General Index: N

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1955.

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Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, 'General Index: N', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII( London, 1955), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, 'General Index: N', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII( London, 1955), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood. "General Index: N". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII. (London, 1955), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Nacton, co. Suffolk, manor and advowson, 414.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 414.

Nafferton, co. Northumberland, manor, 27.

Nafferton, Naffreton, co. York, 720.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 720.

Nanceventon, Nanfenten [in St. Issey], co. Cornwall, 394.

Nanfan, Nanfant, Nanffan, Isabel, daughter of John, 366, 436.
-, ……, John, 366, 436.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Arundell, Joan.

NANFAN, MARGARET, wife of Richard, co. Cornwall, 474.

NANFAN, RICHARD, knight, co. Cornwall, 365.
-, ……, …., 474.
-, ……, …., land held of, 366.

Nanfenten. See Nanceventon.

Nanfranans, co. Cornwall, 857.

Nansmura, co. Cornwall, 366.

Nansowe, co. Cornwall, 365.

Nansynt. See St. Breock.

Napton, William, land held of, 233.

Nasshes, Nassheslonde. See under Betchworth.

Natland, Natlande, Nattlande, co. Westmorland, 343.
-, ……, Le Storthez in, 343.
-, ……, manor, 212.

Nattlande. See Natland.

Naunton, Nawenton, co. Gloucester, 438.

Naunton, Newenton Bampton [in Winchcomb], co. Gloucester, 939.

Navestock, Navestok, Navestoke, Navistoke, co. Essex, 925, p. 596.
-, ……, Bois Hall, Boyes, Boys, manor in, 278.
-, ……, prebend of, land held of, 278.
-, ……, vicar of. See Bryan, J.

Nawenton. See Naunton.

Neasden, Neseden, Nesedon, in Willesden, co. Middlesex, 195, p. 596.

Necton, Neketon, co. Norfolk, manor and advowson, 977.

Nectons. See under Shotesham.

Nedeham, John, 385.

Nedercodyngton. See Kiddington, Nether.

Nederpedwardyne. See Pedwardine, Lower.

Nedirton. See Netherton.

Neketon. See Necton.

Neleson, Joan, daughter of William, married Richard Langton, 251.
-, ……, William, 251.

Nelson, John, 772.
-, ……, William, 772.

Nesbit, Nesbet, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Nesbitt, Nesbite, Nesebite, co. Northumberland, manor, 20.

Neseden, Nesedon. See Neasden.

Ness, Nesse, co. York, manor, 87.

Nesse, William, 772.

Neteley. See Netley.

Netenston. See Enstone, Neat.

Netherayssheholte. See Aisholt.

Netherbradley. See Bradley, Low.

Netherbury, Nethirbury, co. Dorset, 1096.
-, ……, N. in Ecclesia prebend. See under Salisbury, cathedral.

Nethercompton. See Compton, Nether.

Nethercote, Nithercote, co. Devon, 54.

Nethercote [in Great Wolford], co. Warwick, 1155.

Nethercrosby. See Crosby, Low.

Netherelkeston. See Elkstone, Lower.

Netherenston. See Enstone, Neat.

Nethererleham. See Earlham.

Netherex. See Exe, Nether.

Netherhalford, co. Middlesex. See Halliford, Lower.

Netherhalford, co. Oxford. See Chalford.

Netherhalgh. See Haugh, Nether.

Nether Hall manor, in Gestingthorpe, co. Essex, 643.

Netherlangford. See Langford, Lower.

Netherpadley. See Padley, Nether.

Netherseal, Church Sheyll, co. Derby, formerly Leicester, 33.

Nethersheperton. See Shepperton.

Netherstowey. See Stowey, Nether.

Netherthorpe [in Staveley], co. Derby, 819.

Netherton, Nytherton [in Farway], co. Devon, manor, 680.

Netherton, Nedirton, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Netherwere. See Weare.

