Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 57

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 57', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 57', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 57". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. (London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, File 57

Writ 9 September, 10 Edward II.
SUFFOLK. Inq. [3] October, 10 Edward II. (defaced.)
Wyke [alias Wykes] by Ipswich. A certain soke with the sheriff’s turns and views of frankpledge pertaining thereto, 67s. 9d. rent of assize, and 4l. 13s. 4d. yearly to be received from the tolls of the town of Ipswich by the hands of the bailiff, held of the king in chief by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, as of the gift of King Edward I.
Ufford manor. A tenement called Ketleberwestech held in socage of the king in chief by service of a pair of gilt spurs yearly; and 4a. arable, 2 mills and ponds, and 16l. rent of assize &c. held of Margaret, sometime queen of England, as of her manor of Bredefeld, which is in her hand by the king’s gift, by service of 1 1/2 knight’s fee, and 5s. yearly at the said manor of Bredefeld for the guard of the castle of Norwich.
Ufford. The manor (extent grven), with the advowson of the church, held of the earl of Norfolk and Suffolk and Marshal of England, by service of a knight’s fee.
Petistre, hamlet of Benges. A messuage with pasture, 90a. arable, 2a. wood, and 15s. rent of assize, held of the manor of Crainsford, which Geoffrey de Castre holds for life of Petronilla de Holebrok, by service of 1/3 knight’s fee.
Benges hamlet. 10a. land and 1a. meadow, held of the heir of Giles de Breouse [alias de Brewes] by service of 10s. yearly; and 10a. arable held of Sir Bartholomew Davelers by knight’s service.
Wykham and Petistre. A messuage, 100a. land, 15a. meadow, 5a. pasture, 4a. wood, a water-mill, toll of the market of Wykham with the fair, and 12l. 7s. 4 1/2d. rent of assize, &c., with the advowson of the church of Wykham, held of Sir Aymer (Emero) de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, in free socage by homage only.
Wykham. A windmill held jointly by the said Robert and Cecily his wife, of the gift of Stephen Edrich to them and the heirs of the said Robert.
Petistre. 20a. arable held jointly as above, of the gift of Richard de Bosco.
Ufford. 4a. meadow held jointly as above, of the gift of Roger Smalhetz, Hugh Holdlond and William Crispyng.
Baudeseye. A manor (extent given), held of Sir Guy Ferree(?) as of his manor of Benhale, by service of 1/2 knight’s fee, and 10d. yearly at the manor of Benhale for the guard of the castle of Eye.
Robert his son, aged 18 on the eve of St. Lawrence last, is his next heir.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c. 28 November, 10 Edward II.
SUFFOLK. Inq. and extent, 22 December, 10 Edward II.
Tunstal. Three parts of a knight’s fee held by Petronilla de Holebrok.
Ufford. The advowsons of the church and free chapel.
Wykham. The advowson of the church.
C. Edw. II. File 56. (5.)
E. Inq. p.m. File 7. (24.)
Writ 12 October, 10 Edward II.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 15 November, 10 Edward II. (defaced.)
Holebrok. The manor, held of Alice de Henaud, countess of Norfolk and Marshal, by service of a knight’s fee.
Tatinggiston manor. A messuage, 30a. land, 2a. alder wood, 3a. meadow, 10a. pasture and 12s. rent, held in free socage of the heirs of Sewall de Rynggesele by service of 1d. yearly; 15s. yearly rent held in free socage of Agnes sometime the wife of Payn Tybetot by service of 1d. yearly; 20a. land held of the prior of St. Peter’s, Ipswich, by service of 1d. yearly; and 10s. yearly rent held of the prior of Leyes by service of 1d. yearly.
Alton hamlet in the manor of Tatigginston. 10s. yearly rent held of the heirs of Agnes de Cornherth by service of a clove gilly flower; and 22s. yearly rent held of the heirs of Alice de Messinge by the like service.
Brantham in the said manor. 27s. yearly rent held of the heirs of Geoffrey de B[rant]ham (?) by service of 1d. yearly.
Bentleye. A certain manor held in free socage of the prior of Leyes by service of 1d. yearly; and a tenement called Maneford in the same manor held of William de Vedelu by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Sprouton. A messuage and 40a. land, held of Sir William de Ormesby, service unknown; 7a. land and 1a. pasture, held of Agnes Tybetot in free socage by service of 3s. yearly; part of a messuage and 8a. (?) land, held of Nigel de Kenton by service of 12d. yearly; and 24a. land held of Peter Anneys by service of 3s. (?) yearly.
Braunford. 20a. land and 4a. wood, held of the bishop of Ely by service of 2s. yearly.
Burstalle. A tenement called Fraunkisfee held of Alice de Henaud, countess of Norfolk and Marshal of England, by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Brende Wenham. 1a. land held of Stephen de Braunford, service unknown.
Wassebrok. A messuage held of Roger Mervyn by service of 1d. yearly. He held no other lands &c.
John his son, aged 3 at Whitsunday last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (1.)
Writ, 1 April, 10 Edward II.
DERBY [and NOTTINGHAM], Inq. The morrow of St. John ante Portam Latinam, 10 Edward II.
Pleselay. A moiety of the manor, held of the honour of Tykhill by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Mamesfeld soke. A moiety of a carucate of land, held of the king’s ancient demesne by fealty, suit at the court of Mamesfeld, and service of 2s. yearly.
John his son, aged 14, is his next heir.
[YORK.] Inq. held at Skipton in Craven, on Saturday the eve of SS. Philip and James, 10 Edward II. (defaced.)
Helghfeld in the wapentake of Stayncl(iff). 4l. 19s. 2d. to be yearly received from the tenants there, tenure unspecified.
Heir unknown.
Writ, 1 April, 10 Edward II.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. 9 May, 10 Edward II.
