Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.
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'Henry VIII: June 1526, 21-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer (London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1015-1030 [accessed 22 February 2025].
'Henry VIII: June 1526, 21-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer (London, 1875), British History Online, accessed February 22, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1015-1030.
"Henry VIII: June 1526, 21-30". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer (London, 1875), British History Online. Web. 22 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1015-1030.
June 1526
21 June. Lettere di Principi, I. 216 b. |
2266. SANGA to the BISHOP OF POLA. |
Among foreign aids I count on that of England, whence, as you write in yours of the 16th, more would be obtained than was asked for. This is not exactly the case; for although that King says he intends to aid us with 25,000 ducats a month, yet he demands good securities that the money shall be restored; so that, in fact, we should be spending our own. But the Pope has written to England in order to obtain it as a gift, if possible; if not, in any other manner. These remedies, however, are too long delayed. Rome, 21 June 1526. | |
Ital. | |
21 June. R. O. |
Proclamation by Francis I. of the conclusion of a treaty for the attainment of universal peace, between himself, Clement VII., Henry VIII., conservator of the treaty, André Griti, doge and the signory of Venice, and Francisque Marie Sforce duke of Milan, leaving a place for Charles V. and other potentates. The Swiss are intended to be comprised. Angoulesme, 21 June 1526. Signed. | |
Fr., p. 1. Endd.: Copia proclamationis S. legæ. | |
21 June. Vesp. F. III. 86. B. M. Ellis, 2 Ser. I. 341. |
Has often written of his danger from the Turk, who is now only three or four days march from Nandoralba. Is not sufficiently powerful to resist him. All his hope is in the aid of Henry and other Christian princes. Begs for immediate help. Buda, 21 June 1526, 10 Lewis II. Signed and sealed. | |
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd. | |
22 June. Vit. B. VIII. 80. B. M. |
2269. GHINUCCI to [WOLSEY]. |
The Pope says he has letters from Milan, stating that, a noble of Milan having been slain in the streets for disrespect to Anthony de Leva, there arose a tumult, in which 600 were slain, principally Spaniards. "Ex his videtur quam dispositus sit populus ille ut Hispanum jugum excutiat si modo ei assistatur et faveatur; ut enim scit D. v. R., vana sunt fundamenta in populis si capite careant. Quæ etiam pontifici dixi, hortando Stem suam ut celeriter suum exercitum Mediolanum appropinquare juberet, idemque ut Veneti efficerent curaret, ne si mora interponeretur, populus ille, vel seductus, vel alias deceptus sententiam mutaret, aut forte, tarditatem auxilii seu succursus suspicans, ad aliquam cum Cæsareis concordiam deveniret, quæ postea duriorem faceret provinciam per confæderatos susceptam. Quod S. D. N. se omnino curaturam promisit, credoque eum non defuturum, cum (ut verum fatear) per omnia, quæ extrinsecus videntur, aperte constet Stem suam in hoc negocio sincerissime procedere. | |
"Dixit etiam Pontifex interceptas [a] suis fuisse literas Hugonis de Moncada ad Cæsarem hinc scriptas, quibus significat suæ Mti res suas non posse in Italia deterius succedere quam succedant, hortaturque Cæsarem ut omnino, quo citius fieri possit, mittat x. vel xij. milia pedites ad aliquem portum Januensium vel Senensium, utrique enim cum Cæsare sentiunt, et quod ut celerius subveniat et suis spem det, utque id magis lateat (fn. 1) confæderatos, non omnes simul sed divisim et separatim eos mittat. Ex his autem inferre videtur S. D. N. Cæsareos non esse intentionis ut in Italia confæderatis cedant, sed potius ut resistant: item Cæsareos non timere ut ultra montes molestentur cum, si id dubitarent, non cogitarent de mittendo huc novos milites, quos non possent hic manutenere, si etiam ultra montes bellum sustinere haberent. Quare voluit ut hæc D. v. R. significarentur, ad hoc, ut ex sua prudentia et sapientia posset juxta rerum exigentiam providere, voluitque per nos ad eam scribi videri Sti suæ curandum ut quam celerrime fieri possit sentiat et videat Cæsar Regem Galliæ se ibi ad bellum accingere, immo ipsum bellum jamjam sentiat, idemque fiat ex parte S. Regiæ Mtis; si enim viderit bellum sibi a Gallia et Anglia moveri, cessabit a mittendo milites in Italiam, sicque omnia hic absque difficultate ad votum confæderatorum succedent. | |
(fn. 2) "Dixit etiam quod habuerat literas quibus ei significabatur pervenisse ad confinia ducatus Mediolani sex milia pedites Helvetios ex his quos Stas sua et Veneti jamdiu in Italiam venire sollicitaverant; ex quorum adventu sperabat Venetos qui hoc spectantes aliquantulum tepide procedebant, animosius et virilius processuros. Quia vero dux Urbini, qui Venetorum est capitaneus, his diebus ut exercitui Pontificis se jungeret sollicitatus expresse dixerat se flumen cum suo exercitu non tranaturum nisi prius supradicti Helvetii advenissent, vel saltem Pontificius exercitus ad eum ivisset, ut simul flumen transnatarent, S. D. N., licet, ut dixi, de adventu supradictorum Helvetiorum fuerit advisatus, ad tollendam tamen omnem difficultatem et occasionem moræ dicit mandasse suis capitaneis ut ad dictum ducem Urbini se conferrent, prout ipse petierat. Itaque non videtur dubitandum amplius quin brevi transnaturi sint; quod quidem non solum opportunum sed necessarium videbatur, propterea quod dubitabatur a pluribus, si ulterius hæc conjunctio retardaretur, populum Mediolani ad aliquas conditiones cum Cæsareis deventurum. Hoc autem [is ?] potissime D. v. R. significare volui, quia, cum non possit exercitus Pontificis Veneto se jungere, nisi aliquantulum retrocedat a loco, in quo ad præsens est, posset facile evenire quod Cæsarei qui nullam occasionem rebus suis favendi omittunt, ex hoc publicarent et famam divulgarent quod Pontificis exercitus in fugam esset versus. Dum Pontifex de his mecum ageret dixit, 'Volo omnibus confæderatis aperte innotescere nihil a me omitti quod possit cæpto negocio prodesse; nam ex eo quod mandavi meis capitaneis ut ad capitaneum Venetorum irent, videtur quodammodo me Venetis cessisse. Tamen hoc non curo ut omnis occasio scandali et periculi tollatur." Alia non occurrunt, &c. Rome, 22 June 1526. Signed. | |
Cipher; mutilated. | |
Vit. B. VIII. 81. B. M. | 2. Decipher of the above. Mutilated. |
Otho, C. IX. 45. B. M. | 2270. The KNIGHTS OF RHODES. |
1. Georgius, Priest of Rhodes, to the Grand Master. | |
