Henry VIII: August 1542, 26-31

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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'Henry VIII: August 1542, 26-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542, ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp379-401 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: August 1542, 26-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Edited by James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp379-401.

"Henry VIII: August 1542, 26-31". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie(London, 1900), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp379-401.


August 1542, 26-31

26 Aug. 678. The Channel Islands.
See Grants In August, No. 22.
26 Aug.
Dasent's A.P.C., 23.
679. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Hampton Court, 26 Aug. Present : Southampton, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Letters directed to Norfolk to provide 1,000 qr. barley, 500 qr. rye and 500 qr. wheat, to be sent in haste to Berwick. Commission devised for (blank), the King's coopers, to take up clapboard, wainscot, &c., to make certain "ferrers custrelles barrelles," which they promise to have ready on Monday week, and also hoops and "twygges" to repair the "caske" at Berwick.
26 Aug.
R. O.
680. Wymounde Carew to John Gate.
His brother, Thomas Carew, has shipped certain tin for Rone (Rouen) and with others stays at Powle for fear of robbers of the sea. His ship sails well, and would be safer alone than if all went together. Desires him to move some of those appointed to the sea to lie, in the defence of this tin, between Powle and Depe, and send word either to John Capelyn at Southampton or to John Carew at Powle. Begs him to prefer Thos. Gye to be a captain on the sea; there are few better in England, and he has small living now that the writer's park is disparked. Here is a Dutch gentleman called Crosebek, whose wages, with those of other Dutchmen who are absent, are detained by the writer, on the King's warrant. Desires him, if Crosebek fails in his suit to have wages again, to move Mr. Wroysely or others of the Council, that the writer may have a new warrant only for them that be here now. Has received the full amount of his warrant, and some of them are in their own country and may not return. Begs commendations to his brother Deny. Blechynlee, 26 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
26 Aug.
Add. MS., 32,647, f. 57. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 132.
681. Rutland and his Council to the Council.
Yesterday, after writing from Darneton, made such haste that he reached Newcastle at 7 p.m. At Darneton, received letters from the King of the 22nd, to fulfil the contents of which more money must be sent with speed. Meanwhile will be doing with what he has. Encloses letters received from the North this Saturday, which he dared not open, as they were addressed to the Council. Asks instructions about opening letters. Grain is here very dear, and must be sent to Berwick from elsewhere, or the garrisons there and Rutland's company could not continue. A great force sent without provision would consume all the victual at Berwick and Carlisle, and Newcastle is so destitute of grain that it cannot be provided in any short time. Received no copy of Sir Thos. Wharton's letters in the King's of 22 Aug. Last night wrote to Berwick and Carlisle to know the state of the Borders. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 26 Aug., 10 a.m. Signed : Thomas Rutland : John Haryngton : John Markham : Jo. Uvedale.
In Uvedale's hand, pp. 3. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
26 Aug.
Add. MS., 32,647, f. 59. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 133.
682. Rutland and his Council to Henry VIII.
This night at 11 p.m. received from Sir Wm. Eure letters and news of the Borders and Scotland (enclosed). Has communed with John Horsley and Robt. Colyngwod, who affirm that they never before saw such scarcity of grain. Does not yet know the truth of the late mischance of Sir Robt. Bowes. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 26 Aug., 12 p.m., midnight. Signed : Thomas Rutland : John Haryngton : John Markham : Jo. Uvedale.
In Uvedale's hand, pp. 2. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
26 Aug.
R. O.
683. Wallop to the Council.
In his last, of the 24th, wrote of Mons. de Vandosme's camp, and that, on the return of his man sent to the Great Master, he expected to learn more of Mons. Dorleance, the prince Orrenge, Mons. de Bure, and the Clevoiez. This morning his said servant returned, saying that Orleans had taken Ivoyre, but his further intention was uncertain. The Clevoiez were, within these two days, beside Mesiers, and purpose to join Vandosme, who returns towards Flanders to besiege Bappame. Orrenge and De Bure have broken up their camp in Luxemburg and march towards De Rieulx. The servant saw some of their horsemen already at Doway and Arras; and 4,000 lanceknights are near Doway, and De Rieulx goes thither with all his horsemen to begin his camp. Sends the servant to declare further, and encloses a letter he brought from De Rieulx.
Yesterday mustered the 300 men here in crew, viz., 200 of the lord Deputy's and 100 under the treasurer and the lieutenant of the Castle, all right tall men, well ordered and warlike appointed. Would that all come to Guisnes were so well ordered. Most of them "came without swords, in white coats homely trimmed, saving those that came with Mr. Ponynges, and those sent from Mr. Long, who be tall men and right warlike trimmed, yet lacking swords the more part of them. And those that came from my lord Chancellor and Mr. Chancellor of th'Augmentations, be tall men, and many fair archers. I was so bold to write unto them both to send them swords, as also cloth to make them hose of their colours." The bp. of Ely's men will show better when well trimmed, and the Bishop has authorised their captain to bestow upon them what Wallop thinks good. If others do the like he will soon amend them. There are no swords here. Calais, 26 Aug. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
26 Aug.
Spanish Calendar. VI. II., No. 50.
684. Paul III. to Charles V.
Again calls the Emperor's attention to the danger of Christendom. Having despatched Card. Sadoletto to the French king, and Card. Contareno to the Emperor to promote peace, the latter has died upon the road. Sends in his place the bp. of Viseu, Card. of Sanctorum Apostolorum, who will convey the Pope's admonitions, or rather prayers, for the welfare of Christendom. Rome, 16 (fn. 1) Aug. 1542.
From the Simancas. Archives.
Harl. MS., 4,994 f. 223. B. M. 2. Modern copy of the above letter, with the date 26 Aug.
Latin, pp. 2.
Granvelle, Papiers d'Etat., II. 631. 3. French translation of the same.
27 Aug. 685. Lord William Howard.
Pardon. See Grants In August, No. 23.
27 Aug.
Dasent's A.P.C., 24.
686. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 27 Aug. "Removing day" (no attendance entered). Business :Letters devised to sheriffs of Staff., Derb., Lanc., Notts., Suff. and Chesh., for deliverance of letters to certain gentlemen to prepare themselves and their men.
27 Aug.
R. O. [Spanish Calendar, VI. II., No. 53.]
687. Chapuys to the Queen Of Hungary.
In behalf of the bearer, Jehan de Hons, of whose services he has written several times. London, 27 Aug. 1542.
French. Modern transcript, from the Vienna Archives, p. 1.
27 Aug.
R. O. St. P., III. 409.
688. Sir Ant. St. Leger to Henry VIII.
On 31 July, Desmond arrived at Waterford, whereupon St. Leger (who was in Ossorie pacifying differences between Ormond and the lord of Upper Ossorie) came to Kilkenny and received the King's letters from him. He declared his noble entertainment. Intend, within ten or twelve days, to advance towards his country to help good order there and in the towns of Cork and Kinsale, and will then "spend a time for the perfection of Leinster." Sends a present of hawks (specified). Does not write of occurrants, as the Council is writing. If Irishmen's promises are to be trusted, Oneil, Obrien, the lord of Upper Ossorie and others shall visit the King ere long. Oneil's eldest and best son is with St. Leger for that purpose, and has sent for his father to repair to Dublin.
Is ashamed so often to write for money, but affairs here are sore hindered for lack of it. Would have been in Odonelles country and Connaught ere this but for lack of money. The old lady of Ormonde is dead. The lord late of Kilmanan is sick and will hardly escape. His death will save the King 500 mks. st. of pension. Certifies that the late master of Any, for whom, as the King wrote, Desmond sued to be bp. of Emolie (which bpric. lies about Limerick, where he was born), is a very honest man and will do much good in the country. Dublin, 27 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Signed. P.S.Since the above was written, Oneil arrived at Dublin and declared his wish to visit the King, and how some had dissuaded him because of the report of war with France and Scotland, but that nothing would let him to go if he had money to furnish himself honestly. Borrowed 200 mks. for him of the merchants, to be repaid in kine; to levy which his son and divers of the retinue are now sent. Asks whether to suffer more Irishmen to go thither. Is the bolder to do so because the King wrote that such of the nobility as sued for great things should be sent over. Trusts that, ere Michaelmas, Obrien, lord FizWilliam and the baron of Upper Ossorie, before called Magilpatrike, shall be with the King. The latter brings his son, a goodly child, to give to the King, and will repair with Oneil or not long after. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add. Endd.
27 Aug.
R. O. St. P., III. 412.
689. Deputy Chancellor, and Vice-Treasurer Of Ireland to Henry VIII.
At their arrival at the lord of Upper Ossorie's house, to which they repaired on the 1st inst., the Deputy received a letter from Obrien declaring his wish to go to the King. His going would have a good effect on other Irishmen, as the King's entertainment of Desmond has. Wrote before, advising the establishment of a council of learned men about Limerick and Waterford. Explain, at length, how this can be done without charge to the King, by appointing to it those who have fees out of the liberty of Wexford and by the resumption of the charter of the city of Waterford, for which, as Parliament begins shortly after Michaelmas, they send an act of Parliament, to be returned under the Great Seal with the King's letter addressed to the whole Parliament to pass it. The reason that no others of the Council are privy to this letter is lest they of Waterford should hear of it and make suit to the contrary, "for they give here so large fees that they be greatly favoured."
Give a scheme for the establishment of a resident Council at Dublin, by utilising the Cathedral church of Christchurch, which is unnecessary, as there is the other well endowed Cathedral of St. Patrick's. Have stayed delivering the King's grant to the late prior and canons of Christchurch to be a dean and canons, and have spoken with the Dean, (fn. 2) now appointed, an Englishman born, who would take a pension of 50l. until preferred, within two years, to a benefice of that value in England. Ask instructions in this. Dublin, 27 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Signed : Antony Sentleger : John Alen : Will'm Brabazon.
Pp. 5. Add. Endd.
R. O. St. P., III. 431. 690. Government Of Ireland.
The King having exhausted infinite treasure for the reformation of Ireland without success, now that most of the inhabitants are brought to obedience, it is very necessary to set forth the order ensuing, viz. :
(1) Councils should be established in the West and North, the earls of Ormond and Desmond and the abp. of Casshell being of the former, and Oneill, Odonyll and others of the nobility there of the latter. (2) The captains retained here should be stationed at Knockfergus or Wolderflitt, Alloon in Westmeath, Wiklow and Arklow. Arklow should be had, in exchange, from Ormond; and, with a captain there, most of Leinster, "being the gall of this land," would be reformed. (3) The bps. of Dublin and Meath and such as favour the Gospel should instruct the Irish bishops and cause them to renounce Popish doctrine. (4) The pardoning of felonies for fines, and other enormities used here among the Irish, make the King's laws sound strange. It should therefore be ordered that all unlawful customs be abolished, and the "moderation" of the King's laws referred to the Deputy and Council. (5) Religious houses under Oneyll, Odonyll and other Irish lords should be suppressed and suits to Rome prohibited, and search made at Olderflitt or Knockfergus to enforce this. (6) Irish Scots, called "Redshankes," daily come into the north of Ireland and purchase castles and peels on the sea coast. They should be expelled from the country, "the rather because they greatly covet to populate the same, being most vile in their living of any nation next Irishmen." (7) The captain at Knockfergus or Wolderflytt should have a bark to keep the seas and prevent the coming in of Scots. Signed : John Travers.
