Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.
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M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford, 'Index of Persons and Places: F', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II(London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].
M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford, 'Index of Persons and Places: F', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II(London, 1970), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,
M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, D. H. Gifford. "Index of Persons and Places: F". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 15, Richard II. (London, 1970), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.
F…., John, 354.
Fabian, William, heirs of, 325.
Fairfax, Fayrefax, Feyrfax, Hugh, and Isabel his wife, daughter of John de Haryngton, knight, 363.
-, ……, John, ?clerk, 484, 486, 488.
Fairhul, Northants. See Ferrels.
Fairwood, Great, Farewode, [in Tedburn St. Mary], Devon, 167.
Fakenham Magna, Fakenham Aspes, Fakenhamaspys, Suff, manor, 342, 476.
Faldingworth, Faldyngworth, Lincs, advowson, 436.
-, ……, manor, 435.
-, ……, Lissingley in, q.v.
Falkebourne, Falkeburne, Essex. See Faulkbourne.
Falleye, Thomas de, 652.
Falpeny, Maud, 354.
Falstone, Northumb, Wellhaugh in, q.v.
Fambridge, South, Southfambregg, Southfambregge, Southfambrugg, Essex, manor, 886–7.
Fannere. See Vannere.
Fareweye, Devon. See Farway.
Farewode, Devon. See Fairwood, Great.
Faringdon, Great, Faryngdon, Berks, inquisitions taken at, 98, 157, 463.
Farlam, Cumb, manor, 972.
-, ……, Roachburn in, q.v.
Farley, Farlegh, [in Alderbury], Wilts, 774.
Farndish, Farndissh, [in Podington], Beds, 196.
Farndon, East, Farndon, Northants, 121, 176.
Farneham, Yorks. See Farnham.
Farnell, Fernhull, [in East Tisbury], Wilts, manor, 396.
Farnham, Farneham, Farnham by Storteford, [Essex], advowson, 203.
-, ……, church, 204.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 204.
-, ……, manor, 203.
-, ……, Hassobury in, q.v.
Farnham, Suff, 606, 620, 625.
Farnham, Farneham, Yorks, manor, 327.
Farnylawe, John de, and his daughter, 76.
FARON, Richard, 978.
-, ……, …., AMICE daughter of, 978.
-, ……, …., Isabel and Margaret daughters of, 978.
Farringdon, Devon, Hill in, q.v.
Farsley, Ferslay, [in Calverley], Yorks, 49.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 49.
-, ……, manor, 49.
Farundon, William, 176.
Farway, Fareweye, Devon, 967.
-, ……, advowson, 967.
Farwey, John, 247.
-, ……, Agnes wife of, daughter of John Langelonde, 246–7.
Faryngdon, Berks. See Faringdon, Great.
Fastolf, Hugh, 340, 618.
-, ……, Nicholas, 620.
-, ……, Thomas, knight, 210, 621.
Faucebrom, Richard, 619.
FAUCOMBERGE, Walter, knight, 970.
-, ……, Walter de, 345.
-, ……, …., Agnes daughter of, 345.
-, ……, …., JOHN son of, 345.
Fauelore, Berks. See Fawler.
Faulkbourne, Falkebourne, Falkeburne, Essex, 1015–16.
-, ……, Burgatefeld in, 1016.
-, ……, Hoo Hall in, q.v.
Fauweton More, Fauwetoune, Corn. See Fawton.
Faversham, Kent, abbot of, 550.
Fawdon [in Gosforth], Northumb, lord of, 142.
Fawdon [in Ingram], Northumb, manor, 434.
Fawlay, Geoffrey de, 76.
Fawler, Fauelore, [in Sparsholt], Berks, 805.
Fawton, Fauweton More, Fauwetoune, Fawyton, Fouweton, Fouwetone More, Fowyton, Nowyngton, [in St. Neot], Corn, 155, 168, 869, 877, 880.