Regrets the wretchedness that has fallen upon them. The Rhodians are still faithful to him, as they always have been. The Janissaries and the Rhodians have proposed to him the restoration of Rhodes to the Christians, on these conditions; sc., that the Janissaries have a perpetual pension, themselves and their sons; that he shall procure for the Rhodians, and confirm it by a bull from the chapter, a total exemption of the tax upon wine; that they shall have liberty to elect their metropolitan, so that no Latin bishop shall have authority in the Greek metropolis. The bulls to be delivered to Francis Mossurus for the writer. All things are ready for the surrender of the island. There are not more than 300 Janissaries there. Six vessels and three galleys are to be sent with munitions to the shores of Candia, Salamo, Scarpanti, and he will fix a day for their entry into Rhodes. On a Friday at noon, when the Turks are at their devotions, the gates of the town will be thrown open, and the Christians admitted. It must not be known that the ships are intended for Rhodes. He did not dare commit this secret to writing at Rhodes, and therefore sent Francis Mossurrus, a Rhodian priest, who ministers to the Holy Apostles. The answer is to be sent to the same priest in Candia. Begs him to be very secret, as their lives and all depend upon it. | |
Dated at the head of letter: "1525, die xx ..." | |
Lat., mutilated, pp. 4. | |
R. O. | 2. Abstract of the Pope's letter to George, a servant, of Rhodes. |
He praises those of the religion, and George's endeavors; exhorts the Janissaries to persevere, showing them the rewards they will obtain both from God and man; engages by his brief to furnish all that George had demanded, and authorizes him to promise the Janissaries and the Rhodians whatever he thinks necessary to obtain possession of Rhodes. Finally sends him his blessing, and bids him give it to the Janissaries and the Rhodians. | |
Lat., p. 1. In Vannes' hand. Endd.: "Nova Rhodiana." | |
i. John king of Portugal to Henry VIII. | |
Antonius Bosyus, knight of St. John, has delivered Henry's letters concerning the affair of Rhodes. Henry's good will causes the King to hope for victory. John's ancestors, especially his father, were greatly devoted to the Order. Is harassed in many parts by the enemies of the Faith, but will give 15,000 ducats of gold. | |
Copy, in Bosyus' hand; p. 1. Add.: "Andriquo Angliæ et Franciæ Regi, Domino Iberniæ, &c., mihi amantissimo havunculo ac fratri". Endd.: 'Rex Portugalliæ in favorem prioris et fratrum ordinis Sancti Johannis Jeroim." | |
ii. Bosyus to [Wolsey]. (fn. 3) | |
Wolsey has always shown favor to the Order, and caused the King, the Defender of the Faith, to write to the Pope and other princes. As he is departing hence very soon, prays for an answer from the King to the letters of the Pope, the Emperor, the king of Portugal and the Grand Master, and for letters to the duke of Savoy, in favor of the Order and especially of this business, mention of which is not to be made to the Venetians and Florentines. Prays Wolsey to commend the cause to the Most Christian King and his mother the Regent, or at least to let all the participators in this work know the good will of the King and himself. Signed. | |
Hol., p. 1. | |
22 June. Vit. B. VIII. 84. B. M. |
The Pope is highly rejoiced at his letters, and the account he gives of the negotiations, showing Wolsey's great wisdom and experience. He has been greatly grieved at the invasion of Hungary, but much comforted by the promptitude of the King. If other princes would do the like, who have hitherto done nothing, Hungary might act upon the offensive instead of the defensive. The Pope has contributed 60,000 ducats. If other princes do not follow this example, he will take care that the King's readiness do not prove prejudicial to himself, and that his money be not wasted, for it would not be decent that he who is farther away, and is less concerned, should be more burdened. Although, therefore, the presence of a nobleman, as proposed, is not required, should he come, they will do their best to serve him. The army of the Turks consists of 300,000 men in two divisions; one intended for Hungary, the other for Transilvania. A great part of it is inefficient. On the subject which the Grand Master of St. John's has announced to Wolsey, the Pope has heard something from his agents, and thinks it might succeed if it be done secretly and with great dispatch. The Pope does not require to be thanked for the bull. Has sent part of a catalogue of the Greek books. Will have the rest sent shortly. There was a person selected who might have served Wolsey's purpose for his colleges. Whilst the bishop of Bath was here, and when he left, he was in correspondence with one of his friends on the subject. | |
There has been a new insurrection in Milan, about 600 people killed. The slaughter would have been greater if the mob had had a leader. When the German troops began to burn the town, the Milanese consented to lay down their arms. Rome, 22 June 1526. Signed. | |
Lat., pp. 3. Add. Endd. | |
22 June. R. O. |
2273. ITALY. |
1. Extract of letters from Sir Gregory, 22 June. | |
It is the public opinion that the Legate is the only cause of the good state of Italian affairs now the Venetians and the Pope are in such despair. Since his departure and secret instructions, has heard nothing from the Legate about the offers and demands made to the King, and therefore did not dare to hasten the capitulation. There was, indeed, no opportunity for so doing; for in the first capitulation made in December, the Pope was very difficult to manage, and in the last one, when the French asked that the same capitulation might be sent as formerly, the Pope acted so quickly and secretly that there was no time to do anything. If the King wishes anything to be expressly concluded in the capitulations, he must treat with the French, that they may defer sending money, even if they have sent the cavalry, until the details are settled to his satisfaction. Is very anxious to know if Wolsey is seeking the ruin of the Emperor by means of the Pope. Will regulate his conduct by the Datary, who is resolved to prevent any Imperialist from treating for concord with the Pope, and to prevent the Pope from listening to such overtures. The slowness of the French king in sending forces is probably from a hope that the castle will be lost, and the present Duke driven out, and he will then suddenly place duke Maximilian there, who will adhere to the French party. | |