Netherwitton, Witton, Wytton, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Netherysyerd. See under Saham Toney.

Nethirasshes. See Ashes, Lower.

Nethirburgate. See Burgate, Lower.

Nethirbury. See Netherbury.

Nethirbuston. See Buston, Low.

Nethirmytton. See Mitton, Lower.

Netilcombe. See Nettlecombe.

Netilsted. See Nettlestead.

Netley, Neteley [in Stapleton], co. Salop, 1067.

Netley, Notley [in Hound], co. Southampton, abbot of, land held of, 513.

Nettilton, Richard, 195, 279.

Nettlecombe, Netilcombe, co. Somerset, manor and advowson, 581.

Nettlestead, Netilsted, co. Kent, 953.

Neubell. See Newball.

Neubiging. See Newbiggin; N. by the Sea.

Neuburgh. See Newburgh.

Neuburn. See Newburn.

Neuenfeld. See Ninfield.

Neuham. See Newham.

Neuport. See Newport.

Neurode. See under Lofthouse.

Neurodeyng. See under Lofthouse.

Neusam. See Newsham.

Neuton. See Kirknewton; Newton.

Neuton, altera. See Westnewton.

Neuton by Mudell. See Newton on the Hill.

Neuton del Est. See Newton Hall.

Neuton del West. See Newton.

Neuton in Cause. See Newton, co. Salop.

Neuton Tony. See Newton Tony.

Nevell. See Nevill.

Nevendon, Nevyndon, co. Essex, 205, 254.

Nevill, Nevell, Nevile, Nevyle, Nevyll, —, son of John, 972.
-, ……, Anne, countess of Warwick, 365, 372, 376, 977.
-, ……, land held of, 324, 680.
-, ……, …., lands of, 456, 459, 509, 538.
-, ……, George, knight, 697.
-, ……, George, lord Abergavenny, land held of, 215, 375, 440, 540, 696, 741, 821, 1134, 1141.

NEVILL, HUMPHREY, co. York, 678.
-, ……, Isabel, daughter of Richard earl of Warwick, 66.

NEVILL, JOAN, co. Lincoln, 543.

NEVILL, JOHN, of Faldingworth, co. Lincoln, 972.
-, ……, John, of Liversedge, 182.
-, ……, John, knight, 1, 535.
-, ……, Ralph, earl of Westmorland, land held of, 172.
-, ……, Richard, earl of Salisbury and Warwick, 66, 977.
-, ……, …., land held of, 669.
-, ……, Richard, lord Latimer, p. 605.
-, ……, …., land held of, 443, 465, 1009.
-, ……, Robert, 368, 392.
-, ……, Thomas, 366.
-, ……, William, knight, 366.

Nevyndon. See Nevendon.

Newark upon Trent, Newarke, co. Nottingham, 550, 1012, 1035, p. 598.
-, ……, castle, land held of, 550.
-, ……, chantries in, p. 602.

Newark, Henry, 363.

Newball, Neubell, co. Lincoln, 227.

Newbery, Newebery, manor, in Crayford, co. Kent, 133.

Newbiggin, Newbygyng, co. Cumberland, 749.

Newbiggin, Neubiging, Newbiging, co. Northumberland [near Newburn], manor, 8.

Newbiggin by the Sea, Neubiging, co. Northumberland, manor, 20.

Newbold, Newebold on le Heth [in Worthington], co. Leicester, 520.

Newbold, in Catesby, co. Northampton, manor, 458.

Newbold Pacey, Newbolde Paey, co. Warwick, 1151.

Newborn. See Newbourn.

Newbotell. See Nobottle.

Newbourn, Newborn, co. Suffolk, 414.

Newburgh, Neuburgh, Nouburgh, John, 1089, 1090.
-, ……, John, the elder, 1101-2.
-, ……, Robert, knight, 497.
-, ……, Roger, knight, 318.
-, ……, Thomas, land held of, 1090.