Lilleford. The manor (extent given), including a park and two free tenants in Hockyngdon, held jointly with Margaret his wife by the enfeoffment of Anthony de Beck, late patriarch of Jerusalem and bishop of Durham, of John de Brutayne as of the honour of Huntidon by service of a knight’s fee.
Heir as above, after the death of the said Margaret, aged 15 and more.
LINCOLN. Inq. Wednesday before St. Mark, 10 Edward II.
Malthorp. 52 1/2a. arable and 5s. 1d. yearly rent.
Hoggesthorp. 20a. arable, divers plots of pasture by the sea called ‘Le Meles,’ and 26s. 8d. rent.
All held of the king in chief as of the crown by service of 1/14 knight’s fee.
Wilughby. The manor with its appurtenances in Slotheby, Hardesthorp, Hoggesthorp, Hellesay, Langholm, Andreby, Dalby, Danmark, Altoft, Bonnetoft, Weynflet, Slekeholm, and Halbertoft (full extent given), including rents in Billesby, Thurlby, Weynflet, and Wolingham, held for life, of the inheritance of John his son, of Thomas son of William de Wilughby by service of 1 1/2 knight’s fee; and 4 tofts, 114a. arable, 100a. meadow, and 43s. 4d. rent of free tenants, held of Thomas Pilat of Welton by service of 5s. 2 1/2d.
And there are due yearly to Robert de Welle for land of Herbert de Malthorp 5s., and for land in Malthorp and Hoggesthorp 2s. 6d., and to Robert de Grendale 20s.
Ulseby and Drexthorp. A messuage, 70a. arable and a toft, held of John de Harington by service of 1d. yearly.
Malberthorp. 5a. land held of Richard Hacoun by service of 1d. yearly.
Heir as above, aged 13 on the day of the Epiphany last.
LINCOLN. Inq. Friday before St. Mark, 10 Edward II.
Cokerington. A capital messuage, a croft and 3 bovates of land, held of the king in chief as of the crown by service of 1/40 knight’s fee; 1/2 bovate of land and 16s. 9d. rent of free tenants, held of Isabel de Bello Monte, as of the barony of Bayeux, which is in her hands for life, by the king’s grant, by service of 1/60 knight’s fee; and 2 bovates of land with a warren in Somercotes, held of the heirs of Walter le Vavasur by knight’s service.
Saltfletby and Somercotes. 18a. land and 3r. meadow, held of John de Britannia, earl of Richemund, in socage, service unspecified.
Saltflethaven in [alias and] Skitbrok. The middle of the river (filum aque), held of the king in chief as of the crown by service of 2s. yearly.
Skitbrok. A capital messuage, a horse-mill, 63 1/2a. arable, 17 1/2a. meadow, 12 1/2a. pasture, a wind-mill, a market, rents &c., held of the earl of Richemund in socage by service of 16 1/4 d yearly; 8l. 2s. 1 1/2d. yearly rent held of the said earl by service of 1/2 knight’s fee, and 12s. yearly rent by knight’s service; and 7a. land and 13a. meadow, held of the bishopric of Durham, sede vacante and in the king’s custody, by knight’s service.
Saltfletby. 5a. meadow held of Thomas de Muleton in socage; and 22s. 9d. yearly rent held of the earl of Richmond in socage, service unspecified.
And there are yearly payable to Maud, late the wife of Peter Galle, for life, for certain lands &c. which she held in dower and demised to the said Robert for her life, 6l.
Heir as above of the lands held by knight’s service, but of the lands held in socage, the same John aged 13 on the day of the Epiphany, and William his younger brother aged 11 and more, are his next heirs, because those lands are partible.
LINCOLN. Inq. Monday the feast of St. Mark, 10 Edward II.
Beltesforth. Certain lands &c. held of the earl of Lincoln by service of 1/10 knight’s fee, viz.—at Beltesforth a messuage, 35a. arable, 12a. meadow, part of a water-mill, and 111s, rent, at Donington 57s. 3d. rent, and at Golkesby 15s. 9d. rent; and 7a. arable and 24s. 10d. rent, held of John son of William Paynel by service of a rose yearly.
Foletby. A messuage, 4 1/2 bovates of land, 6a. meadow, and 37s. 10d. rent, held of Philip de Kyme by knight’s service; and 2 1/2 bovates of land, 10a. meadow, and 4l. 8s. 6 1/2d. rent &c., held as parcel of the manor of Eresby, which is held of the bishop of Durham sede vacante by serjeanty.
Wispington. A capital messuage, 50a. arable, 7a. meadow, 1 1/2a. pasture, 6l. 10s. rent &c., held as parcel of the same manor of Eresby; and 50a. arable, 6a. meadow, 1 1/2a. pasture and 6l. 10s. rent &c., held of Joan de Driby by knight’s service.
Whitehalle. A place called ‘le Whithall’ containing a messuage, held of Hugh de Paunton without any service; and a plot of wood held of William son of William son of Alfred (Alveredi) without any service.
Scrivelby. A messuage, 30a. arable, 3 1/2a. meadow, and 3s. rent, held of Thomas son of William de Wileghby, by service of a mewed sparrow-hawk, or 1/2 mark.
Langeton and Thimelby. A messuage, 50a. arable, 10a. meadow, and 32s. 7d. rent &c., held of William de Sancto Georgio by service of a clove gillyflower.
Hornecastle. 8s. yearly rent held of the bishop of Carlisle without any service.
Heir as above, aged 13 at the feast of the Epiphany.
LINCOLN. Inq. Friday after St. Mark, 10 Edward II.
Orreby, Ingoldmeles and Drexthorp. A moiety of a capital messuage, 137a. 1r. arable, 151a. 1 1/2r. meadow, 131a. 3r. pasture, a windmill, a moiety of a water-mill, 70a. wood, rents &c., held of Henry de Bello Monte by service of 1/6 knight’s fee.
Ingoldmeles. 59 1/2a. pasture, tenure unspecified; and 6a. pasture held of Robert de Well by service of 6d. yearly.
