Henry VIII: September 1523, 11-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Henry VIII: September 1523, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp1381-1393 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: September 1523, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp1381-1393.

"Henry VIII: September 1523, 11-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp1381-1393.


September 1523

11 Sept.
Galba, B. VIII. 58. B. M.
Received yesterday, by Marnix, letters from the Emperor and my Lady, and a packet from Russell and the servant of Beaurain. Was anxious to communicate them in person, as the affair Wolsey knows of is in good train, as he will see by Russell's letters; but is oppressed by fever, and ordered to keep his room. Sends, therefore, by his secretary, Russell's letters, with copies of the others, and of two letters to the president of Bourges; one from Loys Bionet, treasurer of Bresse, the other from the sieur de Peloux and La Liere, gentlemen of Bourbon. The Emperor has ordered him to pay Wolsey's half year's pension due last May; it is ready when Wolsey chooses to send for it. His secretary will report Wolsey's answers.
There are two principal points which the Emperor urges: (1.) that the King should promptly pay his share for the 10,000 Almain foot; (2.) that the King's army should not waste its strength by attempting to surprise Boulogne, Therouenne, or other impregnable places, considering that he hopes to give his enemies so much to do on that side, that the King's army will be able to enter as far into France as he wishes, and with little resistance. London, 11 Sept. '23. Signed.
Fr., pp. 2.
11 Sept.
Galba, B. VIII. 59. B. M.
Received on the 10th your letters dated Hampton Court, the 6th inst., and with them letters to the king of Denmark, and an attestation of an article concerning the Lubecks. Delivered your letters to my Lady, and solicited the advancing of the horse and foot, with other things, as you desired. She said she had done all she could; but at first, when Buren assembled his horse, certain Burgundian gentlemen promised a great number, but now refuse to serve without double wages. Buren let them go, and said he would [rather] be served by Almains, but found so much difficulty in them that he has been obliged to return to the Burgundians. These difficulties have delayed them. The truth is, they do all they can to pass these matters at small expence. She and the Council think it inexpedient that the King's army should besiege Boulogne: (1.) Because the French would suffer no loss by it, while the Emperor and the King would endure much, as it is impregnable. (2.) The great number of horse that would be required at the siege would leave these countries undefended. (3.) While the siege lasted, the French would manage that there should be no more bruit of the doings of the English than if they had not crossed the sea, which might cause great danger to the person you know of; and (4) if there were any report that the French would invade these parts, it would not be strange if the Burgundians left the siege, as the Emperor never intended to assist the King, except in so far as he might save his own. She cannot think this matter of the great personage can be sincerely meant, although Wolsey has done much to change her opinion. Knight suspects her conscience causes her to say as she does. She is writing to Du Pract touching the army of these parts, and to Wolsey, according to her promise.
Has not been able to deliver Wolsey's letters to the king of Denmark, as he has left without taking any resolution in his matters. The nobles who were here with him, viz. the great master of Prussia, the duke of Brunswick. &c., have returned, and will not meddle with him, although it is said they are going to raise men for him, in order to encourage his adherents to defend Copenhagen. Brussels, 11 Sept.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd.
12 Sept.
Galba, B. VIII. 61. B. M. St. P. 1. 131.
3320. MORE to WOLSEY.
Last night, after supper, presented to the King Suffolk's letter to Wolsey, Iselstein's letters to Suffolk and to the King, and Wolsey's letter to the writer, dated 11 Sept. Notwithstanding the reasons of lord Iselstein, and lady Margaret's and the Emperor's opinion, the King is resolved to have the siege of Boulogne experimented, for reasons stated by Wolsey. He is not content to have all the preparations made for that purpose set aside, and his army sent into a distant land, to be dependent for provision on those "of whose slackness and hard handling" he has had proof already. "His grace saith that your grace hit the nail on the head where ye write that the Burgundians would be upon their own frontiers to the end our money should be spent among them, and their frontiers defended, and themselves resort to their houses." Touching defence of the Low Countries, the King says that, if all things be well ordered, they will have no reason to fear, for the reasons mentioned by Wolsey. Wolsey is to advertise Suffolk and Iselstein of the King's resolution. Will send the letter to the Venetian ambassador as soon as the King takes leisure to sign it. Okyng, 12 Sept.
Hol. Add.. To my lord Legate.
12 Sept.
Calig. B. VI. 318. B. M.
