Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 10, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.
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A. E. Stamp, E. Salisbury, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, 'Index of Persons and Places: F', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 10, Edward III(London, 1921), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].
A. E. Stamp, E. Salisbury, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, 'Index of Persons and Places: F', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 10, Edward III(London, 1921), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,
A. E. Stamp, E. Salisbury, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly. "Index of Persons and Places: F". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 10, Edward III. (London, 1921), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.
Fabel, Thomas, 104, 363.
-, ……, …., John son of, 400.
-, ……, Thomas, 309.
-, ……, …., John son of, 104.
-, ……, William, 363, 400.
-, ……, …., clerk, 104.
Faccombe, co. Hants, 294.
Facombergh. See Faucomberge.
Fadmoor, Fademore [in Kirkby Moorside parish], co. York, N.R., 46 (p. 47), 657 (p. 554).
Fag, Marmaduke, 616.
-, ……, John son of Marmaduke, 616.
-, ……, John, and Katharine his wife, 616.
-, ……, Marmaduke, Alice his wife, 616.
-, ……, Thomas, 616.
Fairestede, co. Essex. See Fairsted.
Fairford [co. Glouc.], manor, 437 (p. 347).
Fairford, Farford, Richard de, 137.
-, ……, …., Richard son of, 137.
-, ……, …., …., Amabel daughter of, 137.
-, ……, …., Thomas and John sons of, 137.
Fairlight, Farlegh, co. Sussex, 234.
-, …… alias Frenshcourt, co. Sussex, manor, 234.
Fairman, John, 383.
-, ……, Walter, 383.
Fairsted, Fairestede, Fayrstede, co. Essex, 46 (p. 52 bis).
-, ……, manor, 98 (p. 87).
Fakenham, co. Norf., manor, 447 (p. 358).
-, …… Magna, co. Suff., 3, 411.
-, …… …., Gerard of, q.v.
Faldingworth, Faldyngworth, co. Linc., 46 (pp. 54, 55).
Faldyngworth, co. Linc. See Faldingworth.
Falewesle, co. N’hamp. See Fawsley.
Falkebourne, Falkeburn, co. Essex. See Faulkbourne.
Fallardeston, co. Wilts. See Faulston.
Falwerigge, co. Devon, 241.
Falwesle, Thomas de, 87.
-, ……, …., his son John, 87.
Fambridge, South, Southfambr’, co. Essex, manor, 639 (p. 526).
Fanacourt, Bartholomew, 35.
Fange, co. Essex. See Vange.
Fanne, co. Kent. See Vanne.
Fannere, Robert, 48.
-, ……, …., Elizabeth his daughter, 48.
-, ……, …., …., her son John, 48.
Far Cotton, co. N’hamp. See Cotton.
Fareham, Suthfarham, co. Hants, inquisition taken at, 246.
Farford. See Fairford.
Faringdon, Farndon, co. Berks, inquisitions taken at, 326 (p. 277), 523 (p. 415).
Farle, John de, 42 (p. 21).
Farlegh, co. Somerset. See Farleigh Hungerford.
-, ……, co. Sussex. See Fairlight.
Farleigh Hungerford, Farlegh, Farleye, co. Somerset, manor, 253 (p. 220).
-, …… …., rector of, 253 (p. 220).
-, ……, Monkton, Monckenefarlegh [co. Wilts], court at, 100 (p. 90).
Farlesthorp, Thomas de, 475, 479
-, ……, …., Philip his brother, 475.
Farlesthorpe, Farlesthorp, co. Linc., 46 (p. 56).
Farley, William de, lord of Horton, 614 (p. 479).
Farleye, co. Somerset. See Farleigh Hungerford.
Farman, John, 455, 458.
Farnborough, Farnbergh, co. Kent, 521 (p. 413 bis).
Farndale [in Kirkby Moorside parish], co. York, N.R., 46 (p. 47), 657 (p. 554).
-, ……, chapel of the brethren of the Holy Trinity, advowson of, 46 (p. 50).
Farndon, co. Berks. See Faringdon.
Farnham [Royal], co. Buck., manor and advowson, 637 (p. 511).
-, ……, co. Dorset, 312 (p. 261).
-, …… [co. Surrey], manor, 626.
Farnhulle, co. Wilts. See Fernhill.
Farningham, Fremyngham, co. Kent, 521 (p. 413).
-, ……, Chartons in, q.v.
-, ……, Pedham in, q.v.
Farnyngho, co. N’hamp. See Farthinghoe.
Farthingeston, Farthingestone, co. N’hamp. See Farthingstone.
Farthinghoe, Farnyngho, co. N’hamp., 321 (p. 273), 520 (p. 411).
-, ……, manor, 249 (pp. 211, 212).
Farthingstone, Farthingeston, Farthingestone, co. N’hamp., 520 (p. 411 bis).
Fasterne, co. Wilts. See Vastern.
Faucomberge, Fauconberge, Fauconbergh, Faucumberge, de Faucumbergh, Facombergh, Faukeberge,Thomas, of Withernwick, 255.
-, ……, …., …., Alice wife of, 255.
-, ……, …., …., …., Walter their son, 255.
-, ……, John, 378.
-, ……, …., Alice wife of, formerly wife of Giles de Bassyngbourn, 378.
