Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 180

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 11, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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M. C. B. Dawes, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 180', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 11, Edward III(London, 1935), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].

M. C. B. Dawes, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 180', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 11, Edward III(London, 1935), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,

M. C. B. Dawes. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 180". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 11, Edward III. (London, 1935), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 180

Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said Humphrey, who is also kinsman and heir of Humphrey de Bohun late earl of Hereford and Essex. A part of the lands of his inheritance is in his own custody, and the other part is in the custody of the abbot of Walden and others, executors of the testament of the late earl of Hereford, by the king’s commitment. 28 March, 37 Edward III.
(Endorsed.) The escheator gave notice to the abbot and other executors.
ESSEX. Proof of age made at Rocheford, 8 April, 37 Edward III.
Hugh de Peyton, aged 50 years and more, says that the said Humphrey was born at Rocheford and baptized in the font of the church of St. Andrew there on 24 March, that is, the eve of the Annunciation, 16 Edward III, and was 21 years of age on the eve of the Annunciation last; and this he knows because at Easter after the birth he was servant of William de Bohun earl of Northampton, and as he was riding from Reileghe to the manor of Rocheford he fell into a pit (foveam) and broke his thigh.
William Sayer, aged 44 years, agrees and says that at Whitsuntide after the birth he married Margaret daughter of William Leneford.
Robert Todinham, aged 60 years, agrees and says that at the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist after the birth his son Robert was born.
Henry Koc, aged 52 years, agrees and says that at the feast of St. Peter’s Chains after the birth Alice his wife died.
William Reynold, aged 50 years, agrees and says that at the feast of St. Laurence after the birth the church of Shopelond was newly built.
Nicholas Trippelowe, aged 40 years, agrees and says that at Easter after the birth Robert his father died.
William Geve, aged 44 years, agrees and says that at the feast of St. Bartholomew after the birth Katharine his wife bore two daughters.
William Cosyn, aged 40 years, agrees and says that at Whitsuntide after the birth he started on his journey to Santiago.
William Todinham, aged 42 years, agrees and says that at the feast of Trinity after the birth his mother Joan died.
Richard Chemyn, aged 53 years, agrees and says that at Michaelmas after the birth his brother Robert, whose heir he was, died.
John Pokepet, aged 43 years, agrees and says that at the Nativity of St. John the Baptist after the birth he was despoiled by robbers.
Robert Juwel, aged 44 years, agrees and says that at the feast of St. Katharine after the birth his houses were burnt down.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (1.)
Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said Philip, the lands of whose inheritance are in the custody of Ralph de Nevill by the king’s commitment. 30 October, 37 Edward III.
LINCOLN. Proof of age taken at Spaldyng, Thursday after St. Martin in the winter, 37 Edward III.
William de Olmedewe of Holbech, aged 50 years and more, and Thomas de Wygtoft of the same, aged 47 years and more, say that the said Philip was 21 years of age and more on Thursday the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, 37 Edward III, having been born at Gedeneye on St. Luke’s day, 16 Edward III, and baptized in the church there at the hour of vespers; and this they know because his name and the day of his birth are written (intitulantur) in the portas (portiforio) of the church of Holbech by John de Holbech, then chaplain, who dwelt with Philip the father, which writing they have often seen.
Robert Athelard of Quappelade, aged 60 years and more, Gilbert de Blakwell of the same, aged 57 years and more, William Kytwyld of the same, aged 54 years and more, and Alexander Male of the same, aged 48 years and more, agree and say that at the feast of St. Peter’s Chains before the feast of St. Peter’s Chains before the birth there was a great inundation of the sea, which broke the banks of the sea-wall at Gedenay and within the bounds of Quappelade, of which sea-wall they were keepers and surveyors.
William Coke of Gedenay, aged 46 years and more, John Pertre of the same, aged 49 years and more, William de Halden of the same, aged 52 years and more, and Thomas Wryght of the same, aged 43 years and more, agree and say that they were with Philip the father at the abbey of Nusum on the day of the birth, and on the morrow they came with him to Gedenay on account of (per) a letter which William Hode of Flete sent to him at Nusum on the day of the birth.
William Savage, aged 44 years and more, and Richard Deye of Flete, aged 49 years and more, agree and say that at the time of the birth they were building for Philip the father a hall and chamber in his manor at Gedeneye.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (2.)
Writ to the escheator, at the instance of William de Ufford, knight, who has married the said Joan, to take proof of her age. The lands of her inheritance are in the custody of the said William by the king’s commitment. 2 February, 37 Edward III.
SUFFOLK. Proof of age made at Framlyngham, Tuesday after the Purification, 37 Edward III.
John de Wyckelowe, aged 40 years, says that the said Joan was born in the town of Bungeye and baptized in the font of St. Margaret’s church there on Monday the feast of the Purification, 23 Edward III, and is 14 years of age and more. This he knows because he was an esquire and servant of the said Edward de Monte Acuto at Bungey at that time, and the said Edward was patron (verus patronus et advocatus) of the priory of Bungey, and he, John, was present and saw the day of the birth of the said Joan written in the missal of the priory, and that is fourteen years ago last Purification.
William Moundevyll, aged 36 years, agrees and says that on the day of the Circumcision before the birth of the said Joan he rode to the aforesaid Edward’s manor of Bungey and fell into a pit and broke his arm; and from that time to the feast of the Circumcision last it is fourteen years.
John Haukere, aged 50 years, agrees and says that at Michaelmas before the birth he married Katharine his wife, and that is fourteen years ago last Michaelmas.
William Rous, aged 60 years, agrees and says that at Christmas before the birth his son Roger was born.
Alexander Frere, aged 60 years, agrees and says that at Easter after the birth Alice his wife died.
Thomas Crane, aged 38 years, agrees and says that at the feast of St. Peter’s Chains after the birth he started on his journey to Santiago.
Edmund le Graunt, aged 40 years, agrees and says that at the feast of the Conception of the Blessed Mary before the birth he built a barn.
Nicholas Barkere, aged 50 years, agrees and says that at Easter after the birth his hall was burnt.
Robert Jayet, aged 28 years, agrees and says that at Christmas in the same year Robert his son was born.
Hugh le Graunt (age not given) agrees and says that at the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist in the same year his son Nicholas broke his thigh.
Reynold Assele, aged 43 years, agrees and says that at the feast of the Assumption in the same year he was despoiled by robbers.
John Quinny, aged 60 years, agrees and says that at Christmas before the birth he purchased his manor of Dynyton.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (3.)
Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said Thomas, whose father Gilbert held of the heir of John de Bello Campo, a minor in the king’s wardship. The lands of his inheritance are in the custody of Philippa queen of England, the king’s consort, by the king’s commitment. 30 October, 37 Edward III.
SOMERSET. Proof of age (indented) made at Somerton, 10 January, 37 Edward III.
