Index of Persons and Places: H

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: H', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II( London, 1908), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: H', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Index of Persons and Places: H". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. (London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Habberley, Habberleye, co. Salop, 104.

………, manor, 188.

Habergham Eaves, Habryngham [in Whalley parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 160).

Haborough, Haburgh, co. Linc., 144.

Habraham. See Abraham.

Habryngham, co. Lanc. See Habergham.

Haburgh, co. Linc. See Haborough.

Hacchesham, co. Surrey. See Hatcham.

Hacconby, Hakunby, co. Linc., 473.

Hach, Eustace de la, 400.

Hacheston, co. Suff., 55.

Hackenby, Hagganby [near Tadcaster], co. York, 536 (p. 318).

Hackendean, Hockingdene, Hockingdenne [in St. Mary Cray parish], co. Kent, 544.

Hackleton, Haclynton [in Piddington parish], co. N’hamp., 412 (p. 235 bis).

Hackthorn, Hacthorn, co. Linc., 364.

Hackyng, Bernard del, 279 (p. 161).

Haclynton, co. N’hamp. See Hackleton.

Hacthorn, co. Linc. See Hackthorn.

Hacthorn, Simon, son of Geoffrey de, 364.

………, Geoffrey de (son of Simon), 364.

Hacthorp, Robert de, 536 (p. 323).

Hadde, Robert, and Alice his wife, 542.

………, Roger, 542.

Haddeo, Hadiho, co. Somers., fishing in a stream called, 513.

Haddlesey, Chapel, Esthathelsay [in Birkin parish], co. York, 498.

………, West, Westhathelsay [in Birkin parish], co. York, 498.

Haddon, co. Derby, 167.

Hadeshaw, William de, 538 (p. 346).

Hadiho river. See Haddeo.

Hadlow, Haudlo, co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).

………, manor, 538 (p. 331).

Hagberewe, co. Worc. See Aggberrow

Hagenete. See Haughley.

Hagganby, co. York. See Hackenby.

Haghenlyth, co. York. See Hanlith.

Haginet. See Haughley.

Haidore, co. Linc. See Haydor.

Haie, la, fee of, 519 (p. 289).

Hail Weston, Haylweston, co. Hunt., 538 (p. 327).

Hailey, Heyle, co. Hertf., 458 (p. 258).

Hailsham, co. Sussex, Bowley in, q.v.

Hainton, Haynton, co. Linc., 249, 256, 291.

Hakeford, William de, 412 (p. 234).

Hakelut, Hakelute, Hakelutel, Hugh, sub-escheator, 388.

………, Walter, 57 (p. 25), 58.

Hakestan, co. Salop. See Hawkstone.

Haket, John, 615 (p. 403).

………, Walter, writ to, 538 (p. 351).

Hakunby, co. Linc. See Hacconby.

Hakunby, William son of John de, 473.

Halberton, co. Devon, 538 (p. 340).

Haldeley, Adam de, 279 (p. 161).

Haldeneby, co. N’hamp. See Holdenby.

Haldeneby, William, son of John de, 458 (p. 256).

Haldesworth, co. Devon. See Holsworthy.

Haleford, co. Warw. See Halford.

Hales, Henry de, 541.

………, Hugh de, 541.

Haleswell, William de, 225.

Halewell, co. Oxford. See Holwell.

Halford, Haleford, co. Warw., 458 (p. 259), 615 (p. 404).

Halfshire, Demy Counte, co. Worc., hundred, 615 (p. 397).

Halghton, co. Chester. See Haughton.

Halgton, Halghton, Thomas son of Robert de, 283.

………, Robert de, 283.

………, Thomas de, 470.

……… Cf. Halughton.

Hallatrow, Hauletre [in High Littleton parish], co. Somerset, 538 (p. 338).

Halle, Walter ate, 542.

Hallewode [in Cranborne], co. Dorset, 538 (p. 330).

Hallingbury Hallyngbury, Burgh, Hallygbery, co. Essex, manor, 414.

………, advowson, 414.

Hallow, co. Worc., Eastbury in, q.v.

………, Greenstreet in, q.v.

Hallyngbury, Hallygbery, co. Essex. See Hallingbury.

Hals, co. N’hamp. See Halse.

Halsall, Gilbert de, 279 (p. 163).

Halse, Hals [in Brackley parish], co. N’hamp. 458 (p. 255),

Halselond, West [West Halse, near Crediton?], co. Devon, 7.

Halselond, Walter de, 7.

Halsham, Esthalsham, co. York, 266 (p. 144).

Halstead, Halstede, co. Essex, 538 (p. 348).

……… Beauchamp, co. Essex, 538 (p. 348).

………, Halstede Hurant, co. Essex, 538 (p. 325).

Halstow, Halstowe, co. Kent, advowson, 346 (p. 195).

Haltcliff, Haltecle, co. Cumb., 146.

Haltecla, Thomas de, 533 (p. 303).

Haltecle, co. Cumb. See Haltcliff.

Haltockston, co. Linc., inquisition made at, 534 (p. 311).

Halton, Haulton, co. Chester, castle, manor, &c., 279 (pp. 163-4).

………, East, Halton on Humber, co. Linc., 472.

………, co. Somers. See Holton.

………, East, Esthalton [in Skipton parish], co. York, 533 (pp. 305, 306).

………, West [in Arncliffe parish], co. York, 536 (p. 320).

Halughton, Halweton, Michael de, 412 (p. 234).

………, William de, 57 (p. 24), 58.

……… Cf. Halghton.

Ham, East and West, Esthamme and Westhamme, co. Essex, 611 (p. 391).

………, Hamme [in Clifton parish], co. Worc., 57 (p. 25), 133.

Hamden, Reginald de, 597.

Hamdene, Roger de, 538 (p. 342).

Hamelaak, Hamelak, co. York. See Helmsley.

Hameledon, William de, 274.

Hamelton, William de, 52.

Hames, Adam del, 560.

………, John del, 560.

Hamfordshoe, Amfordesho, co. N’hamp., hundred, 412 (p. 231)

Hamigton, John de, 61.

Hamme, co. Surrey, 413 (p. 237).

………, co. Worc. See Ham.

Hamme, Stephen de, 533 (p. 304).

Hamperden, Amberden [in Depden parish], co. Essex, manor, 57 (p. 23).

Hampreston, Hamme Prestone, co. Dorset, 538 (p. 340).

Hampt .., Walter, 357.

Hampteworth, co. Wilts. See Hamptworth.

Hampton, Maisey, Meisi, co. Glouc., 538 (p. 341).

……… Gay, Gey, co. Oxford, 538 (p. 344).

………, co. Sussex. See Littlehampton.

……… [Lovett], co. Worc., 615 (p. 403).

Hampton, William de, 213 (p. 114)

Hamptworth, Hampteworth [in Downham parish], co. Wilts, 221.

Hamslope, co. Buck. See Hanslope.

Hanchacch, William de, 258.

………, Thomas de, 258.

Handborough, Hanebergh, Haneburgh, co. Oxford, 115.

Handbridge, Honebrugge [near Chester], co. Chester, 53 (p. 18).

Handesacre, William, 279 (p. 156).

Haneburgh, Hanebergh, co. Oxford. See Handborough.

Hanehock, Richard son of, 279 (p. 162).

Hanestang, John de, 62 (p. 29).

Hanewod, co. Salop. See Hanwood

Hanewode, William de, 57 (p. 24).

Hanley, Hanlay, Hanle, Hanlegh, co. Worc., castle and manor, 538 (p. 328).

……… Child, Childrenhanley, co. Worc., 611 (p. 393.

……… William, Williames Hanley, co. Worc., 611 (p. 393).

Hanlith, Haghenlyth [in Kirkby Malhamdale parish], co. York, 533 (p. 305).

Hanney, West, Hanneye [co. Berks.], 538 (p. 344).

Hanningfield, East, Esthanyngfeld, co. Essex, manor, 475 (p. 268).

………, ………, advowson, 475 (p. 268).

………, South, Suthanyngfeld, co. Essex, 475 (p. 268).

………, West, Westhanyngfeld, Westhaneghefud, co. Essex, 318.

………, ………, manor, 475 (p. 268).

………, ………, advowson, 475 (p. 268).

Hannington, Hanygton, Hanyton, co. N’hamp., 412 (p. 235), 596.

Hanoc, co. Devon. See Hennock.

Hanslope, Hamslap, Hamslape, co. Buck, 615 (p. 402).

………, advowson, 615 (pp. 402, 407).

………, manor, 615 (pp. 398, 407).