-, ……, Workesmede in, 880.
-, ……, Trewartha in, q.v.
Faxfleet, Faxflet, Faxflete, Yorks, advowson of the chapel, 145.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 144.
-, ……, manor, 144–6.
Fayrefax. See Fairfax.
Fécamp, [France, dép. Seine Inférieure], abbot of, 459, 938.
Feckenham, Fekenham, Worcs, manor, 162, 830.
-, ……, …., reeve of, 162.
-, ……, Norgrove in, q.v.
Feering, Feryngg, Essex, manor, 468.
Fehousdale, Westm. See Fusedale.
Fekenham, Worcs. See Feckenham.
Fekenham, John de, 948.
Felbrygg, George de, 607.
Feld, Felde, Isabel atte, sister of John de Kyngesfold, John son of, 510–1.
-, ……, John atte, clerk, 22.
-, ……, Roger atte, 658.
Felesham, Suff. See Felsham.
Felix Hall, Filliolleshalle, in Kelvedon, Essex, manor, 468.
Felixkirk, Yorks, Boltby, Ravensthorpe and Thirlby in, q.v.
Felsham, Felesham, Folisham, Suff, 211, 622.
-, ……, Harescroft and Oldehalle in, 211, 622.
-, ……, Brook Hall in, q.v.
FELTHAM, Thomas de, 977.
-, ……, …., JOHN son of, 977.
-, ……, …., Stephen brother of, 977.
Felthorpe, Felthorp, Norf, 73.
Felton, Heref, Maund, Rose, in, q.v.
FELTON, THOMAS DE, knight, 339–43.
-, ……, …., …., Eleanor daughter of, 339, 341–3.
-, ……, …., …., Hamo brother of, 342.
-, ……, …., …., Joan wife of, 339–43.
-, ……, …., …., John father of, 342.
-, ……, …., …., …., Robert father of, and Maud his wife, 342.
-, ……, …., …., Mary daughter of, wife of Edmund Hemgrave, 339–43.
-, ……, …., …., Sibyl de Morlay daughter of, 339–43.
-, ……, William de, 76.
Feltwell, Norf, 73.
Fen, Fenne, [in Brendon], Devon, 167.
Fen, Robert atte, 291.
Fendrayton, Cambs. See Drayton, Fen.
Fenne, Devon. See Fen.
Fenny Sutton, Fennysutton, Wilts. See Sutton Veny.
Fenotry, Devon. See Ottery, Venn.
Fenton, Lincs, Sutton by, q.v.
Fenton, Robert de, of Kilnwick Percy, 694.
Fenwick, Fenwik, Fenwyk, [in Stamfordham], Northumb, lord of, 142.
-, ……, Bystraly in or near, 142.
Ferariis, Fereres, Ferers. See Ferrers.
Feriby, Yorks. See Ferriby, North.
Feriby, South, Lincs. See Ferriby, South.
Fernhull, Wilts. See Farnell.
Ferour, Ferrariis. See Ferrers.
Ferre, Eleanor, 620.
Ferrels, Fairhul, [in Bulwick], Northants, manor, 639.
FERRERS, Ferariis, Fereres, Ferers, Ferour, Ferrariis, Ferreys, Ferrour, lords de, 88, 894.
-, ……, Henry de, heir of, 17.
-, ……, Sir Henry alias Henry de, knight, lord of Groby, heir of William de Ufford, earl of Suffolk, 441, 545, 559, 600, 603–4, 606–7, 612, 621–2, 648.
-, ……, Hugh, of Sheffield, 784.
-, ……, John, of Churston Ferrers, 712.
-, ……, …., [of Northamptonshire], 176.
-, ……, JOHN DE, 227.
-, ……, …., Robert (not Ralph), knight, son of, 227.
-, ……, Martin de, 168.
-, ……, Ralph de, lord of Ellenhall, 416.
-, ……, Richard, 461.