Walter Fulbrok, aged 60 years and more, says that the said Thomas was of full age, to wit 21 years and more, on All Saints day, 36 Edward III, having been born at Edyngton and baptized in the free chapel there on the feast of All Saints, 15 Edward III, and that he was present at the baptism and on the same day held a court at Edyngton, and so by the date of the court the age of the said Thomas is manifest to him.
John Ivethorn, aged 40 years and more, William Paddock, aged 49 years and more, John London, aged 41 years and more, John Cosse, aged 39 years and more, and John Bilesmor, aged 48 years and more, agree and say that on the day of the baptism Gilbert the father had timber for building a chamber and asked them for help in lifting it, and after this was done and supper was finished he gave each of them a buckskin that they might bear witness to and keep in mind the age of the said Thomas.
Robert Purveour, aged 60 years and more, agrees and says that on Saturday after the birth he was hunting on a ‘downe’ called Cantok by Edyngton with the aforesaid Gilbert, who gave him a white greyhound (leporar’) that he might bear witness to and keep in mind the age of the said Thomas.
John Knygh, aged 50 years and more, John Bonjour, aged 44 years and more, Philip Mongommery, aged 46 years and more, John Walbrond, aged 55 years and more, and Robert Cole, aged 57 years and more, agree and say that they jointly bought a grange at Shepewyke, co. Somerset, of the abbot of Glastonbury for a sum of money subscribed between them, and in the aforesaid chapel on the day of the baptism they executed a bond to secure the observance of the agreement, by the date of which the age of Thomas is manifest.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (4.)
Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said Hugh, the lands of whose inheritance are in the custody of William bishop of Winchestor by commitment of Robert Herle, to whom the king committed the custody. 20 October, 37 Edward III.
(Endorsed.) The escheator warned the bishop to attend, but he was not present.
SALOP. Proof of age taken at Bruggenorth, 30 October, 37 Edward III.
The jury say that the said Hugh was born at Bromcroft and baptized in the church there on 29 November, 15 Edward III, and so reached the age of 21 years on 29 November, 36 Edward III.
Lionel de Perton, aged 50 years and more, says that he was at Bromcroft on the day of the baptism with Hugh father of the said Hugh for the purpose of hunting with him there.
Nicholas de Fillilode, aged 60 years and more, says that he was at Bromcroft on the day of the birth before John de Upton, coroner, in an inquest taken on the death of a man killed there.
John de Grene, aged 40 years and more, says that he was in the church at the time of the baptism for the solemnization of matrimony between William Russel and Agnes his wife.
John de Wodehous, aged 50 years and more, says that he made John his son a monk in the abbey of Shrewsbury on the day of the birth.
Henry atte Pyrye, aged 45 years and more, says that he was present in the church with the vicar on the day of the baptism.
John Elkokes, aged 40 years and more, says that he had a house in Bromcroft burnt down on the day of the birth.
Roger Cok, aged 60 years and more, says that he had a horse worth 40s. feloniously taken away at Alvetheleye on the same day.
Henry Corviser, aged 50 years and more, says that he started on his journey to Santiago on the same day.
Walter le Whyte, aged 40 years and more, says that with the help of neighbours he raised (levavit) for himself on the same day a newly-built house at Sudbury.
John Hobbesone, aged 60 years and more, says that Agnes his wife gave birth to Richard his first-born son on the same day.
John Robertes, aged 40 years and more, says that William his son, chaplain, celebrated his first mass on the same day at Neenton.
Walter la Nower, aged 50 years and more, says that he broke his thigh at Whethull wrestling with Robert de Whethull on the same day.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (5.)
Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said John, the lands of whose inheritance are in the custody of John de Blebury, clerk, by commitment of John Malwayn, to whom the king committed the custody. 23 October, 37 Edward III.
SUSSEX. Proof of age made at Craule, 7 December, 37 Edward III.
Roger de Brodebregge, aged 40 years, says that the said John son of John Lillebone was 21 years of age on the day of St. Romanus the Bishop last, having been born at Schirmanbury and baptized in the church of St. Giles there. Richard de Redemelde, parson of the church of Kyngeston by Schorham, and John atte Hide, and Sibyl de Perpond lifted him from the sacred font, to wit, on the day of St. Romanus, 15 Edward III. He knows this because on Sunday after the birth Agnes his wife departed this life, and the day of her death is enrolled in the missal in the church of Slyndefolde.
Walter Randekyn of Horsham, aged 35 years, agrees and says that he took Amice atte Felde of Warnham to wife at Schirmanbury on the Sunday after the birth.
Henry Granforde, aged 40 years, agrees and says that there was a great quarrel between John Lillebone the father and himself, and peace was restored on Sunday after the birth.
John Clympyngge, aged 50 years, agrees and says that on the day of the birth he started for Santiago.
John Jay, aged 36 years, agrees and says that he had a daughter Alice born at Schirmanbury on the eve of St. Romanus, 15 Edward III, and she was born before the birth of the said John and was 21 years of age on the eve of St. Romanus last.
Henry atte Brok, aged 30 years, William Wilcons, aged 31 years, Walter atte Worthe, aged 38 years, and Thomas Eworthe, aged 40 years, agree and say that at that time they were cited to be before the justices of the Bench at Westminster in the octave of St. Martin, 15 Edward III, for an assize of mort dancester touching John Jay.
William Taverner, aged 30 years, William Poyntyf, aged 50 years, and William atte Watere, aged 40 years, agree and say that they were cited to be at Guldeforde on Monday before St. Romanus for gaol delivery in 15 Edward III, before the said John was born.
The escheator gave notice to John Bleubury, clerk, who did not come.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (6.)
Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said John, the lands of whose inheritance are in the custody of William bishop of Winchester by commitment of Isabel the king’s daughter, to whom the king committed the custody. 18 October, 37 Edward III.
SUSSEX. Proof of age made at Midhurst, Tuesday the morrow of St. Leonard, 37 Edward III.
William de Hurst, aged 60 years, says that the said John was 21 years of age on St. Leonard s day last, that he was born at le Coudrey in the parish of Esebourne and baptized in the church of St. Mary the Virgin there, and that Edward le Bohun the son of John de Bohun, Richard Laxman, and Cecily the wife of John le Bohun, knight, lifted him from the sacred font on St. Leonard’s day 21 years ago; and this he knows because on Sunday after the birth John de Bohun, knight, acquired 10s. rent in Midhurst of William Musard, and so he remembers by the date of the charter of feoffment.
John Elkham, aged 40 years, agrees and says that William Elkham his brother married Agnes atte Merssch on the day of the birth, and the marriage is enrolled in the missal at Chitehurst.
John Brokere, aged 40 years, agrees and says that there was a great quarrel between John de Insula the father and Richard Brokere, and peace was restored on Sunday after the birth, and so it is enrolled in the missal at Eseborne.
John de Cotes, aged 40 years, agrees and says that on the day of the birth he and others started on their journey to Santiago.
Henry Exton, aged 40 years, agrees and says that on the day of the birth Joan his late wife departed this life, and so the day of her death is enrolled in the psalter at Midhurst.