Albert de Carpi informs him that, as to the article for assigning to Henry a certain state over the kingdom of Naples or the duchy of Milan, the French king wishes the former, and not the latter; for if they gain that kingdom, he may recover his children by restoring it. If a pension is proposed, would not advise it to be assigned on that kingdom alone. It is generally thought that Antonio de Leyva will not leave Milan whilst alive, as he is violently in love with a lady there. The Pope distrusts Jo. Joachim, and thinks he will do him harm with the king of England; the more so, because he said to the Nuncio that it would be just for the Pope to restore Parma and Placentia to Francis, and Modena and Reggio to the duke of Ferrara. Should advise Joachim not to speak too plainly to the Nuncio. | |
Lat., pp. 3. | |
R. O. | 2. Extract from letters of the Prothonotary, dated Venice, 22 June. |
The forces of the Pope and Venetians have advanced boldly. At Milan the people have tried to drive out the Spaniards, but unsuccessfully. Many were killed on both sides, and the Spaniards sent many prisoners to Pavia. In spite of their opposition, Pustella left the castle with 3,000 foot and as many horse, and went to meet the Swiss, intending to relieve the castle. Sufficient Swiss have not yet been raised, as a great personage was there to raise 10,000 for the French king, but now the affair will be done jointly. Last night all we ambassadors were sent for to the Senate, because the Venetian leaders had asked the Papal captains to cross the Po with them, and then cross the Adda, and march straight to Milan. But the Pope preferred to cross a little higher up, and approach Milan on the other side, of which the Venetians disapproved, and the time was wasted in these deliberations. Seeing the Venetians full of courage, wrote to Sir Gregory to persuade the Pope to consent to their plan, which was done. Told them there was no doubt that the king of England would press the execution of the treaty on the French, as he had pressed its conclusion, and that victory or disaster depended upon time. Has received from Rome the same news which Wolsey sent from England. Cannot express the joy of the Venetians at the King's constancy and zeal for the treaty. They place their whole hope in him and Wolsey. | |
Don Hugo has arrived at Rome, and, with the duke of Sessia, made the same offers to the Pope as he did to the Venetians, with the exception of a few threats. The Pope answered boldly, saying that he would consult the ambassadors,—who advised him to reply to the Don as follows: sc., if Hugo proposed peace, offering to liberate the duchy and disband the army, the Pope should say that he must first agree with the kings of England and France and the other allies, and liberate Italy, and then it would be easy to procure peace, which alone his Holiness wished for. The Imperialists returned, and offered the Pope to free the duchy, but said that, for the honor of the Emperor, the Duke must go to Cremona, and the prothonotary Caracciola, a friend of the Duke's to keep the castle at the discretion of judges elected by the Pope, who should give sentence that the Duke had not transgressed. He should then immediately be restored to his castle, the cavalry return to Naples, and the foot to Hungary to fight against the Turk, and their wages should be paid. These offers, the Pope said, pleased him, but France and England must first be consulted. The Imperialists were troubled at this answer, and said the Pope ought not to refuse peace or engage in foreign affairs, and that he would do a great deal if he looked to his own affairs and those of Venice; and secretly made great offers about Ferrara and other neighbouring places. But the Pope insisted he could do nothing without the allies, but would refer to the ambassadors; which the Imperialists complained of, as being too hard. | |
Some of the Pope's attendants urged him to accept these offers, because some of the places near the Emperor were in danger, saying also that concord between France and the Emperor was in the power of the latter, on account of the children, and that if the Pope knew what was being treated between them secretly, he would surely not refuse; but it was of no avail. His Holiness sent for the bishop of Worcester and Sir Gregory, and told them to send an account of this to the King. They answered that they would do so as soon as the Spaniards began to make good what they offered. The Datary will do all he can to prevent the Pope from listening to such offers, and he has become bold, and nothing is hoped from him but good. | |
Letters from France say that it is determined to send 500 lances to Italy, and that 10,000 Swiss will come down to Verea. The Venetian secretary proposed their descent at Bergamo, but Lautrec thought there were too many rivers in that direction. At Ivrea they will meet the French horse and Italian foot. The French have already sent 30,000 ducats to Switzerland, and will send 10,000 more. They have determined to send 6,000 of their hired infantry, for St. Pol refuses to come with cavalry alone. It was determined that the archbishop of Salerno should go to Marseilles, where the King's galleys and Andrea Doria were, whom the King wishes to carry on the war in his own name, and he desires also 3,000 foot to be sent to Genoa. | |
D. Gregory writes from Rome that Renzi offered the Pope his sons to be killed if he did not take Barcelona with 4,000 foot and a fleet. He will give up the affair of Sicily unless the number is doubled. | |
Lat., pp. 4. | |
[22] June. Vit. B. VIII. 75. B. M. |
2274. GHINUCCI and CASALE to [WOLSEY]. |
Received four days ago Wolsey's letters of the 31 May and 5 June. The Pope was highly pleased with their contents, and praised God that there was one king left who could and would help the interests of Christendom. | |
"Ad particularia autem deveniendo, Pontifex plane fatetur et cognoscit fœderis conclusionem, quæ in Gallia facta est, et a qua tranquillitatem rei Christianæ et hujus sanctæ Sedis quietem proventuram non ambigit, cura, diligentia et industria S. Regis et D. v. R. ad effectum deductam fuisse, cum ante manus appositionem ipsius Regis et D. v. R. aperte videret Sanctitas sua res longe tepidius illic processisse, teneatque pro certo quod sine ipsorum opera res adhuc conclusæ non essent. Quod vero D. v. R. scribit de mandato Pontificis istuc mittendo, missa sunt duo diversis viis [et] jam elapsi sunt xl. dies et ultra; unde sperat ea istuc pervenisse. Quod autem scribit de reservatione condecentis loci pro S. nostro Rege in fœdere, nominando eum protectorem, &c., ac remittendo judicio ipsius Regis redemptionem (fn. 4) solvendam pro liberatione filiorum Regis Galliæ, sua Sanctitas dicit locum reservatum esse, prout D. v. R. dicit, et hoc per capitula in Gallia conclusa, quæ jamdiu istuc mitti mandavit, poterit D. v. R. videre; quæ quidem si in concernentibus Regiam Mtem ita ampla non sint, prout sua Stas vellet, dicit D. v. R. mirari non debere, propterea quod ipsa capitula eo tempore facta fuerunt, quo non potuit Pontifex