3321. SURREY to [WOLSEY].
Received his letter dated at Hampton Court, the 8 Sept., with the King's thanks. Will accomplish the King's wish, remaining here until after Hallow Tide; and hopes to bring the country into good condition. Is glad to hear that the lord Percy will succeed him in command. If he marry my lord Steward's daughter, he will have great help from Dacre by reason of their alliance. Has practised with Scotland to withdraw them from the Duke, whose strength is in the bestowing of spiritual benefices. Has heard nothing from the Queen. Is advertised from Scotland that the young King will no longer remain under the control of the Duke. He is cursed by the merchants and commons for this war with England. The 2,000 men of Yorkshire cannot reach the Borders before Friday or Saturday next. On Friday he invades Scotland. If the Scots will not give battle, more destruction shall be done to them than has been done in one journey for 100 years. "I pray God send us fair weather, and some tidings of the powder and shot." Without it there will not be left in Berwick three rounds. If he succeed, and it please the King's grace to keep a garrison there of 1,500 men till St. Andrew's day, he trusts there will be no Scotchman this side Boucle Ege nor in Tevydale within 12 miles of the Borders. 500 of them to be Northumberland men, as they know the country best, and will prevent the Scots lying in cots, as they were wont to do when their houses were burnt. The country to be kept waste. Newcastle, 12 Sept.
Hol., pp. 4.
12 Sept.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 78. B. M.
3322. SURREY to DACRE.
Sends a letter from Wolsey, which he is to return without showing it to any one. Lord Percy will marry the lord Steward's daughter; of which he is glad, and is sure Dacre will be also. The Chief Baron is with the earl of Northumberland to conclude the matter. Has arranged everything for an invasion of Scotland on Tuesday week: to lie the first night at Cesfurd, the next at Jedworth, and the third where it is thought most convenient. He must have his 3,000 men ready, with three days' victuals, or four days' if possible. It is thought here that it will be better for Dacre to meet them at Cesfurd. Wishes to know what he will do, and he must not fail to keep the day, which is the morrow after St. Matthew's Day. 12 Sept.
Has written to Northumberland and Clifford to send their men to keep the Border in his absence.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
12 Sept.
R. O.
I have today received letters from the master of our artillery, stating that all the horses and limoners have been required for your artillery, so that none remains for us. We have been obliged to send to Cologne and Juliers, and shall not be furnished till Sunday or Monday. If possible, would like to delay their departure three or four days; if not, will join with what he has. Hears there are 3,000 foot and 800 horse about Monstereul. The bailly of Rouen went yesterday to Therouenne. They say 10,000 or 12,000 peasants are mustering at Antye, on the river beside Hédin. Sent yesterday his trumpet to La Trymoille with a false letter, to learn what men he has. St. Omer, 12 Sept. Signed: Votre bon pere, Florys.
Fr., p. 1. Inc.: Mons. mon fils.
13 Sept.
[Calig. E. I. II.?] I. 208. B. M.
Has received his letters complaining that he cannot get his wagonners. Will be ready when required. Suffolk may view the chateau de Bel(?) and see if it can be taken, as the season is fast advancing. Will write to him as soon as his trumpet returns from Monstereul. St. Omer, 13 Sept.
P. S.—Sends a letter he had received from Madame. Begs he will not suppose that the writer has greater confidence in any one else, but forgot to write to Suffolk what he wrote to the treasurer.
"A mons. mons. le duc de Suf[folk] mon bon filz."
Copy, Fr., mutilated, p. 1.
13 Sept.
Galba. B. VII. 9. St. P. IV. 14.