………, barony, 614 (p. 400).

Hanwood, Little, Hanewod [in Pontesbury parish], co. Salop, 62 (p. 29).

Hanygton, Hanyton [co. N’hamp.]. See Hannington.

Happesford, co. Warw. See Hopsford.

Hapton [in Whalley parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 160).

Harang. See Heryng.

Harauldystone, co. Pemb. See Haroldston.

Harbottle, Hirbotell [in Holystone parish], co. N’humb., castle and borough, 47.

Harbridge, Hardebrigg, co. Hants, 538 (p. 327).

Harbury, Herberbury, Herberburi, co. Warw., 615 (pp. 405, 408).

Harche, co. Chester. See Arrow.

Harcourt, Hauerkecote [in Stottesden parish], co. Salop, 470.

Harcourt, Harecourt, Harecurt, John, John de, 274, 512, 615 (pp. 404 bis, 406).

………, Robert de, 62 (p. 31 bis).

Hardebrigg, co. Hants. See Harbridge.

Hardenhuish, Hardenhiwisch, co. Wilts, manor, 267.

Hardham, Herrynggeham, co. Sussex, 536 (p. 315).

Hardhyngges, co, York, 533 (p. 301).

Hardingstone, Hardingesthorn, Hardingeston, co. N’hamp., 412 (p. 235 bis).

………, Cotton in, q.v.

Hardington, co. Somers., 538 (p. 339).

……… Mandeville, co. Somers., 440.

Hardliston, co. Camb. See Harston.

Hardres [Upper], co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).

………, advowson, 538 (p. 344).

Hardres, Robert de, 538 (p. 343).

Hardwell, Hordwelle [in Woolstone parish], co. Berks, 60.

Hardwick, Herdwyk, Herdwik, Herdewik, Herdwik Moeles, co. Buck, manor, 202, 278, 603 (p. 384).

………, ………, advowson, 278, 603 (p. 385).

………, Herdewyk, co. Camb., 357.

………, Hardwicke, co. Glouc., Field Court in q.v.

………. Hardwyk [in Eynesbury parish], co. Hunt., 548.

………, Herdewik, co. Leic., 458 (p. 259).

………, Herdewyk [in North Runcton parish], co. Norf., 538 (p. 347).

………, Herdewyk [in Hamfordshoe hundred], co. N’hamp, 412 (p. 234, 235).

………, Herdewyk, co. Oxford, manor, 398 (p. 221).

………, Herdewyk [in Empingham parish], co. Rutland, 566.

Hare, …., 225.

Harebear, co. Cornw., 461.

Harecourt, Harecurt. See Harcourt.

Harefield, Herefeld, co. Midd., 538 (p. 348).

Harehope, Harhop [in Eglingham parish], co. N’humb., 80.

Harewolde, co. Bedf. See Harrold.

Harewood, Harewode, Harewod, Harwod, co. York, 65, 175, 354.

………, Lofthouse in, q.v.

………, Stub House in, q.v.

Hareworth, co. Nott. See Harworth.

Harhop, co. N’humb. See Harehope.

Hariaudystone, Harold de, 64 (p. 33).

Harington, co. Linc. See Harrington.

Harington, John de, 412 (pp. 233, 235).

Haringworth, co. N’hamp. See Harringworth.

Harkstead, Herkestede, Hekested, co. Suff., church, 152.

………, manor, 152.

Harle, Herle [in Kirkwhelpington?], co. N’humb., 219 (p. 120).

……… See Kirkharle.

Harle, Margaret wife of Robert de, 156.

………, Robert de, 130.

Harleston, co. Camb. See Harston.

Harlestone, Harleston, co. N’hamp., 117.

Harleye, Henry de, 226.

………, Richard de, 102.

Harling, Herling, co. Norf., 412 (p. 234).

Harlow, Herlawe, co. Essex, 538 (p. 349).

……… hill, Hirlaw [in Ovingham parish], co. N’humb., manor, 47.

Harlsey, West, Westherlesay [in Osmotherley parish], co. York. manor, 92.

Harmston, Hermeston, co. Linc., 412 (p. 233).

Harmthorpe, Hermethorp [in Morton parish], co. Linc., 402, 473.

Haroldston, Harauldyston, co. Pemb., 64 (p. 33).

Harpham, co. York, 121.

Harpour, Harpur, Robert le, of Chesterton, 400, 401.

………, John le, 400, 419,

………, Robert le, Isabel his wife, 401.

Harpswell, Harpeswell, co. Linc., 364.

Harpton, Lower, Herton, co. Heref., 57 (p. 25).

………, manor, 58.

Harptree, West, Westharpetree, co. Somers., 538 (p. 338).

Harpur. See Harpour.

Harrington, Harington, co. Linc., 412 (p. 233).

Harringworth, Haringworth, Haryngworth, co. N’hamp., 412 (p. 235), 458 (p. 256), 595.

Harrold, Harewolde, co. Bedf., manor, 412 (p. 233).

Harrowsley, Herewaldesle [in Horne parish (detached)], co. Surrey, manor, 538 (p. 345).

Harschoh, co. Cumb., 146.

Harstan, co. Derby. See Horston.

Harston, Harleston, Hardliston, co. Camb., 538 (p. 350).

………, manor, 519 (p. 288).

Hart, Hert [co. Durham], 561.

………, manor, 561.

………, Dalton Piercy in, q.v.

Hartanger, Hert Aungre, co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).

Hartburn, Hertburn, Hertbourn, co. N’humb., manor, 403 (p. 224).

………, South Middleton in. See Middleton.

Hartcla, co. Westm. See Hartley.

Hartcla, Andrew de, 533 (p. 301).

………, James de, 218 (p. 118).

………, John de, 533 (p. 302).

Hartest, Hertherst, co. Suff., 538 (p. 348).

Harthill, Herthil, co. York, wapentake, 199.

Hartland, co. Devon, Milford in, q.v.

………, Meddon in, q.v.

Hartlaw, co. N’humb. See Hartley.

Hartley, Hertleye [in Minterne parish], co. Dorset, 404.

………, Herteleye, co. Kent, manor, 475 (p. 269).

………, Hartlaw in Seton [in Earsdon parish], co. N’humb., coal mine, &c. at, 353.

………, Hartcla [in Kirkby Stephen parish], co. Westm., 533 (p. 301 bis).

………, ………, hundred, 533 (p. 301).

Harton, Herton [in Hartland, co. Devon, now disappeared], court at, 29.

Hartridge, Hertrigge [in Ashampstead parish], co. Berks., manor, 212.

Harwe, co. Worc., manor, 458 (p. 258).

Harwich, Herewiz [co. Essex], 476.

Harwod, co. York. See Harewood.

Harwood, Horwode, co. Devon, 527 (p. 294).

Harworth, Hareworth, co. Nott., 279 (p. 155).

Haryngworth, co. N’hamp. See Harringworth.

Hasard, Adam, 228.

………, John, 228.

………, Philip, 228.

Haselbear, co. Somers. See Haslebury.

Haselbeech, Haselbech, co. N’hamp., 458 (p. 256), 611 (pp. 392, 394).

Haselbury Bryan, Haselbere, co. Dorset, 124, 278.

Hasele, John atte, 280.

Haseley, Little, Hasselegh [in Great Haseley parish], co. Oxford, 279 (p. 156).

………, Haseleye, co. Warw., manor, 615 (pp. 399, 409).

Haselingfeld, co. Camb. See Haslingfield.

Haselor, Haselouere, co. Warw., manor, 563.

………, Upton in, q.v.

Haselore, co, Dorset. See Hasilor.

Haselwelle, co. Chester. See Heswall.

Haselwelle. See Hasewell.

Haselwyk [near Inkpen?], co. Berks, 212.

Haselyngburn, co. Sussex. See Haslingbourne.

Haselyngden, co. Lanc. See Haslingden.

Hasewell, Haselwelle, Patrick de, 33.

………, William de, 33.

………, David de, 33.

Hasfield, Hasfeld, co. Glouc., manor, 478.

Hasguard, Huscard, co. Pemb., 64 (p. 33).

Hashale, co. Chester. See Hassall.

Hasilor, Haselore, co. Dorset, hundred, 538 (p. 330).

Hasketon, Hasketone, co. Suff., 270 (p. 147).

Haslebury Plucknet, Haselbear, co. Somers., manor, 546.

Haslingbourne, Haselyngburn [in Petworth parish], co. Sussex, pond called, 536 (p. 313).

Haslingden, Haselyngden, co. Lanc., 279 (p. 160).

Haslingfield, Haselingfeld, co. Camb., 103.