et Italia plus facere, ut omnia bene novit D. v. R., quæ nunc poterit istic res ad id quod sibi videbitur reducere. Quod autem concernit protectionem semper sua Stas in hoc non solum consensit sed instetit, judicans ex eo non solum ornamentum sed et authoritatem maximam provenire fæderi; et quod spectat ad taxam solvendam pro liberatione filiorum Regis Galliæ, in quantum hoc ad Stem suam spectare posset, ut id arbitrio Regiæ Mti et D. v. R. remittatur. In quantum autem D. v. R. in suis literis innuit velle ut Itali contribuant in expensis faciendis per S. nostrum Regem, non solum in defendendo quæ Regia Mtas ad præsens possidet, sed etiam in acquirendo quæ prætendit sibi deberi in Flandria, videtur suæ Sti quod non sit conveniens, cum in eisdem literis videatur declarari, quod Rex noster velit sibi caveri de restituendo viginti quinque milia ducatorum, quos quolibet mense contributurus est, et nihilominus velit sibi assignari pensiones alias ei oblatas super regno Neapolis et ducatu Mediolani; unde videtur velle Rex noster etiam expensis Italiæ suum recuperare; et tamen si Itali suum recuperent vel defendant, nihil in hoc contribuat Rex noster, propterea quod vult pecunias sibi restitui, et non solum restitui sed de restituendo cavere. | |
"Nos autem circa hæc replicavimus ea quæ nobis subvenerunt, et quantum potuimus conati sumus ostendere petitionem Regis etiam circa hoc esse iustam et decentem, sed cum semper Pontifex nobis ostendere conaretur non esse æquales in hoc Italiæ et Regiæ Mtis conditiones, tandem reduximus nos in hoc, quod non erat novum quod Regia Mtas et D. v. R. circa hoc petebant, cum ea omnia per ante ... essent cum Matre Regis Gallorum, (fn. 5) asserentes talia ab Italia eidem matri oblata fuisse eis o ... ta fuisset et solum oblata peterentur. Post omnia hinc inde discussa et diligenter examinata, conclusum est quod Pontifex copiose super his et aliis scribet and suum istic oratorem, eique sufficientem commissionem dabit ad omnia; quod cum nobis videatur nil aliud significare quam quod omnia istic remittantur, et quod omnia ab ejus arbitrio pendere habeant, prout etiam per plures literas ipso Papa sic mandante scripsimus, visum nobis est non ulterius instare. | |
"Tandem pervenit Hugo de Moncada, jam sextus est dies, et pluries cum Pontifice locutus fuit; in primo congressu, de concordia inter Cæsarem et Italos egit, solum per generalia et absque eo quod ad particulares conditiones aliquas descenderet, sed in (?) hoc solum laboravit, ut scilicet Pontifici persuaderet, concordatis rebus Italiæ, non posse dubitari quod universalis pax non sequeretur. Ad quæ cum sua Stas respondisset non posse se jam fœderi ligatum absque consilio et consensu confæderatorum aliquid facere, et quod eis consultis sequenti die ei responderet, vocavit Gallorum et [Venetorum] oratores et nos, omniaque per ipsum Hugonem dicta et per suam Stem replicata nobis exposuit, conclusumque fuit, ex omnium voto, ei respondendum esse, non posse nos circa hoc aliquid inconsultis nostris principibus respondere, verum quod ipse Hugo melius et particularius mentem Cæsaris declaraet, et ea declarata omnes nos ad nostros principes scriberemus, sperabamusque nullo modo fore ut per eos staret, quin ad universalem pacem deveniretur. | |
"Rediit itaque sequenti die Hugo et audito S. D. N. responso ad particularia devenit, offerendo, viz., in primo discursu dimittere Franciscum Sfortia in ducatu Mediolani, certis tamen mediis, id est, ut arx deponeretur in manibus prothonotarii Caraccioli, et per peritos communiter eligendos cognosceretur causa sua, utrum viz. Dux ipse contra Cæsarem peccasset necne, et quod per illos determinaretur ratum esset; quibus per Pontificem tanquam frivolis et etiam captiosis rejectis, ut ipsemet Dux arcem teneret et periti per ipsummet Pontificem eligerentur, per ipsum Hugonem oblatum est, subnectendo etiam quod ipsi exercitum eorum dissolverent, equitibus in regnum Neopolitanum reductis, et peditibus in subsidium regni Hungariæ missis; quibus tamen peditibus stipendia petebat dari, communibus ipsius Cæsaris et Italorum expensis. Tandem relictis etiam his, nobis omni[bus] per Pontificem et re examinata, conclusum est Hugoni respondendum esse, prout prima vice conclusum fuerat, et in specie diceretur quod nullomodo Pontifex ad aliquam concordiam deveniret absque expresso Regis Galliæ et Regis Angliæ consensu. Hoc itaque responso per pontificem Hugoni dato, postquam pinguiores etiam conditiones suæ Sti obtulerat, quoad res Italicas, cum Pontificem semper in proposito inter nos concluso perseverantem invenisset, cæpit excandescere, conatusque est ejus Sti persuadere quod ab officio suo discedebat, futurusque esset causa multarum cædium, logicis argumentis probare conando, quod expediebat universali pace, ut res Italiæ, etiam omissis aliis, concordarentur, tum quia, eis concordatis, nullum erat dubium quin Cæsar cum Rege Gallo concordat, propterea quod nunc non coactus vel metu inductus, prout nunc videretur, sed ex libera voluntate et generositate ad pacem cum Rege Gallorum devenire videretur, et quod officium pontificis erat, ut ad pacem deveniretur, etiam promissa non servare. | |
"Tandem Pontifex, licet non logicus, bene respondit ad argumenta sua et quo tenderet bene cognoscere ostendit; sicque in prima resolutione remansit, quod, videlicet, consuleretur Rex Galliæ et Rex Angliæ, et hinc sine (fn. 6) eis nihil fieret. Quæ omnia, tum quia ita nobis visum est officium nostrum exigere, tum etiam quia ita a nobis petiit S. D. N., D. v. R. significare voluimus, subjungendo quod sua Stas dixit nobis, [et] etiam rogavit, ut ad D. v. R. scriberemus quod Stas sua non posset via belli, etiam si omnia ei ad votum succederent, plus quoad res Italiæ consequi, quam quod ei per Hugonem oblatum fuerat; innuendo etiam quod ultra nobis dicta etiam alia particulariter ei obtulisse non modici momenti, et quod etiam si multo plura ei offerrent et darent quam ipse cogitare posset, nullo modo sua Stas datura est aures, immo servatura est confæderatis omnibus fidem suam, etiam si putaret (fn. 7) per (fn. 8) et res suas in ruinam ituras. Propterea etiam petebat et cupiebat correspondentiam in confæderatis invenire, inter quos Regiam Mtem primum reputabat, e[t] si adhuc ipsum fœdus non intrasse sciret; de quo quidem, tum ob filiales oblationes pluries Sanctitati suæ factas, tum ob effectus ipsos, quos in suum et hujus Sanctæ Sedis beneficium honorem et exaltationem experta erat, nullo modo dubitabat, sed pro ea affectione, qua ipsum prosecuta est et prosequebatur, proque sollicita et diligenti cura quam ipsum Regem nostrum et D. v. R. suscipere videbat de persona ac dignitate sua, ac auctoritate et libertate dictæ Sedis conservanda et manutenenda, cupiebat sperabatque ut Regia Mtas et D. v. R. non solum curarent, sed ob meritam eorum apud omnes auctoritatem cum effectu facerent, ut Sti suæ sincere et libere ab omnibus corresponderetur; quibus hoc subnexit etiam Stas sua quod nullo modo tantum in rebus his processisset, quantum processit, nisi persuasiones Regiæ Mtas et D. v. R., spesque indubia, quam de eorum bonitate et religione concepit, eum ad hoc induxissent. | |
