Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.
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M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford, 'Index of Persons and Places: G', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II(London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].
M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford, 'Index of Persons and Places: G', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II(London, 1970), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,
M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford. "Index of Persons and Places: G". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II. (London, 1970), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.
?Gabbentry [unidentified], [in or near Huntshaw], Devon, 881.
Gaddesden, Great, Great Catesden, [Herts], parson of. See Wyke, John de.
Gaddesden, Little, Gatesden, Herts, 172.
Gadelyng, Gilbert, 354.
Gainsborough, Gaynesburgh, Lincs, 825.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 825.
-, ……, Thonock in, q.v.
Gaitford, Notts. See Gateford.
Gaitford, Gatford, Gaytford, John de, 782, 785.
Gale, Thomas, 387.
Galeway, Walter, 353.
Galmyngton, Gealmyngton, John de, parson of Little Torrington, 153–7, 866, 868–9, 874.
Galpyn, John and Ralph, 90.
GAMAGE, GILBERT, 792–3, 796.
-, ……, …., Lettice wife of, 792–3.
-, ……, …., ROGER son of, 792–3, 796.
-, ……, …., William son of, 796.
Gamblesby, Gamelsby, [in Addingham], Cumb, 377.
-, ……, Unthank in, q.v.
Gamboun, Richard, and Philip his son, 888.
-, ……, Walter, and Richard his son, 888.
Gamelsby, Cumb. See Gamblesby.
Ganel, Thomas, and his wife, 619.
Gannok, Thomas atte, 210, 621.
-, ……, …., Henry son and Joan wife of, 362.
-, Cf. Wardrobe.
Garland’s, Gernouns, in Steeple Bumpstead, Essex, manor, 672.
Garlethorp, Lincs. See Garthorpe.
Garnish Hall, Rothynggernet, [in Margaret Roding], Essex, manor, 887.
Garon, John, 652.
Garstang, Lancs, Cleveley in, q.v.
Garston, Walter alias Walter atte, and Ellen his wife, 939–40.
Garthorpe, Garlethorp, [in Luddington], Lincs, 825.
Garton, Yorks, Owstwick in, q.v.
-, ……, …., Juliana wife of, later wife of Robert de Louthe, 68.
-, ……, William de, of Barton upon Humber, 508.
Garveys. See Gerveys.
Gascard, Nicholas, 880.
Gasselyn, fee of, 586.
Gasselyn, John, 408.
Gasthorpe, Gatesthorp, Norf, 620.
Gateford, Gaitford, Gaytford, [in Worksop], Notts, 782.
-, ……, manor, 785.
Gategrave, Suff. See Gedgrave.
Gatesden, Herts. See Gaddesden, Little.
Gatesthorp, Norf. See Gasthorpe.
Gatford. See Gaitford.
Gatton, Northants. See Gayton.
Gaynesburgh, Lincs. See Gainsborough.
Gayst, Norf. See Guist.
Gaytford, Notts. See Gateford.
Gaytford. See Gaitford.
Gayton, Geyton, Norf, 73, 620.
Gayton, Gatton, Northants, 655.
Gealmyngton. See Galmyngton.
Gedding, Geddyng, Geddyngg, Suff, 211, 622.
-, ……, Pikescroft (Pykescroft) in, 211, 622.
Geddington, Geydyngton, Northants, inquisition taken at, 865.
Geddyng, Geddyngg, Suff. See Gedding.
Gedeney, Lincs. See Gedney.
Gedgrave, Gategrave, Suff, 620.
Gedling, Gedlyng, Notts, 232.
-, ……, Stoke Bardolph in, q.v.
Gedney, Gedeney, Lincs, manor, 578.
-, ……, Roos of, q.v.
Geffray, Geffry, John, 880.
-, ……, Richard, 159.
-, ….. geford, John, 451.
Geffry. See Geffray.
Geidyngton, Henry de, 865.
Geldeford, Walter de, 616.
Geldenmordon, Cambs. See Morden, Guilden.
Gelham, John de, heir of, 619.
Gellisthorp, Henry de, 893.
GELOUS, ROGER, of Little Sutton, 238.
-, ……, …., John son of, 238.
Georgeham, Devon, Buckland, North, and Croyde in, q.v.
Gerard, Michael, citizen of London, Cecily wife of, daughter of Agnes de Bosenham, and Eleanor her daughter, 190.
