Henry VIII: September 1542, 1-5

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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'Henry VIII: September 1542, 1-5', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542, ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp401-413 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: September 1542, 1-5', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Edited by James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp401-413.

"Henry VIII: September 1542, 1-5". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie(London, 1900), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp401-413.


September 1542, 1-5

1 Sept. 715. Con O'Neil, Earl Of Tyrone.
See Grants in September, No. 1.

R. O.
716. Barnard Gret to Wriothesley.
Petition of Barnard Gret, of the retinue of Guisnes. Six weeks past Wriothesley committed him and his wife to the Fleet, where they remain in close prison without resorting the one to the other, to their great discomfort and growing charges, to defray which they will have to sell all the little goods they have. Begs that they may come to their answer, and meanwhile have the liberties of the prison and permission to write to friends to provide money to discharge their costs here. If the King requires sureties for their truth, begs that (to save expense) they may be taken at Guisnes.
P. 1. Add. at the head : To, etc., "Sir Thos. Wriothesley, knight, chief secretary to the King's Highness."
1 Sept.
Dasent's A.P.C., 26.
717. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 1 Sept. Present : Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Cheyney, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Warrant to Sir Martin Bowes to deliver (blank) St. Leger "the sum of thousand sterling" in harp groats for Ireland; (fn. 1) also placard to St. Leger for carriage of the same. [Warrant stamped for diets of 6s. 8d. to Edw. Shelley, one of the masters of Household, and 10 servants at 8d. from 27 Aug. and 8 other able persons at 8d. from 3 Sept.] (fn. 2) Letter "to the Mayor" for provision of casks. Warrant to Edw. Shelley to pay Robt. Raymond, appointed captain of Warke Castle, for conduct money and wages of himself and 12 soldiers 26l.
1 Sept.
Titus B I. 97.* B. M.
718. The Privy Council to Edward Shelley.
He being appointed to receive 60,000l., pay certain things and convey the rest to Sir John Harryngton at York (as in the King's warrant, with a further charge concerning the victualling of the men of war, appears), he is to make all haste, take wages of 10s. a day for himself, two clerks at 1s. and sixteen men at 8d. from 27 Aug., pay Geo. Stonehowse, clerk of the Squillerie, and John Fenne, 3s. 4d. each, who are to have the oversight of the victualling under him, each with two men at 8d., from 3 Sept., and also pay for carriage and necessaries to York. At York these expenses shall be allowed him by the duke of Norfolk. Westm., 1 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Subscribed : "To our loving friend, Edward Shelley, one of the masters of household with the King's Majesty."
Copy in John Mason's hand, pp. 2.
R. O. 2. "A note of necessary provisions for the expedition, etc.
"Money.First provided in money lxmll. For disbursing whereof, appointed to be treasurer Sir John Harryngton, knight. The money is here delivered to Edward Shelley, whereof he here hath delivered certain sums by prest, and order is taken with him for conveyance of the rest to the said Sir John Harryngton. It is to be remembered that some portion of this money be left here wherewith to discharge incident expenses."
Victual.Amounts (detailed) of wheat received by Sir George Lawson and paid for of the 1,100l. first disbursed; of wheat, rye, barley, pease and beans "passed in the provision by my lord of Norfolk," and for which he "received money at his departure," of which some is sent from Harwich to Newcastle in the Mary Thomas of London, and James of Ipswich (and letters written to my lord of Rutland to make payment at Newcastle), and some ready to be shipped, and the money paid by Mr. Shelley. Malt received by Lawson and written for by Norfolk. Cheese for which money is delivered to Norfolk, and commission to Maulby, etc., of London. Beer, for which indenture is made with the brewers of London, to be ready to be shipped on the 7th inst., and brewed to last five months, at 20s. a tun. A bargain is made with the coopers of London for 1,000 costrells to be ready 2 Sept., and a letter despatched to the mayor of London for "caske" for the beer.
Ordnance and munition.[Space left blank.]
Men."Lieutenant my lord of Norfolk, the lord Privy Seal, the Master of the Horse, the Master of th'Ordynaunce (opposite his name are the memoranda (fn. 3) "ccccl. in prest" and "number of men, about ccc").
Corrected draft, mainly in Gardiner's hand, pp. 6. Endd.
R. O. 3. Fair copy of 2.
Pp. 5.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 119. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 152. 719. Norfolk to the Council. (fn. 4)
Yesterday, in riding hither, studied how to provide for this journey to which the King has appointed him, and, fearing most the lack of drink, has thought best to cause every lord and gentleman that shall have the rule of 100 men to bring two carts full of empty "foystes" to be filled with beer. These would carry sufficient to bring them to Edinburgh and serve to fortify the camp at night. Thinks 300 or 400 tuns of beer should be sent from London to Berwick in small vessels of 60 tons; and will cause the town of Newcastle to brew as much as they can. A letter should be sent to Sir Geo. Lawson to know what he can brew and to grind all malt and wheat and certify what brewers, bakers and other necessaries he wants. When this bearer (fn. 5) has delivered the money to Mr. Haryngton, he might deliver out the victuals he receives of Sir George Lawson and receive the money for them. Chesworth, Friday.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd. : My lord of Norff. to the Counsail.