-, ……, Walter, 35, 43 (p. 27), 377, 456, 496, 518 (p. 408), 520.
-, ……, …., Maud (de Pateshull) his wife, 520.
-, ……, …., …., their sons Roger, John and Thomas, 520.
-, ……, …., of Withernwick, 457, 651.
Fauelore, co. Berks. See Fawler.
Fauelore, Faueloure, Peter de, 604, 659.
-, ……, Gregory, 604.
-, ……, Peter, 639 (p. 526 bis).
Faukeberge. See Faucomberge.
Faukener, John, 318.
Faukham, co. Kent. See Fawkham.
Faulkbourne, Falkeburn, Falkebourne, co. Essex, manor, 104 bis.
Faulston, Fallardeston [in Bishopstone parish], co. Wilts, 440.
-, ……, manor, 440.
Faverbank, co. Westm., 256.
Faversham, Feveresham, co. Kent, abbot of, 604, 638 (p. 516).
Fawkham, Faukham, co. Kent, manor, 521 (p. 412).
Fawler, Fauelore [in Sparsholt parish], co. Berks, 607 (p. 473).
Fawley, South, Southfalle, co. Berks, 110.
Fawsley, Falewesle, co. N’hamp., church of, 381.
-, ……, manor, 87.
Fay, George de, 493.
Fayrhull, co. N’hamp., manor, 42 (p. 21).
Fayrstede, co. Essex. See Fairsted.
Fearby, Figherbi [in Masham parish], co. York, N.R., 518 (p. 408).
Fécamp [Seine Inférieure, France], abbot of, 319.
Feering, Feryngg, co. Essex, 638 (pp. 521, 523).
Feld, Felde, Hubert del, 533.
-, ……, Richard ate, 118.
-, ……, …., John son of, 118.
Feliskirk, co. York, N.R., Boltby in, q.v.
-, ……, Thirlby in, q.v.
Felstead, Felstede, co. Essex, Glanvills, Glaunvylles in, 570.
Feltewell, co. Norf. See Feltwell.
Feltham, Thomas de, 318.
Felton, co. N’humb., inquisition made at, 654, 656.
-, ……, Brinkburn in, q.v.
Felton, William de, the elder, 444, 445.
-, ……, Isabel, wife of William de, the elder, 444.
-, ……, John de, 203.
-, ……, …., lord of Hacconby, 194 bis.
-, ……, …., …., Maude de Hauvill his wife, 194.
-, ……, William de, knight, son of William the elder, 444, 445.
-, ……, William de, escheator in Northumberland, 615.
Feltwell, Feltewell, co. Norf., 598 (p. 465).
-, ……, water of, fishery in, 598 (p. 465).
Fen, John atte, 392, 526.
-, ……, …., Robert his father, 526.
Fen Drayton, co. Hunt. See Drayton.
Fenby, co. Linc., 525.
-, ……, Daulyn of, q.v.
-, ……, Launde of, q.v.
-, …… [in Ashby], co. Linc., 657 (p. 555).
Fenhampton [in Weobley parish], co. Heref., 307 (p. 256).
Fennistratford, co. Buck. See Stratford.
Fennisuttone, co. Wilts. See Sutton.
Fenny Neubold, co. Warw. See Newbold Revel.
Fennystanton, co. Hunt. See Stanton.
Fennysuttone, co. Wilts. See Sutton.
Fenton Culvert, Fenton, Fenton Kelvert [in Stoke upon Trent parish], co. Staff., 253 (p. 217), 431, 603.
Fenwyk, John de, 524 (p. 424 bis).
-, ……, John son of …, 254 (p. 222).
-, ……, …., Katherine wife of, 254 (p. 222).
-, ……, Thomas de, 254 (p. 222), 524 (p. 424 ter).
-, ……, …., Joan wife of, 254 (p. 222), 524 (p. 424 bis).
Fenys, lord of, 185 (p. 161).
Ferariis, Ferarriis, Ferers, Ferrariis, Ferrers, Robert de, 97.
-, ……, …., John son of, kinsman of Hawise wife of John de Ferariis, 122.
-, ……, Thomas de, keeper of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney and Sark, 98.
-, ……, William son of Henry de, 195.
-, ……, Hawise wife of John de, 122.
-, ……, Henry de, 42 (p. 20), 98 (p. 87), 408.
-, ……, …., father of William, 195.
-, ……, …., heir of, 32 bis.
-, ……, John de, 520 (p. 411).
-, ……, John son of Robert de, 46 (p. 51), 97.
-, ……, Ralph de, 116 (p. 108), 510, 637 (p. 512).
-, ……, Thomas de, 116 (p. 105).
-, ……, …., Ankaretta la Straunge, sometime wife of, 98 (p. 85).
-, ……, William de, 300.
-, ……, …., and Isabel his wife, daughter of Theobald de Verdon, 637.
-, ……, …., knight, 333, 638 (p. 517).
-, ……, …., …., his daughter Anne, married to Edward le Despenser, 333.
-, ……, …., …., son of Henry de, 98, 408, 447 (p. 359).
Feraunt, Thomas, of Minting, 46 (p. 56).
Ferers. See Ferariis.