Newburn, Neuburn, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Newbury, co. Berks, 651.

Newbury, Robert, 503.

Newbygyng. See Newbiggin, co. Cumberland.

Newcastle upon Tyne, co. Northumberland, 359.

Newdegate, John, 170.
-, ……, John, son of John, 170.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Yonge, E.

Newebery. See Newbery.

Newebold on le Heth. See Newbold.

Neweham. See Newham.

Newelond, West. See Newlands, West.

Neweman, John, 1105.

Newemarch, Adam, knight, 665.
-, ……, Adam, son of John, 665.
-, ……, Adam, son of Adam, 665.
-, ……, Elizabeth, daughter of Robert, 665.
-, ……, John, 665.
-, ……, Ralph, son of Robert, 665.
-, ……, Robert, son of Adam, 665.
-, ……, Robert, son of Ralph, 665.

Newenham. See Newnham.

NEWENHAM, Newneham, EDMUND, co. Northampton, 458.
-, ……, …., 459, 521, p. 606.
-, ……, Edmund, son of Edmund, 458.
-, ……, Edward, 999.

NEWENHAM, JOHN, co. Northampton, 999, 1000; co. Warwick, 1156.
-, ……, Nicholas, 458.
-, ……, Thomas, 458-9.
-, ……, Thomas, son of John, 999, 1156.

Newenton Baggepath. See Newington Bagpath.

Newenton Bampton. See Naunton.

Neweport. See Newport.

Newestede. See Newstead.

Neweton Busshell. See Newton Bushel.

Neweton Tony. See Newton Tony.

Newguldford. See Guldeford, East.

Newhall, in Thurlaston, co. Leicester, manor, 199.
-, ……, charter dated at, 323.

Newham, Neuham, Neweham [in Kenwyn], co. Cornwall, 366, 857.
-, ……, manor, 861.
-, ……, …., land held of, 857.
-, ……, Park Aumstyng in, 861.
-, ……, Park Fentencaransak in, 861.

Newham, Neuham, co. Northumberland [near Lucker], 7.

Newham, Neuham, co. Northumberland [near Whalton], manor, 8.

Newington, Newynton, co. Kent, 960.

Newington, Newyngton, co. Surrey, 1139.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 1139.

Newington Bagpath, Newenton Baggepath, co. Gloucester, manor, 644.

Newland, co. York [near Drax], 772.

Newland Hall, Newlondhall [in Roxwell], co. Essex, manor, 936.

Newland, William, 772.

Newlands, Newelond, Newlond, West, in St. Lawrence, co. Essex, 534.

Newlondhall. See Newland Hall.

Newman Street, Newmanstrete [in Doulting], co. Somerset, 563.

Newneham. See Newenham.

Newnham, Newenham [in Cambridge], co. Cambridge, p. 595.

Newnham, Newenham, co. Northampton, 458.

Newport [in Barnstaple], co. Devon, 292.

Newport, Neweport, co. Salop, 1063.
-, ……, manor, 387.

Newport Pagnell, N. Paynell, co. Buckingham, Caldecote in, q.v.

NEWPORT, Neuport, GEORGE, son of William, co. Essex, 629; co. Hertford, 628.
-, ……, John, 193, 277.
-, ……, John, land held of, 1069.
-, ……, Robert, son of George, 628.
-, ……, …., land held of, 423.
-, ……, William, 628–9.

Newsham, Neusam, co. Northumberland, manor, 15.

Newsholme, Newshome, Newsom, co. York, 175.
-, ……, Newsholme Close, 175.

Newsholme, Newsom, in Keighley, co. York, 270.

Newsome, Newson [in Spofforth], co. York, 201.

Newstead, Osberwike, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Newstead, co. Nottingham, prior of, p. 602. See also Gunthorpe, J. and T.

Newstead, Newestede [in Lead], co. York, 535.

Newton, co. Norfolk. See Newton, Bircham.