"Quod attinet ad bellum Pontifex jam paravit exercitum, et in majori numero quam teneatur, estque in confinibus ducatus Mediolanensis. (fn. 9) Venetos etiam dicunt idem fecisse, nihilque restat faciendum nisi quod certis fluminibus per pontes tranatatis, simul se uniant et jungant, ad quod nil aliud expectatur quam nonnullorum Grisonum adventus, pro quibus jam diu scriptum est, et quos ad reputationem exercitui dandam multum facere putant. Hi quum advenerint, et etiam prius, si commoditas se obtulerit, non obstantibus practicis Hugonis et aliorum, Cæsareis sejungent et cæptum provinciam prosequentur. Quod si Rex Galliæ juxta conventiones quingentas lanceas mittat, decem milia Helvetios, et pecunias, scil. quadraginta milia ducatos, circa quæ jam bonum principium esse datum, per literas quarta hu[jus] mensis ex curia Regis Galliæ Pontifici significatum est, nullus dubitat quin certa et secura victoria, quam alias multi non ita certam putant, subsequatur. Alia non occurrunt," &c. Rome, .. June 1526. Signed. | |
Cipher; mutilated. | |
Vit. B. VIII. 70. B. M. | 2. Decipher of the foregoing, with several verbal alterations. |
In Vannes' hand; mutilated. | |
23 June. Lettere di Principi, I. 221. |
After the insurrection of the people of Milan, of which I wrote to you yesterday, the Imperial captains brought their troops under the walls of the city, which was compelled to come to terms, and receive the army within, paying its expences for many days. The enterprise has thus become much more difficult. The Pope is greatly troubled at this, especially as there is no certainty of obtaining aid from France; and today he heard that the archbishop of Salerno, who was at Lyons, had up to the 17th received no commission to set forward for the Genoese enterprise, and that the King (Francis) would not resolve on this, or anything else, till a certain reply came from Spain. Again I urge you to cause the supplies to be solicited in France with the authority of the King (Henry) and of the Cardinal. Remind them that the Pope has gone so far in the expectation of these supplies, that it would be a great dishonor to them to leave him in peril, as he certainly will be, if not better assisted than hitherto. The cardinal of York told you that he would be hostage and security to the Pope for the French king; therefore it is all the more reasonable that the Cardinal should solicit the French king not to fail in sending the promised succors, without which this enterprise cannot succeed, and Italy will fall into hopeless servitude. It is easy to imagine how the Emperor intends to act towards the King and Cardinal, seeing how little gratitude he exhibited on the late victory, which, after God, he ought to have attributed to his Majesty. The King and Cardinal will surely render us aid on their part, as they have always done in the necessities of Italy and the Holy See. The enemy are increasing their troops, money, and reputation. We hear they were expecting Bourbon at Genoa from day to day, and that fresh lanceknights are being raised in Germany for Italy. Rome, 23 June 1526. | |
Ital. | |
23 June. Vit. B. IX. 123. B. M. Baronii Ann. XXXI. p. 556. |
Remonstrating with him for the injuries inflicted on the states of Italy and the Church by the Imperialists. Rome, 23 June 1526. | |
Lat. | |
Add. MS. 2,103, f. 76. B. M. | 2. Copy. |
23 June. P. S. b. |
2277. For the ABBEY OF ST. GERMAIN, SELBY, York. |
Petition of Rob. Barley, sub-prior, and the Chapter, for the King's assent to the election of Rob. Selby as abbot (presented by John Hartley) vice John Berwyk, deceased. 23 June 1526. | |
24 June. Lettere di Principi, I. 221 b. |
2278. GIBERTO to ACCIAIOLO, Nuncio in France. |
The duke of Urbino requested the Pope's captains to cross [the Adda] in order to join the Venetian army, but our captains thought that the rules of war required that the Pope's army should cross the Po while the Signory's army crossed the Adda, as they would thus be able to unite more speedily. The captains accordingly sent certain proposals by count Roberto Boschetto. On this account the Venetians unreasonably entertain a suspicion that the Pope is not proceeding with vigour. The Signory has spoken about the matter to the ambassadors of France and England, who will perhaps have given information of it. The Pope would be greatly annoyed if this doubt as to his intentions, and a suspicion of dissension among us, should take root in the King's mind. If the ambassadors have prudently refrained from writing on the subject, you are by no means to mention it. (fn. 10) Urge on the supplies, and when you forward my letters to the prothonotary Gambara, write to him in what condition the preparations are, in order that he may get England to hasten the French. I believe Messer Jacomo has written to you that it would be well to give orders to scrutinize the exchanges of Lyons for Italy, in order to deprive the enemy of all means of obtaining money. Rome, 24 June 1526. | |
Ital. | |
Ib. 222. | 2279. GIBERTO to GAMBARA. |
I am writing to M. Roberto Acciaiolo to acquaint you in what state the supplies are which we expect from France, in order that you may be able to judge whether it would be advisable to get [England] to solicit them. Rome, 24 June 1526. | |
Ital. | |
24 June. Lettere di Principi, I. 223 b. |
2280. [GIBERTO] to the BISHOP OF POLA. |
Endeavor to forward my letters for France, England, and other parts, in security, as I do not write in cipher. Rome, 24 June 1526. | |
Ital. | |
25 June. Lettere di Principi, I. 223 b. |
We have expected letters from the Venetian camp announcing the arrival of the bishop of Lodi with 6,000 Grisons and Swiss. By letters of the 19th, his coming is more doubtful than ever, and the enterprise more difficult than anticipated. It is requisite that you cause those aids, of which I have written before, to be solicited in France, whence letters of the 10th promise us a thousand good things. Urge the French to make haste; and if the King and Cardinal are willing to lend us a hand, now is the time. The sooner they assist us, the more effectual will be their aid. Rome, 25 June 1526. | |
Ital. | |
25 June. R. O. | 2282. ITALY. |
"In literis die xij." | |
They contain the charge of the Imperial ambassador, and the presentation of his letters of credence from don Ugo to the doge of Venice, chiefly about the good mind of the Emperor to the duke of Milan and the Italians. | |
