Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 10, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.
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A. E. Stamp, E. Salisbury, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, 'Index of Persons and Places: G', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 10, Edward III(London, 1921), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].
A. E. Stamp, E. Salisbury, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, 'Index of Persons and Places: G', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 10, Edward III(London, 1921), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,
A. E. Stamp, E. Salisbury, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly. "Index of Persons and Places: G". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 10, Edward III. (London, 1921), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.
Gainsborough, Gaynesburgh, Geynesburgh, co. Linc., 211 (pp. 191–193), 310 (p. 258).
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 211 (pp. 190–192).
-, ……, Thonock in, q.v.
-, ……, Justice of, q.v.
-, ……, Savage of, q.v.
Galeyha, Thomas de, 43 (p. 26).
Galeys. See Waleys.
Galhowe, co. Norf. See Gallow.
Galiard, Joan, 264.
Gallow, Galhowe, co. Norf., hundred, 85.
Galmethorp, co. York. See Ganthorpe.
Galmeton, Richard, chaplain of Brandsburton, 266.
Galmeton, co. York. See Ganton.
Galtres, co. York, forest, 45 (p. 34).
-, ……, …., gaol of, in York, service of keeping, 31, 101.
Gamage, Nicholas, 512.
-, ……, Nicholas son of William, 423.
-, ……, William, 424.
-, ……, …., Nicholas son of, his daughters, Margery married to John Byllyng, Joan married to Hugh Archur or Arthour, and Elizabeth married to John son of Hugh, alias John Fitz Hugh of the county of Bedford, 423, 512.
-, ……, Robert, 452.
Gambon, Thomas, 72.
Gamel, Henry, 267.
Gamelton, Henry de, 46 (p. 56).
Gamelyngeye, co. Camb. See Gamlingay.
Gamlingay, Gamelyngeye, co. Camb., advowson, 498.
-, ……, manor, 498.
-, ……, inquisition made at, 638 (p. 519).
Gandavo. See Gaunt.
Gangsdown, Gangulnesdon [in Nuffield parish], co. Oxford, 249 (p. 212).
Ganthorpe, Galmethorp [in Terrington parish], co. York, N.R., 524 (pp. 421, 427).
Ganton, Galmeton, co. York, E.R., 43 (p. 27).
Gapton [in Bradwell parish], co. Suff., manor, 48.
Gardinis, Richard de, parson of Somerton, 518 (p. 407).
Gargrave, co. York, W.R., Cold Coniston in. See Coniston.
Garlond, Richard, 639 (p. 528).
Garnstone, Gerneston [in Weobley parish], co. Heref., 307 (p. 256).
Garsale, Thomas de, 637 (p. 512).
Garsington, Gersyndon [co. Oxford], 321 (p. 274).
-, ……, Louches of, q.v.
Garstang, Gayrstang, co. Lanc., 403.
-, ……, Byerworth in, q.v.
-, ……, Bilsborough in, q.v.
-, ……, Catterall in, q.v.
-, ……, Claughton in, q.v.
-, ……, Wyresdale in, q.v.
Garton [on the Wolds], co. York, E.R., 45 (p. 40).
-, ……, …., manor, 45 (pp. 33, 35).
Garton, Hugh de, 45 (p. 40).
-, ……, John de, 640 (p. 532).
Gascoigne, William, 126, 338.
Gascony, 321 (p. 272).
-, ……, John de Odyngseles dies in, 57.
-, ……, scutage of, 446 (p. 355).
Gascrik, Richard de, 555.
-, ……, …., Elizabeth (Paynel) wife of, 555.
Gasson, Robert, of Keelby, 368.
-, ……, …., …., Margaret his wife, formerly wife of Hugh Cokheved of Barton, 368.
Gasthorpe, Gatisthorp, co. Norf., 318
Gastur, Walter, 43 (p. 25).
Gatcombe, Gatecomb, Gatecombe, co. Hants, Isle of Wight, 21.
-, ……, manor, 34.
-, ……, John del Isle of. See Insula.
Gate Burton, Gaytbirton, Gaytburton, Geytburton, co. Linc., manor, 211 (pp. 190, 192).
-, ……, wood, 211 (pp. 191, 192).
Gatecomb, Gatecombe, co. Hants, Isle of Wight. See Gatcombe.
Gatecombe, John de, 21.
Gates, William de, bailiff of the honour of Laigle, 629 (p. 497).
Gateward, William, 122.
Gatisthorp, co. Norf. See Gasthorpe.
Gatisthorp, Roger de, 318.
Gatley, Gravelyt [in Leinthall Earl’s, co. Heref.], 640 (p. 536).
Gatton, co. Surrey, manor, 623, 624.
Gauger, Henry le, citizen and vintner of London, 163.