Skegnesse. 40a. pasture held of the dean and chapter of St. Mary’s, Lincoln, by service of 6s. 8d. yearly.
Burgh and Wynceby. 20s. rent in Burgh, and 10s. rent in Wynceby, held of Philip de Kyme by knight’s service.
And there are payable yearly for meadows in Orreby to the prior of Thornholm 7s. 2 1/4d. and to William de Botheby for lands there 11s. 1d. with half a cheese price 9d.; and to Robert de Well, and the dean and chapter as above.
Steping. Certain lands &c. worth 20l. yearly, held jointly by the said Robert and Margaret his wife, to them and the heirs of their bodies, of Edmund Deincourt by service of 1d. yearly.
Heir as above.
LINCOLN. Inq. Saturday before St. Mark, 10 Edward II.
Foulestowe. A capital messuage, 92a. arable, 14a. meadow in ‘le Sik,’ 14a. meadow in Redenges, 2a. meadow in Hengcroft, 8a. pasture in Schortholm, 50a. pasture in Somereth, and 3a. pasture in ‘le Holm,’ rents &c., held of the bishopric of Durham sede vacante by service of two parts of a knight’s fee; 180a. arable, 14a. meadow in ‘le Sik,’ 14a. meadow in ‘le Redenges,’ 4a. meadow in Engcroftes, 13a. pasture in Schortholm, 70a. pasture in Somereth, a croft containing 15a. pasture, a windmill, rents &c., held of Robert Tilliole by service of two parts of a knight’s fee; a windmill in the marsh of Foulestowe held of Henry de Wlfhou by service of 2d. yearly; and 4a. land held of Alan son of Ivo by service of 5 clove gillyflowers and an apple.
Waldneuton, Kedington, Wargholm, Foterby and Kailesthorp. 4l. 2s. 9d. yearly rent held of the bishopric of Durham as member of the manor of Foulestowe.
Northcotes. Certain plots of pasture, 55s. 11d. rent, and a rent of 121 1/2 sesters of salt, held of the earl of Lincoln by service of 100 1/2 sesters of salt, price 12l. 11s. 3d., and 1 lb. pepper.
Heir as above.
LINCOLN. Inq. Wednesday after St. Mark, 10 Edward II. (defaced.)
Eresby. The manor with its members, viz.—Spillesby, Grebby, Ingoldmeles, Freskeneye, Flikesburgh, Bischopthorp, Askeby, Kirkeby by Beyn, Tatteshal and Thorp (extents given), including rents in Gronwik and Kirkeby, and a fishery at Flikesburgh, held of the bishopric of Durham sede vacante by service of a knight’s fee, and by service of being bailiff to the bishop and his successors for all their lands in the said county, holding the courts, levying summonses &c. and levying and accounting for all the issues and profits &c., and being steward to attend upon the bishops’ dishes (fercula) on the days of their consecration, and on Christmas day and Whitsunday yearly, by himself or his eldest son, if a knight, or by some fit knight his deputy.
And 36s. yearly are payable to the dean and chapter of Lincoln for lands which were of Nicholas Bek.
Grebby. 3a. land held of Ralph son of Ran[ulph] by service of 1/2d. yearly.
Ratheby. A messuage, 5 bovates of arable land, 4 1/2a. meadow, 3a. pasture, rents &c., held of the earl of Lincoln by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Hundelby. Two bovates (?) of land, 2 1/2a. meadow, 4a. pasture and 67s. 1d. rent, held of the said earl by service of 1/2 knight’s fee; a water-mill held of Peter de Malo Lacu by service of 2d. and one ‘eventus’ yearly; 5s. 3d. rent held of William de Berughby without any service; and a wood, tenure unspecified.
Halton, Saltfletby, Irreby, Braitoft and Hareby. Rents held of divers lords without any service.
Toynton and Parteneye. A messuage, 4 bovates of arable land, 90a. meadow, 100 (?)a. pasture, a water-mill, rents &c., held of the earl of Lincoln by service of a pair of gilt spurs or 6d., and there are payable …… . . for the guard of the castle of Bolingbrok.
Parteneye. 9 1/2 (?)a. meadow, and tolls of the fair…… .
Bolingbrok marsh. Two woods, and two pieces of meadow called Bretthengg in Littel Steping, held of the said earl by service of 8 clove gillyflowers yearly.
Askeby. 1d. yearly rent and 7a. meadow, held of the heirs of Geoffrey de … . . by service of a clove gillyflower.
Kirkeby, Methingesby, Estrekele and Westrekele. A wind-mill and 11l. 6s. 1 1/2d. (?) rent, held of Alan Ouerby by service of a clove gillyflower.
Burgh, Bischopthorp, Haveringham, Claxeby, Thurleby, Tathewell, Thimelby and South Stachre [alias Southstare], 43s. 5d. yearly rent held of divers lords without service.
Leverton, Boston and Breitoft. 63s. yearly rent held of divers lords without service
Toft. A messuage and 80a. land, held of William de Braitoft by service of 1d. yearly.
Holbech. 1a. land held of Thomas de Multon of Gillesland by service of a rose yearly.
Heir as above.
[LINCOLN.] Extent or summary of the above lands &c. (defaced.)
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c. 10 April, 10 Edward II.
[DERBY AND NOTTINGHAM.] Inq. Saturday the morrow of St. John ante Portam Latinam, 10 Edward II.
[DERBY.] Glappewell. 1/4 knight’s fee held of Robert le Couper.
[NOTTINGHAM.] Tevyrsalt. The advowson of the church.
[DERBY.] Pleselay. The advowson of the church, held in parcenary with John de Harcourt.
[YORK.] Wapentake of Staincliffe. Inq. held at Skipton in Craven on Saturday the eve of SS. Philip and James, 10 Edward II.
He held no fees or advowsons in the wapentake.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c., 10 April, 10 Edward II.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. 10 May, 10 Edward II.
