Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 15

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 15', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 15', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 15". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 15

194. Robert de Briwes alias de Brewes, de Brywes, de Bryus, De Briwys, De Brus, De Bruys.
Writ, 29 Aug. 4 Edw. I.
Southampton. Inq. (undated.)
Hupsonburn Kaumes. The manor, held of Ralph de Kaumes by service of ¼ knight's fee.
John his son is his heir, and of full age.
Writ, 28 Aug. 4 Edw. I.
Gloucester. Inq. Friday before St. Matthew the Apostle, 4 Edw. I.
Rysindon Basset. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church of Wyk', held of the earl of Cornwall of the honour of Wallingford, by service of 1 knight.
Sir John de Bryus, knight, his son, aged 40 and more, is his next heir.
Writ, 29 Aug. 4 Edw. I.
Surrey. Inq. (undated.)
Wiszly. The manor, held of Ralph de Camoys by service of ¼ knight's fee.
Heir as above, aged 40 and more.
Writ, 28 Aug. 4 Edw. I.
Somerset. Extent (undated.)
Stapele. The manor (extent given), including 276a. arable in Wodmanneuolde and Underthehulle, 275a. arable in the field of Stilham, Chercheye in the marsh, Regweye and Gastone, 600a. pasture upon la Stapeldune, and the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief of the fee of Mortain for ½ knight's fee.
Curilaunde in the manor of Stapele. 2 carucates land (extent given), held of Richard de Cam, service unknown.
Hurdecote. A messuage and 1 virgate land, worth 4 marks yearly, of the land which was of Margery his wife, which she acquired before he married her, tenure unspecified.
Heir as above.
Writ, 29 Aug. 4 Edw. I.
Essex. Inq. (undated.)
Great Waker[ing]. The manor, held of John de Nevile for life, by service of 1 knight's fee.
(Unspecified.) A grove of 7a. held of Hugh Conestabul by service of a clove gillyflower yearly.
Suthorp in Sucherch. 47½a. land with a messuage, and 2a. marsh held of Emma de Paggrave by service of 1d.
Heir as above.
Writ of plenius certiorari, on the complaint of John de Neivill that the escheator had taken into the king's hand the manor of Great Wakering, which the said Robert held of him for life, 17 Sept. 4 Edw. I.
Essex. Inq. (undated.)
Great Wakeringe. The manor was held for life as abovesaid, and ought to revert to the said John and not to the heir of the said Robert.
(See No. 160.)
C. Edw. I. File 15. (1.)
195. Joan de Stutevill.
Writ, 6 April, 4 Edw. I.
Cumberland. Inq. Saturday after the octave of Easter, 4 Edw. I.
Lydel. The barony, including a capital messuage, 74½a. and 1r. land in demesne, 8 bovates land worth 36s., forelands and assarts without the forest, cottars paying 13s. 6d. yearly, a mill &c.
Eston. The advowson of the church.
Arthureth. 70a. and ½r. land in demesne, farmers holding 31 bovates land, forelands worth 61s. 2d., cottars paying 52s. 5d., 5½a. meadow, free tenants rendering 9s. 5d., a mill &c.
Stubhill. 27a. land in demesne, 24 bovates land, cottars paying 13s. 2d., a meadow rendering 6s., forelands worth 15s., and services of free tenants 2s.
Randolflevington. 33½a. and 1½r. land in demesne, 30½ bovates land, forelands rendering 10sd., cottars 15s. 3d., free tenants 3s. 3d., a marsh, a mill &c.
Bracanhill. A ward (Wardum), and there are there 14a. land in demesne, 10½ bovates land, cottars rendering 4s. 8d., and free tenants 5s. 8d.
Lydel. A forest in which are assarts or closes called Haytwayt, Mortwayt, Crosefeld, Kackledy, Standgarthesyde, Langlond, Brundscale, Gressehope, Baylli, Quelpedal, Nethyrbaylli, Cotgarth, Baburne, and Wygarthetwayt, a fulling-mill, and a water-mill.
Carlisle city. 6 burgages.
All which were held of the king in chief by service of 56s. cornage at the king's exchequer at Karlisle, and suit at Cumberland county (court).
Sir Baldwin de Wake her son, is her next heir and of full age.
[York.] Extent, Wednesday after the Close of Easter, 4 Edw. I. (defective.)