-, ……, …., …., his daughter Joan, married to John de Colcestre, 163.
Gaunt, abbot of. See Ghent.
Gaunt, Gaunte, Gilbert, Gilbert de, 520 (p. 410), 638 (p. 514).
-, ……, Gilbert de, fee of, 479.
-, ……, John, John de, 58 (p. 68 bis), 157, 320 (p. 272), 547.
-, ……, de Gandavo, John of Gaunt earl of Richmond, 105 (p. 94), 211 (pp. 189, 190), 518 (pp. 406, 407), 524 (p. 422).
-, ……, William, 263.
Gautby, Gouteby, co. Linc., 657 (p. 555).
Gavelok, John, 396.
Gay, Robert, bailiff of the wapentake of Calceworth, 475.
Gaynesburgh, co. Linc. See Gainsborough.
Gaynesford, John de, 507.
Gayrstang, co. Lanc. See Garstang.
Gaytbirton, Gaytburton, co. Linc. See Gate Burton.
Gayton, Geyton, co. Norf., 665.
Gayton, co. N’hamp., 520 (p. 411).
-, ……, manor, 185 (p. 161).
-, ……, William rector of, 185 (p. 161).
Gayton, John de, father of Scolastica de Meaux, 185 (p. 161).
Geddyng, Geddyngg, Robert de, 638 (p. 523).
-, ……, William de, 164.
Gedelyng, co. Nott. See Gedling.
Gedling, Gedelyng, Gedlyng, co. Nott., 254 (p. 221), 323.
-, ……, Stoke Bardolph in, q.v.
Geffrey, William, 398.
-, ……, …., his wife, aunt of Emma Burdoun, 398.
Geldeforde, co. Surrey. See Guildford.
Gelemyn, John, 614 (p. 481).
Gelham, co. Essex. See Yeldham.
Gelle, John, 43 (p. 27).
Gemelyng, John de, of Butterwick, 524 (p. 426).
Geneur-Glyn, Generglyn, co. Cardigan, commote, 324.
Genevill, Genevyle, Geoffrey de, 307, 438.
-, ……, …., Maud his wife, 307.
-, ……, Peter de, father of Joan wife of Roger de Mortuo Mari, earl of March, 307.
Genth, Richard, 634 (p. 502).
Gentil, Nicholas, 260.
Gentyng, John, 528.
-, ……, …., John son of, 528.
Geoffrey, Alice wife of, 475.
-, ……, John son of, William son of, of Laceby, 525.
-, …… the clerk, 45 (p. 36).
Geoffrey …, 333.
-, ……, …., John father of, 333.
Gerald, William, 528.
Gerard, Gerrad, Geoffrey, of Fakenham Magna, co. Suff., 3.
-, ……, John, 411.
-, ……, Adam brother of Geoffrey, 3.
-, ……, John, 646.
Gere, John, 124.
Germeyn, Ralph, 500.
Germy, the lady of, 638 (p. 521).
Gernereye. See Guernsey.
Gerneston, co. Heref. See Garnstone.
Gerold, Warin son of, barony of, 446 (p. 355).
-, ……, William son of, barony of, 446 (p. 355).
Gerrad. See Gerard.
Gersyndon [co. Oxford]. See Garsington.
Gersyngton, co. York. See Grassington.
Gervays, Robert, 451.
Gerwardby, Gerwardeby, John de, 36 bis.
Gestlyng, co. Sussex. See Guestling.
Geynesburgh, co. Linc. See Gainsborough.
Geytburton, co. Linc. See Gate Burton.
Geyton, co. Norf. See Gayton.
Geyton, Edmund de, 665.
Ghent, Gaunt [Flanders], abbot of, 253 (p. 218 bis), 439.
-, ……, alien abbot of, 521 (p. 413).
Gidding [Great], co. Hunt., manor, 433 (p. 342).
Giffard, Gyffard, John, 187.
-, ……, John, of Weston Subedge, 218.
-, ……, Eleanor wife of John, of Weston, 626.
-, ……, Ellis grandfather of John, 187.
-, ……, Gilbert brother of Ellis, 187.
-, ……, …., Gilbert son of, 187.
-, ……, …., …., Alexander son of, 187.
-, ……, …., …., …., his daughter Edith, 187.
-, ……, …., …., …., …., her son John, 187.
-, ……, …., …., …., his daughter Joan, 187.
-, ……, John, 464, 529, 534.
-, ……, John, of Bowers Gifford, 638 (p. 518).
-, ……, John, of Weston Subedge, 626.
-, ……, …., Eleanor wife of, 193 (p. 174).
-, ……, …., Elizabeth daughter of, 218, 626.
-, ……, …., his mother, Joan wife of Thomas Butler, 218.
-, ……, Margaret mother of John, 187.