Lilleford. The advowson of the church, held jointly by the said Robert and Margaret his wife, by the gift of Anthony de Beck, late patriarch of Jerusalem and bishop of Durham, to them and the heirs of the said Robert.
LINCOLN. Inq. Saturday after St. Mark, 10 Edward II.
Tatteshale, Kirkeby and Thorp. 1 knight’s fee held by Joan de Driby.
Foletby and Oxcumb. 1 knight’s fee and three parts of a fee, held by Walter de Freskeneye.
Bischopthorp. 1/2 knight’s fee held by John de Nevill; and 1/2 knight’s fee held by Adam Coyny.
Wadingworth. 1 knight’s fee held by Maud de Stayn.
Wodhall. 1/2 knight’s fee held by John de Wodhall.
Askeby. 1/2 knight’s fee held by William de Paunton.
Kedington, Foterby, Keilesthorp and Saltfletby. 1 knight’s fee held by Henry de Baiocis; and 1 knight’s fee held by John de Withren.
Kele. 1/9 knight’s fee held by Robert Burdet.
Ratheby. 1/8 knight’s fee held by Richard de Ratheby.
Saltfletby. 1/100 knight’s fee held by Robert Vavasur.
Wilughby. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Thomas Pylat.
Toynton. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Roger Bakun.
Ingoldeby. 1/3 knight’s fee held by John de Ingoldeby.
Foulestow. 1/4 knight’s fee held by Robert Tiliol.
Holbech. The advowson of the church held in common with John de Harcourt.
Kirkeby by Bolingbrok, Overtoynton, Nethertoynton, Spillesby, Wispington, Wilughby, Hoggesthorp and Malberthorp. The advowsons of the churches.
Kirkested. The site of the abbey, held by the abbot of the said Robert.
Haghneby. The abbey, held by the abbot of Aghneby of the said Robert, and of Edmund Somervill, as parceners in common.
Writ of certiorari on the complaint of Nicholas Malemeyns that the escheator had taken into the king’s hand 10 marks rent which the said Robert had granted him from the manors of Scryvelby and Toynton, 18 June, 10 Edward II.
LINCOLN. Inq. Tuesday after the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, 11 Edward II.
Scrivelby and Toynton manors. The said Robert four years and more before he died gave by his writing to Nicholas Malemeyns 10 marks rent from the said manors to be received yearly at Toynton, and he was seised thereof until the death of the said Robert. The manor of Toynton is held of the earl of Lincoln by service of a pair of gilt spurs; and the manor of Scrivelby is held of Thomas de Wilughby by service of a mewed sparrowhawk yearly.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (2.)
Writ, 20 August, 10 Edward II.
LINCOLN. Inq. Friday after St. Michael, 10 Edward II.
Aslakeby. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Aslakby, Authorp, Greiby, Milnthorp, Loghton and Kirkeby. William Mareschall, father of the said John, took into his hand certain lands &c. which were of the knights Templars in England because they were of his fee, after whose death the said John entered upon and held them.
Hawis his sister, whom Robert de Morlee married, aged 15 at Shrovetide (carniprivium) last, is his next heir.
NORFOLK. Inq. 28 September, 10 Edward II. (defaced.)
Hokeryngg and Buxton. The manors (extents given), held of the king in chief by barony, as of the barony of Rye, rendering for the manor of Hokeryngg 115s. 6 3/4d. for the guard of the castle of Norwich, and 15s. for Waytefee at the same castle.
Hengham. The manor (extent given), including a market on Saturday with two fairs, an alder wood at Northwode and Ketelyssale, and 1a. land at Brandon which is glebe of the church of Brandon, held of the king in chief as of his ancient demesne by service of a knight’s fee.
Folsham manor. 6l. 13s. 4d. rent and a moiety of the pleas &c. of the court; which manor Joan late the wife of William Roscelyn holds for life, and it is held of the heir of Gilbert de Clare, late earl of Gloucester and Hertford, by knight’s service.
Fourhowe. The hundred (extent given), held of the king in chief as pertaining to the manor of Hengham abovesaid.
He died on 12 August last, and his inheritance descended to Denise and Hawis his sisters, but the said Denise died on 14 September following, and thus the said Hawis, aged 16 on the day of St. Peter in Cathedra last, and married for six years past to Robert de Morlee, is his sole heir.
Extent or summary of the above manors &c.
Writ to the escheator in Ireland, 20 August, 10 Edward II.
IRELAND. Inq. the eve of SS. Simon and Jude, 11 Edward II.
He held nothing in Ireland in his demesne as of fee, save only the office of the marshalcy by service of an esquire with a barded horse before the justices of Ireland, for doing that office as well in time of peace as in war, at his own charges.
Name and age of heir unknown, because he was born and has spent all his life in England.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c. 2 September, 10 Edward II.
NORFOLK. Inq. 30 September, 10 Edward II.
Aldeby. The manor held by Joan late the wife of William Roscelyn by service of 1 knight’s fee.
Thelvetham. The manor held by the heir of Geoffrey de Chaleres by service of 1 fee.
Wortham, Elyngham, Tunstale, Depham and Morle. Lands &c. held by Gerard de Wechisham by service of 3 3/4 fees.
Snyterton and Schropham. Lands &c. held by Hugh de Snyterton by service of 1/2 fee.
Depham and Hakeford. Lands &c. held by William Blounvill by service of 1/2 fee.
Swanton. Lands &c. held by the heir of Henry Turnecourt by service of 1/6 knight’s fee.
Neuton and Bricgham. Lands &c. held by William de Kerdiston by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Hevyngham. Lands &c. held by the heir of Roger Gueth by service of 1/2 fee.
Drayton, Skernyngg, Berford, Fransham and Dunham. Lands &c. held by Walter de Langeton, bishop of Chester, and Joan Bemond by service of 4 fees.
Salle. Lands &c. held by Sarra, late the wife of John atte Hugh, by service of 1/4 fee.