-, ……, Robert, lord of English Bicknor, 730.
-, ……, ROBERT DE, knight, of Wem, 346–9.
-, ……, …., …., …., Elizabeth wife and Robert son of, 346–9.
-, ……, William, 78.
Ferriby, North, Feriby, Feryby, Yorks, 577, 816.
-, ……, …., Swanland in, q.v.
Ferriby, South, Feryby, South Feriby, Lincs, 508, 825.
Ferrour. See Ferrers.
Fersfield, Fresfeld, [Norf], 620.
Ferslay, Yorks. See Farsley.
Feryby, Lincs. See Ferriby, South.
Feryby, Yorks. See Ferriby, North.
Feryngg, Essex. See Feering.
Feston, Richard de la, heirs of, 979.
Feteplace, Feteplas, Henry, 740.
-, ……, Richard, 98.
Feyrfax. See Fairfax.
Fichet, Fychet, Robert, 359.
-, ……, William, clerk, 998–9.
FIENLES, Fyenles, William alias William de, knight, lord of Herstmonceux, 108, 160.
-, ……, …., …., Joan wife of, later wife of Stephen de Valence, knight, 108–9, 111–2.
-, ……, …., …., JOHN son of, 108–12.
-, ……, …., …., WILLIAM, knight, son of, 108–12, 160.
Figheldean, Fyghelden, Wilts, manor, 492.
FILILODE, Fillod, Fylilod, NICHOLAS, 494.
-, ……, …., William brother of, 494.
-, ……, …., …., Denise de Astley wife of, 300, 979.
-, ……, …., …., JOHN son of, 979.
-, ……, …., …., …., John son of, 300, 494, 979.
Filkins, Filkynge, [in Broadwell], Oxon, Westham in, 1018.
Filliolleshalle, Essex. See Felix Hall.
Fillod. See Fililode.
Fillol, John, and Margaret his wife, 64.
Filton, Fylton, Glos, manor, 303–4.
Finborough, Great, Fynbergh, Great Fynbergh, Suff, 620.
-, ……, …., inquisition taken at, 706.
-, ……, …., Cantelowe’s in, q.v.
Fincham, Fyncham, Norf, 73.
Finchampstead, Fynchehamstede, Berks, manor, 740.
Finchingfield, Fynchyngfeld, Fyngfeld, Essex, 616, 619.
-, ……, church, 291.
-, ……, Cornish Hall in, q.v.
Finmere, Fymmere, Oxon, manor, 541.
Finningham, Fynyngham, Suff, 610, 620.
Finsbury, Fynesbury, Midd, prebend of, 601.
-, ……, …., prebendary of. See Fulbourne, William.
-, ……, Golden Lane (Goldynglane in the suburbs of London) and Goswell (Goswelle) in, 601.
Firsby, West, Frisby by Spridelyngton, Lincs, manor, 576.
Fishwick, Fisshwik, [in Preston], Lancs, manor, 973.
Fisilby [in Hartington in Hartburn], Northumb, 142.
Fisshwik, Lancs. See Fishwick.
Fitelton, Fytelton, John, and Joan his wife, 424.
Fiton, Fyton, Richard, heirs of, 166.
-, ……, Thomas, of Pownall, forester and poker in Macclesfield hundred, 166.
Fittleton, Wilts, Haxton in, q.v.
Fitz Alan, Richard, earl of Arundel and Surrey, 11, 166, 187–8, 469, 522, 538, 659, 702, 726, 843, 847, 886–7, 951.
-, Cf. Alan; Aleyn.
FITZ ELYS, Robert, 496–7.
-, ……, …., heirs of, 178.
-, ……, …., MARGARET wife of, 496–7.
-, ……, …., William brother of, husband of Isabel daughter of John de la Beche, Margery daughter of, John Duyn son of, 462–3, 496–7, 658.
-, Cf. Elys.