-, ……, fee of, 107 (p. 97).
Giffoun, Richard, 272.
-, ……, …., Alice his daughter made a nun, 272.
Giggleswick, Gikeleswyk, Gikelswyk, co. York, W.R., 43 (p. 23).
-, ……, Cleatop in, q.v.
-, ……, Rathmell in, q.v.
-, ……, Settle in, q.v.
Gilbert, Gilberd, Geoffrey, 417.
-, ……, …., William son of, 417.
-, ……, Peter son of, of Great Coates, 525.
-, ……, Robert, 443.
Gilboun, David, 411.
Gild, Gilde, Gilt, Gult, Hugh, 266, 393, 456, 648.
-, ……, Isabel, 55 (p. 65).
-, ……, Robert, 648.
Gildanwell, co. York. See Gildingwells.
Gilde. See Gild.
Gildhousdale, Stephen de, 46 (p. 49).
Gildingwells, Gildanwell [in St. John, Throapham parish], co. York, W.R., 116 (p. 106).
Gildousdale, Gildusdale, co. York, E.R., 45 (p. 39), 524 (p. 421).
Giles, John, 646.
Gilham, John de, 634 (p. 503).
Gilkamban [near Greystoke], co. Cumb., park, 524 (p. 423).
Gillamoor, Gillyngmore [in Kirkby Moorside parish], co. York, N.R., 46 (p. 47), 657 (p. 554).
Gille, Gylle, Alan, 213.
-, ……, …., Beatrice his wife, afterwards the wife of John de Dyngele, 213.
Gilling, co. York, N.R., Cawton in, q.v.
Gillingham, co. Dorset, Mageston in, q.v.
Gillyng, co. Hunt. See Yelling.
Gillyngmore, co. York. See Gillamoor.
Gilsone, Nicholas, of Harewood, 126.
Gilt. See Gild.
Gimeges, Grmeges, Gymeges, Robert de, 446 (pp. 355, 356).
-, ……, …., Emma his daughter, 446 (p. 356).
-, ……, …., …., Hugh her son, 446 (p. 356).
-, ……, …., …., …., Alexander his son, 446 (p. 356).
-, ……, …., …., …., …., Agnes his daughter, married to John Paynel, 446 (p. 356).
Gippe, John, 614 (p. 481).
Gisburn, co. York, prior of. See Guisbrough.
-, ……, co. York, W.R., 43 (p. 26).
-, ……, Horton in, q.v.
-, ……, Middop in, q.v.
-, ……, Newsome in, q.v.
-, ……, Paythorne in, q.v.
-, ……, Rimington in, q.v.
-, ……, Swinden in, q.v.
-, ……, Westby in, q.v.
-, …… in Clvyeland, co. York. See Guisbrough.
Gislingham, Gylyngham [co. Suff.], 634 (p. 503).
Gissing, Gissingg, co. Norf., 400.
Givendale, Great, Northgeveldale, co. York, E.R., 84.
-, ……, Little, Estgeveldale [in Millington parish], co. York, E.R., 84.
Gladestry, Glaudestre [now co. Radnor], 640 (p. 534).
Glamford Bridge, Glauntfordbrig, co. Linc., 495.
Glanton [in Whittingham parish], co. N’humb., 248.
Glanvills, Glaunvylles, in Felstead parish, co. Essex, 570.
Glanvylle, Glaunvylles, Alice, aunt of Alice wife of John de Naylinghirst, 570.
-, ……, Alice daughter of John, married to John Nayleghirst, 392.
Glasene, John, 526.
-, ……, …., Agnes his daughter, married to Robert Aldholt, 526.
Glassonby, Glassanby [in Addingham parish], co. Cumb., 18.
-, ……, manor, 215.
Glastonbury, co. Somerset, abbot of, 175 (pp. 150, 152), 292, 474 (p. 375), 494.
Glatton, co. Hunt., manor, 447 (p. 356).
-, ……, Holme in, q.v.
Glatton, Reynold de, 122.
-, ……, …., his brother William, ordained chaplain, 122.
Glaudestre [co. Radnor]. See Gladestry.
Glauntfordbrig, co. Linc. See Glamford Bridge.
Glaunvylles. See Glanvylle.
Glaunvylles, co. Essex. See Glanvills.
Glemham, co. Suff., 296.
Glen, Gleen, Hugh de, 408.
-, ……, Hugh son of Peter de, 32.
Glen Magna, co. Leic., manor, 29.
-, …… Parva, Little Gleen, Little Glen [in Aylestone parish], co. Leic., manor, 32, 408.
Glencou (sic), co. Cumb. See Blencow.
Glenfeld, Clenfeld, John son of Nicholas de, 32, 408.
-, ……, Baldwin son of Nicholas de, and brother of John, 32, 408.
