General Index: Y

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: Y', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: Y', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte. "General Index: Y". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. (London, 1898), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Yaddebury, co. Devon. See Yedbury.

Yalding, Ealdyng, co. Kent, land in, 433, 861, 1235.

Yalmeton, co. Devon. See Yealmpton.

Yanwath, Yanwith., co. Westmd., town of, 432.

Yanwith, co. Westmd. See Yanwath.

Yapam, co. York. See Yapham.

Yapham, Yapam, co. York, Bolton by. See Bolton.

Yapton, co. Sussex, manor of, 641.

Yaram, Robert, 753.

Yard, Yeard, Yerde, co. Devon, manor of, 899.

Yard, Elizabeth. See Gibbs, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Gilbert, 758.

Yard, Gilbert, esq., Devon, 899.

Yard, Joan, wife of Gilbert, esq., 899.
-, ………, Joan, wife of Richard, 899.
-, ……., Richard, 899; land held of, in co. Devon, 403, 755.

Yard, Roger, Devon, 758.

Yard, Roger, s. and h. of Gilbert, esq., 899.
-, ………, Thomas, 899.

Yardesley, co. Heref. See Eardisley.

Yardley, Yerdeley, co. N’hamp., land held of manor of, 796; land in, 796.

Yarkhill, Yarkhull, co. Heref., land in, 451.

Yarkhull, co. Heref. See Yarkhill.

Yarlington, Gerlyngton, co. Somers., land held of manor of, 513.

Yarm, Yarom, co. York, knight’s fee in, 675; land held of manor of, 669; manor of, 675; messuages in, 669.

Yarmes Howe, co. York, land in, 220.

Yarmouth, co. Norf., Russe, John, gent, of. See Russe.

Yarnscombe, Ernescombe, Yearnescombe, co. Devon, rents in, 47; manor of, 155.

Yarom, co. York. See Yarm.

Yate, co. Glouc., advowson of, 271; manor of, 271.

Yate, Richard, 68.

Yatesbury, co. Wilts., land in, 479.

Yattendon, Yatynden, co. Berks., land near, 877.

Yatton, co. Heref., manor of, 772.
-, ………, co. Somers., land in, 268; Wyke by. See Wyke.

Yatynden, co. Berks. See Yattenden.

Yaxle, co. Suff. See Yaxley.

Yaxlee, John, &c. See Yaxley.

Yaxley, Yaxle, co. Suff., land in, 439.

Yaxley, Yaxlee, John, 812.
-, ………, Richard, 812.

Yea, Over and Nether, co. Devon. See Payhembury.

Yealmpton, Yalmeton, co. Devon, Dunstone in. See Dunstone; land held of manor of, 974; Worston in. See Worston.

Yeard, Richard. See Yard.

Yeardebury, co. Devon, manor of, 760.

Yearnescombe, co. Devon. See Yarnscombe.

Yedbury, Yaddebury, co. Devon, manor of, 155.

Yeddeslegh, co Devon. See Iddesleigh.

Yeddesley, co. Devon. See Iddesleigh.

Yelbery, co. Oxford. See Ilbury.

Yeldham, co. Essex, Doreward, John, of. See Doreward.
-, ………, Great, co. Essex, manor of, 1144.

Yelling, co. Middx. See Ealing.

Yelverton, co. Norf., land in, 721, 1026.

Yelverton, Christine, wife of Nicholas, esq., late Christine Ferour of Wendling, co. Norf., 1143.
-, ………, John, 173.
-, ………, Nicholas, esq., 1143.
-, ………, William, knt., 173.

Yeng Margaret, co. Essex. See Margaretting.

Yenstowe, co. Devon. See Instow.

Yeo, John, of Brampton, co. Somers., 270, 674.
-, ………, Robert, esq., 270, 674.
-, ………, William, 1068.

Yeolston, co. Devon. See Youlston.

Yeovil, Yevyll, co. Somers., Kingston by. See Kingston.

Yeovilton, Yevelton, co. Somers., manor of., 713, 1048.

Yerborowe, Richard, 1125.

Yerde, Richard. See Yard.

Yerdeley, co. N’hamp. See Yardley.

Yesyngton, co. N’th’l’d. See Easington.

Yetminster, William (temp. Edw. II), 44.

Yevans, Joan, widow. See Dornes, Joan.

Yevelton, co. Somers. See Yeovilton.

Yeventon, co. Glouc. See Evington.

Yevyll, co. Somers. See Yeovil.

Yewton, Uton [in Crediton], co. Devon, manor of, 30.

Yllegh, Monks, co. Suff. See Monks Yllegh.

Yllongworth, Richard. See Illingworth.

Yng Mounteney, co. Essex. See Mountnessing.

Yngaldesthropp, Edmund. See Ingoldisthorpe.

Ynge Burton, co. Oxford. See Bourton, Inge.

Yngham, co. Linc. See Ingham.

Yuthe, Richard, of Great Plumstead, co. Norf., 1229.

Yoldyche, co. Devon, land in, 661.

Yole, Robert, clk., 714.

Yollond, co. Cornw., manor of, 208.

Yonge, Thomas, &c. See Young.

Yongeston, co. Devon, land in, 760.

York, co. York, Archbishop of, land held of, in co. Notts., 1210; in co. York, 353, 541, 670, 1046, 1145.
-, ………, Booth, Robert, Dean of. See Booth.
-, ………, Canon of. See Hart, John.
-, ………. city of, land held of, in co. York, 1062.
-, ………, Dean and Chapter of, land held of, in co. York, 273, 363, 1188
-, ………, Duchess of. See Plantagenet, Cicely and Plantagenet, Philippa.
-, ………, Duchy of York. See King, jure uxoris and Rayleigh
-, ………, Duke of. See Plantagenet, Richard and Tudor, Henry.
-, ………, messuages in, 350.
-, ………, Nevill, George Archbishop of. See Nevill.
-, ………, Rotherham, Thomas, Archbishop of. See Rotherham.
-, ………, St. Dennis parish in, messuages in, 547.

York, St. Leonard’s Hospital, land held by. in co. York, 780; land held of, in co. York, 541.
-, ………, St. Mary’s Abbey without walls of, land held of, in co. York, 233, 363, 612, 1188.
-, ………, Vrswick, Christopher, Dean of. See Urswick.

York, John, 707.
-, ………, William, esq., 707.

Youlston, Yeolston, co. Devon, manor of 379.

Young, Yonge, Agnes, wife of William, 707.
-, ………, Clarice, d. and ch. of William, 707.
-, ……… Elizabeth, d. and ch. of William, 707.
-, ………, Joan, d. and ch. of William, 707.
-, ………, Margaret, d. and ch. of William, 707.
-, …….., Thomas, esq., land held of, in co. Somers., 385.

Young, Thomas, gent., Berks., 132.
-, ………, William, 132.

Young, William, Berks., 707.

Ysbury, co. Berks. See Isbury,