Fitz Herberd, Fytz Herbard, Edmund, knight, son of Reynold son of Lucy (Peverel), 8, 11, 747.
Fitz James, James, 708, 1013.
-, Cf. James.
Fitz Nichol, Thomas, knight, and Margery his wife, 303–4.
Fitz Payn, John, 999.
-, ……, Robert, 168.
-, Cf. Panes; Payn.
Fitz Rauf, John, 39, 992.
-, Cf. Ralph; Rauf.
Fitz Rery, John, escheator in Ireland, 350.
Fitz Roberd, John, alias John son of Robert, 616, 619.
-, Cf. Robert; Robyn.
-, ……, …., John brother of, Elizabeth daughter of, wife of John son of William Bonevyle, knight, 495.
-, Cf. Roger; Rogeres.
FITZ WARYN, Fitz Wareyn, Fitz Waryng, Clarice, 914.
-, ……, FULK, knight, 66, 761–5.
-, ……, …., …., Fulk son of, 6, 244, 522, 761–5.
-, ……, …., …., servant of. See Junt, John.
-, ……, Ives alias Ivo alias Eudo, 931.
-, ……, …., Maud wife of, daughter of John Argentem, knight, 672, 896–7, 899, 900, 904.
-, ……, Philip, 761, 763–4.
-, ……, William, knight, 915, 917–8.
-, Cf. Wareyn.
Fitz Wauter, Fitz Water, Fywater, lord, 440, 521, 856.
-, ……, Sir Walter, alias Walter son of Walter, knight, 608.
-, ……, …., lord of Woodham Walter, 468.
-, Cf. Walter.
Flamborough, Flaynburgh, Yorks, inquisition taken at, 34.
-, ……, manor, 34.
Fleet Hargate, Flethergate, [in Fleet], Lincs, 435.
-, ……, manor, 435.
Flegg, Norf, hundred, Castre in. See Caister next Yarmouth.
FLEMMYNG, Flemyng, Flymynge, Adam, heirs of, 620.
-, ……, Richard de, 167.
-, ……, Robert, of co. Cork, Simon son of, Margaret wife of, sister of William de la Roche, later wife of William de Barry of ?Kilmoe, 736–8.
-, ……, …., …., …., Robert son of, and Margaret Staunton his wife, David and John sons of, 738.
-, ……, SIMON, knight, baron of Slane, 147, 168, 350–1.
-, ……, …., …., …., Thomas son of, 147, 197, 350–1.
-, ……, William, Joan sister of, wife of William de Horneby, 760.
-, ……, …., John, knight, son of, JOAN daughter of, 760.
-, ……, …., Margaret sister of, wife of William Malenfant, 760.
-, ……, William le, 625.
Flemwich, Flemworth, Suff. See Flimworth.
Flemyng. See Flemmyng.
Fleshewere, Reynold, 352.
Flete, William at, 353.
Fletemerston, Bucks. See Marston, Fleet.
Flethergate, Lincs. See Fleet Hargate.
Flimworth, Flemwich, Flemworth, [in Denham or Eye], Suff, 620, 625.
Flintham, Flyntham, Notts, 785.
Flitwick, Flyttewyk, Beds, 586.
-, ……, Priestley in, q.v.
Floore, Northants, Glassthorpe in, q.v.
Flotterton, Flotwayton, [in Rothbury], Northumb, manor, 434.
Flymynge. See Flemmyng.
Flyntham, Notts. See Flintham.
Flyttewyk, Beds. See Flitwick.
Fobbing, Fobbyng, Fobbynge, Essex, 651.
-, ……, Burgeysescroft, Northhope and Wadewyk in, 651.
-, ……, Guldeburn of, q.v.
Focstapelford, Ches. See Stapleford, Foulk.
Foddington, Fodyngton, [in Babcary], Som, manor, 912–3.
Foderyngeye, Fodryngeye, Northants. See Fotheringhay.
