Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 27

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 27', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 27', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 27". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 27

382. Thomas de Muskham alias de Muscham, Muschamp.
Writ to Thomas de Normanvile, the king's steward, 16 Feb. 9 Edw. I.
[Nottingham.] Inq. The day of St. Matthias, 9 Edw. I.
(Unspecified.) 93½a. arable and meadow, and 7 marks rent of assize, held of Sir Adam de Evyrhygham by service of ½ knight's fee, and suit of court at Schelford; and 12a. arable held of William son of William Hervy by 1d. yearly.
Thomas his son, aged 7, is his heir, and the king has the wardship (gwardam) of the lands and heir, because the king had seisin of the lands of Sir Adam de Evyrhygham through the said Adam's death.
C. Edw. I. File 27. (1.)
383. Roger Grauntesone alias Grantesone.
Writ to the sheriff of Salop, 11 Feb. 9 Edw. I.
Salop. Extent Tuesday after St. Chad (Cedde), 9 Edw. I.
Midelton and Kyngton. Two parts of the town held for 2 virgates land, of William de Botereus in chief by making three appearances at his court at Longedon, wardship and relief &c., and he did the suit due to the hundred of Chirbr'.
Philip his son, aged 16 at the feast of St. Michael, 8 [Edw. I.], is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 27. (2.)
384. Serlo son of Philip.
Writ to Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward, 27 Dec. 9 Edw. I.
Endorsed with Memorandum that the said Serlo died on Thursday before Christmas day in the said year.
Essex. Inq. Friday after Epiphany, 9 Edw. I.
Pritewell. A messuage and 122a. land, held of the king of the barony of Relega alias Reyleye, by service of 1/6 knight's fee and suit at the court of the said barony.
Philip his son, aged 30 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 27. (3.)
385. Adam de Everingham.
Writ to Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward, 28 (sic) Dec. 9 Edw. I.
Endorsed:—It was commanded to the sheriff of Lincoln to execute this mandate 9 (sic) Dec. 9 [Edw. I], and the said Adam died on the day of the Conception of the Blessed Mary, 9 [Edw. I.]
Lincoln. Inq. (undated.)
Westburg'. The manor (extent given) held of the king by service of barony, and it pertains, as it is said, to the barony of Schelford.
Robert his son, aged 24, is his next heir.
Writ to Thomas de Normanvil, the king's steward, 8 Dec. 9 Edw. I.
Endorsed:—This writ came to me at London on Wednesday before the Conversion of St. Paul.
York. Inq. Monday the feast of St. Hilary.
Brampton, Besakre, Heyhelleres and Gayte. 1 knight's fee held of the king in chief, which Philip de Vermaylles holds of the said Adam by knight's service.
Everingham. The manor, held of the archbishop of York by service of doing suit at his court of Wylton.
Farburn. The manor, held of the earl of Lincoln, by doing suit at his court of Pontefr(act) and scutage when it runs.
Havercroft. The manor, held of the said earl by similar service.
Kibbelingcotes. The manor, held of the provost (preposito) of Beverley doing suit at his court of Beverley.
Heir his first born son, as above.
Nottingham. Inq. Monday the feast of St. Hilary, 9 Edw. I.
Sheleforth. A moiety of the barony, to which pertain 12½ knights' fees in divers counties, viz. 4 in Nottingham and the rest in Northampton, Leicester, Lincoln and York, 10 of which he held by service of keeping the forest of Shirewod for all service, and for the residue he did service of 2½ knights in the army in Wales for forty days at his own costs. And of the 4 fees in co. Nottingham he held in the town of Laxton ½ knight's fee in demesne, worth in rent of assize 20l. yearly, and there are 4 carucates land in demesne worth 10l., with works of villeins and herbage &c. of the manor worth 20s., and pannage of 2 parks &c. 30s.
Gedling. 66s. 3d. rent of bondmen held in chief in demesne.
Sheleforth. The free court worth 26s. 8d. yearly.
