General Index: W

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: W', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: W', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte. "General Index: W". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. (London, 1898), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Wachet, co. Somers. See Watchett.

Waddesworth, co. York. See Wadsworth.

Waddington, Wadyngton, co. Linc., land in, 953.

Waddon, West, co. Dorset, manor of, 747.

Wade, co. Hants. See Romsey.
-, ……, co. Kent. See Iwade.

Wade, Henry, 845.
-, …….., John, 780.
-, ………, Thomas, 996.

Wadeheis, co. Devon, land in, 923.

Wadham, Joan, wife of William, esq., and d. and h. of John Payne, 332.
-, ………, John, knt., 754.

Wadham, land held of, in co. Devon, 808, 1110; in co. Somers, 14.
-, ………, John, s. of William, esq., 332.

Wadham, William, esq., Dorset, 332.

Wadham, William, s. and h of William, esq., 332.

Wadker, co. Norf. See Norton.

Wadsworth, Waddesworth, co York, messuage in, 353; rent in, 353; Shaw, Robert, of. See Shaw.

Wadyngton, co. Linc. See Waddington.

Wagete, William, 755.

Wainfleet, Wayneflet, Waynflete, co. Linc., land held of manor of, 1257; land in, 1257; manor of, 366, 1037.

Wainfleet, William, Bishop of Winchester, 11, 18, 151, 1124.

Waithe, Wathe, cum Brigsley, co. Linc., manor of, 639.

Wake, John, 412.
-, ………, John, esq., 1143.
-, ………, John, land held of heirs of, in co. Herts., 175.
-, …….., Roger, 429.
-, ………, Roger, of Blisworth, co. N’hamp., esq., 931.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 79.

Wakebrigge, co. Derby, Ralph Pole, of. See Pole.

Wakefeld, co. York. See Wakefield.

Wakefield, Waktfeld, Wakfeld, co. York., Banastre, John, of. See Banaster; barony of, land held of, in co. York, 1046; chantry, Pilkington’s, in All Saints church, 353; king’s demesne of, land held of, 256, 353, 1100; messuage in, 256; Midgley fee (1/4) in, 256; rent in, 353; Walton by. See Walton.

Wakefield, Thomas, 640.

Wakeherst, Richard, &c. See Wakehurst.

Wakehurst, Wakeherst, Richard, the elder, 416, 425, 431.
-, ………, Richard, the younger, 416, 425.

Wakfeld, co. York. See Wakefield.

Walberton, co. Sussex, manor of, 1060.

Walbroke, London. See Walbrook.

Walbrook, Walbroke, London. See London.

Walcot, co. Oxford, manor of, 1131.
-, ……, co. Wilts., land in, 479, 1152.
-, …….., by Billinghay (Byllyngay), co. Linc., land in, 1037.

Walcotes manor, co. Norf. See Massingham, Little.

Waldegrave, Waldgrave, Walgrave, Walgrove, Anthony, s. of William, esq., 1144.
-, ………, Edward, 248, 371, 1171.
-, ………, Elizabeth. See Say, Elizabeth.
-, ………. Isabel, wife of Edward, and d. and co-heir of John Cheney, 248, 252, 371, 1171.
-, ………, William, 409, 439.

Waldegrave, William, esq., son and heir of Dame Elizabeth Say, 993.
-, ………, William, of Smallbridge [in Bures], co. Suff., esq., 1144.
-, ………, William, the younger, 1144.

Walden, co. Essex, Chalke, John, of. See Chalke; land in, 291.
-, ………, Kings, co. Herts., land in, 512.

Waldern, co. Sussex, manor of, 552.

Waldern, Margaret. See Brewster, Margaret.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of Richard, 237.
-, ………, Richard, 237.

Walderond, John, &c. See Walrond.

Waldgrave, William, &c. See Waldegrave.

Waldon, co. Devon, land in, 680.

Waldore, land called, in Walton, co. Cumb., 157.

Waldyngham, co. Surrey. See Woldingham.

Wale, William, 929, 1136.

Wales, Arthur, prince of, land held of, in co. Bucks., 849, 967; in co. Devon, 661; in co. Dorset, 1114; in co. Glouc., 734; in co. Leic., 164; in co. Norf., 1084; in co. N’hamp., 1179; in co. Oxford, 732, 1030; in co. Warw., 450; in Wales, 601; as Earl of Chester, in co. Linc., 1037, in co. York, 477; as of honor and castle of Berkhampstead. See Berkhampstead; as of honor of Cheylesmore. See Cheylesmore; as of honor of Wallingford. See Wallingford; as of manor of Curry Mallett, in co. Wilts., 823; as of manor of Helsbury. See Helsbury; as of manor of Launceston. See Launceston; as of manor of Tewyngton. See Tewyngton; as of manor of Trelawen. See Trelawen. See also Cornwall, duchy of.

Walesby, co. Notts., rent in, 962.

Walettes, North and South, co. Essex. See Lawling.

Waleys, John. See Wallis.

Walford, co. Somers., land in, 870.

Walgrave, Edward, &c. See Waldegrave.

Walgrove, Edward, &c. See Waldegrave.

Walhouse, William, 1234.

Walkamsted, Walkemstede, [Godstone], co. Surrey, parish of, manor of Legham in, 201, 397; messuages in Godstone in, 201, 397.

Walkamstowe, co. Essex. See Walthamstow.

Walkemstede, co. Surrey. See Walkamsted.

Walker, Clement, wife of Mark. See Doreward, Clemence.
-, ………, Joan, 1145.
-, ………, John, 703.
-, …….., Mark, land held of, jure ux., in co. Essex, 1161.
-, ………, Morgan, chaplain, 996.
-, ………, Richard, 922.

Walker, Richard, cit. and grocer of London, 830.
-, ………, Richard, grocer, 120.
-, ………, Robert, 1100.

Walkern, co. Herts., manor of, 507.

Walkington, Walkyngton, co. York, land in, 363.

Walkyngton, co. York. See Walkington.

Wall, Aston in the, co. N’hamp. See Aston le Walls.

Wallepyll, Walpyll, co. Somers., land in, 257, 652, 756.

Waller, John, the younger, land held of, in co. Sussex, 738.
-, ………, John, the younger, esq., 563.
-, ………, Richard, 996.

Walleronde, John. See Walrond.

Walles, Bykford, co. Devon. See Bykford.

Wallewen, Thomas, &c. See Walwyn.

Wallingford, Wallyngfforde, Walyngford, co. Berks., advowson of St. Peter’s in, 466; Anastyes, messuage called, in, 466; Antelop, Le, in, 620; honor of, land held of, in co. Berks., 466, 712, 801, 999, 1031; in co. Bucks., 8, 465, 491, 844, 868; in co. Hants, 646, 1196; in co. Oxford, 75, 168, 413, 416, 467, 592; in co. Surrey, 846; in co. Sussex, 1060; in co. Wilts., 88; mayor and bailiffs of, land held of, 466.

Wallington, Wallyngton, Walyngton, co. Herts, land in, 1035.
-, ……, co. Norf., land in, 912.

Wallis, Waleys, Walys, John, land held of, in co. Devon, 680, 1185.
-, ………, John, esq., 1220.

Wallop, Over, co. Hants, land in, 368.

Wallop, Joan, wife of Joan, esq., 187.
-, …….., John, 103.

Wallop, John, esq., Hants, 189; Wilts., 186.

Wallop, Richard, gent., 764.
-, ………, Richard, son and heir of John, esq., 186, 187.
-, ………, Richard, the elder, 186.
-, ………, Robert, 187.
-, ………, Stephen, 187.
-, ………, William, 187.

Walltwhate, co. Cumb., tenement at, 245.

Wallyngfforde, co. Berks. See Wallingford.

Wallyngton, co. Norf. See Wallington.

Walpole, co. Norf., Damettes in, 1019; land in,210, 901, 1021.
-, ……… Rystoft, co. Norf., manor of, 901, 1021.

Walpole, John, Norf., 1019; Suff., 1020.

Walpole, Thomas, 309, 872.
-, ………, Thomas, s. and h. of John, 1019.

Walpyll, co. Somers. See Wallepyll.

Walron, Margery, &c. See Walrond.

Walrond, Walderond, Walleronde, Walron, Humphrey, land held of, in co. Devon, 899, 930.

Walroud, Humphrey, s. and h. of John, 81.

Walrond, Humphrey, s. and h. of John, Devon, 902.

Walrond, John, Devon, 81.

Walrond, John, 902.
-, ………, John, gent., land held of, in co. Glouc., 858.

Walrond, Margery, late wife of William, and sometime wife of Godfrey Hilton, esq., Notts, 1193.

Walrond, William, 1193.

Walsh, Walssh, Joan. See Nevill, Joan.
-, ………, John, esq., 1148; land held of, in co. Herts., 773.
-, ………, William, land held of, in co. Norf., 805.

Walsham, hundred, co. Norf., land in, 916.
-, ………, North, co. Norf., Royses, manor in, 805; Sorwelly’s tenement in, 805.
-, ………, South, co. Norf., land in, 916.

Walshawe, John, 192.
-, ………, John, brother and heir of Richard, esq., 192.

Walshawe, Richard, esq., Somers., 192.

Walshawe, William, 192.

Walsingham, Walsyngham, co. Norf., inquisitaken at, 594; priory of, land held of, in co. Norf., 1008.

Walsoken, Walsokyn, co. Norf., land in, 210; manor of, 901, 1021.

Walsokyn, co. Norf. See Walsoken.

Walssh, John, &c. See Walsh.

Walsyngham, co. Norf. See Walsingham.

Walter, Gilbert, 457.

Walter, Woodham, co. Essex. See Woodham, Walter.

Walteriston, Pedel, co. Dorset. See Walterston.

Walters, John, clk., 975, 976.

Walterston in Puddletown (Pedel Walteriston), co. Dorset, manor of, 747.

Waltham, co. Kent, land in, 380.
-, ………, Great, co. Essex, Southous manor in, 72; tenement called Andrewes in, 391.
-, ………, Holy Cross (Seyntcrosse), co. Essex, abbey of, land held of, in co. Essex, 62, 94, 381, 985; in co. Herts., 204, 773; tenements in, 773.
-, ………, White, co. Berks., John Thomas tenement, 928; Lytilfelde Grene tenement, 928; Smewyns alias Ripons, 928.