Fodyngton, Som. See Foddington.
Folejambe. See Foljambe.
Foleshill, Folkeshull, Warw, 649.
-, ……, Henley in, q.v.
Folisham, Suff. See Felsham.
FOLJAMBE, Folejambe, Godfrey, knight, 768, 771.
-, ……, …., …., ALFRED son of, 771.
-, ……, …., …., AVEVA wife of, 768–9, 770–1.
-, ……, …., …., Godfrey son of, Godfrey son of, 768–71, 832.
-, ……, …., …., MATTHEW son of, 770.
-, ……, …., …., Richard son of, 768.
Folkardeslond, Peter, 665.
Folkeshull, Warw. See Foleshill.
Folkeshull, Robert, 330.
Folkestone, Folkston, Fulkestan, Kent, manor, 245.
-, ……, Segrave of, q.v.
Folkesworth, William de, 367.
Folkingham, Folkyngham, Lincs, 4, 233.
-, ……, castle, 340.
-, ……, manor, 340, 435.
Folkingham, Folkyngham, honor, 640.
Folkston, Kent. See Folkestone.
Folkyngham, Lincs. See Folkingham.
Folkyngham. See Folkingham.
Folsham, Norf. See Foulsham.
FOLVILL, ROGER, of Clowne, 772–5.
-, ……, …., …., Elizabeth wife of, 775.
-, ……, …., …., Joan daughter of, wife of Philip Mabank, 772–5.
Fontel Giffard, Wilts. See Fonthill Gifford.
Fontenes [unidentified], Derby, 773.
Fonthill Gifford, Fontel Giffard, Wilts, manor, 755.
Ford, Forde, [in Thorncombe], Dors, formerly in Devon, abbot of, 183.
Ford, Northumb, 181.
-, ……, Crookham and Kimmerston in, q.v.
Ford, Old, Oldeforde, [in Stepney], Midd, 780.
Forde, John, 654.
-, ……, William alias William de, clerk, 104–5, 249–52, 916.
Fordenshagh, John de, 860.
Fordham, Cambs, inquisition taken at, 339.
-, ……, manor, 339.
Fordham, Norf, 73.
Fordham, Simon, of Colchester, 1015.
Fordingbridge, Fordyngbr’, Hants, inquisition taken at, 282.
Fordley, Fordlee, Fordlegh, [in Middleton], Suff, (once given as in Norf), 620, 625.
Fordyngbr’, Hants. See Fordingbridge.
Forehoe, Fourhowe, Norf, hundred, 797.
Forester, Henry, clerk, 1013.
-, ……, Rowland, alias Rowland Forster, 213, 278.
-, Cf. Forster; Fustour.
Forrabury, Corn, Boscastle in, q.v.
Forsshull, Devon. See Furzehill.
Forsshyll, Forsshull, David and Richard de, 167.
Forster, Lambert, and Cecily his wife, daughter of Richard Russholm, 496.
-, ……, Rowland, alias Rowland Forester, 213, 278.
-, ……, Walter, citizen and skinner of London, 190.
-, Cf. Forester; Fustour.
Forth, Thomas de la, 321.
Fortho, Northants. See Furtho.
Fotheringhay, Foderyngeye, Fodryngeye, Northants, 366–7.
-, ……, castle, 366.
Foucher, Margaret, sister of William Chaumpayn father of Margaret Hastynges mother of Margaret wife of John Sulne, knight, Elizabeth wife of Thomas Hunt and Margaret wife of Geoffrey Bugg daughters of, 580.
-, ……, Roger, and Isabel his daughter and Richard atte Kirk of Croxton her husband, 159.
Foulden, Fouldon, Fuldon, Norf, 741.
-, ……, Broomes Fee (Brounesfe, Brounesfee) in, 210, 621.
Fouleshurst, Robert, Thomas son of, 691–2.
-, ……, Robert de, knight, 166.
Foulmere, Bucks. See Fulmer.