1 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 82. B. M. St. P., v. 209.
720. James V. to Henry VIII.
Trusts his uncle has received his several writings, sent by sundry his officers, declaring his mind for the continuance of love and peace. Has since received good writings from him by Bute pursuivant. This day, Ros herald brought writings from his master of Household (fn. 6) mentioning that this displeasure and taking of prisoners in Teviotdale "was by invasion" of the earl of Huntley. Regrets that such untrue report should have been made, and, to verify the account he before wrote, sends to his master of Household a writing taken upon one of the prisoners, signed by Sir Robt. Bowis, showing the whole purpose to have been for the invasion of Scotland. Har heard his credence by bearer, and assures him that neither spiritual nor temporal state here can change his kindness towards Henry, he standing for his part "semblably," and that he is still of the mind he was at the sending of his master of Household. Edinburgh, 1 Sept. 29 James V. Signed.
Broadsheet, p. 1. Add. Sealed. Endd.
Royal MS., 18 B., VI. 144. B. M. 2. Contemporary copy of the preceding, in a letter book, from which it is printed in the St. Papers.
Pp. 2.
1 Sept.
R. O.
721. Deputy and Council Of Ireland to Henry VIII.
Refer Oneyle to the King's own ordering, as he is repairing thither. As no Oneyle before him has repaired to England, "but hitherto usurped to call themselves princes of Ulster as adversaries to your regally and monarchie," and, as he goes in spite of the bruit that there is open war with France and Scotland and that the King of Scots would send an army to invade Ireland, they beg the King "so to entertain this savage person, which nevertheless is reputed amongst Irishmen for the greatest of estimation and power, that both the same may be winning of him for ever and a spectacle to others to know your Highness to be their King and sovereign lord." Also to create him earl of Tyrone, where he and his sept have rule, and grant him, and such one of his sons as he shall name, the lands he possesses in Tyrone. If he desire other lands or the rule of Irishmen now at the King's peace, it should be deferred. The chronicles do not show that King Richard II., being here in person with 20,000 men, constrained more notable Irishmen to submit to him than shall now resort into England to submit themselves. Dublin, 1 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Signed by St. Leger, Alen, Abp. Brown, Edw. bp. of Meath, Avlmer, Brabazon, Lutrell, Bathe, Cusake, Basnet, and Patrick Whyte, baron.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
1 Sept.
R. O. St. P., III. 416.
722. Deputy and Council Of Ireland to the Council.
Give the substance of the preceding letter almost in the same words, and beg furtherance of their wishes there expressed. Gentlemen from Ireland are hindered in studying the laws in the Inns of Court in England, and in the Middle Temple forbidden. Beg them to move the King that all gentlemen repairing thither from hence to study law may be admitted to any Inn of Court. Some persons beneficed here resort thither intending to sue for licences of non-residence, to the hindrance of the common weal here. Beg them to move the King to stay such suits. Dublin, 1 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Signed by St. Leger, Alen, Abp. Browne, Aylmer, Brabazon, Lutrell, Bathe, Cusake, and P. Whyte, baron.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
1 Sept.
Lamb. MS. 603, p. 104.
723. Brian O'Rourke.
Submission of Bernard O'Rwerch made before the lord Deputy and Council at Maynooth, by indenture, 1 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Twelve articles.
Lat. Copy, pp. 3. See Carew Calendar, No. 171.
2 Sept.
R. O. St. P., III. 418.
724. Henry VIII. to the Deputy and Council Of Ireland.
Answers theirs of 12 July as follows :1. Takes in good part the conformity of Oneyl, Obrien and Donough Obrien. 2. Gives Obrien the plate he had of Thomas FitzGerald. 3. Marvels they did not advise Obrien to stay his petition (which the King will not grant without further cause) for Robert Walsh, and rather deliver him up to them. 4. Will grant the general pardon to Obrien and his country by bill and not by Parliament, and with this condition that they shall henceforth be faithful. 5. Thinks as they do touching the statutes, and requires them to send a book of the whole with their comments in the margin. 6. Is pleased that they intend the reformation of that corner of Leinster where the Byrnes, Otholes and Cavanghes dwell, and for the better achieving of it sends by bearer, Robt. Sentleiger, 2,461l. 12s. in harp groats.
Sends duplicates of the survey there made, by Baron Welshe and others, to be entered in the Exchequer and these originals preserved in Dublin Castle.
Draft, pp. 4. Headed : By the King. Endd. : "Minute to the Deputy and Council in Ireland ijo Septemb. ao xxxiiijo."
2 Sept.
Dasent's A.P.C., 27.
725. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 2 Sept. Present : Canterbury, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Winchester, Cheyney, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler, Riche. Business :Letter sent from the Great Chamberlain to lord Windsor to deliver to Clarencius, "sergeant" at arms, to convey to Norfolk, four "banerowlles" of the King's arms and four banners of St. George. Letter written to Rutland of Raymond's appointment as captain of Warke, vice Car, prisoner in Scotland. Letter sent to John Gennvns to take the King's navy to Grimsby Road to be revictualled at Hull. Warrant to Edw. Shelley to deliver Sir Arthur Darcy, for conveyance of munitions to Berwick and conduct money of those with him, 400l.
2 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 90. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 145.
726. The Privy Council to Rutland.
Received his letters of 29th ult., with those of John Carre, of Wark. The King intends to remove Carre from Wark and plant therein the bearer, Robt. Raymond, a man of good experience and discretion in keeping a fortress. Rutland shall keep this secret; but send for Carre and tell him that, as he is a prisoner and bound to make his entry at the day appointed, the King thinks him no meet man to have charge of a fortress, but, to show that the King is his good lord, he shall have his 50 men, which Rutland granted him, to lie at some other place on the Borders which Rutland shall name. He shall then send Raymond to Wark, with as many inland men as shall seem meet, and cause Carre, without going thither himself, to send for his 50 men from thence. Bearer was despatched in such haste that he has only two servants with him. Ten more follow, who will not arrive before the 10th inst. He is to be furnished with victuals and munition. If the castle is already besieged he must be conveyed into it, if that can be done without extreme peril. Gives further directions in that case to assemble the men of the Bishopric, the earls of Westmoreland and Cumberland and Sir Thos. Wharton, and make a demonstration against the Scots, or attack them; but adventure nothing rashly. Remember the King's device for the fords. Bearer is paid for coats and conduct of himself and twelve men, with one month's wages, himself at 4s. and his men at 6d. a day, from their arrival at Newcastle.
(fn. 7) "After our hearty commendations;" the King's pleasure is that you shall hasten his works at Wark. As bearer, Robt. Raymonde, is to have charge of it, whatever he and you think necessary to be done, though it be not mentioned in Roger's articles, shall be set in hand with diligence.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 10. Endd. : Minute to th' earl of Rutland ijo Sept. ao xxxiiijo.
Add. MS. 5,754 f. 18. B. M. 2. Warrants [by the Council] to Edw. Shelley, one of the masters of household with the King.
1. To pay Robt. Raymond for post of himself and 2 men to Anwick 5l., conduct of 10 other men to Berwick 5l., coats of the 12 men 2l., month's wages for himself, at 4s., 5l. 12s., and for his men at 6d., 8l. 8s.; total 26l. Westm., 2 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Not signed.
P. 1. Begins : "The King's Majesty's pleasure is," &c.
Ib. f. 22. B. M. 3. To pay Arthur Skarlet, Edm. Friar, John Toke, and Thos. Browne for their conduct to York at d. a mile 7s. 6d. each, and for 6 yds. of white chamblet for their coats at 2s. 8d. 16s. each, and for a month's wages beforehand 37s. 4d., to begin at their arriving at York, at 16d. a day apiece. Westm., 2 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Not signed.
P. 1. Begins : "The King's Highness' pleasure and commandment is," &c.
2 Sept.
Calig. E. IV. 147. B. M.
727. The Privy Council to Paget.
[in] most thankfull parte . . . . . . . . , as his Mate supposed you w . . . . . . . . . long to here from hens, and t . . . . . . . . Highnes wold thereby give y[ou occasion] the rather to contynue yor a[ccustomed] diligence in writing, his Mate [hath thought] good to dispeche thise to you [to th'intent] you shal knowe that, God be tha[nked], his Highnes is in good healthe [with my] lord Prince and all his houshold. [The] Scottes have been a litle busie and [have] taken certain of our men prisoners [like] as we have been again doing [with them] but they saye they woll amend, [and if] not it will be there oune hurtes, [for] Ambassadors be appointed to met[e at] Yorke for thise matiers the xxth [of] this present, where all thinges may be wel compounded if there dedes sha[l be] correspondent to there wordes." Westm., 2 Sept. Signed by Canterbury, Audeley, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Winchester, Cheyne, Wyngfeld, Wriothesley and Ryche.
In Wriothesley's hand. Mutilated, p. 1. Add.
2 Sept.
R. O. [Spanish Calendar, VI. II., No. 57.]
728. Chapuys to the Queen Of Hungary.
Must be brief, as the courier is in the saddle, but will write in two or three days of the affair for which Fallaix came. (fn. 8) He and Chapuys went twice to Court. Did not see the King the first time, as he excused himself, being busy about the Scotch war, but said he would send another army for the defence of the Low Countries as soon as an answer came from Spain; for which, he said, he would have to employ all his men and spend much money; but if the news was true that both Orleans and Vendme had retreated there was no longer need. The second time, they spoke only with the Council, who repeating their master's excuses, asked, in case of his consenting to help, what money and men we wanted, and when, and whether we had power to treat of reciprocity. We answered, as to the last point, no, and that the rest lay at the King's pleasure. They said that they would speak again with the King thereupon and let us know his will; which, Chapuys presumes, if nothing else occurs, will be to give money, and permit some gentlemen, who, he knows, will choose our side to take what part they will, so as to pretend neutrality. Is the more persuaded of this because he has resolved to send the lord Privy Seal with Norfolk and other lords towards Scotland, to make a great effort, sparing nothing, not only to repulse the enemies but also to follow them as far and as fiercely as possible. If unable this year, which is also too far advanced, to send an army over (de par dela), as a substitute, he would risk condescending to the above. London, 2 Sept. 1542.