North Tudenham. Lands &c. held by the heir of Robert Moundevill by service of 1/4 fee.
Chediston, Eston and Gisylyngham. Lands &c. held by Thomas de Brotherton, earl of Norfolk, by service of 3 fees.
Mulkeberton, Brundal and Wroxham. Lands &c. held by John de Claveringg by service of 2 1/2 fees.
Lexham. Lands &c. held by Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, by service of 1 fee.
Crunkelthorp and Wymondham. Lands &c. held by John de Gelham and William de Crungelthorp and others by service of 1/2 fee.
Kilverdiston by [Thefor (fn. 1) ]d. Lands &c. held by the prior of Cokisford by service of 1/2 fee.
Dokkyngg. Lands &c. held by William Lovel by service of 1 fee.
NORTHAMPTON AND RUTLAND. Sayton. Lands &c. held by Ralph de Bello Fa[go?] by service of 1 fee.
BUCKINGHAM, HERTFORD AND NORTHAMPTON (sic). Stodham, Wypesmade, Aysshele and Botelisford. Lands &c. held by Walter son of John de Botilisford by service of 2 fees.
NORFOLK. Hengham, Matisshal, Matisshaleborgh, Tudenham, Hokeryngg, Folesham and Brandon. The advowsons of the churches.
Memorandum. That Ela late the wife of the said John was dowered with the assent of the said Robert de Morlegh of the advowsons of the churches of Norton and Plumpton, which are not specified in these inquisitions.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (3.)
Devon. Proof of age, 21 September, 10 Edward II.
Geoffrey Daumarle, aged 48, says that the said John was 21 on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross last, for he was born at Notewille on 14 September, 23 Edward I, and baptized the same day in the church of St. Mary, Limeneston, by Jordan then chaplain to Sir Oliver de Dyneham; and this he knows, because he himself is patron of that church, and he has a son, William, who was born and baptized in that church, on the feast of St. George then next past.
Reginald de Clyfford, knight, aged 60, says the like, and knows it because it was told him the following day, and he went and saw the said John and gave him a gold ring.
Roger de Cokyngton, knight, aged 58, agrees, and knows it because he was a neighbour and had a daughter, Lucy, then born, and baptized in the same church on the morrow of the birth of the said John.
Gervase de Ralegh, knight, aged 60, agrees, and knows it because on that day he was at Notewille to ask Sir Oliver de Dyneham to be present at his nuptials with his wife Joan, and he saw Henry Daumfroun, godfather of the said John, carrying him from his baptism.
John de Vautort, knight, aged 70, agrees, and knows it because on the second day after the said John’s birth he saw him in the lap of Isabel de Fyshacre, and then at the request of Sir Oliver he delivered to John de Vautort the younger his land of Clyst Gyrard by indenture bearing the date of the 23rd year.
Nicholas de Kyrkham, knight, aged 65, agrees, and knows it because on 24 September, 23 [Edward I] he had a son, Nicholas, born, and the same day was asked by letter (litteratorie) by Sir Oliver to be present at the churching feast (?) (relevaciones) of the said John’s mother.
Elias de Churchulle, aged 45, agrees, and knows it because Oliver de Dyneham gave, on the day of the said John’s birth, the wardship and marriage of Bartholomew, son and heir of Oliver de Bykelegh, to Alice the wife of the said Oliver [de Bykelegh], whom he [himself] afterwards married, by writing of that date.
William Dauney(?), aged 55, agrees, and knows it because he is a neighbour of the said church and saw Emma Fychet carrying the said John from his baptism and went with her to Notewille; and a fortnight after his father John Dauney(?) died.
Richard de Lenne, aged 48, agrees, and knows it because he is a parishioner of the said church, was present at the baptism, and Jordan the chaplain dined with him the same day.
John de Kylryngton, aged 58, agrees, and knows it because he was then servant to Roger de Novaunt, who married the sister of Margaret mother of the said John, and on news of the said birth the said Roger and his wife sent him with a present to the said Margaret.
Richard de Chuderlegh, aged 42, agrees, and knows it because at the feast of St. Michael following he took Thomasia, daughter of Elias de Godelegh, to wife, who still survives, and espoused her in the same church, and then he was told of the said John’s birth and baptism.
Walter Gamboun, aged 53, agrees, and knows it because he had a daughter, Alice, who was with John de Pouderham, and he often went to see her at Pouderham near Notewille, where he heard of the said John’s birth, and went and saw him carried from his baptism.
Ralph le Clerk, asserting himself … . . with William de Bereford one of the executors of [the late earl of Cornwall] was present and said he knew nothing why the king ought not to render to the said John his lands &c. as of full age.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (4.)
Writ, 25 September, 10 Edward II.
LINCOLN. Inq. Wednesday after the Epiphany, 10 Edward II.
Wilughby. A messuage, 80a. arable and 2s. rent, held of William de Vescy by knight’s service.
Knaythe. A third part of a messuage, 30a. arable. 11a. meadow, 40a. wood, and 20a. rent, held of the bishop of Lincoln by knight’s service.
Stretton. 20a. arable and 20d. rent, held of Thomas son and heir of Sir Thomas de Multon of Frampton by service of 2d.
John his son, aged 17 at Whitsunday next, is his next heir.
NORFOLK. Inq. 9 March, 10 Edward II.
Runham. A third part of the manor (extent given); the whole manor being held of the king by service of 200 pearmain pears (pirorum de permains) and two measures (modiorum) of wine, to be rendered at the king’s exchequer.
The said Walter died 11 years ago, after whose death it was found by inquisition that John his son and heir was 4 years old, and King Edward I. granted the wardship of the above third part until the lawful age of the said John, to John de Fulham, who granted it to William de Ormesby, who still holds the same.
Heir as above, aged 15 and more.