Foulness, Foulnesse, Essex, chaplain of, 887.
-, ……, manor, 887.
-, ……, Burwood, Little, and Middlewick in, q.v.
Foulsham, Folsham, Norf, advowson, 129.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 908.
-, ……, manor, 126.
Foulwood, Foulwod, [in Askerton in Lanercost], Cumb, 972.
Founel, Thomas, of Langham, 930.
Fourhowe, Norf. See Forehoe.
Fourneux alias Spenser, William, 518.
FOURNEYS, John de, of Mirfield, JOHN son of, 49.
-, ……, …., …., …., Adam, of Mirfield, son of, 49.
Fouweton, Fouwetone More, Fowyton, Corn. See Fawton.
Fox, Christiana, 387.
-, ……, John and Maud, 354.
-, ……, Robert, heirs of, 620.
-, ……, William, 655.
Foxearth, Foxherthe, Essex, 516.
-, ……, Cardinal’s and Westend in, q.v.
Foxhall, Foxhole, Suff, 211, 622.
Foxherthe, Essex. See Foxearth.
Foxholes, Yorks, Boythorpe and Butterwick in, q.v.
Foxle, Agnes de, wife of Adam Chete, daughter of John son of Olive sister of Richard de Braundeston, 77, 458, 949.
-, ……, John de, 176.
Foxley, Foxle, [in Blakesley], Northants, 176.
Foxton, Leics, 715.
-, ……, manor, 715.
Foxton, Juliana wife of Richard de, 715.
Foyard, Hugh, 333.
Fradley, Frodeley, Frodeleye, [in Alrewas], Staffs, 270, 354.
-, ……, Fraunceys of, q.v.
Framelingham, Framelyngham, Framelyngham ad Castrum, Suff. See Framlingham.
Framesden, Suff. See Framsden.
Framingham, Suff. See Framlingham.
Framland, Framlond, Leics, hundred, 323, 473.
Framlingham, Framelingham, Framelyngham, Framelyngham ad Castrum, Framingham, Framlyngham, Framlyngham ad Castrum, Framlyngham Castel, Suff, 605, 608, 619–20, 625.
-, ……, advowson, 605, 619.
-, ……, castle, 604–5, 643.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 619.
-, ……, manor, 605.
Framlond, Leics. See Framland.
Framlyngham, Framlyngham ad Castrum, Framlyngham Castel, Suff. See Framlingham.
Frampton Cotterell, Frompton Cotel, Frompton Cotell, 878.
-, ……, advowson, 156, 878.
-, ……, manor, 156, 870–1, 873–4.
-, ……, Adegorst, Beesmoor (Bursemour) Buricroft, Dockham (Dokham), Edenbro (Edenebergh), Hedegrove, Holleleye, Holmerssh, Kyndon, Mulcroft, Nethersned, Nywelond, Ryesond, Slymmed, Waking Grove (Wakenegrove), Whetesond, Wood Field (Wordefeld), Worsleys (Wolsele) and Wynteresworth in, 878.
Frampton, John, 775.
Framsden, Framesden, Suff, 211, 622.
France, 134, 288, 834, 893.
-, ……, men of (French), 994.
Frankton, English, Frankton, [in Ellesmere], Salop, manor, 1025.
Fransham, Great or Little, Norf, 73.
Fraunceys, Adam, 886–7.
-, ……, Henry and John, [of Staffordshire], 354.
-, ……, John, [of Devon], 167.
-, ……, Richard, 354.
-, ……, Thomas, vicar of Bitton, 303–4.
-, ……, William, and William, of Fradley, 354.
-, Cf. Frenssh; Frensshemon.
Fraunkelyn, Fraunkeleyn, Ralph, heirs of, 325.
-, ……, Richard, and his wife and son, 451.
FREBERN, Richard, 260.
-, ……, …., Agnes le Clerk wife of, 226.