Pp. 2. Endd. : Certain devices for reformation of Ireland.
27 Aug.
R. O.
691. Wallop to the Council.
Being at Calais but two days, some disorder has been among the soldiers here, and therefore he has taken order with Mr. Ponynges to appoint a provost marshal. With the advice of the Treasurer and Surveyor chose Mr. Awdeley, who said he would gladly do any service to which he was appointed, but thought himself unmeet for that room, "being of his own nature too pitiful." Thinks he would accept it if the King were to write to him to do so, and he would here gain experience to execute the room for a greater number, even a camp of 10,000; but his living should be somewhat augmented.
Encloses a letter received this day from Mons. de Torsy (contents recapitulated). The malefactors who lately misused themselves within the King's pale deserved greater punishment. Asks how to use Frenchmen or Burgundians who take each other, or their cattle, within the King's pale. Last week took 10 or 12 Burgundians, who had taken certain Frenchmen and their cattle, which Wallop caused to be restored, but did not punish the men. Their guide was an Englishman, who is detained in prison here, although he has long served in their wars and was a soldier in Tourneham when it was given up, against his opinion. He is "a right tall personage and hardy fellow called John Baker, sometime a soldier in Callais." Asks what to do with him.
Once again reminds them that guns and gunners are needed for the travers wall, now finished, and other bulwarks. Guisnes, 27 Aug. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd : ao xxxiiijo.
27 Aug.
R. O.
692. Jehan De Torsy to Wallop.
Has received his letters, and has "tenu en cul de fosse lez malfaicteurs au pain et a l'eau, et bannys sur peine de la hart de eulz trouver es pais de pardesa, et partir incontinent." Desires to live in friendship with him; and no more footmen shall go into his country without written licence. Had news last night (arssoir) that Mons. de Vendosme has sent home part of his footmen, who were levied on the frontier, retaining some of the men of the ordinary pay and reinforcing the garrisons of horsemen. Yvoy is taken by composition honourable for the Burgundians, who were 1,500 lanceknights, 1,000 footmen of the country and 130 men of arms; who left, baggage safe, mounted and armed, upon oath not to serve the Emperor against the King for two years. Longueval's band has arrived here, having by the way attacked and defeated eleven ensigns of the prince of Orange's lanceknights and almost captured the Prince. Ardres, 27 Aug. Signed.
French, p. 1. Add.
27 Aug.
R. O. St. P., IX. 135.
693. Edmond Harvel to Henry VIII.
Wrote on the 9th inst. A strange case has since been discovered, of execrable prodition, by two secretaries of the Signory and Augustin Labondy, sometime factor for Cesare Fregosa; who, corrupted by the French king, have been long disclosing all the state secrets to the Frenchmen and Turks, who thus knew the Venetian ambassador's secret commission to give Napoli and Malversia to the Turk, (fn. 3) but with extreme contention. The Turk then was so greedy of peace that those fortresses need not have been given if the Turk had not known from Rincon, the French orator, the Venetians' deliberation; and the delivery of them has cost the Venetians such loss and dishonour that their indignation can be imagined. The French are now incredibly destestable here, being called dogs and proditors of Christendom and monsters. Of the secretaries, who are cousins named Cavaza, one is fled disguised as a friar, the other is taken. Labondi fled to the French ambassador's house, the 19th inst., where the officers of the Signory sent to demand him were resisted and hurt. The Signory besieged the house all that night, and next day, upon their threat to burn it, the French orator delivered them Labondi, who is put to extreme torments to discover his adherents, he knowing all the corrupted men here, and being payer for such practices. The secretary confessed all he knew without torment. Describes how the ambassador's house was beset for three days, and also the honour paid to the accuser. These things came to light by the diligence of Loigi Badoar, who concluded the peace with the Turk, and, being suspected of using fraud in his legacy, was imprisoned shortly after his return from Constantinople. He has now cleared himself. The Stroci who were settled here are commanded to avoid the Dominion, being in public hate, both for the taking of Maran and the French faction which they follow.
Letters from Constantinople, of 26 July, give variable news, the French affirming that the Turk's navy of 120 galleys, 80 of which are to serve the French, shall issue about the 12th or 15th inst.; and the Venetians concluding that it will not issue this year, which is more probable, as the season is too far past for galleys. A bassa with many horses is at Sophia, not far from the Drava, to succour Buda if necessary. The Christian host which goes to Buda is flourishing and confident. Ferdinando is denied the money he demanded at Noremberg, he being esteemed an evil husband in money matters. The duke of Pranswike is fled to Noremberg with three horses, leaving the Landgrave victorious; who will afterwards convert his host of 40,000 men to Buda, or else to Flanders, in the Emperor's favour. The Marquis of Guasto intends to take the field with 10,000 Almains and as many Spaniards and Italians.
The Bishop of Rome sends Card. Contarin to the Emperor and Sadoleto to the French king; but Contarin was on "in point of death." The Bishop will intimate a General Council, "by all November," in Trent; but men laugh at such vanities. The Bishop is come to Perusa, in despair because the Imperial orator presses him to publish censures against the French king as enemy of the Christian state.
The Signory salute the King. They are in great heaviness with these processes and examinations, and are sure the Turks "will not navigate against winter." Venice, 27 Aug. 1542.
P.S.Is just informed that the Signory will send an ambassador shortly
Hol., pp. 4. Add. Endd.
28 Aug.
Dasent's A.P.C., 24.
694. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 28 Aug. Present : Abp. of York, Southampton, Sussex, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Letters sent to Norfolk with copies of news from the North.
28 Aug.
Add. MS., 32,647, f. 61. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 134.
695. Rutland and his Council to Henry VIII.
Encloses letters, received at midnight and since, from Sir Wm. Eure, Sir Geo. Lawson and Robt. Collingwoode, the last showing what the Scots mind to do with the prisoners, and where they bend their power at present, and the others the state of Berwick and provision of grain there. Unless other provision is sent Northumberland is in great danger, for God will not send "provision of the ground" for three weeks yet. As the Borders in Northumberland are weakened by the late misfortune, has written for 400 Yorkshire men to the President at York. Intends to remain at Alnwick.
This day arrived Rosye, a herald of Scotland, with letters to the Scottish ambassador and the Council at York. Opened the latter and encloses it, as he thinks the King should see it. Newcastle, 28 Aug., 3 p.m. Signed : Thomas Rutland : John Haryngton : John Markham : Jo. Uvedale.
P.S.The Scottish herald comes not in post, but on his own horse. He said one of the causes of his coming was for safe conduct for two ambassadors to be sent out of Scotland, and showed a packet addressed to their ambassador. On receipt of Eure's letters concerning the entry of John Car, of Wark, sent 100 men thither under Thos. Waterton and Nic. Tempest, albeit Thos. Gowre says Wark castle is not tenable. Begs to know the King's pleasure, for they are two honest gentlemen he has sent thither. George Heron says 2,000 men are come to Jedwourth and Kelsale, whereof his father, prisoner in Scotland, sent him word that he saw 1,000 horse.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
28 Aug.
Add. MS., 32,647, f. 64. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 135(1).
696. John Car to Rutland.
Was yesterday at his "entry" and found his taker so good to him that he let him home again on his own bond and sureties in Scotland. Oliver Sengular and other the King's servants of Scotland came to Gedworth on Friday, and had away with them on Sunday Sir Robt. Bowys, Sir Cuthbert Ratlefe, Sir Roger Lasseles, Sir John Wederryngton, John Herron and another, probably Wm. Bucton. The first journey Huntley makes in England will be to besiege Wark. Asks, therefore, for aid and that he may have 50 men of his own choosing. John Tempest and his brother Lasseye, who had the rule of 100 men in the castle, are still in Scotland, and of their men 50 come home, with great hurts and without weapon or harness. Wark castle, 28 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add,
28 Aug.
R. O. Kaulek, 459. (Abstract.)
697. Francis I. to Marillac.
Has just received his letter in cipher of the 16th. Since L'Aubespine's return has received his letters of the 1st, 5th, and 10th; and delayed replying to him upon L'Aubespine's coming, because desirous of speaking first with the English ambassador, who had gone before to Lyons, as Marillac would see by the reply sent on the 10th, with a letter to the King of England, of which a copy is enclosed in case the despatch has not come to his hands, which was entrusted to the English ambassador. Has since sent another despatch on the 25th (copy enclosed). Has, by his last cipher, seen how part of the army by sea there had left, equipped for war, to convoy the wool fleet which goes every year to Calais. As such an equipage could not be for that alone, Marillac shall learn what has become of it; and also if the rest of the equipage has gone towards Scotland with the men and provisions of war of which he writes. He shall likewise watch where the men of war who are levied march; and, if possible, advertise the King of Scotland of everything. Notes what he writes of the lord Privy Seal and milord de Chesney coming hither. He shall write "ce qui en sera;" and, above all, give continual advice to Vendosme and Du Biez, to take order on the frontier of Picardy. Will not fail to do as Marillac writes.
Marked as countersigned by Bochetel.
French. Modern transcript, pp. 2. Headed :Beziers, 28 Aug.
28 Aug.
R. O. [Spanish Calendar, VI. II., No. 55.]
698. Charles V. to Chapuys.
Besides what Chapuys will see by preceding letters, the king of France has been so shameless as to publish war against him, since the 10th ult., in worse terms than could be used against pagans, and has already invaded Roussillon and laid a siege, which the Emperor hopes will get him as little profit as his past enterprises. Received letters yesterday from his ambassador at Rome, stating that the Pope was despatching Cardinal Contareno to him and Card. Sadolet to France, to persuade peace; and is sending both to Rome and Contareno, to stop his coming, as he will not be received. This proves that the French king on the one side "fait le brave" and on the other seeks to resume the practice of the peace. Chapuys may declare this to the King of England as seems best; and shall forward the Emperor's letters to the Queen of Hungary if the courier comes to him, who is charged to go direct to her, if possible, and send Chapuys his letters. Monsson, 28 Aug. 1542.
French. Modern transcript from Vienna, p. 1.
28 Aug. 699. Charles V. to Paul III.
See No. 677.
29 Aug.
Dasent's A.P.C., 24.
700. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 29 Aug. Present : Norfolk, Southampton, Sussex, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Letter sent to the earl of Shrewsbury to provide 240,000 of livery arrow heads.