Petition of John son of Walter de Billingeye to the king and council, to render to him the third part of the manor of Runham of which his father died seised, which third part is held of the king, with his parceners, by service of rendering yearly at the exchequer 200 permayns and two measures of wine, as is found by inquisitions returned into the chancery. (French, undated.) Endorsed with a reference to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer to examine the rolls &c. whether the manor is held by the said service and whether manors of such tenure ought to be in the king’s wardship or not.
Similar petition referring to the inquisition made on the death of the said Walter in 34 Edward I. (French, undated). Endorsed. Let the inquisition be viewed, and the rolls &c. of the exchequer searched, whether these tenements owe knights’ service or not, and if not let them be delivered with the issues. At the exchequer amongst the serjeanties is found, Runham is held by two measures of wine and 200 piromagnis, nor does that serjeanty owe knight’s service.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (5.)
Writ (missing).
YORK. Inq. Wednesday after St. Matthias, 10 Edward II.
Bradelay. A messuage and 2 bovates of land, held of the heir of Robert de Clifford, a minor and in the king’s wardship, by homage, fealty, and service of 1/56 knight’s fee, and doing suit at the said heir’s court of Skipton.
Robert, son of Robert son of Geoffrey, aged 46 at the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (6.)
Writ of plenius certiorari on the complaint of Atheline, late the wife of the said John, that after his death the escheator had taken into the king’s hand the manor of Essheton whereof she was enfeoffed together with the said John, 15 November, 10 Edward II.
[YORK.] Inq. taken at Skipton in Craven …… . . after St. Andrew, 10 Edward II. (defective.)
Escheton. The said John and Atheline were enfeoffed jointly of the said manor by Thomas son of William Greyndorge, by fine levied in 7 Edward II., and continued their seisin thereof until the death of the
said John. The manor is held in chief of the heir of Robert de Clifford, a minor and in the king’s wardship, by service of two parts of a knight’s fee, and doing suit at the said heir’s court in Skypton.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (7.)
Writ of certioriari to Henry son of Hugh, keeper of Barnard’s castle, on the complaint of the executors of the said earl that the keepers of the said castle have detained from them two parts of the manor of Dalton which the said earl entered upon by reason of the minority of the heir of Henry de Percy, 20 May, 10 Edward II.
[DURHAM.] Inq. taken at Langgeneuton on Thursday before St. Barnabas, 10 Edward II.
Dalton. Sir Henry de Percy held the said manor of the said earl as of Barnard’s castle by service of 1/3 knight’s fee, scutage, homage, and suit at the court of Gayneford; and the said earl after the death of the said Henry, because his heir was under age, entered upon the manor, assigned a third part thereof to Eleanor late the wife of the said Henry in dower, and held two parts in wardship for a year and a half before his death; after whose death in 9 Edward II, John le Irreys, to whom the king committed the wardship of the earl’s said castle and lands, took the said two parts of the manor into the king’s hand, and they have been detained from the executors until now.
Petition from the executors of the said Guy complaining that though the said Henry son of Hugh by the king’s wit has delivered the said two parts of the manor to them, he will not deliver the issues received, and praying remedy. (French, undated.)
C. Edw. II. File 57. (8.)
Writ of plenius certiorari. Whereas it was found by inquisition that the said Peter held lands &c. in Little Carlton, co. Lincoln, of Philip de Lyndeseye, as of the inheritance of John son and heir of Robert le Chaumberleyn, a minor and in the king’s wardship, by knight’s service, which Philip adhered to the Scots, the king’s enemies and rebels, and also held the manor of Little Carlton and certain tenements in Great Carlton, Thetelthorp, Catby by Gayton, and Calthorp by Lekburn, with the advowson of the church of Little Carlton, to him and the heirs of his body, of William de Shadworth son and heir of Robert de Shadworth by service of a rose yearly, and doing the services due to the chief lords, and the said William asserts that the marriage of John, son and heir of the said Peter, aged 16, ought to pertain to him by reason of priority of enfeoffment, the escheator is to enquire whether the said lands were first held of the said William or of the said Philip or of John le Chaumberleyn, &c., 17 October, 10 Edward II.
LINCOLN. Inq. Sunday before St. Nicholas, 10 Edward II.
The said Peter acquired all his lands &c., and none of them descended to him by hereditary right. In 13 Edward I, seven years before he acquired any other lands, he acquired 18a. land in Little Carlton of Robert de Schaddeworth, his father, whose heir the said William is, to hold to himself and the heirs of his body, of the said Robert and his heirs, by service of a rose yearly, and doing knight’s service to Robert de Cormayles, then chief lord of the fee.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (9.)
Writ of certioriari super vero valore to Adam de Limbergh and others, 20 July, 10 Edward II.
LINCOLN. Extent, 5 August, 10 Edward II.
Wykingby. The manor (full extent given), including 12l. rent from the manor of Bloxham, was held by Philip de Lindeseye on the day he adhered to the Scots the king’s enemies, for life, by the courtesy of England after the death of Beatrice sometime his wife, of the inheritance of John son and heir of the said Robert, a minor and in the king’s wardship; and there are due thence to the bishop of Lincoln 20s. yearly, to Henry de Baiocis 106s. 8d. yearly, and to Peter de Scoteneye 4l. 13s. 4d. yearly.
Appraisement also given of the goods and chattels found in the manor when taken into the king’s hand.
John his son, aged 15 at the feast of St. Margaret last, is his next heir.
LINCOLN. Extent, 6 August, 10 Edward II.
Merston. The manor (full extent given with names of tenants) held as above.
No goods or chattels were found in the manor; for in 8 Edward II, he granted the manor to William de Merston and Elias his brother for two years, and received the money in hand.
Heir as above, aged 15 at the feast of St. Margaret next.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (10.)
69. WILLIAM IN THE CROFTES of Sandiacre.
Writ, 7 June, 10 Edward II.
DERBY. Inq. Friday after St. Bartholomew, 11 Edward II.
Sandiacre. A messuage and 6a. arable held in socage of the king in chief by service of 22d. to be paid to the sheriff of Derby yearly to the king’s use.