-, ……, THOMAS, 226.
-, ……, …., Agnes wife and Alice daughter of, 226.
Frecchevill, Frechevill. See Fresshvill.
Freeby, Frythby, [in Melton Mowbray], Leics, manor, 323.
Freeford [in Lichfield], Staffs, hospital (Frefordespitul), 354.
Freford, John de, knight, 354.
Frefordespitul, Staffs. See Freeford.
Frelond, John, and William his son, 657.
-, ……, Roger, Joan daughter of, wife of William de Harnhull, 37.
Freman, John, 352.
-, ……, William, 891.
Frembaud, Thomas, 178.
Fremington, Devon, Pywell in, q.v.
Frenge, Norf. See Fring.
Frense. Norf. See Frenze.
Frenssh, Frensshe, John, 245.
-, ……, Robert alias Robert le, son of John Normaund, and John his son, 404.
-, ……, William, 657.
-, Cf. Fraunceys; Frensshemon.
Frensshemon, John, 354.
-, Cf. Fraunceys; Frenssh.
Frenyngham, John, 12.
Frenze, Frense, Norf, 620, 625.
Frere, Alice, 531.
-, ……, Henry, parson of [West] Chickerell, 64.
Fresfeld, [Norf]. See Fersfield.
Freskenay, Master Thomas de, parson of Willoughby le Marsh, 243.
FRESSHVILL, Frecchevill, Frechevill, Fressheville, John, of Palterton, 36, 766–7.
-, ……, …., …., CECILY wife of, 36, 766.
-, ……, …., …., JOHN son of, 36, 766–7.
-, ……, …., …., …., Beatrice wife of, 766–7.
-, ……, …., …., …., Margaret daughter of, 766.
Fressingfield, Fresyngfeld, Fresyngfeud, Suff, 211, 620, 622, 625.
-, ……, Chepenhall and Whittingham in, q.v.
Freston, Suff. See Friston.
Fresyngfeld, Fresyngfeud, Suff. See Fressingfield.
Fresyngfeld, John de, heirs of, 619.
Fretewell, Oxon. See Fritwell.
Frethbregge, Norf. See Fye Bridge.
Freton, Norf. See Fritton.
Freton, John de, clerk, 910, 915, 917–8.
-, ……, Master Roger, clerk, 857.
Fretwell, Oxon. See Fritwell.
FREVILL, Frewyle, Frivill, Fryvill, Fryvyle, Baldwin alias Baldwin de, 1, 88.
-, ……, …., commissioner, 260.
-, ……, James, heirs of, 816.
-, ……, John, knight, 344.
-, ……, …., …., ELLEN wife of, 344.
-, ……, …., …., Richard son of, and Agnes his wife, later wife of John Brews, knight, 344.
-, ……, …., …., Robert brother of, 344.
-, ……, John de, 73.
Fridelesham, Berks. See Frilsham.
Friesthorpe, Frysthorp, Lincs, 133.
-, ……, Paty of, q.v.
Frilsham, Fridelesham, Berks, 585.
Fring, Frenge, Norf, 210, 621.
Frinsted, Kent, Yoke’s Court in, q.v.
Frisby by Spridelyngton, Lincs. See Firsby, West.
Friskney, Friskenay, Lincs, 435.
Friston, Freston, Suff, 620.
Frith, Frithe, Joan atte, and John Michel her husband, 890.
-, ……, William, merchant, 170.
Fritton, Freton, Norf, 854, 856.
-, ……, Goodwyn and Trot of, q.v.
Fritwell, Fretewell, Fretwell, Oxon, 698.
-, ……, manor, 806.
Frivill. See Frevill.
Frodeley, Frodeleye, Staffs. See Fradley.
Frodeleye, William de, the elder and the younger, 354.
Frodingham, Frothyngham, Lincs, advowson, 169.
Frodsham, Ches, Kingsley in, q.v.
Frogenhale, William, 131.