-, ……, Ralph and Roger, 387.
Gerbergh, Ralph, knight, heirs of, 129.
Gerewardeby, John de, 598.
Germyn, William, knight, 619.
Gernegan. See Jernegan.
GERNON, Gernoun, JOHN, knight, 86, 116, 984–9.
-, ……, …., …., Alice wife of, 985.
-, ……, …., …., Joan daughter of, Joan daughter of, wife of Robert de Swynburne, knight, 984–8.
-, ……, …., …., Joan wife of, 987.
-, ……, …., …., Margaret daughter of, wife of John de Peyton, knight, 984–8.
-, ……, …., …., Thomas Lampet kinsman of, 988.
-, ……, Nicholas, knight, 129, 604, 606, 620.
Gernouns, Essex. See Garland’s.
Gerveys, Garveys, Gervays, Gerves, Giles, heir of, bailiff ‘Straunge’ and bailiff ‘Chaumberleyn’, fees of the honor of Eye, 606.
-, ……, James, 629, 939, 941–2.
-, ……, Peter, chaplain, 629.
-, ……, Thomas, heirs of, 178.
Gery, Thomas, vicar of Moreton Corbet, 474.
Gestingthorpe, Gestuyngthorp, Gestyngthorp, Gostyngforde, Essex, 616.
-, ……, manor, 603, 622–3.
-, ……, Byham Hall in, q.v.
-, ……, Parks in, q.v.
Gethyn, Neste, 793.
GEVELDALE, Agnes de, 990.
-, ……, …., WILLIAM kinsman of, 990.
-, ……, …., …., John son of, 990.
Geydyngton, Northants. See Geddington.
Geyton, Norf. See Gayton.
Gidding, ?Great, Little or Steeple, Gyddyng, Hunts, Eyr of, q.v.
Gidesham, Devon. See Gittisham.
Giffard, Gyffard, Gilbert, knight, and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Ellis Daubeney, later wife of Andrew Wauton, 974.
-, ……, John, [of Cornwall], 168.
-, ……, …., [of Sussex], and Alice his wife, daughter of John Medmene, 664.
-, ……, Thomas, 359.
-, ……, …., knight, son of Lucy sister of John father of John Morteyn, knight, 398, 400–1.
-, ……, William, 211, 622.
?Gilby [in Pilham] (or Keelby or Kelby), Kelby, Lincs, manor, 445.
Gildecros, Norf. See Guiltcross.
Gildeford, [Surrey]. See Guildford.
Gilden, Master John, 96.
Gildesburgh, Gyldesburgh, Gyldysburg, John alias John de, knight, 202, 407, 886–7.
Gillesland, Cumb. See Gilsland.
Gilling, Yorks, Cowton, South, in, q.v.
Gillingham, Gillyngham, Kent, 219.
-, ……, manor, 131.
Gillingham All Saints, Norf, Windle and Winston in, q.v.
Gillyngham, John, the elder, 888.
Gilsland, Gillesland, Cumb, lord of, 143.
Gippewico, Thomas de, 211, 622.
Gipples, Gyppole, [in Syston], Lincs, 1008.
Girton recte Birton, Lincs. See Burton Coggles.
Gisburgh in Clyveland, Gisburn, Yorks. See Guisborough.
Gisburn, Yorks, Rimington in q.v.
Gislingham, Gislyngham, Gyslyngham, Suff, 129, 620, 982.
Gissing, Gissyng, Gyssyng, Norf, 620, 625.
Gittisham, Gidesham, Gydisham, Gydysham, Devon, manor, 154, 866, 868.
-, ……, Rapshays in, q.v.
Givendale, Great, Northgeveldale, Yorks, 990.
Givendale, Little, Estgeveldale, [in Millington], Yorks, 990.
Glade, John, and William, the younger, 72.
Glaisdale, Glasdale, Glasedale, in Danby, Yorks, 381, 1021.
-, ……, Crunkly Gill and Lealholm in, q.v.
Glasbury, Glasebury, [Brec and Rad], manor, 560–1.
Glasdale, Yorks. See Glaisdale.
Glasebury, [Brec and Rad]. See Glasbury.
Glasedale, Yorks. See Glaisdale.
Glassonby, Glassanby, [in Addingham], Cumb, 972.