Nicholas Stainer, aged 40 years, agrees and says that he had a daughter Agnes born at Esebourne on the eve of St. Leonard, 16 Edward III, before the birth of John, and she was 21 years of age on the eve of St. Leonard last.
John Wyot, aged 40 years, John Cholwyn, aged 30 years, Robert Fauconer, aged 30 years, Robert atte Rode, aged 50 years, William Ankesfolde, aged 30 years, and Richard de Holhurst, aged 50 years, agree and say that at that time they were cited to be before the justices of the Bench at Westminster in the octave of St. Martin following, in the year 16 Edward III, for an assize of mort dancester touching Thomas Tailard concerning a tenement in Esebourne.
The escheator gave notice to the bishop of Winchester, who did not come.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (7.)
Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said Robert, who is kinsman and heir of Lora late the wife of Richard de Beyvyll the elder, who (que) held of John son and heir of Edmund earl of Kent, a minor in the king’s wardship. The lands of his inheritance are in the custody of the executors of William del Peek, deceased, to whom the king committed the custody of the lands of the aforesaid Lora. Notyngham, 3 September, 37 Edward III.
HUNTINGDON. Proof of age (indented) taken at Huntingdon, Monday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 37 Edward III.
Thomas Beyvyll says that the said Robert was born at Wodewalton and baptized in the church of St. Andrew there about the feast of St. Katharine the Virgin last 21 years ago; and this he knows because his father was then collector of the fifteenth there, and when he asked for the fifteenth of the said Robert’s father at which he was assessed the latter threatened him in life and limb so that he dared not approach the house for a fortnight, and by the dates of the rolls of assessment of that fifteenth he knows that the said Robert was of full age, to wit 21 years, on the above date.
Nicholas Costard agrees and says that his son John was born in the town about Christmas after the aforesaid feast of St. Katharine, and he remembers well that he is of full age.
John de Wassingle agrees and says that his mother gave birth to a son at the same time, who survives.
John Fodrynggeye agrees and says that he was then the king’s bailiff in the hundred within which the town of Wodewalton is, and was lodging in the household of the father of the said Robert, and accounted before divers sheriffs for seven years, and retired from his office 15 years ago; and by the rolls of his account, as well as by the time of the first pestilence, he well remembers that the said Robert is of age.
Walter Wastel agrees and says that his wife gave birth to a daughter in the night following the birth of the said Robert, and he said half in jest (quasi subridendo) to Robert’s father that he should like Robert to marry this daughter, and the father agreed that this should be done unless something better were found.
John de Grofham agrees and says that he was in the service of William de Moyne, knight, and in five years received from him five gowns, and for two years following he was with the rector of the church of Sautre, and in the year in which he left the service of the said rector the first pestilence began, and that was 15 years ago.
Thomas de la Leye agrees and says that he was in the service of the said Robert’s father from infancy.
Thomas Ponder agrees and says that his wife was helping the mother of the said Robert at that time. He, Thomas, was then 22 years of age and is now 42.
Richard Bonde agrees and says that he was and is a carpenter, and at the time of the birth he made within the manor of the said Robert’s father a cowhouse (domum de officio boverie), part of his pay for which is still in arrear.
William Ward agrees and says that John his brother was born about Easter after the feast of St. Katharine aforesaid, and was 21 years of age at Easter last.
Richard le Smyth agrees and says that he was a tenant of Lora, godmother (comater) of the father of the said Robert, until he was turned out of his tenements by Richard father of the said Robert, whereby he lost his goods and chattels, and this was in the year of the birth of the said Robert.
John Joppe agrees and says that his wife gave birth to a son Richard about Michaelmas before the feast of St. Katharine aforesaid, and that the said Richard will be 22 years old next Michaelmas.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (8.)
Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said William, the lands of whose inheritance are in the custody of Peter Fuges by demise of Eustace Dabrichescourt, to whom the king committed the custody. 10 June, 37 Edward III.
SUSSEX. Proof of age made at Craule, 19 June, 37 Edward III.
John de Clothale, aged 60 years, says that the said William was born at Schirmanbury and baptized in the church of St. Giles there, and was 21 years of age on St. Barnabas’ day last. Brother Nicholas, prior of [the Carmelite Friars of] (fn. 1) Schorham, William de Langeton, and Sibyl Perpont lifted him from the sacred font. This he knows because William de Langeton gave him a carucate of land in Kyngeston by charter dated on St. Barnabas’ day, 16 Edward III, the day on which the said William was born.
John Wolgar, aged 40 years, agrees and says that on Sunday after the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 16 Edward III, he married Katharine his wife, after the birth of the said William, and that will be 21 years ago on Sunday after the Nativity of St. John the Baptist next.
Richard atte Wode, aged 50 years, agrees and says that he had a daughter Joan born at Schirmanbury on the eve of St. Barnabas, 16 Edward III, before the birth of the said William, and she was 21 years old on the eve of St. Barnabas last.
Henry Lacy, aged 50 years, agrees and says that on the day of the birth Alice his wife departed this life, and after her death he caused it to be entered in a great psalter in the same church under the date Incarnationis Domini.
William Istrugge, aged 40 years, and Richard Okyndenn, aged 60 years, agree and say that at that time there was a great quarrel between them, and on the same St. Barnabas’ day, 16 Edward III, peace was restored by a confirmatory writing, by the date of which they know the truth about the age of the aforesaid William.
Simon atte Felde, aged 40 years, and William Okyndenn, aged 36 years, agree and say that on the first Sunday in Lent in the year that peace was restored between the above named William Istrugge and Richard Okyndenn they started on a journey to Santiago.
Peter atte Lee, aged 40 years, Richard atte More, aged 50 years, John Gratewyk, aged 50 years, and William Petyknolle, aged 40 years, agree and say that they were cited to be at Westminster before the justices of the Bench in the octave of St. John the Baptist then following, 16 Edward III, for an assize of mort dancester touching Richard de Okyndenn.
The escheator gave notice to Peter Fuges, but he did not come.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (9.)
Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said John, the lands of whose inheritance are in the custody of Philippa queen of England, the king’s consort, by the king’s grant. 14 January, 37 Edward III.
SUFFOLK. Proof of age made at Chellisworth, Wednesday before the Conversion of St. Paul, 37 Edward III.
Ralph de Hecham, aged 50 years, says that the said John was born at Chellisworth and baptized in the font of the church of All Saints there on the morrow of St. Hilary, 16 Edward III, and was 21 years of age on Sunday the morrow of St. Hilary last. This he knows because at the feast of the Purification next following he rode to St. Edmund’s and fell from his horse and broke his thigh.
Ralph Mabiloun, aged 60 years and more, agrees and says that at Whitsuntide after the birth Alice his wife gave birth to a son Robert.
John Gamon, aged 40 years and more, agrees and says that at the feast of the Purification after the birth he started on his journey to Santiago.
