Henry VIII: September 1523, 1-10

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Henry VIII: September 1523, 1-10 ', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp1373-1381 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: September 1523, 1-10 ', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp1373-1381.

"Henry VIII: September 1523, 1-10 ". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp1373-1381.


September 1523

1 Sept.
Vesp. F. XIII. 136. B. M. Ellis, 1 Ser. I. 202.
3290. [MORE to WOLSEY.]
According to Wolsey's letter dated 30 Aug., has shown the King the bill devised for Sir Richard Wingfield, and such points as Wolsey had caused to be left out of the new bill for the King's advantage. Oking, 1 Sept.
1 Sept.
Calig. B. I. 302. B. M. St. P. I. 128. Ellis, 1 Ser. I. 203.
3291. [MORE] to WOLSEY.
Has received Wolsey's letters dated 31 Aug., with letters of the lord Admiral, and the copies of those between his lordship and the queen of Scots, with Wolsey's reply to them. Read them all to the King, who well liked them, especially that written in his name to the queen of Scots, "that I never saw him like thing better, and, as help me God, in my poor fantasy, not causeless; for it is, for the quantity, one of the best made letters, for words, matter, sentence and couching, that ever I read in my life." The King is glad that Wolsey "touched" the Admiral and Dacre for "letting of the great roode," contrary to Wolsey's advice; for it would have been productive of some great good, as appears by the Queen's letter; and he notes "not only remiss dealing, but also some suspicion," in that Dacre so little esteemed the Queen's opinion. He is of Wolsey's mind that the Admiral should set forth his enterprise at once, and is not satisfied with his excuses.
Also read to the King Wolsey's letter to Dr. Knight, touching the money for the 10,000 lances. He approves Wolsey's foresight in doubting lest this delay in the declaration is only a device of the Emperor to spare his own charge, and entertain the Almains at the King's cost. Also read Wolsey's letter to Sampson and Jerningham, advertising them of the setting forth of the King's army; also the letters in the King's name to Don Fernando, the duke of Mecklenburgh and the duke of Ferrara, in case the last accept the order of the Garter. The King said he perceived what great labour Wolsey had taken, when the only reading of these papers held him more than two hours. Oking, 1 Sept.
Hol. Add.: To my lord Legate.
1 Sept.
Wilkins' Concilia, III. 701.
Decree abridging the holidays and dedication days within his diocese. 1 Sept. 1523.
Writ to the escheator of Essex and Herts for restitution of temporalities on election of Thos. Barton as abbot, whose fealty is to be taken by the abbot of St. Peter's, Westminster. Westm., 1 Sept.
Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 23.
2 Sept.
R. O.
The count of Buren, the Emperor's captain general, arrived today. He will leave tomorrow, so as to arrive at Graveling on Sunday evening. Asks Suffolk to go thither at dinner time on Monday, to consult with him about the common enterprise. Brussels, 2 Sept. 1523. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
2 Sept.
R. O.
Has caused six arrant thieves to be attached and executed. One of them, named Jemmy Dodd, of the Burn Mouth, was the most notorious, and four of the others were "very tall men." Two other thieves of my lord Dacre's tenants were attached at the same time, but were rescued from prison yesterday morning by four score of their kinsmen. Dacre has returned into his country to attach a number of the offenders, and send them to Surrey. The country has been nearly ruined by the continual murders and thefts of Tynedale and Ridsdale men. Desires the King to appoint some one to have the rule after him. Thinks the appointment should be made immediately, as he hopes the King will allow him to return soon after Michaelmas. Newcastle, 2 Sept. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
2 Sept.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 70. B. M.
Attestation of having examined John Richardson, bailiff of Gatesheved, Durham dioc., and Roger Erington, bailiff of Denton, Northumberland, before Edward Baxster, mayor of Newcastle, relative to the family of Dichand of Worsington. Newcastle, 2 Sept. 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Headed: Copie of a testimoniall or ragment.
3 Sept.
Galba, B. VIII. 51. B. M.