Glassthorpe, Claxthorp, [in Floore], Northants, 176.
Glaston, Rut, manor, 65.
Glastonbury, Som, abbot of, 247, 519, 568, 981.
Glaumfordbrig, Lincs. See Brigg.
Glaunvyll, Glaunvyle, …. de, 606.
-, ……, Robert de, 620.
Glemham, Great, Glemham, Suff, 620, 625.
Glemham, Little, Glemham, Glemham Parva, Suff, 619–20.
Glenfield, Leics, Kirby Muxloe in, q.v.
Glevering, Claveryng, Gleveryng, Gleveryngge, [in Hacheston], Suff, 211, 622.
Glooston, [Leics], Haryngton of, q.v.
Glosthorpe, Glousthorp, [in Bawsey, Norf], 620.
Gloucester, Gloucestre, Glos, abbot of St. Peter’s, 871, 873–4, 879.
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 50, 53, 66, 304, 528, 557, 559, 590, 594, 700, 763, 799, 1022.
-, ……, writs dated at, 70, 102, 146, 149, 169.
Gloucester, county, 886–7.
-, ……, escheators in, 53, 288, 305, 688, 793, 834, 995. See also Benet, John; Brigg, Edmund de; Byseleye, Hugh.
-, ……, march of Wales adjoining. See Wales.
Gloucester, earldom (honor), 10, 182, 312, 366, 465–6, 519, 535, 545–6, 555, 723.
Gloucestre, Peter de, Alice wife of, 26.
Glousthorp, [Norf]. See Glosthorpe.
Glyn, John, 793.
Gnatham [in Cardinham], Corn, 880.
Goadby Marwood, Gouteby, Leics, 323.
Gobaud, Robert, 988.
Gobyon, Gobyoun, John, and Joan his wife, formerly wife of John Moriell, 976.
-, ……, William, 172.
Godalming, Godalmyng, Surr, inquisition taken at, 996.
-, ……, Catteshall in, q.v.
Godard, Walter, heir of, 178.
Godebrook, Essex. See Birdbrook.
Godeford, Devon. See Godford.
Godelyngton, Godelyngton in Purbyk, Dors. See Godlingston.
Goderamcote, Goderhamkote, Lincs. See Guthram Gowt.
Goderich, John, 354.
Godescote, Devon. See Guscott.
Godewyn, Godewyne. See Goodwyn.
Godford, Godeford, [in Awliscombe], Devon, 168.
Godforth, Thomas, 662.
Godington, Godyndon, Oxon, manor, 314.
Godlingston, Cothelynston, Godelyngton, Godelyngton in Purbyk, [in Swanage], Dors, 519, 1019.
Godmon, William, chaplain, 427.
Godolphin, Godolhan, [in Breage], Corn, manor, 662.
-, ……, …., Reynold son of, 661–2.
Godshill, Isle of Wight, Stenbury in, q.v.
Godyndon, Oxon. See Godington.
Goesleen, Coislen, Corn, [unidentified], 661–2.
Gof, Nicholas, 255.
Goldeney, Richard, chaplain, 466.
Goldingham, Goldyngham, [in Bulmer], Essex, 625.
Goldingham, Alexander, 505.
Goldyng, John, and Maud his wife, 417.
Goldyngham, Essex. See Goldingham.
Gollyng, Juliana and Stephen, 352.
Goloffre, John, 178.
Goltho, Golthagh, Golthaugh, Lincs, manor, 435–6.
-, ……, …., ‘le Conyngarth’ and ‘les Laundes’ in, 435–6.
Gomondeley, Leics. See Gumley.
Gonalston, Notts, manor, 321.
Gonerby, Great, or Little Gonerby [in Grantham], Gunwordby, Lincs, 491.
Goodmanham, Gothemondham, Gothemundham, Yorks, 816.
Goodwyn, Godewyn, Godewyne, Nicholas, skinner, 190.
-, ……, Thomas, attorney of John de Nevill of Raby, knight, 159.
-, ……, …., of Fritton, 856.
Goos, Thomas, 387.
Gor. See Gorr.
Gorewell, Dors. See Gorwell.
GORGES, THEOBALD, knight, 355–61, 499–504.
-, ……, …., …., Agnes wife of, 357, 359–60, 499–502.
-, ……, …., …., RALPH alias RANDOLF DE, knight, son of, 355–8, 361, 499–504.