William Chapman, aged 45 years, agrees and says that at the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist after the birth he built a new (de novo construxit) barn in his manor of Kerseye.
Geoffrey atte Hill, aged 50 years and more, agrees and says that in the quindene of Easter after the birth he purchased a manor in Bildiston from John Norman.
Robert Pikele, aged 40 years and more, agrees and says that at Whitsuntide after the birth the church of Kettleberston was built anew.
Roger Filder, aged 53 years, agrees and says that at Christmas before the birth his hall of Brende Illeye was burnt down.
John Sesere, aged 40 years and more, agrees and says that at the feast of the Annunciation after the birth Joan his wife died.
Nicholas Rande, aged 50 years and more, agrees and says that at the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul after the birth he married Margaret his wife.
Richard Smyht, aged 60 years, agrees and says that about Easter after the birth William his brother was drowned in the sea when crossing to Flanders.
Alexander Turnour, aged 46 years, agrees and says that in the same year as the birth he built a new dovecot.
John Cut, aged 66 years, agrees and says that at Easter after the birth his uncle William took the order of a Friar Preacher at Cambridge.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (10.)
Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said Roger, whose father held of the king, as of the lands &c. late of William de Couucy, which are in the king’s hand, by knight’s service. The lands of his inheritance are in the custody of Hugh de Cliderhou by demise of John de Wynwyk, deceased, to whom the king committed the said custody. 10 June, 37 Edward III.
LANCASTER. Proof of age taken at Lancastre, Friday after St. Laurence, 37 Edward III.
John de Barton, aged 40 years, says that the said Roger was born at Salebury in Blakburnshire on Wednesday before St. Laurence, 16 Edward III, and baptized in the church of Ribelcestre, and that Robert Ragh, chaplain, lifted him from the sacred font, and that Roger de Knoll and Henry de Clayton were his godfathers, and that he was 21 years of age on Wednesday before St. Laurence, 37 Edward III. This he knows because in the same week in which the said Roger was born he had a daughter Ellen born, and that is 21 years ago.
John Banastre, aged 45 years, agrees and says that on the day of the baptism he received seisin in a tenement in Ribelcestre.
Robert de Singelton, aged 41 years, agrees and says that in the same week as the birth he had a son Adam born.
Robert de Middelton, aged 46 years, agrees and says that on the day of the baptism he was with Thomas de Knoll at a loveday (diem amoris) there at Ribelcestre.
Thomas Banastre of Osebaldeston, aged 40 years, agrees and says that on the day of the birth he buried William, his firstborn son, in the church of Ribelcestre.
Laurence Noel, aged 41 years, agrees and says that in the same week as the birth he buried Richard Noel, his brother.
John de Thorneton, aged 43 years, agrees and says that on the day of the birth he married Margaret daughter of John de Warton.
John de Shotelesworth, aged 45 years, agrees and says that in the same week as the birth he had a son Henry born.
John de Carleton, aged 40 years, agrees and says that on the day of the birth his sister Margaret was married to John de Walton.
Robert de Holdeleghs, aged 46 years, agrees and says that he was at that time the king’s bailiff in Blakburnshire and took a distraint in Ribelcestre on the day the said Roger was baptized.
John del Rediford, aged 45 years, agrees and says that in the same week as the birth John his son was drowned in the river Rybel.
John de Staumford, aged 46 years, agrees and says that on the day of the baptism he made the obit of John Perkyn, his brother, at the church of Ribelcestre.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (11.)
Certificate of Stephen de Cavendyssh, mayor of London and escheator, that he has taken into the king’s hand the tenements described in the following three inquisitions:—
LONDON. Inq. (indented) taken ex officio, 2 May, 37 Edward III.
Thomas de Berdene died on Thursday after the Assumption, 36 Edward III, aged 17 years, seised of:—
Parish of St. Sepulchre without Newgate in the suburb of London. 5 messuages worth 26s. 8d. yearly quit of all charges, which have been unroofed by the windy weather, and if repaired might be let for more; and 13s. 4d. rent from tenements of Nicholas Thame in the High Street (Alto Vico) in the same parish.
All held of the king in chief in free burgage, as is the whole city.
He has no heirs so far as the jurors can ascertain.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (12.)
E. Inq. P.M. File 23. (10.)
LONDON. Inq. (indented) taken ex officio, Friday the morrow of the Ascension, 37 Edward III.
Parish of St. Andrew Holeburne in the suburb of London. A tenement worth 26s. 8d. yearly, held of the king in free burgage, as is the whole city.
He had no other lands &c. within the liberty of the city.
Date of death not known. He had no heirs.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (12.)
E. Inq. P.M. File 23. (11.)
556. STEPHEN DE CREYE of London.
LONDON. Inq. (indented) taken ex officio, Saturday the feast of St. John before the Latin Gate, 37 Edward III.
Stephen de Creye on Thursday after the Invention of the Holy Cross, 30 Edward III, feloniously killed Henry Wylot, ‘brocour,’ of which felony he was indicted and fled, being at that time seised of:—
Parish of St. Martin Organ. A tenement with two shops in the corner of Ebbegate worth 6l. yearly and charged with quit-rents of 26s. 8d. to Stephen Cavendyssh and 10s. to the prioress of Clerkenwell.
Parish of St. Michael Crokedelane. A little tenement worth 20s. yearly.
All held of the king in free burgage, as is the whole city.
He died without heir of himself, date not known. Henry Pykard, late mayor, seized the premises into the king’s hand.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (12.)
Writ, 26 October, 37 Edward III.
[NORTHUMBERLAND]. Inq. (torn and quite illegible).
C. Edw. III. File 180. (13.)
Writ to Stephen Cavendissh, mayor of London and escheator, quoting the inquisition taken by him ex officio (No. 555, above). It is now represented on behalf of Nicholas de Newenham, brother and heir of William de Newenham, clerk, that William de Evesham had no estate in the tenement named in that inquisition on the day of his death, having long before given it by charter to the said William de Newenham, who held it peacefully all his life, and after whose death Nicholas, as his brother and heir, had entry and remained in seisin until unjustly removed by the mayor. The mayor is to enquire as to whether William de Evesham gave the tenement as above, and as to the estate of William de Newenham therein on the day of his death, and who is his heir. 3 June, 37 Edward III.
LONDON. Inq. (indented) taken before the mayor, 10 June, 37 Edward III.
John Travers was seised of the tenement in the time of the present king and died so seised. After his death the sheriffs were ordered to take his lands &c. into the king’s hand for divers debts owed by him to the king at the time of his death from the time when he was constable of the king and of king Edward his father at Bordeaux and other times. The tenement in question was then taken into the king’s hand and valued at 2 marks. Afterwards the king gave it by charter to Thomas de Cotyngham and Robert de Kelleseye, to hold for as long as it should remain in his hand for the said cause at a yearly rent of 2 marks, and gave the said rent of 2 marks to Reynold de Neuport, yeoman of his chamber, to whom he also gave the reversion of the tenement after the death of Thomas and Robert, to hold for as long as it should remain in the king’s hand. Afterwards Thomas and Robert died, and Reynold entered in reversion, and subsequently gave all his estate therein to William de Evesham, to hold to himself and his heirs for as long as the tenement should remain in the king’s hand. On Monday after St. Barnabas, 24 Edward III, William de Evesham gave all his estate to William de Newenham, who remained in seisin until his death. He died on Michaelmas eve, 34 Edward III. Nicholas de Newenham, his brother, aged 30 years and more, is his heir.