Waltham, John, vicar of Elmdon, co. Essex, 420.

Walthamstow, Walkamstowe, co. Essex, manor of Higham Bensted in, 62.

Walton, co. Cumb., Chestres in, 157; Waldore in, 157.
-, ……, co. Bucks., land in, 576.
-, ……, co. Derby, manor of, 3.
-, ……, co. Norf., land in, 210.
-, ……, co. Somers., manor of, 435.

Walton by Wakefield, co. York, manor of, 1046.
-, ……… D’Eivile (Devyll), co. Warw., manor of, 599.
-, ………, East, co. Norf., Baker, William, of. See Baker; Newgates in, 1022; Richowdes in, 1022.
-, ……… Mauduit (Maundit), co. Warw., manor of, 599.
-, ………, South, co. Norf., Stowedele Leet in, 101.
-, ……… Wod, co. Cumb., rents in, 157.

Walwen, Joan, &c. See Walwyn.

Walworth, John, 265, 312.
-, ………, Thomas, the elder, gent., 809.

Walwyn, Wallewen, Walwen, Alice. See Bainham, Alice.
-, ………, Fulk, s. and h. of Thomas and Joan, 113.

Walwyn, Joan, late the wife of Thomas, esq., 113.

Walwyn, Joan, mother of William, and sister and h. of Robert Greindour, 116.

Walwyn, Margaret, late wife of Richard, sometime wife of William Burley, and sister of Reginald, Lord Grey De Wilton, Salop, 726.

Walwyn, Richard, 726.
-, ………, Richard, of Much Marcle, co. Heref., 113.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., son of Richard, 113.
-, ………, Thomas of Stoke [Edith], co. Heref., 113.
-, ………, William, 116.
-, ……… See also Wuluen.

Walwyns manor, co. Camb. See Stanton, Long.

Walyngford. See Wallingford.

Walyngton, co. Norf. See Wallington.

Walys, John. See Wallis.

Wamersike, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Wanborough, Wanburgh, Wandeborough, co. Wilts, Herdescot in. See Eastcot; land held of manor of, 505, 1152; land in, 1152.

Wanburgh, co. Wilts. See Wanborough.

Wandeborough, co. Wilts. See Wanborough.

Wandesford, John, &c. See Wansford.

Wandesforde, co. York. See Wansford.

Wandestree, co. Somers. See Wanstrow.

Wandisforth, co. York. See Wansford.

Wandstree, co. Somers. See Wanstrow.

Wandsworth, Waynesworth, co. Surrey, manor of, 190.

Wanford, Wangeford, Warneford, co. Devon, land in, 680.
-, ………, South, co. Devon, land in, 688.

Wangeford, co. Devon. See Wanford.

Wanneford, co. Devon See Wanford.

Wannston, co. Kent. See Wanstone.

Wansford, Wandesforde, Wandisforth, co. York, land in, 363, 1188; manor of, 477.

Wansford, John, 612.

Wanstone, Wannston, co. Kent, rent in, 362.

Wanstrow, Wandestree, Wandstree, co. Somers., Butler, John, of. See Butler; land in, 118; manor of, 118.

Wantage, Wantynge, co. Berks., Bourchier, John, knt., Lord Fitz Warine, lord of. See Bourchier; land held of manor of, 707, 708; messuage in, 708.

Wantynge, co. Berks. See Wantage.

Wapeham, John, clk., 641.

Wapenham, co. N’hamp. See Wappenham.

Wapley, Wappeley, Wapplyth, co. Glouc., manor of, 673.
-, ……, co. Heref., hamlet of, 549.

Waplington, Waplyngton, co. York, manor of, 477.

Waplyngton, co. York. See Waplington.

Wapnam, co. N’hamp. See Wappenham.

Wappeley, co. Glouc. See Wapley.

Wappenham, Wapenham, Wapnam, co. N’hamp., baptism at, 1208; land in, 753.

Wapplyth, co. Heref. See Wapley.

Waran, Earl of. See Warren.

Warbelton, William. See Warbleton.

Warbleton, Warbelton, William, 417.

Warcop, Robert, esq., 669.
-, . ……., Thomas, land held of, in co. Westmd., 10.

Ward, Warde, Henry, 1145.
-, ………, Joan, 1145.
-, ………, John, 1145.
-, ………, John, cit. and alderman of London, 1055.
-, ………, John, clk., 759.
-, ………, John, gent., 1049.
-, ………, John, grocer, 51, 58.
-, ………, John, mercer, 58.
-, ………, John, parish priest of Great Missenden, co. Bucks., 1071.
-, ………, Katharine, d. of John, gent., and niece and heir of Willinm Wyvill, esq., 1049.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of John, gent., and d. of William Wyvill, 1049.
-, ………, Thomas, 1145.
-, ………, Thomas, of Upthrope, husbandman, 748.

Wardefyn,’ 347.

Warden, Wardon, co. Bedf., abbey of, land held of, in co. Bedf., 1104.
-, ……, co. Kent, rent in, 362.
-, ………, Old, co. Bedf., Hill manor in, 1104; land in, 1104.
-, ………, West, alias Chipping, co. N’hamp., advowson of, 664; hundred of, 37; manor of, 37, 664.

Warden, Thomas, 642.

Wardens manor, co. Kent. See Egerton.

Wardon, co. Kent. See Warden.
-, ……, co. N’hamp. See Warden.
-, ………, Old, co. Bedf. See Warden.

Ware, co. Herts., Blakes, manor in, 1230; Braughings manor in, 665; Graunger, Thomas, clk., vicar of. See Granger; inquisition at, 773; land held of manor of, 665, 682; land in, 512, 682, 1230; Bury, William, of. See Pury.

Ware, John, 530.

Wareham, Warham, co. Dorset, tenement in, 143.

Warehorn, co. Kent. See Capel.

Warelond, Le, co. Surrey. See Albury.

Waren, John, &c. See Warren.

Waresley, co. Hunt., Erles Manoir in, 1189; Gaygnes Manoir in, 1189.

Wareyn, John. See Warren.

Warham, co. Dorset. See Wareham.

Warham, William, clk., M.A., land held of, in co. Hants, 1240.

Warin, son of Gerold, barony of, land held of, in co. Cumb., 543.

Waringstone, Veryston, Weryston, co. Devon, land in, 797.

Wark, John, clk., 468, 548.

Warkworth, co. N’th’l’d., castle, &c., of, 542.

Warlaby, Warlaghby, co. York, manor (1/2) of, 250.

Warlaghby, co. York. See Warlaby.

Warleby, co. Linc. See Worlaby.

Warlegh, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 760; manor of, 760.

Warley, co. Essex, Abbess Warley manor, land held of, 985.

Warlond, in Totness, co. Devon, advowson of, 536.

Warmester, co. Wilts. See Warminster.

Warmewell, co. Dorset. See Warmwell.

Warmington, Wermyngton, co. N’hamp., messuages in, 1179.

Warminster, Warmester, Wermester, co. Wilts., land in, 1247.

Warmwell, Warmewell, co. Dorset, land in, 145. See Watercombe.

Warnehill, Close called, in manor of Burghon-the-Sands, co. Cumb., 157.

Warner, John, 86, 134.
-, ………, John, clk., 1192.
-, ………, William, esq., 996.

Warranty against Abbot of Westminster, 787, 1198.

Warre, John, 616.
-, ………, John, father of Richard, esq., 616.
-, ………, Richard, 121, 156.

Warre, Richard, coz. and h. of Richard, esq., Somers., 616.

Warre, Richard, esq., 616.
-, ………, Robert, esq., 146, 616.

Warren, Waran, Waren, Wareyn, Waryn Anne, d. of Thomas, 873.
-, ………, Edward, s. of Thomas, 873.

Warren, Joan, wife of Thomas, 873.
-, ………, John, 698, 909.
-, ………, John, clk., 784.
-, ………, John, Earl of, lands escheated, 1046.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Thomas, 873.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of William, 1210.
-, ………, Richard, s. of Thomas, 873.

Warren, Thomas, Wilts., 873.

Warren, Thomas, s. of Thomas, 873.

Warren, William, Notts., 1210.

Warren, William, s. of Thomas, 873.

Warrewell Abbey, co. Hants. See Wherwell.

Warrewyke, co. Warw. See Warwick.

Warrwyke, co. Warw. See Warwick.

Warsopp, William, 265.

Warsprynge, co. Somers. See Worspring.

Warthell, co. York. See Warthill.

Warthill, Warthell, co. York, land in, 1005; prebendary of, land held of, 1005.

Warthryoke, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Warwick, Warrewyke, Warrwyke, Warwik, co. Warw., castle of, land held of, in co. Leic., 307; in co. Warw., 289; Countess of, land held of, in co. Devon, 661; in co. Oxford, 676; Earl of, land held of heirs of, in co. Devon, 785; earldom of, land held of. See King, and Plantagenet, Edward; land held of manor of, 599; land in, 27, 136; Lee, Benet, of. See Lea; Longbridge beside, 375; Margaret, Countess of, land held of, in co. Glouc., 673. See also Miton.
-, ……… and Salisbury, Edward, Earl of. See Plantagenet.
-, ……… Bridge, co. Cumb., land in Great Corby near, 157.

Warwick, John, knt., heirs of, 157.

Warwik, John, knt. See Warwick.

Waryn, Thomas, &c. See Warren.

Wase, Henton, co. Wilts. See Hinton.

Washbourne, Knyghtes, co. Worc., land in, 841.

Washford, co. Somers., manor of, 1216.

Washingley, Wassynglee, co. Hunt., manor of, 120.

Waslyn, Richard. See Wasselyn.

Wasselyn, Waslyn, Richard, esq., 1115, 1145.

Wasshe, South, co. Devon, knight’s fee in, 536; rent from, 536.

Wassheborne, Knyghtes, co. Worc. See Washbourn.

Wassynglee, co. Hunt. See Washingley.

Watchett, Wachet, and Williton, co. Somers., manor of, 658.

Watcombe, co. Oxford, manor of, 1030.

Water Eaton, co. Berks. See Eaton, Water.
-, ………, Eton, co. Berks. See Eaton, Water.