Gorr, Gor, Griffith, 659.
-, ……, Grono, 793.
-, Cf. Jor’.
Gorran, St. Goran, Corn, 168.
Gorwell, Gorewell, Gorwill, [in Long Bredy], Dors, manor, 423–4.
Gosbeck, Gosbek, Gosebek, Gossebek, Suff, 211, 619, 622.
Gosberton, Lincs, Cheal, Rigbolt and Risegate in, q.v.
Gosebek, Suff. See Gosbeck.
Goseforth, South, Northumb. See Gosforth, South.
Gosewold, Suff. See Goswold.
Gosfield, Gosfeld, Essex, manor, 516.
Gosforth, Northumb, Fawdon and Gosforth, North and South, in, q.v.
Gosforth, North, North Gosford, Northgosford, [in Gosforth], Northumb, 271, 411–2.
-, ……, …., Chortacres and Ladysmedowe in, 412.
Gosforth, South, South Goseforth, [in Gosforth], Northumb, 142.
-, ……, …., Robert son of, 231.
Gossebek, Suff. See Gosbeck.
Gosson, Robert, of Keelby, 272–3.
Gostyngforde, Essex. See Gestingthorpe.
Goswold, Gosewold, [in Thrandeston], Suff, 620.
-, ……, la Launde in, 610.
Gothemondham, Gothemundham, Yorks. See Goodmanham.
Goudon, Little, Northants. See Bowden, Little.
Gouitz. See Gouys.
Gourney, Gourneye. See Gurney.
Goushull, Nicholas, knight, 773.
Gouteby, Leics. See Goadby Marwood.
Gouy, ….,793.
GOUYS, Gouitz, John, 114.
-, ……, …., AGNES wife of, 114.
-, ……, …., …., Isabel and Agnes daughters of, 114.
-, ……, Robert de, 114.
-, ……, …., John son of Walter son of, 114.
Gowyne, John, 425.
Goya, Richard de, 617.
-, ……, …., heirs of, 618.
Gra, Thomas son and heir of William, 577.
-, Cf. Gras; Grey.
Grace Dieu [in Belton, Leics], prioress of, 814.
Grafton [in Langford], Oxon, 99.
-, ……, manor, 99.
Grafton, Wilts, Wolf Hall in, q.v.
Graham, Grame, John alias John de, son of Mary sister of John Wendout, 289, 437.
Grampound, Grampount, [in Creed and Probus], Corn, inquisition taken at, 350.
Granar’, William, 73.
Granby, Graneby, Notts, inquisition taken at, 216.
-, ……, manor, 216, 485.
-, ……, vicar of. See Hokenhall, John de.
Gransden, Great, Great Grantysden, Hunts, inquisition taken at, 537.
Grantham, Lincs, inquisition taken at, 86.
-, ……, Gonerby, Little, in, q.v.
Grantysden, Great, Hunts. See Gransden, Great.
Gras, John, 30.
-, Cf. Gra; Gros.
Gratele, Joan wife of Roger, sister of John Panes, 255.
Grately, Cratele, Hants, manor, 122.
Graunson, Gronsoun, Thomas, knight, 952.
-, ……, …., …., Elizabeth wife of, 131.
-, ……, …., …., heir of, 247.
-, ……, …., …., Margaret wife of, 952, 954.
Graunt, Graunte, John, [of Staffs], 90.
-, ……, …., the younger, [of Glos], and John and William his sons, 688.
Grave, John atte, 369.
Graveley, Grave, Cambs, 369.
Gravesend, Gravesende, Kent, 231.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 231.
-, ……, royal manor, 231.
Gravesende, Thomas de, Cecily daughter of, and Joan daughter of Margaret her sister, 231.
Gray. See Grey.
Graystok. See Greystoke.
Greasley, Griseley, Notts, castle and manor, 641.
Grede, Walter, and Joan his daughter, wife of John Holm, 888.
Gredele, Roger, and Joan his wife, 1013.
Greenesvill, Grymmeswell, [in Stoke Holy Cross], Norf, 618.
Greenham, Hugh, clerk, 365.
Greenhow, Grenehowe, [in Ingleby Greenhow], Yorks, 816.
Greenleighton, Lighton, South Lighton, [in Hartburn], Northumb, 142.