On Saturday spoke with the laird of Wedderborne, who is newly come from Edinburgh, and was at the parliament in the Tolbooth; whither came Galter, with master Thos. Hay, secretary, and the Frenchmen with him. Galter delivered a letter to the lords from my lord Governor, which he read aloud, first in French, afterwards in English. Albany thanked them for continuing in the way he left them, by which much honor was spoken of them through all realms, and desired that they would cause the King still to be kept in Stirling;—said he was coming in all haste, and staid for nothing but a secret thing for the weal of Scotland and destruction of England, and that his brother, Ric. de la Poill duke of Suffolk, only waited till he knocked at the door to come forth with an army and invade England. After this the ambassador of France stood up, and asked an instrument of the lords that the French king had fulfilled his promises to Scotland, and if anything was omitted he was there to fulfil it. Lord Arskene also asked an instrument that he had delivered the King "haill and feire," and kept him 15 days longer than he was commanded. The Lords made no answer to either party, but ordered that the earl of Cassilis, lord Fleming, the bishop of Galloway, and the abbot of Cambuskenneth should have the keeping of the King, and ride with him where he pleased, provided they brought him to Stirling at night. With this the French are very ill pleased. Meanwhile a post came from the West Sea with letters stating that the Duke had embarked in Picardy, and that the post saw 200 barded horses and 10,000 men shipped along with him. It is thought this is but a feigned post, such as come every day to abuse the Lords. They have given the Duke no day for his return, but have set the King at liberty, as above mentioned. It is expected that by the Queen's counsel he will come one day to the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, choose his council, and set up his household; by which the Lords will be free from blame, for they would all be glad to have him forth. Galter says that Angus was not come with the Duke, and if the Duke come, "George Douglas, the laird of Wedderborne and their friends looks to come and seek supple of the King's grace of England, my lord Treasurer, and your lordship." Some of the Lords asked the King what he would do with the Frenchmen. He said he would deliver them to Davy Home's keeping; at which they were "wonder evil content." Wedderborne spoke with the Queen, who is "right merry and weill like," and hopes "to oppetend his cauisis right weill. A steikes at hir paizon steill."
On Sunday the 6th a Scotchman came out of Flanders with news that the allied armies were lying about Boulogne, and that the Venetians, Swiss and lanceknights had joined the Emperor, for which he saw fires set through all Flanders before he left.
The prioress of Coldstream bids him tell Dacre that for all his and my lord Treasurer's intercession with them of Wark, "they do play pluck at the craw with her." Her servants complained before the writer that those of Wark had taken from her 40 "threffe" of oats. Intends to see Dacre on Sunday. Sandy Trotter has not yet come. Coldstream, Sunday, 13 Sept.
Hol. Add.: To my lord Dacre, and in his absence to my lord of Surrey, treasurer and high admiral of England, lieutenant of the North Parts, warden of the East and Middle March of England fornempste Scotland, be this delivered in haste. Haste, post, make haste with this bill.
13 Sept.
Galba, B. VIII. 63. B. M. St. P. I. 133.
3326. MORE to WOLSEY.
Received a packet containing Wolsey's letter to himself, dated 12 Sept., two letters of Sir John Russell, a copy of the letter of Chasteau, Beaurayn's servant, to the Imperial ambassador here; all which he read to the King. He is of opinion that Bourbon could not do otherwise than dissemble his purpose, and is not likely to be reconciled to the French king. He is glad that he was deceived in his fear lest the French king might have perceived this practice with Bourbon, which it is clear he does not, "for if he had, he would either not have come into his house, or not so departed thence." As it is now in so many men's mouths, he is afraid it will not long be kept secret; and if the French king suspected it the Duke might be suddenly distressed, and the whole matter fail. He thinks Sir John Russell might be used to advertise the Duke that many people in Flanders know of it, and the King deems it right to warn him and put him on his guard, advising him either to declare himself or provide for his safety. The King does not like "that the Emperor setteth on so slowly." He thinks the intelligence about Guienne is a mere excuse. Guildford, 13 Sept.
He is of Wolsey's opinion that for any solicitation of lady Margaret and the Emperor no money be dispersed till the declaration is made.
Hol. Add.
13 Sept.
Calig. B. I. 236. B. M. St. P. IV. 16.
Has received his letter of the 2nd Sept., which she thinks "right good." Will cause his good mind for her son's surety to be known. Now is the time to help him out of the hands of his enemies, as she has written several times to Surrey. The first thing is to send to the Lords, offering them peace, if they will forsake Albany and obey their prince, and assuring the kingdom of his protection. Has spoken with the Lords, and finds they dare not displease the Governor. Henry must get them to leave him "by fair treaty" or by force; and if it be not done in haste, her son will be destroyed. They have a good pretext to desert him, now that he has not arrived by Our Lady Day of the Assumption, as he promised. Margaret was in before the Lords in parliament, and urged them to do their best for the weal of her son, and be no longer abused by fair words from France. They promised to consider the matter, and ordered that the King should pass forth a mile from Stirling, and be in the custody of the earl of Cassilis, the bishop of Galloway and the lord Fleming. Has requested that the latter be removed, as he loves the Governor better than the King. The Chancellor, my lord of Aberdeen and the earl of Argyle are best minded, but require to be sure of England before they abandon France. All rests with Henry, and he will never have so good a time.