Reply of the Doge: That they should first raise the blockade of the castle of Milan, and then speak of the rest, especially as no answer can be made without consent of the kings of England and France and the other confederates. The Pope intends to tell don Hugo, if he comes, that nothing can be done without the participation of the confederates; but meanwhile he will not desist from his preparations. He desires to have the advice of the King and Wolsey as to his answer, beyond what he intends to say, viz., that if the Emperor desires peace, he must restore the French king's sons, be content with honorable conditions, satisfy the king of England, free the duke of Milan and Italy from the dread of his power, by withdrawing his army and by allowing proper respect to the Holy see in papal territory. | |
Letters from the duke of Milan state that don Ugo told him that the Emperor did not wish to be unjust, but only to learn the truth. For this he thanked don Ugo, and asked, as a proof, that he would withdraw the blockade; which, Ugo replied, he could not do till he had been to Rome. The Duke afterwards wrote in cipher that Ugo was humble enough to say that if the Duke would promise to be the Emperor's servant, as before, he would instantly remove the army; but the Duke owes so much to the Pope, the king of England, Wolsey, and the other confederates, that he would not do anything by himself, but that he could not hold out much longer. The Pope has sent word to him to be of good courage, and to think that he lives or dies with all Italy, which exposes itself to open danger, and uses all diligence to send him aid. Wolsey must be requested to bid the English ambassadors in France encourage the King to fulfil his promises. The Pope thinks that such large offers would not be made in the Emperor's name, unless he saw that Francis was on our side, and rejected all practices. Still larger offers will probably be made, but Francis should refuse any terms that make his enemy more powerful, and show the Emperor that he will listen to nothing apart from the other confederates. Meantime he must carry on his preparations as if there was no practice between him and the Emperor, who will not cease to try to separate the confederates, and to make them negligent in their preparations. By watchfulness and firmness the Emperor will be obliged to take their terms. Henry and Wolsey must persuade Francis to beware of the Emperor's cunning, and to moderate his affection for his children, whose recovery, though it may be slower, will be more glorious. The Datary commends himself to Wolsey. | |
From letters of June 19. | |
They contain don Ugo's proposition to the Pope, full of Spanish boasting; the Pope's answer; Ugo's second proposition, more humble; and the Pope's answer thereto. He asks the King and Wolsey to induce Francis to fulfil his promises, and to make war against Flanders and Spain. The Legate and Nuncio in Spain are enjoined to act as the English ambassador advises. He begs the King to assist them with money,—secretly, if he cannot openly,—considering his glory in aiding his allies, the poverty of the Pope and Italy, the 100,000 already spent, and the 50,000 sent into Hungary, especially as the Emperor may send the succor mentioned in the intercepted letters. He asks also for aid for Hungary. The Pope thanks Wolsey "de permissione facta et constitutione sui in obsidem," which Francis will observe for his part. | |
The 20th. | |
The Pope answers Ugo again. His Holiness wishes to prosecute the war, hoping that Henry will assist, and that Francis will fulfil his promises. | |
The 22nd. | |
The Pope replies again to Ugo as before. He begs the King and Wolsey to urge Francis to forward the promised aid and money; to send a fleet with archbp. of Fregosi to Genoa, not so much to attack it as to prevent the Emperor from succoring it by sea; and to make war on Flanders and Navarre. | |
The 23rd and 25th. | |
He makes the same requests. All his hope is in the King and Wolsey. | |
Lat., pp. 5. | |
26 June. R. O. |
Lease by Thos. Strangways, controller of Wolsey's household, to Will. Wylson, of two mills under one roof at Wandilisworth, Surrey, at a rent of 18l. a year, payable quarterly, the lessee undertaking also to grind as much corn as shall be baked in the bakehouse adjoining the mills, as often as the bakers and "forners" of said bakehouse think needful, and to pay 3l. extra rent if at any time the bakehouse be unoccupied. Dated 26 June 18 Hen. VIII. | |
Draft, pp. 3. | |
26 June. S. B. |
2284. For THO. PALMER, Sewer. |
To be chief porter of Calais, with 2d. a day for an under-porter, on vacation by Chris. Garneys, who succeeded Sir Rob. Wotton, deceased. Del. Westm., 26 June 18 Hen. VIII. | |
27 June. R. O. |
"In literis 24 Junii." | |
Wrote on the 14th to bid him thank the King, and especially Wolsey, for his services about the conclusion of the treaty, for which their republic will always be bound to him. Beg him to induce the King to enter as soon as possible, as principal contrahent, &c., as he has often offered to do, for neither the Pope nor themselves are able to supply what the treaty requires. | |
Have appointed Luigi Armario general of the fleet, which will set out in two days for Corfu (Corphoum), thence to Genoa, with 13 galleys. Are informed that the Archduke of Austria has engaged lanzknechts to join his army, and attack a portion of their territory. Have been accordingly obliged to recall their troops, and to fortify their towns at great expence. Have 15,000 foot, 1,000 men-at-arms, and 1,000 light horse, with whom they hope to prevent the Germans from joining the Emperor's army. Everything will be easy if the King will help. | |
Heard this morning that the rustics in Germany have defeated the nobles, killing about 4,000 of them, among them D. Georgius Pransperg (Frendsberg), who has not been found. | |
From letters of June 27. | |
Besides the above he must tell the King and Wolsey that their capt.- general took Lodi on the 24th, killing 600 Spaniards. At night stormed the camp, putting to flight the marquis del Guasto, and pursuing his troops for 10 miles. The Pope's army yesterday crossed the Po to join theirs. The ambassador whom they had chosen being in bad health, they have put in his place Doctor Marco Antonio Venier, who will start soon. | |
Lat., pp. 2. | |
Congé d'élire on the death of Willm. Sandall. Westm., 27 June. Pat. 18 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1. | |
28 June. R. O. |
2287. BALLASTING in the THAMES. |
Grant, by Henry duke of Richmond, as admiral of England, to Thos. Spert, yeoman of the Crown, of the office of ballasting of ships in the Thames. As in vol. II., No. 3459. Sheriffhutton, 28 June 18 Hen. VIII. | |