-, ……, John son of Peter de, father of Nicholas, 32.
-, ……, Nicholas de, 408.
-, ……, …., father of John, 32.
Glenfield, Clenfeld, Glenfeld, co. Leic., 32, 408.
-, ……, Dautevyle fee in, 32.
-, ……, manor, 32, 408.
Glentham, co. Linc., 46 (p. 56).
Glentworth, co. Linc., 46 (p. 55).
Gloucester, county, escheator in, See Berkele; Leden; Weston.
Gloucester, earl of, 42 (p. 21), 193 (p. 172), 277 (p. 244), 369, 433 (p. 343), 437 (p. 346), 617 bis, 638 (p. 515).
-, ……, ….. See Clare, Gilbert de.
-, ……, earldom of, 637.
-, ……, fee of, 107 (p. 97).
-, ……, honour, 46 (p. 46), 72, 104 bis, 238, 253 (p. 219), 312 (p. 261 bis), 322, 493, 557, 595, 639 (p. 525).
-, ……, …., court of, 253 (p. 220).
Gloucester, co. Glouc., 49, 193 (p. 173).
-, ……, castle, 614 (p. 478).
-, ……, ‘Castelmede’ and ‘Castelcoule’ in, 614 (p. 478).
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 34, 49, 218, 317, 326 (p. 277), 380, 491, 596, 640 (p. 540).
-, ……, St. Peter’s, abbot of, 277 (p. 243).
-, ……, the king’s Barton by, court of, 491.
Gloucestre, Walter son of Walter de, knight, 597.
-, ……, Walter de, 100 (p. 91).
-, ……, …., escheator on this side Trent, 340.
-, ……, Walter son of Walter de, knight, John son of, 597.
-, ……, …., Petronilla wife of, 597.
Glovere, Peter, 269.
Glyn-neath, Glyneth, co. Glamorgan, water of, fisheries in, 523 (p. 416).
Glyncothy, co. Carmarthen, forest, office of forester of, 324.
Glyneth, co. Glamorgan. See Glynneath.
Gnypp, Roger de, 602 bis.
Gnypton, co. Leic. See Knipton.
Goathill, Gothull, co. Somerset, manor, 173 (p. 147).
Goathurst, co. Somerset, Hunstile in, q.v.
Gobioun, Gobyoun, Henry, 98 (p. 85 bis).
-, ……, Thomas, 638 (p. 522 bis).
-, ……, William, 46 (p. 52), 127.
Gobyoun. See Gobioun.
Godalming, Godalmyng, co. Surrey, court at, 319.
-, ……, hundred, 319.
Godard, Agnes, 526.
-, ……, Walter, 533.
Godchep, Goudchep, Thomas, 388.
-, ……, …., Nicholaa wife of, 388 (p. 316).
-, ……, …., Theobald son of, 388.
Goddes, John, de Pyrye, 196.
Goddesfeld, Goldesfeld, Robert de, 46 (p. 55).
Godestowe. See Godstow.
Godewyne, John, 646.
Godfray, Richard, 645.
Godmere, Ralph, 391.
Godmon, John, 332.
Godsfield, Godefeld [co. Hants], master of the hospital of, 640 (p. 537).
Godshill, co. Hants, Isle of Wight, Appleford in, q.v.
Godstone, Wolkenesstede, Wolkenstede, co. Surrey, 27.
-, ……, Lagham in, q.v.
-, ……, Marden, Meredenne in, 81.
-, ……, Noubrich in, q.v.
Godstow, Godestowe [co. Oxford], abbess of, 640 (p. 537).
Godwynston, co. Kent. See Goodneston.
Goff, Philip, 646.
Gogh, John, 312 (p. 260).
-, ……, …., clerk, 191.
Golafre, William, 420.
-, ……, John, 269.
Goldale, co. York. See Gowdall.
Golde, John, 122.
-, ……, Peter, and Alice his wife, 19.
Goldecote, co. Worc. See Goldicote.
Golder, Goldore [in Pyrton parish], co. Oxford, 249 (p. 212).
Goldesfeld. See Goddesfeld.
Goldicote, Goldecote [in Alderminster parish], co. Worc., manor, 329.
Goldore, co. Oxford. See Golder.
Goldsmyth, William, of Lincoln, 475.
Goldstanton, in Ash parish, co. Kent, manor, 193 (p. 173).
Goldyndon, John de, 520 (p. 411).
Goldyngham, John, knight, 234.
Goldyngton, co. Linc., 46 (p. 55).
Goldyngton, John de, 638 (pp. 520, 523).
-, ……, ….. Cf. Coldyngton.
-, ……, John de, 164, 441.
-, ……, …., Katherine his wife, afterwards wife of John Fermer, 164, 441.
-, ……, …., …., their son John, 441.