29 Aug.
R. O. St. P., IX. 138. R. O.
701. Henry VIII. to Sir Thomas Seymour.
Has received his letters, the last dated 16 July, and thereby learnt his arrival with the king of Romaynes and gentle entertainment. May need his services in the beginning of next year; and therefore, as the effect of that expedition will be seen before this reaches him, directs him to take leave about Halontyde and return home through Almayne. He shall enquire of the baron of Heidick "seriously" how many Almains he could bring to serve the King, and when he could be in England or at Calais, and whence and how he would come, getting his answer in writing. He shall also enquire what captains of Almain dwell commodiously to serve the King if required; and assay any such who may be in the army, or in his way through Germany, to know whether they would serve Henry, what numbers they could furnish, &c. He is to conduct hither in wages 10 taborynes of the Hungarians fashion, one or two of whom to be able both to make and use the taborynes, 10 drums and 10 fifers; all money necessary will be delivered by the King's servant Guidenfingre, (fn. 4) who is written to to pay it.
Draft, pp. 8, with corrections in Wriothesley's hand. Endd. : Minute to Sir Thos. Seymour, xxixo Aug.
R. O. 2. Note of the chief points of the preceding.
In Wriothesley's hand, p. 1.
29 Aug.
Add. MS., 32,647, f. 67. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 136.
702. Henry VIII. to Master Shelley.
Of the 60,000l. he is appointed to receive, authorises him to pay presently what may be commanded by letters of the duke of Norfolk or any four of the Council, for the force to be sent to the Borders, and convey the rest to York and deliver it to Sir John Harington, who is appointed treasurer of the garrison and men of war now sent.
Draft, pp. 6. Endd. : The copy of the warrant to Master Shelley, apud Westm., xxixo Aug. ao xxxiiijo.
Ib. f. 71. 2. Copy of the preceding. Undated.
Parchment. Headed : By the King.
29 Aug.
Add. MS., 32,647, f. 63. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 135.
703. Rutland and his Council to the Council.
This day, after midnight, received theirs of the 26th. Had already, thinking John Carr, of Wark, was stayed in Scotland, sent 100 men to Wark, as he wrote yesterday to the King. This morning, received a letter from John Carr (enclosed) showing his good courage to keep Wark, and has granted him his 50 men. Had already written to Sir Wm. Eure to furnish him with victuals; and to-day wrote again to Eure and Lawson, for that and for the garrison and workmen at Berwick, as instructed by the fourth article of the Council's said letters. Wrote to-day to the earl of Westmoreland, the chancellor of Duresme and Sir Geo. Conyers for 500 men out of the Bishopric to lie in Norhamshire, to be paid at Newcastle for 14 days, by which time lord Latimer with 1,000 men out of Yorkshire should arrive, and the 500 may be dismissed. Robt. Collingwood reports that the King of Scots' ordnance is arrived at Sowtrey, but three miles from Wark. Yesterday, Sir Thos. Wharton came to Newcastle and staid until 10 a.m. to-day. He says the West Borders are in good state and that he is "a great deal beforehand with the Scots." Morepath, 29 Aug., 6 p.m. Signed : Thomas Rutland : John Haryngton : John Markham : Jo. Uvedale.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
30 Aug.
Dasent's A.P.C., 25.
704. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 30 Aug. Present : Norfolk, Southampton, Sussex, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Giles Harrison and Duffelde, brewers, certified how much beer the brewers of London could brew within 8 days, and promised 1,000 tun, at 20s., that should continue good for five months. Placards made for my lords of Norfolk and Durham for carriage of stuff to Berwick.
30 Aug.
Add. MS., 32,647, f. 72. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 138.
705. The Privy Council to Rutland.
The King's command is that from the date hereof no attemptates be made upon Scotland, whatever provocation is given; but warden redress made for all offences, as in time of peace. The King, with the assent of the ambassador, has ordered that the herald of Scotland shall be present at the delivery of these to you, and that his herald sent with these shall pass with the herald of Scotland and see the ambassador's letters of like tenour delivered to Huntley. Westminster, (blank) Aug.
Corrected draft, p. 1. Endd. : Minute to my 1. of Rutland, xxxo Aug. ao xxxiiijo.
30 Aug.
R. O.
706. Wallop to the Council.
This morning is advertised that Mons. de Vandosme, Mons. de Guyse and the marshal de Beez are at St. Quyntynes. Mons. de Guyse brought with him the lanceknights that were with Mons. Dorleance and the Clevoiez that came from Antwerp, conducted by Mons. Longvalle, who is also there. Lanceknights and Clevoiez together number 14,000, and 1,400 horsemen. The adventurers and legioners that were with Vandosme are all discharged. Those of Mons. de Kerkey's band, who should have come to Arde, are appointed to Hesding. The horsemen with Vandosme, besides the said Clevoiez, are but 200 men of arms. Cannot learn their intention, but yesterday sent one to the Clevoiez to know it. Learns, by him that brought these news, that Mons. Dorleance is retired; and the bailly of Guisnes, at his late being at Arde, brought like report (enclosed).
Will, to-morrow, send a gentleman to the Great Master with a present of a gelding, to entertain the amity and learn how his camp is reinforced. Apparently, he "daily reinforceth; for all these frontiers of Picardy and Boullonoiez continually fleeth with their goods and cattle towards Bullen, and to that side the sea." Guysnes, 30 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
R. O. 2. [The bailly of Guisnes' report.]
Being at Arde this Monday, 28 Aug., a friend showed me that Mons. de Focquelsolles was at Terrewyn with 30 men of arms of Mons. de Bies' band; and that Mons. de Vandome re-assembles his camp, to which Captain Longavall and many Clevoys, lanceknights, and Danes are appointed. The Danes are 600 horsemen, who carry haccabuts at the arson of their saddles, swords on the one side and daggers on the other, and, in their hands, weapons like boar spears, such as the French call espues. The band of the duke of Orleans is bestowed in garrisons at Yvoye, Tienville in Lewsenbourghe and other frontier fortresses there. There shall shortly come to Arde 30 men of arms of Mons. de Kerkee's band to join the 50 of Mons. de Torsee's now there. A weak place by the lower gate shall be immediately "rampared," casemates of brick called moyneaux made to flank the dikes and the dikes cleansed from the Green bulwark upwards. Signed : Henry Palmere.
In Palmer's hand, p. 1.
[30 Aug.]
R. O. [Spanish Calendar, VI. II., No. 56.]
707. The Queen Of Hungary to the Sieur De Phalaix.
Encloses instructions what to represent to the Emperor. Since they were drawn up the French, having got possession of Yvoix, have advanced towards Arlon, which being defenceless surrendered, as did also the town of Luxemburg, to which they next turned. Where they now are is uncertain. He must hasten at once to Spain, leaving the Imperial ambassador in England to prosecute the negociation for which he was sent.
French, p. 1. Modern transcript of a Vienna MS., said to be dated in a modern hand : 30 Aug. 1542.
31 Aug.
R. O.
708. War Expenses.
"A note of remembrances for the treasurer (fn. 5) of the wars."
"My lord of Norfolk beginneth his diets the (blank), and is allowed for his diets v.l. My lord of Norfolk receiveth for his men no conduct money, but his horsemen and footmen shall enter wages." Like notes touching the lord Privy Seal, whose diets are 3l. 6s. 8d., and the Master of the Horse, whose diets are 40s. For the coats of their men they are allowed 4s. each, "because they bring their men out of these parts," but all others out of other parts of the realm shall be allowed but 3s. 4d. a coat.
In Gardiner's hand, p. 1. Endd. : "The copy of my lord of Norfolk's letters for the delivery of money for conduct, coats, &c., with their diets of my L.P. Seale and Sir Anthony Brown, according to the proportions herein enclosed."
R. O. 2. An estimate headed, "For my lord Privy Seal," showing details of the amounts of 28 days' diets at 5 mks.; wages of 200 horsemen at 8d. a day and 500 footmen at 6d., with 7 captains at 4s. and 7 petty captains at 2s., and coats at 4s. a man. Total, 831l. 12s.
In Gardiner's hand, pp. 2.
R. O. 3. Similar estimate headed, "For the Master of the Horses," for 28 days' diets at 40s. and wages of 200 horsemen and 100 foot with their captains and petty captains. Total, 399l. 16d.
In Gardiner's hand, p. 1.
R. O. 4. [A statement and estimate for the duke of Norfolk's despatch.]
Sent already :1,000 qr. of barley, 250l.; 500 qr. of wheat, 250l.; 500 qr. of rye, 200l. To be sent :500 qr. of wheat, 250l.; 500 qr. of rye, 200l.; 2,000 qr. of malt, 500l.; 1,000 qr. of "peason" and 1,000 qr. of beans, 666l. 13s. 4d. For 1,000 weigh of cheese at 13s. 4d.
"For my lord's diets after vl. a day for xxviij days," 140l. Coats of 2,500 men at 4s. Conduct money for them at 8s. 4d. and wages at 6d. for 28 days.
The last item is struck out and a detailed estimate appended in the same hand for the wages of 700 horsemen at 8d. a day, with their 7 captains at 4s and 7 petty captains at 2s., and for wages of 1,800 footmen at 6d., with their 18 captains and 18 petty captains at 4s. and 2s. respectively; and for conduct money (this struck out).
In Gardiner's hand, pp. 3. Endd. : "Provision, proportion, etc."
R. O. 5. Warrant to deliver to the lord Privy Seal his diets, at 5 mks. a day, for 28 days, to begin 8 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII., the wages for the same period of 200 horsemen at 8d., with two captains of them at 4s. and two petty captains at 2s., and of 500 footmen at 6d., with their five captains at 4s. and five petty captains at 2s., and 4s. each for the coats of captains and men; in all 831l. 12s. Westm., 31 Aug. (fn. 6) 34 Hen. VIII. Not signed or addressed.
Draft in Gardiner's hand, p. 1.
Add. MS. 5,754, f. 11. B. M. 6. [The Council's] warrant to Edw. Shelley, one of the masters of the Household, to advance 100l. to lord William Howarde, who is appointed to attend my lord of Norfolk in this journey northward. Westm., 31 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Not signed.
P. 1.
R. O. 7. "A note of sums delivered by prest."
My lord of Norfolk 6,000l., my lord Privy Seal 831l. 12s., the Master of the Horse 399l. 16d.
Added in another hand, in the heading, the words, "by Edward Shelley," and below : "Jeffrey for the conduct and coats of th'earl of Worcester, my 1. Ferres, Sir Rice Maunsell and John Salisburyes horsemen, (blank). To Honning for provison of beer, viz., 740 tuns, 740l. To the lord Wm. Howard in reward 100l."
In Gardiner's hand, p. 1.