William de Evesham did not die seised of the premises.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (14.)
559. JOHN DE HAUKENDENNE, poulterer of London.
LONDON. Inq. (indented) taken ex officio before Stephen de Cavendyssh, mayor and escheator, 26 October, 37 Edward III.
Parish of St. Mildred in the Poultry. Adam Fraunceys, citizen of London, was formerly seised of a moiety of a shop with two solars built above it, which he demised at farm to William Tydinglomb, citizen and poulterer of London, for life, with reversion to himself and his heirs. William Tydinglomb demised his life estate in the moiety to John de Haukendenne, who is dead without heirs, date of death not known. The moiety is held of the king in free burgage, as is the whole city.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (15.)
Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Mariota, and who has been in possession of her lands since her death and received the issues. 10 November, 37 Edward III.
YORK. Inq. taken at Ingelton, Saturday after St. Peter in Cathedra, 38 Edward III.
Thornton in Lonesdale. Tenements worth 6s. 8d. yearly, held of the king as of the manor of Coghill, as of the fees late of William de Coucy, by knight’s service and service of 12d. yearly. The said fees are in the king’s hand and in the custody of John de Coupland, deceased, and Joan, his wife, who survives.
She held no other lands &c.
She died on 3 December, 36 Edward III. Since then the escheators have received the profits of the premises and are charged with them in their accounts. William de Burton her kinsman, aged 40 years and more, is her heir.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (16.)
Writ, 26 November, 37 Edward III.
YORK. Inq. taken at York, Monday after the Purification, 38 Edward III.
Bisshopthorp. A third part of 14 tofts and 15 bovates of land, held of the king by fealty and service of a third part of 4 marks yearly. Two parts of the said lands &c. are held for life by Maud late the wife of John Bustard, who survives, by service of two parts of the aforesaid 4 marks.
Bustardhall. A third part of a messuage so called, with 17a. land, held of John de Thornton of York, as of the inheritance of David Lardener, by service of 7s. yearly.
Middelthorp. 10a. 3r. land and 4a. meadow, held of the abbot of Whitby by service of 6s. 9d. yearly.
He held no other lands &c. in the escheator’s bailiwick.
He died at Bilton on Tuesday before St. Martin in the winter last. Maud and Margaret, his sisters, aged respectively 21 years and more and 19 years and more, are his heirs.
YORK. Inq. taken at York, Monday before Whitsun, 38 Edward III.
York. Richard Bustard held no lands &c. in the city at the time of his death, but by the name of Richard son of John de Fryston he gave by charter during his lifetime, to wit on the feast of All Saints, 37 Edward III, 3 messuages, 5 tofts, a moiety of an acre of meadow, 4s. rent and a moiety of a pound of pepper yearly in the city and suburb to John de Feriby, rector of the prebendal church of Bilton, and William Dayvill, and they were in peaceful seisin thereof during his lifetime, and are still in seisin.
He never held any other lands &c. in the city or suburb.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (17.)
Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said John, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 20 November, 37 Edward III.
SUFFOLK. Inq. taken at Henhowe, 12 June, 38 Edward III.
Mendlisham. A messuage, 80a. land, meadow and pasture, and 30s. rent, held jointly with Maud his wife, to them and the heirs of their bodies, by a fine levied in the king’s court, of the king in chief by service of rendering 30s. yearly to the castle of Norwich by the hands of the sheriff, and being with the king in his army in the march of Wales for 40 days.
John Bussh died about the feast of All Saints, 13 Edward III. Joan, daughter of the said John and Maud, aged 24 years and more, wife of Thomas de Sengelton, and John son of Maud their other daughter and heir, aged 9 years and more, are their heirs.
Maud wife of the said John survived him; and one Richard de Reveshale entered the premises and expelled her and received the profits for four years after the death of the said John. Robert Houel had possession for three years, William de Hemenhale, knight, for two years, Andrew Fulbrok for three years, and Robert de Bernham for eleven years. Each of these entered by feoffment of the one before (alterius) without the king’s licence. Robert de Bernham died on 1 August last. Robert his son, aged 8 years and more, is his heir. Maud wife of John Bussh died about the feast of the Purification, 30 Edward III.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (18.)
Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said John, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 20 October, 37 Edward III.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. taken at Cambridge, Tuesday after the Ascension, 38 Edward III.
Great Chelford. The manor, held for life of the king in chief by knight’s service. Laurence de Hastynges, late earl of Pembroke, long after he married Agnes daughter of Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemore, gave the manor to John de Grendon for life.
John died on Thursday after St. Barnabas, 34 Edward III. The reversion ought to remain to John son and heir of the said Laurence de Hastynges, a minor in the king’s wardship.
The king has received the issues and profits at the Exchequer, except for the last two years, during which the aforesaid John son of Laurence has received them by the king’s grant.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (19.)
Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Thomas, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 12 October, 37 Edward III.
CUMBERLAND. Inq. taken at Carlisle, Saturday before St. Dunstan, 38 Edward III.
Glassanby and Merghanby. Lands and tenements worth 11s. yearly, held by the courtesy of England of the inheritance of Margaret late his wife, daughter of Thomas de Neubigging and one of the heirs of John de Crokedayk, deceased. The said Margaret held them of the king in chief by homage and the service of rendering at the Exchequer of Carlisle 3s. 4d. for cornage.
Le Langholme in the forest of Ingelwod. Divers lands &c. worth 6s. yearly, held by the courtesy of England as above, as of the purpresture of the same forest. The premises are held of the king in chief by fealty and the service of rendering 9s. yearly at the same Exchequer.
Castylkayrok. Lands &c. worth 3s. yearly, held by the courtesy of England of Ranulph de Dacre, lord of Gillesland, by knight’s service.
Bampton. Lands &c. worth 3s. yearly, held by the courtesy of England of John de Bampton by knight’s service.
Kyrkbythore. Tenements worth 3s., held by the courtesy of England of John de Kyrkbythore by service of 10d. yearly.
Caldbek. Lands &c. worth 6s. 8d., held by the courtesy of England of Reynold de Lucy by service of 18d. yearly.
He held no other lands &c.
He died on Thursday before St. Margaret, 36 Edward III. Richard son of the same Thomas and Margaret, aged 22 years and more, is their heir.
The escheator has been in possession of the premises since the death of the said Thomas, and has received the issues.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (20.)
Writ, 22 January, 37 Edward III.
SUFFOLK. Inq. taken at Haliswrth, 20 March, 38 Edward III.
