nisi quod regnum illud intretur, satis videtur esse pro nunc, cum intendant Pontifex et Veneti, postquam Galli et Helvetii, qui expectantur, pervenerint in Lombardiam, partem illius exercitus, qui ad præsens in Lombardia est, jungere huic exercitui qui de novo fit, et tunc magis intra regnum intrare et offendere, immo id in totum recuperare.
"Cum autem ex his quæ de novo emerserunt necesse fuerit de nova provisione pecuniarum cogitare, licet ea ad præsens inter S. D. N., Regem Gallorum et Venetos dividenda sit, videtur Sti suæ quod etiam S. Rex Angliæ, pro sua benignitate et ad [bonum] publicum inclinatione, dignetur cum aliqua summa pecuniarum, quibus Deus M[tem suam] ob ejus religionem et bonitatem abundare fecit, hac urgenti necessitate im[mediate] subvenire, quod quidem ipsum S. Regem facile facturum, et R. D. Eboracen[sem], quæ apud Mtem suam, ob ejus prudentiam, pollet, auctoritatem in hoc interpositurum p ... cum in mentem suam reducit ipsum Regem, ipso R. D. Eboracensi potissim[e] ... curante et sollicitante, fuisse auctorem, hortatorem et fautorem [hujus] fœderis, scireque quod eorum monitis et suasionibus Stem sua inducta fuit a ... viter factum concludendum et arma sumendum. Sperat it[aque] S. D. N. quod S. Rex Anglorum eadem prudentia et judicio, quibus eo temp[ore], quo nullum aptius et commodius unquam expectari potuit, ad nocendum ipsi Regi ... ne cum damno universali nimis vires Cæsaris augeret rancorem seu ... quo Regem Gallorum prosequi videbatur deposuit et ad præsens ob ... et remedium adhibet, ne Cæsar Italiæ dominio potiatur, eo enim potito nunquam a[m]plius a monarchia arceri posset, quod inter alia ... omnes concernentia, tam communiter quam particulariter, hoc etiam pareret, quod Rex Angliæ, qui nunc ab omnibus ut par est estimatur, reputatur et quæri[tur], jam non amplius in aliqua existimatione esset, et ubi nunc per se i[psum] splendet, prout alii sub splendore monarchiæ sicut stellæ sub splendore solis laterent.
"Dum igitur spes est salutis, immo certitudo, omnimodo hii quos concernit imparte faciant quod possunt, non putat S. D. N. Regem ipsum sibi ipsi defuturum, non enim potest, stantibus rebus prout stant, aliis deesse quin sibi ipsi desit, fuit hactenus ab omnibus reputatum, quod re ipsa verum est, Regem Angliæ principium illud quod videmus spei libertatis Italiæ, et ex consequenti, reliquæ Christianitatis dedisse, si modo principium quod uniuscujusque rei potissima causa est juvet; quod sibi magis gloriosum, quod magis æternum parare potest. Et si alias pro aliena potius quam sua gloria nec periculis nec sumptibus pepercit, nunc pro propria gloria sperandum est eum non solum alios, ne devorentur, paucis pecuniis auxiliaturum, sed etiam [h]ostem ut eos in propriis laribus, qui ab eo recognoscentur, dimittat armis coacturum. Et hoc cum omni instantia petit S. D. N. a præfato S. Rege Angliæ, rogans etiam R. D. Eboracensem ut præfatam suam auctoritatem in hoc interponere velit, ex quo et apud Deum, cujus etiam causa agitur, gratiam et apud homines gloriam non vulgarem sibi comparabunt."
Cipher, undeciphered; mutilated.
14 July.
Vit. B. VIII. 98. B. M.
The treaty has been published at Rome. Monday the 9th, news came of the Papal and Venetian army, and their attempt to enter Milan. They were beaten back by the Spaniards, and eventually retired; the duke of Urbino alleging that he had no confidence in the raw levies of the Venetians. The Papal officers opposed, asserting that they would stay where they were if the Duke with his forces "ad ... milliaria eis adesset." As he refused, they were compelled to retire, to the great danger of their soldiers and artillery, but for the great exertions of the Papal captains. They are now at Marignano. This will give great strength to the Imperialists, especially as Bourbon has entered Milan with 400 Spaniards and 100,000 ducats, which are to be sent to him by letters of exchange. It is thought that he will receive the citadel shortly from the hands of Francesco, as the defenders have nothing except bran and water. The poor Duke has lost his chance of compounding with the Imperialists. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2. Headed: Copia aliarum literarum sub dat. 14 Julii 1526.
14 July.
Vit. B. VIII. 99. B. M.