Watercombe [in Warmwell], co. Dorset, land in, 145.

Waterle, Westley, co. Camb. See Westley Waterless.

Watermillock, Weddermeloke, co. Cumb., land in, 245.

Waters, co. Herts., manor of, 512, 682.

Waterstock, Waterstoke, co. Oxford, land held of manor of, in co. Bucks., 465.

Waterstoke, co. Oxford. See Waterstock.

Waterston, co. Somers., land in, 754.

Waterton, John, knt., York, 1046.

Waterton, Robert, s. and h. of John, knt., 1046.

Watervyle, Escher, co. Surrey. See Esher.

Watford, co. Herts., Grove manor in, 320.
-, ……, co. N’hamp., land in, 37.

Wathe, co. Linc. See Waithe.
-, ………, in Lyme Regis, co. Dorset, land in, 1201.

Watkynes manor in Great Dunmow, co. Essex, land held of, 276.

Watlington, Watlyngton, co. Norf., land in, 210.
-, ……, co. Oxford, land in, 1030.

Watlyngton, co. Norf. See Watlington.
-, ……, co. Oxford. See Watlington.

Wattes, John, &c. See Watts.

Wattisham, co. Suff., manor of, 975.

Watton, co. Devon, manor of, 978.
-, ……, co. Notts. See Whatton.
-, ……, co. York, land held of manor of, 600; priory of, land held of, in co. York, 600, 947, 1211.

Watton, Edmund, land held of, in co. Kent, 1055.

Watts, Wattes, Wattys, Edmund, clk., 1181.
-, ………, John, s. of Thomas, 1178.
-, ………, Thomas, 1178.
-, ………, Thomas, ‘stacioner,’ 381.

Wattys, Edmund. See Watts.

Wattys, co. Hants. See Holybourn.

Wauncell, Richard, 560.

Wautier, Wodham, co. Essex. See Woodham Walter.

Wauton, Andrew de, 21.
-, . ……, Robert, esq., 1143.

Wavasour, Henry. See Vavasour.

Waver, Anne, widow, 881.
-, ………, Christopher, 881.

Waver, Elizabeth, widow, late wife of Christopher, Leic., 881.

Waver, John, 803.
-, ………, Richard, s. and h. of Christopher, 881.

Wawen, Wotton, co. Warw. See Wootton.

Wawton, Alice, d. and co-heir of John Thwing, 1170.
-, ………, Cicely, d. and h. of John, 515.
-, ………, Ivetta. See Witham, Ivetta.
-, ………, John, 1170.

Wawton, John, Essex, 515.

Wawton, John, s. of Alice, 1170.

Wawton, Margaret. See Witham, Margaret.
-, …….., Philip, 515.
-, …….., Richard, land held of, in co. Essex, 924.

Waxham, Waxtoneham, co. Norf., manor of, 1097.

Waxtoneham, co. Norf. See Waxham.

Way, Thomas, of Dalditch, co. Devon, 899.

Waycombe, co. Somers., messuage in, 651.

Wayde, Joan, widow, 1145.

Wayneflet, co. Linc. See Wainfleet.

Waynesworth, co. Surrey. See Wandsworth.

Waynflete, William See Wainfleet.

Wayssheborn, co. Devon, manor of, 760.

Wayte, Agatha, wife of John, esq., daughter and co-heir of Richard Lovel, of Boveney, co. Bucks., Bucks., 887.

Wayte, Agnes, of Drax, 1145.
-, ………, Anabilla, wife of John, 187.
-, ………, John, 392, 400.
-, ………, John, esq., 887.
-, ………, John, son of Thomas, 187.
-, ………, Thomas, 187.
-, ………, William, 1136, 1143.
-, ………, Wiiliam, son of John, 187.

Waytley, co. Somers. See Whitley.

Weald, Weeld, Welde, co. Essex, land in, 152, 895.
-, ………, co. Oxford, land in, 1200.
-, ………, North (Northweld), co. Essex, Ballardis alias Wilcokkis in, 1217; land in, 895; Wralebrigge in, 1217.
-, ………, North (Northweld), Bassett, co. Essex, land in, 152, 895.

Weare, Were, Nether, co. Somers., land in, 435.
-, ………, Over, co. Somers., land in, 435.

Wearn, Werne, co. Somers., manor of, 182.

Weasenham, Wesenham, co. Norf., manor of, 444.

Webbescowe, co. Salop, messuage in, 198.

Webley, co. Heref. See Weobley.

Webster, Robert, 1145.
-, ………, Thomas, 1145.

Webton, Wybton, co. Heref., land in, 7, 472, 684.

Weddermeloke, co. Cumb. See Watermillock.

Weddringset, co. Suff. Wetheringsett.

Wedland, co. York. See Woodland.

Wedmore, co. Somers.; land held of manor of, 1150; land in, 870, 1150. See also Clewer.

Wednawe, James, chaplain, 1229.

Wedringset, co. Suff. See Wetheringsett.

Wedryngset, co. Suff. See Wetheringsett.

Week, Weke, Wyke, co. Devon, land in, 908.
-, ……… Fitzpaine (Fitzpayn) [in Stogursey], co. Somers., land held of manor of, 697; manor of, 548.

Weeld, co. Oxford. See Weald.

Weeton, Weton, co. York, manor of, 229.

Wegillescote, co. Wilts. See Wicklescote.

Weighill, Walter, &c. See Wyghtill.

Weke, co. Devon. See Week.
-, ……, co. Somers., manor of, 270.

Weken Hall, co. Norf. See Wicken Hall.

Wekescoyscy, co. Devon, messuage in, 680.

Welbeck, Welbek, Joan, late the wife of Richard, esq., Essex, 493.

Welbeck, John, Essex, 945.

Welbeck, John, s. and h. of Richard, esq., 490, 493.
-, ………, Richard, bro. and heir of John, 945.

Welbeck, Richard, esq., Essex, 490.

Welbeck, Richard, esq., 493.
-, ………, William, 1217.

Welbek, Richard, &c. See Welbeck.

Welbery, co. York. See Welbury.

Welburn in Bulmer, co. York, land in, 108.

Welbury, Welbery, co. York, knight’s fee in, 612.

Welby, Thomas, esq., 1037, 1043.

Welcom, co. Devon. See Welcombe.

Welcombe, Welcom, co. Devon, land in, 685; manor of, 688; Upcott manor in, 155.

Welde, co. Essex. See Weald.
-, ……, co. Herts, land held of manor of, 171.

Welden, John. See Weldon.

Weldon, Welden, co. N’hamp., land held of manor of, 584; land in, 37, 664.

Weldon, John, of Richmond, co. York, 541.

Wele, Henry, the younger, 720.
-, ………, John, chaplain, 1150.
-, ………, John, the younger, 720.

Weley, co. Worc., manor of, 285.

Welham, Welleme, Wellom, co. York, manor (1/2) of, 223, 663.

Well, co Dorset. See Wellwood.
-, ……, co. Kent, manor of, 530.
-, ……, co: Linc., land held of manor of, 1037.
-, ……, co. Norf., land in, 210, 872.
-, ……… Hall, co. Norf. See Beechamwell.

Welle, Thomas. See Welles.

Welleme, co. York. See Welham.

Welles, Welle, Wells, Wellys, Elizabeth, wife of John, 1229.
-, ………, Henry, of Burstow, co. Surrey, gent., 416, 425, 431.

Welles, John, Norf., 1229.

Welles, John, esq., Suff., 1017.

Welles, John, esq., of King’s household, 566.
-, ………, John, knt., Lord de Welles, land held of, in co. N’hamp., 9.
-, ………, John, Vicount Welles, land held of, in co. Linc., 1037, 1041.
-, ………, Lucy, wife of Thomas, and daughter of Robert Wissett (Wyset), 1017.
-, ………, Margery, Lady, 250; land held of, in co. Linc., 1127.
-, ………, Richard, 245.

Welles, Robert, cit. and alderman of Norwich, 1229.
-, ………, Thomas, 4, 187, 334, 1123, 1126, 1199.
-, ………, Thomas, gent., 358.
-, ………, Thomas, of Upwell, co. Norf., gent., 1017.
-, ………, Thomas, s. and h. of John, esq., 1017.
-, ………, Walter, bro. and h. of John, 1229.

Weilesborn Hastingez, co. Warw. See Wellesbourne Hastings.

Wellesbourne, Wellesborn, Wellesburn, co. Warw., land in, 599; manor of, 1113; manor (1/2) of, 289.
-, ……… Hastings (Hastingez), co. Warw., land in, 835.

Wellesbourne, Anne, late wife of Giles, esq., formerly wife of John Harcourt, esq., Herts, 995.

Wellesbourne, Giles, esq., 995.
-, ………, Humphrey, gent., 995.
-, ………, Margery, wife of Humphrey, gent., and d. and h. of Anne Wellesbourne, 995.

Wellesburn, co. Warw. See Wellesbourne.

Wellesburne, Ann, &c. See Wellesbourne.

Welley, co. Notts., land in, 962.

Wellingborough, Wendlyngborough, co. N’hamp., manor of, 297.

Wellington, Welyngton, co. Salop, priory of, land held of, in co. Salop, 726.
-, ……, co. Somers., land held of manor of, 121.
-, ……… under the Wrekin, co. Salop, manor of, 500.

Wellom, co. York. See Welham.

Wellow, Weloughe, co. Wilts., land in, 1122.
-, ………, East, co. Hants, land in, 646.
-, ………, West, co. Hants, land in, 646.

Wells, co. Somers., Bishop of. See Bath and Wells; Dean and Chapter of, Bath, and land held of, in co. Somers., 156, 510, 754, 756, 870, 1150; inquisition taken at, 1153; Provost of, land held of, in co. Somers., 870.

Wells, Thomas, &c. See Welles.

Wellwood, Well, in Beaminster, co. Dorset, land in, 145.

Wellys, Thomas, &c. See Welles.

Weloughe, co. Hants. See Wellow.

Welton, Wolton, co. Linc., Botheby in. See Boothby; land in, 706.
-, ……, co. N’hamp., land in, 922.

Welwyn, co. Herts., land in, 682.
-, ……… Mountfichet, co. Herts., Westyngton manor in, 405.