Hopes he will take a good resolution on the affairs of which Madame is now writing. She is more careful of the King's property than her own. Issilstein leaves today for Gravelines to arrange about the enterprise with the duke of Suffolk. He is bringing the whole army towards Saint Om[er] to join him. The chariots, horses, artillery and pioneers are almost all ready to take the road to Calais. The Vice-marshal has done very well about those of the artillery, but [his] journey into England has not advanced matters. The French king is at Lyons with 2,000 men of arms and 25,000 foot. Some part of the gens d'armes he will send hither. He has ordered the person Wolsey knows of (Bourbon) to come to him, but he has acted the sick man, and got carried into his own country in a litter. Francis has commanded count Felix to remain some days in Lorraine, and has broken short his journey to Italy, not being able to assure himself of the Swiss. Brussels, 3 Sept. '23. Signed.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: A mons. le Legat.
3 Sept.
Harl. 6989. f. 16. B. M.
Has received Wolsey's letter of the 2nd Sept., and the congratulatory letter to the duke of Venice, drawn up by him for the King, who has signed it, and sends it back, commending his "substantial draught and ornate device therein." Read to the King Wolsey's letter to himself, which his highness gladly heard, and said Wolsey deserved more thanks than he could give him. He was glad Wolsey was pleased with the venison he sent him, and wished it had been much better. Oking, 3 Sept.
Hol., p. 1.
4 Sept.
R. O. St. P. IV. 13.
Has received a letter today from Sir John Bulmer, Sir William's eldest son, contradicting the suspicion mentioned in his last that the queen of Scots had altered her mind somewhat in consequence of the gifts of the Frenchmen. Sir John is now at Norham, while his father is putting Wolsey's men of the bishopric in readiness. Learns by a Scotch spy that the Lords would have taken out the King but for the arrival of Galtier, Albany's secretary, and will probably do it yet, for all Galtier's persuasions and gifts; "that the young king saith that for no man he wolbe any lenger kept within a castle, but wolbe at his liberty, and that one realm shall not keep him and the Duke; and that with a dagger he hath stricken a gentleman abouts him thorough the arm, because he did contrary his opinion, and would have stricken the porter with his dagger, because he would not suffer him to go out at his liberty." Will not answer for the truth of this, but believes that if one nobleman would take upon him against the Duke, most of the rest would follow.
Will let Wolsey know in six days of the final resolution taken at this council at Edinburgh. Apologises for writing so often on such contradictory reports. The charges of the posts are all one, riding or lying still. Can hear nothing of the four hoys with ordnance, though the wind has been so favorable to come hither. The 2,000 men in Yorkshire are ready to come on a day's warning; also the men of the bishopric and of the rest of Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire, to repel the Duke's invasion. Newcastle, 4 Sept. Signed.
Add. and Endd.
R. O.
This morning came to me (Surrey) James Rutherford, one of my spies, who says that the lords of Scotland left Edinburgh for their houses this day se'nnight, to meet again the last day of this month; that Gresels (Gonzolles) and the French ambassador, backed by the Chancellor, desired forty days' longer respite for the Duke's coming; which the Lords refused, saying that if he did not keep his day they would take forth the King, give the rule to four temporal lords, Argyle, Huntley, Lennox and Arran, and sue to England for peace.
A French herald arrived two days after with letters from Francis, thanking them for their stedfastness, and stating that the Duke was on his way, and that they should lack no money for their defence. The Duke also sent letters, desiring a longer respite in case of contrary winds, and that they would provide oxen and horses for his ordnance and victuals, promising to bring such a power as would give battle to England without their help. The Lords would grant no longer day without the King's consent, for which four of them were sent to Stirling; but James answered that he had waited for the Duke a long time, and that Albany's promise to defend his realm and subjects had not been observed; that former kings of Scotland had governed well when they were as young as he, and that he hoped by good advice to do as well as any of them. Nevertheless, he gave the Duke till the last day of this month. Divers ships of France, laden with wine and flour, have arrived in the Firth, and state that the Duke intends to pass by the Irish channel, not by the narrow sea.
Pp. 2, in the hand of Surrey's clerk.
4 Sept.
Galba, B. VIII. 52. B. M.
Received on the 1st instant Wolsey's letter, by Hesdin, desiring him to take charge of the matters entrusted to Bartholomew Tate, so that the King's army, most part of which had already crossed, might not be retarded on their arrival. Urged my Lady to this effect, who commanded the Audiencer to make out placards, and send them to all places where the necessaries for the army were to be procured, with special orders to arrest any of the Emperor's subjects who proved refractory. Nevertheless, a difficulty was made at several places, because those who served the Emperor last year were unpaid, and they desired that the town of Antwerp should make good their wages, if they remained unpaid at the end of this voyage. Holstrat, to prevent slander, found means to make the town of Antwerp promise payment of the arrears to some of them, but this was not done in time. Tate, however, has so arranged, that there shall be no lack when the army has fully passed.