Has incurred the displeasure of the Governor to such an extent, that she begs leave to come to England with such as are her true servants. Henry will have the hearts of the common people by helping her son; "for they vald newer se the Gowarnor." Durst not have written so plainly by any but the bearer, Patrick Synklar, the true servant of herself and of the King her husband. Begs Henry to write to Surrey and Dacre in his favor. Edinburgh, 13 Sept. (fn. 1)
Hol. Add.
13 Sept.
Calig. B. II. 274. B. M. St. P. IV. 19.
Has written her mind at length to Surrey and the King. Desires him to hasten the answer, and get the King to send a messenger to the Lords, that he may understand their mind fully. Wishes to know if the King desires her to get her son to come forth; for if he is not set at liberty before the Governor comes he will never be afterwards. Wishes the King to make offers to the Chancellor, the earl of Argyle and the bishop of Aberdeen, to separate them from the Governor. If he gain them, she cares not for all the rest. Thinks it could be easily done. Would cause the King to come forth and charge the Lords to come to him under pain of treason, but is not sure they would take part with him. Desires Surrey to send this letter to the King, as she forgot to write to him. 13 Sept.
Hol. Add.
Calig. B. II. 204. B. M. 3329. QUEEN MARGARET to WOLSEY.
Has written to her brother of such matters as pertain to the weal of her son and his realm. Requests Wolsey's favorable interposition, that this realm may understand what Henry will do for his sister. Begs him to give credence to the bearer, "for I cannot vryt wel, as ye knaw my hand is ewel for to rede."
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardynal. Endd.
14 Sept.
Calig. B. VI. 317. B. M. St. P. IV. 20.
Has just received the enclosed letter from Dacre's steward, whom he caused to remain at Norham five weeks, to get news from some of Dacre's friends in Scotland, who dare not confide them to any one else. Desires to know how he shall act if he hear that the young King doth take upon him, and come to Edinburgh by the time he is ready to invade Scotland, which he hopes to be by tomorrow se'nnight, also if the Queen send or come to him to entreat him not to hurt the realm, for the Scots will be sure to know of the invasion three or four days before. He that is called lord of Wedderborne is Davy Home, and George Douglas is Angus's brother. Surrey intends, after destroying Jedworth and Teviotdale, to come to Home Castle, burn the corn in the March, and east down the holds there. Is he to desist if the said Davy and George promise to come to England on the Duke's arrival in Scotland, and on what terms shall he treat with them? Begs to have an answer sent to Berwick by Sunday next. Newcastle, 14 Sept.
Hol. Add.
14 Sept.
Vit. B. V. 201. B. M. St. P. VI. 175.
Since August the Pope has continually kept his bedchamber, and has very seldom given audience except once or twice [to the card.] De Medicis and the Emperor's ambassador, touching the affairs of Lombardy. He has been continually vexed doloribus renum, and, as it is said, cum excoriatione v[esicæ], by which he is much weakened. On the 8 Sept. he called the Cardinals into his chamber, and, sitting upright in his bed, told them he expected soon to depart to the mercy of God, and desired them to be content with the distribution of certain consistorial benefices to some of his servants, and the promotion of the datary to the cardinalate, for his good and faithful service. To this card. S. Crucis and two or three others answered, that his Holiness had a nephew or two, virtuous and well learned, whom they would rather see advanced to the dignity, for they had found the datary uncourteous, so that the Pope was obliged to put off the matter for that time. He spoke sensibly, but faintly, "like a man sore fatigated, and not like to continue many days after." The next night he swooned two or three times, but was better by the morning. On the 10th he published the datary cardinal in a new congregation, to which he had called all the Cardinals, and he gave a bishopric in Sicily worth 900 ducats to the bishop of Worcester, and an abbey to Campeggio's brother.
The Cardinals of the greatest authority here are Medicis, SS. Quatuor and Campeggio, who form a triumvirate in the College. They have had many secret meetings, and are substantial friends to Wolsey. They and their band, which is not small, rest much on the cardinals De Medicis, Farnays and Wolsey. All that we do is by their advice. It is hard to say where the garland shall light. If Medicis cannot obtain it for himself or Farnays, which will be impossible if there is the same opposition as at the last election, it is very likely "that this diadem shall light upon your head." If Wolsey were here, he would be as sure of it as of York, "and that tota curia Romana ipsis et reverendissimis Cardinalibus una [anima] approbantibus, nor the cardinal of Medicis ... the proudest of them all would no more look for it ... than they would go to Jerusalem upon their thomby[s]."