Welyngham, co. Camb. See Willingham.

Welyngton, co. Somers. See Wellington.
-, ……… under the Wrekyn, co. Salop. See Wellington.

Wem, Wemme, co. Salop, advowson of, 231; barony of, 231, land held of, in co. Salop, 726.

Wembdon, Wemdon, co. Somers., manor of, 257, 652, 756.

Wembury, co. Devon. See Langdon.

Wemdon, co. Somers. See Wembdon.

Wemme, co. Salop. See Wem.

Wemworthy, co. Devon. See Rasshleigh.

Wemyngton, co. Bedf. See Wymington.

Wendeham, John. See Windham.

Wendelyng, co. Norf. See Wendling.

Wenden, co Essex, land in, 291.
-, ………, Great, co. Essex, land held of manor of, 993; land in, 993; manor of, 993.
-, ………, Little, co. Essex, land in, 993; manor of, 993.

Wendey, co. Camb. See Wendy.

Wendling, Wendelyng, co. Norf., Ferrour, Christine, of. See Yelverton; Lamkyn, William, of. See Lamkyn; Skarnyng, John, Abbot of, 1143.

Wendlyngborough, co. N’hamp. See Wellingborough.

Wendy, Wendey, co. Camb., land in, 1050.

Wenlock, Wenlok, co. Salop, priory of, land held of, in co. Salop, 997.

Wenlock, John, knt., Lord Wenlock, 1078.

Wenlok, co. Salop. See Wenlock.

Wennington, Wenyngton, John, clk., 139.

Wentworth, Anne, wife of Henry, knt., d. of John Say, knt., 1157.
-, ……., Elizabeth. See Cheney, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Elizabeth. See Scrope, Elizabeth, Lady.
-, ………, Henry, 976.
-, ………, Henry, esq., 76, 994.
-, ………, Henry, knt., 188, 809, 1085, 1130, 1144, 1157; land held of, in co. Kent, 745.
-, ……., Henry [of Nettlested, co. Suff.], knt., 21.
-, ………, Henry, the elder, 265.
-, ………, Margery, wife of [Roger, knt.] and d. and ch. of [Philip le Despencer by] Elizabeth Tiptoft, 21.
-, ………, Philip, knt., 363, 1188.
-, ………, Philip [of Nettlested], 21.
-, ………, Richard, esq., 1100.
-, ………, Richard, knt., 1101.
-, ………, Roger, gent., 809.
-, ………, Roger, knt. See Wentworth, Margery.
-, ………, William, 342.

Wentyngfeld, Clemence. See Doreward, Clemence.

Wenyngton, John. See Wennington.

Weobley, Webley, co. Heref., honor of, land held of, in co. Heref., 7, 472, 825; land at, ‘le New Brugge’ near, 825; land in, 825.

Were, co. Somers. See Weare.

Wereham, Wyram, co. Norf., land held of Cavenham (Canams), manor in, 940; land in, 940.

Werelond, co. Surrey. See Albury.

Werethorp, co. York, land in, 363, 1188.

Werkelegh, co. Devon, Burnard, John, of. See Bernard.

Wermegey, co. Norf. See Wormegay.

Wermester, co. Wilts. See Warminster.

Wermyngton, co. N’hamp. See Warmington.

Werne, co. Somers. See Wearn.

Werney, Ralph, See Verney.

Weryston, co. Devon. See Waringstone.

Wescot, co. Wilts. See Westcote.

Wesenham, co. Norf. See Weasenham.

West, Weste, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas, knt., and d. and ch. of John Bonvile, esq., 972, 1059, 1060, 1082, 1142.

West, Katharine, widow, late wife of Richard, Lord De la Warr, Hants, 1064; Wilts., 1063.

West, Richard, Lord De la Warr, 1063, 1064.
-, ………, Robert, 389.
-, ………, Robert, the younger, gent., 1145.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., 972, 1059, 1060, 1082, 1142; land held of, in co. Devon. 84.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., Lord De la Warr, land held of, in co. Hants, 392, 646, 1121; in co. Leic., 645; in co. Suff., 1218; in co. Sussex, 274, 641; in co. Wilts., 479.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., Lord De la Warr, s. and h. of Katharine West, widow, 1063, 1064.
-, ………, Thomas, of Corsham. co. Wilts., 1197.

West Acre, co. Norf. See Westacre.
-, ……… Aisshton, co. Wilts. See Ashton.
-, ……… Alygton, co. Linc. See Allinglon.
-, ……… Apulgarth, co. York. See Applegarth.
-, ……… Ashton, co. Wilts. See Ashton.
-, ……… Assheley, co. Hants. See Ashley.
-, ……… Barkeworth, co. Linc. See Barkwith.
-, ……… Barmyng, co. Kent. See Barming.
-, ……… Becheworth, co. Surrey. See Betchworth.
-, …….. Beckham, co. Norf. See Beckham.
-, ……… Bergholt, co. Essex. See Bergholt.
-, ……… Bokelond, co. Devon. See Buckland.
-, ……… Bour, co. Somers. See Bower.
-, ……… Bradenham, co. Norf. See Bradenham.
-, ……… Braybroke, co. N’hamp. See Braybrooke.
-, ……… Braynford, co. Middx. See Brentford.
-, ……… Brentford, co. Middx. See Brentford.
-, ……… Brompton, co. York. See Brompton.

West Cantokeshede, co. Somers. See Quantoxhead.
-, ……… Clandon, co. Surrey. See Clandon.
-, ……… Clyfford, co. Devon. See Clifford.
-, ……… Codford, co. Wilts. See Codford.
-, ……… Coker, co. Somers. See Coker.
-, ……… Coton, co. N’hamp. See Coaton.
-, ……… Cotun, co. York. See Cowton.
-, ……… Cowton, co. York. See Cowton.
-, ……… Dean, co. Wilts. See Dean, West.
-, ………, ….., co. Sussex. See Dean, West.
-, ……… Dene, co. Wilts. See Dean, West.
-, ……… Dereham, co. Norf. See Dereham.
-, ……… Drayton, co. Middx. See Drayton.
-, ……… Farlam, co. Cumb. See Farlam.
-, ……… Farnedon, co. N’hamp. See Farndon.
-, ……… Ford, co. Devon. See Ford.
-, ……… Hagbourn, co. Berks. See Hagbourn.
-, ……… Ham, co. Essex, land in, 94.
-, ……… Hamptenet, co. Sussex. See Littlehampton.
-, ……… Hanney, co. Berks. See Hanney.
-, …….. Hanningfield, co. Essex. See Hanningfield.
-, ……… Harlsey, co. York. See Harlsey.
-, ……… Harnham, co. Wilts. See Harnham
-, ……… Horsley, co. Surrey. See Horsley.
-, ……… Hough, co. Devon, land in, 688.
-, ……… Knoyle, co. Wilts. See Knoyle.
-, ……… Lavyngton, co. Wilts See Lavington.
-, ……… Lee (Westley), co. Essex, land in, 381, 985.
-, ……… Legh, co. Devon. See Westleigh.
-, …….. Lutton, co. York. See Lutton.
-, ……… Marden, co. Sussex. See Marden.
-, ……… Markham, co. Notts. See Markham.
-, ……… Melpalysh, co. Dorset. See Melplash.
-, ……… Melplash, co. Dorset. See Melplash.
-, ……… Mollond, co. Devon. See Molland.
-, ……… Mongton, co. Somers. See Monkton.
-, ……… Monkton, co. Somers. See Monkton.
-, ……… Newton, co. Norf. See Newton.
-, ……… Oldmixon, co. Somers. See Oldmixon.
-, ……… Perle, co. Dorset. See Parley.
-, ……… Perot, co. Somers. See Perrott.
-, ……… Perrott, co. Somers. See Perrott.
-, ……… Pury, co. Somers., manor of, 257, 756.
-, ……… Putford, co. Devon. See Putford.
-, ……… Rainham, co. Norf. See Rainham.
-, ……… Rasyn, co. Linc. See Rasen.
-, ……… Ruddham, co. Norf. See Rudham.
-, ……… Shirbourne, co. Hants. See Sherborne.
-, ……… Smythfeld, London. See London, Smithfield.

West Sprayhele, co. Cornw, See Sprayhele.
-, ……… Stow (Westowe), co. Suff., manor of, 1001.
-, ……… Sutton, co. Leic. See Sutton.
-, ……… Strincton, co. Linc. See Torrington, West.
-, ……… Swynden, co. Wilts. See Swindon.
-, ……… Teyngmouth, co. Devon. See Teignmouth.
-, …….. Toftez, co. Norf. See Tofts.
-, ……… Tuderle, co. Hants. See Tytherley.
-, ……… Waddon, co. Dorset. See Waddon.
-, ……… Wardon, co. N’hamp. See Warden.
-, ……… Weloughe, co. Hants. See Wellow.
-, ……… Whetenham, co. Essex. See Whetenham.
-, ……… Whitelegh, co. Devon. See Whiteley.
-, ……… Winch, co. Norf. See Winch.
-, ……… Wolryngton, co. Devon. See Worlington.
-, ……… Woode manor, co. Suff. See Blythbnrgh.

Westacre, co. Norf., land in, 1022; Priory of, land held of, in co. Norf., 912, 1022.

Westborough, Westburgh, co. Linc., manor of, 1115.

Westbroke, Aulton, co. Hants. See Alton.

Westbroms in Wetherden, co. Suff., 439.

Westburgh, co. Linc. See Westborough.

Westbury, co. Bucks.; Hardwick, John, of. See Hardwick; manor of, 868.
-, ……, co. Salop, Neuton by. See Newton.
-, ……, co. Wilts., Hewode by. See Heywood; land in, 1163; Leversedge, Edmund, of. See Leversedge; manor (1/6), of, 183.

Westby, Gregory, 462, 1198.

Westchepe, London. See London.

Westcombe, co. Wilts., land held of manor of, 770.

Westcote, Wescot, co. Devon, land in, 923.
-, ……, co. Somers., messuage in, 651.
-, ……, co. Wilts., land in, 479.
-, ……… alias Burbach, co. Wilts. See Burbage.
-, ……… alias Nethercote, co. Wilts., manor of, 786.
-, ……… Barton, co. Oxford. See Westcott.