William his son, aged 22, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (11.)
Writ, 1 November, 10 Edward II.
WARWICK. Inq. 12 June, 10 Edward II.
He held nothing of the heir of Guy de Bello Campo, late earl of Warwick, a minor and in the king’s wardship, nor of any other lord in the county.
Heir unknown.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (12.)
Writ, 13 March, 10 Edward II.
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. 22 July, 11 Edward II.
Stokholt in the parish of Ocle by Buckingham. A messuage, 3 carucates of land, and 2a. wood, held for life of Geoffrey le Cras of Choyham by service of a pair of gloves, price 1d.; which tenements she, together with Adam de Monte Alto sometime her husband, acquired of John de Mardel, to hold to them and the heirs of the said Adam. She held no other lands &c. in the county.
Elizabeth daughter of the said Adam, aged 18, is next heir of that inheritance; and the heirs of the said Margery are the said Elizabeth, and Avice daughter of Nicholas Trimenel.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (13.)
Writ, 6 July, 10 Edward II.
YORK. Inq. Friday after St. James, 11 Edward II.
Westwick. The manor held of the lord of Vescy, as of the manor of Malton, by service of 1/4 knight’s fee; and the said lord holds the manor of the earl of Albemarle by the same service, who holds it by the same service of the archbishop of York as ot the manor of Ripon, and he holds it of the king in chief by the same service. He held nothing of the king within the liberty of Ripon.
William, son of William son of William de Stopham, aged 7, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (14.)
73. THOMAS GODELOK, an idiot.
Writ 26 June, 10 Edward II.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. 13 September, 11 Edward II.
Scaldewell. A messuage and 9 1/2a. land, held of Elias de Draughton by service of 15d. and a hen yearly, and scutage when it runs; and 2 1/2a. land held of Walter Fox by service of 4 1/4d. yearly and scutage when it runs.
William Godelok, his brother, aged 16 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (15.)
Writ, 5 April, 10 Edward II.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inq. 16 July, 11 Edward II.
Dyvellestoune. The manor held for life of the demise of Simon de Dyvellestoun, sometime lord of the manor, to the said Lucy and Thomas his son, sometime her husband, and to the heirs of the said Thomas, of the king in chief by service of 1/3 knight’s fee. The manor used to be worth 40l. yearly but now returns nothing, because all the lands lie waste, because destroyed by war.
William de Tyndale, deceased, son of Margery aunt of the said Thomas de Dyvellestoune, was next heir of the said Thomas, and from him descended the right to Thomas, son of the same William, similarly deceased, and from him to William his son, aged 21 on Sunday before the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr last.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (16.)
Writ, 18 April, 10 Edward II.
SALOP. Inq. 12 August, 11 Edward II.
Coston. A capital messuage, 30a. arable, a wood and moor, a plot of meadow and a pasture, held of the heir of Walter de Hopton by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
William his son, aged 13 on the feast of St. Michael next, is his next heir
C. Edw. II. File 57. (17.)
Writ, 24 January, 10 Edward II.
LINCOLN. Inq. Saturday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 11 Edward II.
Roxton. A capital messuage, 3 bovates of land with meadow adjacent, and 7 1/2d. rent, held of the heir of Henry de Percy, a minor and in the king’s wardship, by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
John his son, aged 28 on the day of the Invention of the Holy Cross last, is his next heir.
Writ of certiorari de feodis, &c., 10 February, 11 Edward II.
DERBY. Inq. the first Sunday of Lent, 11 Edward II.
Herteshorn. The advowson of the church.
He held no knight’s fees in the bailiwick.
STAFFORD. Inq. 24 March, 11 Edward II.
Kynggesleye alias Kynggesleghe. The advowson of the church.
He held no knight’s fees in the countv.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (18.)
Writ, 15 June, 10 Edward II.
HEREFORD. Inq. 8 February, 11 Edward II.
Croft. The hamlet (extent given), held of Peter de Lymeseye by service of 1/2 knight’s fee. He held nothing of the heir of Nicholas de Audeleye [a minor and in the king’s wardship].
Hugh his son, aged 11 at the feast of St. Michael last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (19.)
Writ, 20 April, 10 Edward II.
WARWICK. Inq. 6 August, 11 Edward II.
Wylmeleighton. A messuage, 38a. land and 1a. meadow, held for life of the inheritance of Hugh Mile, who is aged 30, by the demise of of Henry Mile, of John de Mown by service of 6s. 8d. yearly; and a messuage, 50a. land and 1a. meadow, similarly held of the prior of Chawcumbe by service of 8s. yearly.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (20.)
Writ, 5 April, 10 Edward II.
[YORK.] Inq. Wednesday before SS. Tiburcius and Valerian, 11 Edward II.
Kyrkestaynlay. A capital messuage and a carucate of land, held of Sir John de Walkingham by a rent of 11 1/2d. yearly.
Neuton by Rippelay within the liberty of Ripon. A manor held of the fee of Vescy of Sir William de Stopham by a rent of 1d. yearly.
John his son, aged 16 on Thursday after the Annunciation last, is his next heir.
[YORK.] Inq. Wednesday after the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, 11 Edward II.
Clothrum. The hamlet held of the archbishop of York, as of the manor of Ripon, by a rent of 5s., and 1lb. pepper at Christmas day, and by service of two ploughs boonwork for one day at the winter and spring sowings, finding 18 reapers in the autumn for one day, and doing suit at the court of Ripon.
Bischopton. A messuage and 2a. land, held of the said archbishop by a rent of 1d.
Granteley. 20s. yearly rent from the mill, held jointly by the said Roger and Joan his wife by 12d. rent of Sir John Gras, who holds the same of Sir John de Moubray by knight’s service.
Neuton by Rippeley. The manor held, but whether of right or not is unknown to the jury, by a rent ot a pair of gloves or 1d. of Sir William de Stopham, who holds it of the lord of Vescy as of the manor of Malton by knight’s service, and he of the earl of Albemarle, and he of the archbishop of York as of the liberty of Ripon, and he of the king in chief, by the same service.