31 Aug. Dasent's A.P.C., 25. 709. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 31 Aug. Present : Norfolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Durham, Winchester, Russell, Cheyney, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Commission to Mawbye and Byrde to take up 1,000 weigh of cheese in Suffolk and carriage for it to Berwick. Letter sent to Wallop how to order Frenchmen and Burgundians attempting exploits upon one another within the Pale. Letter to the deputy of Calais to release Shepherd, who was banished from Calais, and yet had returned, as he had the King's licence by mouth to do so. Letter to customer, &c., of Hampton, to certify fully why they stayed a certain French vessel at St. Helen's.
31 Aug.
Add. MS., 32,647, f. 77. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 140.
710. The Privy Council to [Norfolk].
Since Norfolk's departure the ambassador of Scotland has been at Court, and is content with the repair of the ambassadors to York, there to meet Norfolk, Durham and others of the Council on the 18th Sept., which is the Monday Norfolk appointed, where "I the lord Privy Seal and my brother (fn. 7) will then meet you." He has received the safe conduct for the ambassadors; and the letters for the abstinence sent by the heralds are despatched.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, p. 1. Endd. : * * * the last of August ao xxxiiijo.
31 Aug.
Titus B I., 55. B. M.
711. Musters.
Commission of array to Richard Cromwell, Kt., Laur. Taylard, Kt., John Gooderyke, Hen. Gooderyke, Thos. Hall, Rob. Apprice, Thos. Wawton and Thos. Dunold, in co. Hunts. Westm., 31 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII.
31 Aug.
Harl. MS. 442 f. 185. B. M.
712. Price of Armour.
Mandate to the mayor and sheriffs of London to make proclamation, viz. :That whereas covetous persons having harness, &c., to sell hold them at unreasonable prices, the King, with advice of his Council, has set the following prices, viz., a bow of the best sort not above 3s. 4d., of the second sort 2s. 6d., of the third sort 2s., a sheaf of livery arrows 2s., a leather case 6d., a girdle 2d., a sheaf of arrows of 8 in. or 9 in. the feather 2s. 4d., a gross of 12 doz. bowstrings 3s. 4d., a "demylaunce, with curase, vambrase, polren, hed peece with a berer" 45s., a "demilaunce called a collyn cliff ready made and hedded" 2s. 8d., an arming sword for a horseman 2s. 8d., a pair of gauntlets with joints 2s. 8d., an Almain rivett of the best sort 7s. 6d., or of the second sort 6s. 8d., a javelin of the best sort ungilt 14d., or of the second sort 10d., a fighting bill helmed 12d., a Flemish halbert of the best sort 20d., or of the second sort 16d. Persons refusing so to sell them shall be imprisoned and forfeit 10l. for every offence; and the mayors or other head ministers of towns shall, upon information of such refusal to show or sell them, attach the offender, search his house, and sell the bows, &c., keeping the money for the use of the owner. Westm., 31 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, pp. 3.
31 Aug.
Add. MS., 32,647, f. 74. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 139.
713. Rutland and his Council to the Council.
Yesterday, in his journey from Morpeth, many gentlemen of Northumberland resorted to him; by whose advice he has bestowed his train, as in a schedule enclosed, with strict orders to attend only to defence of the Borders and not seek revenge, as directed in the 3rd article of the Council's letters of 26 Aug. Charged them to keep this secret. To-day or to-morrow, will consult the wisest of these parts about naming deputy wardens to supply the room of Sir Cuthbert Ratclif. Robt. Colingwoode and John Horseley had some hope of getting Sir Robt. Bowes and the rest home again; but as they are taken to Edinburgh, they now say there is no means but by ransom. Encloses letters of John Carr, of Wark, with news of Scotland, and of Sir Geo. Lawson, showing the grain in Berwick. Gunners should be sent for the fortresses on the Borders, as none may be spared out of Berwick. A great number of French crowns and other strange coins, broken and lacking weight, have been sent hither, at which the poor people, not being acquainted with any such strange gold, make much refusal. The soldiers, too, have uttered them to their loss, and there are daily complaints. Begs them to send other money hereafter, and mostly in silver. Alnwick castle, 31 Aug.
P.S.Sends also letters from John Carr, of Wark, received at the closing of this. Signed : Thomas Rutland : John Haryngton : John Markham : Jo. Uvedale.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
Ib. 2. Schedule, above referred to, giving the distribution of 450 men, under Gowre (with lord Nevill's men) and Thos. Clifforde, Robt. Savell, John Fostar, and Thos. Wentworth, at Chillingham, Chatton, Cartingtone, Harbotell, Biddilsdene, Scrannewod and Ayleneham.
August/Grants. 714. Grants in August 1542.
1. Ph. Hobbey. Licences to alienate :
(i.) A messuage in Richeston, Linc., in tenure of Robt. Holland; to Sir Thos. Hennege. Walden, 1 Aug. Pat., 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 12.
(ii.) The manor of Hudycote Bartram, Glouc., and lands there; to Thos. Hunkes. Walden, 1 Aug. Pat., 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 12.
2. Alice More, relict of Sir Thomas More, attainted. Lease of a messuage in Chelsey, Midd., formerly in the tenure of (blank) Mewtes, and late in that of Edw. Berker and Edm. Middelton, and now in that of the rector of Chelsey, which came to the King by the attainder of the said Sir Thomas More; for 21 years; at 20s. rent and 2d. increase. Del. Berechurch, 4 Aug. 34 Henry VIII. S.B. (Signed by Daunce, Pollard, and Moyle.) Pat. p. 6, m. 6.
3. George Everat, groom of the Chamber. Licence to export 200 dyckers of tanned leather hides, or as many dozens of calfskins as shall amount to the value of the same. Windsor, 26 July 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Berechurche, 4 Aug.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 3.
4. Commission of the peace. Oxon.Lord Chancellor Audeley, Treasurer Norfolk, President Suffolk, Lord Privy Seal (sic) Russell, Sir Edm. Marvyn, Wm. Portman, King's serjeant-at-law, Sir John Daunce, Sir Thos. Pope, Sir John Wyllyams, Sir Geo. Darcy, Sir Thos. Elyott, Sir John Brome, Hen. Bradshawe, Wm. Fermour, John Wellesbourn, Thos. Nevell, Thos. Carter, Edm. Horne, Leonard Chamberlayn, Roger Moore, Ric. Blounte, Wm. Raynesford, John Denton, Ant. Cope, Thos. Brydges, John Pollard, John Story, Thos. Wayneman, Edm. Powell, Wm. Fenes, and Ant. Bustard. Berechurch, 4 Aug. Pat., 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 4d.
5. The Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter of Westminster. Grant of (1) the house and site of the late monastery of St. Peter's, Westminster, with the church, &c., and furniture and jewellery of the abbey, except that already granted to Thomas bp. of Westminster, (2) the manors of Belsis, Midd., of Bullyngtons in Uggeley, Bullyngtons in Clavering, Pynchepooles, Newarkes, Bonvyles, and Benflete alias Southbayneflete, Essex, of Westbury, Wilts, of Kenesbarne, Whetehamstede, Harpendon and Tydbrest, Herts, of Turveston, Bucks, of Derehurst, Hardwyke, Heydon, Harsfela alias Harisfelde, Apferley alias Appurley, Walton, Corselonde, Turley, Burtun, Morton Henmershe, Toddenham, and Sutton, Glouc., of Longedon Greyndover in Longedon, Mortoncastell Greyndover in Mortoncastell, Chaddisley alias Chatley Greyndover in Chaddisley alias Chattisley, Ekyngton, Pennesham alias Pensham, Pynfyn, Wyke, Bynholme, Pershore, and Portsmowth, Worc., of Yeveney and Knyghtesbrigge, Midd., of Stokyngchurche alias Marretts, Lawnton, Iselyppe, Morecote, Fennecote, Narbroke, Noke, and Odyngton, Oxon, of Currege alias Priors Court, Lydcombe Regis, and Stevyngton, Berks, of the late priory of Powghley, Berks, of Burton, Halton, Belchesforde, Fen alias Rocheford Tower and Skreynge, Linc., of Dean, and Sutbury, Ntht., of Osvarde (or Osward) Besokynge, Notts., of Okeham, Rutl., of Offord Cluny, Hunts., and of Holme and Langeforde, Beds., all which belonged to St. Peter's, Westminster; (3) the manors of Longbenyngton, Myntyng, Halgarthe, Gawdby, and Hynkley, Linc., which belonged to Mountgrace priory; of Mathon, cos. Worc. and Heref., and of Cowlley and Langne, Glouc., which belonged to Pershore monastery; of Achelench, and Churchehonnybourne, Worc., which belonged to Evesham monastery; of Sterthorp, Notts, which belonged to Newsted priory.
With all appurtenances of the preceding (in Nos. 1 and 2) in Belsis, Midd., in Hamstede, Norton, Hyhunger, Bullyngtons, Clavering, Uggeley, Pynchepolis, Mannewden, Stanstede, Barden, Gooddester, Bonvyles, Northebenflet, Thundersley, Hadeley, Monks Wycke, Shoreswycke, Benflet, Hopeswyck, and Sunderswyck, Essex, in the places aforenamed in Wilts., Herts., Bucks., Glouc. (Elmeston named also), Worc., Midd. (Stanes, Kensyngton, Westbourne and Paddington in the parish of St. Margaret's, Westminster, added), in Lyddecomberegis, Stevyngton, Currege, Cheveley, Powghley, Chaddelworthe, Westbitterton, Bagnor, Westenred, Abenden, Esthenred, Esthennye, Uppleton, Knyghton, Lekkamstede, Ore, Isburye, Leverton, Colmere, Madencoot, Miggeham, Sparsholde, Offyngton, Bryght Walton, Olton, Okesey and Chaddelsworthe alias Shaddelworth, Berks., in the places aforenamed in cos. Linc., Ntht., Notts., Rutl. and Hunts., and in Holme, Langeforde, Clyfton, Henloo, Byckelswade, Southewolde, Brome and Stratton, Beds.
(4) Horwell wood in Defford parish, Worc., lands called Hoddesforde and Cowhouse in Henden and Hampstede, Midd., formerly belonging to Ric. lord Scrope of Bolton, lands in Elesname and Haname, Essex, in tenure of John Bucke, and in Esthame, Essex, in tenure of Chr. Chamberleyne, the priory of St. Bartholomew beside Sudbury, Suff., in tenure of Wm. Butt, lands in Pershore, Worc., in tenure of Thos. Nevyle, rents of 17l. 6s. 0d. in Bright Lampton, Comberton and Elmeley, Worc., lands in Fulham, Midd., in tenure of Guy Gascoyne, lands called St. Mary lands in Westbourne in Paddington parish, Midd., in tenure of John Geme, an annuity of 20s. out of Cowle Peche manor, Midd., another of 30s. out of Dogget's land in Tottenham, Midd., lands in Stebunheth, Midd., in tenure of John Geme; four tenements in the street called Pettyfrance in Westminster, annuities of 4s. from two tenements in the parish of St. Mary de Stronde, Midd., in tenure of John Kekewyche, of 20s. from the inn called the "Wheyt Hart" there, belonging to Brasenose College at Oxford, of 8s. from a tenement in St. Clement's parish without the bars of London, in tenure of Wm. Lynton, of 10d. from the tenure of Thos. Parnes there, and all lands there in tenure of John Geme, a rent of 3s. 6d. there from the tenure of Thos. Tyfferne, 2s. there from the tenement formerly of Hen. Eliotte, 12d. there from the tenure of Thos. Sewall, and 6s. 8d. from Lindrapers croft in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields in tenure of Edm. Horne, all which belonged to St. Peter's, Westminster.