Many disapprove of the election of an absentee, for fear of translating the see, and other inconveniences which ensued at the last election. Consulted the three above-mentioned Cardinals, who say that is a great obstacle; but that if the conclave cannot agree upon one who is present, they will choose one who is absent. Medicis has great hopes for himself, and intends to try for it. If he fail he will put forward Wolsey, Farnays and the cardinal De la Valle, both Romans, Imperialists and his friends. If he can pass none of them, he will consent to none there present, and so res redibit ad absentes, in which case Wolsey will have the best chance. The cardinal of Volterra, alias Sodoryn, is deprived by a bull of all voice, active or passive, in the election. He is to remain in prison till the Pope or his successors have determined whether to punish him further. If this provision had not been made, he would have been at liberty after the death of the Pope. News has come from Hungary, dated Boode, 24 Aug., that on the 7th Perath Bassa, the Turk's great captain, who had married his sister, and by whose policy all his victories had been won, entered Hungary with 15,000 men, but was driven back with scarcely 2,000. Rome, 14 Sept.
P. S. in Clerk's hand.—The Pope died on the 14th. God bless his soul, and send him such a successor as we do wish. Signed.
Pp. 4, mutilated. Endd.
14 Sept.
Galba. B. VIII. 65. B. M.
3332. KNIGHT to [WOLSEY].
Received on the 13th inst. Wolsey's letters dated Hampton Court, 9th inst. Will deliver the money when the case requires. Told my Lady, on receipt of his letters, that whenever he was informed by Russell the duke of B. had complied with the King's requests, he should be ready to deliver the 48,000 guldens, or the value, as agreed, for he had the money; at which she was much pleased. Desires that the confirmation of the treaty which Wolsey desired should be sent by next post, may be rectified in the valuation of one piece of gold, which was found erroneous here, and has been acknowledged as such by Sir Thos. Semer. Encloses a bill relating to it. Thanks Wolsey for a licence to take up certain money by exchange. Brussels, 14 Sept.
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated.
Ibid. f. 65*. ii. The enclosure above referred to, stating that the value of a Carolus is 2s. 4d. st., and 24 mites of Flanders, instead of 16 mites.
P. 1.
14 Sept.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 75. B. M.
3333. SURREY to DACRE.
Sends copy of a letter received last night from Thirkill, directed to Dacre, and in his absence to Surrey, which he has sent on to Wolsey, and of a letter to the Cardinal, to know how he shall be ordered. Dacre should send some sure man to practise with the Homes, and if they offer themselves they should not be refused, for the East March would then be quite safe, and the King saved great expense, while they would prevent Albany from invading England. Thinks the King would accept them. The man whom he sends must come to Surrey at Berwick on Sunday next. He must make good espial of what the Scots intend to do when they hear the English are gathering. Newcastle, 14 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
Enclosures:—f. 76, copy of letter to Wolsey, enclosing letter of Thurkill; f. 73, Thirkill's letter. Sunday, 13 Sept.
15 Sept.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 70 b. B. M.
3334. DACRE to SURREY.
Is glad to hear from him of the marriage of the lord Steward's daughter. Surrey's servant forgot to enclose Wolsey's letter. Cannot meet him at Cesfurde on his expedition to Jedworde, where he means to arrive on Wednesday morning, without marching four days through England; but will lodge on Tuesday night fourteen miles in Scotland, and on Wednesday morning meet him at Jedword. Sends Hatherington with a guide, as the ground about Jedword is straight and the ordnance must be divided; part must go to Farnyhirst, and part to the town. Hopes he will let him know if he is detained by the waters or otherwise. Complains that lord Clifford has taken 100 of his number out of Westmoreland. Kirkoswald, 15 Sept. 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Headed: Copie, &c.
16 Sept.
Vit. B. V. 198* B. M.
* * * "devers sa majeste, et que presentement mache myne, et seray demayn a Savonne ou Vandre[di?] matyn," where he does not intend to stay long before embarking in his majesty's gallies, to be with him the sooner. Does not know how to thank him sufficiently for his affection. Russell will inform him of all that has passed. Aigues, 16 Sept.
Hol., Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: Mons. mon bon cousin et bon pere, Mons. le Lesguad. Endd.: xiijo Septembris. (fn. 2)
16 Sept.
Calig. B. II. 196. B. M. St. P. IV. 23.