Golsyng, Edith, 619.
Goltho, Golthagh, co. Linc., 46 (p. 55).
-, ……, manor, 217 (p. 196).
Gonaldeston, co. Nott. See Gonalston.
Gonaldeston, Alexander de, 120 bis.
-, ……, William son of Simon de, 120.
Gonalston, Gonaldeston, co. Nott., 120.
-, ……, manor, 70, 120.
-, ……, …., court at, 120.
-, ……, Clerk of, q.v.
-, ……, Plaston of, q.v.
Gonerby, Gunnerby [in Hatcliffe parish], co. Linc., 46 (p. 43), 657 (p. 555).
Goodmanham, Guthamendham, co. York, E.R., 43 (p. 24).
Goodneston, Godwynston [in Sittingbourne parish], co. Kent, manor, 193 (p. 174).
Goodrich, Castle Goodrich, co. Heref., manor, 326 (p. 278).
Gore, la Gore [in Upchurch parish], co. Kent, manor, 141 (p. 131), 193 (p. 174 bis).
Gorewell, co. Dorset. See Gorwell.
Gornay, John de, 100 (p. 90).
Gorscote, co. Staff. See Goscote.
Gorwell, Gorewell [in Litton Cheney parish], co. Dorset, 100 (p. 90).
-, ……, manor, 618 (p. 485), 620 (p. 487).
Goscote, Gosecote, co. Leic., hundred, bailiwick of, 116 (p. 108).
-, ……, Gorscote [near Walsall], co. Staff., 328 (p. 280).
Gosecote, co. Leic. See Goscote.
Goseford, co. Warw. See Cosford.
Goseford, John, 614 (p. 481).
Gosestrode, William de, 169.
-, ……, …., Thurstan son of, 169
Gosfield, Gosefeld, Cosfeld, co. Essex, 638 (p. 522).
Gossalin, Robert, 640 (p. 539).
Gossholm, Richard, 46 (p. 53).
Gotham, co. Nott., 437 (p. 346), 599.
-, ……, advowson, 599.
-, ……, manor, 599.
Gothull, co. Somerset. See Goathill.
Gotle, John de, 629 (p. 496).
Goudchep. See Godchep.
Gour, John, 251, 640 (p. 531).
Gourley, John de, 444.
Goushull, co. Linc. See Goxhill.
Goushull, John de, 456, 457, 648.
-, ……, …., John his son, 456, 457.
-, ……, Richard de, 457.
-, ……, Thomas de, 308.
Gousill, co. Linc. See Goxhill.
Gouteby, co. Linc. See Gautby.
Gouteby, Thomas de, chaplain, 46 (p. 57).
Gouthorpe, co. York. See Gowthorpe.
Gouyz, Brian de, 100 (pp. 89, 90).
-, ……, …., his sons John and Brian, 100 (p. 89).
Gowdall, Goldale [in Snaith parish], co. York, W.R., 58 (pp. 67 bis, 68).
Gower, co. Glamorgan, lordship, 324.
Gower, Robert, Katherine and Joan daughters of, 395.
Gowthorpe, Gouthorpe [in Bishop Wilton parish], co. York, E.R., 518 (p. 408).
Goxhill, Goushull, Gousill, co. Linc., 45 (p. 37).
-, ……, manor, 45 (p. 32).
Gra, William, of York, 555.
Graby, Greiby [in Aslackby parish], co. Linc., 432.
Grace, Thomas, 318.
Grâce Dieu [co. Leic.], prioress of, 252 (p. 216).
Gracis, Gracys, in Little Baddow parish, co. Essex, 441.
Grafham, co. Hunt., 433 (p. 343).
Grai. See Grey.
Grainsby, Greynesby, co. Linc., manor, 42 (p. 21).
Grammary, Gramary, alias Gramer, William, knight, 58.
-, ……, William son of John de, 272.
-, ……, Henry, knight, 58 (p. 66).
-, ……, Henry son of William, 58 (pp. 67, 68).
-, ……, John, 58 (p. 68).
-, ……, Thomas, 272.
-, ……, William, knight, 272.
-, ……, …., Joan his wife, 58 (p. 69).
-, ……, …., Sarah sometime his wife, 58 (p. 69).
-, ……, …., John his son, and Elizabeth his wife, 58 (p. 69).
-, ……, …., …., …., their son William, 58 (pp. 67, 68, 69).
-, ……, William son of William, 58 (p. 69).
Grampound, Grauntpount [by Oxford], co. Berks, inquisition made at, 622 (p. 488).
Grandissono, Grandissone, Graunsoun, Grauntson, Otto de, 521.
-, ……, Peter de, 438.
-, ……, John de, bishop of Exeter, 241, 438, 521 (p. 413 bis).
-, ……, Otho de, 214, 253 (p. 218), 439.