Newton, Neuton, co. Northumberland [near Bywell?], grange, 7.

Newton, Neuton del West, co. Northumberland, manor, 20.

Newton, co. Northumberland. See Newton Underwood; Newtown.

Newton, Neuton, Newton, in Cause, N. in Caweslande [in Westbury], co. Salop, 203, 559.

Newton, co. Suffolk, 435, 558.

Newton [in Cherry Burton], co. York, manor, 770.

Newton Abbot, co. Devon, 45, 573.
-, ……, borough, land held of, 573.

Newton, Bircham, co. Norfolk, manor, 744.

Newton Bushel, Neweton, Nuton Busshell [in High Week], co. Devon, 45, 573.
-, ……, borough, land held of, 573.

Newton, Neuton, by the Sea, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Newton Ferrers, N. Ferris, co. Devon, Brownstone in, q.v.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 248.

Newton Hall, Neuton del Est, co. Northumberland, manor, 20.

Newton hundred. See Sturminster Newton.

Newton, Maiden, Maydenewton, co. Dorset, manor, 1107.

Newton, North, Nuton Playcy [in North Petherton], co. Somerset, 854.

Newton on the Hill, Neuton by Mudell [in Middle], co. Salop, 1068.

Newton, Neuton, on the Moor, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Newton, Potter, Potternewton [in Leeds], co. York, 603.

Newton Regis, Kyngesnewton, co. Warwick, advowson, 284.
-, ……, manor, 284, 285.

Newton, Neuton, Neweton, Tony, co. Wilts, manor and advowson, 200.

Newton Underwood, Neuton, co. Northumberland, manor, 13.

Newton, Nuton, Nywton, Alexander, land held of, 854.
-, ……, Giles, 821.
-, ……, Isabel, land held of, 1105.
-, ……, Joan, wife of Thomas. See Hampton, J.
-, ……, John, 64.
-, ……, John, knight, land held of, 318.
-, ……, John, merchant of Bristol, 170.
-, ……, John, son of John, 170.
-, ……, Nicholas, 49.
-, ……, Richard, p. 595.
-, ……, Richard, p. 605.
-, ……, Thomas, 257, 303.
-, ……, Thomas, land held of, 1105.
-, ……, Walter, 225.

Newtown, Newetowne, Newton, co. Northumberland [near Chillingham], town or manor, 7, 359, 470.

Newyngton. See Newington.

Newynton. See Newington, co. Kent.

Neylond, Peter, 901.

Nibley, North, co. Gloucester, 865.

Nichalson. See Nicholson.

Nicholl, Nicoll, Nycholl, Nychold, George, 1140.
-, ……, Henry, land held of, 365.
-, ……, John, 31.
-, ……, John, 573.
-, ……, Thomas, clerk, 199, 323, 339.

Nichols, Nicoll, in Shalford, co. Essex, manor, 622.

Nicholson, Nichalson, James, 188.
-, ……, Robert, yeoman of the king’s crown, 195.

Nicoll, co. Essex. See Nichols.

Nicoll (surname). See Nicholl.

NICOLLES, JAMES, son of William, co. Middlesex, 690.
-, ……, William, 690.

Nimet, Bishop’s. See Nympton, Bishop’s.

Nimetrolond. See Nymet Rowland.

Ninfield, Neuenfeld, co. Sussex, 1134.

Ningwood, Nyngewod [in Shalfleet], Isle of Wight, manor, 500.

Nipsell’s Raiments, Knybso alias Baynardes, in Mayland, co. Essex, manor, 532.

Nithercote. See Nethercote.

Niton, Nyton, Isle of Wight, 497.
-, ……, manor, 498.

Nix, Richard, bishop of Norwich, p. 598.
-, ……, …., land held of, 3, 205, 361.

Nobottle, Newbotell [in Brington], co. Northampton, 568.

Noke, co. Oxford, Babyngton manor in, 691.

