Index of Persons and Places: I

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: I', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II(London, 1908), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: I', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II(London, 1908), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Index of Persons and Places: I". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. (London, 1908), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.


Iatton, co. Somers. See Yatton.

Ibstock, Ibestok, Ibbestok, co. Leic., 412 (p. 236), 615 (p. 406).

Ichinton, co. Warw. See Itchington.

Ickford, Ikforde, Ikford, Ikeford, co. Buck., 385, 398 (pp. 221, 222).

………. advowson, 398 (pp. 221, 222).

Iddesleigh, Iduslegh, co. Devon, 538 (p. 340).

Ideshale, co. Salop, now called Shifnal, q v.

Iduslegh, co. Devon. See Iddesleigh.

Iffin, Yethyngge [in Nackington parish], co. Kent, manor, 566.

Ifton, Iveton, co. Monm., 538 (p. 336).

Ightenhill, co. Lanc., 279 (p. 160.

Ihurst, co. Hants. See Ewhurst.

Ikeford, Ikforde, Ikford, co. Buck. See Ickford.

Ilderton, co. N’humb., the three Middletons in. See Middleton.

………, Roddam in, q.v.

Ildesle, co. Berks. See Ilsley.

Ile. See Insula.

Ilfracombe, Ilfredecumb, co. Devon, 143.

………, Lincombe and Warcombe in, 527 (p. 294).

Ilkeston, Ilkesdon, co. Derby, manor, 120 (p. 53), 173.

Ilketishale, James de, 390.

Ilkley, Ilkeley, Hilkelay, co. York, 536 (p. 317).

………, manor, 609.

Illeigh [Brent?], Illegh, co. Suff., 538 (p. 348).

Ilmeresaston, co. Buck. [i.e. Ilmer and Aston Mullins], manor, 24.

Ilsley, East Ildesle, co. Berks, manor, 272.

………, West, Ildesle [co. Berks], 458 (p. 258.

Ilston on the Hill, Ilveston [in Carlton Curlieu parish], co. Leic., 615 [pp. 406, 410).

Ilveston, co. Leic. See Ilston.

Imeneye, co. Worc. See Impney.

Immingham, co. Linc., 536 (p. 315).

Impington, Impyngton, co. Camb., 538 (p 353).

Impney, Imeneye [in Dodderhill parish], co. Worc., manor, 57 (p. 24).

Ineshawe, co. Norf., 538 (p. 346).

Ingayn, William, of Aston, 362.

……… Cf. Engayne, Lyngaine.

Inge, William, 538 (p. 345).

………, ………, and Iseult his wife, 251 (p. 137).

………, ………, writ to, 598.

Ingelberd, Roger, 484.

Ingelby, co. Linc. See Ingleby.

………, co. York. See Ingleby.

Ingham, co. Norf., manor, 221.

………, co, Suff., 538 (p. 349).

Ingham, John de, 221.

………, Oliver de, 221, 455, 479.

Ingleby, Ingelby [in Saxilby parish], co. Linc., 349.

……… Cold, Cald Ingelby [near Barwick on Tees in Stainton parish], co. York, 240.

Inglefeld, fee of, 538 (p. 347).

……… Cf. Englefeld.

Inglescombe, co. Somers. See Englishcombe.

Ingleys. See Engleys.

Ingmanthorpe, Ingmanthorp [in Kirk Deighton parish], co. York, Ros of, q.v.

Ingram, Angreham, Angerham, co. N’humb., 47, 536 (p. 316).

Ingworth, co. Norf., 538 (p. 347).

Inkberrow, Inteberg, Inteberge, co. Worc., 615 (p. 403).

………, ………, manor, 56.

………, Little Intebergh, co. Worc., 615 (p. 410).

………, ………, manor, 615 (p. 411).

Inkel, William, 616.

Inkepenne, Emeline wife of Roger de, 212.

Insula, Isle, Ile, Lisle, Baldwin de, 59.

………, Robert son of Warin de, 229.

………, Walter de, 192.

………, Baldwin de, 331.

………, Hawis de, 124.

………, Henry de, and Joan his wife, 615 (p. 405).

………, John de (son of Baldwin), of the Isle of Wight, 59, 184, 331, 611 (p. 391).

………, ………, of Wodelten, 219 (p. 120).

………, Robert de, son of Warin, 49, 175, 354, 458 (p. 256), 536 (p. 317), 596.

………, Walter de, Florence his wife, 192.

………, Warin de, 65, 248.

…….., William de, 192.

Inteberg, Intebergh, co. Worc. See Inkberrow.

Intebergh, John de, 615 (p. 410).

Ippesley, co. Warw. See Ipsley.

Ipplepen, Ippelpenn, co. Devon, manor, 272.

Ipsley, Ippesley, co. Warw., 412 (p. 234).

Ipswich, Gippewyc, Gypewich, Gyppewych, co Suff., 519 (p. 288), 538 (p. 348).

………, inquisition made at, 215 (p. 116).

………, Holy Trinity, prior of, 55.

Irby, William de, 536 (p. 321).

Irchester, co. N’hamp., Chester in, q.v.

Ireby, High, co. Cumb., 146.

Ireby, Thomas de, 36.

………, Orcus de, 36.

………, Thomas de (son of Thomas), 36.

IRELAND, places there destroyed by Scots, 583.

………, Treasurer of. See Estden.