-, ……, …., Beatrice wife of, 521.
-, ……, …., …., their son Thomas, knight, 521.
-, ……, Thomas de, 438, 640 (p. 540).
-, ……, …., Margaret wife of, 438.
Graneby, Richard de, 277 (p. 244).
Gransden, Grantesden [co. Hunt.], 347.
-, ……, Draper of, q.v.
Grantchester, Grantesete, co. Camb., manor, 253 (p. 219).
Grantesden [co. Hunt.]. See Gransden.
Grantesete, co. Camb. See Grantchester.
Grantham, co. Linc., inquisitions taken at, 211 (p. 193), 514.
-, ……, manor and soke, 639 (p. 528).
-, ……, market and fair at, 639 (p. 528).
-, ……, Manthorpe in, q.v.
Grapynel, Richard, rector of St. Margarets, 441.
Gras, de Gras, le Gras, John, 43 (pp. 24, 26 bis), 58 (p. 66).
Grassington, Gersyngton [in Linton parish], co. York, W.R., 43 (p. 26).
Grassthorpe, Gresthorp, co. Nott., lord of, 45 (p. 33).
Graunger, Robert, 381.
Graunsoun. See Grandissono.
Grauntpount. See Grampound.
Grauntson. See Grandissono.
Grave, co. Oxford. See Groveash.
Grave, John de la, 598 (p. 464).
Graveley, co. Hertf., Chesfield in, q.v.
Gravelyt [co. Heref.]. See Gatley.
Gravesend, Gravesende, co. Kent, 326 (p. 278).
Gravesende, Thomas de, 326 (p. 278).
Graveshale, John de, 638 (p. 521).
Gray. See Grey.
Grayingham, Greyngham, co. Linc., 45 (p. 37).
Graystok. See Greystok.
Greasley, co. Nott., Willey in, q.v.
Greenfield, Grenefeld, Grenfeld, co. Linc., Margaret prioress of, 264.
-, ……, nun professed at, 479.
Greenwich, West, Westgrenewich, co. Kent, manor, 517 (p. 404), 639 (p. 523).
Greet, Grete [in Winchcomb parish], co. Glouc., 130, 193 (p. 173).
-, ……, …., Daftyn of, q.v.
-, ……, Grete, co. Salop, inquisition made at, 425.
Greetham, Gretham, co. Linc., manor, 46 (p. 43), 657 (p. 555).
Grei. See Grey.
Greiby, co. Linc. See Graby.
Grelle, Thomas, 108.
Grendal, Amy de, 46 (p. 57).
Grendon. See Crendon.
Grene, Henry, 42 (p. 21), 638 (p. 514).
-, ……, …., commissioner, 640 (p. 533).
-, ……, …., knight, 520 (p. 411).
-, ……, John atte, 196.
-, ……, …., brother of Thomas, and Alice (Knyght) his wife, 396.
-, ……, John, chaplain, 543.
-, ……, John del, of Settrington, 459.
-, ……, John in le, 268.
-, ……, Nicholas, Nicholas de, 484 (pp. 383, 384, 385).
-, ……, …., Joan (de Bruys), his wife, 484 (pp. 383, 384, 385).
-, ……, Richard del, 43 (p. 26).
-, ……, Stephen del, 524 (p. 426).
-, ……, Thomas atte, 396.
-, ……, William atte, of Houghton, 196.
-, ……, William son of John del, 459.
Grenefeld, Grenfeld, co. Linc. See Greenfield.
Grenhou, Walter de, 43 (p. 27).
Greote, Robert de, 650.
Gresham, co. Norf., 314 (p. 265).
-, ……, manor, 82, 314 (p. 265), 315.
Gressenhall, Grossenhale, co. Norf., manor, 634 (p. 502).
Gresthorp, co. Nott. See Grassthorpe.
Grete, co. Glouc. See Greet.
-, ……, co. Salop. See Greet.
Gretford, John de, 333.
Gretham, co. Linc. See Greetham.
Gretton [in Winchcomb parish], co. Glouc., 193 (p. 173).
Grey, Grai, Gray, Grei, Greye, John de, of Rotherfield, knight, 518.
-, ……, Roger de, knight, 107.
-, ……, Benet, chaplain, 616.
-, ……, David, 43 (p. 29).
-, ……, Hugh, and Joan his wife, 638 (p. 517).
-, ……, John de, 45 (p. 39), 46 (p. 48).
-, ……, John de, or le, of Codnor, 193 (p. 174), 249 (p. 212), 638 (p. 516).
-, ……, …., …., knight, 94.
-, ……, …., of Rotherfield, knight, Avice wife of, 518 (pp. 405, 407, 408).
-, ……, …., …., …., their son John, knight, 518.