He held no lands &c. in the county.
He died on Monday after the Decollation of St. John the Baptist last. Margery his daughter, aged 4 years and more, is his heir.
NORFOLK. Inq. taken at Norwich, 12 April, 38 Edward III.
He held nothing in demesne as of fee, but he held in service:—
Wyrham. 2s. rent from John de Wesinham, to be received from certain lands &c. which he held by mesne of the duke of Clarence by service of a hundredth part of a knight’s fee.
Date of death and heir as above.
Commission to Roger de Wolfreton, escheator in Norfolk and Suffolk, John Gerard, John Eyr, clerk, and John de Herlaston, clerk, to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said John de Nerford (called here John son of Thomas de Nerford), and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 26 April, 38 Edward III.
SUFFOLK. Inq. taken at Framelyngham ad Castrum, Saturday in Whitsun week, 38 Edward III.
Wysete. John de Nerford, knight, uncle (avunculus) of John son of Thomas de Nerford, now deceased, held the manor, with the advowson of the priory of Rumburgh, of the king in chief, as of the crown, by service of one knight’s fee, and enfeoffed thereof Edmund de Berford. The latter enfeoffed John de Nerford, knight, and Agnes his wife, to hold to them and the heirs of John.
Soham. Thomas de Brothertone, earl of Norfolk and marshal of England, held the manor of the said John de Nerford, knight, as of the manor of Wysete, by service of a moiety of two knights’ fees, but did not attorn to Edmund de Berford for homage, fealty or other services.
Perham. Robert de Ufford held the manor of the same John, as of the manor of Wysete, by service of 5 1/2 fees, but did not attorn to the said Edmund.
Netlistede. John Typetot, knight, held a moiety of two knights’ fees of the same John, as of the manor of Wysete, but did not attorn to the said Edmund.
Braunfeld. John de Norwico, knight, held one knight’s fee and a quarter of the same John, as of the manor of Wysete, but did not attorn to the said Edmund.
Sybetone. The abbot of Sybetone held one knight’s fee of the same John, as of the manor of Wysete, but did not attorn to the said Edmund.
All these fees are held of the king in chief, as of the crown, and were lately annexed to the manor of Wysete.
John de Nerford, knight, died seised of the said fees about 30 years ago. The aforesaid Agnes survives and holds the manor of Wysete for life, except the said knights’ fees. Thomas de Nerford brother of John de Nerford, knight, was his heir and died seised of the said knights’ fees. John de Nerford, now deceased, son and heir of Thomas, died seised of the same on Monday after the Decollation of St. John the Baptist last. Margery his daughter, aged 5 years and more, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (21.)
566. JOHN DE NORTHWODE, knight.
Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said John, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 19 January, 37 Edward III.
KENT. Inq. (indented) taken at Derteford, 22 February, 38 Edward III. (jury of nineteen).
Wolwych. Tenements worth 40s. yearly, held of the king, as of his manor of Eltham, in ‘gavelkendies,’ by service of rendering 30s. yearly at the said manor and doing suit to the court there every three weeks.
Hobery in Erde. The manor, held of John Northwode the elder, knight, by the foreign service.
Stone. Tenements called ‘Littebrok,’ held of the bishop of Rochester by the foreign service and suit to the court of Stone every three weeks.
He held no other lands &c. in the lathe of Sotton.
He died on 17 December, 35 Edward III. Joan de Northwode his daughter, aged 8 years at Christmas last, is his heir.
Katharine his wife has been in possession of the premises in Wolwych and Littebrok by reason of the custody of the lands in ‘gavelkende,’ and of a third part of the manor of Hobery by way of dower; and John son of Roger de Northwode of the other two parts by reason of custody.
KENT. Inq. (indented) taken at Middelton, 24 February, 38 Edward III.
Bradegare. Tenements called ‘Swanton,’ held of Philippa queen of England in ‘gavelkendies’ by service of rendering 10s. 6d. yearly at her manor of Middelton on Palm Sunday, and by doing suit to two leets twice a year.
Uppecherche. A marsh, held of the heirs of Robert de Northwode, as of the manor of Gatton, co. Surrey, by service of rendering yearly a pair of gilt spurs.
He held no other lands &c. in the hundred of Middelton.
Date of death as above. Joan de Northwode his daughter, aged 8 years, is his heir.
Katharine his wife has been in possession of the premises since his death by reason of the custody of the lands &c. in ‘gavelkendes.’
KENT. Inq. (indented) taken at Canterbury, 26 February, 38 Edward III.
Stormouthe. Tenements called ‘Northcort,’ worth 12l. 6s. 8d. yearly, held of Henry de Haute by service of rendering a pair of gilt spurs yearly; tenements there worth 20s. yearly, held in ‘gavelkendes’ of Juliana countess of Huntingdon, as of her manor of Preston, by service of rendering 2s. 1d. yearly at the said manor and doing suit to her court there every three weeks.
Herbaldoune. Tenements called ‘Valenscort,’ worth 100s. yearly, held of the archbishop of Canterbury in socage, as of his manor of Westgate, by service of rendering 18s. 4d. yearly at the said manor and doing suit to the archbishop’s court every three weeks.
He held no other lands &c. in the lathe of St. Augustine.
Date of death and heir as last above.
Katharine his wife has been in possession of a third part of Northcort since his death by way of dower; and Henry de Haute has been in possession of two parts thereof by way of custody. Katharine has also been in possession of the gavelkind tenements in Herbaldoune by reason of custody of the gavelkind and socage tenements.
Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said John, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 19 January, 37 Edward III.
ESSEX. Inq. taken at Chelmerford, Tuesday the feast of St. Gregory, 38 Edward III.
Great Salyng. A messuage, 210a. land, 18a. meadow, 42a. pasture, 4s. rent and a rent of a pound of cummin, held jointly with Katharine his wife, who survives, by gift of William Suclyng, chaplain, and Thomas de Twyford to them and the heirs male of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of John. The premises are held of the king in chief by service of rendering a sore sparrowhawk yearly at the feast of St. Margaret.
Shaldeford. The manor, held of the duke of Clarence, service not known.
Little Reynes. 18a. wood, held of Thomas Baynard, service not known.
Both held jointly by the said John and Katharine to them and the heirs male of their bodies.
The said Katharine and Ralph de Hemenhale have been in possession of the premises since the death of the said John.
He died on 10 December, 35 Edward III. Joan daughter of the said John and Katharine, aged 6 years, is the next heir of John’s blood.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (22.)
Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Walter, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 3 November, 37 Edward III.
YORK. Inq. taken at York, Wednesday in the third week of Lent, 38 Edward III.
North Geveldale. A messuage in ruins and 9 bovates of land.
Est Geveldale. A bovate and a third part of a bovate.
All held of the king in chief by service of a fourth part of a serjeanty, the whole of which serjeanty is held of the king in chief by homage and fealty and by service of finding a crossbowman in the king’s castle of York for forty days at the tenant’s own costs if there be war in the county of York.