Noland, John, 1174.

Nolsay. See Noseley.

Nomanby. See Normanby le Wold.

None, Henry, land held of, 41.

Nonnewell. See Nunwell.

Nonnington. See Nunnington.

Nony. See Nunney.

Norborn, Norbourne. See Northbourne.

Norburgh. See Northborough.

Norbury, John, knight, 1139.
-, ……, …., land held of, 103, 141.

Noreis, Noreys. See Norris.

Norfolk, escheator in. See Reynisforthe, H.

Norfolk, duchess of, land held of, 1099. See also Mowbray, E.

Norfolk, duchy of, land held of, 1015, 1151.

Norfolk, duke of. See Howard, J. and T. Norham, co. Northumberland, 359.

Norhampton. See Northampton.

Norland, Northland, co. York, p. 597.

Normanby, in Burton upon Stather, co. Lincoln, 966.

Normanby le Wold, Nomanby, co. Lincoln, 964.

Normanton [in Southwell], co. Nottingham, 1044.
-, ……, free chapel, advowson of, 1044.

Normanton, Temple, co. Derby, 30.

Normanton Turville, N. Turvyle [in Thurlaston], co. Leicester, manor, 199.

Normanton upon Soar, Sore, co. Nottingham, 1043.
-, ……, manor, 869.

Normavyll, John, knight, 564.

Norncott, Normecot, Normecote [in Stoke St. Milborough], co. Salop, 203, 559.

NORRIS, Noreis, Noreys, Norres, Norrys, ANNE, co. Leicester, 178.

NORRIS, EDMUND, co. Kent, 514.
-, ……, Edmund, son of John, 918.
-, ……, Isabel, wife of John, afterwards wife of Henry Marney, 918.
-, ……, Joan, wife of (1) — Letilcote, (2) Morgan Kidwelly, 758.

NORRIS, JOHN, co. Hertford, 918.
-, ……, John, 216.
-, ……, John, 1053.
-, ……, John, rector of Buckland, 215.
-, ……, John, son of Edmund, 514.
-, ……, Juliana, wife of Edmund, 514.

NORRIS, THOMAS, co. Wilts, 758.
-, ……, William, knight, 1053, 1055.
-, ……, …., land held of, 143.

North, Laurence, 565.

Northall. See Northolt.

Northam, Northeham, co. Devon, 913.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 913.

Northampton, Norhampton, 101, 364, 994.
-, ……, mayor, bailiffs and commonalty, 101.
-, ……, mayor and burgesses of, land held of, 364.
-, ……, St. Andrew’s, prior of, land held of, 997.
-, ……, St. James, abbot of, land held of, 101.

Northampton, comity, sheriff of, annuity paid by, 995.

Northbirlyngham. See Burlingham St. Andrew.

Northborough, Norburgh, co. Northampton, 331.

Northbourne, Norborn, Norbourne, co. Kent, manor, land held of, 549, 957.

Northbreache, le Breche, in Ewhurst, co. Surrey, 513.

Northcombe, Northcomb [in Bratton Clovelly], co. Devon, 54.

Northcory. See Curry, North.

Northcote, Northecote [in Burrington], co. Devon, 573.

Northcoulton. See Cowton, North.

Northecote. See Northcote.

Northeham. See Northam.

Northe … nham, co. Norfolk, 713.

Northehuysche. See Huish, North.

Northemede [in Ellingham?], co. Southampton, 722.

Northfaram. See Fareham, North.

Northfleet, Northflete, co. Kent, 958.
-, ……, Bowrestrete in, 132.
-, ……, Perry Street in, q.v.

Northgangis. See Hatfield, Little.

Northgate hundred, co. Oxford, p. 600.

Northingeleby. See Ingleby.

Northkilworth. See Kilworth, North.

Northlache. See Northleach.

Northland. See Norland.

Northleach, Northlache, co. Gloucester, 372.
-, ……, manor of, land held of, 372.