French. Modern transcript, from Vienna Archives, pp. 2.
2 Sept.
Kaulek, 459. (The whole text.)
729. Marillac to Francis I.
This great war preparation continuing as heretofore, news came that the two lords of Douglas banished from Scotland, who went North with men to guard the English frontier and revenge hurts done by the Scots, meaning to provoke and fight their enemies, have been surprised by ambuscades and lost 700 or 800 dead and many prisoners, of whom Marillac knew some, who are the most notable captains of the North. The rest were put to flight, and many of them wounded, including the said lords of Douglas, the younger of whom is in danger of his life. Those here are so grieved and indignant that they have immediately despatched Norfolk, who lately returned to Court thinking that these Northern affairs should have turned out better for them; and there is no longer room for doubt that there will be war against the Scots, Norfolk saying publicly that he will sort them and make them talk more softly (qu'il les rengera et fera bien parler plus doulx). His son the earl of Sure, lately released from prison, and Milord Guillem, who is out of the Tower, with a great troop of other gentlemen, accompany him; and every day increases the number of men enrolled, who will make a camp of 30,000 men. The ships of war which have left go towards Scotland to carry artillery, munitions and men, and to hinder succour coming to the Scots. The ambassador of the King of Scotland is still here, receiving variable treatment, for, whereas at the beginning he looked hourly to be made prisoner and afterwards "on l'a ung temps caress a Lengeryse," (fn. 9) giving him permission to kill bucks in parks, now if they are friendly to him in the morning they show him distrust in the afternoon.
With regard to France things are not so near execution, but there is scarcely less doubt; for, besides the crossing of as many men as Calais, Guynes and their other places can hold, with artillery and munitions in incredible quantity, and harness and arms to furnish a great camp, they make musters everywhere, so that they can put at the gates of Francis's frontier towns a very great number of men in few days, and at all times. The bruit continues that the lord Privy Seal will cross the sea and remain at Calais, and the lord of Chesn at Guynes. The Emperor's ambassador is almost daily with them in Council. Knows that the English have despatched a man to employ 50,000 cr. in Flanders on war material (en garnison de guerre), and another to Spain to bring thence 10,000 pikes. The war preparation (l'estat de la guerre) is made, and it only remains to execute the design; and if not for this year, as the season is far advanced, it will be for the spring; still, there is no assurance that the English will wait till then, for everything is ready and there are many indications that execution will not be delayed. The English ships do not go to Bourdeaux for wine as they were accustomed. Flemish ships armed for war sojourn in their ports at will; and when the English can catch those of Francis's subjects they pretend that they are pirates and violators of the franchise, as Marillac has written to the Admiral. Has daily new complaints, and when he remonstrates is paid with dissimulations or old complaints. All who have seen the beginning of wars say that appearances are the same as they have seen here on the eve of a rupture, viz., the seizing ships of war which arrive in their ports so as to diminish the forces of him whom already in their heart they have declared enemy. They say, indeed, that in the course of things they will not be able to do less, as Francis is not [one] to desert the Scots, who, they think, move only at his instigation, nor can last long against them without his aid, but that then it will be the more easy to hurt Francis, who will be already wearied and his finances wasted, whilst they will be fresh and furnished with everything needful to sustain a long war. The rest of the King's ships which have not yet departed from this river, with some others of his subjects' which are equipped and ready, will leave at the first weather, either to go upon the coasts, as has always been said, or to go into Spain; as it is now bruited that it is to bring the Emperor hither, which is a difficult thing to believe, as the Emperor ought to be sufficiently occupied where he is.
French. Headed : London, 2 Sept. Marked as sent by Thonyn.
2 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 83. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 143.
730. Norfolk to Southampton and Sir Ant. Browne.
Desires them to cause Wm. Gonstone to put the writer's tents in the same ship as theirs, for which purpose he left a servant at Exeter Place. Also to speak to the Council that 100 or 150 good cart horses may be bought to carry the great pieces, and that Sir Chr. Morres may see sufficient "draithtes" sent for that purpose, if Sir Geo. Lawson's letter to the Council shows them to be lacking at Berwick, Some good surgeons should be sent from London. Thos. Waters is come hither, and says he can furnish his proportion of malt and barley; and of beans and peson, which the custom here is to sow together, he can furnish 1,000 mixed, but of wheat and rye he cannot get above 200 qrs., for all the old stuff is gone. Has written to Newcastle to bake the wheat that comes from Orwell in biscuit and collect provisions. Let the rest of the Council see this letter. Newmarket, Saturday, 8 a.m.