Ferie, John ate, atte, 379 ter.
Fermbaud, Fermebaud, John, knight, 107 (p. 97).
-, ……, Thomas, collector of an aid, 361.
Fermer, John, 164.
-, ……, …., Katherine wife of, 441.
-, ……, John, 441, 586, 638 (pp. 516, 518).
-, ……, …., Katherine wife of, 164.
-, ……, …., …., her former husband. See Goldyngton.
-, ……, …., Nicholas his son, 164.
Fermerie, Walter de, 47.
-, ……, …., Amice his wife, 47.
Fernham [in Shrivenham parish], co. Berks, manor, 326 (p. 277).
-, ……, co. Hants. See Vernhams Dean.
Fernhill, Farnhulle [in Tisbury parish], co. Wilts, 614 (p. 479).
Ferour, Alice daughter of Peter le, married to William de Lutton, 45 (p. 40).
Ferrariis. See Ferariis.
Ferre, de Forri, Guy (temp. Edward I), 177.
Ferrers. See Ferariis.
Ferriby, North, co. York, E.R., Swanland in, q.v.
Fersshedon by Esthrop, co. Wilts. See Fresden.
Ferthyng, Geoffrey, 537.
Feryngford, co. Oxford. See Fringford.
Feryngg, co. Essex. See Feering.
Fevere, Fevre, Ellis le, 118.
-, ……, Robert le, 43 (p. 26).
Feveresham, co. Kent. See Faversham.
Fevre. See Fevere.
Feynles. See Fienles.
Feypo, Francis, knight, 337.
Fiddington, Fytyngdon, co. Somerset, 501.
Fiddleford, Fitelforde [in Sturminster Newton parish], co. Dorset, 263.
Fienles, Fyenles, Feynles, William de, 629.
-, ……, Joan de, wife of William, 629.
-, ……, Joan de, late wife of Adam de Shareshull, grandmother of William de Fienles, 629 (p. 495).
-, ……, John de, father of William, 629 (p. 495).
-, ……, John de, son of William, 629 (p. 495).
Figherbi, co. York. See Fearby.
Filgrave [co. Buck], 46 (p. 53).
Fililod, John de, bailiff of the manor of Burstwick, 651.
-, ……, William de, escheator, 415.
Filingham, co. Linc. See Fillingham.
Filkins, Filkyng [in Broadwell parish], co. Oxford, 193 (p. 173).
-, ……, Netherfylkynges [in Broadwell parish], co. Oxford, 614 (p. 479).
Fillingham, Filingham, Filyngham, co. Linc., 46 (p. 55 bis).
-, ……, manor, 389 (p. 318).
Fillol, Anne de, 639 (p. 526).
Fillongley, Filungleye, co. Warw., manor, 193 (p. 175 bis).
Filol, William, and Mary his wife, 27.
Filungleye, co. Warw. See Fillongley.
Filyngham, co. Linc. See Fillingham.
Filz Symound. See Fitz Simon.
Filz Wauter. See Fitz Water.
Finch, John, 388 (p. 315).
Finchingfield, Fynchyngfeld, Finchingfeld, Finchyngfeld, co. Essex, 535, 638 (p. 522 bis).
Finchley, Fyncheslegh, co. Middx., 439.
Fingrith, Fingr’ [in Blackmore parish], co. Essex, manor, 638 (p. 517).
Finian, Walter, 42 (p. 21).
Finmere, Fynmer, co. Oxford, inquisition taken at, 523 (p. 416).
-, ……, manor, 523 (p. 417), 639 (p. 525), 640 (p. 530).
Firbeck, Frithebek, co. York, W.R., 116 (p. 106).
-, ……, Stone in, q.v.
Firby, Fritheby [in Westow parish], co. York, E.R., 36.
Firle, West, co. Sussex, Charlston in, q.v.
-, ……, …., Heighton in, q.v.
Firsby, Frisby [in Candleshoe wapentake], co. Linc., 520 (p. 410).
Firthmore [near Long Benton?], co. N’humb., 524 (p. 422).
Fish, Richard, 254 (p. 221).
Fisherwick, Fissherwyke [in St. Michael’s parish, Lichfield], co. Staff., manor, 328 (p. 280).
Fisk, Hugh, 48.
Fisshburn, Fissheburn, Henry de, 43 (pp. 27, 28).
Fissher, Fisshere, Henry, 528.
-, ……, …., Joan his wife, 528.
-, ……, Jurdan, 497.
Fissherwyke, co. Staff. See Fisherwick.
Fitelforde, co. Dorset. See Fiddleford.
Fittleton, Fydelton, co. Wilts, 46 (p. 57).
Fitz Alan, Edmund, earl of Arundel, father of Richard, 320.
-, ……, Richard, earl of Arundel, 43 (pp. 22, 30), 189, 203, 249 (p. 212), 320, 540 (p. 440).
-, ……, …., …., his daughter Eleanor. See Arundell.
-, ……, …., …., Eleanor his wife, 43 (p. 30).
Fitz Aleyn, Thomas, 334.
Fitz Ayer, John, 320.
-, ……, …., Hugh son of, 320.
-, ……, …., …., Aline his wife, 320.
-, ……, …., …., Thomas his son, 320.