Northleverton. See Leverton, North.

Northlew, co. Devon, 612.

Northluffenham. See Luffenham, North.

Northmaperton. See Mapperton.

Northmerden. See Marden, North.

Northmolton. See Molton, North.

Northmuskham. See Muskham, North.

Northmydelton. See Middleton, North.

Northmylford, Northmylforth. See Milford, North.

Northolt, Northall, co. Middlesex, 463, 952, 1175.

Northpetherton. See Petherton, North.

Northsomercotes. See Somercotes, North.

Northtawton. See Tawton, North.

Northumberland, escapes of felons in, p. 598.
-, ……, felonies in, p. 597.

Northumberland, earl of. See Percy, H. (two).

North Weald Bassett, Northweld, Northwelde, Welde, co. Essex, 358, 447.

Northweloghby. See Willoughby, North.

Northweston. See Weston, North.

Northwode. See Norwood, co. Middlesex.

Northwode Chastyners. See Norwood, co. Kent.

Northwode, Elizabeth, daughter of John, 960.
-, ……, Elizabeth, wife of John, 960.
-, ……, Joan, daughter of John, 960.

NORTHWODE, JOHN, co. Kent, 960.
-, ……, John, father of John, 960.

Northwokyndon. See Ockendon, North.

Northwysche. See Huish, North.

Norton, co. Derby, manor, 368.

Norton, co. Essex. See Norton Mandeville.

Norton [in Stockton], co. Salop, 1074.

Norton [in Wonston], co. Southampton, manor, 194.

Norton, co. Stafford. See N. under Cannock.

Norton, co. Suffolk, manor, 561.

Norton, co. Worcester [near Evesham], p. 595.

Norton Bassett. See N. Disney.

Norton, Bishop, Bisshopp Norton, Bysshopysnorton, co. Lincoln, 667, 679, 962.

Norton by Galbe, Galby. See Norton, King’s, co. Leicester.

Norton, Chipping, Chepyngnorton, co. Oxford, 1062.

Norton Conyers, co. York, manor, land held of, 201.

Norton Davy. See Norton, Green’s.

Norton Disney, N. Bassett, N. Dysney, co. Lincoln, 667, 669.
-, ……, manor, 667.

Norton, East, Est Norton, co. Leicester, p. 595.

Norton Ferris, N. Ferreys [in Kilmington], co. Wilts, formerly Somerset, manor, 1081.

Norton, Greens, Grenesnorton, Norton Davy, co. Northampton, 988.
-, ……, deeds dated at, 259.
-, ……, manor, 259, 1004.

Norton, Hook, Hockenorton, Hoggesnorton, co. Oxford, 1062.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 100.

Norton in Hales, N. in Halys, co. Salop, manor, 234, 559.
-, ……, …. and advowson, 203.

Norton in the Moors, co. Stafford, manor, 385.

Norton, King’s, Norton by Galbe, Galby, co. Leicester, 199.

Norton, King’s, Kyngesnorton, co. Worcester, 1170.

Norton, Little, co. Oxford, 1062.

Norton Malreward, N. Malruers, N. Malvers, co. Somerset, manor, 509, 1092.

Norton Mandeville, co. Essex, 835.

Norton, Over, Coldenorton, Colnorton, co. Oxford, 1054, 1062.
-, ……, manor, 1062.
-, ……, …., land held of, 306.
-, ……, priory, 1054, 1062.
-, ……, …., prior of. See Wotton, J.

Norton Subcourse, N. Subcors, co. Norfolk, manor, 239.

Norton under Cannock, co. Stafford, 1123, 1125.

Norton, John, land held of, 161.
-, ……, John, knight, land held of, 201.
-, ……, Nicholas, 950.
-, ……, Richard, clerk, 519.
-, ……, Thomas, 169.

NORTON, WILLIAM, co. Middlesex, 950.
-, ……, William, 251.