(5.) Houses, &c., in Kyngestrete, Langediche, Totehyll stret, Charingcrosse strete, Thevynglane, Seysaley and Almerie strete in St. Margaret's parish, Westminster, the site now or late of the sanctuary of Westminster in St. Margaret's parish, the tenements within the close of the monastery of Wm. Cowper and Cecily his wife, Blanche Vaughan, widow, Wm. Webbe, Thos. Warden, Wm. Cooper, John Bartilmewe, John Harnes, Thos. Burbage, Wm. Webbe, Wm. Middelton, Francis earl of Shrewsbury, Thos. Tey, Wm. Coll, John Johnson, Robt. Even, and Hugh Byll; and the tenements in the parish of St. Leonard's Foster lane in London, of And. Mores, Hugh Payne, Giles Par, Nich. Dowen, Wm. Roger, Albert Gonertson, Ph. Violett, Miles Hawte, Wm. Pulleyn, Garratt Wamynge, John Brame, John Whyght, Nich. Downere, Garratt Clarge, John Shether, John Maye, John Wylcockes, Mich. Storye, Mich. Gawser, Nich. Roye, Fras. Woode, John Osborne, John Burye, Harman Cremer, Derick Costard, Pet. Obert, Garratt Marchonson, Isebroud Dyrrowe, Rol. Johnson and Wm. Tylsworth; all which belonged to St. Peter's. (6) The site, &c., of the late college of St. Martin the Great in London. The tenements within a certain court of St. Martin called le Deanes Courte there and the said site, of Hugh Payne, Thos. Payne, Wm. Messenger, John Restall, Hen. Smith, Wm. Selby, Ant. Johnson, Harman Villayne, John Figootte, Wm. Cremer, John Marten, Edw. Ryssell and Pet. Rykes; in St. Anne's parish, London, of John Richardson, Garratt Slowter, Marg. Surgeon, Harman Cremer, Matt. Tewe, Evan Dowblette, Hen. Garatson, Hen. Halle, Hen. Williamson, and Lady Eliz. Rede; in the parish of St. Foster's, Gutter lane, of Edw. Westell, Hen. Cotten, Hen. Tynker, John Hunter, Ric. Poolette, Thos. Foxe, Thos. Wotton, Geo. Paynter, John Whyght, Ph. Ryder, Alice Lorde, widow, and Clement (sic); all which belonged to St. Peter's. (7) Also tenements in fifteen other parishes (named) of London in tenure of Dr. Burnell, Edm. Stalpar, Geoff. Tulley, John a Park, Robt. Barker, master of St. Giles in the Fields, Alex. Wek alias Saunder Wake, Thos. Vngle, John Bloundell, John Narborough, John Polle, Ric. Gregorie and John Gilberte, which belonged to St. Peter's; and a tenement in the parish of St. Ewenna within New Gate of Ralph Walker, which belonged to St. Martin's College.
(8) Annual rents (specified) in various London parishes due to St. Peter's from tenements formerly of Thos. Welbye and Thos. Barnewell in St. Nicholas Cold Abbey, from the master of St. Giles in the Fields, for a tenement in St. Michael's in Quenehithe, and for the Cat and Fiddle in St. Benet's, Sherogge, from tenements formerly of Kath. Page in St. Alban's parish, of Mich. Denis in St. Bridget's, Fleet street, of Benedict Horlewy in St. Christopher's near le Stokks, of John Reve in Silver street in St. Alban's parish, of Marg. Pullet in St. Olaves, of Lady Eliz. Rede in the parish of St. John Zachary (paid by the Goldsmiths' Company), of Joan Bradburi, widow, in St. Olaves Old Jewry (paid by the Mercers' Company), of Sir John Erneley in the same parish, of John Sundefelde in St. Margaret's Lothbury (paid by the Clothiers' Company), from a tenement belonging to a chapel in St. Margaret's (paid by the churchwardens), from the mercers for "le Pey" in St. Martin's, Owtewyche, from the Salters for a tenement in All Saints', Bradstrete, from the Goldsmiths for tenements formerly of Oliver Dancy there, and of John Pattesley in St. Matthew's, Fridaystrete, from a tenement formerly of John Vicare there (paid by the churchwardens), from a tenement there (paid by the Merchant Tailors), of John Bretton for the "Lyon" and the "Angel" there (paid by the Salters), from the rector of the parish, from a tenement in St. Vedast's (paid by the churchwardens there), from a tenement late of Steph. Jenyns, and now of Ric. Smyth in St. John the Evangelist's, from a tenement in St. Mary's, Stavinglane, in tenure of the Haberdashers, from "the Bull" in St. Leonard's, Eastchepe, in tenure of the churchwardens, from "the Greyhound" there, in tenure of the Mercers, from "the Nobyll" there, in tenure of Wm. Wolmer, tallow chandler, from a tenement formerly of Nich. Jenyns there, from a tenement late of the churchwardens of St. Clement's beside Canwike street, from a tenement there, late of the Haberdashers, from the chaplain in le Perdon churchyard in St. Denis' Backchurch, from the tenement of Edm. Briges in St. Dunstan's in the East, of John Alemer in St. Mary's, Attehyll, of the master of the College of Holy Trinity of Pontefract there, of the churchwardens of St. Magnus there, of the guild of St. Mary of Bethlehem in St. Michael's, Cornhill, from a tenement in Byrchyn lane there of Edm. Knyght, from the churchwardens of St. James' at Garlikeheth, from a tenement formerly of John Smyth there, of Wm. Kingeston (now in tenure of the wardens of the Altar of Holy Trinity and of St. Peter's, Cornhill) in St. Magnus', from the churchwardens of St. Magnus' there, from "the Sun" and from the tenement late Symbes" there in tenure of the said wardens, from "le Crown" there in tenure of the Chamberlain of the city, from "le Blakke Bell" in St. Margaret's, Brygestrete, paid by the master and fellows of Pembroke Hall in Cambridge, from the Chamberlain of London for his pension in St. Margaret's, Brygestrete, from a tenement there of the churchwardens of St. Leonard's, Estchepe, from a tenement in St. Michael's Crooked lane of the chaplain of St. Mary Magdalen in Kingston upon Thames, from the College of St. Laurence in the parish of St. Laurence in Pulteney for the hall and a tenement in the churchyard, from a tenement formerly of John Gaynford and late of the wardens of St. Michael's, Cornhill, from the tenement late of John Philpotte in St. Mary Wolmers, from the Tailors for a tenement in St. Mary, Colchurche, from the churchwardens of St. Mildred for a tenement in St. Mildred's in Basinglane, from Nich. Aplyyarde for a tenement in Holy Trinity the Little, from the tenement late of Wm. Hampton there, from the tenement late of Ric. Carleton in St. Laurence Old Jewry, from the churchwardens for a tenement there, from the Mercers for a tenement in St. John's, Walbroke, from the Tailors for a tenement in St. Martin's in the Vintry, from the Vintners for a tenement there, from the master of St. Bartholomew's Hospital in West Smithfield for the tenement late of John Cornewallys in St. Martin's in the Vintry, from the tenement of Robt. Rolles (late of John Baxter) in St. Thomas the Apostle, from the churchwardens of Holy Trinity the Little, from John Gressehame for a tenement in St. Mary Magdalen in Milkstrete, from the tenement formerly of Ric. Patent in that parish, from the tenement of Wm. Elyotte there, from the chaplains celebrating in St. Paul's for the soul of Walt. Sheryngton for tenements in St. Mary Boteshawe, St. Mildred Bredstrete, and Aldermanbery (a place of land beside the church there), from the tenement late of Ralph Dodmere in All Saints' near Dowgate, from a tenement in St. Mildred's in the Poultry belonging to a chantry founded in St. Thomas' Apostle, from a tenement late of Thos. Woode in St. Peter's, Westchepe, from the Vintners for a tenement in St. James' at Garlykhith, from the churchwardens for a tenement there, and from the churchwardens of St. Andrew's, Holborn, for a tenement there; all which rents belonged to St. Peter's, Westminster.
(9) Lands in Cheveley, Berks., in the several tenures of Ric. Patye, John Holme, Wm. Herbert, John Orcharde and Agnes Streley, widow; in Westbitterton, Berks., of John Collyns; in Bagnor, Berks., of John Parsunnes (also two water mills in Bagnor); in Plesshey, Essex, of Ric. Pounde; and in Great Waltham, Essex, of Rob. Bleche; rent of 9l. out of Pakelsham manor, Essex, the manor of Plumsted Burscall alias Burstall manor, Kent; lands in Plumsted, Kent, in tenure of John Dene; lands called Abbot's Hooke and Combe in Estgrenewiche, Charleton and Lewisshame, Kent, in tenure of John Geme; lands called Mantells in Hame beside Feversham, Kent, in tenure of Ralph Symonds; fee farms of 100s. out of Perton manor, Staff., 18l. out of Deane manor, Ntht., and 7l. out of Sudbury manor, Ntht.; all which premises belonged to St. Peter's. Lands in Newark upon Trent, Notts, in tenure of Austin Porter; in Hynckeley, Leic., in the several tenures of Hen. Porter, Wm. Seells, Reg. Howse, John Gilbert, Ric. Hill, Austin Porter, and the vicar of the parish; in Longe Watton, Dadlyngton, Hiham and Hinckley, Leic., in the several tenures of And. Chetylls, John Jude, John King, Ric. Jacame, and Rob. Briscoo, all which belonged to Mountgrace priory. The site, &c., of the priory of Grymysby, Linc., and certain lands (named) thereto belonging. The site, etc., of the Friars Augustines of Grymysby. And all possessions of St. Peter's in Willesden, St. Martin's in the Fields, St. Clement's without the Bars of London, Midd., in Merton Housentre and Pendock, Worc., in the parishes of St. Anne, St. Nicholas Coldeabbey, St. Botolph's without Aldersgate, St. Alphege's within Cripplegate, and St. Nicholas ad Macellas in London, in Bagnor, Westhenred, Abendon and Esthenred alias Esthanney (sic), Uppleton, Knyghton, Lackamsted, Ore, Isburye, Leverton, Colmer, Maydencote, Myggeham, Sparshold, Offington, Brightwalton, Olton, Okesey and Chaddelworth, Berks, and in Southwokyngton, Essex; and all possessions of the priory of Grymysby in Grymysby, Randall, Brigley, Asshebye Clee, Stalyngborowgh, Heningbye, Lincoln, Skarthowe, Thoreswaye, Wyllyngham, Swallowe, Bradley, Howton, Swyneflete and Southkelsay, Linc.