Haspale. See Aspale.

Hassale, Hashale, Henry de, 62 (p. 30).

………, Richard de, 62 (p. 31).

Hassall, Hassale, Hashale [in Sandbach parish], co. Chester, 62 (pp. 30, 31).

Hasselegh, co. Oxford. See Haseley.

Hastinges, Hastinge, Hastynges, Hastyngges, Hastyngg, Hasting, Hastang, Hastank, Hasting, John de, the elder, 412.

………, Miles, son of Philip de, 326.

………, Henry de, 412 (p. 234), 538 (p. 348).

………, Hugh son of Nicholas de, 412 (p. 236).

………, Isabel de, lady of Cotton, 236.

………, John de, 164, 320, 402 (p. 234), 515, 538 (p. 347), 548, 566, 601, 602 (p. 383), 615 (pp. 399, 404, 405, 406, 408).

………, ………, Isabel wife of, 412 (p. 232).

………, ………, the younger, 412.

………, Nicholas de, 55 (p. 21), 412 (p. 234), 533 (p. 302).

………, Philip de, 602 (p. 383).

………, Robert de, 538 (p. 349).

………, Thomas de, 533 (p. 303), 615 (p. 404).

………, ………, and Maud his wife, 611 (p. 394).

………, William de, 207, 210.

………, ………, Tormarton, 563.

Hastings, Hasting, co. Sussex, prior of, 207.

………, Castle Guard, 207.

Hastynges. See Hastinges.

Hatcham, Hacchesham, co. Surrey, 372.

Hatcliffe, co. Linc., Gonerby in, q.v.

Hatfield Peverel, Hatfeud Peverel, Hatfeuld, Hatfeld, co. Essex, 471 (pp. 265, 266), 548, 552.

………, ………, honour, 500.

………, Bishop’s Hathfield, co. Hertf., 53 (p. 18).

Hatherleigh, Hatherlegh, Hatherlee [in Holton parish], co. Somers., 208, 603 (p. 386).

Hathewy, Ralph, 624.

………, Ralph, and Elizabeth his wife, 624.

………, William, 624.

Hathfeld, co. Hertf. See Hatfield.

Hatley Cockayne, Byryhatteley, co. Bedf., 197.

Hatton, co. Warw., 412 (p. 234), 615 (p. 405).

Haucke, Auk, Maud wife of Gregory, 402.

………, William, 402.

Haudlo, co. Kent. See Hadlow.

Haudlo, Haudelo, Haudle, John de, of Street, 604.

………, Nicholas de, 605.

………, John de, 538 (p. 343).

………, ………, of Stretham, writ to, 538 (p. 351).

………, Lavina de, married to John de Welle, 605.

………, Margery de, 605.

………, Nicholas de, 604.

………, Richard de, 538 (p. 331).

………, Robert de, 538 (pp. 331, 352).

Hauekere, John son of Simon le, 67.

Hauekereslond, co. Devon. See Hawkerland.

Hauekermor, co. Warw. See Hawkhurst Moor.

Hauekeshurst, co. Salop. See Haycrust.

Hauerkecote, co. Salop. See Harcourt.

Haughley, Haulegh, Hawele, Haule, Haulee, Hagenete, Haginet, co. Suff., 384.

………, Wodecokescroft in, 384.

………, King’s court at, 14.

………, court at, 215 (p. 115), 600.

………, manor, 426.

………, honour, 405, 586.

………, ………, service of making summonses in, 384.

Haughstrother, le Haukstrothre [in Haltwhistle], co. N’humb., 396.

Haughton, Halghton [in Bunbury parish], co. Chester, 251 (pp. 136, 137).

………, Houchtown, co. Durham 615 (p. 412).

Haukedone, Haukedene, co. Suff. See Hawkdon.

Haukeswyk, co York. See Hawkswick.

Haukeswyk, William de, 536 (pp. 320, 321).

Haukhill, co. N’humb. See Hawkhill.

Haukstrothre, co. N’humb. See Haughstrother.

Haule, co. Suff. See Haughley.

Haule, John de, 538 (p. 343).

………, Thomas de, 615 (p. 403).

……… Cf. Hauley.

Haulee, Haulegh, co. Suff. See Haughley.

Hauletre, co. Somers. See Hallatrow.

Hauley, William de, 536 (pp. 318, 319).

……… Cf. Haule.

Haulo, John de, 272, 398 (p. 222).

Haulton, co. Chester. See Halton.

Haurme, le, pasture called, co. Berks, 567.

Haustede, Robert de, 538 (p. 347).

………, William de, 538 (p. 347).

Hautenysford, Richard de, 538 (p. 340).

Hauterive. See Alta Ripa.

Hauteyn, Bartholomew, 538 (p. 347).

Hauvile, Hawyle, Richard de, 412 (p. 233).

Hauwarth, co. York. See Hawarth.

Havant, Havonte, co. Hants, inquisition made at, 538 (p. 352).

Haverbrack, Haverbreck Litkbergh [in Beetham parish], co. Westm., 218 (p. 119).

Haverhill, Haverhull, co. Suff., 538 (pp. 326, 347).

Haveringland, Heveringland, Heveringlond, co. Norf., 538 (p. 346).

Haverington, Henry de, 533 (pp. 302, 305).

Haveryng, Haveryngge, Nicholas de, 443.

………, Richard de, late escheator, 52.

Havonte, co. Hants. See Havant.

Hawarth, Hauwarth [near Bradford], co. York, 279 (p. 159).

Hawe, co. York. See Howe.

Hawele, co. Suff. See Haughley.

Hawerby, Hawordeby, co. Linc., 352 (p. 201).

Hawkedon, Haukedene, Haukeden, Haukedone, co. Suff., 538 (pp. 347, 348).

Hawkerland, Hauekereslond [in Colaton Raleigh parish], co. Devon, 527 (p. 295).

Hawkhill, Haukhill [in Alnwick parish], co. N’humb., 536 (p. 316).

Hawkhurst Moor, Hauekermor, Haukeresmor, co. Warw., 615 (pp. 399, 409).

Hawkstone, Hakestan [in Hodnet parish], co. Salop, 62 (p. 29).

Hawkswick, Haukeswyk [in Arncliffe parish], co. York, 533 (p. 305).

Hawnes, co. Bedford. See Haynes.

Haword, co. York [Haywood in Moss parish?], 536 (p. 320).

Hawordeby, co. Linc. See Hawerby.

Hawtemprice, co. York, formerly called Neuton, 266 (p. 143).

Hawthorpe, Athorp [in Irnham parish], co. Linc., 522.

Hawyle. See Hauvile.

Haxiholm, Haxholm, Haxolme, co. Linc. See Axholme.

Hay, la Haye, by Hereford, the forest of, 148 (pp. 74, 78).

………, Haya [in Kendal parish], co. Westm., 218 (p. 119).

Hay, Haye, Joan wife of John de la, 132.

………, Peter del, 260.

………, Joan de la, 120 (p. 53).

………, Joan daughter of Peter de la, 132, 260.

………, Peter del, de la, 120 (p. 53), 536 (p. 323), 615 (p. 412).

………, Roger de la, 205.

………, Thomas del, 615 (p. 412).

………, Walter de la, 538 (p. 343).

………, William de la, 409.

Haycrust, Hauekeshurst, co. Salop, hay, 8.

Haydon, Hayden, co. N’humb., 52.

Haydor, Haidore, co. Linc., 350.

Haye, court of La Haye in Westrithing, co. Linc., 279 (p. 153).

……… Cf. Haie.

Haye. See Hay.

Hayes, Hese, co. Kent, 372.

Hayes, William de, 602 (p. 383).

Hayford, co. Oxford. See Heyford.

Haylweston, co. Hunt, See Hail Weston.

Haynes, Hawnes, co. Bedf., manor, 351.

Haynton, co. Linc. See Hainton.

Haynton, Richard de, 536 (p. 315).

Hayron. See Heron.

Hayton [in Aspatria parish], co. Cumb., 146.

………, co. Nott., 279 (p. 155).

Haytor, Haytorre, co. Devon, hundred, 202, 603 (p. 384).

Haytton, co. York. See Ayton.

Hayward, John, 297.

………, Robert le, 588.

Haywode, co. Glamorgan, 538 (p. 333).

Hazelwood, Hesilwode, Heleswode, Hoselwod, co. York, 536 (p. 317).

………, manor, 395.

Hazon, Hysaund [in Shilbottle parish], co. N’humb., 536 (p. 316).

He …., Maurice de, 52.