Norhtleyrton. The manor, held of the archbishop of York by service of 1 knight's fee, and suit of court; and 18s. rent held of Lady Joan de Capella by service of ½d. yearly.
Kirketon and Walesby. ½ knight's fee held by the abbot of Ruchforth in frankalmoin.
Lexton. Lands (unspecified) held by Robert de Marcham by service of 1d. and scutage when it runs.
Neuton. ¼ knight's fee held by Robert de Marcham, Roger de Sausemari, Robert Cotel and William de Eton.
Sheleforth. ¼ knight's fee held by the prior of Sheleforth in frankalmoin.
Muscham, Carleton and Calneton. 1 knight's fee held by Thomas de Muscham doing foreign service and common suit at the court of Sheleforth.
Byrton, Gedling, Stokis, Carleton and Colewyk. 1 knight's fee held by Reginald de Aselacton, William de Birton, Alexander de Le, Geoffrey le Botyller, William le Mascy and Maud la Botillere.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. I. File 27. (4.)
386. John de Chetewinde alias de Chetewynd.
Writ to the sheriff of Salop and Stafford, 13 Feb. 9 Edw. I.
Stafford. Inq. (undated.)
Weston. The manor (extent given), including a falconry (volata) worth 6d. yearly, held of Robert de Staundon by service of 1 small knight's fee of Mortain and suit at the court of Staundon, and the said Robert holds it of the baron of Stafford.
Reginald his son, aged 16 on the day of St. Denis, 8 Edw. I., is his next heir.
[Salop.] Inq. (undated.)
Chetwynde with its members. The manor (extent given), held of John son of Alan in chief for 2 knights' fees, with the advowson of the church.
[Stafford.] Weston. Held of Robert de Staundon for 1 small fee.
[Warwick.] Bastirle. A moiety held of Richard de Harecourt for ¼ fee.
[Stafford.] Barkisford and Conishale. 10s. rent from Robert de Chetilton.
[Salop.] Bearstone. 6½ virgates and half a nook of land, 4 cottars rendering 4s. 9d. yearly, a mill and a park.
Stocton. 4½ virgates land in villenage rendering 54s. 4d. yearly.
Howele. 8 virgates land rendering 78s. 8d. yearly and a mill.
His heir is aged 16.
Writ to the sheriff of Salop to enquire whether the said John held anything of the abbots of Haweman and Lilleshull, 29 March, 9 Edw. I.
Salop. Inq. Thursday after SS. Tiburcius and Valerian, 9 Edw. I.
Howele. A moiety, viz. 4 virgates land and ½ a mill, held of the abbot of Hawemon, who ought to have the homage and wardship of the heirs of the said John for this moiety; and the other moiety held of the abbot of Lylleshul, rendering to him 2s. yearly, who ought to have similar homage &c. for this moiety.
Heir as above, aged 16 on the feast of St. Peter in Cathedra, 9 Edw. I.
Writ to Richard de Holebrok the king's steward, 10 June, 9 Edw. I.
Endorsed: Baxterle near Myryval in co. Warwick, and it is held of John son of Alan, who is in the king's wardship.
Warwick. Inq. Tuesday before St. Margaret, 9 Edw. I.
Baxterle. Customers rendering 100s. yearly and doing view of frankpledge, but no capital messuage or lands in demesne, held of Richard de Harecourt doing 1lb. pepper yearly. And the sheriff in place of the escheator, caused the said rent to be seized because the said John held his land in other counties of John son of Alan in chief, whose heir is in the king's wardship.
Philip his son and heir is aged 18.
C. Edw. I. File 27. (5.)
387. Bertreya Daughter of William de Blauminister alias de Blammoster.
Writ to the sheriff of Salop, 11 Feb. 9 Edw. I.
Salop. Extent, Friday after St. Chad, 9 Edw. I.
Blaminister. A fourth part of the manor held of the earl of Warenn by service of a fourth part of a huntsman to the earl at his will and at his cost.
Eleanor l'Estrange (Extranea), Joan de Barentyn, and Maud de Bracy, her sisters, are her heirs and of full age.
Writ (undated fragment).