Pokelington. A messuage in ruins, 10a. 1r. land and 7s. yearly rent, which Richard son of John de Thorp held on the day of his death of Henry de Percy in socage, by service of 7s. yearly and suit to the said Henry’s court of Pokelington every three weeks, of the inheritance of Maud the eldest of the heirs of the said Walter de Quixley, according to the custom of the soke of Pokelington.
He held no other lands &c. in the county or elsewhere.
He died on Monday after St. Peter’s Chains, 23 Edward III, in the pestilence. Maud his eldest heir, aged 20 years, and Agnes her sister, aged 18 years, daughters of John de Quixley his brother, are his heirs.
The escheators have received the issues of the premises since his death, and answer therefor in their accounts.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (23.)
Writ after the death of the said Thomas, who died a minor in the king’s wardship. 9 October, 37 Edward III.
SOUTHAMPTON. Tnq. taken at Fordyngbrugge, Tuesday, 12 December, 37 Edward III.
Over Burgate. A messuage, 30a. land, 2a. meadow and 2a. moor, held of William de Botereux, then a minor in the king’s wardship, as of his manor of Elyngham, by service of an eighth part of a knight’s fee. The said William holds the said manor of the king in chief, so that the premises came into the king’s hand by mesne (per medium) after the death of the aforesaid John father of Thomas, by reason of the minority of Thomas.
Pusehersh. 12a. land, held of the prior of Brommore, service not stated.
Almeston. 20a. land, held of Roger Cokur by service of 8d.
He died on Friday after the Purification, 35 Edward III. Eleanor wife of John Pyk, aged 30 years, and Margery wife of John le Cok, her sister, aged 24 years, his aunts (amite), to wit, sisters of the aforesaid John his father, are his heirs.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (24.)
Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Robert, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 12 November, 37 Edward III.
CUMBERLAND. Inq. taken at Penereth, Tuesday before the Purification, 38 Edward III.
Hoton. A messuage and 10a. land, held of the king in chief by homage and the service of rendering 20d. yearly for cornage at the Exchequer of Carlisle.
He died on Saturday before St. Gregory, 31 Edward III. Nicholas his son, aged 30 years and more, is his heir.
Sir William de Threlkeld, knight, late escheator, took the premises into the king’s hand after the death of the said Robert, and received the profits of them until he delivered them to William de Nessefeld, escheator, who had possession all his time and then delivered them to William de Reygate, now escheator. The said escheators are charged with the issues in their accounts.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (25.)
Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Robert, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 16 February, 37 Edward III.
OXFORD. Inq. taken at Stanton Harecourt, 20 February, 38 Edward III.
Stanton. A manor and 2 carucates of land, held of the king in chief by service of keeping a falcon of the king’s, for which he received 12d. a day.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
He died on 12 June, 28 Edward III. Elizabeth his daughter, aged 13 years on the morrow of St. Katharine last, is his heir.
The king committed the wardship and marriage of the heir and the custody of the lands &c. to John atte Wode until the majority of the heirs.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (26.)
Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said William, whose father held of the heir of Edward le Despenser, late a minor in the king’s wardship. The lands of his inheritance are in the custody of Robert de Penkerygge and John Washam by demise of Andrew Lutterell, to whom the king committed the same. 22 November, 37 Edward III.
(Endorsed.) On Tuesday after St. Matthew the said Robert Pencriche and John Waskeham were warned to appear, but they did not come nor anyone for them.
DEVON. Proof of age made at Exeter, Monday after Michaelmas, 38 Edward III.
John Boys of Halberton, aged 60 years and more, says that the said William is 21 years of age and more, having been born at Burlyscombe and baptized in the church there, and that John de Clavyll the father asked the parson to write the said William’s name in the missal of the church, and the day and year are written in the said missal, by which writing the age of the said William is proved.
William Waskeham, aged 62 years and more, agrees and says that he was steward of John de Clavyll’s manor of Burlescombe and other manors, and by the date of his commission to that office he knows the age.
William Bonevyle, aged 53 years and more, agrees and says that he was at Colecombe hunting with Hugh de Courtenay, earl of Devon, on the day of the birth.
Roger atte Broke, aged 51 years and more, agrees and says that he has a son John who was born in the same year.
William Bernevyle, aged 48 years and more, agrees and says that he has a hall at Tyverton which was rebuilt in the same year.
Richard atte Broke, aged 60 years and more, agrees and says that he had a daughter Margaret by Joan his wife, who took the habit of religion and was professed at Polslo.
Benet Lampray, aged 50 years and more, Roger Wodecok, aged 42 years and more, William atte Hille, aged 43 years and more, Richard Mounstevene, aged 50 years and more, John Southhele, aged 42 years and more, and Richard Not, aged 44 years and more, agree and say that in the year of the birth John, William’s father, married his daughter Joan, William’s sister, to John de Aysford.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (27.)
Writ of plenius certiorari. Whereas the escheator in reply to a writ of certiorari super causa capcionis concerning the lands late of the said Agnes in Castellevyngton, Ingelby, Hilton, and Crathorn, returned that she held jointly with William late her husband, to them and the heirs of their bodies, a messuage and 6 bovates of land in Castellevyngton, a ruined messuage and a bovate of waste in Ingelby, and a close called Stanyholm in Crathorn, of divers lords, and that she held in demesne as of fee a messuage, 4 waste tofts and 6 bovates in Hilton of Nicholas de Hilton by knight’s service; the escheator is to enquire as to an allegation by Stephen Gower that she held the premises in Hilton and Ingelby in fee simple, and not tail, and long before her death gave them to him. 17 February, 37 Edward III.
YORK. Inq. taken at York, Tuesday before Palm Sunday, 37 Edward III.
Hilton. She held the messuage, tofts and bovates in Hilton in demesne as of fee, and gave them on Wednesday before Friday the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist last to Stephen Gower and Laurence de Semere and their heirs. She died on Friday after the said Wednesday. Stephen and Laurence were seised of the premises until the escheator took them into the king’s hand, asserting that Agnes died in seisin of them.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (28.)
573. JOHN BARDOLF of Wyrmegeye, knight. (fn. 2)
Writ, 13 October, 37 Edward III.
SUFFOLK. Inq. taken at Wodebrigge, 18 December, 37 Edward III.
Clopton. The manor.
Ilketelishale. 20l. yearly rent from the manor.
Both held of the king in chief, service not known.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
He died on 3 August last. William his son, aged 14 years and 11 weeks, is his heir.
NORFOLK. Inq. taken at Fyncham, 14 December, 37 Edward III.
Cantele. The manor.
Strumpishagh. The manor.
Rungeton. The manor.
Fyncham. The manor.
All held of the king in chief by the barony of Bardolf.
Stowe. The manor, held of the king in chief as parcel of the same barony. Out of it the deceased granted with the king’s licence to the prior and brethren of the order of St. Mary of Mount Carmel and the convent of Bishops Lenn, for his soul and the souls of his ancestors, a yearly rent of ten quarters of wheat and ten quarters of barley payable on All Saints’ day, and to Robert Bardolf a yearly rent of 10l. for life.