Headborough, Hethburch [in Walwyns Castle parish], co. Pemb., 64 (p. 33).

Headlam, Hedlem, Hedelom [in Gainford parish], co. Durham, 615 (pp. 406, 412).

Headley, Hedleghe, co. Surrey, manor, 430.

Healey, Yleye [in Rothbury parish], co. N’humb., vaccary, 219 (p. 121).

Healing, Heylyng, co. Linc., 345.

Heathfield Columbers, Hethfelde [i.e. Honibere in Lilstock], co. Somers., 148 (p. 73).

Heathfield, co. Sussex, Bigknowl and Tottingworth in, 207.

Heaved, le, co. Devon, 538 (p. 339).

Heavitree, Hovetrewe, Hevetruwe, co. Devon, 527 (p. 294).

Hebbe, Walter, son of, 536 (p. 322).

Hebbedene, William de, 533 (p. 305).

Hebourn, co. N’humb. See Hebron.

Hebron, Hebourn [in Bothal parish], co. N’humb., 510.

Hecham, co. Suff. See Higham.

Hechyndenne, co. Kent. See Henden.

Hechyngefeld, co. Sussex. See Itchingfield.

Hecishale, co. Staff. See Eccleshall.

Heckington, Hekington. co. Linc., manor, 352 (p. 200).

Hecleshale, co. Staff. See Eccleshall.

Hecstede, John de, 119.

Heddon on the Wall, Hedun, co. N’humb., 403 (p. 224).

………, manor, 403 (p. 225).

Hedelom, co. Durham. See Headlam.

Hedelom, Simon de, 615 (p. 412).

Hedersore, Remigius de, rector of Great Melton, 529.

Hedge Court, Heggecourt, le Heycourt [in Godstone and Horne], co. Surrey, 397 (p. 219).

Hedgeley, Higeley [in Eglingham parish], co. N’humb., 80.

Hedleghe, co. Surrey. See Headley,

Hedley, Black, Blackhedreley [in Bywell St. Andrew parish], co. N’humb., manor, 403 (p. 224).

Hedleye, Payn de, 187.

Hedon croft, co. York, 345.

Hedon in Holderness, co. York, 266 (p. 144), 365.

………, inquisition made at, 304.

Hedun, co. N’humb. See Heddon.

Heggecourt, co. Surrey. See Hedge Court.

Hegham, Roger de, 153.

………, ………, his son John, 153.

Heghelond, in Pevensey, co. Sussex, 207.

Heghlonde, co. Devon, 527 (pp. 294, 295).

Hekelyngg. See Hykelyngge.

Hekested, co. Suff. See Harkstead.

Hekington, co. Linc. See Heckington.

Helagh, Park, Helaigh, co. York, prior of, 279 (p. 159), 536 (p. 318).

Helaugh, Helagh [in the Ainsty], co. York, 395.

Heleigh, Helye [in Audley parish], co. Staff., castle, &c., 62 (pp. 28, 31).

Heleswode, co. York. See Hazelwood.

Helewys, Helwys, Geoffrey, 536 (pp. 318, 320).

Helgfeld, co. York. See Hellifield.

Heliem, co. Cornw. See Heligan.

Heligan, Heliem [in St. Ewe parish], co. Cornw. 488.

Helion, Helioun, Helyone, Elion, Heylioun, Hylion, Hulion, Hulyon, Helium, Cecily wife of Peter de, 148.

Helleau, co. Linc. See Belleau.

Hellebeck, co. Westm. See Hilbeck.

Hellebeck, Thomas de, 533 (pp. 303, 305).

Hellerton. See Ellerton.

Helleston, co. Cornw. See Helston.

Hellewelle, William de, 157.

Hellifield, Helgfeld, Elkefeld [in Long Preston parish], co. York, 533 (p. 305), 536 (p. 320).

Hellingley, Hillyngelegh, Hellingeleghe, Hellingelighe, co. Sussex, 185, 277.

………, inquisition made at, 260.

Hellingtone, Helvingtone, Denise de of Essex, or Denise de Essex, of Hellingtone, 69.

………, William son of Denise de, 69.

Hellow, Hellowe, co. Linc. See Belleau.

Hellygan Robert de, 488.

………, Adam de, 488.

Helmingham, Helmyngham [in Morton on the Hill parish], co. Norf., 538 (p. 347).

………, Helmyngeham, co. Suff., 538 (pp. 347, 348).

Helmsley, Hamelak, Hamelaak, co. York, 252, 266 (p. 143), 519 (p. 287).

………, ………, Roos of, q.v.

…….., Gate, Emelsey, co. York, 536 (p. 319).

Helmyngeham, Helmyngham, co. Suff. See Helmingham.

Helpiston, John de, and Alice his wife, 523.

Helston, Heleston in Trigreschire, co. Cornw., 613.

………, manor, 112, 198.

Heltcham, co. Kent. See Eltham.

Helthe, co. Kent. See Hylth.

Helton, Helton Bacon, co. Westm. See Hilton.

……… Flecket, Helton Flechan [in Askham parish], co. Westm., 533 (pp. 302, 305).

Helton, William de, 533 (p. 302).

Helvingtone. See Hellingtone.

Helwys. See Helewys.

Helye, co. Staff. See Heleigh.

Helyon. See Helion.

Hem, the, Hemme [in Shifnal parish], co. Salop, 188.

Hemgrave, Edmund de, knight, 279 (p. 154).

Hemingbrough, co. York, South Duffield in. See Duffield.

Hemingford, Hemmyngford, co. Hunt., 538 (p. 350).

……… Grey, co. Hunt., 53 (p. 19).

………, ………, manor, 53 (p. 19).

Hemingston, Hemingeston, Hemyngston, co. Suff., 270 (p. 146).

………, advowson, 270 (p. 146).

Hemme, co. Salop. See Hem.

Hemmeston, co. Devon. See Hempstone.

Hemmygis, co. Carmarthen, 64 (p. 32).

Hemmyngford, co. Hunt. See Hemingford.

Hemmyngsted, co. Suff. See Henstead.

Hemmyngton, Richard de, 538 (p. 350).

Hempston, Little, Hemmeston Arundel, co. Devon, 462.

Hemstede by Dorking, co. Surrey, manor, 538 (p. 345).

Hemstede, Robert de, 230.

……… Robert de, and Cecily his wife, 230.

Hemyngston, co. Suff. See Hemingston.

Henaud, Alice de, late wife of Roger Bigod earl of Norfolk, 335. See Bigot.

Hencaster, co. Westm. See Hincaster.

Henden, Hechyndenne [in Sundridge parish], co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).

Hendre Gyda, Hendregeda [in Abergele], co. Denbigh, 279 (p. 158).

Hendregantek, co. Cornwall. See Hentergantick.

Hendreseysild, co. Glamorgan, 538 (p. 334).

Hengford, co. Suff., 216.

Hengrave [in Margate], co. Kent, manor, 220 (p. 122).

Hengstone, Giles de, and Margery his wife 350.

Hengstrigg, Hengstrigge, co. Somers. See Henstridge

Henham, Simon de, 538 (p. 349).

Henherst, fee called, co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).

……… See Henhurst.

Henherst, Gilbert de, 538 (p. 343).

Henhurst, Henherst [in Yalding parish], co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).

Henley, Henleye, Henlye, co. Suff., 270 (p. 146), 519 (p. 288).

Henllan, Henthlan, co. Denbigh, 279 (p. 158)

Henlowe, co. Hertf., 414.

Hennelouwe, Agnes daughter of Simon de, 281.

Hennethirn, co. Lanc. See Henthorn.

Hennethirn, Henry de, 279 (p. 161).

………, ………, his son Henry, 279 (p. 161).

Hennock, Hanoc, co. Devon, 527 (p. 293).

Henri, Hugh, 96.

Henry, Auger or Ancher son of, 148 (p. 76), 395, 551.

………, Peter, 55 (p. 21).

………, Thomas son of, of Aston, 541.

Hensall, Elmeshale, co. York, 279 (p. 159).

Henstead, Hemmyngsted [in Wrentham parish], co. Suff., 538 (p. 348).

Henstridge, Hengstrigg, Hengstrigge, co. Somers., 61.

………, manor, 279 (p. 157).

Hentergantick, Hendregantek [in St. Breward parish], co. Cornw., 613.

Henthlan, co. Denbigh. See Henllan.

Henthorn, Hennethirn [in Whalley parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 161).

Hentles [co. Monm.?], 412 (p. 232).

Henwe, John le, 66.

………, Thomas le, 66.

Hepon, co. N’humb. See Hoppen.

Hepp, Heppe, co. Westm. See Shap.