He held nothing of the king in chief within the liberty of Ripon in the wapentake of Clarehow.
Heir as above, aged 15 at the feast of the Annunciation last.
[YORK.] Inq. Tuesday the morrow of the Assumption, 11 Edward II.
Ripon. A messuage freely held of Sir William Cusanz, canon of the monastery of Ripon, by a yearly rent of 4s.; and 12a. land and 1a. meadow, held of the archbishop of York by a yearly rent of 4s.
Heir as last above.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (21.)
Writ, 15 March, 10 Edward II.
ESSEX. Inq. Saturday before St. Ambrose, 10 Edward II.
Rewenhale. A capital messuage, 120a. arable, 5a. meadow, 4a. pasture, 4a. wood, rents &c., held of the king in chief as of the honour of Boulogne, doing suit at the king’s court of the said honour at Witham every second year, John de Cogeshale his partner doing suit every other second year, and they shall find an esquire for the king’s wars in Wales for forty days at their own costs; and 10a. arable and 4a. pasture, held of Robert de Scales, William Courson and Isabel Page, service unspecified.
John Martel, his brother, aged 24 and more, is his next heir.
Writ of scire facias to warn the said John to be in the chancery at the assignment of dower to Constance late the wife of the said William Martel, on the morrow of St. Bartholomew next, 25 July, 11 Edward II.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (22.)
81. JOHN DE DERWENTWATRE, the elder.
Writ of certiorari on the complaint of John de Derwentwatre, the younger and Isabel his wife, that the escheator had taken into the king’s hand the manor of Talentire, which they had entered upon after the death of the said John, the elder, by virtue of a grant of Richard le Brun, 15 June, 10 Edward II.
CUMBERLAND. Inq. Thursday after St. Peter ad Vincula, 11 Edward II.
Talentyre. The manor, held for life, of the enfeoffment of Richard de (sic) Brun made on Monday the morrow of Holy Trinity, 3 Edward II, with remainder to John de Derwentwatre, the younger, and Isabel his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, of the king in chief as of the honour of Cokermwe by homage and fealty, and by service of 13s. 4d. yearly for cornage. And the said John, the younger, and Isabel after the death of John, the elder, were peacefully seised of the said manor for fifteen days until ejected by Robert de Leybourne keeper of the honour of Cokermwe.
Writ of certiorari on the complaint of the said John, the younger, that the escheator had taken into the king’s hand the manor of Castelrigg, of which the said John, the elder, had enfeoffed him, 15 June, 10 Edward II.
CUMBERLAND. Inq. Thursday after St. Peter ad Vincula, 11 Edward II.
Kastelrigg. The manor, held of the king as of the honour of Cokermwe by homage and fealty and by service of 10s. for cornage, and doing suit at the king’s court of Cokermwe. And the said John, the elder, on Friday after St. Michael, 10 Edward II., without the king’s licence granted the manor to John de Derwentwatre, the younger, excepting the island of Wytholme, and afterwards granted him that island also; after which the said John, the younger, granted the manor to the said John, the elder, for life, rendering a rose yearly, with reversion to the said John, the younger, and his heirs, and after the death of the said John, the elder, he was seised of the manor for fifteen days until ejected by the keeper of the castle and honour of Cokermwe.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (23.)
Writ, 10 June, 10 Edward II.
Similar writ, 16 June, 10 Edward II.
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. held at Estbriggeforde, 10 July, 11 Edward II.
Estbrigg. The manor (extent given) held of the honour of Tykhill, now in the king’s hand, by service of a knight’s fee; one moiety being held as of the inheritance of Beatrice his wife, to them and the heirs of their bodies, by a fine levied in the king’s court, and the other moiety held for life, by the demise of John de Caltoft and Agnes his wife and John de Multon and Isabel his wife, as of the inheritance of the said Agnes and Isabel, kinswomen of the said Beatrice. And the said Roger and Beatrice died without heirs of their bodies, and thus the reversion of one moiety goes to the said Agnes, aged 40 and more, and the reversion of the other moiety to Thomas de Multon, son of the said Isabel, aged 15 and more and in the king’s wardship.
LEICESTER. Inq. 11 July, 11 Edward II.
Saxeby. The manor (extent given), held of the honour of Huntingdon, now in the king’s hand by the forfeiture of Robert de Brus, doing suit of court at Huntingdon every three weeks for all service; the two moieties being held in all respects as those of the above manor of Estbrigg, with similar reversions.
LEICESTER. Inq. 14 June (sic) 11 Edward II.
Mousle. A messuage, 60a. land and 2a. meadow, held of Thomas earl of Lancaster by service of suit at his court of Knapetoft; and 100a. land, held of the heir of Guy de Bello Campo, late earl of Warwick, by service of suit at his court of Kybbeworth; and there are 60s. rent of freemen there.
Gormondelegh. A messuage, 100a. land, 1a. meadow, rents &c., held of John de Britannia, earl of Richemund, by service of suit at his court of Foxton twice yearly.
Matthew le Brabanzon, his brother, aged 40 and more, is his next heir.
Writ of certiorari on the complaint of Thomas, son of William le Curzon of Croxhale, that the escheator had taken into the king’s hand the manor of Sibertoft, which the said Roger had granted to him with the king’s licence, 26 June, 10 Edward II.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. 8 July, 11 Edward II.
Sibertoft. The manor, held of the king in chief by service of finding a footman with bow and arrows for forty days in the king’s army at the cost of the manor; which manor the said Roger granted with the king’s licence to Thomas son of William Curzon of Crouxhale and his heirs, by virtue of which grant he was seised thereof from Saturday the feast of St. Barnabas last until the Tuesday following when the said Roger died.
C. Edw. II. File 57. (24.)


  • 1. So given in the Calendar printed in 1806, but now torn away.