-, ……, …., …., …., Margery daughter of, 320.
Fitz Elis, Margaret, 277 (p. 243).
Fitz Estephene, Henry, 614 (p. 478).
Fitz Eustace, John brother of Thomas, 527.
-, ……, Thomas, 527.
Fitz Gerald, Maurice son of Thomas, earl of Kildare, justiciary of Ireland, 337.
Fitz Gy, Robert, 321 (p. 272).
Fitz Herbert, Fitz Herberd, Fitzherbert, Edmund son of Reynold le, 531.
-, ……, Matthew, 317.
-, ……, …., Margaret wife of, 370.
-, ……, Reynold, 474.
-, ……, Edmund son of Reynold, 474, 541.
-, ……, Joan wife of Reynold, afterwards married to Thomas Blount, 474 (p. 376), 531.
-, ……, Matthew, 192 (p. 169), 370.
-, ……, …., Margaret wife of, 317.
-, ……, Reynold brother of Matthew, 317, 370.
-, ……, …., his daughters Margaret and Elizabeth, 317, 370.
-, ……, Reynold le, 531.
-, ……, …. (Reynold son of Herbert), Alice daughter of, 317.
-, ……. See also Herbert.
Fitz Hugh, Fitz Hue, John, of the county of Bedford, 423.
-, ……, …., …., Elizabeth (Gamage) his wife, 423.
-, ……, Nicholas, 448.
-, ……, …., John son of, 448.
Fitz John, Fitz Johan, Henry, 448.
-, ……, John, bailiff of the honour of Wallingford, 448.
-, ……, Simon, 638 (p. 522).
Fitz Ours, Robert, parson of Bawdrip, co. Somerset, 38.
Fitz Payn, Fitzpayn, Robert, 175.
-, ……, …., Ela wife of, 292.
-, ……, Robert, Robert le, 191, 292, 312 (p. 260), 501, 563, 646.
-, ……, …., Ela wife of, 175.
-, ……, …., Isabel daughter, of married to John Chidyok, 175.
-, ……, …., lord of Marshwood, 399.
-, ……, …., lord of Okeford Fitzpaine, 263.
-, ……, Robert son of Robert, 638.
Fitz Rauf, John, 613, 638 (pp. 520, 521).
-, ……, Simon, knight, 264.
Fitz Reynald, Fitz Reynauld, Alice wife of Reynold, 541.
-, ……, John, 541.
Fitz Richard, John, 577.
-, ……, William, 638 (p. 522).
Fitz Roger, Fitz Rogger, Fitz Rogier, Henry, 29.
-, ……, Henry, 29, 474.
-, ……, …., Alan son of, 29.
-, ……, …., Elizabeth wife of, 29, 541.
Fitz Simon, Fitz Symon, Fitz Symond, Filz Symound, Fitz Simond, Hugh, 46 (p. 53), 468 (p. 374), 640 (p. 539).
-, ……, …., escheator, 190 (p. 167).
Fitz Stephen. See Fitz Estephene.
Fitz Walter, Fitz Water, Filz Wauter, Fitz Wauter, Fiz Water, Fiz Wauter, John, 164, 309, 441.
-, ……, Robert le, 105 (p. 95).
-, ……, lady le, 193 (p. 174).
-, ……, the lord, 498, 638 (p. 515).
Fitz Waryn, Fiz Waryn, Fytz Waryn, Amery, escheator in co. Devon, 88.
-, ……, Fulk, Fulk le, or de, 43 (p. 26), 115, 133, 438, 493, 597, 619.
-, ……, …., Eleanor wife of, 597.
-, ……, …., Fulk son of, 133.
-, ……, Mabel, 616.
-, ……, William, knight, 312 (p. 260).
Fitz Water. See Fitz Walter.
Fitz Wyth, le Fitzwyth, Robert, 334 bis.
Fitzherbert. See Fitz Herbert.
Fitzpayn. See Fitz Payn.
Fitzwyth. See Fitz Wyth.
Fiz Waryn. See Fitz Waryn.
Fiz Water, Fiz Wauter. See Fitz Walter.
Flanders, journey to, 194.
Flascowe, co. Cumb. See Fluskew.
Flasescogh, co. Westm., 524 (p. 424).
Flat, Walter del, 215.
Flathewath, Luke de, 46 (p. 48).
Flathewath, co. York. See Flawith.
Flaumvyll, William de, knight, 195.
-, ……, …., …., Margaret de Stoke his wife, 195.
Flawith, Flathewath [in Alne parish], co. York, N.R., 46 (p. 48).
Flaxton [in Bossall parish], co. York, N.R., 46 (p. 48).
Flecchyng, co. Sussex. See Fletching.
Fleckney, Flekeneye, co. Leic, 637 (p. 512).
Flecknoe, Fleckenho, Flekkenho [in Wolfhamcote parish], co. Warw., manor, 116 (p. 108), 637 (p. 508).
-, ……, Great Fleckenho [in Wolfhamcote parish], co. Warw., 637 (p. 513).
Fledborough, Fledburgh, co. Nott., lord of, 45 (p. 33).
Fleet, Flete [in Ash parish], co. Kent, manor, 193 (p. 173), 638 (p. 516).