Hepton, co. Salop. See Hopton.

Heranwill. See Heronvill.

Herberbury, Herberburi, co. Warw. See Harbury.

Herbert, William, son of, 536 (p. 320).

Herbrandston, Herbraundystone, co. Pemb., 64 (p. 33).

Herdeberewe, Herdeberouwe, Hugh de, 412 (p. 234), 615 (pp. 404, 408).

Herdewik, co. Buck. See Hardwick.

………, co. Leic. See Hardwick.

Herdewyk, co. Camb. See Hardwick.

………, co. Norf. See Hardwick.

………, co. N’hamp. See Hardwick.

………, co. Nott, 279 (p. 155).

………, co. Oxford. See Hardwick.

………, co. Rutland. See Hardwick.

Herdwik, Herdwyk, co. Buck. See Hardwick.

Hereberd, Walter, 227.

Herefeld, co. Midd. See Harefield.

Hereford City, 388.

………, castle, 611 (p. 393).

………, ………, service connected with, 4.

………, bishop’s court at, 533 (p. 303).

………, bishop of, 388.

………, dean and chapter of, 166.

………, prior of, 614.

………, Earl of, 165, 187, 198, 213 (p. 112), 265, 272, 412 (p. 235), 466, 467.

………, ……… See Bohun.

Hereford, Hereforth, David de, 200, 201.

………, ………, and Florence his wife, 201.

………, Simon de, 536 (p. 315).

Herewaldesle, co. Surrey. See Harrowsley.

Hereward, R …, 161.

Herewiz [co. Essex]. See Harwich.

Hering, Peter, 536 (p. 316).

……… See Herryngg; Heryng.

Heringwell, co. Suff. See Herringswell.

Herkestede, co. Suff. See Harkstead.

Herlawe, co. Essex. See Harlow.

Herle, co. N’humb. See Harle.

Herle, William de, 219 (p. 120), 294, 412 (p. 235).

………, William son of William de, 219 (p. 120).

Herleston, co. N’hamp. See Harlestone.

Herling, co. Norf. See Harling.

Herling, William de, 144.

Hermansworthy [in Bradworthy parish], co. Devon, 527 (p. 294).

Hermeston, co. Linc. See Harmston.

Hermethorp, co. Linc. See Harmthorpe.

Hero .., le, co. N’humb, land called, 294.

Heron, Hayron, Heroun, Roger, 294, 403 (p. 225).

Heronvill, Herunvill, Herunvull, Heronill, Heranwill, Herumvill, Henry de, 581.

………, John de, 509.

………, Henry de, 509.

………, John de, 581.

………, John de, knight, 226.

………, Juliana wife of John de, 509.

………, Juliana de, 581.

……… Cf. Herunval.

Heroun. See Heron.

Herpeswell, co. Linc. See Harpswell.

Herringswell, Heringwell, co. Suff., 538 (p. 348).

Herrynggg, Stephen de, 153.

……… See Hering.

Herrynggeham, co. Sussex. See Hardham.

Hersham, Horsham [in Bumpstead Helim parish], co. Essex, 538 (pp. 326, 347).

………, manor, 538 (p. 326).

Herst, Gerard de, 542.

Hert, co. Durham. See Hart.

……… Aungre, co. Kent. See Hartanger.

Hertbourn, Hertburn, co. N’humb. See Hartburn.

Hertele. See Hertley.

Herteleye, co. Kent. See Hartley.

Hertelington, co. York. See Hartlington.

Hertelington, Henry de, 533 (p. 306).

Hertford, castle, 202.

………, earl of, 611 (. 391).

………, ……… See Clare.

Hertfordynggeburi, co. Hertf. See Hertingfordbury.

Hertham, Henry de, 213 (p. 114).

Hertherst, co. Suff. See Hartest.

Herthil, co. York See Harthill.

Herthull, Herthill, Richard de, 615 (p. 405).

Hertingfordbury, Hertfordynggeburi, co. Hertf., manor, 203.

Hertley, Hertele, Alice wife of Adam de, 124.

Hertleye, co. Dorset, See Hartley.

Hertleye, William de, 404.

………, William de (son of William), 404.

Herton, co. Devon. See Harton.

Hertrigge, co. Berks. See Hartridge.

Hertrigge, Hertrugge, John de, 212.

………, Clarice de, 212.

………, John de, his wife Nichola, 212.

………, ………, his daughter Elizabeth, 212.

Hertwelle, John de, 412 (p. 236).

Hertwyk, co. Glouc., 538 (p. 341).

Herumvill. See Heronvill.

Herunval, Peter de, 538 (p. 328).

……… Cf. Heronvill.

Herunvill, Herunvull. See Heronvill.

Hervey, Geoffrey, son of, 533 (p. 303 bis).

Hervi, Robert, of Wirksworth, 281.

Hervy, John, 152.

………, Robert, son of, 536 (p. 322).

Heryng, Harang, Reymund, 346 (pp. 194, 195).

……… See Hering; Herryngg.

Hese, co. Kent. See Hayes.

Hese, Richard, 615 (p. 402).

Heselarton, Robert de, 121.

………, John de, 204.

………, Robert de, Cecily wife of, 121.

………, ……… (son of Robert), 121.

Heshete, co. Sussex. See Heyshott.

Hesilwode, co. York. See Hazelwood.

Hesket Newmarket, Eskheved, co. Cumb., 146.

Heskhaith, William de, 279 (p. 161).

Hestercombe [in Kingston parish], co. Somerset, 406.

Heswall, Haselwelle, co. Chester, manor, 33.

Hethburch, co. Pemb. See Headborough.

Hethcote, Henry de, and Juliana his wife, 167.

Hethe, la Hethe, co. Oxford, 187.

Hetherig, William de, knight, 65.

Hetherst, Robert de, 542.

Hethfelde, co. Somers. See Heathfield.

Heton, co. York. See Hetton.

Heton. See Hoton.

Hetton, Heton [in Burnsall parish], co. York, 533 (p. 305).

Heved, John son of William, of Hardwick, 357.

Hevenyggeham, Philip de, 460.

Heveringland, Heveringlond, co. Norf. See Haveringland.

Hevetruwe, co. Devon. See Heavitree.

Hevingham Hevyngham, co. Norf., 538 (p. 347).

Hevre, Ralph de, 538 (p. 345).

……… Cf. Eure.

Hewish. See Huish.

Hewode, Richard de, of Thorndon, 540.

Hexthorpe, Hexthorp [by Doncaster], co. York, 199.

Heycourt, co. Surrey. See Hedge Court.

Heydon, Heydene, co. Essex, 444.

………, co. Norf., 270 (pp. 146, 147).

………, ………, advowson, 270 (p. 147).

………, ………, market, 270 (p. 147).

Heydone, Richard de, 61, 538 (p. 341).

Heyford, Great, co. N’hamp., 538 (p. 345).

…….., Lower, Heyford ad Pontem, Hayford, co. Oxford, 538 (pp. 327, 344).

………, ………, manor, 136.

……… Warren, Heyford Warin, co. Oxford, manor, 354.

Heyham, co. Kent. See Higham.

………, co. Leic. See Higham.

Heyle, co. Hertf. See Hailey.

Heyle, John, 172.

Heylioun. See Helion.

Heylyng, co. Linc. See Healing.

Heyr. Cf. Leyr.

Heyrwer, co. Carmarthen, 64 (p. 32).

Heyshott, Heyshete, co. Sussex, 536 (pp. 313, 315).

Heystede, John de, 397 (p. 219).

Heywood Barnes, Haywood [in Checkley in Wybunbury parish], co. Chester, manor, 62 (p. 30).

Hickling, Hiclyng, Hykling [co. Nott.], 279 (p. 156).

………, manor, 231.

Hide, co. Hants. See Hyde.

Hide, Thomas de la, 491.

………, Thomas de le, 453.

………, Thomas son of Thomas de la, 491.

Higefordemore, co. Buck., 538 (p. 329).

Higeley, co. N’humb. See Hedgeley.

Higford, Huggeford [in Stockton parish], co. Salop, 156.

Higham, Heyham, co. Kent, 116.

……… on the Hill, Heyham, co. Leic., 412 (p. 236).

………, Hecham, co. Suff., 538 (p. 349).

Highworth, co. Wilts, Blunsdon in, q.v.

…….., Fresden in, q.v.

………, Sevenhampton in, q.v.

Hilbeck, Ellebeck [in Brough parish], co. Westm., 533 (pp. 301, 305).

Hilcombe, Hylecomb [in Ilminster parish], co. Somers., 253.