"Copy of my letter sent to the Queen to be showed but to herself." She will receive with this another letter to be shown to the Lords. Thinks the King would approve of her son coming forth, (as Surrey is going to waste Scotland,) on the ground that he will not allow his realm to be wasted. She is then to command the Lords to take her son's part, and require Surrey to desist. Will thus be able to make a party for the King, send away the French, and abandon the duke of Albany. Then Surrey will desist, and turn his arms against the disobedient.
No one can break the Chancellor, the earl of Argyll, the bishop of Aberdeen, and the Governor, so well as herself. Needs not an answer in this from her brother. If she keep her promise, money at all times will be ready. Has no doubt, if she will cause her son to come forth to Edinburgh, and command his subjects on their allegiance to take his part, the most will do so, especially the commons, who must be roused to drive the French to Dunbar. Surrey will be ready to give assistance. The French cannot help, as they were never in so much danger as now. Thinks he will be able to advertise her of the same in eight days. Is delighted to find she acts so much like a noble natural lady. Morpeth, 16 Sept.
Pp. 2. The heading in Surrey's hand.
16 Sept.
R. O. St. P. IV. 21.
Received Margaret's letter to the King this Wednesday at 8 p.m., which he opened, having general authority to do so. Finds that she has received the King's letter of the 2nd inst., and shown it to such of the Lords as she thinks love her son, and that they have put him to some liberty, not allowing him to take great journeys for his own sake. Has forwarded the letter, and trusts shortly to have an answer. Believes, however, it will be to the following effect: The King will be glad to hear of his nephew's prosperous estate, but will certainly be dissatisfied that his nobles suffer him and themselves to be kept in subjection by Albany. Surrey is ready to assist both with men and money all who will help to protect their natural sovereign. Peace can never be between the two realms, if the Scots do not abandon the Duke.
As to Margaret's hope that the King will be a better friend to Scotland on her account, Surrey was commanded to desist from doing hurt when she formerly wrote. Has now waited a long time, expecting the Lords would have shown themselves "more natural loving subjects" than they now appear, seeing that the day appointed for the Duke's arrival is expired, and the King is in no greater surety than before. All the world will see that the fault is not Henry's but that of the Scots, who refuse to put him out of the realm who means to destroy the King and usurp the crown. Henry will never desist from making war against Scotland until they abandon Albany and sue to him for peace. On their doing this, Surrey has full authority to treat, and assist them with men and money.
Copy. Headed by Surrey: "Copy of my letter to be showed to the lords of Scotland."
17 Sept.
R. O.St. P. IV. 25.
Received last night at 8 o'clock a letter from the queen of Scots directed to himself, and two to the King, of one of which she sent Surrey a copy in her own hand. The other, she informed him by the bearer, was devised by the Lords, and he was to give no credit to it. Surrey took it upon him to break it up, and before going to bed answered both it and his own letter. Sends copies. Has received word tonight from lord Home, David Home and George Douglas, that they will come to England if the Duke arrive in Scotland, and never return till the King be at liberty; offering hostages to fulfil this engagement. Desires to know what he shall do. If they can be thus brought in, the King will spare much money, for the East March is sure. As for Teviotdale, which threatens the Middle March, Surrey hopes soon to handle it so that it can do no great hurt. The Duke can do little if the Homes are sure. Expects them to meet him in Berwick on Sunday night. Morpeth, 17 Sept. Signed.
Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd.: From my lord of Surrey, xvij. Septembris, with lettres of the quene of Scottis hand, and copies of other lettres.
17 Sept.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 71. B. M.
3339. SURREY to DACRE.
Received last night letters from the Queen to the King and to himself, saying that she hopes her son will soon come abroad, and that some of the lords would take his part against the Duke, if they were sure of help from the King. She trusts most the earl of Argyle, the Chancellor and the bishop of Aberdeen, whom she hopes to win "with a sober thing of money." Has written to her to have the King sent to Edinburgh, and to cause the lords and commons to swear allegiance to him, and to ask Henry for peace, saying he has full power to treat and to assist them with men and money against the Duke. As there has been great familiarity between Dacre and the Chancellor, he had better send Hadrington to him to advise him to take forth the King and labor for peace, and to assure him that so long as he takes his part he shall not lack men or money. It is long since he heard from Dacre. Morpeth, this Thursday.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
17 Sept.
Titus, B. I. 270. B. M. Ellis, 1 Ser. I. 207.