Westcott, Westcote, Barton, co. Oxford, manor of, 709.

Westcourt manor, co. Kent. See Gillingham.

Westden, co. Sussex. See Dean, West.

Westdowne, co. Devon, manor of, 155.

Westecote, co. Devon. See Abbotsham.

Westeley, co. Suff. See Westley.

Westerham, co. Kent, land held of manor of, 530; land in, 530.

Westerley, Amice, wife of William, 123.

Westerley, William, burgess of Bristol, 123.

Westewyk, co. Norf. See Westwick.

Westgat, Burnham, co. Norf. See Burnham Westgate.

Westgate without Canterbury, land in parish of, 433.

Westhache, co. Somers. See Hatch, West.

Westhale, co. Suff. See Westhall.

Westhall, Westhale, co. Suff., manor of, 589, 643; Payne, Robert, of. See Payne.

Westham, co. Sussex, land in Lampham in, 202.

West-Hatch [in Chigwell], co. Essex, manor of, 152.

Westhide, Westhuyde, co. Heref., land in, 451; Monnington, John, of. See Monnington.

Westhorp, Christopher, 1170; Joan, d. and co-heir of John Thwing, 1170; Richard, gent., cousin and heir of Agnes Witham, 1170; William, 1170.

Westhuyde, co. Heref. See Westhide.

Westlegh, co. Devon. See Westleigh.

Westleigh, Weste Legh, Westlegh, co. Devon land in, 251; rent in, 155.

Westleton, co. Suff., land in, 794, 804; manor of, 589, 643.

Westley, Westeley, co. Camb., land in, 1075.
-, ……, co. Essex. See West-Lee.
-, ……, co. Suff., land in, 495, 1180.
-, ………, Waterless (Waterle), co. Camb., manor of, 567.

Westmelles, co. Linc., land in, 686.

Westmersshe, co. Somers., land in, 609.

Westmeston, co. Sussex, manor of, 190, 662.

Westmill, Westmylle, co. Herts, land in, 894.

Westminster, co. Middx., abbey of, land held of, in co. Bedf., 699; in co. Dorset, 754; in co. Essex, 152, 550; in co. Glouc., 946, 973; in co. Hants, 217; in co. Herts, 171, 406, 1035, 1154; in co. Kent, 530; in co. Middx., 133; in co. Warw., 748; in co. Wilts., 1163; in co. Worc., 888.
-, ………, land in, 133; St. Stephen’s, dean and chapter of, land held of, in co. Bucks., 106; in co. Kent, 694, 735.
-, ………, warranty against abbot of, 787, 1198.

Westmoreland, Earl of. See Nevill, Ralph.
-, ………, lord of. See Clifford, Henry, Lord Clifford.

Westmylle, co. Herts. See Westmill.

Weston, co. ——, Lyngham, William See Lyngham.
-, ……, co. Derby, land held of manor of, 423.
-, ……, co. Herts., land in, 1035.
-, ……, co. Linc., land in, 1037.
-, ……, co. Notts., land in, 1210.
-, ……, co. Salop, land held of manor of, 726.
-, ………, Bakeres, co. Dorset. See Weston, Buckhorn.
-, ……… Birt (Brytte), co. Glouc., advowson of, 271; manor of, 271.

Weston, Bokerys. co. Dorset. See Weston, Buckhorn.
-, ………, Braib f, Braybef, or Brabeffe, in I. of Wight, manor of, 185, 367, 1240.
-, ………, Buckhorn (Bokerys, Bakeres) alias Weston Moyne (Moygn), co. Dorset, manor of, 11, 1124.
-, ………, Corbett, co. Hants, land in, 1194.
-, ……… Favell, co. N’hamp., manor of, 557.
-, ………, in Berry Pomeroy, co. Devon, land in, 1167.
-, ………, in Shiere, co. Surrey, manor of, 162.
-, ……… Moyne, co. Dorset. See Weston Buckhorn.
-, ………, North [in Thame], co. Oxford, land in, 75.
-, ……… super Mare, co. Somers., land held of manor of, 1150; land in, 1150.
-, …….. Turville (Turvyle), co. Bucks., land in, 111; Hyde manor in, 111. See also Broughton.
-, ……… under Wetherley (Wetheley), co. Warw., land in, 375; manor of, 545; rent from, 667.
-, ………, Underwood (Undyrwode), co. Bucks., land in, 576.

Weston, Joan. See Pope, Joan
-, ………, John, 835.
-, ………, Margaret. See Apsley, Margaret.
-, ………, William, clk., 465, 466.
-, ………, William, Master of the Hospitallers, land held of, 335.

Weston, William, Surrey, 162.

Westoning, Westonyngue, co. Bedf., land in, 577.

Westons Orchard, co. Oxford. See Rollright, Great.

Westonyngue, co. Bedf. See Westoning.

Westowe, co. Suff. See West Stow.

Westpury, co. Somers. See West Pury.

Westwell, co. Derby, land in, 424.

Westwick, Westewyk, Westwik, Westwyk, co. Herts., land in, 512.
-, ……, co. Norf., land in, 384; manor of, 976.

Westwik, co. Herts. See Westwick.

Westwode, co. Somers. See Westwood.
-, ……, co. Suff. See Westwood.

Westwood, co. Somers., land held of manor of, 1150.
-, ……, co. Suff., land held of manor of, 804.
-, ……, co. Norf. See Westwick.

Westyngton, co. Herts. See Welwyn.

Wetenhale, William, 449.

Wetenhale, William, s. and h. of William, Kent, 449.

Wetheley, Weston under, co. Warw. See Weston under Wetherley.

Wetherby, Agnes, wife of John, 794.
-, …….., John, 794.

Wetherden, Wethirden, co. Suff., land in, 439; manor of, 439; Westbroms tenement in, 439.

Wetheresfeld, co. Essex. See Wethersfield.

Wetheringsett, Weddringset, Wedringset, Wedryngset, Wetheryngset, co. Suff., Barryes tenement in, 312; Brockford in. See Brockford; Fentynges tenement in, 312; land held of manor of Wetheringsett Hall in, 312; tenements in, 312, 439.

Wetherley, Wetheley, Weston under, co. Warw. See Weston.

Wethersfield, Wetheresfeld, co. Essex, land in, 1144.

Wetheryngset, co. Suff. See Wetheringset.

Wetherysdale, co. Suff. See Withersdale.

Wethirden, co. Suff. See Wetherden.

Wethom, co. Linc. See Witham.

Wethryngton, Girard, &c. See Widdrington.

Weton, co. York. See Wecton.

Weton, John, clk., 727.

Wetyngham, co. Suff., manor of, 654.

Wevenho, co. Essex. See Wivenhoe.

Weybread, Weybred, co. Suff., manor of, 1096; Hovell manor in, 1020; Weybread Hall manor in, land held of, 1020.

Weybred, co. Suff. See Weybread.

Whadden, co. Wilts. See Whaddon.

Whaddon, Whadden, co. Camb., Chalers manor in, 933; Ladybury manor in, 933.
-, ……, co. Glouc., manor of, 787.
-, ……, co. Wilts., manor of, 752.

Whalley, Christopher, 628.
-, ………, Elizabeth, d. and ch. of Elizabeth, 628.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of Christopher, and sister and h. of Thomas Hawton, 628.
-, ………, Gilimot. See Talbot, Gilimot.

Whalley, Richard, bastard, Staff., 628.

Whalley, Thomas, 136.
-, ………, Thomas, s. and h. of Richard, bastard, 628.

Wharffe, Kyrkeby on, co. York. See Kirkby Wharfe.

Wharton, Thomas, lands held of, in co. Westmd., 10.

Whashton, Quasshyngton, co. York, land in, 257.

Whatcote, co. Warw., land in, 91.

Whateley, co. Oxford. See Wheatley.

Whatle, co. Hants., land in, 1255.

Whatley, co. Somers., manor of, 41.

Whatton, Watton, co. Leic., land in, 419.
-, ………, Long, co. Leic, manor of, 90.
-, ………, in the vale of Belvoir, co. Notts., manor of, 215.

Wheathamstead, Whethamstede, co. Herts., land held of manor of, 406; See Quathamsted.

Wheathill, Whettill, co. Salop, manor of, 997.

Wheatley, Whateley, Whetley, co. Oxford, land in, 75.
-, …….., South, co. Notts., land in, 382.

Wheeler, Wheler, Walter, gent., 133.
-, ………, William, 55.

Wheler, William, &c., Wheeler.

Whelpdale, Gilbert, heirs of, land held by, in co. Cumb., 157.

Whelpley [in Downton], co. Wilts., manor of, 408.

Whelton, co. Hants, manor of, 964.

Wherwell, Warrewell Abbey, co. Hants, land held of. in co. Somers., 192.

Wheston, co. Derby, land in, 1156.

Wheteford, co. Devon. See Whiteford.

Wheteham, John, 1196.

Whetelaue, Roger. See Whitelaw.

Whetell, Adrian, esq., 1235.
-, ………, Elizabeth. See Pimpe, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Richard, 1235.

Whetenham, West, manor, in Cold Norton, co. Essex, 238.

Whethamstede, co. Herts. See Wheathamstead.

Whetley, co. Notts. See Wheatley.

Whettill, co. Salop. See Wheathill.

Whetyngdon, co. Derby. See Whittington.

Whilton, Whylton, co. N’hamp., land in, 1051.

Whipsnade, Wipsnade, Wypsnade, co. Bedf., manor of, 629; land in, 615.

Whissendine, Wysenden, co. Rutl., manor of, 981.

Whissonsett, Wyssyngset, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 1143; land in, 1143; Lyng, Joan, of. See Lyng.

Whitborne, co. Heref. See Whitbourne.

Whitbourne, Whitborne, co. Heref., Grymalbury in, 1105.

Whitby Strand, co. York, manor of Aislaby in, 250.

Whitchirche, co. Bucks. See Whitchurch.

Whitchurch, Whitchirche, co. Bucks., land held of manor of, in co. Bedf., 723.
-, ……, co. Dorset, land in, 332.
-, ……, co. Warw., manor (1/2) of, 289.