Hildebury, Hyldebury, Simon de, 412 (pp. 234, 236).

Hilden, Hildenne [in Tonbridge parish], co. Kent, 538 (p. 331).

Hildenborough, Dacherst [in Tonbridge parish], co. Kent, 538 (p. 330).

Hilderwell, co. York. See Hinderwell.

Hildesle, co. Glouc. See Hillsley.

Hildrewell, co. York. See Hinderwell.

Hilkelay, co. York. See Ilkley.

Hill, co. Devon. See Uppehull.

Hill, Hull by Berkeleghe, co. Glouc., 408.

Hillborough, Hyldeberewe, Hyldebury [in Temple Grafton parish], co. Warw., 412 (pp. 234 bis, 236).

Hillegh, co. Somers. See Ely.

Hillesdon, Hyldesdone, co. Buck., 538 (p. 342).

Hillingdon, co. Midd., Colham in, q.v.

Hillsley, Hildesle, co. Glouc., 563.

Hillyngelegh, co. Sussex. See Hellingley.

Hilston, Hildeston, co. York, 252.

Hilton, Helton Bacon [in Appleby, St. Michael’s parish], co. Westm., 324, 533 (p. 302).

Hilton, Hiltone, Agnes de, 531 (p. 299).

………, John de, 279 (p. 161).

………, Robert de, 534 (pp. 309, 311, 316).

………, Roger de, 67.

Hincaster, Hencaster [in Heversham parish], co. Westm., 218 (p. 118).

Hinderwell, Hilderwell, Hildrewell, co. York, 516, 536 (pp. 320, 323).

………, advowson, 516.

Hindlip, Hyndelupe, Hyndelype, co. Worc., 615 (p. 403).

………, advowson, 615 (p. 404).

Hinnington, Hynyton [in Shifnal parish], co. Salop, 188.

Hintlesham, Hintlisham, co. Suff., manor, 521.

Hintlisham, Talebot de, 521.

Hinwick, Hynewyk [in Puddington parish], co. Bedford, 538 (p. 342).

Hinxworth, Hinxtworth, Hinxteworth, co. Hertf., 538 (pp. 349, 350).

Hirlaw, co. N’humb. See Harlow.

Hirthington, co. Cumb. See Irthington.

Hiskyn, co. Cornw., 453.

Hitchin, Hycche, co. Hertf., manor, 136.

Hitcote, Hudecote [in Ebrington parish], co. Glouc., 458 (p. 257).

Hiwissh, Hywysch. See Huish.

Hiye, John, 64 (p. 33).

Ho, co. Devon. See Hooe.

Ho, Henry atte, 224.

Hobrigge, Hobrugg, John de, 57 (p. 23), 538 (p. 350).

Hobrugge, co. Essex. See Howbridge.

Hocham, co. Norf. See Hockham.

Hocham [co Rutland]. See Oakham.

Hochton, co. N’humb. See Houghton.

Hockele, co. Hants. See Oakley.

Hockering, Hokeryngg, co. Norf., manor, 522.

Hockesham, William de, 527 (p. 294).

Hockham, Hocham, co. Norf., manor, 475 (p. 269).

Hockingdenne, Nicholas de, 544.

Hockley, Hockele, Hokkele [in Bradwell parish], co. Essex, 445.

Hoddesden, co. Lanc., 279 (p. 160).

Hodeboville, Hodebovyle, Hodebovile, Hodebovill, Hudebovile, Alice de, 500.

………, John de, of Acton, 126.

………, Walter de, 195.

………, Hugh de, 500.

………, John de, the elder, 126.

………, ………, Maud his wife, 126.

………, ………, Hillary his wife, 126.

………, Roger de, 126.

………, Walter de, 126.

………, ………, his wife Margaret, 195.

………, ………, his wife Elizabeth de Clerbek, 195.

Hodecumb [co. Somers.]. See Odcombe.

Hodelhale, co. Monm. See Hodenhale.

Hodegrove wood [in Washington?], co. Sussex, 413 (p. 236).

Hodenhale, Hodelhale, co. Monm., 538 (pp. 336, 337).

Hodenhull, co. Warw. See Hodnell.

Hodesdale, William de, 277.

Hodin, William, 152.

Hodinet, Richard de, 156.

Hodleghe, Maurice de, 612.

Hodnell, Shiten Hodenhulle and Hodenhull Gurmond or Gurmount, co. Warw., 615 (p. 405).

Hodnet, co. Salop, Hawkstone in, q.v.

………, Kenstone in, q.v.

………, Lostford in, q.v.

………, Marchamley in, q.v.

Hoe, Hou [in Soberton parish], co. Hants, manor, 298.

Hoff, Hoffe [in St. Lawrence Appleby, co. Westm.], manor, 452, 533 (p. 302).

Hogayl, co. Westm. See Hugill.

Hoggesthorp, co. Linc. See Hogsthorpe.

Hoggesthorp, William de, 167.

Hogh, co. Chester. See Hough.

Hoghton, co. N’humb. See Houghton.

Hoghton, Hokton, Richard de, 279 (pp. 161, 163).

Hogsthorpe, Hoggesthorp, co. Linc., 352 (p. 200).

Hok, co. Pemb. See Hook.

Hok, Richard, 64 (p. 34).

Hokeryngg, co. Norf. See Hockering.

Hokesham, co. Devon. See Huxham.

Hoketon, co. Camb. See Oakington.

Hokkele, co. Essex. See Hockley.

Hokton. See Hoghton.

Hokynton, co. Camb. See Oakington.

Holand, Elizabeth de, 279 (p. 161).

………, Robert de, and Maud (la Zouch) his wife, 458.

………, ………, ………, their pourparty, 458 (p. 259).

Holbeach, Holbech, co. Linc., 252, 472.

Holbech, Lawrence de, 472.

Holbrok, Holebrok, Alice wife of John de, 215.

………, John de, 68, 438.

………, ……… (son of John), 215.

Holbrook, Holebrok, co. Suff., 152.

………, manor, 215 (p. 115).

………, advowson, 215 (p. 115).

Holbury, co. Worc. See Oldbury.

Holcham, co. Norf. See Holkham.

Holcot, Holecot, Holcote, co. N’hamp., 412 (pp. 231, 234), 596.

Holcott, Holcote, co. Bedf., 538 (pp. 330, 342).

Holden, co. York, 533 (p. 301).

Holden, Robert de, 279 (p. 160).

Holdenby, Haldeneby, co. N’hamp., 458 (p. 256).

Holderness, Holdrenesse, co. York, wapentake, 169, 232, 266 (p. 144), 301, 341.

Holdeward, Robert, 412 (p. 233).

Holdgate, Holegod, co. Salop, castle, 611 (p. 392).

Hole, co. Devon, 7.

Holebrok. co. Suff. See Holbrook.

Holebrok. See Holbrok.

Holecombe, co. Devon. See Hollocombe.

Holecote, co. N’hamp. See Holcot.

Holeford, co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).

Holegod, co. Salop. See Holdgate.

Holewale, co. Somers. See Holwell.

Holewelle, co. Leic. See Holwell.

Holewelle, William de, 229.

Holgyll, co. York, 533 (p. 301).

Holine, co. Worc. See Hollin.

Holkham, Holcham, co. Norf., manor, 475 (p. 269).

Hollesworth, co. Devon. See Holsworthy.

Hollin, Holine [in Pensax parish], co. Worc., 57 (p. 24).

Hollocombe, Holecombe Wermond [in Winkleigh parish], co. Devon, 538 (p. 340).

Holm, co. Warw., 615 (p. 405).

………, co. York. See Holme.

Holme next the Sea, Holm, co. Norf., 538 (p. 346).

………, Holm [Paull Holme in Paull], co. York, 472.

……… [in Skipton in Craven parish], co. York, 533 (p. 301).

……… upon Spalding Moor, Holm in Spaldynmore, Howum, Hooum, Houm, co. York, 341, 536 (p. 320).

Holmer, Holmere, in Little Missenden parish, co. Buck, manor, 279 (p. 154), 458 (p. 256).

Holmeton, co. York. See Holmpton.

Holmpton, Holmeton, co. York, 341.

Holsworthy, Hollesworth, Haldesworth, Alworth, co. Devon, 527 (p. 294).

………, manor, 143, 527 (p. 295).

Holt Preen, Holtprene [in Cardington parish], co. Salop, 611 (p. 392).

Holt, co. Worc., 615 (p. 403).

Holte, John de, 387.

Holton, Hotham, co. Linc., 536 (p. 315).