3340. MORE to [WOLSEY].
The King desires that Sir Wm. Tyler should have in marriage the widow of Mr. Mirfyn, late alderman of London, whom it hath pleased God to call to his mercy. The King is anxious to have his request brought to a successful termination. Easthampstead, 17 Sept.
18 Sept.
Calig. B. VI. 293. B. M. St. P. IV. 26.
Has received his letter by Patrick Sinclair this Friday. Thinks it well devised in every way. Will do what is possible for her part. Her son shall be forth on Monday or Tuesday, and come to Edinburgh, if not forcibly detained; in which case she will let Surrey know immediately. The Lords know of the intended invasion, but care little, for they say Surrey can only enter the Borders, and that they will do as much ill hereafter. Surrey must therefore come to Edinburgh, or somewhere near it, and Margaret is sure they will do as he desires; otherwise all the expense will be for nothing, for the Lords laugh at injuries done to the poor people. A thousand men with artillery would have Edinburgh at their mercy, if they came suddenly. Surrey must go at it at once, or let it be. If he destroy the poor commons, he will lose their hearts, and the Lords will not care. Failing this, she desires leave to come to England with her true servants, "for I woll come away, and I should steal out of it." Desires him to inform the bearer. Patrick Sinclair, what he means to do.
Copy by Surrey's secretary.
20 Sept.
Calig. B. I. 180. B. M.
Has received his answer "this Friday" to the letter she sent to the King. Has shown it to the Lords present with her. As the matter is great they cannot presently determine. Thinks he should write directly to them. Expects they will be all here tonight "right shortly." Sunday.
Hol., p. 1.
20 Sept.
Calig. B. I. 181. B. M. St. P. IV. 27.
This other letter which she sends is by the counsel of the Lords. Thinks it not altogether bad, for they wish Surrey to write to them his mind plainly, that they may make a good answer. Desires him to write in all haste what he wrote to her before, that Henry seeks the security of the King, her son; that it is a suspicious thing for Albany to be his tutor, who considers himself next in the succession; and that England will not desist from war until this is amended. He had better state also that Margaret desired him to write his mind to the Lords, that he might have their answers as soon as possible; "and failing that, they take not forth the King and discharge the Governor betwixt this and Wednesday, and they to send you a plain answer, I vald counsel you to do forth on the sharpest manner as I did vryte off before, or else it is done but to abuse you, and to cause you to forbear to do evil." Begs him to hasten this letter to the Lords that she may show it for her excuse, and meanwhile to forbear doing mischief, that the Lords may come to an agreement. "Written this Sunday."
P.S.—Did not think it necessary to show one of his last letters. Encloses the instrument she took before the Lords yesterday for her discharge; "and this I said myne awn mouth to them; therefore I pray you keep it, for I have the principal."
Hol. Add.
20 Sept.
R. O.
Has just received her letter by Patrick Sinclair. She can do nothing better than take out the King on Monday or Tuesday next as she proposes. Will do his best to draw towards Edinburgh, as she desires, if there be no default in others who have promised to meet him. The sooner she causes the Lords to send to him for peace the better, for the longer he remains in Scotland the more hurt the poor people will sustain. Has no authority to fall to peace except upon sufficient hostages, but hopes to learn in two days the King's pleasure what he shall do if offers be made him. Will always be ready, as he has before written, to fetch her into England if all things frame not.
P. 1. Headed by Surrey: "The copy of the answer to the queen of Scots' letter."
20 Sept.
R. O.
3345. ROBT. WHYTLAY to SIR GEORGE LAWSON, treasurer of war at Berwick.
According to his orders has been along the coasts. The men-of-war have chased several ships, including the one he freighted at Newcastle to fetch Lawson's corn, which they would have taken, if Whytlay had not warned them. They were obliged to let their anchor slip, and run into Grimsby Road. Has warned every one. No man will go out till they have assistance, for the Scotch ships have been in Humber. There are three great ships and two barks riding at Lower Nesse. Malt is 6s. 8d., wheat 8s. and beans 5s. and 5s. 4d. here. Hull, St. Matthew's Even.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
20 Sept.
Galba, B. VIII. 70. B. M. St. P. I. 135.