…….., PLACES IN:—
-, Ardee, Athirde, Athyrde, co. Louth, 583.
-, ………, prior of, 583.
-, Athmatte, co. Dublin, 272.
-, Adwalath, co. Louth, 583.
-, Ays, co. Louth, 51.
-, Balibohull, co. Tipperary, 137.
-, Baliogari, co. Dublin. See Garristown.
-, Ballygorman. See Gormanston.
-, Balscaddan, Ballyscadan, co. Dublin, 272.
-, Balycornare, co. Waterford, 424.
-, Balymaccul, 424.
-, Bannow, Bannua [co. Wexford], manor, 56.
-, Callan, co. Kilkenny, advowson, 538 (p. 337).
-, Caringweth, co. Limerick, 518.
-, Carrick, Carrik [co. Wexford], 56.
-, Carryk, le, 137.
-, Cassell, co. Tipperary, 137.
-, Castel …, co. Louth, 51.
-, Clocridan, Cloncridan, co. Waterford, 424.
-, Cloghyriwolisan, co. Limerick, 518.
-, Cnocbrek, co. Tipperary, 137.
-, Corttlysny, co. Waterford, 424.
-, Coulbalysiward, co. Limerick, 518
-, Creff, co. Waterford, 424.
-, Cullath, co. Waterford, 424.
-, Dublin, exchequer, 424.
-, ………, inquisition made at, 272.
-, Duleek, Dyuelek, co. Meath, court, 272.
-, Dyngeldergan, co. Tipperary, 137.
-, Ferns, Fernie [co. Wexford], castle and manor, 56.
-, Galway, scutage of, p. 66.
-, Garristown, Baliogari, co. Dublin, 51.
-, Geripound. See Jerpoint.
-, Gormanston, Ballygorman [in Moorechurch parish], co. Meath, 272.
-, Hathethart [co. Wexford?], 56.
-, Hethton, co. Tipperary, 137.
-, Jerpoint, Geriponte, Geripound [co. Kilkenny], 56, 412 (p. 232).
-, Keirach island, 56.
-, Kilbreedy, Kilbridy, co. Limerick, 518.
-, Kildrummy, Kildermoy [now in Killarmery parish], co. Kilkenny, advowson, 538 (p. 337).
-, Kilkenny, Kylkenni, county with castles, &c., 538 (p. 337).
-, Kilkenny, liberty of, 412 (p. 232).
-, Killiveran, co. Tipperary, 137.
-, Kilsegan, co. Tipperary, 137.
-, Knocbreen, co. Limerick, 518.
-, Kylothran, co. Waterford, 424.
-, Lisbrenan, co. Tipperary, 137.
-, Louth, Louethe, 51.
-, Lydeston, co. Dublin, 272.
-, Molaghlaragh, co. Dublin, 272.
-, Norragh barony [co. Kildare], 412 (p. 232).
-, Oboy Castle [Ui Buidhe in Queen’s County], manor, 412 (p. 232).
-, Odagh, Odoch [co. Kilkenny], castle, 56.
-, Portnehil ferry, 424.
-, Piperstown, Pippardeston [in Drumshallon parish], co. Louth, 583.
-, Rathcon, 137.
-, Rosslare, Rosclar [co. Wexford], 56.
-, Ryn [Ring?], co. Dublin, 272.
-, Schenboch, co. Limerick, 518.
-, Taghmon, Tachmon [co. Wexford], 56.
-, Waterford, St. Katherine’s, 424.
-, Wexford, Weysford, castle and town, 56.

Irene Actone, co. Glouc. See Iron Acton.

Ireton, Irton [in Kedleston parish], co. Derby, 281.

Irnham, co. Linc., Bulby in, q.v.

………, Hawthorpe in, q.v.

Iron Acton, Irene Actone, co. Glouc., manor, 411.

Irrays, John le, constable of Barnard Castle, 615 (p. 412).

Irthington, co. Cumb., manor, 452.

………, Hirthington in Gillesland, manor, 562.

Irton, co. Derby. See Ireton.

……… [in Seamer parish], co. York, 536 (p. 323).

Irton, William de, 536 (p. 323).

Isabel, the Queen, 300, 531.

Isale, co. Cumb. See Isell.

Isdulas, Istulas, co. Denbigh, commote, 279 (p. 158).

Isell, Ishal, Isale, Ishale, co. Cumb., 328.

………, manor, 543.

………, St. Michael’s church, 543.

Ishale, Ishal, co. Cumb. See Isell.

Isham, Ysham [co. N’hamp.], 538 (pp. 349, 350).

Isherton or Asserton, Asscerton, Wynterbourne Assertone [in Berwick St. James parish], co. Wilts, 148 (p. 71).

………, manor, 148 (pp. 74, 78), 223.

………, Reginald, rector of the chapel of, 148 (p. 74).

Isle, court of, 175.

………. See Insula.

Isleham, Hyselham, co. Camb., 111.

Islep, co. N’hamp. See Islip.

Islip, Islep, co. N’hamp., 84.

Is Mynydd, Ismenyth [co. Radnor], country of, 615 (p. 401).

Istefeld, co. Salop, 62, (p. 29).

Istgrimstede, co. Wilts. See Grimstead.

Istulas, co. Denbigh. See Isdulas.

Itchingfield, Hechyngefeld, co. Sussex, 413 (p. 237, bis).

………, Sharpenhurst in, 413 (p. 237).

Itchington, Long, Ichynton, co. Warw., 340.

Ivecherche, co. Kent. See Ivychurch.

Iver, Evre, co. Buck., manor, 219 (p. 120).

………, advowson, 219 (p. 120).

Ives, co. Cornw., 461.

Iveton, co. Monm. See Ifton.

Ivychurch, Ivecherche, co. Kent, 145.

Ivyton, Yveton [in Broomfield parish], co. Somers, 225.

Iwardeby, co. Linc. See Ewerby.

Iwehurst, Iwhurst, co. Hants. See Ewhurst.

Ixworth, Ixeworthe, co. Suff., manor, 216.

…….., prior of, 216.