Kirkeby Moresheved. The manor (extent given), including tenants and cottars in Brauncedale, Farnedale and Duthethwayt, and a watermill rendering 18l. yearly, of which Sir John Denias was enfeoffed of 10l. yearly by [the said Joan] de Stutivile after the death of Hugh le Bigot sometime her husband, and the prioress of Keldholm and the vicar of the same take of the same mill ... in the moor rendering 20s., where were the sheepfolds of H. Bigot. And the said Joan enfeoffed the said Bald(win) [of the manor] of Kirkeby two years ago by her charter.
Heir as above.
[York.] Extent (undated).
Cotingham. The manor (extent given), including herbage of the park, and underwood in Suthwode, Northwode, Bentelewode and Westwode, held with Buttercram, Skreingham and Langeton, of the king in chief by service of 3 knights; of which Baldwin Wake held of her Buttercram and Skreingham, and John de Vescy the manor of Langeton, so that she held Cotingham only in demesne on the day she died. She held Cropton and Middelton in demesne of the king, which Nicholas Wake held of her, service unknown because those lands are of the tenure of Lidel, co. Cumberland. She held the manor of Kirkeby Morisheved of the heir of Mouubray by service of 10 knights, of which manor Baldwin Wake was seised before her death, two years ago.
Heir as above, aged 38.
[York.] Inq. concerning advowsons of churches and services &c. not mentioned at the extent (undated).
Cotingham. The advowson of the church.
Roule. The advowson of the church.
Etton. The advowson of the church.
Skraingham. The advowson of the church.
Midelton. The advowson of the church.
Cotingham. 27 bondmen doing works worth 13l. 10s. yearly, and a boon work worth 8s. 4d.
Hule. 44 bondmen doing works worth 11l.
Neuland. 16 bondmen doing works worth 48s.
Wolferton and Neuton. For beasts (avariis) in the pasture, hens and eggs, 7d.
Cottingham and elsewhere. From free tenants, 4lb. pepper, 5lb. cummin, two pairs of gloves, and twenty-two farm horseshoes (feruras aferorum) worth 7½d.
C. Edw. I. File 15. (2.)
196. Henery de Audidelegh alias de Alditheleye, de Audedeleg', de Auditheleg', de Aldidelegh, de Audeleg', de Audithele.
Writ to the justice of Chester, 22 April, 4 Edw. I.
Chester. Inq. Tuesday before Whitsunday, 4 Edw. I.
Newhall (Nova Aula). The castle, and two parts of two parts of the town, and of Aston and Sonde, held of the king in chief by service of 1/10 knight's fee.
Nantwich (Wick Malban). A third part of a third part, held by the same service.
Smalewode. Two parts, held of Sir Thomas de Meynwaryn as free marriage sometime given to Henry de Audithele grandfather of the said Henry.
William de Audithele his brother, aged 22 on the day of St. Luke, 3 Edw. I., is his next heir.
Writ, 22 April, 4 Edw. I.
[Stafford.] Inq. Sunday after the Ascension, 4 Edw. I. (defective.)
Heleg'. The castle and park and the town of Betteleg', held of Theobald de Verdon by service of ½ knight's fee.
Enedon. Two parts with a capital messuage, held of the same Theobald, service unspecified.
Talke and Burwardeslyme. Two parts, similarly held.
Tunstal, and a carucate land, held of Sir Edmund, the kings brother, by homage only, as agreed between them in the said Sir Edmund's court of Newcastle.
Norton. Two parts held of Sir Robert Hastang' by service of ½ knight's fee.
Austanesfelt. Two parts of a third of the manor were held by Maud, late the wife of James de Audedele [brother] of the said Henry, in dower, who died eight days and more after the said Henry: the manor is held of the king of the barony of Mauban of the honour of Chester by service of 1/10 knight's fee, with other lands of the same fee in co. Chester.
Horton. Two parts, held of the barony of Stafford by service of 10s. yearly.
Audedeleg'. Two parts, held of Theobald de Verdon by the service above-said.
Chesterton. Two parts, held of Sir Edmund the king's brother as above-said.
Heir as above, aged 21 and more on the day of St. Luke, 3 Edw. I.
[Salop.] Inq. Thursday after St. Dunstan, 4 Edw. I.