"Ill. ac R. &c. Scripsi ad D. v. [R. per] meas ultimas quæ datæ fuerunt die xi. præsentis mensis et sub magna brevitate ... in domo mea exortæ suspicionem in palatio S. D. N. conversari non possem quan ... decima ejusdem mensis exercitus S. D. N. et Venetorum, qui erat in Lombardia, postquam tentaverant intrare Mediolanum et, resistentibus Cæsareis, intrare non potuer[ant], inde discesserant et ad quendam locum dictum Marignano, qui inter Mediolanum et Laudem est, redierant, non sine magna detractione honoris eorum et auctori[tatis] hujus fœderis apud omnes. Postea nil aliud successit nisi quod ipse exercitus se [con]firmavit animo et intentione, ut capitanei scripserunt, inde non disceden[di] et aliud negocium non aggrediendi, donec Gallorum lanceæ et Helvetii per ipsos Ga[llos] mittendi venirent, asserentes expresse quod non possent sine evidenti periculo a[liud] facere, ob defectum eorum peditum, qui in hac re se potius fœmineos quam viriles ostend[erunt]. Hoc autem cum aliquarum hebdomadarum tempus exigat, ut omnes dicunt, quantum honori [et] commodo fœderis conveniat relinquo cogitandum illis qui melius me hæc norunt.
"Quid per S. D. N. et oratorem Gallorum et Venetorum etiam nobis præsentibus super ... disceptatum et conclusum sit, cum per communes literas ad longum D. v. R. scr[ipserim, opus] non est quod frustra ego ei aures obtundam. Non omittam tamen ut debito meo satisf[aciam] dicere quod ex hoc successu, prout diminuta est auctoritas conf[œderato]rum, crevit auctoritas et audacia Cæsareorum adeo q[uod] nisi superveniant vires Regis Gallorum et cito, ipsique se ostendant viriliter, et non prout hactenus fecerunt, tepide, negocium hoc suscipere, cred[o quo]d certa victoria quæ hactenus ab omnibus judicabatur, non solum fiet dubia, sed, utinam sim falsus vates, e contrario succedet; cum judicio meo nullo modo perdita citra montes auctoritas possit, nisi medio ultramontanorum, recuperari. Accedit quod si Galli aliter non procedant quam (fn. 5) hactenus fecerint, dubito Pontificem si saltem a Cæsareis tentetur, (timet enim, ut puto, repulsam si ipse tentet), omnem coloratam concordiam amplexu[ru]m. Non enim defuere qui jam ei suaserant, asserentes se id licite facere posse propterea quod Galli non servaverint promissa, et si in futurum eorum moram [et] frigiditatem celeritate et caliditate non compensent, satis vereor quod Pontif. tum quod ei id facere licere, tum quod expediret id, sibi persuadet, attento maxime quod ex sui natura non multum est virilis animi et minantur ei Cæsarei, etiam in Urbe, consilium hujusmodi amplectatur, quod forte hactenus retardatum est potius ex respectu habito ad Regem Angliæ et D. v. R. quam ad Regem Gallorum. Auget etiam in suspicionem hanc, non modicum, quod Pontifex post rerum contra vota successum et se solito timidiorem ostendit, et sæpe dixit se in hoc devenisse solum ut fidem servaret, et non ob suum interesse, cum optimæ sibi oblatæ fuerant conditiones pe ... sed solum ob interesse Regis Gallorum, quasi innuendo sincerius cum aliis [se process]isse quam secum fuerit processum. D. v. R. sua prudentia et co[nsi]lio quibus prædita est omnia considerare dignabitur.
"Bona spes hab[etur d]e concordia inter S. D. N. et ducem Ferrariæ, quæ si succedat m[ultum] erit ad propositum, tum quia valet ille ingenio et armis, et instrumentis bellicis ac pec[uniis] non caret, tum quia ex situ civitatis et status sui multum posset nocere exercitui S. [D. N.] et Venetorum, et ex consequenti prodesse potest; præterea talis est ... ut si Pontifex et Veneti confidere de eo velint, jam habent optimum ducem, cui cæteri omnes plane cessuri sint. Pontif. duce ob diversa capita multu[m] indiget hic exercitus. Alia non occurrunt," &c. Rome, 14 July M.D.XX[VI]. Signed.
Cipher, undeciphered; mutilated. Add. Endd.
14 July.
Harl. MS. 442, f. 64. B. M.
Proclamation to be issued by Sir Robert Brudenell and Sir Robert Broke, justices of assize and gaol delivery in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Hunts, Beds, and Bucks, ordering the throwing open of all lands unlawfully enclosed since 1 Hen. VII. of which any inquisition or office remains of record, and ordering the tillage of a certain portion. Westm., 14 July 18 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, pp. 5.
15 July.
Eras. Ep. XXIX. 41.
It is now two years since I promised Wm. Mountjoy, steward of your household, to write "De Institutione Christiani Matrimonii." I have been prevented from completing my wish; and possibly, therefore, what is now written may, from my numerous interruptions, appear frigid; but wherein I have failed, you will be a living example by your piety, "vel sanctissimi vel felicissimi conjugii. Absit adulationis suspicio! Non tua bona, sed dona Dei in te, tum miramur, tum prædicamus." I expect nothing less of your daughter Mary; for what is not to be expected of a daughter sprung from such pious parents, and educated under such a mother. Basle, idus Julii 1526.


  • 1. In another copy the name is mis-read Cligny.
  • 2. f. 97.
  • 3. So in cipher.
  • 4. negigecium in the cipher.
  • 5. qui in the cipher.