-, ……, …., …., …., John Marmyon their son, 518 (p. 408).
-, ……, …., …., Katherine wife of, 518 (pp. 406–408).
-, ……, …., of Ruthyn, 47, 620, 642.
-, ……, Reynold de, 115, 640 (p. 540).
-, ……, …., of Ruthyn, 638 (p. 519).
-, ……, …., of Wilton, 638 (p. 519).
-, ……, …., knight, son of Roger de, 107.
-, ……, Richard de, escheator in co. Nottingham, 323.
-, ……, …., knight, 211 (pp. 190, 192), 249 (p. 212).
-, ……, …., …., Eleanor wife of, 211 (p. 192).
-, ……, Richard le, of Codnor, Robert son of, 175, 292.
-, ……, …., …., …., Elizabeth wife of, 175, 292.
-, ……, Robert de, of Codnor, 638 (p. 514).
-, ……, Thomas, knight, 43 (pp. 29, 30), 638 (p. 522).
-, ……, Walter de, 43 (p. 26).
-, ……, William, 46 (p. 52).
Greyndore, Laurence, 449.
-, ……, …., Margaret (de Abbehale) his wife, 449.
Greyndorge, William, 43 (p. 25).
Greynesby, co. Linc. See Grainsby.
Greyngham, co. Linc. See Grayingham.
Greystok, Craystok, Creistok, Graystok, William baron of, 524.
-, ……, John son of William son of Adam de, 524 (p. 425).
-, ……, Ralph son of William de, 524.
-, ……, Ralph baron of, 524 (p. 423).
-, ……, ….. Alice wife of, afterwards wife of Ralph de Nevill, knight, 524 (p. 423).
-, ……, William baron of, 46 (p. 48).
-, ……, …., Joan wife of, 524 (p. 423).
-, ……, William de, 63.
Greystoke, Craystock, Craystok, Creistok, co. Cumb., 524 (pp. 425 bis, 426).
-, ……, advowson, 524 (p. 425).
-, ……, court of, 524 (p. 425).
-, ……, four foresterships of, 524 (p. 423).
-, ……, manor, 524 (pp. 423–425).
-, ……, ‘le Hevedpark,’ 524 (pp. 423, 424).
Greyvyle, John de, 100 (p. 90).
-, ……, …., his daughter Alice, 100 (p. 90).
Griff’, Joan ap, 328 (p. 280).
Griffith, Griffutz, Griffyn, Griffyth, Gruff’, Gruffith, Gruffuth, Gruffutz, Rees ap, or Rees de Gruff, the elder, knight, 323, 324.
-, ……, Rees ap, the elder, knight, 254 (pp. 220, 221, 223, 224).
-, ……, …., …., Joan (de Somervill) his wife, 254 (pp. 220, 221, 223, 224), 323, 324.
-, ……, …., …., Rees his son, 323, 324.
Grigori, Henry, 265.
Grimesby, co. Linc. See Grimsby.
Grimeston, Grymeston, Grymston, Gerard de, 456.
-, ……, Robert de, 417.
-, ……, Roger de, 43 (p. 24).
-, ……, Thomas de, 457, 648.
Grimeston, co. York. See Grimston.
Grimmesby, co. Linc. See Grimsby.
Grimsbury, Grymesbery [co. N’hamp., in Banbury parish, co. Oxford], 491.
Grimsby, Grimesby, Grimmesby, Grymesby, co. Linc., 46 (p. 43), 525, 657 (p. 555).
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 99 (p. 88 bis).
Grimscote, Grymmescote, Grymscote [in Cold Higham parish], co. N’hamp., 46 (p. 53), 520 (p. 411).
Grimshoe, Grymesho, co. Norf., hundred, 590.
Grimsthorpe, Grymesthorp [in Edenham parish], co. Linc., manor, 495.
Grimston, Grymeston, co. Norf., manor, 634 (pp. 501, 502).
-, ……, North, Grimeston, co. York, E.R., 36.
Grinton, co. York, N.R., Reeth in, q.v.
Grisdale, Grysdale [in Greystoke parish], co. Cumb., forest, 524 (p. 423).
-, ……, …., foresters of, 524 (pp. 425, 426).
Gristhwaite, Gristhwayt [in Topcliffe parish], co. York, N.R., 43 (p. 23).
Groby [in Ratby parish], co. Leic., 32, 333, 408.
-, ……, manor, 195, 408.
Grofhurst, Grofhirst, Henry de, 388 (pp. 315, 316).
Grosmont or Grandimont [in Egton parish], co. York, N.R., prior of, 43 (p. 27).
Grossenhale, co. Norf. See Gressenhall.
Grosset, Theobald, 489.
-, ……, …., Cecily his mother, daughter of John de Wolverton, 489.
-, ……, …., Elizabeth his sister, married to William Bars, 489.