Forde. A third part of the manor, held of the king by service of 4l. yearly at the exchequer.
Newport (Novi Burgi). Two parts, held of the king by service of two parts of a mewed sparrow hawk yearly at the exchequer.
Red Castle (Rubeum Castrum) and two parts of Weston, held of Margery and Maud de Harecourt in exchange for Stanewey by service of 1d. yearly.
Merchumleg'. Two parts, held of Sir John son of Alan, by service of ½ knight's fee.
Forde. A third part of the manor, which is held of the king by service of 4l. yearly, was held by Maud, late the wife of James de Auditheleg' brother of the said Henry, in dower, who died eight days and more after the said Henry.
Egemundon. Two parts of the manor, held of the king by service of the sparrow hawk abovesaid.
Heir as above, aged 22 and more on the day of St. Luke, 3 Edw. I.
Writ of scire facias and extent to the justice of Chester for the purpose of assignment of dower to Lucy late the wife of the said Henry, 19 July, 4 Edw. I.
Chester. Extent, Tuesday after the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, 4 Edw. I.
Nantwich (Wyco Malbano), (full extent given of burgages, shops &c. with names of tenants), including the saltpit of Schavinton, toll of the pan (truncy) of Wick worth 53s. 4d., the mill, the monks' saltpit &c.
Newhall (Novam Aulam). 1 carucate and two parts of ½ carucate land, 33s. 4d. rent of assize, a mill, 30s. rent of assize from Aston, 2s. from Sonde, the ferry of Newhall 1 mark, pleas &c. 40s., herbage of Couhul 1 mark, the serjeanty 5 marks, the beadlery 35s. 6d., the ferry of Scuanesbache 2s., the ferry of Broneshurst 20s., 4 men of Wyreswelle 20s. 4d. &c.
Smalewode. Rent of assize with mill, worth 4l. 11s. 4d., tallage of villeins 1 mark, pleas and perquisites 1 mark, &c.; also 2s. from Becheton; 4s. 5d. from Pikemere; 5s. 8d. from Foulesthurst; and pleas &c. of the hundred of Wick 2s.
Similar writ to the sheriff of Stafford, escheator there, 19 July, 4 Edw. I.
Extent (missing).
Similar writ to the sheriff &c. of Salop, 19 July, 4 Edw. I.
Salop. Extent, Friday after St. Matthew the Apostle, 4 Edw. I. (defaced.)
Egge. Tenements held of the manor of Forde (extent given with names of tenants).
Poulmere (similar extent given).
Neunham (similar extent given).
Sibaldescot (similar extent given).
Ardescot (similar extent given).
La Lee (similar extent given), including pleas and perquisites of the manor.
Merchumleg'. The manor with Ketteneston and Hauekeston (similar extents given).
Weston. The manor (extent given with names of tenants), including the fishpond of Moston, a moiety of the town of Wynekeshull, and Cheseburi.
Newport (Novum Burgum) (extent given with names of tenants).
(See No. 285.)
C. Edw. I. File 15. (3.)
197. Nicholas de Alneto alias de Launeye.
Writ (missing).
Suffolk. Return (undated) reciting writ of capias in manum to the sheriff of Norfolk dated 2 Sept. 4 Edw. [I.], and Inq. (undated.)
Berghott. A tenement held of the king in chief, worth 60s. yearly, whereof 20s. are due to be paid at the king's exchequer yearly, and 9s. to other lords; Joan late his wife has received the issues until now.
Stratford. A tenement held of Master Roger de Holebrok by service of ½ knight's fee, worth 41s. 11d. yearly, whereof the subescheator received 15s. 3d. in the first year, and the said Joan has received all the other issues until now.
He died on the day of St. George, 2 Edw. [I]. Heir unspecified.
[Suffolk.] Return (undated) reciting writ of venire facias to the sheriff of Suffolk, dated 27 Sept. 4 Edw. [I].
Two daughters of the said Nicholas, viz.—Joan and Isabel were found in the keeping of Joan late his wife, and have been attached and delivered to Master Roger de Holebrok and others (specified) to be conducted before the king at this present parliament (as ordered): the said Joan was their detainer. Two other daughters of the said Nicholas still remain in the keeping of the said Joan their mother, viz.—Agnes and Catherine.