De Buren has left today for Gravelines, to consult with Suffolk. He says he has 400 or 500 men-at-arms about St. Omer's, and that they will be sufficient to do any feat for gaining time, as the French are not ready to give battle. The footmen of these parts under Wirtemberg are now well advanced to the frontier. Count Felix is reported to be on the border of Lorraine with a great number of lanceknights. Has been repeatedly asked by Mons. de Palermo, president of this council, to write to Wolsey that the confirmation of the treaty made by Knight and others may be delivered to their ambassador in England. Brussels, 4 Sept.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd.
5 Sept.
Galba, B. VIII. 54. B. M. St. P. I. 130.
Has received Wolsey's letter of the 4th, and those from Suffolk to the King, with a letter of lady Margaret to the same. Read them all to the King, who was well satisfied with his politic counsel, and, were it not for the plague reigning at Calais, would not be in haste to remove his army out of his own pale into the enemy's frontier; but as the plague is so fervent, resolves to follow Wolsey's counsel. The Cardinal is to write to Suffolk, thanking him for his endeavors, and advertising him of the King's and Wolsey's opinion that he should march diligently out of the English pale, but without letting the enemy know his intentions until he be joined by the Burgundians, whose coming Wolsey is to accelerate by letters to the lady Margaret in his prudent manner. Suffolk is then to turn suddenly on Boulogne. More is grateful that his services are so well liked by Wolsey. Oking, 5 Sept.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 2.
5 Sept.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 64. Hearne's Otterb. 582.
3303. JAMES [BEATON], Chancellor of Scotland, to DACRE.
Has received his letter, dated Newcastle, Aug. 29th. Sends a safeconduct for Carlisle herald. Trusts that all the King's lieges will, like himself, labor for the good of the realm. Edinburgh, 5 Sept. Signed and sealed.
5 Sept.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 66. B. M.
3304. SURREY to DACRE.
Sends a letter from the Prioress to Sir John Bulmer, which he fears is true. He had better have his 3,000 men ready to come when Surrey sends for them. Has not heard from Wolsey since Dacre left. Yesterday, some of his servants were at the fair at Durham, and heard many men say that the two thieves could not have been taken away by the men of Gillesland without Dacre's connivance, and that he had suffered the offence to go unpunished, as also the taking away of others, the slaying of his servants, and the breaking of his castle. Tells him this, that he may stop these evil bruits, and with all diligence attach a good number of the principal offenders, which Surrey thinks will be better for him than winning 5,000 marks. Newcastle, 5 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
The Lords are all fallen from the Queen, and adhere to the Governor. "The Quene grat all the day bitterly." The Lords proposed the earl of Murray, the bishop of Galloway, lord Callender, and the abbot of Cambuskynnell, as keepers of the King, and he to remain at Sterlyn, "and whylis to pas to the park and home agayne." The Queen is not content, but desires them to let the King come to "the ate (cite?) of Edenborowe," and the bishop of Aberdeen, the abbot of Halyrode House, lords Ersken and Bordek (Borthwick) to be his keepers. This was debated in the afternoon, and it was concluded that the erle of Cassels, lord Flemen, the bishop of Galoway, the abbot of Cambuskynnell, and lord Arskyn, should remain with the King, and he "to remain as said is."
Copy, p. 1.
6 Sept.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 53 b. B. M.
3306. DACRE to SURREY.
Has received by post his writing, with the schedule in it, and perceives thereby that the Lords reject the Queen's part, and wholly incline to the Duke, and that Surrey wishes him to have his 3,000 men ready to come to him when he sends word. Reminds him that he intended to send letters to lord Clifford and the earl of Northumberland, (fn. 1) to prepare the gentlemen and the Earl's tenants of Cockermouth, Caldbeck, and Wigton to defend the West Borders in Dacre's absence. Asks him to send the said letters, and to prevent lord Clifford from taking any men from Westmoreland, to complete his 500. Will have his men ready when called upon. Asks him to let it be "in the pride of the moon;" for when he last left Surrey at Newcastle, it was so dark he could not see a white horse riding next him.