Greet, Grete, [in Winchcomb], Glos, 151.
Grenacres. See Greneacre.
Grendon, Grendone, Northants, 387.
Grendon, Warw, manor, 832.
-, ……, Whittington in, q.v.
Grendon, Adam de, 785.
-, ……, Nicholas de, 415–6.
Grene, Henry, knight, 467.
-, ……, …., …., Maud wife of, daughter of Thomas Mauduyt, 122–3.
-, ……, John del, 354.
-, ……, Nicholas, Joan wife of, 175.
-, ……, Richard, chaplain, 1.
-, ……, Richard del, 90.
-, ……, Thomas del, 352.
GRENEACRE, Grenacres, Greneacres, RICHARD, knight, 229–30.
-, ……, …., …., Richard son of, 229–30.
Grenegate, John, 211, 622.
Grenehowe, Yorks. See Greenhow.
Grenehull, John de, parson of Stoney Stanton, 86.
Greseley, Roger de, 62.
-, ……, Thomas de, 354.
Gresham, Cresham, Norf, manor, 393.
Grete, Glos. See Greet.
Greteclif, Derby. See Cliffe, Great.
Gretton, Grettone, [in Winchcomb], Glos, 151.
-, ……, Swynesbrokeslond in, 151.
Gretton, Gretynton, [in Cardington], Salop, manor, 742.
Gretton, Avice de, 211, 622.
Gretyngham, Suff. See Cretingham.
Gretynton, Salop. See Gretton.
GREY, Gray, Greye, lady Joan, 665.
-, ……, lord de, 23, 768.
-, ……, John de, heirs of, 178.
-, ……, …., of Codnor, Henry son of, Richard son of, 90.
-, ……, …., …., …., …., Elizabeth wife of, daughter of Ralph Basset of Sapcote, knight, 83–8, 90.
-, ……, Reynold alias Reynold de alias Reynold le, of Ruthin, knight, lord of Ruthin, 166, 196, 522, 952, 956–7.
-, ……, Robert, knight, 970.
-, ……, ROGER, knight, 341, 794–5, 983.
-, ……, …., …., Adam (non existent) son of, 795.
-, ……, …., …., MARGARET daughter of, wife of Thomas Shardelowe, knight, 794–5, 906, 983.
-, ……, …., …., THOMAS son of, 795, 983.
-, ……, Sir Thomas de, knight, heirs of, 930.
-, ……, William de, knight, 892.
-, See also Cray.
-, Cf. Gra.
Grey’s manor, Greyeshall, in Cavendish, Suff, 983.
Grey’s, Greyis, [in Banham], Norf, manor, 341.
-, ……, …., …., John son of, 32.
-, ……, William de, baron of Greystoke, Ralph son of, 32.
Greystoke, Craistok, Cumb, 32.
-, ……, Berrier and Motherby in, q.v.
Greystoke, Craistok, Greystok, baron of, 972. See also Greystok.
Griff, Gryve, [in Chilvers Coton], Warw, manor, 276.
Griffin, Mereduith ap, 659.
-, See also Griffitz.
GRIFFITZ, Griffyn, Grufid, Gryffith, Gryffyht, Gryffyth, Rees ap, 5.
-, ……, …., JOAN wife of, sister of Elizabeth mother of Maud wife of Edmund de Vernon, knight, 2–5.
-, ……, …., REES AP GRIFFITZ, knight, son of, 2–5, 232–7, 287, 352, 354, 671.
-, ……, …., …., …., MARGARET wife of, 234, 236, 352–4.
-, ……, …., …., …., Thomas son of, 232–7 671.
-, ……, Robert ap, 660.
-, ……, Walter, 305.
-, Cf. Griffin.
Grimesthorpe, Grymesthorp, [in Sheffield], Yorks 784.
Grimsby, ?Great, Grymesby, Lincs, 436.
Grimstead, East, Grymstede, [in West Dean], Wilts, manor, 55.
Grimstead, West, Grynstede, Wilts, lord of, 420.
Grimston, Grymston, Leics, 323.
Grimstone, Grymeston, Norf, 73.
Grinstead, West, Westgrinstede, Suss, 16.
Grinton, Yorks, Healaugh in, q.v.
Grisedale, Grisdale, [in Barton], Westm, 859.
Griseley, Notts. See Greasley.
Groby [in Ratby], Leics, lord of. See Ferrers, Sir Henry.