Essex. Inq. Sunday after St. Peter ad Cathedram, 9 Edw. I.
Extanis ad Montem. 2 carucates land held of John de Warenn earl of Warenn (Warennye) by service of 1 knight's fee.
Little Canevel. 80a. arable, 4a. meadow, 3a. pasture, 6a. wood, and 67s. rent, held of the said John earl of Warenn by service of ¼ knight's fee.
Eleanor le Estraunge, Joan the wife of Sir William de Barentyn, knt., and Maud the wife of Sir William de Bracy, her sisters, are her next heirs, and aged 30 and more.
C. Edw. I. File 27. (6.)
388. William de Codestede.
Writ to Ralph de Sandwyco the king's steward, 27 Oct., 9 Edw. I.
[Kent.] Extent Monday the morrow of St. Edmund the Confessor at the commencement of 10 Edw. I.
Hundred of Midd[elton]. (Unspecified.) 36s. rent of assize, 41 fowls and 50 eggs.
Isle of Scapeye. 4l. yearly farm from a certain land; 80a. arable, 20a. pasture, 10½a. wood, 60a. marsh, &c.; all held of the king in chief rendering a sore sparrowhawk at the exchequer. Also within the same hundred, 21s. 11½. rent of assize, 17 fowls, 17 soams and 2 bushels of barley yearly farm, 60a. arable, 6a. wood, a messuage in Newent, and 1a. meadow, &c., all held of the king in chief in gavelkind by service of 2s. ½d. yearly at his manor of Midd[elton].
Renham. 4s. 7d. rent of assize held in gavelkind of the queen mother by suit of court and other services unknown.
(Unspecified.) 30s. rent of assize from a tenement unknown, which John de Raleghe, rector of the church of Husle co. Southampton, conferred on the said William in free marriage with Margery his niece, which Adam de Northoft used to pay.
Lincoln. Weleburn. 106s. 8d. rent of assize held of the earl of Cornwall by service of 6s. 8d. yearly.
[Kent.] Canterbury. 100s. rent from an aldermanry called Westgate, which aldermanry the said William sold to Master Ham' Doge rendering to him the said 100s., and the said H. gave it to the abbot of St. Augustine's Canterbury, and it was held of the king and of the archbishop, service unknown.
His three sons, William aged 12, Adam aged 8, and John aged 6, are his next heirs.
C. Edw. I. File 27. (7.)
389. Aline la Despensere, daughter and heir of Philip Basset, alias Aveline countess of Norfolk, alias Aline countess Marescall.
Writ (missing).
[Essex.] Extent, Friday after St. Barnabas, 9 Edw. I.
Legehere in the parishes of Adburchethon and Peltingdon. A capital messuage, 140a. arable, and 4a. meadow, worth 58s. 6d., whereof is rendered yearly to James de Aburthon 10s., to William son of Ranulph 14s., and for the guard of the castle of Sterdeford 18d.
[Essex.] Extent, Tuesday before St. Margaret, 9 Edw. I.
North Welde. The manor (extent given), whence are rendered yearly 13s. 4d. to the chapel in the court: the manor was sometime held of the castle of Benington by service of 5 knights' fees, whereof the brethren of the Knights of the Temple of Cressingge hold 2 fees in Sutton in the hundred of Rocheford, William de Monte Canisio of Edwardeston 1 fee in Leyre, Sewal de Springgefeld 1 fee in Springgefeld, and the heirs of Isabel de Bernigham 1 fee in Bernigham and Hyhington.
Essex. Extent, Wednesday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 9 Edw. I.
Lammers. The manor (extent given), held of Sir Robert de Brus the elder, by service of 3 knights' fees and two parts of ½ fee.
Essex. Extent, Saturday after St. Barnabas, 9 Edw. I.
Wykes. The manor (extent given), whence are paid of yearly rent, for the guard of the castle of Colcestre pertaining to the farm of the hundred of Tendring 12s., to Sir Matthew de Lovaine 10s., and to John Carbonel 14s.
Northampton. Extent, Wednesday the morrow of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 9 Edw. I.