-, ……, Flete, Flete in Holand, co. Linc., church of St. Mary Magdalene &c., 533.
-, ……, …., John parson of, 533.
-, ……, …., Hode of, q.v.
Flekeneye, co. Leic. See Fleckney.
Flekkenho, co. Warw. See Flecknoe.
Flemingston, Flemyngeston, co. Glamorgan, 576.
Flemmyng, Flemmyg, Flemyng, Christiana wife of Philip, 576.
-, ……, John, of Furness, 171.
-, ……, Clement, 498.
-, ……, Henry son of Henry, nephew of Henry Russell, 62.
-, ……, John, beneficed clerk in Puckington church, 450.
-, ……, …., of Furness, Richard son of, 171.
-, ……, Reynold, 43 (p. 26).
-, ……, Richard, 46 (p. 49).
-, ……, Richard son of Richard, 576.
Flemyngeston, co. Glamorgan. See Flemingston.
Fleshewere, Flesshewer, John le, 124.
-, ……, Simon, 45 (p. 37).
Fletching, Flecchyng, co. Sussex, 437 (p. 346 bis).
-, ……, Wapsbourne in, q.v.
Flete, co. Kent. See Fleet.
-, …… in Holand, co. Linc. See Fleet.
Fletewyk, co. Bedf. See Flitwick.
Fletewyk, Flittewyk, Flitwyk, David de, knight, 243.
-, ……, David de, 361 ter.
-, ……, …., knight, 361.
-, ……, …., …., the younger, Agatha daughter of, 243.
-, ……, …., …., …., David son of, 243.
Fletwyk, co. Bedf. See Flitwick.
Flinton, Flynton [in Humbleton parish], co. York, E.R., 266.
Flinton, Flynton, Amand de, 266, 456, 457.
-, ……, Walter de, 393, 456, 648.
-, ……, …., his brother William, 393.
Fliterys in Oakham, co. Rutland, 639 (pp. 526, 527).
Flitte, co. Bedf. See Flitton.
Flittewyk. See Fletewyk.
Flitton, Flitte, co. Bedf., manor, 107 (p. 96).
-, ……, Wrest in, q.v.
Flitwick, Fletewyk, Fletwyk, Flitwyk, Flytwyk, co. Bedf., 361.
-, ……, manor, 361.
Flitwyk. See Fletewyk.
Flixton, co. Suff., 314 (p. 265).
-, …… [in Folkton parish], co. York, E.R., 524 (pp. 421, 426).
Flockthorpe, Flokethorp [in Hardingham parish], co. Norf., manor, 167, 168 bis.
Flokethorp, co. Norf. See Flockthorpe.
Floore, Flore, co. N’hamp., 520 (p. 411).
Flore, co. N’hamp. See Floore.
Flory, John, 458.
Flotmanby [in Folkton parish], co. York, E.R., 524 (p. 421).
Fluskew, Flascowe [in Dacre parish], co. Cumb., foresters of, 524 (p. 425 bis).
Flynton. See Flinton.
Flytwyk, co. Bedf. See Flitwick.
Fodryngeye, John de, 484 (p. 384).
-, ……, Richard, 396.
Foggathorpe, Folkerthorp [in Bubwith parish], co. York, E.R., 45 (pp. 35, 40), 640 (p. 539).
Fol, John le, 48.
Folbrok, William, 633.
Fole, Walter, 333.
Foleshill, Folkeshull [in Coventry parish], co. Warw., 42 (p. 20).
Folforde. See Fulvord.
Folhardy, Walter, 644.
Foliet, Richard, his heirs, 634 (p. 502).
-, ……. Cf. Folyot.
Folifait, Folifayt, co. York. See Follifoot.
Folifayt, John son of Walter de, 43 (p. 25).
Folkerthorpe, co. York. See Foggathorpe.
Folkeshull, co. Warw. See Foleshill.
Folkestone, Folkston co. Kent, 193 (p. 173).
-, ……, manor, 193 (p. 173).
Folketon, co. York. See Folkton.
Folkingham, Folkyngham, co. Linc., inquisition taken at, 463.
-, ……, manor, 254 (pp. 224, 225).
Folkston, co. Kent. See Folkestone.
Folksworth, Folkesworth, co. Hunt., 638 (p. 519).
Folkton, Folketon, co. York, E.R., 524 (pp. 421, 426).
-, ……, advowson, 524 (p. 427).
-, ……, Flixton in, q.v.
-, ……, Flotmanby in, q.v.
-, ……, Lascy of, q.v.
Folkyngham, co. Linc. See Folkingham.
Follebiry, co. N’humb. See Fowberry.
Follifoot, Folifait, Folifayt [in Spofforth parish], co. York, W.R., 43 (p. 24).
Folsham, co. Norf. See Foulsham.
Folville, John, 637 (p. 512).
Folyot, Jordan, 46 (p. 48).
-, ……. Cf. Foliet.
Fontel Gyffard, co. Wilts. See Fonthill Gifford.
Fonteynes, John de, 43 (p. 27).
Fonthill Gifford, Fontel Gyffard, co. Wilts, 236.
Ford, co. N’humb., Etal in, q.v.
Forde, la, [near Great Bedwyn?], co. Wilts, 619.
Ford, Forde, Robert de la, 616.
