General Index: O

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1955.

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Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, 'General Index: O', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII( London, 1955), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, 'General Index: O', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII( London, 1955), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood. "General Index: O". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII. (London, 1955), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Oadby, Oudeby, co. Leicester, 386.

Oak, Oke, co. Devon, 248.

Oakington, Hoggyngdon, Hogyngton, Hokyngdon, Hokyngton, co. Cambridge, 2, p. 599.
-, ……, manor, 2.
-, ……, …., land held of, 2.

Oakley, Okeley, co. Suffolk, 205.

Oakley, Church, Churcheocle, Okeley, co. Southampton, 193, 648.
-, ……, rector of. See Brydby, W.

Oakley, Occle, Okeley, Great, co. Northampton, 108, p. 594.

Oakly, Okeley, park, formerly manor [in Bromfield], co. Salop, 666.

Oakthorpe, Okethorp, co. Leicester, formerly Derby, 1041.

Oasby, Osby [in Heydour], co. Lincoln, 247.

Oatlands, Otlond, in Weybridge, co. Surrey, 94.

Oborn Deyncorte. See Wooburn.

Oburnford, Oborneford [in Halberton], co. Devon, manor, land held of, 798.

Oby, Outeley, co. Norfolk, 52.

Ocborne St. George. See Ogbourne St. George.

Occle, Great. See Oakley, Great.

Ockbrook, Okebrok, co. Derby, manor, 1039.

Ockehamton. See Okehampton.

Ockendon, North, Northwokyndon, co. Essex, Fancroft in, 677.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 677.

Ockendon, South, Southwokyndon, co. Essex, p. 596.

Oddeston. See Odstone.

Odiham, Odyham, co. Southampton, manor, land held of, 193.

Odyngselles, Edward, land held of, 1161.

Offerton, co. Derby, 819.

Offord. See Ufford.

Ofton Robert. See Ufton Robert.

Ogan, John, son of Richard, 820.

OGAN, RICHARD, co. Wilts, 820.

Ogarde, Andrew, 366.

Ogaston. See Ogston.

Ogbourne, Ocborne, St. George, co. Wilts, 1115.

Oggeley. See Ogley.

OGLANDER, Doglander, JOHN, I. of Wight, 483.
-, ……, Thomas, son of John, 483.

Ogle, co. Northumberland, 14.
-, ……, manor, 8.

Ogle, Eleanor, p. 605.
-, ……, Gilbert, 28.

OGLE, OWEN, co. Northumberland, 14.
-, ……, Ralph, son of Owen, 14.

OGLE, ROBERT, knight, co. Northumberland, 28.

Oglesthorp, Edward, land held of, 447.
-, ……, Joan, wife of Edward, land held of, 447.

Ogley, Oggeley, Hay, co. Stafford, offices of bailiff and steward of, 1125.

Ogmore, co. Glamorgan, lordship, p. 594.

Ogston, Ogaston [in Brackenfield], co. Derby, 642.

Okbourne, Robert, 422.

Oke. See Oak.

Okebrok. See Ockbrook.

Okeden, William, 1121.

Okeford, Okefford, Child, co. Dorset, 318.

Okeford Fitzpaine, Okefford Fitz Payne, co. Dorset, 318.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 318.

Okehampton, Ockehamton, Okhampton, Okynhampton, co. Devon, 905.
-, ……, borough and manor, 54.
-, ……, castle, land held of, 436.
-, ……, honour, land held of, 402, 588, 680, 905.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 288.

Okeley, co. Southampton. See Oakley, Church.

Okeley, co. Salop. See Oakly.

Okeley, co. Suffolk. See Oakley.

Okeley, Church. See Oakley, Church.

Okeley, Great. See Oakley, Great.

Okeley, John, 197.

Okenden, John, 1134.

Okeover, Okever, co. Stafford, manor, land held of, 198.

Oker, Okever, Okevor, Humphrey, 198.
-, ……, land held of, 198.

Okethorp. See Oakthorpe.

Okever, co. Stafford. See Okeover.

Okever, Okevor. See Oker.

Okyngeham, Okyngham. See Wokingham.

Okynhampton. See Okehampton.

Oldam. See Oldham.

Oldaport, Oldeporte [in Modbury], co. Devon, 593.

Oldcoates, Oulecotes [in Styrrup], co. Nottingham, 1036.

Olde, le. See Wolds.

Oldefelde, co. Somerset, 313.

Oldeham. See Oldham.

Oldelond, Oldelonde. See Oldland.

Oldemyxon. See Oldmixon.

Oldeporte. See Oldaport.

Oldesmore, co. Derby, 607.

Oldestoke. See Stoke Charity.

Old Hall, Owld Hall [in Corringham], co. Essex, manor, land held of, 531.

Oldhall. See Layham.