Froill, Froyll, Henry, 361.
-, ……, John, escheator in Wilts, 281.
Frome Whitfield, Frome Whitefeld, [in Stinsford], Dors, manor, 183.
Fromond, Thomas, clerk, 998–9.
Frompton Cotel, Frompton Cotell, Glos. See Frampton Cotterell.
Frost, John, stockfishmonger, and Agnes his wife, formerly wife of William Herland, carpenter of Edward III, 409.
Frothyngham, Lincs. See Frodingham.
Froyll. See Froill.
Frysthorp, Lincs. See Friesthorpe.
Frythby, Leics. See Freeby.
Fryvill, Fryvyle. See Frevill.
Frywe, William, 461.
Fulbourn, Fulburne, Cambs, Bette of, q.v.
Fulbourne, William, prebendary of Finsbury, 601.
Fulbrook, Fulbrok, Oxon, manor, 406.
-, ……, Westhall in, q.v.
Fuldon, Norf. See Foulden.
Fulham, Midd, 802.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 802.
Fulkestan, [Kent]. See Folkestone.
Fullewod, Yorks. See Fulwood.
Fulmer, Foulmere, Bucks, manor, 397.
Fulmodeston, Fulmerston, Norf, 73.
Fulshaw, Fulshawe, [in Wilmslow], Ches, 166.
Fulthorp, Roger de, knight, 302, 382.
Fulwood, Fullewod, [in Sheffield], Yorks, 784.
Fundenhall, Fundenhale, Norf, 618.
Funtington, Funtyngton, Sussex, 937.
FURNIVALL, Furnyvall, Thomas alias Thomas de, Joan wife of, 786, 790.
-, ……, WILLIAM DE, knight, 776–91.
-, ……, …., …., Joan daughter of, wife of Thomas de Nevyl, 776, 778–84, 787, 791.
-, ……, …., …., Margaret daughter of, 777.
-, ……, …., …., Thomasina alias Thomasia wife of, 776–80, 782–3, 785–6, 791.
Furtho, Fortho, Northants, 176.
Furzehill, Forsshull, [in Lynton], Devon, 167.
Fusedale, Fehousdale, [in Barton], Westm, 859.
Fustour, Cecily wife of John, daughter of Joan Mirfeld, 390.
-, Cf. Forester; Forster.
FUYLLET, Robert, and Agnes his wife, 228.
-, ……, WILLIAM, of Exbury, 228.
-, ……, …., …., Thomas father of, Anabella mother of, Robert father of, Constance sister of, Agatha daughter of, John son of, Oliver de Harnham son of, 228.
Fychet. See Fichet.
Fye Bridge, Frethbregge, [in Norwich], Norf, 607.
Fyenles. See Fienles.
Fyghelden, Wilts. See Figheldean.
Fyldyng, Robert, 354.
Fylilod. See Fililode.
Fylton, Glos. See Filton.
Fymmere, Oxon. See Finmere.
Fynbergh, Great Fynbergh, Suff. See Finborough, Great.
Fynch, Vynche, John, and Juliana his wife, 804.
-, ……, Vincent, 20.
Fyncham, Norf. See Fincham.
Fynchecroft [unidentified], [near Lancaster], Lancs, 811, 860.
Fynchedon, William de, knight, 818.
Fynchehamstede, Berks. See Finchampstead.
Fynchyngfeld, Essex. See Finchingfield.
Fynesbury, Midd. See Finsbury.
Fynesford, John de, clerk, 211, 622.
Fyngfeld, Essex. See Finchingfield.
Fynyngham, Suff. See Finningham.
Fyssher, John, of Orgreave, 354.
-, ……, ….,(?another), 354.
Fytelton. See Fitelton.
Fytlyngg, Amand, rector of Lingfield, 665.
Fyton. See Fiton.
Fytz Herbard. See Fitz Herberd.
Fywater. See Fitz Wauter.