(10) The rectories of Wytteham, Newport Ponde, Cressinge, Goodester, Benflette, Creshall and Maldon, Essex, of Longedon and St. Andrew's Pershore, Worc., of St. Martin in the Fields, Midd., of Sabriggeworthe and Chesthunt, Herts, of Swynshed, Linc., of Swaffeham, Norf., of Basyngborne, Camb., of Okeham and Gunthorppe, Rutl., of St. Margaret's, Westminster, of St. Botolph without Aldersgate and St. Bridget, Fleet street, in London, of Chaddelworthe, Stevyngton and Stamford, Berks, all which belonged to St. Peter's; also of Guncester alias Goodmanchester and Alcunbury Weston, Hunts, which belonged to Merton monastery, Surr.; and of Longbenyngton and Myntyng, Linc., which belonged to Mountgrace priory; of Mathon, Worc. and Heref., which belonged to Pershore abbey; of Hampton, Offenham, Badsey, Aldyngton, Wykanford, Lyttleton Media, Northlitleton and Southlytleton, Worc., which belonged to Evesham abbey; of Randall and Parva Cotes, Linc., which belonged to Grymysby priory; and of Hole and Hokyngton, Linc., which belonged to Berdney monastery.
(11) The prebends of Passelowes, Imbers, Grovehall, Fawconers, Bowres, Keton, and Cowpes, Essex, with appurtenances in those places and in Goodester, Tolleshuntknyghts and Maldon, Essex, and the prebend or free chapel of Tykehull, Yorks, and the free chapel of Uplamborne, Berks, all which belonged to St. Peter's.
(12) Tithes (specified) in Pershore, Wyke, Penneshame (name omitted in Patent Roll), Pennefynne, and Birlynghame in tenure of Benedict Picharde, in Hyghester, Goodester, Newarkes, and Newland Fee, Essex, in the several tenures of Thos. Jafferey and Ric. Lokyn, in Langhame in the parish of Okeham, Rutl. (and lands in Okeham in tenure of Simon Swaffelde), in Egleton, Broke, and Barlythorpe in Okeham parish in tenure of John Haryngton and of John Berkeley, all which belonged to St. Peter's; in Hynckeley, Wykey alias Wykynge, Dadlyngton and Stoke, Leic., in the tenures of Cecilia Laxton, John Laxton, Rob. Grene, Mich. Pyrefrey, John Jude and John Porter, which belonged to Mountgrace; in Ekkyngton (with the tithe grange there in tenure of Wm. Vampage) which belonged to Pershore and in Comberton Magna or Parva, Worc., in tenure of Laur. Aynesworth; in Stretley, Berks, in tenure of John Carleton, in Whethamstede and Harpendon, Herts, in tenure of Wm. Carpenter, and in Pleshey, Essex, in tenure of the master of the college there, all which belonged to St. Peter's; in Birlyngham, Nawton and Pepulton, Worc., in tenure of Conan Richardson, rector of Nawton, and the rector of Pepulton, which belonged to Pershore; in Achelenche, Worc., in tenure of John James, which belonged to Evesham; in Ryskyngton and Dyrryngton, Linc., in tenure of John Hall and Rol. Hille, which belonged to Haverholme priory.
(13) Pensions or annual rents from churches, viz., from the college of St. Stephen's, Westminster, the rectories of St. Nicholas Coldeabbey, St. Alphege's within Cripplegate, St. Nicholas ad Macellas, St. Alban's, St. Matthew's in Fryday street, St. Magnus', St. Margaret's, Brygestrete, and St. Clement's beside Canwyke street, the college of St. Laurence Pountney, in London, the rectory of Lawnton, Oxon, the vicarage of Asshewell, Herts, rectory of Uppynham, Rutl., all which belonged to St. Peter's.
(14) Advowsons of St. Leonard's, Foster lane, St. Botolph's without Aldersgate, and St. Bridget's, Fleet street, in London, of Echefford, Lanename, and St. Mary Magdalen in Tote-nillstrete, Midd., of Southbenflete, Goodester, Maldon, Newport Ponde and St. Leonard's in Newport Ponde, Essex, of Stanford and Chadde alias Chaddelsworth, Berks, of Islyppe, Oxon, of Turveston and Thorneborowghe, Bucks, of Dodford, Ntht., of Estmerkename, Drayeton, Bevercotes, and Houghton, Notts, and of Basingborne, Camb., all which belonged to St. Peter's; also of Guncester alias Goodmanchester and Alconburye, Hunts, which belonged to Merton; of Longbenyngton and Myntyng, Linc., and Hynkeley, Leic., which belonged to Mountgrace; of Mathon which belonged to Pershore; of Hampton, Offenhame, Badsey, Aldyngton, Wykanford, Lytleton Media, Northlytleton and Southlitleton, Worc., which belonged to Evesham; of Randall and Parva Cotes which belonged to Grymesby; of Ryskyngton and Derryngton which belonged to Haverholme; and of Hole and Hokyngton which belonged to Bardeney.
With full rights. Except rents of 45s. from John Donyngton, 12s. 5d. from Hugh Vaughan and 4s. and 1 lb. of pepper from Ant. Cotton for tenements in Knightsbridge, Midd., and a croft called Heywards in Aldewyche, Westminster, in tenure of Wm. Wylson, all which belonged to St. Peter's.
To hold in frank almoign at a rent of 296l. 19s. 4d.
Also release of payment of first fruits to Wm. Benson, S.T.P., dean of Westminster, and to Simon Heynes, S.T.P., John Redman, S.T.P., Edw. Leyton, Ant. Belosys, Wm. Bretton, Denis Dalyon, Humph. Perkyns, Thos. Essex, Thos. Elfred, Edm. Weston, Wm. Harvye, and Gerard Carleton, now prebendaries of Westminster.
Also grant to the same of the head and original fountain of a canal or aqueduct lying in Hyde Park in a field there called Crosse Leysefelde and all water courses leading from thence to the site of St. Peter's; and the right of entering upon any ground through which they pass, to repair them. Also those leets and views of frankpledge of Calcroft, Rydgrene and Wytcombeyte, Worc.,; and similar liberties in Grafton, Streynesham, Pepulton, Besford, Pyrton, Upton Snodesbury, Pynffyn, Mertenhosentre, Dormeston, Ekyngton, Wollashull, Bryghtlampton, Comberton Parva, Pensham, Wike, Harley, Malverne Magna, Staunton, Baldenhall, Powycke, Newlande, Mortonbyrt alias Birtz Morton, Clevelande and Corselande, Worc., all which belonged to St. Peter's; also similar liberties (the right of sanctuary only excepted) within the site of the college of St. Martin and Dean's Court, Powche Makers' Court, St. Martin's lane, Angell alley, Bell alley, St. John's alley, Cocke alley, Cristofer alley, Fowerdoves alley, and Bland's alley, in the parishes of St. Anne and St. Leonard's, Foster lane; also similar liberties in all other the premises.
To hold, free of all charges except pensions to bailiffs, &c., and 40s. to the vicar of Cressinge, 10s. to the farmer of Kennesbarne manor for vesture, 20s. to the chaplain in the church of St. Bartholomew beside Sutbury, and due from the priory of Sudbury, 10s. to the farmer of Longedon for vesture, 10d. to John Malyard, crier of the court at Bynholme, payable by Wyke manor, 26s. 8d. to the keeper of Tiddesley park in Pershore, 6s. 8d. to the farmer of Yeveney manor for vesture, 3s. 4d. to St. Paul's Cathedral, 6s. 8d. to the Bp. of London and 19s. 2d. to the Archdeacon of London out of St. Botolph's without Aldersgate, 16l. to the vicar of St. Bridget's, Fleet street, 9s. 4d. for procurations and synodals out of the rectory of Stevyngton, 13s. 4d. to the vicar there, and 10s. to the farmer of the manor there for vesture, 10s. to the farmer of Whethamsted manor for vesture, 6s. 8d. to the farmer of Sabrigeworthe rectory for vesture, 40s. to the vicar of Goddester, 34s. 2d. to the farmer of Fawconers prebend, 53s. 4d. to the vicar of Benflete and 5s. to the church, 34s. 8d. to the vicar of Creshall, 20s. and 10s. respectively out of the manors or fee farms of Deane and Sudbury, 3l. 6s. 8d. to the bp. of Norwich out of Swaffeham rectory, and 10s. to the archdeacon of Norfolk for procurations and synodals, 20s. to the dean and canons of Windsor out of Basyngborne rectory, 40s. to the vicar of Wendie, 20s. to the bp. of Ely and 13s. 4d. to the archdeacon of Ely (for procurations, &c.) out of the same, 6s. 8d. to the farmer of Holme and Langeforde for vesture, all charges upon the rectories of Godmanchester and Alconburyweston, 6l. to Augustine Porter for his fee, 20s. to the deacon or clerk of Hynkeley, 12d. for straw, and 1d. for charcoal for the said church, 8l. to the vicar of Mathon, 6s. 8d. to the bishop and 8s. 5d. to the archdeacon of Worcester out of the same and 4s. every three years to the said bishop for visitations, and 6s. 8d. to the deacon there for stipend, 4l. to John Hyggens, curate of Hampton, for a portion of tithes and 10s. to the vicar there, 4l. 17s. 4d. to the curate and chaplain of Offenham, 3l. 11s. 4d. to the vicar of Badsey, Aldyngton and Wyckanforde, and 3l. 1s. out of Lytleton (North, South and Middle) for tithes.
Guildford, 22 July 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Berechurch, 5 Aug.P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 5.
6. Ant. Rouse, the King's servant. Grant, in fee, for 432l. 4s. 4d., of the manors of Donyngton, Brundisshe, Tyes in Cretingham, "Clopton Hall alias Clopton llkitteshall alias Ilkitteshall Bardolf," Suff., and the advowsons of the church and chantry of Donyngton; all which the said Anthony, by deed 24 May 34 Hen. VIII., has surrendered to the King, and which he lately acquired from Charles son and heir male of Sir Ric. Wyngfeld, dec., to whom the King formerly granted them in tail male. Rent, 40l. 8s. 4d. Windsor, 2 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Berechurch, 6 Aug.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 8.
7. Lewis Fortescue. To be fourth baron of the Exchequer. Guildford, 22 July 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 Aug.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 4.