White, Whyte, Colne, co. Essex. See Colne.
-, ……… Knights (Knyghtes), co. Berks., manor of, 711.
-, ……… Roding, co. Essex. See Roding.
-, ……… Rothyng, co. Essex. See Roding.
-, ……… Staunton, co. Somers. See Staunton.
-, ……… Waltham, co. Berks. See Waltham.

White, Bartholomew, Norf., 1056.

White, John, vicar of Charlecote, co. Warw., 835, 838.
-, ………, Simon, s. and h. of Bartholomew, 1056.

Whitebear, co. Devon, land in, 303.

Whitechapell, co. Devon. See Whitechaple.

Whitechaple, Whitechapell [in Bishops Nympton], co. Devon, manor of, 47.

Whiteford, Wheteford, co. Devon, land in, 685.

Whitehead, Whitehede, Whythed, Joan, wife of Maurice, 185, 1240.
-, ………, John, 103, 187, 1240.
-, ………, John, esq., 367.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Maurice, 1240.

Whitehead, John, esq., Hants, 185.

Whitehead, Katharine, wife of John, esq., 185.

Whitehead, Katharine, Hants, 367.

Whitehead, Maurice, Hants, 1240.

Whitehead, Maurice, son and heir of John, esq., and Katharine, 185, 367.

Whitehede, John, &c. See Whitehead.

Whitelaw, Whetelaue, Roger, land held of, in co. Salop, 1117.

Whitelegh, West, co. Devon. See Whiteley.

Whiteley, Whitelegh, Whytelegh, co. Devon, land in, 685.
-, ………, West, co. Devon, manor of, 688.

Whiteley, Richard, land held of, in co. Devon, 78.

Whiteman, John, 206.

Whiteney, Eustace, &c. See Whitney.

Whiteparish, co. Wilts., land in, 408.

Whites, Whitys, Le Grete, co. Herts., 171.
-, ……… (Whittehis) manor [in Buttesbury], co. Essex, land held of, 563.

Whitestrete, co. Somers., land in, 510.

Whitewell, I. of Wight. See Whitwell.

Whiteweyes, co. Hants, manor of, 964.

Whitfeld, co. Berks., manor (1/2) of, 999.

Whitfeld, John, &c. See Whitfield.

Whitfield, Whitfeld, John, esq., Westmd., 314.

Whitfield, Robert, s. and h. of John, esq., 314.

Whitgreave, Whitgreve, co. Staff., land in, 874.

Whitgreave, Humphrey, land held of, in co. Staff., 874.

Whitgreve, co. Staff. See Whitgreave.

Whitgreve, Humphrey. See Whitgreave.

Whiting, Whityng, John, esq., 832.
-, ………, Robert, 755, 1067; land held of, in co. Devon, 944.

Whitingdon College, London. See Whittington.

Whitlaw, Thomas, land held by, in co. Westmd., 432.

Whitlay, William, rent due from, for land in co. Cumb., 245.

Whitley, Waytley, Whytley, Whytleygh, co. Somers., land held by suit of court of, 22, 337, 991.

Whitmore, John, clk., 391.

Whitnasche, co. Warw. See Whitnash.

Whitnash, Whitnasche, co. Warw., land in 656.

Whitney, Whiteney, co. Heref., Whitney Eustace of, 619.

Whitrat, John, clk., 677.

Whitrig, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Whitrig, Brian, land held by heirs of, in co. Cumb., 157.

Whitstable, Whitstapill, co. Kent, Condies Hall in, 277; land held of manor of, 277; land in, 277.

Whitstapill, co. Kent. See Whitstable.

Whittehis manor, co. Essex. See Whites.

Whittingham, Whytyngham, John, esq., Bucks., 111.

Whittingham, Margaret. See Verney, Margaret.
-, ………, Richard, esq., 111.

Whittington, Whetyngdon, Whitingdon, Whittyngton, co. Derby, land in, 569.

Whittington, John, land held of, in co. Worc., 857.

Whittington College, London. See London.

Whittyngeslowe, co. Salop, manor of, 726.

Whittyngton, John. See Whittington.

Whitwell, Whitewell, co. Camb., land in, 51.
-, …….., I. of Wight, manor (1/2) of, 199.

Whityng, Robert. See Whiting.

Whitys, Le grete, co. Herts. See Whites.

Whomberlegh, co. Devon. See Umberleigh.

Whorleton, co. York. See Whorlton.

Whorlton, Whorleton, co. York, advowson of chapel in castle of; 250; land held of manor of, 669; manor (1/2) of, 250, 675.

Whoton, Walter, 703.

Whylton, co. N’hamp. See Whilton.

Whymbergh, Richard, 1143.

Whyte, John, &c. See White.

Whytelegh, Richard. See Whiteley.

Whythed, John. See Whitehead.

Whytheman, William, 685.

Whytley, co. Somers. See Whitley.

Whytleygh, co. Somers. See Whitley.

Whytyngham, John, &c. See Whittingham.

Wiche, co. Worc. See Droitwich.

Wichyngham, co. Norf. See Witchingham.

Wick, Wike, Long (Longewyke) [in Princes Risborough], co. Bucks., land in, 106.
-, ……… Rissington (Rysyndon), co. Glouc., manor of, 838.

Wicken, Weken, Wyken, Wykyn, co. Camb., manor of, 704; Peyton, Thomas, of. See Peyton.
-, ……, co. Essex, land in, 291.
-, ……, co. Suff., land in, 495.
-, ……… Bonhunt, co. Essex. See Bonhunt.
-, ……… Hall, co. Norf. See Gayton.

Wickford, Wikeford, Wykeford, co. Essex, land in, 1144; tenement in, 520.

Wickham, Wykham, East, co. Kent, manor of, 501.
-, ……… Market, co. Suff., land in, 439.

Wickhambreux, Wykham Breux, or Breus, co. Kent, land held of manor of, 277; manor of, 1090; Trenly Parke in, 1090.

Wickhambrook, Wykambrok, co. Suff., Giffords (Gyffordes) manor in, land held of, 1013; Knights (Knyghtes) tenement in, 1013; land in, 1013; Wickhams tenement it, 1013.

Wickhams tenement, co. Suff. See Wickhambrook.

Wicklescote, Wegillescote, co. Wilts., land in, 1152.

Wicklewood, Wykylwode, co. Norf., land in, 913.

Wicks, Wykes, co. Essex, land in, 152; priory of, land held of, in co. Essex, 263.

Wickwick, Wykewyke, co. Glouc., messuage in, 66.

Widbury, Wydbury, Joan. See Brocas, Joan.
-, ………, Margaret, granddaughter and h. of Joan Brocas, 497.
-, ………, Thomas, s. and h. of Joan Brocas, 497.

Widdeford, co. Essex. See Widford.

Widdrington, Vodryngton, Wethryngton, Gerard, knt, lands held by heirs of, in co. Cumb., 157.
-, ………, Ralph, knt., land held of, in co. N’th’l’d., 344.

Widecomb, Wydecomb, co. Devon, land in, 685.
-, ……, co. Wilts., land in, 1152.

Widerigge, co. Devon. See Witheridge.

Wideslade, Wydeslade, John, 761.
-, ………, Marina, land held of, in co. Cornw., 580.
-, ………, Richard, 255.
-, ………, William, land held of, in co. Devon, 155.

Widevill, Edward, knt. See Widville.

Widewell, Edmund, 1.

Widford, Widdeford, Wydeford, co. Herts., land in, 665, 1230.
-, ……, co. Essex, manor of, 517.

Widiall, Wydihale, co. Herts., manor of, 995.

Widville, Widevile, Wodefyeld, Wydevyle, Anne. See Grey, Anne.
-, ………, Anthony, Earl Ryvers, 53, 681.

Widville, Anthony, Lord de Scales, Earl Rivers, Camb., 33; Herts., 34; Norf., 35; Suff., 36.

Widville, Edward, knt., land held of, in I. of Wight, 105, 199.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of Anthony, Earl Rivers, and d. and h. of Thomas, Lord Scales, 33, 34, 35.
-, ………, Jaquetta. See Strange, Jaquetta.
-, ………, Katharine. See Tudor, Katharine.
-, ………, Lionel, clk., 803.
-, ………, Margaret. See Fitz-Alan, Margaret.
-, ………, Mary. See Herbert, Mary.
-, ………, Richard, Earl Rivers, 33, 372.

Widville, Richard, Earl Rivers, Bedf., 718; Kent, 681.

Widville, Richard, Earl Rivers, land held of, in co. Kent, 380; in co. N’hamp., 666.
-, ………, Richard, first Earl Rivers, 124.

Wiganby, co. Cumb. See Wiggonby.

Wigge, Alice, wife of John the younger, and sister and co-heir of Robert Louth, 175.
-, ………, John, the younger, 175.

Wiggenhall, Wygenhale, Wyggenhale, Wygnale, co. Norf., land in, 210, 872, 912; manor of, 35.
-, ………, St. Mary, co. Norf. See Sadlebow.
-, ………, St. Mary Magdalen, co. Norf. See Crabhouse.

Wiggenhall, Thomas, 1143.

Wiggepet, co. Essex, land in, 291; manor of, 291.

Wigginton, Wyggynton, co. Staff., Astons Thyng in, 791.

Wiggonby, Wiganby, Wyganby, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Wight, Isle of, Lady of the. See Plantagenet, Philippa.

Wighton, Wyghton, co. Norf., Barker, John, perpetual vicar of. See Barker; ‘George of Wightones’ manor in, 1143; manor of, parcel of Duchy of Lancaster, land held of, in co. Norf., 1033, 1143.

Wigmore, Wygmore, co. Heref., abbey of, land held of, in co. Salop, 997; honor of, land held of, in co. Dorset, 954; in co. Heref., 772; in co. Worc., 792.

Wigston, Wygston, co. Leic, messuages in, 1222.

Wigton, co. Cumb., messuage in, 112.

Wike, co. Wilts., land held of manor of, 752; land in, 864; rent in, 752.
-, ……… Rysyndon, co. Glouc. See Wick Rissington.

Wikeford, co. Essex. See Wickford.

Wikes, Wyke, Wykys, Edmund, s. and h. of John, 68.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of John, 474.
-, ………, Henry, chaplain, 476, 551.
-, ………, Henry, clk., cousin and h. of Elizabeth Milton, 524.