Bernewelle. The manor (extent given), whence are paid to the king by the hands of the bailiff of the hundred of Hokeslowe, 3s. 8d. yearly. Sir Philip Bassett gave the manor in free marriage to Hugh le Despenser, with Aline his daughter, and it is held of the fee of the earl [of] Ferrar', service unknown.
Hugh, son of Hugh le Despenser, age unknown, is next heir.
[Buckingham.] Extent, Monday the feast of Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 9 Edw. I.
Wycumbe. A capital messuage, 255⅓a. arable, 7a. meadow, 28a. pasture, 60a. wood, rent of assize of the borough of Wycumbe 30l. 13s. 4d., in the suburb 63s. 4d., of foreign free tenants 4l. 19s. 9d., and of customers 10l. 3s. 10d., works &c. of customers worth 37s. ½d., two water-mills with a virgate of land demised to farm to Thomas de la Lude for life for 65s. 8d., three other water-mills worth 10l. yearly, and pleas of court &c. worth 20s., from which are due yearly at the king's exchequer for the said borough 20l., and to the Knights of the Temple for the land of Okrugge, which is held of them in socage, 16s. And she held a foreign messuage with a carucate of land of the king by service of 1 knight's fee; 45a. arable of John de Assewell for 1/16 knight's fee; and 48a. land with 10a. wood in socage of the Knights of the Temple by the aforesaid service of 16s.
Hugh le Despenser, aged 20 in the first week of March last, is her next heir.
[Cambridge.] Extent, Friday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 9 Edw. I.
Saham. The manor (extent given), including 26s. 4d., farm of lands and sheepfolds in Fordham, held of the king in chief by service of ¼ knight's fee.
Philip Basset sometime purchased of the abovesaid tenement, from Cecily de la Mare lands &c. rendering yearly at the king's hall at Saham 20s. 2d., to William de Saham 8s., to Richard de la More 12d., and to Robert le Noreis of Fordham 1d.
Wilts. Extent, the day of the Commemoration of St. Paul, 9 Edw. I.
Berewyk. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief rendering a sparrowhawk yearly at the feast of St. Michael.
Wilts. Extent, the day of the Commemoration of St. Paul, 9 Edw. I.
Wynterburn Basset. The manor (extent given), including ¼ knight's fee which William de Budeston holds of the said manor, from which are due at the castle of Marleborgh 20s. yearly.
[Wilts.] Extent, Tuesday after SS. Peter and Paul, 9 Edw. I.
La Fasterne. The manor (extent given with names of tenants), including Old Court, Wotton and Swyndon, members of the same manor, 10s. rent of Lytlecote, tolls of fairs and markets, a custom of boonwork ploughing called 'graserth,' and the advowson of Wotton Church, held of the earl of Cornwall for 2 knights' fees, and 10s. are due for the guard of the castle of Devizes.
[Surrey.] Extent and appraisement (undated and defaced).
Wock[ing]. The manor (extent given), including 9 acres of moor at La Hok', a foreign wood called Brocwod, 1 hide land of the fee of Perefricht of the honour of the earl of Gloucester of Clare, which Fulk Basset purchased, rendering 16s. yearly; and to the said manor is annexed a serjeanty in Mayford held of the king, which the said Fulk purchased, producing 54s. yearly, and rendering at the king's exchequer 20s. yearly, tenure unspecified.
Sutton. The manor (extent given), including pasture in Cottehershe, a pair of gloves of buckskin furred with miniver, being rent of assize of land which was of Philip de Toneworth, which the lord of Sutton ought to render at the king's exchequer for the said manor, and 4s. poundage called 'garsanese' from the villeins.
Berks. Extent (undated).
Spene. The manor (extent given), including 25s. 8¾d., rent of assize from the freemen of Spenhamlond, tenure unspecified.
C. Edw. I. File 27. (8.)
390. Ralph le Botiller.
Writ to the sheriff of Salop, 3 July, 9 Edw. I.
Salop. Extent (undated).
Wemme. The manor (exent given), including a little castle and two parks.