R. O. | 2. Indenture relative to the above. Same date. |
(Two counterparts.) | |
29 June. R. O. |
2288. ITALY. |
"Ex Angolem, Nuncii S. D. N. die 29." | |
Tonight D. Capino left by post. He will have at Lyons 40,000 cr., with which he will go to Switzerland. If it is considered that the men hired by the Pope and Venetians are not enough, he will hire 10,000 more. Hears from Italy that the army of the Church has assembled at Piacenza nearly 800 heavy-armed horse, and as many light, and will join the Venetian forces in six days. The latter were in the town of Chiaro (Clari), equal in number to our men. They were waiting for 10,000 Swiss, hired by themselves, and did not expect those hired by the French king to be in time, as the citadel of Milan is in the greatest necessity, and assistance can no longer be delayed. They intended, when the Swiss arrived, to cross the Adda, and go towards Milan. The Spaniards are as yet united, and show an intention to fight, but would not stay if our men went nearer to them, as the citizens and rustics are against them, and they are in consequence short of provisions. There are daily disturbances in Milan. | |
Lat., p. 1. | |
30 June. Lettere di Principi, I. 227 b. |
By letters of the prothonotary Casale from Venice you will have learned that, on the night of St. John's Day, at the break of day, the Venetians, according to a treaty with Lodovico Vistarino, entered into Lodi, in which was Fabritio Maramau with about 800 foot, part of whom were disarmed, and part resolved to unite with the Venetians. The Spaniards made two attempts to recover it, but without success. If we had the supplies from France, we should very soon see Lombardy free. The Switzers whom the bishop of Lodi was to have brought are not arrived. Although our army is the greatest, it cannot give battle to a veteran army; yet it will proceed to the succor of the duke of Milan. The Spaniards have all retired into Milan, with about 3,000 lanceknights; in Cremona they have about 1,500 foot, being lanceknights and Italians. The count of Lodrone is in Pavia with 1,000 lanceknights. They also have troops in Como, Alexandria and other places. The loss of Lodi grieves them. If the French supplies come all will succeed prosperously, now that we have the victory almost in our hands. | |
We have had letters from France of the 19th, full of very fine words, but to no purpose. The Emperor is remitting 70,000 ducats to Genoa, and every day gives him time to send more money and troops, in order to prevent the capture of that city, which is so well provisioned that we cannot attack it without assistance; but if the French galleys come, we should certainly gain it. Those cursed negotiations which the French king has carried on with the Viceroy have kept back everything from us. These last letters, however, state that the King was about to dismiss the Viceroy; but the Emperor, seeing the perilous state of his affairs in Italy, will make fresh proposals, and perhaps the French king will listen to them. Contrive that the authority of the most Christian king (Henry), and the ardor possessed by the cardinal of York, may be employed to incite his Majesty (Francis), not as if they distrusted him, but as knowing the necessity of the case. | |
On the 27th our armies united under Lodi, and went to encamp near Lodi Vecchio. I send a duplicate of my last, to which I have nothing to add. Don Ugo [de Moncada] departed four days ago to the territory of the Colonnas. I believe he will go into the kingdom [of Naples]. The duke of Sessa presented the hackney yesterday, (fn. 11) but without the 7,000 ducats for the Neapolitan tribute. The Pope said he accepted it "pro parte, et pro parte non." Then the Duke publicly requested licence to go into the kingdom, and the Pope granted it. He will probably depart tomorrow. The Neapolitans and Colonnas greatly desire this, and compel us to incur expences, in order not to be unprepared. We shall obtain a complete victory if the French king does what he is bound to do, and if there come from that king (Henry) and the Cardinal only the least part of the aids which they have afforded in other enterprises without so much profit [as in this], but rather with loss. I cannot see why that which the Cardinal has so often promised us is delayed so long; for the Pope has acted on the numerous offers of the King and Cardinal, and the Venetians have done the same. Rome, 30 June 1526. | |
Ital. | |
Vit. B. VIII. 62. B. M. | 2290. UBERTO DI GAMBARA to WOLSEY. |
Will understand the Pope's alacrity by his four answers to don Hugo; sc., that the Emperor must restore the children to the French king, pay his debts to England, deliver Italy, dissolve his army and protect the honor of the Holy See in his kingdoms. | |
As the Pope is poor, and has incurred a debt of 180,000 ducats for the expedition against the Turks, and the present war is likely to continue long if Bourbon should come to the Spaniards, and the Archduke send a force of lanzknechts, the Pope hopes that the King will not be less liberal with his Holiness than he has usually been with his confederates in the defence of Christianity, not by lending, but by contributing money, which God has blessed him with for such holy works. The French king must be urged to make war upon Flanders to prevent Germans being sent into Italy, and by a war upon Navarre and Spain compel the Emperor to keep his forces at home. He should dispatch the promised aid speedily into Italy by land, and the archbishop of Salerno by sea with a fleet to tempt Genoa to rebel. He must not be allowed to hold any secret practise with the Emperor; and, for that reason, some nobleman must be sent to him. The veteran army in Italy will thus be dispersed before it can receive assistance from the Emperor. This is no more than the Pope deserves for the sacrifices he has made; and he will be exposed to great danger should the Emperor send a power into Italy, as he will do if he is not employed at home. As Rome is close to Naples, the Colonnese, the enemies of the Church, will join the Spaniards with their followers and the people of Sienna with a party of the Roman commonalty, which chiefly consists of Spaniards and Germans, and foment war in the vitals of the Pope, who will thus be compelled to recall his forces from Lombardy, and abandon Rome. If Germans and Spaniards land at Porto Ercole, they might, with the assistance of the Siennese and the Genoese, gather a large force, do great injury, possess themselves of Milan, and, in fact, the whole of Italy. These evils can be met by the suggestions already made. Excuses himself for notifying to Wolsey the danger to the Pope, and the remedy thereof. Signed. | |
Lat., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: Rmo., &c. Card. Eboracensi, Angliæ legato, &c. | |