Hol., p. 1. Add. : To my very good lord, my lord Privy Seal, and my cousin Sir Anthony Brown, and, in their absence, to my lords of the King's most honorable Council. Endd. : 2 Sept. ao 34.
2 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 85. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 144.
731. Norfolk to the Council.
This day, in coming hither, spoke with Sir Geo. Somerset, Sir Wm. Drewry, Sir Thos. Jermyn, John Spring, and others of Suffolk, who say there are many able men, but very little harness or bows and arrows; and the gentlemen of Norfolk, whom he had summoned to meet him here, say the same for Norfolk. They complain that where harness is to be sold it is holden at 18s. or 20s. an Almain rivet; wherefore please send me like proclamation as was devised for harness and artillery for London. Never "saw men so universally angry with enemies as they be with Scots." Encloses bill of provision made by Waters and Wodehouse. Wheat is risen from 8s. to 10s. the quarter, and Northern men are offering 11s. Will cause biscuit to be made of rye and barley; and thinks biscuit should be shipped from London to Newcastle, and also 600 or 700 tun of beer. Will not in these parts get 100 good geldings besides his household, but will try and get them elsewhere.
"Finally I require you to send me my Commission; and, good my lord Admiral, send eftsoons some express man to the ships of war now being, as I think, about Skathe Rode to he hulling in the sea, in the 'faire way,' for the Scots returning from Danske; for I think surely they be not yet come home, for the wind hath not served them of a long time, and without doubt there is of them xij sails laden with grain and merchandise." Kenninghall Lodge, Saturday night, 2 Sept. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
Ib. 2. Two remembrances of the kinds and amounts of grain shipped to Berwick before 8 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII., shipped and ready to sail "according to the tenour" of the duke of Norfolk's late letter, and bought, but not yet shipped, by Thos. Waters and Thos. Wodehous, respectively. Signed.
Pp. 2.
2 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 96. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 146.
732. Rutland and his Council to the Council.
This morning, at 10 a.m., four hours after despatch of a post to them, received letters (enclosed) from Sir Wm. Eure containing news (as in the letter of Gilbert Swynhoo) touching James Douglas, lately taken prisoner in Scotland, and a declaration of the occasion of the late overthrow of Sir Robt. Bowes. Encloses also a declaration signed by George Bowes and Bryan Laton, showing, at length, much matter concerning that day. Alnewik, 2 Sept., 3 p.m. Signed : Thomas Rutland : John Haryngton : John Markham : J., Uvedale.
P. 1. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
2 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 104. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 147 (2).
733. Council Of Scotland to Rutland.
Have received his writings of Alnwike, the 1st inst., desiring to know the cause of the detaining of certain gentlemen taken on the Borders, and what is to be done with them. Cannot think he misknows the cause of their taking; for the warden of the Middle Marches of England invaded this realm, raised fire and made "heirship," and so was taken. They are to be detained until the King has answer from his dearest uncle, to whom he has written. Edinburgh, 2 Sept. Subscribed : "Chancellar and lordis of our soveranis Counsell of Scotland."
P. 1. Add. Sealed. Endd. by Uvedale : Received 4 Sept. 34to.
2 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 106. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 147 (3).
734. Huntly to Rutland.
Supposes he knows of the order devised by the two Kings for ceasing and staunching the unkindly trouble begun between their realms until the repair of his sovereign's ambassadors to his dearest uncle. Is sent to the Borders to see that the wardens do their office in this, and thinks Rutland is sent for like purpose; and, understanding what kindly letters are come from the King of England to his dearest nephew, prays him to attend for the part of England, as he will do for Scotland, to prevent invasions of either realm. Kelsoch, 2 Sept. Signed : George erll of Huntly.
P. 1. Add. Endd : ao 34o.
2 Sept.
R. O.
735. Adrien De Croy [Sieur De Roeulx] to Wallop.
Thanks him for his hackney and news. As to Mons. de Torsey's saying that our people have given an alarm to Ardre and he has repulsed them into your pale, I do not know what people could have given the alarm, for I have only 40 footmen there. As to the defeat of certain ensigns of the prince of Orange, it was not such a great matter as he says; still, there was some little thing. In the game between the French and us there is still time for revenge. I have seen them lose four battles and we have not yet lost one, and I trust we shall gain the fifth. They were preparing for a year, saying always that they desired peace, and we were taken by surprise. I send a licence for the four victuallers of Fiennes of whom you wrote. Aire, 2 Sept. '42. Signed.
French, p. 1. Add.
2 Sept.
R. O.
736. Consuls and Senators Of Lubeck to Henry VIII.
Thank him for having (upon the petition of Johannes Rudehus, LL.D., their syndic, in the name of the Hanse cities) appointed a day at Antwerp for settlement of the disputes which have arisen. Were prepared to send delegates when these unexpected wars at Antwerp and in Lower Germany rendered the place dangerous as well for them as for Henry's Councillors. Beg therefore to be excused until the war is ended. Datum sub sigillo civitatis nostre, postridie calendas Septembreis, Anno 'xlij. Seal gone.