Hynestok. The hamlet (extent given).
Tirley alias Tyrleye. The manor (extent given), including a little castle commenced. All held of the inheritance of Maud his wife of the king in chief by service of 3 knights in the army of Wales for forty days at his own costs. He held no other lands in Salop and Stafford.
Heir unspecified.
C. Edw. I. File 27. (9.)
391. Robert Son of William de Hacumby.
Writ to Richard de Holebrok the king's steward, 24 Dec. 9 Edw. I.
Endorsed:—The same Robert died on Monday after the feast of St. Lucy.
Lincoln. Inq. (undated.)
Hacunby. A capital messuage, 30a. arable, 6a. meadow, and 5s. 6d. and a pair of gloves rent of assize, held of the king in chief by service of ¼ knight's fee.
William his son, aged 7 on the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Mary, 8 Edw. I., is his next heir.
Writ of extent and assignment of dower to Eva late the wife of the said Robert, who has taken oath not to marry without the king's licence, 24 Dec. 9 Edw. I.
Lincoln. Assignment of dower (undated). Hacunby. A third part of a capital messuage, 10a. arable, 2a. meadow, 12d. rent by the hand of Ralph de Calthorp clerk, and 10d. by the hand of Ralph de Toucestre in Morton.
C. Edw. I. File 27. (10.)
392. Thomas Cordeboef alias Cordebof.
Writ to Richard de Holebrok the king's steward, 10 May, 9 Edw. I.
Suffolk. Inq. (undated.)
Mendelesham. A messuage, 60a. land, 10a. wood, and 9a. pasture, in demesne, held of the king in chief by service of a crossbow, serving the king for forty days at his own cost. And he died seised of 26s. rent to be received from the earl marshal.
He died on the eve of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr fourteen years ago. Joan his daughter, aged 22, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 27. (11.)
393. Baldwin de Whytsaund.
Writ to Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward, 13 July, 9 Edw. I.
Essex. Inq. (undated.)
Great Perindon. The manor, held of the king in chief of the honour of Boulogne by service of 1 knight's fee, and doing suit at the king's court of the said honour.
Stanburne. 6l. land, held of the earl of Hereford by service of 1½ knight's fee and doing suit at the earl's court of High Estre.
Agnes, Lucy and Elizabeth his daughters, aged 19 and more, are his next heirs.
C. Edw. I. File 27. (12.)
394. Hawis de Scouland.
Writ to Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward, 7 Sept., 9 Edw. I.
Northumberland. Inq. Sunday before All Saints, 9 Edw. I.
West Matfen. 41a. land in demesne, and 160a. land in villenage, from which the king has 5 marks yearly, held of the king in chief by service of 1/40 knight's fee. She held no other tenement in the county.
John de Hadham her son, aged 30 and more, is her next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 27. (13.)
395. Hugh de Lacy.
Writ to Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward, 10 June, 9 Edw. I.
Bedford. Inq. (undated.)
Caynho. 1 carucate land, 120a. wood, and 10a. meadow and pasture, held by the said Hugh and Joan his wife by reason of the said Joan, one of the heirs of the said manor, of whom he had no child, by foreign service.
Joan his wife is the right heir of the aforesaid tenement, viz. a third part of the manor, and of full age.
C. Edw. I. File 27. (14.)
396. William de Yeland alias de Yelant.
Writ to Thomas de Normanvill, the king's steward, 18 May, 9 Edw. I.
Northumberland. Inq. Sunday after the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, 9 Edw. I. (defaced.)
Westmatfen. 51a. land in demesne, 4a. meadow, 2 messuages of bondmen and 48a. land, and 2s. yearly from Ranulph de ...
Nafferton. A messuage and 24a. land, and 20s. from the mill.
Lurbotil. 3 messuages, 81a. land and 2 cottars rendering 3s. 10d. yearly, held of the king by service of 1/40 knight's fee, and 6s. yearly rent.
Seham. A moiety of the manor and advowson, held of the bishop of Durham.
Richard his son, aged 20, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 27. (15.)