Norwell, co. Nottingham, 1035.
-, ……, Overhall and Palishall, prebendaries of. See under Southwell.

Norwich, co. Norfolk, 249, 684, 837, 975.
-, ……, alderman of. See Cause, T.
-, ……, bishop’s palace in, land held in right of, 3.
-, ……, castle, gaol in, 143.
-, ……, hospital of St. Giles, p. 598.
-, ……, …. of St. Mary Magdalene, p. 598.

Norwich, bishop of, land held of, 52, 239, 534. See also Goldwell, J.; Nix, R.

NORWICH, Norwiche, Norwyche, JOHN, of Brampton Ash, co. Leicester, 752; co. Northampton, 1001.
-, ……, Robert, 514.

Norwood, Northwode Chastyners [in Milton], co. Kent, manor, 960.

Norwood, Northwode, co. Middlesex, 952, 1175.

Norwood, John, 75, 76.

NORWOODE, JOHN, co. Nottingham, 486.
-, ……, John, son of John, 486.

Norwyche. See Norwich.

Noseley, Nolsay, co. Leicester, 24.

Nostell, co. York, St. Oswald’s monastery, prior of, land held of, 182, 272.

Noteley. See Notley.

Nothilmede. See under Pyworthy.

Notley, Noteley [in Long Crendon, co. Buckingham], abbot of, p. 599.

Notley. See Netley.

Notley, Black, co. Essex, 534.

Notley Hall [in White Notley], co. Essex, manor, land held of, 534.

Notley, White, co. Essex, 534.

Notte, John, 292.
-, ……, Robert, 367.

Nottingham, Notyngham, 30.
-, ……, castle, land held of, 876, 1030.
-, ……, …., honour of, land held of, 327.

Nottingham, county, court of, 477.
-, ……, escheator in. See Hunt, T.
-, ……, felonies etc. in, p. 601.
-, ……, intrusions in, p. 600.

Nottingham, earl of. See Berkeley, W.

Nouburgh. See Newburgh.

Nowark, Thomas, 564.

Nowton, Noweton, co. Suffolk, 135.

Nox manor. See under Stukeley, Great.

Nunney, Nony, co. Somerset, 547.
-, ……, castle and manor, 583.
-, ……, …., chantries in, advowsons of, 583.

Nunnington, Nonnington, co. York, manor, 87.

Nunormesby. See Ormsby, North.

Nunwell, Nonnewell [in Blading], Isle of Wight, manor, 483.

Nunwick Thorns, Nunwikthornes, co. York, manor, 201.

Nutbourne, Nutborne Seyntclere [in Pulborough], co. Sussex, manor, 1141.

Nutfield, Nutfeld, co. Surrey, 215, 467, 1137.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 215, 467, 1137.

Nuton. See Newton (surname).

Nuton Busshell. See Newton Bushel.

Nuton Playcy. See Newton, North.

Nutson, Nuttiston, in Chawleigh, co. Devon, 367.

Nuttiston. See Nutson; see also under Crediton.

Nuttyng, Richard, 195.

Nycholl, Nychold. See Nicholl.

Nymetbough, Nymetbowe. See Bow.

Nymet Rowland, Nimetrolond, co. Devon, manor, 908.
-, ……, …., land held of, 908.

Nymet Tracey, Nymettracy, co. Devon, Hampson in, q.v.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 248. See also Bow.

Nympton, Nimet, Bishop’s, co. Devon, manor, land held of, 796.
-, ……, Park House in, q.v.

Nynehead, Nynehede Flory, co. Somerset, manor, 788.

Nynge, John, 534.

Nyngewod. See Ningwood.

Nynhede Flory. See Nynehead.

Nynnowe. See Treninnow.

Nytherton. See Netherton.

Nyton. See Niton.

Nytylcombe. See under Betchworth.

Nywton, co. Dorset. See Sturminster

Newton. Nywton (surname). See Newton.