………. Halton, co. Somers,, 603 (p. 385).

………. …….., advowson, 603 (p. 386).

………, ………. Hatherleigh in, q.v.

………, ………, Lattiford in, q.v.

……… St. Mary, co. Suff., 215 (p. 116).

Holwell, Holewell, co. Bedf., William lord of, 229.

…….., Holewelle [in Ab Kettleby parish], co. Leic., Hugh de Dalby of, q.v.

………, Halewell, co. Oxford, 554.

………, Holewale, co. Somers., 607 (p. 389).

Holweton, Michael de, 599 (p. 380).

Holylond, Agnes de la, of Worcester, 615 (p. 410).

Holywell, Haliwell [in Earsdon parish], co. N’humb., 353.

Home, Walter de, 284.

Homedieu, John, 113

Homme, co. Worc. See Ham.

Honebrugge, co. Chester. See Handbridge.

Honedene, co. Suff. See Hundon.

Honespille, co. Somers. See Huntspill.

Honestanescote, co. Warw. See Hunscote.

Honeyborough, Hounteborch [in Llanstadwell parish], co. Pemb., 64 (p. 34).

Honibere, co. Somers. See Heathfield.

Honigham, co. Warw. See Hunningham

Honiton, co. Devon, Batteshorne in, q.v.

Hontrecombe. See Huntercombe.

Honyngham, co. Warw. See Hunningham.

Hoo, co. Kent, hundred, 45.

……… St. Mary, Hoo, Ho, co. Kent, manor, 346 (p. 194).

………, ………, advowson, 346 (p. 195).

……… St. Werburgh [by Rochester], co. Kent, manor, 45, 116.

Hoo, Philip de, 127.

Hooe, Ho [in Plymstock parish], co. Devon, 527 (p 294).

Hook, Hok [in Marloes parish], co. Pemb., 64 (p. 34).

Hoord, William, 156.

Hooton Livett, Hoton Livet [in Maltby parish], co. York, 199.

Hooum, co. York. See Holme.

Hope, co. Derby, Stoke in, q.v.

………, Hop [in Buttington parish, co. Montgomery], 269.

……… Bowdler, Hopeboudliers, co. Salop, 611 (p. 392).

Hopene, co. N’humb. See Hoppen.

Hopewas, co. Staff. See Hopwas.

Hoppen, Hepon, Hopene [in Bamburgh parish], co. N’humb., 536 (p. 316).

Hopsford, Happesford [in Withybrook parish], co. Warw., 412 (p. 234).

Hopton, co. Salop, 211.

……… Cangeford, Hopton Cangefot, Hepton, co. Salop, 611 (p. 392).

………, Monk, co. Salop, Weston in, q.v.

Hopton, Henry de, 151, 281.

………, Simon de, 151, 281.

………, ………, his daughter Ellen, 281.

……., Walter de, 57 (p. 25), 58.

………, William de, 151, 281.

Hopwas, Hopewas [in Wiggington parish], co. Staff., 412 (p. 230).

Horbling, Horblinge, co. Linc., 279 (p. 154).

Hordwelle, co. Berks. See Hardwell.

Hore, Peter le, 533 (p. 304).

Horel, Richard, 327.

Horestone, le, in the Forest of Dean, 624.

Horewode, le, co. Staff., 611 (p. 390),

Horham, co. Suff., 471 (p. 264).

Horkesleye, William de, 262.

Horkestow, John de or Jolland de, 536 (pp. 318, 319).

Horlegh, co. Chester. See Horsley.

Hormead Hormede, co. Hertf., 451.

………, Little, Hormede, co. Hertf., manor, 475 (p. 269).

………, ………, advowson, 475 (p. 269).

Horn, Thorn [near Exton, co. Rutland], 412 (p. 235), 566.

Horndon [on the Hill], co. Essex, 599 (p. 379).

………. West, Thorndon, co. Essex, manor, 599 (pp. 379, 381).

………, ………, advowson, 599 (p. 379).

Horne, co. Surrey, 397 (p. 219).

Horne, John de, 538 (p. 346).

Horningsheath, Hornyngeserthe, Hornyngeserth, co. Suff., 412 (p. 233), 538 (p. 347).

Hornington, Hornyngton, Hornygton [in Bolton Percy parish], co. York, 536 (pp. 316, 318).

Hornle, Hugh de, and Alice (la White) his wife, 338.

Hornsby, Ormisby [in Cumwhitton parish], co. Cumb., 146.

Hornygton, co. York. See Hornington.

Hornyngeserthe, Hornyngeserth, co. Suff. See Horningsheath.

Hornyngton, co. York. See Hornington.

Horrington, East, Esthornyngdone [in St. Cuthbert’s parish, Wells], co. Somers., manor, 505.

Horseheath, Horseth, co. Camb., 538 (p. 347).

Horselegh, co. Chester. See Horsley.

Horsemonden, Hosmondenne, co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).

Horseth, co. Camb. See Horseheath.

Horsford, co. Norf., manor, 219 (p. 120).

Horsham, co. Essex. See Hersham.

……… St. Faith’s, St. Faith’s, co. Norf., prior of, 55, 529.

………, co. Sussex, 413 (p. 237).

………, ………, Chesworth and Sedgwick in, 321.

Horsigton, Hugh de, 297.

……… Cf. Horsington.

Horsington, co. Somers., 278.

………, South Cheriton in. See Cheriton.

………, Wilkin Throop in, q.v.

Horsington, William de, 279 (p. 157).

……… Cf. Horsigton.

Horsley, Horselegh, Horlegh [in Bunbury parish], co. Chester, 251 (p. 137).

………, ………. manor, 251 (p. 136).

………, co. Derby, Horston in, q.v.

Horston, Harstan [in Horsley parish, co. Derby], 279 (p. 156).

Horton Kirby, Hortone, co. Kent, 134.

………, co. N’hamp., 412 (p. 235).

……… [by Blyth], co. N’humb., manor, 219 (p. 120).

………, co. Staff., manor, 62 (pp. 28, 31).

……… [by Bradford], co. York, 279 (p. 159).

……… [in Gisburn parish], co. York, 536 (pp. 321, 322).

Horton, Peter de, 536 (p. 321).

Hortone, Robert de, 527 (p. 295).

Horwelle, Walter de and Joan his wife, 412 (p. 234).

Horwode, co. Devon. See Harwood.

Horwood, Great, Horwode, co. Buck., 538 (pp. 329, 342).

Horygge, co. Somers., 210.

Hosecok, Husecok, Isabel wife of Henry, 562.

Hoselwod, co. York. See Hazelwood.

Hosmonden, co. Kent. See Horsemonden.

Hospital of St. John. See St. John.

Hosyntre, co. Worc. See Martin Hussingtree.

Hotham, co. Linc. See Holton.

Hothom, John de, 316, 536 (p. 319).

……… Cf. Hothum.

Hothorpe, Hothorp [in Theddingworth parish], co. N’hamp., 412 (p. 235).

Hothum, John de, the elder, writ to, 536 (p. 324).

……… Cf. Hothom.

Hothwayt, Thomas de, 354.

Hoton, co. Cumb. See Hutton.

………, Houton [in Prestwold parish], co. Leic., 96.

………, co. Westm. See Hutton.

………, co. York. See Hooton; Hutton.

Hoton, Heton, Etton, Thomas de, 536 (p. 317).

Hotot, William de, 276.

………, Isabel wife of William de, 276.

…….., ………, her son Peter de Sancta Cruce, q v.

Hou, co. Hants. See Hoe.

Houbrigge, co. Essex. See Howbridge.

Houby, Maud de, 323.

………, Walter de, 323, 412 (p. 236).

Houchtoun, co. Durham. See Haughton.

Houeden, co. York. See Howden.

Houel, Alan, 538 (p. 347).

Houedenshyre, co. York. See Howdenshire.

Hough, Hogh [in Wybunbury parish], co. Chester, 366.

Hougham, Hugham, co. Kent, 542.

………, church of St. Lawrence, 542.

………, Simon vicar of, 542.

Houghton Conquest, Houston Conquest, co. Bedf., 431.

………, ………, church, 431.

………, Houthton, co. N’hamp., 412 (p. 235).

………, Great, co. N’hamp., 412 (p. 235).

…….., Hanging, Houthton [in Lamport parish], co. N’hamp., 412 (p. 235).

………, Little, Hochton, Hoghton [in Long Houghton parish], co. N’humb., 536 (p. 316).

Houke, Isabel wife of Henry atte, 183.

Houndestorre [in Burwash?], co. Sussex, 207.

Hounfrayvill. See Umframvill.