-, ……, William de, 314 (p. 262).
Fordingbridge, Forde, Fordyngbregg, Fordyngbrigg, Fordyngbrygge, co. Hants, 46 (p. 54).
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 90 bis, 228.
-, ……, manor, 246.
-, ……, Over Burgate in. See Burgate.
-, ……, Peas Ash Farm in, q.v.
Fordington, Fordyngton, co. Dorset, manor, 447 (p. 356).
Fordscroft, Craft [in Crewkerne parish], co. Somerset, 55 (p. 64).
Fordyngbregg, Fordyngbrigg, Fordyngbrygge, co. Hants. See Fordingbridge.
Fordyngton, co. Dorset. See Fordington.
Forehoe, Fourhowe, co. Norf., hundred, 634 (p. 501).
Forester, Forster, le Forester, le Forster, Roger, 67.
-, ……, Thomas, 325.
-, ……, …., Joan his wife, 325.
-, ……, …., Joan and Eleanor his daughters, 325.
-, ……, John, 254 (p. 223), 262, 390 (p. 319), 450, 647.
-, ……, John son of Roger, 67.
-, ……, Richard, 524 (p. 421 bis).
-, ……, …., Ellen his wife, 524 (p. 421).
-, ……, Robert, 520 (p. 411).
-, ……, …., Alice his wife, 520 (p. 411).
-, ……, Walter, sheriff of London, 190 (pp. 166, 167).
Forncett, Fornesete, Fornessete, co. Norf., manor, 111, 116 (p. 105).
Forri. See Ferre.
Forsham, Stephen de, 395.
Forster. See Forester.
Forstereshegh, William, 399.
Fortho, co. N’hamp. See Furtho.
Fosceton, co. York. See Foston.
Fosceton, William de, 43 (p. 24).
Foscote, Foxcote [in Abthorpe parish], co. N’hamp., 193 (p. 172).
Fostbury, Peter de, 46 (p. 57).
Foston on the Wolds, Fosceton, co. York, E.R., 43 (pp. 23, 24).
-, ……, Brigham in, q.v.
Fotate, Robert, 648.
Fouch, John, 481 bis.
Foucher, John, parson of Milstead, 623.
-, ……, Roger, 121.
Foule, John atte, 614 (p. 480).
Foulere, Henry, 274.
-, ……, …., Elizabeth wife of, 274.
-, ……, …., …., their daughter Joan, 274.
-, ……, Robert le, married to Katharine de Norton, 119.
Fouleshurst, Margaret wife of Matthew de, formerly the wife of Robert de Say, 205.
-, ……, Matthew de, 205.
Foulesthorp, co. Linc. See Thorpe.
Foulmire, Foulmere, co. Camb., manor, 598 (p. 464).
-, ……, market, 598 (p. 464).
-, ……, advowson, 665.
Foulness, Foulnesse, co. Essex, manor, 639 (p. 526).
Foulsham, Folsham, co. Norf., 634 (p. 503).
Foun, John, 421.
-, ……, …., Elizabeth his sister, married to Thomas de Meryng, 421.
Fountains [in Kirkby Malzeard parish], co. York, W.R., abbey, 272.
-, ……, abbot of, 43 (pp. 24, 26–28).
Fountenay, Peter de, of Little Coates, 525.
Fourhowe, co. Norf. See Forehoe.
Fourneux. See Furneaux.
Fournewale. See Furnival.
Fourneys, co. Lanc. See Furness.
Fowberry, Follebiry [in Chatton parish], co. N’humb., 43 (p. 30).
Fownhope, Fowehop, co. Heref., 131.
-, ……, manor, 131.
Fox, Robert le, 629 (p. 497 bis).
-, ……, William, 197.
Foxcote, Roger de, 116 (p. 110), 203.
-, ……, …., John son of, 203.
Foxcote [in Withington parish], co. Glouc., 193 (p. 173).
-, ……, co. N’hamp. See Foscote.
Foxearth, Foxherd, Foxherde, Foxhirde, Foxhirde by Liston, co. Essex, 392, 613 ter.
-, ……, advowson, 613.
-, ……, manor, 164, 441, 613.
-, ……, rector of. See Butler, John.
-, ……, Brooke Hall in, q.v.
Foxgrove [in Beckenham parish], co. Kent, manor, 253 (p. 218).
Foxhall, Foxole, co. Suff., 627.
Foxherd, Foxherde, Foxhirde, Foxhirde by Liston, co. Essex. See Foxearth.
Foxholes, Foxhole, co. York, E.R., 46 (p. 49).
-, ……, Boythorpe in, q.v.
-, ……, Butterwick in, q.v.
Foxholes, Thomas de, 459.
-, ……, …., Maud his wife, 459.
-, ……, Walter de, 43 (p. 26).
Foxle, Thomas de, 609.
-, ……, Thomas de, 521 (p. 413).
-, ……, …., Joan wife of, formerly wife of James de Wodestoke, knight, 609.
-, ……, …., John son of, knight, 609.
Foxton, Richard de, 195, 408.
Foy, co. Heref., Eaton in, q.v.
Fraisthorpe, co. York, E.R., Auburn in, q.v.
Framelond, co. Leic. See Framland.