As to the rumor which certain of Surrey's servants heard at St. Cubert's fair in Durham, that Dacre had allowed the two thieves to be taken away by the men of Gillesland with impunity, and had not revenged the slaughter of his servants and the breaking of his castle, part of it is true, but not all. The man that took away the thieves, "keeps them with the peril as yet, and absents their own habitations." Trusts, however, in brief time to punish them. Naward, 6 Sept. 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Headed: Copie, &c.
6 Sept.
R. O. St. P. VI. 174.
The Duke makes the same treaty with England as he has already made with the Emperor. On informing the Duke of the Emperor's promise to send his army into Narbonne before 31 Aug. last past, Sir John Russell promises, on the part of England, that the King shall land in Picardy. The Duke engages to assist the king of England, in the event of a battle with France, with all the troops under him, wherever the king of England requires. Henry engages to deposit 100,000 crowns within five weeks at Dole. Bourbon engages not to make any arrangement with his enemies without England's consent. Recognition of Henry as his natural sovereign, to be referred to the Emperor. These minutes to hold good until they can be written out formally. Done at Bourbonnais, 6 Sept. 1523.
Endd. in the King's own hand: The artycles passyd wt the duke off Burbon.
6 Sept.
Galba, B. VIII. 55. B. M.
Received on the 5th his letters of the 1st, from Hampton Court, with a bill containing two articles in French. When about to repair to my Lady, was called to speak with Holstrate, who told him that the Emperor's ambassador had written to my Lady that he had been commissioned by Wolsey to reply to the message sent through himself, about the duke of B.; and as my Lady was not then out of her chamber, he desired to know Wolsey's pleasure. Said he had not quite read Wolsey's letters, but would do so, and communicate with my Lady in the afternoon, thinking it better to feel her mind thus, than enable her to prepare her reply. On coming to her, told her of the overture lately made by the Emperor's ambassador, and that Wolsey was agreeable to the Duke's desire for delay; but that the King had never consented to pay any money on his part, such as the ambassador demanded for the 10,000 lanzknechts under count Felix, until the articles sent by Sir John Russell were passed by the Duke, the lanzknechts joined with him, and he actually at war with the French king. Was here interrupted by my Lady, who said she only desired that 100,000 cr., or one month's wages for those lanzknechts, might remain with Knight in readiness to be delivered when all the conditions were accomplished. Holstrate said Wolsey had promised to send the money to Knight, but he considered that everything depended upon the 10,000 lanzknechts being paid; and that, although the Duke had agreed to the King's demands, it might happen, by Russell's sickness or otherwise, to be long before Wolsey had knowledge of it. He thought bonds should be given. Wolsey will see that the condition is one, whether the money remain with Knight or with them, and that Holstrate is anxious to get hold of it. Told my Lady that 100,000 cr. was the whole sum promised by Buren, in the name of the Emperor and England, to the Duke, and showed her the articles in French sent by Wolsey, which she read and mused upon. She said the King had promised 100,000 cr. for his part, both by Russell's instructions and otherwise. Tried to induce her to make shift, by exchange or otherwise, for the payment of the lanzknechts; but she said she could find no remedy in the high parts. The money would have to be brought hither in crowns, and if she received three crowns of the sun for four gold guldens, she would undertake to convey them surely into the high countries. The money passes at that rate, both here and in Almaine and Burgundy; and Wolsey himself reckons a crown of the sun worth 40, and the gold gulden 30, which is one-fourth in difference.
My Lady is informed that the French king is still at Lyons, where the Duke, having some money, is unwilling to declare himself. The dukes of Vendome and Lorraine, she says, will take Bourbon's part, and the captain of St. Quentin with 100 men-at-arms. If all the nobles join him, he will probably take the crown, and then marry the Emperor's sister. This league is so great that they will force the King to their purpose, or impute the whole failure to Wolsey. My Lady desired Knight to write to count Felix, that Wolsey would send him shortly a month's wages for the 10,000 lanzknechts in his retinue, as soon as Russell informed him that all conditions had been fulfilled by the personage the Count knew of, desiring him in the meanwhile to support them as best he could. This Knight thought reasonable, as more credit would be given to his letters than those of the greatest personage here. But even if he receive the money, and be informed by Russell of the fulfilment of all conditions, and my Lady undertake to convey it to the lanzknechts, he will do nothing till he know Wolsey's pleasure. Begs money for himself, as he has been compelled to borrow 20 marks. Brussels, 6 Sept.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 5. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
7 Sept.
R. O.
Desires credence for his ambassadors, who will give him news concerning their common affairs. Valladolid, 7 Sept. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A mons. le card. d'York, legat et primat d'Angleterre.