Oldhall, William, knight, p. 603.

Oldham, Oldeham, Oldom, Oldon, Hugh, bishop of Exeter, 2, 200, 381, 861.
-, ……, …., land held of, 288-9, 365, 536, 857.

Oldland, Oldelond, Oldelonde, co. Gloucester, 373, 941.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 941.
-, ……, Westous Court in, 941.

Oldmans. See under Saham Toney.

Oldmixon, Oldemyxon [in Hutton], co. Somerset, 788, 1105.

Oldmixon, William, 1105.

Oldom. See Oldham.

Oldon. See Oldham.

Oldowme, John de, chaplain, 158.

Oldridge, Oldrige, Oldrugge, Woldrugge [in Whitestone], co. Devon, manor, 562.
-, ……, …., land held of, 367.

Oliphants, Onyfauntes, in Basildon, co. Essex, 254.

Oliver, Olyver, Robert, clerk, 313.
-, ……, William, 772.

Olives, Olyves, in Great Dunmow, co. Essex, manor, 932.

Ollerton, Allerton, co. Nottingham, le More mill in, 550.
-, ……, suit to the court of, 550.

Olthorp. See Althorp.

Olton, in Solihull, co. Warwick, 1159.

Olyver. See Oliver.

Olyves. See Olives.

Omberslade. See under Tanworth.

Oneby. See Owmby.

Onecote, Uncote, co. Stafford, 198.

Ongar, Chipping, Chepyng Ongore, Ongre, co. Essex, 244.
-, ……, castle, land held of, 244, 447.

Ongar, Onger, Ongore, High, Hyghongere, co. Essex, 244, 358.
-, ……, Chivers Hall in, q.v.

Ongar, Onger, Ongour, hundred, co. Essex, le Wardestaffe in, 244.
-, ……, land held of, 358.

Onyebey, Thomas, parson of East Bridgford, 370.

Onyfauntes. See Oliphants.

Oo, Thomas, citizen and grocer of London, 461.

Orby, co. Lincoln, 154, 298.

Orby Dale, co. Lincoln, 838.

Orchard, co. Devon, 54.

Orchard, John, 191.
-, ……, William, 796.

Orchardleigh, Orchardelegh, Orchardley, co. Somerset, manor and advowson, 313.

Orcheston St. George, Horston George, co. Wilts, Elston in, q.v.

Orcheton, Orcherton [in Modbury], co. Devon, 905.

Orford, co. Suffolk, Augustinian Friars in, patronage of, 834.
-, ……, castle and town of, rent from, 834.

Orleber, Orlebere. See Orlingbury.

Orleigh, Orlegh [in Buckland Brewer], co. Devon, 787.

Orlingbury, Orleber, Orlebere, Orlyngbere, co. Northampton, advowson, 228.
-, ……, manor, 269.

Orme, Thomas, vicar of Farnham, 201.

ORMESBY, ARTHUR, co. Lincoln, 969.
-, ……, Arthur, son of Arthur, 969.

Ormond, Ormonde, Anne, daughter of John, married William Meryng, 368, 1009.
-, ……, Elizabeth, daughter of John, married Anthony Babington, 368, 1009.
-, ……, Joan, daughter of John, married Thomas Dynham, 368, 1009.

ORMOND, JOAN, wife of John, co. Derby, 368; co. Leicester, 1167; co. Lincoln, 370; co. Northampton, 1009; co. Nottingham, 392.
-, ……, …., land held of, 1032–3.
-, ……, John, 368, 370, 392, 1009, 1167.
-, ……, Thomas, land held of, 794.

Ormond, Hurmond, Ormonde, Urmond, Urmunde, earl of. See Butler, J. and T.

Ormsby, North, Nunormesby, co. Lincoln, 969.

Orpington, Orpyngton, co. Kent, 325.

Orsett, Horsett, co. Essex, Stringcock Fen in, q.v.

Orston, Orstone, co. Nottingham, 1012.

Orston, Thomas, 1036.

Orton, Water, Overton, co. Warwick, 1147.

Orwell, co. Cambridge, 899, p. 599.

Osbaldeston, John, son of Thomas, 106.

OSBALDESTON, THOMAS, co. Oxford, 106.
-, ……, …., 1130.

Osbaston, Osberton, Osbertton, co. Leicester, Baker Close alias Shortlond in, 178.

Osberne. See Osborne.

Osberton [in Worksop], co. Nottingham, manor, 392.

Osberwike, co. Northumberland. See Newstead.

Osborne, Osberne, Osborn, John, 195.
-, ……, Richard, citizen of London, 427.
-, ……, Walter, clerk, 225.

Osby. See Oasby.

Osea, Ovesey, island, co. Essex, p. 601.

Osleston, Oslaston, co. Derby, 607.