8. Robt. Dacres, of the King's Council. Grant, in fee, of the reversions and rents reserved upon the following leases :(a) By Wm. Fauntleroy, formerly master, and the late college of Heigham Ferrers, Ntht., 1 Nov. 22 Hen. VIII., to Thomas Audeley, attorney of the Duchy of Lancaster, of the site of the manor of Westmersey, Essex, except the marsh called Doggholles marsh, for 15 years, at 15l. rent; (b) by the same, 3 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII., to Rich. Leke of Westmersey, Essex, of the manor called Petehall in Westmersey, for 16 years, at 10l. rent; (c) by Robt. Goldston, master, and the said late college, 22 May 32 Hen. VIII., to Wm. Fooks, of Over Dene, Beds., of the manor place and demesnes of Over Dene for 32 years, at 8l. rent; (d) by the same to Robt. Pullen and Alice his wife, of Westmersey, 1 April 30 Hen. VIII., of the premises leased in "(a)," for 21 years from the expiration of that lease at the same rent; (e) by the same to Hen. Goldson of Pikewell, Leic., 30 Sept. 33 Hen. VIII., of the manor place of Fryngringhoo (which the late master had leased to John Hunter of Westmersey, 15 Aug. 24 Hen. VIII., for 21 years) for 40 years from the expiration of the previous lease, at 11l. rent; (f by Wm. Fauntleroy, master, and the same college, 20 April 24 Hen. VIII., to Robt. Carter, sen., of Heigham, of a close called Warens in Dene, Beds., for 23 years, at 33s. 4d. rent; (g) by Robt. Goldson, warden, and the same college, to Hen. Freman of Irchester, Ntht., 16 Dec. 33 Hen. VIII., of the premises leased in "(f)," and of another close called Warrens in Dene (which was leased 10 April 1533 to Ric. Shote of Heigham and Agnes his wife from the feast of Annunciation 1536, for 21 years, at the same rent) respectively for 40 years on expiration of the respective previous leases, at the same rents; (h) by the same to Robt. Smyth, of Bletso, Beds., 20 May 34 Hen. VIII., of lands in Barforde (which had been leased by Fauntleroy and the college, 16 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII., to John Spryng, of Barforde), from Mich. 1549, for 50 years, at 6l. 13s. 4d.
Also grant of the manors of Westmersey, Fyngrynghoo and Pete, and all possessions of the late college in the half hundred of Wynstre, Essex, the rectories and advowsons of the vicarages of Westmersey and Fyngringhoo, an annual pension of 13s. 4d. from the vicar of Fyngringhoo, the manors of Dene alias Overdene, Barforde and Sharnebroke, Beds., the pastures called Warrens and all appurtenances in Westmersey, Fyngrynghoo, Pete, and Peldon in Wynstre, Essex, and in Dene, Overdene, Netherdene, Barforde and Sharnebrooke, Beds.
To hold as one tenth of a knight's fee, by 13l. 16s. 4d. rent, with full rights as enjoyed by Robt. Goldson, last warden, before the dissolution of the said college, or before 18 July 34 Hen. VIII. Windsor, 7 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Berechurche, 12 Aug. P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 3.
9. Sir George Darcy. Annuity of 56l. 3s. 4d. out of the manors of Thorner, Egburge, Wymbleton, Turrington and Slingesbye and lands in Wrikell, Owten, Eltofts, Myddell Addesley, West Haddeslei, Herscourtney, Cattall and Nunnmunketon, with free rents in Herscourtnei and Nabourne, Yorks., which belonged to Sir Thos. Metham, dec., during the minority of Thos. Metham, kinsman and next heir of the said Sir Thomas, with wardship and marriage of the said heir. Hampton Court, 6 July 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Berechurch, 12 Aug.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 5.
10. John Baptist Casie, LL.D., one of the prebendaries of Canterbury Cathedral. Licence of non-residence for life. Windsor, 7 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Berechurch, 12 Aug.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 4 (dated 13 Aug.).
11. Wm. Cressent, bitmaker, the King's servant. Licence to export 200 tuns of beer. Windsor, 5 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Berechurch, 14 Aug. P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 2. In English.
12. Rob. Davy, of Credyton, Devon, merchant. Grant, in fee, of the reversion and rent reserved upon a lease by John, late prior, and the convent of Marton, 4 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII., to Robt. Potter and Chr. his son, of the manor of Tengecanon, Devon, with all appurtenances, including grain and fulling mills, for 40 years at 14l. rent; also grant of the manor of Tengecanon alias Canontenge and all its appurtenances in Honycke alias Honyocke and Crisomstow, alias Cristow, Devon. Rent, 28s. Sonnynghill, 10 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Berechurch, 15 Aug. P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 17.
13. Sir Thos. Wentworth, the King's servant. To be keeper or governor of Sandall Castle, Yorks., with the appointment of 20 soldiers on horseback within the same, with 100 mks. a year for himself and 10 mks. for each soldier. Windsor, 8 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Berechurch, 17 Aug. P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 6.
14. Sir Thos. Wentworth, the King's servant. To be steward of the town and lordship of Wakefield, Yorks., and master of the hunt of the parks of Sandall, i.e., the old and new park of Sandall and the old and new park of Wakefield. Granted upon surrender of a patent of the same office made 10 Dec. 25 Hen. VIII., to Thos. earl of Rutland in reversion, after Sir Ric. Tempest, who then held it. Windsor, 8 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Berechurch, 17 Aug.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 7.
15. Rob. Tyrwhitt, the King's servant. Grant, in fee, for 1,044l. 19s. 7d., of (1) the chief messuage of the manor of Swayton, Linc., which belonged to Barlinges abbey, Linc., and the wood there called "le Cottes," in tenure of Wm. Myddelton; (2) the manor of Clopton, Ntht., with the advowson of the parish church there, which belonged to Peterborough abbey, all lands in Clapton alias Clopton, Ntht., which belonged to Thorney monastery, Camb., lands there in tenure of Wm. Dudley which belonged to Dynglaye preceptory, Ntht., and a messuage in tenure of Wm. White in Lylforde, Ntht., which belonged to Dynglave; (3) rent and service from Thos. Kirton for lands in Fulbek, Linc., which belonged to Thurgarton monastery, Notts., and lands in the several occupation of Hugh Barker, Thos. Akyrton, Greg. Olyver, John Fisher, Wm. Keye and Thos. Mabott in Ledenham. Linc., which belonged to Temple Brewer preceptory, Linc.; (4) a tenement called "the Bayly of the Egles howse" in Clerkenwell, Midd., between St. John's lane on the east, the garden in tenure of Wm. Apryce on the west, the tenements of Wm. Arrowsmythe, Geo. Benson, Nich. Rishton and John Foxe on the south and a garden in tenure of Olive Overton, widow, on the north, which house belonged to the Eagle preceptory, Linc.; also (5) the manor of Morehall in Herefelde and the rectory of Herefelde, Midd., with the wood called Bayhurst in Herefelde and the advowson of the vicarage of Herefelde, all which belonged to the priory of St. John of Jerusalem in England; also (6) a cottage, &c., called Threpelandes in tenure of Thos. Hooton and Thos. Lowes in Threpelands and Moreland, Westmld., and lands called le Hall Garthe in tenure of Ric. Wasshington in Shappe, Westmld., which belonged to Shappe monastery and are worth 45s. a year; also the site of the late priory of Austin Friars in Penrethe, Cumb., with all possessions of the priory there; (7) a dovecot and lands called Barrowe and Salmans in tenure of Wm. Lawrence in Wrvttell, Essex, which belonged to St. John's monastery in Colchester; (8) the rectory and advowson of the vicarage of Wayneflete, Linc., which belonged to Stixwolde, annual value, 6l. 10s. 2d.; also (9) a toft and grange called a shepegate in tenure of Thos. Hall in Lynghowe and Askeby, Linc., and Derington wood in Derington, Linc., which belonged to Haverholme priory, Linc., annual value, 79s. 6d.; (10) a water mill in tenure of Ric. Raskell in Pawnton, Linc., which belonged to Stixwolde, annual value, 33s. 4d.; also a house, &c., in Muston, Leic., and a close in Stanwythe, Linc., in tenure of Wm. Brighouse, clk., rector of Harleston, which belonged to Newboo monastery, Linc., annual value, 32s.; also (11) the lands in tenure of John Foxe in Barforde Mychelles, Oxon. and Ntht., which belonged to Chacombe monastery, Ntht.
To hold as one twentieth of a knight's fee by rents of (1) 12s., (2) 17s. 10d., (3) 10s. 7d., (4) 5s. 4d., (5) 40s., (6) 5s. 5d., (7) 4s., (8) 13s. 0d., (9) 7s., 11d., (10) 6s. 6d., (11) 4s.; free of other charges except 3s. 4d. a year to the collector of Clopton, 20s. out of Waynflete rectory to the bp. of Lincoln, 6s. 8d. to Lincoln Cathedral, 8l. 13s. 4d. to the vicar of Waynflete, and 9s. 10d. to the archdeacon of Lincoln for procurations and synodals. Windsor, 28 July 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Berechurch, 18 Aug.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 30.
16. Wm. Apphowell, sometime marshal of the King's Hall. Presentation to the room of porter of the newlyerected college of Bristol. Addressed to the Dean and Chapter of the college. Hampton Court, 22 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Aug.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 2 (dated 21 Aug.). In English.
17. Robt. Tyrwhitt. Licences to alienate :
(i.) Lands in Writtell, Essex ( 7 in Grant 15), to Ph. Llentall of Navestok and Parnella his wife. Berechurch, 21 Aug. Pat., 34 Hen. VIII., p. 10, m. 7.
(ii.) The rectory of Wayneflete, Linc., &c. ( 8 in Grant 15) to Robt. Dighton. Berechurche, 21 Aug. Pat., 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 3.
(iii.) Clopton manor, Ntht., &c. ( 2 in Grant 15) to Wm. Dudley. Berechurche, 21 Aug. Ibid., m. 4.
(iv.) Lands in Muston, Leic., and Stanwythe, Linc. ( 10 in Grant 15) to Ant. Elys and Anne his wife. Berechurche, 21 Aug. Ibid.
(v.) Rents in Fulbek, Linc., and the "Bayly of the Egles house" in Clerkenwell, Midd. ( 3 and 4 in Grant 15) to Wm. Rigges of London and Anne his wife. Berechurche, 21 Aug. Ibid.
(vi.) The manor of Morehall and rectory of Herefelde, Midd., &c. ( 5 in Grant 15) to John Newdegate, sen., and John Newdegate, jun., and Mary his wife. Berechurche, 21 Aug. Ibid., m. 5.
(vii.) Lands in Threpelands, Moreland and Shappe, Westmld., and the site of the Austin Friars in Penrith. Cumb. ( 6 in Grant 15) to Ralph and James, sons of Ric. Wasshyngton, of Grayryg, Westmld. Berechurche, 21 Aug. Ibid.
(viii.) Swayton manor, Linc., &c. ( 1 in Grant 15) to Edward lord Clynton and Saye. Berechurch, 21 Aug. Ibid.