C. Edw. I. File 15. (4.)
198. William de Arderne.
Writ of certiorari and extent to the sheriff of York, escheator there, for certain causes touching the brother and heir of the said William who held of Roger de Mubray in chief, whose lands are in the king's wardship by reason of the minority of his heir, 6 June, 4 Edw. I.
York. Extent made at Hundeburton, the day of SS. Peter and Paul, in the year of grace 1276.
[Hundeburton.] A capital messuage, 10 bovates land in demesne of the fee of Sir Roger le Mubray, and 30a. of the fee of the earl of Cornwall, 10s. 6d. rent of fee tenants (extent given), including 1 bovate land held by the abbot of Byland (Belelanda) in Baggeby, a fishery in the water of Swall, 2 messuages in Thresk, 7l. 16s. 10d. from bondmen, viz.—12 bovates of the fee of le Mubray, and 2 bovates of the fee of the said earl, and 7s. 6d. from 10 cottars in Burton.
Similar writ to the sheriff &c. of Warwick, 6 June, 4 Edw. I.
Warwick. Extent Tuesday after SS. Peter and Paul, 4 Edw. I.
Hampton in Arden. The manor (extent given), including a fishery in the water of Blithe, the advowson of a certain vicarage, and 7l. 12s. 5d. rent from free tenants in the adjacent hamlets of Kinewoldesheye, Didinton, Elmedon, Bikenhull, Scheldon, Hulverle, Honile, and Notehurst, tenure unspecified.
Over Wytacre. The manor held by Richard de Wytacre by ½ knight's fee.
Elmedon. The manor held by the same Richard by ½ knight's fee, doing foreign service when scutage runs.
Langedon. The manor (extent given), held of Sir Richard Fukeram, rendering 4l. yearly.
La Cnolle. A capital messuage, fish pond, 140a. land, 20a. meadow, a park, a foreign wood, a water mill, 437a. land rendering 116s. 4¼d. and doing works worth 58s. 9d., tallage worth 4l., and 67s. 5½d. rent of free tenants, tenure unspecified.
Grafton. A capital messuage, 160a. land, meadow worth 20s., pasture, 4 virgates land in villenage, works worth 1 mark, tallage worth 10s., &c. tenure unspecified ; and Alan de Grafton holds one virgate land, which is 1/5 knight's fee, doing foreign service when scutage runs.
C. Edw. I. File 15. (5.)
199. Richard de Erreby alias de Orreby.
Writ of certiorari to the justice of Chester, on the complaint of Edmund Fyton, that whereas he ought to have the wardship of the said Richard's lands in Northclyff, the justice by reason of a certain forestry held of the king, had taken them into the king's hand, 20 March, 4 Edw. I.
Chester. Inq. Monday the morrow of Easter, 4 Edw. I.
Nortclif. The wardship of the lands &c. in the manor which were of the said Richard ought to pertain to Edmund Phiton, because Geoffrey, called Waleys, who sold that land to the said Richard, was in the wardship of Richard Phyton, grandfather of the said Edmund, by reason of the said land, and all his predecessors were in the wardship of the said Edmund's predecessors.
Thomas his son, aged 13, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 15. (6.)
200. Alan de Kyntorp alias de Kynthorp.
Writ of certiorari, on the complaint of Ascilia Moraunt, of Thorinton, that the escheator had taken into the king's hand the capital messuage of the manor of Ellerburn with lands in Thorinton that were of the said Alan, the wardship of which pertained to herself, 25 April, 4 Edw. I.
York. Inq. (undated.)
Ellerburn. The capital messuage of the manor situated in the territory of Thorneton, and 7 bovates and 8a. land in Thorneton, whereof 9 carucates make 1 knight's fee, were held by the said Alan of the said Ascilia by knight's service.
(See No. 111.)
C. Edw. I. File 15. (7.)
201. Alexander de Oxeton alias de Okeston.
Writ of certiorari, on the complaint of Joan late the wife of the said Alexander, that the escheator had taken into the king's hand the manors of Modbiri and Brideford, a third part of Brigesham, and lands &c. in Hirberton, of which she was enfeoffed jointly with the said Alexander, 4 March, 4 Edw. I.
Devon. Inq. Wednesday after St. Gregory, 4 Edw. I.