Wikes, John, Dorset, 474; Somers., 473.

Wikes, John, Glouc., 68.

Wikes, John, esq., 1114; land held of, in co. Wilts.,657.
-, ………, John, of Bendon (Bindon), co. Devon, 38.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of John, 473, 471.
-, ………, John, the younger, 145.
-, ………, Maud, wife of John, and d. of Walter Langley, 68.
-, ………, Richard, esq., 616.

Wilberforce, Wilberfosse, William, land held of, in co. York, 273.

Wilberfosse, William. See Wilberforce.

Wilbeygh, co. Suff. See Wilby.

Wilby, co. Norf., Bek Hall manor in, 1139; land hell of manor of, 1139; Up Hall in, 1139.
-, ………, Wilbeygh, co. Suff., Goodes m.inor in, 439.

Wilcokkes, William, 764.

Wilcokkis alias Ballards, co. Essex. See Weald, North.

Wilcot, Wyldecotes, Thomas, gent., 331.

Wild, Wyld, John, 60.

Wilden, co. Bedf., advowson of, 842; manor of, 842.

Wildgoose, Wyldegoos, Wyldgose, Thomas, 416, 425, 431.

Wildhous, messuage called, in Stapleton, co. Glouc., 66.

Wiles, William, 612.

Wilford, Wylfford, co. Notts, advowson of, 714; manor of, 714.

Wilford, Julian, d. and ch. of Joan Sachevill, 486.

Wilington, co. Hants, land in, 961.

Wilkes, John, clk., 479.

Wilkins, Wilkyns, Wylkynnys, Wylkyns, Christine, wife of Henry, and d. of Richard More, esq., 1194, 1244.
-, ………, Henry, 1194.
-, ………, John, 169.
-, ………, Thomas, 913.

Wilkinson, Wilkynson, John, land held by heirs of, in co. Cumb., 157.
-, ………, Thomas, clk., 485.

Wilkyns, Christine, &c. See Wilkins.

Wilkynson, John, &c. See Wilkinson.

Will, or Wylle, co. Devon, land in, 1164.

Willardesley, co. Heref. See Willersley.

Willen, Wylyen, co. Bucks., land in, 576.

Willersley, Willardesley, co. Heref., land in, 772.

Willesborne, Ann, &c. See Wellesbourne.

Willesdon, co. Middx., land in, 159.

Willesdon, William, 403.

Willesthorp, Miles. See Wilstrop.

Willey, Wylleley, co. Salop, hamlet of, 649.

Williams, Isabel, wife of John, and d. of Richard More, esq., 1194, 1244.
-, ………, Joan. See Billesdon, Joan.
-, ………, John, 1194, 1217, 1244.
-, …….., Walter, 446.

Williamson, John, clk., 444.

Williamsthorpe, Williamthorp, [in North Winfield], co. Derby, manor of, 3.

Williamthorp, co. Derby. See Williamsthorpe.

Willian, Wyllyen, Wyllyon, Wylyen, co. Herts., land in, 512, 1035; manor of, 582; tenements in, 321.

Willicote, co. Glouc., manor of, 1109.

Willingale, Willynghale, Wyllyngale, co. Essex, land in, 859, 924; Myngys tenement in, 924: Pelhames tenement in, 924.

Willingale, Spain (Spaynes) alias Andrew, co. Essex, land in, 391.

Willingdon, Wyllyngdon, co. Sussex, rent in, 758.

Willingham, Welyngham, co. Camb., Burnes manor in, 1191.

Willington, Willyngton, co. Bedf., land held of manor of, 286.

Willisham, Wilwesham, co. Suff., manor (1/2) of, 304.

Williton, Wyleton, and Watchett, co. Somers., manor of, 658.

Willoughby, Willughby, Willyby, Wylloughby, Wyllughby, Wyloughby, co. Notts., land in, 962.
-, ………, North, co. Linc., land held of lordship of, 1149.
-, ………, Silk, co. Linc. See Silk Willoughby.

Willoughby, Anne. See Beauchamp, Anne.
-, ………, Christopher, 809.
-, ………, Christopher, knt., 721, 883.
-, ………, Edward, esq., 775, 778, 800, 826, 828, 832.
-, ………, Henry, esq., 89; land held of, in co. Warw., 136.
-, ………, Henry, knt., 331; land held of, in co. Notts., 917, 1193; in co. Warw., 656.
-, ………, Henry, knt., s. and h. of Robert, esq., and grandson and heir of Margaret Byngham, 725, 865.
-, ………, Isabel, wife of Richard, esq., 992.
-, ………, John, esq., 727.
-, ………, John, knt., 926.
-, ………, Lord. See Hastings, Richard.
-, ………, Lord de, land held of, in co. Linc., 1257.
-, ………, Margaret. See Bingham, Margaret.
-, ………, Margaret. See Lea (Legh), Margaret.
-, ……… Mary, wife of William, and d. of William Hussey, knt., C.J.K.B., 1166, 1209.
-, ………, Maud, Lady Willoughby de Eresby, land held of, in co. Linc., 1041, 1127.
-, ………, Ralph, esq., 89.
-, ………, Richard, esq., 725, 992, 1193.
-, …….., Richard, Lord. See Hastings.
-, ………, Robert, 419.
-, ………, Robert, esq., bro. and h. of Richard, esq, 725, 865, 1193.

………, Robert, knt., land held of, in co. Devon, 855.
-, ………, Robert, knt., Lord Willoughby de Broke, 1153; land held of, in co. Cornw., 580; in co. Linc., 1041; in co. Salop, 720; in co. Somers., 257, 537; in co. Wilts., 183.
-, ………, William, 1166, 1209.
-, ………, William, esq., son of Christopher, knt., 883.

Willoughby, Thorpe, co. York. See Thorpe Willoughby.

Willughby, Henry, &c. See Willoughby.

Willy, Wylly, John, of Choseley, co. Suff., 53, 309.

Willyby, Mary. See Willoughby.

Willynghale, co. Essex. See Willingale.

Willyngton, co. Bedf. See Willington.

Wilmington, Wilmyngton, co. Kent, land in, 396, 793.

Wilmondley, co. Herts. See Wymondley.

Wilmourby, co. Cnmb., land in, 157.

Wilmyngton, co. Kent. See Wilmington.

Wilnehale, co. Heref., land in, 7, 472, 684.

Wilshyre, John, cit. and fishmonger of London, 1055.

Wilson, John, cit. and draper of London, 552.

Wilsthorpe, co. Linc., land held of manor of, 551; tenement in, 551.

Wilstrop, Willesthorpe, Miles, esq., 165, 1046.

Wilton, Wylton, co. Heref., Gray, John de, knt. See Grey, John.
-, ………, Grey, Reginald, Lord de. See Grey, Reginald.
-, ……, co. Norf., manor of, 35.
-, ……, co. Wilts., abbey of, land held of, in co. Wilts., 151, 282, 505, 829, 1122; advowson of St. Andrew’s, 829; land in, 151, 282, 1122.
-, ……, co. York, land in, 108; manor of, 108.

Wilton, Henry, 384, 677.

Wilts, Earl of, land held of, in co. Essex, 821; in co. Wilts, 43. See also Butler, James, Stafford, Edward, and Stafford, John.

Wiltshire, lands in, 1169.

Wilwesham, co. Suff. See Willisham.

Wimark, Wymark, Wymerk, John, M.A., 23, 56.
-, ………, William, clk., 888.

Wimbish, Wymbysh, Thomas, esq., 1037, 1043, 1149, 1186.

Wimbledon, Wymbleton, Richard, 640.

Wimbledon, Thomas, s. and h. of Richard, Surrey, 640.

Wimborne, Wymbourne, Minster (Mynster), co. Dorset, Dean of, land held of, in co. Dorset, 514, 1114; tenements in, 514, 1114.
-, ……… Plecy, Up, co. Dorset, land in, 514.
-, ……… St Giles, Up, co. Dorset, advowson of, 1023; manor of, 1023.
-, ………, Up, co. Dorset, hundred of, land held of, 514.

Wimborne, William, vicar of Ellingham, Hants, 1057.

Wimbotsham, Wymbottysham, co. Norf., advowson of St. Mary’s, 210; Ingoldisthorpes manor in, 210

Wimmering, Wymeryng, co. Hants, land in, 187.

Wimpole, Wympolle, Wympooll, Wympyll, co. Camb., Avenells manor in, 543; Bassingbourn manor in, 543; Cobbys manor in, 543; manor of, 587, 890.

Wincanton, Wylcaulton, co. Somers., land in 147.

Winch, Wynche, West, co. Norf., advowson of, 35; land in, 1143.

Winchcomb, co. Glouc., abbey of, land held of, in co. Glouc., 607.

Winchelsea, Wynchelse, co. Sussex, messuages in, 322.

Winchester, co. Hants, Bishop of, land held of, in co. Berks., 620, 1031; in co. Hants, 187, 354, 358, 827, 964, 1196, 1246; in co. Oxford, 46, 170; in co. Somers., 121, 197, 548, 816, 870; in co. Surrey, 814; in co. Wilts., 351, 829, 1092.
-, ………, Castle of, land held of, in co. Hants, 354.
-, ………, Courtenay, Peter, Bishop of. See Courtenay.
-, ………, gaol, custody of, 622.
-, ………, honor of, by whom held, 27; land held of, in co. Warw., 27, 136; lordship of Grooby, co. Leic, parcel of, 27.
-, ………, Hyde Abbey near. See Hyde.
-, ………, messuages in, 622.
-, ………, St. Mary New College in, land held by, in co. Berks., 763, 1252; land held of, in co. Hants, 1057; in co. Middx., 60; in co. Wilts., 1063.
-, ………, St. Mary New College of, in Oxford. See Oxford, New College.
-, ………, St. Mary’s Priory, land held of, in co. Glouc., 4, 1123; in co. Hants, 368, 1194, 1255.
-, ………, St. Swithin’s Priory, land held of, in co. Hants, 103, 392, 830, 961, 1255; in co. Somers., 716; in co. Wilts., 479, 1092, 1122.
-, ………, Waynflete, William, Bishop of. See Wainfleet.

Winchester, Isabel, 342.

Windesour, William, knt., &c. See Windsor.