June./GRANTS. | 2291. GRANTS in JUNE 1526. |
4. Robt. Robsun, salter, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Windsor Castle, 4 June 18 Hen. VIII.—P.S. | |
5. Tho. Dykes. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Christiana, late wife of Wm. Dykes, one of the five daughters of Sir Ric. Salkeld, deceased; also, all reversions on the death of Elizabeth, late wife of Sir Ric. Cholmeley, and John Salkeld, deceased. Del. Westm., 5 June 18 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 19. | |
6. John Hencheman, ironmonger, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners. Del. Hampton Court, 6 June 18 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
15. Rob. Smith, of Colchester. Pardon. Windsor Castle, 4 June 18 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 June.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 28. | |
17. Ric. Croke, D.D. Grant of the pension which the abbot elect of Lanthorn is bound to give to a clerk nominated by the King. Teste, 17 June 18 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
26. John Anlaby. Grant of the manors, &c. of Bolynghove and Fremantill, marches of Calais. Del. Westm., 26 June 18 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p3. 1, m. 7. | |
26. Geo. Moris, of London, merchant. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners. Windsor, 15 June 18 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 June.—P.S. | |
26. Edw. Thorne. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Christ. s. and h. of Henry Thorne; and the same to Tho. Stucley, John Fortescue, John Danells, Wm. Wydeslade, Geo. Viell, Nich. Thorne, Geo. Pyne and John Arescole, sen., lately seized along with Wm. Denys of Orlegh, deceased, to the use of the said Henry and his heirs, of the manor of Thorne, Devon, held of the King as of the honor of Barnastapol, parcel of the duchy of Exeter. Del. Westm., 26 June 18 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 16. | |
27. Chris. Villers. Reversion of the office of steward of the Princes Fee, Leic., granted to Everard Derby by patent 23 Sept. 1 Hen. VII. Del. Westm., 27 June 18 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
Vacated on surrender by Villers after coming to the office, 30 March 24 Hen. VIII., in order that a new patent might be made to him and Tho. Vyllers.—Pat. p. 1, m. 11. | |
28. Ric. Lee. Licence to alienate the manor of Great Delce and land in Little Chetham, Kent, to Sir Rob. Wyngfeld, Sir John Gaynsford, Sir Ric. Whetell, Sir John Cornewales, Eustace Sulyard, and Edw. Hawte. Westm. 28 June.—Pat. 18 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. | |
28. John Newyngton, mercer, of London. Protection; going in the suite of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 28 June.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 8. | |
28. Ric. Pollard, of London, leatherseller, alias John Shere. Pardon for stealing 24 woollen caps of various colors, value 32s., the property of Tho. Cheverell, haberdasher, a pair of woman's hooks, of silver, partly gilt, value 5s., one piece of linen, called a rayle, value 2s., and one neckhandkerchief of Sypres, value 12d., the property of Tho. Bowyer, grocer. Del. Westm., 28 June 18 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
28. W. Woodforth, yeoman usher of the Chamber. To be bailiff of the lp. of Stuton, Linc., vice John Jacson, deceased. Greenwich, 11 June 18 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 June. P.S.—Pat. p. 2, m. 14. | |
28. Ric. Stokke, of Hanley, Worc., Normanton, Derby, and Westminster. Pardon. Otford, 25 May 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 Jan. 18 Hen. VIII.—P.S. | |
29. John Reder, clk. Presentation to the perpetual chantry at the altar of St. John the Baptist, in the chapel next the church of Aldermary, on "le charnel," London dioc., vice Reginald Duplege, deceased. Del. Westm., 29 June 18 Hen. VIII. Endd.: "At Woodstock, 15 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII. per Tomson."—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 10, and p. 2, m. 19. | |
Calig. B. VII. 81. B. M. St. P. IV. 449. | 2292. SCOTLAND. |
"The instructions given by our Sovereign Lord to his familiar servitor, Patrick Saintklare, to be showed to his dearest brother and uncle the king of England, and to my lord Cardinal." | |
1. That James has taken the government into his own hands. To repair the misrule of the Borders he has come to Melrose, and desires the king of England will charge all his officers to resist and expel Scotch rebels. 2. The Three Estates have devised that ambassadors be sent to divers realms to treat for the King's marriage; on which he desires Henry's opinion. 3. Is to request that Henry will solicit the king of France, through the great amity now between them, not to allow Albany to come to Scotland, under colour of embassy or otherwise. 4. To show that Albany, by support of France, keeps possession of Dunbar castle, notwithstanding repeated messages to him and Francis for its delivery. 5. That the letter sent by James to Henry in favor of Andrew D[r]ury was obtained from him, without his knowledge, by the abp. of St. Andrew's, then chancellor. He had already given letters to Dene John Maxwell for the abbey of Melrose, and remains of the same mind. 6. To desire the daughter and heir of the late Alex. lord Hume to be sent home to her mother, now wife of our Treasurer, the master of Glencorne. She was sent to England by her father, when pursued by Albany, to be kept by lord Dacre, and is now in Sir Chr. Dacre's hands. | |
ii. Annotations by Wolsey in the margin of the above, opposite each article. | |
1. Provision is made already to this effect by the duke of Richmond's council and the lieutenants of the marches. 2. The King should induce James to put off sending these ambassadors. By "divers realms" France is intended. Albany is daily endeavoring to promote a marriage with the daughter of Francis. The King will, doubtless, pay the greatest regard to James's honor for having consulted him on this matter. 3. Provision is made for this in the treaty with Francis, ratified by him since his return. 4. It is strange the Scotch lords suffer this. My lord of Bath might ask Francis to bid Albany deliver the castle. If refused, the king of Scots should for his honor try to recover it by force; which would not a little diminish the intelligence of the Scots with France. 5. The King has arranged with the Pope that no person be admitted to a promotion in Scotland except on letters from Henry and the king of Scots containing a secret mark. 6. Sir Chr. Dacres should be written to, to ascertain the circumstances, after which reasonable answer may be given. |