2 Sept.
R. O. St. P. IX., 140.
737. Edmond Harvel to Henry VIII.
Wrote 27 Aug. Letters from Constantinople of 7 Aug. show that the Turk is resolved not to send out his navy this year, and that Ponn, the French ambassador, winters there. In Buda is great pestilence. The Christian host is at Strigonia, numerous and well ordered. Ferdinando went to Boheme for money and would return to Vienna. The Bishop of Rome was coming to Perusa and Ancona, and would make 4,000 men, "but it is unknown for what use." Card. Contarin is dead at Bononye, and the Bishop sends the Cardinal of Portugal to the Emperor in his stead. The French have invaded three towns of the Emperor in Piedmont, of which two were well defended. The Frenchmen have taken Chirasco, but the castle holds out, and Guasto is gone to relieve it.
The Venetians are continually inquiring into the late treason. (fn. 10) Labondye, after much torments, named divers gentlemen who are fled. A priest named Mons. Valerio, of good authority and learning, but of the French faction, is in prison. It is esteemed that many chief men of the city are implicated. The French ambassador appears not out of his house. Venice, 2 Sept. 1542.
Hol. p. 1. Add. Endd.
3 Sept.
Dasent's A.P.C., 28.
738. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 3 Sept. Present : Chancellor, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Winchester, Cheyney, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler, Riche. Business :Letter sent to Sir Fras. Brian to provide 200 demilances. Commission delivered to John Antony and Ardoron to take up certain wheat at Feversham. Letter to mayor and aldermen of Bristol to release a French ship laden with Newfownde Ilande fish. Letter to Edw. Shelley to convey the rest of such money as he has received to York, allowing diets (detailed) for himself, Stonehouse, Clerk of the Squillery and Thos. Ferme, and their men.
3 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 108. B. M. Hamilton Papers, o. 147 (4).
739. Rutland to Huntly.
Received by Snowdon, this bearer, his letters of 2 Sept., and perceives he is commanded to keep good rule and stay the wild and unruly inhabitants on his Borders. Had already given straight command throughout Northumberland, Cumberland and Westmorland against invading or annoying Scotland, and will not fail to do his part in punishing offenders. Alnwick, 3 Sept.
Copy, pp. 2. Headed : Copy of my lord of Rutland's letters answering th'earl of Huntley's letter.
3 Sept.
R. O.
740. Wallop to the Council.
Wrote that he had sent out two persons, one to the Great Master and the other to the Clevoiez. The former is returned; to whom the Great Master declared that he had 12,000 Almains and 10,000 others, with 4,000 horsemen, who should be all assembled within 10 days, intending then to seek out the Frenchmen and give them battle. Encloses the Great Master's letter, which shows how gently he has granted Wallop's request for certain victuallers of Fyenes upon whom the bakers and brewers here depend for wood; and who supply hurdles, piles, &c., for the King's fortifications. Wallop's servant was told by gentlemen who were with the Great Master that the French king boasts that he has put such things in the heads of the Kings of Scots and Denmark that the King shall be unable to trouble him. Sends the servant to declare the exact words. The other man, sent to seek the Clevoiez, is not returned. The 300 hacquebuttes appointed to be sent hither to John Uprychardes, "for the learning of the soldiers," are not come, and we have great lack of pikes. Guisnes, 3 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
4 Sept.
Dasent's A.P.C., 28.
741. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 4 Sept. Present : Chancellor, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Winchester, Cheyney, Wriothesley, Sadler, Dacres. Business : Warrant directed to lord Windsor from the lord Great Chamberlain to deliver to Clarencieux, herald at arms, to be conveyed to Norfolk, one banner of the King's arms and four banners of St. George. Letter sent to Wm. Gonson and John Oseburn "to sende x or xij marriners to Harwych to furnisshe the navy (fn. 11) Thomas Dowtye and the James" for the conveyance of certain corn for Berwick. Letters sent to Thos. James, owner, and Jas. Wight, master of the crayer of the Isle of Wight, to convey Robt. Raymonde's stuff to Berwick. Question of ownership of a horse between Vincent Randall and Peter Warden.
4 Sept.
Haverkamp, Sylloge Altera, 447. Cheke de Pronunciatione (edit. 1555), 326.
742. Gardiner to Cheke.
The labour of writing to him is lightened by the prudent counsel of friends. Has not wished to proceed with him with the authority of a magistrate, and has never doubted his deference. I praise "Smethum tuum" in that when he was lately with me he confessed that he could use either pronunciation. It is laudable even to stammer when that mode of speech is useful. Better banish Greek and its sounds altogether than that the youth, under your teaching, imbibe arrogance, rashness and vanity. Do your duty with diligence as a skilful professor and modest scholar. London, 4 Sept.
4 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 102. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 147 (1).