Grofhurst, Roger de, 37.
Grombek. See Crombek.
Gronsoun. See Graunson.
GROS, Groos, ELEANOR, 113.
-, ……, …., John, knight, son of, 113, 129.
-, ……, Hugh, 498.
-, ……, …., John son of, 498.
-, ……, …., WILLIAM son of, 498.
-, ……, John, 211, 622.
-, Cf. Gras.
Groundesbourgh, Groundesburgh, Groundisbourgh, Suff. See Grundisburgh.
Grove, la Grove, [in St. Stephens by Saltash], Corn, 168.
Grove [?in Brent Knoll], Som, manor, 247.
Grovely, Grovele, Wilts, forest, bailiwick called ‘le Southbaillie’ in, 931.
Grovenour, Robert, 166.
Grufid. See Griffitz.
Grundisburgh, Groundesbourgh, Groundesburgh, Groundisbourgh, Suff, 211, 622.
Gryffith, Gryffyht, Gryffyth. See Griffitz.
Gryk, John, 880.
Grymesby, Lincs. See Grimsby, ?Great.
Grymesthorp, Yorks. See Grimesthorpe.
Grymeston, Norf. See Grimstone.
Grymmeswell, Norf. See Greenesvill.
Grymstede, Wilts. See Grimstead, East.
Grymston, Leics. See Grimston.
Grynstede, Wilts. See Grimstead, West.
Gryve, Warw. See Griff.
Guildford, Gildeford, Guldeford, Guldeforde, Surr, inquisition taken at, 702.
-, ……, ordinance made at, 350.
-, ……, proof of age taken at, 657.
-, ……, Artington in, q.v.
Guiltcross, Gildecros, Norf, hundred, 817.
Guisborough, Gisburgh in Clyveland, Gisburn, Gysburn in Clyveland, Gyzburn, Yorks, inquisition taken at, 860.
-, ……, priory, advowson of, 382.
-, ……, …., prior of, 383, 389.
Guist, Gayst, Norf, 73.
GULDEBURN, WILLIAM, of Fobbing, 651.
Guldeford, Guldeforde, Surr. See Guildford.
Gulval, Corn, Lanisley and Rosemorran in, q.v.
Gumley, Gomondeley, Leics, 715.
Gunby, William, 352.
Gunnyld, Richard, Joan daughter of, and Silvester, 354.
Gunton, Roger de, heir of, 620.
Gunwalloe, Corn, Winnianton in, q.v.
Gunwordby, Lincs. See Gonerby, Great or Little.
GURNEY, Gourney, Gourneye, Gurnay, John, and Elizabeth his wife, 30.
-, ……, Matthew alias Matthew de, knight, 912, 981.
-, ……, …., …., ALESIA alias Alice wife of, formerly wife of John Beauchamp of Somerset, knight, lord of Stoke sub Hamdon, 980–1.
-, ……, …., …., …., brothers of. See Beauchamp, Thomas de, earl of Warwick; Beauchamp, William, of Warwick.
Guscott, Godescote, [in Huntshaw], Devon, 881.
Gussage St. Michael, Gussich St. Michael, Dors, manor, 916.
Guthram Gowt, Goderamcote, Goderhamkote, [in Pinchbeck], Lincs, 445.
Guydeberland, Essex. See Buttsbury.
Gwehelog, Wellok, [in Usk, Monm], 558.
Gwent Iscoed, Netherwent, [Monm], 558.
Gwerthrynion, Warthregnon, Warthreignon, [Rad], 561.
-, ……, lordship, 560–1.
Gwinear, Corn, Lamin in, q.v.
Gybbes, Thomas, 303–4.
Gybons, Walter, 652.
Gyddyng, Hunts. See Gidding, ?Great, Little or Steeple.
Gydisham, Gydysham, Devon. See Gittisham.
Gyffard. See Giffard.
Gyldesburgh, Gyldysburg. See Gildesburgh.
Gylle, Ralph, 880.
Gyn, Thomas, 354.
Gynour, Ranulf, 211, 622.
Gyppole, Lincs. See Gipples.
Gysburn in Clyveland, Yorks. See Guisborough.
Gyslyngham, Suff. See Gislingham.
Gyssyng, [Norf]. See Gissing.
Gyzburn, Yorks. See Guisborough.