18. Sir Arthur Darcy. Grant, in fee, for 236l. 12s. 6d., of the reversions and rents reserved on the following leases :(a) by John, late prior, and the late convent of the Charterhouse near London, 7 March 23 Hen. VIII., to Sir John Nevyll, Lord Latimer, of the mansion and tenement at the east end of their churchyard, with the stables and gardens lying between the cloisters of the said priory and the house and garden of Ralph Warren, alderman; which mansion had been in tenure of the late abbot of Parshore; for 60 years, by rent of a red rose at St. John Baptist's day, if asked for. (b) By Henry, late abbot of Graces beside the Tower of London, and the convent there, 29 May 28 Hen. VIII., to Ant. de Naples, denizen, of the tenement in which the said Antony then dwelt (dimensions given) lying within the gate of the monastery of Graces at the east side of the church; for 80 years (rent not given). (c) By the same, 2 Oct. 22 Hen. VIII., to John Duffeld, mercer, of a tenement called le Katheryn Whele in East Smithfield, with the wharf there, lying between the beerhouse called the Three Kings on the west, and the Mille Docke of the said convent on the east, the river Thames on the south and the ditch running between the tenements of the said convent then in tenure of Lady Raynkyn on the north; for 80 years, at 46s. 8d. rent. (d) By the same, 30 April 30 Hen. VIII., to John Hyllys, of the tenement called le Stewe, and a leaden furnace called a stewe lede, a leaden cistern and a leaden pipe from the Thames to the said house, with "le bokett sweppe" and a chain belonging to the same, in the parish of St. Michael at Quenehith, being in extent 50 feet from east to west, and 72 feet from the tenement called "le Syng of the Coipp" on the north to the Thames on the south, which tenement called "le Stewe," &c., Vincent Vulpe lately held; for 99 years at 20s. rent. (e) By the same, 20 Sept. 22 Hen. VIII., to Margaret Raynkyn alias Lady Marg. Hester, then widow, of a place, &c., in East Smithfield in the parish of St. Botolph without Aldgate, then in her tenure (dimensions given); for 60 years at 10s. rent. (f) By the same, 2 June 22 Hen. VIII., to John Keddermyster, clothier, of the tenement and beerhouse called the Hartishorne, with the wharf adjoining, in the parish of St. Botolph without Aldgate (position given as regards the Thames, the "dokk" of the convent, the way leading to the convent mill, and the tenement and former beerhouse of the said convent in which Edw. Doyce, beer-brewer, formerly, and Wm. Anthony, beer-brewer, then, dwelt); also a parcel of meadow upon which a tenement was lately built by Laur. Giles, beer-brewer, and Elizabeth, his wife (dimensions given with regard to "le dokke," "le Pillorye lane," and the abbey mills called "Crasshmylls"); also a little garden formerly in tenure of Peter Barbor and afterwards of Gerrard Hughes, goldsmith (dimensions given); also a garden in East Smithfield then in tenure of John Browne, bounded by the gardens of the said Gerard, of (blank) Fryday and of Thos. Stepgen (formerly of Martin Toker) and the highway and "le dokke;" which garden, then in tenure of John Browne, abutts upon Nightingale lane (dimensions given); for 99 years, at 21s. 4d. rent (items specified). (g) By the same, 15 June 15 Hen. VIII., to Laur. Foxley, of a tenement, with two gardens and half of a well, upon Tower hill, near the said monastery of Graces, which tenement, &c., Alice Rowlesley lately held, and one of the gardens is surrounded by a brick wall, the other by a mud wall; also a tenement called le Stonehall, on Tower hill, between the high way on the north and the said gardens on the south, in which Ambrose Porter then dwelt; for 50 years at 23s. 4d. rent. (h) By the same, 17 April 24 Hen. VIII., to Ant. Vivalde, merchant, of a beerhouse and wharf called the Three Kings, in East Smithfield, between "le lytell wharffe" belonging to the beerhouse called the Lyon, in which Robt. Wade formerly dwelt, and the beerhouse called the Katheryn Whele, in which John Duffeld then dwelt (dimensions given); also a granary called a "garner house"; for 92 years at 17s. 4d. rent. (i) By the Crown, 29 May 33 Hen. VIII., to Sir Anth. Wyngfeld of a pasture for 600 sheep upon the manor of Rougham and grange of Eldawe, Suff., among the flocks of the farmer of Eldawe, which belonged to Bury St. Edmund's monastery; for 21 years, at 3l. rent.
Also grant of (1) the site, &c., of the late monastery of Graces (boundaries given with regard to the Tower of London, le Fermory, a tenement called Coppidhall. Hogglane, and the place in tenure of Eliz. Hawte, widow); (2) the buildings known as le Fermory, within the said site; (3) the garden called "le pyne appletre garden;" and (4) the tenement of Eliz. Hawte, within the said site; (5) the garden in tenure of Anth. Naples; (6) a rent of 53s. 4d. (part of a rent of 4l. 13s. 4d. reserved for the said tenement of Anth. Naples); (7) a close called Bartylmewe Close within the said site and in tenure of Sir Wm. Rothe, alderman; (8) the cemetery of the monastery, and (9) the convent garden with a dovecot therein; all which premises are in the parish of St. Botolph without Aldgate. Also grant of the foresaid tenements called (10) the Katheryn Whele; (11) that of Alice Rollesley aforesaid; (12) the Stonehall; (13) the Three Kings with its wharf and granary (now in occupation of John Franke by reason of the said lease to Vivalde); (14) the land in occupation of John Franke by reason of the said lease to Marg. Raynkyn; (15) the Hartishorne with its wharf, etc., in the aforesaid tenure of John Kiddermyster; (16) a parcel of "le wharffe" in East Smithfield lying towards a house called the Swan's Nest and to the east of the two mills called Crasshmylles, and in tenure of Thos. Lewyn; (17) the Stewe; (18) a parcel of waste land lying between the brick wall at the west end of the monastery and the highway leading from East Smithfield towards Aldgate (dimensions given with regard to the gate of the monastery, the corner house (domus angularis) in which Michael Johnson dwells and certain wooden posts); also (19) the said mansion which belonged to the Charterhouse, with the water course and pipe leading from the great conduit of the Charterhouse thither; also (20) the said foldage of 600 sheep in Rowgham, Eldawe, Russhbroke, Barton juxta Bury and Bury St. Edmund's, and all other tenements in the said parishes of St. Botolph and St. Michael, Rougham and Bury, of Lord Latymer, John Duffeld, Marg. Raynkyn, John Kyddermyster, Laur. Foxley and Ant. Vyvalde.
To hold, in fee simple, as one hundredth of a knight's fee by rent of 16s. for what belonged to the Charterhouse, and (after the death of Sir Chr. Moryce) for the tenements leased to Ant. Naples, Sir Wm. Roche and Eliz. Hawte, 26s. 1d., (10) 4s. 8d., (11, 12) 2s. 4d., (13) 21d., (14) 12d., (15) 2s. 1d., (16) 8d., (17) 2s., (20) 6s. With full rights, free of all charges. Del. [Terlyng], (fn. 8) 24 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. S.B. (much injured). Pat. p. 3, m. 15.
19. Thos. duke of Norfolk. Commission to be the King's lieutenant and captain general towards the North parts and to assemble, array and arm all the men able for war of cos. Yorks, the bpric. of Durham, Cumb., Westmld., Kendall, Nthld., Lanc., Chester, Notts., Derb., Staff., Norf. and Suff., of all tenants of the late Earl of Northumberland in these counties and of the late Queen Consort Katharine in Norfolk and Suffolk; and to lead them to battle against the Scots. To act in the King's place in ennobling such as distinguish themselves, hearing complaints, &c.
Similar letters to be made out for Wm. earl of Southampton, K.G., keeper of the Privy Seal.
Letters for Thos. earl of Rutland, to be warden of all the marches towards Scotland; with clause for mustering the subjects in places adjacent.
Similar letters to Charles duke of Suffolk, who is, besides, to have letters patent to lead the men of cos. Lincoln and Warwick against the Scots.S.B. (undated. Probably about 24 Aug. See No. 661.) Endd. : At the suit of the Lord Chancellor.
20. Ralph Hopton, esquire. To be marshal of the King's Household in as full manner as John Carewe, John Turbervile, Hen. Shernburne, John Dygby, John Russell or Wm. Pykeryng enjoyed the office, with the usual fees. Del. Westm., 26 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. p. 3, m. 18. (Cancelled because surrendered by the said Ralph, then Sir Ralph, 11 May 2 Ph. and Mary.)
21. Ant. Dennye, one of the gentlemen of the Privy Chamber. Licence to retain in his service (besides his household servants to whom he gives meat, drink, livery or wages, and besides such as are of the King's livery or fee) 20 gentlemen or yeomen. Sonnynghill, 9 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Aug.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 2. In English.
22. The inhabitants of Jersey and Guernsey. Licence, upon their petition to be allowed to provide themselves with victual from the port of Southampton, to carry thence yearly as follows :For the castle of Mountorgueil in Jersey, beer 150 tuns, beeves 20, bacon 600 flitches, butter 1,200 lbs., cheese 20 wey, stock fish 3,000, tallow 600 lbs., leather 20 dykers, wood and sea coal as much as reasonable. For the isle of Jersey beer 500 tuns, leather 100 dykers, calves skins 25 doz., wood and sea coal as much as reasonable. For the castle of Cornet in Guernsey (just half the allowance for Montorgueil). For the isles of Guernsey and Alderney (the same as Jersey). Sonnynghill, 12 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Aug.P.S. Pat. p. 4, m. 15. In English.
23. Lord William Howarde, late of Lambeth, Surr., uncle of the late Queen Katharine and late one of the King's Council. Pardon of all treasons committed before 14 Feb. 33 Hen. VIII. Westminster, 28 (sic) Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. 27 (sic) Aug.P.S. Pat. p. 4, m. 6.
24. Sir Thos. Wriothesley, one of the King's two principal secretaries. Licence to retain, over and above his usual household in livery, 40 persons, gentlemen or yeomen, in his livery. Hampton Court, 20 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 Aug.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 1. In English.
25. Sir Ralph Sadleyr, one of the King's two principal secretaries. Licence to retain, over and above his usual household and subordinates, 40 persons, gentlemen or yeomen, in his livery. Westm., 27 Aug. Pat., 34 Hen. VIII., p. 6, m. 3. In English.
26. Ric. Cutbert, gunner. To be a gunner in the Tower of London, with 6d. a day from the feast of Annunciation last. Chobham, 16 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 Aug.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 4.


  • 1. This date printed in the Spanish Calendar must be wrong, Contarini died on 24 Aug. according to Baronius (Annales, xxxiii. 12).
  • 2. Robert Castell.
  • 3. In the year 1540. See Vol. XV.
  • 4. Goldenfingre in 2.
  • 5. Sir John Harrington. See No. 702.
  • 6. The date filled in in another hand.
  • 7. Sir Anthony Browne.
  • 8. Supplied from Patent Roll.