Framelyngham, co. Suff. See Framlingham Magna.
-, …… Parva, co. Norf. See Framlingham Parva.
Framesden, co. Suff. See Framsden.
Framland, Framelond, co. Leic., hundred, 45 (p. 33).
-, ……, …., tenant of. See Beler.
Framlingham Parva, Framelyngham Parva, co. Norf., manor, 116 (p. 105).
-, …… Magna, Framelyngham, co. Suff., castle, 116 (p. 105).
-, …… …., …., ward of, 116 (p. 105).
Framsden, Framesden, co. Suff., manor, 447 (p. 357).
France, Bartholomew Fanacourt of the power of the king of, 35.
Franceys. See Fraunceis.
Frankelen, William, 265.
Frankish, Frankysh, Robert, 456, 651.
-, ……. Cf. Frankys.
Frankley, Frankeleye, co. Worc., 628 (p. 493).
Frankwell, Frankeville [near Ellenhall obsolete], co. Staff., 510.
Frankys, Robert, 266.
-, ……, …., William his brother, 266.
-, ……. Cf. Frankish.
Frankysh. See Frankish.
Fransham, 665.
-, ……, Great, co. Norf., 634 (p. 502).
-, ……, Little, co. Norf., 590.
-, ……, …., advowson, 590.
Frant, co. Sussex, Eridge in, q.v.
Frating, Fratyng, co. Essex, manor, 638 (p. 517).
Fraunceis, Fraunceys, Simon, 439.
-, ……, Adam, 604.
-, ……, …., mayor of London and escheator, 45 (p. 35), 139, 173 (p. 147), 213.
-, ……, Ellis, 439.
-, ……, John, 43 (p. 27), 46 (p. 57).
-, ……, Maud, 43 (p. 27).
-, ……, Maud wife of Simon, 439.
-, ……, Robert, 254 (p. 224).
-, ……, Simon, mayor of London and escheator, 190 (p. 165).
-, ……, Thomas son of Simon, 439.
-, ……, William, 43 (p. 27), 46 (p. 57), 105 (p. 95), 453.
Fraunk, William, 126.
-, ……, …., of Alwoodley, 338.
Frechevill, Freschevill, John de, son of Ralph, 643.
-, ……, Ralph de, 308.
-, ……, Robert, Robert de, 109, 442.
Fredville, Fredevylle, Freydevill [in Nonington parish], co. Kent, 628 (pp. 494, 495).
Freen, le, Frenus, Henry, 574.
-, ……, …., John his son, 574.
-, ……, …., Maud his wife, 574.
Freman, le Freemon, Adam, 45 (p. 40).
-, ……, John, 45 (p. 39), 46 (p. 54), 272.
-, ……, …., his brother Robert, 272.
-, ……, …., of Thurgarton, 120.
-, ……, Robert, 197.
-, ……, Thomas, 396.
-, ……, …., Alice, his sister married to John le Lord of Rampton, 396.
Fremyngham, co. Kent. See Chartons; Farningham.
Frendevill, Thomas, 397.
Frense, co. Norf. See Frenze.
Frenshcourt, co. Sussex. See Fairlight.
Frenus. See Freen.
Frenyngham, Ralph de, 253 (p. 218 bis), 628 (p. 494).
Frenze, Frense, co. Norf., 296.
-, ……, advowson, 296.
-, ……, manor, 296.
Frere, Alice, married to Roger de Cobyndon, 529.
-, ……, Aunger, 43 (p. 26).
Freschevill. See Frechevill.
Fresden, Fersshedon by Esthrop [in Highworth parish], co. Wilts, 607 (p. 473).
Freskenay, William de, 46 (p. 56).
Fretewell, co. Oxford. See Fritwell.
Fretheby. See Frithby.
Fretherne, Frethorn, co. Glouc., manor, 78.
Frethorn, John de, 78.
-, ……, …., Elizabeth his wife, 78.
-, ……, …., Walter his brother, 78.
-, ……, William, 452.
-, ……, …., Thomas his brother, 452.
Freton, co. Suff. See Fritton.
Frevill. See Fryvill.
Freydevill, co. Kent. See Fredville.
Friday, Thomas, of Moulton, 533.
Fringford, Feryngford, co. Oxford, advowson, 518 (p. 406).
-, ……, manor, 518 (p. 406).
Frisby, co. Linc. See Firsby.
Friskney, Friskenay, co. Linc., 46 (p. 56).
Fritham [in Bramshaw parish], co. Hants, manor, 19.
Frithby, Fretheby, Fritheby, Agnes wife of John de, 36.
-, ……, John son of Robert de, knight, 459.
-, ……, Robert de, knight, son of Agnes, 36.
-, ……, John son of Robert de, 36.
-, ……, Robert de, 44, 45 (p. 39), 46 (p. 52).
-, ……, …., Agnes (de Houby) his wife, 44, 459.
-, ……, …., …., their son John, 44.
Frithebek, co. York. See Firbeck.
Fritheby. See Frithby.
Fritheby, co. York. See Firby.
Frittenden, co. Kent, Bewper in, q.v.
Fritton, Freton, co. Suff., church of St. Edmund, 48.
Fritwell, Fretewell, co. Oxford, manor, 607 (p. 472).