743. Sir Wm. Eure to Rutland.
Harry Ray, pursuivant, is come forth of Scotland with a letter (enclosed) to your Lordship from the King's Council there. He delivered Rutland's letter on the 2nd, and the Chancellor then sent him to the house of a serjeant at arms; where he remained until 9 a.m., when the Chancellor sent him the enclosed letter and 3 angel nobles and a messenger to convey him back to the "Bounde rodde." The King has granted James Douglas his life, and sent him over the Firth to Faukland Castle : he shows the secrets of England and what Scotsmen have been well-willers of England. Four ships lie at Burntisland, afraid to set forth because of the English ships. "If Rose, herald of Scotland, had not comen to the King when he come," the King was ready to have laid 20,000 men between Edinburgh and the Borders for defence. A servant of Sir Thos. Wharton's came to the Council of Scotland with a letter and request to speak with Bowis and other prisoners, but was refused.
Eure's espial says that monks, friars and priests are in harness like temporal men. Berwick, 4 Sept., 3 p.m. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
4 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 110 b. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 147 (5).
744. Angus to Rutland.
The King of Scots is in Edinburgh with most of his great men. He purposes to send ambassadors to the King, my master, viz., the bp. of Orkney, the lord Arskyne, Maister James Foulys, clerk of the register, and Mr. Thos. Ballendyne, justice clerk. Three of these go as soon as their passport comes. The King desires peace, because he has no word from France; for if he were "provided of such things as he looks for" he would not be so earnest for peace. He will do as France wishes. Berravyk, 4 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : My lord Lieutenant of the North. Endd. : 4 Sept. 34.
5 Sept.
Dasent's A.P.C., 29.
745. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 5 Sept. Present : Canterbury, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Winchester, Cheyney, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Letters of appearance directed to Wm. Arrester, bailiff of Derby, and Smith, of the Guard. Placard for Thos. Holcroft to take up carriage for stuff northwards.
5 Sept.
R. O. [Spanish Calendar, VI. II., No. 58.]
746. Chapuys to the Queen Of Hungary.
This courier has waited in the hope of letters coming from Spain, or else of this King giving a resolute answer to Fallaix's demand of aid which answer was to be given by to-day. But, as there is no certainty of either, he and Fallaix have thought best to send him back, as the Queen may be awaiting his return before sending Fallaix's despatch for Spain, and writing the news of Flanders, the relation of which would have given opportunity to renew the matter and learn the King's resolution, which Chapuys thinks he is delaying till he hear news from Spain. Indeed, he is much annoyed at the answer from Spain not coming; as he said to Chapuys and Fallaix that it would be great folly for him to send away his money and make enemies of his friends without knowing first on what terms he stood with the Emperor. Yet, after assurances of the Emperor's good will, he did not rest so much on this excuse as on the other two mentioned in Chapuys's letter, especially the retreat of the French, of which he might have been enlightened had letters come from the Queen. Thought when he last wrote that there was some appearance of his helping, but is not sure now. Fallaix, however, will report more fully by word of mouth.
In reply to her letter of the 17th ult., first, there is no means of treating with these people in accordance with the Emperor's answer, of which she sent an extract, for, as he wrote before, they ask other things. 2. Is glad to say the surrender of Tourneham, La Montoire, and Yvoix has not cooled them, but rather incensed them further against the French. 3. Powers have already been sent to the captain of Guisnes as mentioned in his last despatch but one; but that is to no purpose, since Vendme has retreated, as the King told us, adding that he had already made a letter to be written to the Duke, if he had not retreated, in order that the plan concerted between Mons. du Reulx and the captain might be more honorably executed.
As to the bruit of ships, French and Easterlings, of which she wrote, this King says there are none, nor any appearance of their coming, for in Denmark the Duke of Holstein has only seven wretched ships, and the French have no wish to play upon the coasts of Zealand and Holland, for they know what a number of ships he has out, which have already taken many Frenchmen and favour those of Flanders. In truth they have roughly treated the French ships, and give them daily alarms, in so much that the French have restored some English goods which they took, and promise restitution of the rest, and the English have in return released "quelque basteau."
Hears that four or five days ago the King dismissed rudely enough the Scotch ambassador; who, however, having met on the road a herald of the King, his master, has returned to solicit, if possible, a safe conduct for a great embassy he proposes to send to York to treat with Norfolk and others for a peace, of which there seems very small chance, considering the great preparations here by land and sea. Whatever may come of this war lord William will lose nothing by it, for he has been released from the Tower to go with his brother the Duke, who has also with him his son the earl of Surrey.
If Chapuys had not excused that odious title of bel oncle (fn. 12) in the address of the Queen's letter he would have had a very curt answer. Urges that it be not used in future, as agreed when he was last at Mons. London, 5 Sept. 1542.
French. Modern transcript, from the Vienna Archives, pp. 4.
5 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 100. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 147.