7 Sept.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 63. B. M.
3310. SURREY to DACRE.
Has just received his writing. Wrote to the Earl of Northumberland and lord Clifford ten days ago, and has ordered the latter not to come hither, but lie in Westmoreland, that his men may go surely to the Border. Did not suspect him about the attachment of offenders, but could do no less than advertise him of it. Received yesterday letters from Wolsey, bidding him send to Yorkshire for the 200 men there with all diligence. Has sent for them to come this day week. Intends "this dark of the moon" to do some damage to the Scots. Shall lie at Alnwick or Berwick. As Dacre wishes it, will not send for his men till the light of the moon. Newcastle, 7 Sept. Signed.
Suffolk is obliged to wait at Calais for the Burgundians, but Surrey thinks they are come by this time. The French king's enemies increase daily, "so near joining to him," that unless there is great deceit, which Wolsey disbelieves, the realm is like to be torn in pieces.
P. 1. Add.
7 Sept.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 69b. B. M.
Has seen a letter from him to Sir Christopher, in which he demands 200 mks. out of the "teith" of Bromefeilde which Sir Christopher receives by indenture with "my cousin Pennyngton." Asks him to let his brother enjoy it according to the indenture. When the years for which he has it have expired, will himself treat with the Abbot for it, as it lies so near the King's castle here. Carlisle, 7 Sept. 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Headed: Copie of a Ire to thabbot of Sainct Ma[ry's] abbaye of York.
Ibid. f. 69b. 3312. ii. SIR CHR. DACRE to the SAME.
On the same subject. Carlisle, 7 Sept. 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Headed: Copie of a lettre frome Sir Christofer Dacre to the abbot of Sainct Marie abbay, devised by the lorde Dacre.
8 Sept.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 77. B. M.
The Lords met on St. Giles' even, in the Towbucht, about taking forth the young King, and making peace with England. The King wrote with his own hand to the Queen and the Lords, asking them to set him free, to make peace and to execute justice in the realm; and the Queen came to the Towbucht, imploring them to do so. Afterwards came in the French ambassadors and Maitres Galter and Perpoint, who said the Governor would be there in six days. But the Queen answered, that was but "tidings of the Canongate." The Lords, however, whether seduced or not by French gold he does not know, appointed the earls of Murray and Cassillis, the bishop of Galloway, and the abbot of Clamskynnell to be his guardians, and hunt and hawk with him four miles about Stirling. When the commons heard this, they murmured for him to be set at liberty, and peace to be made, beseeching God for sudden vengeance on Albany, who has, without doubt, lost the hearts of the commons here.
"Our daft onnaterall lords and missavisit consell, seducit with France," have deferred the King's coming forth till 14 days after Michaelmas, thinking that the Governor will be here before then; but if he fail, they have agreed with one voice to take him out, make peace, and give him a sad well advised council to execute justice. After this was determined "a man of gud said me, I traist the Governor sall not cum haym haistelye. Quhen we war passand to the schippis in Scotland, hee gart ane was taberron pas throw Deip, quhay sum ever that wald tak waige to cum to the Governor and thai suld haif a monotht waige beforhand." A Frenchman said this was but a "quhasay" to let the Scots know that he was coming to Scotland, but that he had as yet no substance to effect his purpose. This may be true, for the Frenchmen here have nothing but what the Chancellor gives them of the vacant benefices in the bishoprics of Glasgow, Dunkeld, and Murray, the abbeys of Arbroath, Dryburgh, and Kilwynnyng; "and sic abbayes maun susteyn them to be lowns and nyght waikars to play at carts and dyis. and ilk are uther nyght thre or four of them stikit and gorrit." They will soon be forced to leave the country. Dacre must make request to the Treasurer "to soum(?) our loyk of corn of Kelso, Sprostown and pur redden (?), for we ar byrnt and heryit twys our." Have always had the protection of the king of England since their place was founded. "And quhen eny wyse thydings occurs, I sall advertise your lordship, quham the glorios Virgen conserve batht in saull and body. Ye ken the hand."