Frivyll. See Fryvill.
Froille, William de, rector of St. Saviour’s, Winchester, 330.
Frollebury, John de, chaplain, 317.
Frollesworth, co. Leic. See Frowlesworth.
Frome, Richard de, 540 (p. 441 bis).
-, ……, William de, 540 (p. 440).
Frome Vauchurch, Frome Foucherche, Frome Fowechurch, co. Dorset, 583, 640 (p. 538).
-, ……, Halmond’s, Frome Haymon [in Bishop’s Frome parish], co. Heref., 307 (p. 256).
-, ……, co. Somerset, 232.
-, ……, Frome Braunche, co. Somerset, inquisition taken at, 611.
-, …… Selwood, in Selewode, co. Somerset, manor and hundred, 611.
Frompton Felde, co. Glouc., 193 (p. 173).
Frost, John, 535.
Frothyngham, William de, 651.
Frowlesworth, Frollesworth, co. Leic., church of St. Nicholas &c., 124.
-, ……, manor, 124.
-, ……, …., bailiff of, 124.
Fryston, John de, 459.
-, ……, …., Joan his sister, married to William de Halsham, 459.
Fryton [in Hovingham parish], co. York, N.R., 45 (p. 34).
Fryvill, Frevill, Fryvyll, Frivyll, Baldwin de, 134, 493, 640 (p. 538).
-, ……, …., knight, 193 (p. 174).
Fuiz Payn. See Fitz Payn.
Fulbourn, Fulburn, co. Camb., 543.
-, ……, manor, 358.
-, ……, manors called ‘le Zouches maner’ and ‘le Maners,’ in, 592.
Fulbrook, Fulbrok, Fulbroke, co. Warw, advowson of the chapel, 193 (p. 175).
-, ……, manor, 193 (p. 175 bis).
Fulbrugge, Nicholas de, 531.
Fulford [near York], co. York, manor, 45 (p. 35).
Fulham, co. Middx., death of Robert Gyen at, 100 (p. 89).
-, ……, manor, 439 bis.
Fulleford. See Fulvord.
Fuller, Fullere, Ralph le, 46 (p. 46).
-, ……, Roger, 271.
Fulnetby, Thomas de, escheator, 298.
-, ……, …., escheator in co. Lincoln, 362, 364.
-, ……, …., sheriff of Lincoln, 211 (p. 190).
Fulvord, Folforde, Fulleford, Thomas de, of Cokeham, 359.
-, ……, …., Robert son of, 359.
-, ……, …., …., Robert son of, 359.
Fure, la, co. Sussex, 189.
Furneaux, Fourneux, Simon de, 501.
-, ……, …., Elizabeth daughter of, 501.
-, ……, Robert, Robert de, 257, 612.
-, ……, …., his son. See Bekeryng.
-, ……, William de, 79.
-, ……, …., his sister Joan, married to Henry son of Henry de Ravenswath, 79.
-, ……, …., …., …., their son Henry, 79.
-, ……, …., his sister Sibyl, 79.
Furness, Fourneys, co. Lanc., 171.
-, ……, Flemmyng of, q.v.
Furnival, Furnyvall, Furnivall, Fournewale, Aline de, 252 (p. 215).
-, ……, Peter de, 43 (p. 27).
-, ……, Thomas de, 431.
-, ……, …., sometime husband of Elizabeth de Monte Acuto, 173 (p. 148).
-, ……, …., …., Thomas son of, 173 (p. 148).
-, ……, …., …., …., Thomas son of, knight, 173 (p. 148).
-, ……, …., son of Joan daughter of Theobald de Verdon, 637.
Furse, la, in Winkleigh hundred, co. Devon, 241.
Furtho, Fortho, co. N’hamp., 98 (p. 85).
-, ……, ‘le Brede’ in, 325.
-, ……, manor, 325.
Fusel, John, of Laxton, 641.
Fychet, Thomas, 38.
Fydelton, co. Wilts. See Fittleton.
Fyenles. See Fienles.
Fyfhyde, co. Wilts. See Fyfield.
Fyfhyde, William de, 609.
Fyfield, Fyfhyde, Fyfyde [in Milton Lilborne parish], co. Wilts 180 (pp. 156, 157).
Fyfyde, co. Wilts. See Fyfield.
Fylby, John de, 400.
-, ……, …., Richard his father, keeper of the hundred of Diss, 400.
Fyliol, Margery, 400.
Fymmere, Thomas de, 459.
-, ……, …., Alice daughter of, 459.
-, ……. Cf. Fynmere.
Fyncheden, William de, 58 (pp. 67, 68), 142 bis.
-, ……, …., commissioner, 640 (p. 533).
Fyncheslegh, co. Middx. See Finchley.
Fynchyngfeld, co. Essex. See Finchingfield.
Fynel, John, 198.
Fynmer, co. Oxford. See Finmere.
Fynmere, William de, 43 (p. 27).
-, ……. Cf. Fymmere.
Fyselye, John de, 271.
Fythlynges, Thomas de, 468 (p. 373).
-, ……, …., Agnes his wife, formerly wife of William de Bensted, 468 (p. 373).
Fytyngdon, co. Somerset. See Fiddington.
Fytz Waryn. See Fitz Waryn.