Osney, co. Oxford, abbot of, land held of, 306.

Ospringe, Osprynge, co. Kent, Queencourt manor in, q.v.

Ossett, Osset, co. York, 312.

Oswaldbeck, Oswardbecke, soke of, co. Nottingham, land held of, 1046.

Oswestry, Oswestre, co. Salop, honour and castle, land held of, 638.

Oterey, Otery, St. Mary. See Ottery St. Mary.

Otford, co. Kent, 412.
-, ……, charter dated at, 412.
-, ……, Rye in, q.v.

Otham. See Otterham.

Otley, co. York, 272, 273.

Otlond. See Oatlands.

Otteley, Blanche, land held of, 1069.
-, ……, William, land held of, 405.

Otterham, Otham, co. Cornwall, manor, 595.

Otterhampton, co. Somerset, manor, land held of, 524.

Ottery, Oterey, Otery, St. Mary, co. Devon, 536, 577.
-, ……, college, land held of, 536, 577.
-, ……, manor, p. 601.

Oudeby. See Oadby.

Oughtyng. See Ulting.

Oulecotes. See Oldcoates.

Oundle, Oundell, co. Northampton, p. 599.
-, ……, gild, p. 599.

Ouresby. See Owersby.

Ouseburn, Usburn, Great, co. York, 201, 448.
-, ……, manor, 448.

Ouseburn, Usburn, Little, co. York, 448.

Ouston, Ulkiston, Volkyston, co. Northumberland, manor, 20.

Outchester, Ulchestr’, co. Northumberland, manor, 16.

Outeley. See Oby.

Outwell, Owtwell, co. Cambridge, 413.

Ovenden, Ovendon [in Halifax], co. York, 92, p. 597.

Over, Ovyr, co. Cambridge, manor, 2.

Over [in Almondsbury], co. Gloucester, 355.
-, ……, manor and advowson of chantry, 32.

Overbradley. See Bradley, High.

Overburgate. See Burgate, Upper.

Overbury Hall, Overberyhall [in Layham], co. Suffolk, manor, 710.

Overcodyngton. See Kiddington, Over.

Overcrosby. See Crosby, High.

Overden. See Dean.

Overerleham. See Earlham.

Overgrass, Overisgar [in Swarland], co. Northumberland, manor, 13.

Overhalford. See Chalford.

Over Hall manor. See under Boxworth.

Overisgar. See Overgrass.

Overlangford. See Langford, Upper.

Overpedwardyn. See Pedwardine, Upper.

Overseal, Spytelsheyll, co. Derby, formerly Leicester, 33.

Overstowey. See Stowey, Over.

Overton, co. Southampton, 626, 729.

Overton, co. Warwick. See Orton, Water.

Overton, Over Shitlyngton, in Shitlington, co. York, 1.

Overton, —, p. 597.
-, ……, Agnes, p. 605.
-, ……, William, 324.

Overwampolbrygge. See Wampool Bridge.

Overweld [in Wing], co. Buckingham, 197.

Ovesey. See Osea.

Ovington, Ovigton, co. Northumberland, manor, 20.

OVY, ANNE, co. Leicester, 246; co. Northampton, 322.

Ovyr. See Over.

Ovys, John, 975.

Owelby. See Welby.

Owen, David, knight, land held of, 513, 789.

Owersby, Ouresby, co. Lincoln, 679.

Owld Hall. See Old Hall.

Owmby, Oneby, co. Lincoln, 107.

Owtwell. See Outwell.

Oxeforth Parke, co. Cornwall, 857.

Oxegate. See Oxgate.

Oxenbryg, Oxinbrige, Oxonbrigge, Thomas, serjeant at law, 63, 195, 503, 505.

Oxendon, Great, Oxenden, co. Northampton, manor, 269.

Oxford, Oxenford, 306, p. 600.
-, ……, borough of, land held of, 306.
-, ……, legacy for exhibition at, 531.
-, ……, colleges:—
-, Lincoln, pp. 600–1.
-, Magdalen, p. 599.
-, ……, land held of, 157, 838, 1034.
-, Merton, land held of, 320.
-, New College, land held of, 516, 935.
-, Oriel, King’s, ‘le Ryalle Colege,’ pp. 596, 599.

Oxford, earl of. See Vere, J. de.

Oxgate, Oxegate, manor, in Willesden, co. Middlesex, 195.

Oxinbrige. See Oxenbryg.

Oxlades, co. Oxford, 437.

Oxley, Robert, 1.

Oxonbrigge. See Oxenbryg.

Oxspryng, Thomas, 196.

Oxted, Oxstede, co. Surrey, 789.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 789.

Oxton, co. Nottingham, 475, 569, 1045.

Oxton, co. York, p. 597.

Oyster bed, 359, 470.