A Scotch herald is come, and says the Governor will be here certainly in six days. Hears from Edinburgh that he will be here before Sunday. If it be so, will send news within twenty-four hours. "Vriting the Nativity of Our Lady, Thysday last was, in haist."
Hol., p. 1.
8 Sept.
Galba, B. VIII. 57*. B. M.
Sends by his secretary, the bearer, a packet of letters from Madame and from Russell, which he received yesterday by a squire of the stable of the archduke of Austria. Apologises for not coming in person, having been attacked by fever yesterday. Wolsey will learn the state of affairs by these letters, and from the gentleman; and unless the 10,000 Almains are paid their month's wages by Wolsey's means, matters will fall into confusion, especially now Bourbon is eager to push on with what he has begun. Lallemand writes from Valladolid, 12 Aug., that the Emperor will send by the next post money for Wolsey's half year's pension due on the 1st of May. London, 8 Sept. '23. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
Galba, B. VIII. 109. B. M. 3315. [DE BUREN to WOLSEY.]
Has received his letter, and thanks him for the honor he has done him. According to his desire, [has come to Gra]velinge to Suffolk, and has communicated with him what they are to do. Has proposed taking Braye, Ancres, Dorlens, and Corby, crossing the Somme, and making a great inroad into France. Was answered that it had been arranged by the Emperor, the King and you to besiege Boulogne. Said he thought this unadvisable, for the town was said to be impregnable. If they did, they would do no harm to the French, and could not succor the army you know of, while the French king could bring all his men to the frontier, and annoy the Emperor's countries. Begs to know the King's and Wolsey's pleasure, for he will obey them in spite of his opinion. Suffolk is writing of their doings.
Copy, Fr., pp. 2, mutilated.
ii. "An article written from the Emperor to his ambassador here resident, which I pray you read to the King's grace."
Has made every preparation for the army to enter France in time to satisfy the King and the said personage. "Et (fn. 2) ... faulte que l'eussions faict entrer le dit vingtiesme neust ... te que avions que incontinent les Francoys meiss ... [au]lcunes villes principallement en Acquitayne ... intelligence et esperons les surprendre dea ... faict nous avons nostre cas tout prest pour ... nostre armee, laquelle sera fournie et ecquippee [de plus gra]nt nombre de gens de cheval et de pied, que le traicte sur ce faicte ne contient."
Has appointed the constable of Castile captain general. Will leave this town on the 20th for Burgos and Logrono, and will write ... "Vo ... nous soit faict le semblable et que si ja ... bon pere, et ce que devons furnir du ... avant aux champs quilz se y mectent et que ... nt a Boulogne ny Therouenne ou aultres lie[ux] ... es, car nous esperons donner tant d'affaires a nostre commun enemy, tant par le moyen de nostre armee que dudit parsonaige que scavez, que ledit sieur Roy nostre pere aura bon chemin de faire grant exploit, et son armee passera bien avant sans trouves grosse resistense."
Fr., p. 1, badly mutilated.
10 Sept.
R. O.
3316. DE BUREN to [SIR WM. SANDYS], Treasurer of Calais.
Has received his letter. Is sorry that Bartholomew Tate had no better success in procuring carts and draught horses. Has written to Madame to get everything ready as soon as possible. Will write again, and do all he can to assist her. Is afraid they will not get sufficient horses for their artillery. St. Omer, 10 Sept.
Is sorry their affair is delayed. Finds that Boulogne and Monstreul are provided from the other quarter. The French say their King is across the mountains. Hears nothing of "our friend," and keeps it secret. Signed: "Florys."
Fr., p. 1. Copy. Headed: Copy of the lord Istelsten's letters. A marginal note states that the postscript was in his own hand.
10 Sept.
R. O.
Has received his gracious letters, expressing his good will to serve the Emperor and the King. The count of Bueren, as Suffolk wrote, has told her of their communication, and the conclusion to which they came, that the King ought to take the field earlier, and besiege Monstruel rather than Boullonne, to which they can always return at last. Writes on the subject to the Legate, and thinks this is the best course to pursue. Brussels, 10 Sept. '23. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.


  • 1. f. 69.
  • 2. Opposite this passage is a marginal note, still worse mutilated, which may probably be read as follows:—"[Th]is by [lik]elihood is the privie [in]telligence [whe]rof Mr. [Sam]pson [mak]ith [menti]on in [his] letters."