747. Rutland and his Council to the Council.
To get news of Scotland, sent Berwick, the herald, with a letter to the Council of Scotland; and sends their "lordships" his report, as contained in a letter of Sir Wm. Eure, together with copy of Rutland's letter and the Scotch Council's answer. Before receipt of theirs of 30 Aug., had received a letter from Huntley (letter and copy of answer enclosed). At the receipt of theirs of 30 Aug., received, from Somerset and Albany, herald of Scotland, copy of a letter to Huntley from the Scottish ambassador with the King; which he encloses, because Somerset says the Council did not see it. Sir John Harrington is in Holy Island to set forth, with the master mason and Robt. Rooke, of Berwick, the two bulwarks of earth. There is stone enough of the old abbey there to make the one bulwark all of stone. Encloses a letter from Angus showing what personages Scotland intends sending as ambassadors. Alnwick, 5 Sept., 3 p.m. Signed : Thomas Rutland : John Latymer : John Markham : Jo. Uvedale.
Pp. 2. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
5 Sept.
R. O. St. P. IX., 141.
748. Sir Thomas Seymour to Henry VIII.
The camp being within 3 miles of Stregonne on 21 Aug., intending to abide there for answer from the King of Hungary and princes at Noremberge, and the battery pieces still at Vienna, Seymour left it and came in post to Vienna; and spoke with the lord of Felce, lieutenant of that town and all Ostrege, to whom (and not to Hans Hongganode, whose authority extends no further than the camp) he wrote the letter of which he enclosed a copy in his of 8 Aug. Felce said Robt. Bramstone had been put in trouble by Mr. Wyett in France, and delivered upon the Emperor's letters to the French king; and he would be loth to put them (fn. 13) in trouble, and then have them delivered by such means, and had written to the King. Answered that, at that time, the French king would have released all his own traitors at the Emperor's request; for he hoped then to get Milan, for which he would give his soul.
The King arrived here 31 Aug., at 1 a.m.; but, as Hungganode and other captains had come to speak with him, the writer deferred going to Court until the morrow, when he declared how he had heard of the traitors, what he had done, and how he thought Henry would take it thankfully if they were delivered to him. The King replied that it was the first he had heard of the matter; he was not bound by treaty, and when he asked aid against the Turk, Henry gave none; but he would enquire of their offences and make answer. Waited four days for the answer, and then went yesterday to the King and told him that, although he knew nothing of his having demanded aid against the Turk, he knew that, for three years past until this summer, it was bruited among the common people that the French king and the King of Scots would make war upon his master, and the Emperor would aid the French king; and therefore if he (Ferdinand) demanded aid during that period it was no wonder it was refused, as it was, with less excuse, by the Kings of France, Denmark, Sweden, Scotland, and Poland and the Venetians. He answered that he meant not to stay the Englishmen for that cause, but because his country was free to all men; and, as for the princes Seymour mentioned, they were not to be compared to the King, who was the puissantest prince in Christendom, and the conquests he had made were "not unknown." Replied that his wars were but now begun, and if he delivered these men the King would, doubtless, in return, grant anything reasonable. He said his wars were not new, but 20 years old, during which time he had both written and sent ambassadors to the King, and never got any aid; one of the men was the Emperor's servant, and both came to serve him. Answered that if one was the Emperor's servant the other was a spy, who had confessed to having served the Turk as ambassador. He said that if the man was a spy he should be punished, but his country was free to all men.
It is thought in the Camp that the King has not sped well at Norenberge, because the proceedings are kept secret. The Hungarian army, of 15,000 light horse, is at Stregonne. The bishop of Warden. "who is the monk that kept Boda," has sent his chief man, Bastian Urban, to offer that, if the King will come to Boda in person, the Bishop will accompany him with 8,000 horse, but if not neither he nor the 15,000 at Stregonne will advance; and the Almains will not go without the Hungarians. It is not certain whether he will go, for he mistrusts the Hungarians. Twenty boats trimmed for war tarry his going down, which shall not be this 15 days. Within this se'nnight are here embarked, in great ferry boats, 50 "cortolles, cannones and dobell cannones, with powder stonne and whelles for them;" and 20 more battery pieces are at Stregonne and Gommor. They will wait till the year is too far spent for the Turk to rescue Buda; for which, an unlikely report is, the Turk is sending two bassas and 100,000 men. Vienna, 5 Sept.
Hol., pp. 9. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.


  • 1. See No. 724.
  • 2. Cancelled.
  • 3. Not noticed in 3.
  • 4. This letter was placed under Friday, 1 Sept., the day after Norfolk started for the North; and it was not noticed until too late that, being dated at Chesworth (in Horsham. Suss.), it must be a week earlier, viz., 25 Aug., and the record (in No, 670) of Norfolk's presence in Council on that day a mistake.
  • 5. Apparently Edw. Shelley.
  • 6. James Leirmonth.
  • 7. Apparently the commencement of another letter.
  • 8. See No. 634.
  • 9. So in Kaulek, with a note that the name has probably been misread by the copyist. And no doubt it is a misreading; but is it a name at all?
  • 10. See No. 693.
  • 11. Perhaps a slip for "Mary."
  • 12. See No. 363 (p. 218).
  • 13. Harry Philipe and this Bramstone or Brancetour, whom Seymour identifies with James Griffith ap Howell.