Grove, Grove in Wodenesberghe, in Woodnesborough parish, co. Kent, manor, 567, 653.
Grove, John de, of Chalfont St. Giles, 12.
-, ……, Walter de, son of John, 12.
Groveash Farm, Grave [in Over Worton parish], co. Oxford, 160.
Gruff’, Gruffith, Gruffuth, Gruffutz. See Griffith.
Gruthurst, Henry, 614 (p. 480).
-, ……, Thomas, 614 (p. 480).
Gryffyn, John, 46 (p. 53).
Grym, Robert son of Robert, 331.
-, ……, Robert, the father, 331.
-, ……, William, rector of Alcester, co. Warw., 119.
Grymesbery, co. N’hamp. See Grimsbury.
Grymesby, co. Linc. See Grimsby.
Grymesby, Grymmesby, Edmund de, 523 (pp. 414, 415, 416).
-, ……, Simon de, 46 (p. 56).
Grymesho, co. Norf. See Grimshoe.
Grymesthorp, co. Linc. See Grimsthorpe.
Grymeston, co. Norf. See Grimston.
Grymeston. See Grimeston.
Grymmesby. See Grymesby.
Grymmescote, Grymscote, co. N’hamp. See Grimscote.
Grymstede, John de, son of Adam, 645.
-, ……, …., father of Thomas, 628 (p. 495).
-, ……, …., son of Thomas, 440.
-, ……, Peter de, uncle of Thomas de, 628 (p. 495).
-, ……, Thomas de, 440.
Grymston. See Grimeston.
Grys, William, married to Alice de Sapecote, 124.
Grysdale, co. Cumb. See Grisdale.
Guernsey, Gernereye, keeper of. See Ferariis, Thomas de.
Guestling, Gestlyng, co. Sussex, inquisition taken at, 234.
Guildford, Geldeforde, Guldeford, Guldeforde, co. Surrey, 169, 622 (p. 488).
-, ……, gaol delivery of, 451.
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 611, 614 (p. 479).
-, ……, St. Nicholas parish, alias Artington, Loseley in, 319.
-, ……, ….. See Artington.
Guiltcross, Gyldecros, co. Norf., hundred, 447 (p. 357).
Guisbrough, Gisburn, Gyseburn in Clyveland, in Cleveland, co. York, N.R., inquisitions taken at, 35, 36.
-, ……, prior of, 43 (p. 27), 101.
Guiseley, co. York, W.R., Carlton in, q.v.
-, ……, Rawden in, q.v.
-, ……, Yeadon in, q.v.
Guiting Power, Nethergutyng, co. Glouc., 193 (p. 173).
-, ……, Temple, Gutyng, co. Glouc., manor, 193 (p. 173).
-, ……, …., Barton in, q.v.
-, ……, …., Kineton in, q.v.
Guizance, Gysens [in Shilbottle parish], co. N’humb., town, 43 (p. 29).
Guldeford, Guldeforde, co. Surrey. See Guildford.
Gult. See Gild.
Gunnerby, co. Linc. See Gonerby.
Gunton, co. Suff., manor, 379.
Gussage, Gussych, co. Dorset, 639 (p. 528).
-, …… St. Andrew’s, Gussuch St. Andrew’s, co. Dorset, 312 (p. 261).
-, …… St. Michael, co. Dorset, manor, 639 (p. 528).
Guthamendham, co. York. See Goodmanham.
Gutyng, co. Glouc. See Guiting.
Guy, John son of Simon son of, 46 (p. 56 bis).
Guyen. See Gyen.
Gwarthlow, Upper, Overgorthore, co. Salop [near Church Stoke, co. Montg.], 158 bis.
Gwerthrynion, Warthreynon, Warthrenion [now co. Radnor], commote, 640 (pp. 534, 535).
Gybbe, Thomas, clerk, 500.
Gybon, Gyboun, John, of Martinsthorpe, 201.
-, ……, Thomas, 454.
Gyen, Guyen, Gyene, de Gyen, Robert, of Bristol, 100, 231.
-, ……, …., Egelina, Egelyna, wife of, 100 (pp. 89, 90).
-, ……, …., …., her first husband John de Wyke, 100 (p. 90).
-, ……, Robert son of John, clerk, of Somerset, 100 (pp. 89, 90).
Gyffard. See Giffard.
Gyldecros, co. Norf. See Guiltcross.
Gylle. See Gille.
Gylyngham, co. Suff. See Gislingham.
Gymeges. See Gimeges.
Gymyles, Robert, of Stachesden, 369.
Gynge Rauf, co. Essex. See Ingrave.
Gyseburn in Clyveland, co. York. See Guisbrough.
Gysens, co. N’humb. See Guizance.
Gyssinge, Thomas, 498.