3346. MORE to WOLSEY.
The King has received Wolsey's letter by the hands of Sir John Russell,—"of whose well achieved errand his grace taketh great pleasure,"—containing Wolsey's advice for abandoning at present the siege of Boulogne, and to march to some places devised by the duke of Bourbon, which, Wolsey is informed, may easily be taken. The King is by no means displeased that Wolsey has changed his opinion, "as his highness esteemeth nothing in counsel more perilous than one to persever in the maintenance of his advice because he hath once given it." He therefore "commendeth and most affectuously thanketh your faithful diligence and high wisdom" in advertising him of the reasons which have moved you to change your opinion. Before, however, he assents to the change, there are certain considerations he desires should be submitted to Wolsey.
(1.) Though he has less hope of the siege, owing to the slackness of the Burgundians, the King doubts whether any more good will come this late time of year by marching forward. (2.) He says that Corbyn or Campien on the Seine are not so accessible from Boulogne as some interested people would make them, nor so easily taken, as the Burgundians showed last year in their failure at the siege of Hesdyn. (3.) If they are easily to be taken, they will be as easily lost, should the French king advance against them, as he might readily do, with an army royal. (4.) He doubts Wolsey's opinion that by this march, and the seas being well guarded, Monstrell, Turwayn, Hesdyn and Boulogne will be kept from victuals, and so compelled to surrender; first, because the siege must be continuous; and, secondly, the expense of keeping an army on foot for that purpose would be "right hard for him to find." (5.) Above all, he has great doubt of the means of victualling his army, which will require double carriage; and the Burgundians have had great difficulty in providing carts requisite for matters as they are now; and, secondly, "his grace thinketh that the French king is not unlikely to do as his highness would himself if he were in (as our Lord keep him out of!) the like case; then would he appease his own realm ere he would invade another;" and so, uniting his forces, set upon the Duke before the 10,000 Almains had joined him. Finally, if the King's army on their march should spare the towns, and proclaim liberty, as the Duke advises, considering the hard weather, and the difficulties which they must encounter, if they were to have no spoil, the King thinks it would be hard to keep them from crying "Home! home!"
The King is satisfied with the order sent to Knight that a month's wages be paid for the 10,000 Almains. He thinks Wolsey should write a good round letter to lady Margaret, taxing them with slackness in the common affairs. He says that such dealing so often used may well give him cause hereafter to be cautious, ere he undertake any charge for their defence. Abingdon, 20 Sept.
Hol. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace. Endd.
20 Sept.
Galba, B. VIII. 76. B. M.
As he wrote last night from Dixmew, came to Bruges this morning, where he found Hesdin, and told him that the great want, in order to complete his charge, was wagons and limoners, and he had been commanded by Suffolk not to leave till he had obtained the full number. He said he had written to Suffolk, and, as before, that he would do what he could; that he had spoken with De Fiennes and those of Bruges. Fears that no more limoners are to be had. 357 are either with you or coming to you. Will not promise 200 wagons, although they reckon them at that number. Altogether you should have 600 wagons and 357 limoners, which are less than my charge by 300 wagons and 213 limoners. This is all that can be had between this and Saturday. Begs leave to return. Bruges, 20 Sept.
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated.
Calig. E. I. 98. B. M.
Has received her letters from Brussels the .. of this month, and therewith news from Spain, Milan and Hungary, which she desired count De Buren to let him know. Was with the Count yesterday, in the church of Ardre, to arrange what they had in hand. Was so much occupied that he forgot to give him the communication. Will soon meet again. Has not been able to accomplish his mission from want of carts, which he ought to have received from the Emperor's country. Has only here 400 at present, and ... 110 shaft horses. Bartholomew Tate has written to him that he can[not] obtain more. Has written several times to her Grace, and the [king of England's] ambassador with her, to advance the matter; and has likewise written [to the count] De Fyennes to give aid. The winter has already commenced; can do nothing satisfactory without these carriages. Hears that she has written to the Cardinal on the subject. Provisions have only been appointed at Calais; but if the army were reasonably furnished with necessaries at Sam[ur], Ayre, Bethune, Arras, and elsewhere, he can accomplish the business as soon as she desires. At the camp of Guisnes, ... day of September.
Copy, Fr., pp. 2, mutilated.


  • 1. It is not improbable that no. 4430, vol. ii., is of the same period as this letter, only it was very unusual for the Queen to write two letters to her brother on the same day.
  • 2. The date in Bourbon's hand looks a little like "xiij. Septembre," but xvi. is probably the true reading.