Date of death and heir as above.
HERTFORD. Inq. taken at Hicchen, 6 November, 37 Edward III.
Dous. The manor, held of the duke of Clarence, service not known.
Watton atte Stone. The manor, held of the king in chief, service not known.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
Date of death and heir as above.
NORFOLK. Inq. taken at Wyrmegeye, 12 December, 37 Edward III.
Wyrmegeye. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by the barony of Bardolf. The extent mentions a rabbit warren, a marsh, two fisheries, one of which goes round the said marsh as far as Sechithebrigge, and the other is at the back of a mill with a pond called ‘le Laye’ and a stream (ripar’) to the said mill, a ruined water-mill without millstones, a wood, a custom called ‘filstene,’ a turbary, a leet held about the feast of St. Faith, and the court called ‘le knyghtcurt.’
Qwynnebergh. The manor, held of the king in chief as parcel of the aforesaid barony, together with a fishery called ‘le Mote.’
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ, 13 October, 37 Edward III.
LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Cathorp, Thursday before SS. Simon and Jude, 26 October, 37 Edward III.
Westburgh. The manor, with its members Dodyngton, Stobyng and Stubton, held of the king in chief by service of a tenth part of a barony.
Reskyngton. The manor, with its members Dygby, Amwyk, Lessyngham, Roxham and Braunswell, held of the king in chief by service of a twelfth part of a barony.
Cathorp. The manor, with its members Freston, Normanton, Sudbrok, Wilughby by Ancastre, Hambek and half of Ancastre, held by the courtesy of England, as of the right of his wife, of the king in chief by service of a fifth part of a knight’s fee.
He died at the city of Assise beyond the sea on Saturday before St. Peter’s Chains last, according to reports (rumores) which have come from those parts. Heir as above, aged 14 years and more.
Writ, 13 October, 37 Edward III.
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. (indented) taken at Notyngham, 12 January, 37 Edward III.
Stoke Bardulf. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief as parcel of the barony of Shelford. The extent mentions a weir and a ferry.
He also held 29 3/4 fees of knights who ought to attend (esse intendentes ad) the court of Shelford from divers counties.
He died on Monday after St. Peter’s Chains last. Heir as above, aged 18 years.
DERBY. Inq. (indented) taken at Derby, 20 January, 37 Edward III.
He held nothing in the county.
Date of death and heir as last above.
Writ, 13 October, 37 Edward III.
LEICESTER. Inq. (indented) taken at Halughton, 12 November, 37 Edward III.
Halughton. A capital messuage in ruins, a garden, the site of a manor, 2 carucates of land, 4a. meadow, a several pasture, a market, a windmill, 60s. rent, and pleas &c. of court worth 2s. yearly, held of the king in chief, as of the honor of Peverel, service not stated.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
Date of death not known. John his son, aged 16 years and more, is his heir.
Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said John, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 10 September, 45 Edward III.
DORSET. Inq. taken at Cranebourne, Thursday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 45 Edward III.
(Unspecified.) 58a. arable, 6a. wood, and 4l. 5d. rent, held of the king in chief, service not stated.
He died on 5 August, 37 Edward III. William his son aged 22 years and three weeks, is his heir.
Queen Philippa has been in possession of the premises since the death of the said John, and has received the profits therefrom by reason of the minority of the said William son of John.
Similar writ, 10 September, 45 Edward III.
DERBY. Inq. taken at Derby, Friday after St. Matthew, 45 Edward III.
Okbrok. The manor, held of the king in chief, as parcel of the barony of Shelford, by knight’s service.
Aylwayston. 24s. rent of tenants in the soke of Aylwayston, and the services of 6 knights’ fees and a half quarter of a fee and 4 bovates of land in the same soke.
He had a court of all his tenants in Okbrok and the soke aforesaid, and a view of frankpledge of the same, the issues and profits whereof belong to the court of Shelford, the bailiff of Shelford being charged with them.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
Date of death as last above. Heir as above, aged 21 years and more.
Geoffrey Folchaumpp was enfeoffed of the manor of Okbrok in fee simple for 20 years, of which he paid beforehand (premanibus) for 10 years and pays 20 marks a year for the other 10 years, as appears by an indenture.
Similar writ, 12 September, 45 Edward III.
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. taken at Wendovere, 22 September, 45 Edward III.
(Unspecified.) 40s. rent, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
Date of death as last above. Heir as above, aged 22 years and more.
John Lancastre has been in possession of the said rent by gift of Philippa late queen of England, to whom the king granted all the lands &c. of the said John Bardolf by reason of the minority of his son William.
Similar writ, 10 September, 45 Edward III.
GLOUCESTER. Inq. (indented) taken at Munechynhampton, 24 September, 45 Edward III.
Naylysworth. A messuage, a carucate of land, 9a. meadow, 2a. wood and 34s. rent, held (except 1a. meadow) of the abbess of Caen (Came) by service of socage, rendering 21s. 7d. yearly, and by service of suit to the court of the abbess at Munechynhampton every three weeks. The above-excepted acre of meadow is held of John Croft in socage, rendering 1 lb. of pepper at Christmas.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
Date of death as last above. John Bardolf, knight, his son, aged 21 years on 21 October last, is his heir.
Philippa late queen of England had possession of the premises all her life by the king’s grant until the age of the heir; and since her death Hugh Wodeward has been in possession until now, rendering a fixed farm, amount not known, at the Exchequer.
Similar writ, 10 September, 45 Edward III.
SURREY. Inq. (indented) taken at Croydon, 15 September, 45 Edward III.
Adyngton. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of finding a pot (ollam) at the king’s coronation for making a food (cibum) called ‘maupygernon.’
Date of death as last above. William de Bardolf his son, at the time of the death aged 14 years and now aged 22 years, is his heir.
Philippa late queen of England received the profits of the premises by the king’s grant from the time of the death of John de Bardolf until her death on the feast of the Assumption, 43 Edward III. Since that day the king has been in possession and has received the issues by the hand of Simon Noreys, parson of the church of Castre, by reason of the minority of the heir.
SUSSEX. Inq. (indented) taken at Lewes, 17 September, 45 Edward III.
Berelyng. The manor (extent given, including 12l. rent from Berwyk, a wind-mill and a warren), held of the king, as of the honor of Laigle (Aquila), by knight’s service, as the jurors understand. The extent mentions wreck of the sea.
Bercambe. The manor (extent given), held of Richard earl of Arundel by knight’s service.
Flecchyng. 6l. rent, held of the same earl as parcel of the manor of Bercambe.
Date of death, heir and possession since death as in the last.
C. Edw. III. File 180. (29.)
E. Inq. P.M. File 23. (4.) (Leicester.)


  • 1. Supplied from the deposition of the following witness.
  • 2. So described in the Norfolk and Hertfordshire inquisitions.