Modbyri manor, Brideford manor, a third part of Brixham manor, and certain lands &c. in Hurberton worth 40s. yearly, were held jointly by the said Alexander de Okeston and Joan, who were enfeoffed to them and their heirs for ever by Roger de Valletorta, to hold of him and his heirs, excepting that they should hold the manor of Modbyri of the earl of Cornwall by reason of the barony of Tremeton, rendering 6d., to him yearly, and from Brideford 6d., from Brixham 6d., and from Huberton 6d. and 1 grain of pepper, for all service to the said Roger and his heirs. These lands used to be held of the king in barony, but now are held in socage only and by a mesne as abovesaid, to the king's decrease by the alienation. It is therefore in the discretion of the king and his council whether he will restore the lands &c. to the said Joan, for the jury do not consider any other injury to be done to the king or others than as abovesaid.
C. Edw. I. File 15. (8.)
202. Richard de Tillebery.
Writ of plenius certiorari to Richard de Holebrok, the king's steward, on the complaint of John de Nevill that the escheator had taken into the king's hand 1 carucate land in Neulande late of the said Richard, the wardship of which pertains to himself, 30 May, 4 Edw. I.
Essex. Inq. Friday before St. Margaret, 4 Edw. I.
Tillebiry and Chilterdik. The manors were held by the said Richard of the king in chief of the honour of Releye by knight's service.
Neulond. 1 carucate land held by service of 1 knight's fee of John de Nevill, knight, who holds it of Roger de Oveseie, and he of Sir John de Rypariis, and he of the earl of Gloucester by the same service.
He held no other lands of the king in chief in Essex.
(See No. 698.)
C. Edw. I. File 15. (9.)
203. Richard sometime King of Almain.
Writ of extent and appraisement to the sheriff of Gloucester, to be made in the presence of Edmund de Alem[annia], earl of Cornwall, and of Beatrice late the wife of the said king, 24 Nov. 4 Edw. I.
Gloucester. Extent, Friday before St. Thomas the Apostle, 4 Edw. I.
Lechlade. The manor and borough (extent given). And because those (acting) on behalf of the said Edmund were content with no article of this extent, seisin remained to be done to the said queen, whose party gainsaid nothing but the appraisement of the meadow.
Gloucester. Extent (undated).
Langheberge. The manor and town (extent given), including 4 virgates land in villenage and herbage in Frogghemor, 3s. 4d. rent of assize in Wynchecumbe, and sale of pasture in Saltemor, Merwelle, Sappewelle, Whatewell, Aswelle, Colemede, the garden, Buribrugge, Medenhulle and Watergall, worth 34s. yearly; all which the said Edmund holds.
Similar writ to the sheriff of Essex, 24 Nov. 4 Edw. I
Essex. Extent, Friday after the Circumcision, 4 Edw. I.
Neuport. The manor (extent given), including a pasture called Norton made, meadow at Aylmar' mill, and pasture at the lord's grange.
Similar writ to the sheriff of Northampton, 24 Nov. 4 Edw. I. Endorsed:—
The attorneys of the said earl and Beatrice were agreed in no particular upon this extent, and therefore the escheator has not caused the said Beatrice to have seisin of any part of the manor.
Northampton. Extent (undated).
Welledon. The manor (extent given).
Memorandum (undated) of a mandate to divers sheriffs, by the assent of the attorneys of the queen of Almain and the earl of Cornwall in the king's presence, to give seisin to the queen in part of 500 marks land which the said earl has granted to the said queen in dower for her life, viz.—
Gloucester. Lechelade. The manor, extended at 98l.
Essex. Neuport. The manor, extended at 48l. 12d.
Northampton. Weledon. The manor, extended at 26l. 9s. 11d.
London. Queenhithe (ripe Regine). 50l. of farm which the sheriffs owe to the earl yearly.
Wilts. Wyntreslawe. 20l. which Richard son of John owes from the manor.
Malmesbiri. 20l. of farm which the abbot of Malmesbiri owes.
Salop. Holegod. 50 marks of farm of the castle which the master of the Knights of the Temple owes.
Gloucester. Langeberg. The manor to be extended without delay according to the form of the writ made in the Bench, and in the meantime, by the assent of the said attorneys, the said queen to have seisin of the demesne sowing, with the villeins' works &c., saving to the earl his reasonable claims if contention shall arise about the extent.
C. Edw. I. File 15. (10.)