Hounteborch, co. Pemb. See Honeyborough.

Hounteborch, Robert de, 64 (p. 34).

Houston Conquest, co. Bedf. See Houghton.

Houthton, co. N’hamp. See Houghton.

Houton, co. Leic. See Hoton.

Houtone, William de, 215 (p. 116).

Houm, co. York. See Holme.

Hova ap Eyngnon, 251 (p. 136).

Hovetrewe, co. Devon. See Heavitree.

Hovingham, co. York, Wath in, q.v.

Howardesfeld, co. Glamorgan, 538 (p. 333).

Howbridge, Hobrugge, Houbrigge [in Witham parish], co. Essex, 57 (p. 23).

………, manor, 564.

Howden, Houeden, co. York, 300, 316, 610.

………, manor, 610.

Howdenshire, Houedenshyre, co. York, 300.

Howe, Hawe, co. York, 533 (p. 301).

Howum, co. York. See Holme.

Hubaud, Hubaut, Henry, 412 (p. 234).

………, John, 412 (pp. 234, 236), 615 (pp. 404, 405, 408, 409).

Hubert, John, 55 (p. 21).

Hucclecote, co. Glouc., Elmbridge in, q.v.

Hucmanby, co. Cumb. See Upmanby.

Hudburton [Humberton in Kirkby on the Hill?], co. York, 536 (p. 319).

Huddleston, Huddelston [in Sherburn parish], co. York, 266 (p. 144).

Hudebovile. See Hodebovile.

Hudecote, co. Glouc. See Hitcote.

Hudestone, co. Devon. See Hudston.

Hudleston, Adam de, 279 (p. 161).

Hudston, Hudestone [in Pancrasweek parish], co. Devon, 527 (p. 294).

Huggeford, co. Salop. See Higford.

Huggeford, William de, 156.

Hugh, Henry son of, 99, 533 (p. 305).

………, Richard son of, of Stirton, 533 (p. 306).

………, Walter, 64 (p. 33).

………, Walter son of, of Watford, 161.

………, William son of, 531 (p. 299).

Hugham, co Kent. See Hougham.

Hugham, Robert son of Robert de, 542.

………, Robert de and Alice his wife, 542.

Hugill, Hogayl [in Kendal parish], co. Westm., 218 (p. 119).

Huish, North, co. Devon, Lupridge in, q.v.

Huish, Hewish, Hywysch, Hywissh, Maud de, 139 (p. 65), 337, 527 (p. 293).

………, Richard de, 360.

Hulion. See Helion.

Hull, la Hull [in Burford parish], co. Salop, 57 (p. 24).

Hull, Kingston upon. See Kingston.

Hull, Hugh son of William de la, and Eleanor (de Wlankeslowe) his wife, 447.

………, William de la, 57 (p. 24).

Hullavitone, Hullamtone, Ralph de, 533 (p. 305).

Hulle, co. Glouc. See Hill.

……… [in Eastham?], co. Worc., 611 (pp. 393, 403).

Hulle, Robert de, 64 (p. 33).

Hulme, co. Norf., abbot of St. Benet’s, 221, 529.

Hulyon. See Helion.

Humber, river, 316.

Humberton, co. York. See Hudburton (?).

Humbleton, co. York, Danthorpe in, q.v.

Humby, co. Linc., 593.

Humfraie, Peter, 534 (p. 308).

Humfranvyle. See Umframville.

Humphrey, Walter son of, 538 (p. 347).

Huncoat, Huncotes [in Whalley parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 160).

………, manor, 279 (p. 159).

Huncote, Hunkote, co. Leic., 458 (p. 258).

Hundefot, Thomas, 150.

Hundersfield, Hunnresfeld, co. Lanc., 279 (p. 162).

Hundleby, Hundelby, co. Linc., 279 (p. 154).

Hundon, Honedene, co. Suff., 538 (p. 348).

………, manor, 538 (p. 325).

Hungerton, co. Linc., 252.

Hunkote, co. Leic. See Huncote.

Hunmanby, co. York, Fordon in, q.v.

Hunningham, Honyngham, Honigham, co. Warw., 251 (p. 136), 615 (p. 405).

Hunnresfeld, co. Lanc. See Hundersfield.

Hunscote, Honestanescote [in Wellesbourne Mountford parish], co. Warw., 615 (p. 406).

Hunsingore, co. York, Ribston in, q.v.

Hunspill, co. Somers. See Huntspill.

Hunstanton, Hunstanstone, co. Norf., 538 (p. 346).

Hunte, Walter, 542.

Huntedon, Ralph de, 111.

Huntele, John de, 57 (p. 23).

Hunteley, John de, 538 (p. 336).

Huntercombe [in Nuffield parish], co. Oxford, 403 (p. 224).

Huntercombe, Hontrecombe, Huntercoumb, Walter de, 403.

………, Nicholas de, 536 (p. 316).

………, Walter de, 403.

………, ………, Alice (de Bolbeck) late wife of, 403.

………, ………, and Ellen his wife, 403.

Huntingdon, Huntington, co. Hunt. advowson of priory, 538 (p. 350).

………, court at, 190.

………, barony, 492.

………, honour, 53 (p. 19), 190, 197, 369, 412 (pp. 231, 235).

Huntingfeld, Huntyngfeld, Peter de, 12.

………, William de, 471, 552.

………, Laurence de, 538 (p. 343).

………, Peter de, 350.

………, Roger de, 471, 538 (p. 350).

………, ……… (father of William), 471 (p. 264).

………, ………, born at Frampton, 471 (p. 264).

………. William de, 473.

………, ………, and Sibyl his wife, 471 (p. 264).

Huntingfield, Huntyngfeld, co. Suff., manor, 471 (p. 264).

Hunton, co. Hants, manor, 213 (p. 113).

………, Huntyngton [co. Kent], court at, 128.

Huntspill, Hunspill, Honespille, co. Somers., manor, 530.

Huntyngfeld, co. Suff. See Huntingfield.

Huntyngfeld. See Huntingfeld.

Huntyngton [co. Kent]. See Hunton.

Hurleston, Hurdeleston [in Acton parish], co. Chester, 251 (p. 136).

Hurne, William in the, 603 (p. 385).

Hurst, Joan (del Hay), wife of Philip de, 260.

Hurste, John atten, 284.

Hurstmonceaux, Hurst Munceus, co. Sussex, manor, 621.

Huscard, co. Pemb. See Hasguard.

Huse, Husee, Henry, 192, 413 (p. 237).

………, Roger, son of John, 397 (p. 218).

………, Thomas de la, 458 (p. 257).

………, Walter de la, 538 (p. 350).

………, William, 538 (p. 345).

Husecok. See Hosecok.

Husee. See Huse.

Husewik, co. Kent, 116.

Husyntre, co. Worc. See Martin Hussingtree.

Huthred, Isabel, lady of Steeton, 204.

Hutton in the Forest, Hoton, co. Cumb., 309.

………, co. Somers., manor, 538 (p. 338).

……… in the Hay, Hoton [in Kendal parish], co. Westm., 218 (p. 119).

……… Roof, Hoton Roff, co. Westm., 92.

……… Sessay, Hoton [in Sessay parish], co. York, 536 (p. 322).

Huxham, Hokesham, co. Devon, 527 (p. 294).

Huyton, co. Lanc., 279 (p. 163).

Hyatesbury, co. Wilts. See Yatesbury.

Hycche, co. Hertf. See Hitchin.

Hyde, Hide by Winchester, co. Hants, abbot of, 485.

………, le Hyde by Domerham [in South Domerham parish], co. Wilts, 538 (p. 328).

Hyde, Thomas de la, 110.

Hykelingge, Hykelyngge, Thomas son of Brian de, 540.

………, Thomas de, rector of Maltby, 540.

Hykling, co. Nott. See Hickling.

Hyldeberewe, Hyldebury, co. Warw. See Hillborough.

Hyldebury. See Hildebury.

Hyldesdone, co. Buck. See Hillesdon.

Hylecomb, co. Somers. See Hilcombe.

Hylion. See Helion.

Hylth, Helthe [in Nettlestead parish], co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).

Hyndeley, William de, 615 (p. 412).

Hyndelupe, Hyndelype, co. Worc. See Hindlip.

Hyndemers, co. N’humb., 510.

Hynewyk, co. Bedf. See Hinwick.

Hynton, co. N’hamp., 412 (p 235).

Hynyton, co. Salop. See Hinnington.

Hysaund, co. N’humb. See Hazon.

Hyselham, co. Camb. See Isleham.

Hywissh. See Huish.