Windham, Wendeham, Wymongham, Wyndham, John, esq., 53, 309.
-, ………, John, knt., 312, 809.

Windsor, Windesour, Wyndesore, co. Berks., Arundell, John, Dean of. See Arundell.
-, ………, Castle of, land held by castleguard of, in co. Bucks., 132; in co. Middx., 28; in co. N’hamp., 298; Clewar Towre in, land held of, in co. Bucks., 54.
-, ………, Dean and Chapter of, land held of, in. co. Berks., 58; in co. Bucks., 107; in co. Oxford, 46.

Windsor, Andrew, esq., 682; land held of, in co. Bucks., 724.
-, ………, Andrew son and heir of Thomas, 12, 16, 28,

Windsor, Elizabeth. See Lytton, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Thomas, 1165.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 58, 82, 355, 465.

Windsor, Thomas, esq., Berks., 29; Bucks., 16; Hants, 12; Middx., 28, Surrey, 19.

Windsor, William, knt., land held by heirs of, in co. Cumb., 157; messuage in Fenton, co. Cumb., held of heirs of, 157.

Winfield, North, co. Derby. See Williamsthorpe.

Winfrith, Wynfryth, co. Dorset, hundred of, 39.
-, ……… Newburgh, co. Dorset, manor of, 39.

Wing, Wynge, co. Bucks. See Crofton.

Wing, John, 909.

Wingar, Wyngar, Wynger, Henry, 1217.
-, ………, John, cit. and grocer of London 1055.

Wingfield, Wyngefeld, Wyngfeld, co. Suffolk, marriage at, 504.

Wingfield, Elizabeth, Lady, land held of, in co. Suff., 909.
-, ………, John, esq., 1082, 1144.
-, ………, John, knt., 1059, 1060; land held of, in co. Suff., 439.
-, ………, John, the elder, esq., 972.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of John, esq., and cousin of John Doreward of Yeldham, co. Essex, 1144.
-, ………, Robert, knt., 101.

Winkleigh, Wynkelegh, co. Devon, honor of, land held of, in co. Devon, 155, 674, 755; land in, 855.
-, ………, Keynes, co. Devon, land in, 1206; manor of, 1068.

Winkton, Wynketon, co. Hants, land in, 1121; manor of, 1064.

Winscombe, co. Somers. See Nye.

Winsford, Wynsford, co. Somers, Browford, East, in, 697; How in, 697.
-, ……… Rivers, co. Somers., land held of manor of, 697.

Winslow, Wynslow, John, 1169.
-, ………, Robert, clk., 477.

Winter, Wyntyr, Edmund, esq., 1036.

Winter, Henry, Leic, 1116.

Winter, Henry, s. and h. of John, esq., 1036.

Winter, John, esq., Norf., 1036.

Winter, John, the younger, 384.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of John, esq, 1036.
-, ………, Olive, wife of Edmund, esq., 1036.
-, ………, Robert, s. and h. of Henry, 1116.

Winter Barningham, co. Norf. See Barningham.

Winterborne, Wynterbourne, Ashton (Asshton), co. Dorset, manor of, 747.
-, ……… Houghton (Houton), co. Dorset, manor (1/2) of, 181.
-, ……… St. Martin (Martyn), co. Dorset, manor of, 747,

Winterbourne, Wynterborne, Wynterburne, co. Wilts., land in, 829.
-, ……… Bassett, co. Wilts., land held of manor of, 752; land in, 752.
-, ……… Maddington, co. Wilts. See Maddington.

Winteringham, Wyntryngham, co. Linc., manor of, 349.

Winterslow, Wynterslew, co. Wilts., rent in, 752.

Winterton, Wynterton, co. Norf., Barley, John, clk., rector of. See Barley.

Winthorpe, Wynthorpp, co. Linc., land in, 686, 1037.

Wintney, Wynteney, co. Hants, priory of, land held of, in co. Hants, 769.

Wintringham, Wynteryngham, Wyntringham, co. York, Knapton near, land in, 233; Newton by. See Newton; Place Newton near, manor in, 233.

Wipsnade, co. Bedf. See Whipsnade.

Wirlaby, co. Linc. See Worlaby.

Wirley, co. Staff. See Wyrley.

Wirtheyate, co. Devon, land in, 680.

Wisbech, Wissebeche, Wysbich, co. Camb., land in, 1098.
-, ……, co. Norf., Hiptoftes rent in, 210.

Wise, Wyse, Oliver, land held of, in co. Devon, 155.
-, ………. Thomas, land held of, in co. Devon, 78, 661.

Wiseman, Wisman, Wyseman, Simon, esq., 312, 507, 682.

Wisheford, co. Wilts. See Wishford.

Wishford, Wisheford, co. Wilts., land in, 1122.

Wisley, Wyssheley, co. Surrey, manor of, 1002.

Wisman, Simon. See Wiseman.

Wissebeche, co. Norf. See Wisbech.

Wissett, Wycet, Wyset, Wysett, Wyssett, co. Suff., land held of, manor of, 77, 643; land in, 77, 439, 1136.
-, ……… Roos, co. Suff., land held of manor of, 1136.

Wissett, Lucy. See Welles, Lucy.
-, ………, Robert, 1017.

Wistehamstowe, Wystamstowe, co. Salop, manor of, 726.

Wistow, Wystow, by Kirkham, co. York, land in, 264, 556, 1005.

Witchhampton, Wychampton, co. Dorset, Hussey, Thomas, esq., of. See Hussey.

Witchingham, Wichyngham, Witchyngham, Wychyngham, St. Mary, co. Norf., land in, 384; St. Faith’s, co. Norf., land in, 384.

Witchingham, Agnes, wife of John, 440.
-, ………, Edmund, 916.
-, ………, Joan, wife of Nicholas, 916.

Witchingham, John, Norf., 440.

Witchingham, John, s. and h. of John, 440.

Witchingham, Nicholas, esq., 916.
-, ………, Robert, grandson and heir of Nicholas, esq., 916.
-, …….., William, s. and h. of Nicholas, esq., 916.

Witchyngham, co. Norf. See Witchingham.

Witham, Wethom, Wytham, Wythom, co. Essex, Machons mill in, 1040.
-, ……, co. Linc., Barneby on. See Barnby; tenements in, 551.
-, ………, North, co. Linc., land held of manor of, 551; manor of, 551.

Witham, Agnes, widow, d. and h. of William Thwing, York, 1170.

Witham, Ivetta, d. and co-heir of John Wawton, 1170.
-, ………, Margaret, widow, d. and co-heir of John Wawton, 1170.
-, ………, Matthew, gent., cousin and heir of Agnes, 1170.
-, ………, Thomas, 213, 220, 241.

Witheridge, Widerigge, Witherigge, Wythrygge, co. Devon, land in, 755; land in, Churne in, 403; manor of, Upcott in, 155.

Witherigge, co. Devon. See Witheridge.

Withernwick, Withornewike, in Holderness, co. York, manor of, 612.

Withersdale, Wetherysdale, co. Suff., advowson of, 330; manor of, 330.

Withiford, Wythyford, Thomas, 68.

Withornewike, co. York. See Withernwick.

Witlesham alias Witnesham, co. Suff. See Witnesham.

Witlingham, Wyghtlyngham, by Norwich, co. Norf., manor of, 721.

Witnesham alias Witlesham, co. Suff., manor of, 654.

Witney, Witteney, co. Oxford, land in, 170.

Witteney, co. Oxford. See Witney.

Witton, co. Norf., manor of, 976; Wyltons in. See Wyltons.

Witton, Richard, clk., 830.

Wittresham, co. Kent, land in, 737.

Wivell, Wyvell, Robert, land held of, in co. York, 541.

Wivell, Robert, York, 1258.

Wivell, William, bro. and h. of Robert, 1258.

Wivenhoe, Wevenhoe, co. Essex, land in, 1144.

Wix, co. Essex. See Parkhall.

Wixoe, Wixso, by Stoke by Clare, co. Suff., manor of, 740.

Wixso, co. Suff. See Wixoe.

Wobernford, co. Devon, manor of, 1220.

Woburn, Oborne, Oubourne, Deyncourt, co. Bucks., land held of manor of, 426, 554; land in, 426, 554.

Wod Pury, co. Oxford. See Woodperry.

Woddelond, co. Devon, rent out of manor of, 249.

Wode, co. Devon. See Wood.

Wode, Christopher, &c. See Wood.

Wodebarough, co. Somers. Ses Woodborough.

Wodecok, Henry. See Woodcock.

Wodecokkes. See Woodcocks.

Wodecot, co. Hants. See Woodcot.

Wodecote, co. Sussex. See Woodcote.

Wodeford, co. Devon. See Woodford.
-, ………, co. N’hamp, See Woodford.

Wodeford, William, &c. See Woodford.

Wodefyeld, Henry, knt. See Widville.

Wodegate, William. See Woodgate.

Wodehall, co. Essex. See Woodhall.
-, ……, co. York. See Wood Hall.

Wodehill, Robert. See Woodhall.

Wodehouse, Woodhows, Edward, knt., 1143.
-, ………, John, brother of Thomas, esq., 1143.
-, …..…, John, esq., 190.
-, ………, Robert, brother of Thomas, esq., 1143.
-, ………, Thomas, 631, 1137, 1158.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 1136, 1143; land held of, in co. Norf., 1022.
-, ………, Thomas, the elder, esq., 507.
-, ………, Thomasine, wife of Thomas, esq., and d. of Roger Townshend, knt., 1143

Wodehyll, Thomas, &c. See Woodhall.

Wodell, Thomas, &c. See Wodhull.

Wodelond, co. Devon. See Woodland.

Wodelond, John, clk. See Woodland.

Woderewe, co. wilts. See Woodrew.

Woderowe, Richard, &c. See Woodroffe.

Woderysyng, co. Norf. See Rising, Wood.

Wodestoke, co. Oxford. See Woodstock.

Wodeward, Ellen, &c. See Woodward.

Wodfolde beside Dounton, co. Wilts. See Woodfalls near Downton.

Wodford, co. N’hamp. See Woodford.

Wodhall, Thomas. See Woodhall.

Wodham Ferrers, co. Essex. See Woodham Ferris.
-, ………. Wautier, co. Essex. See Woodham, Walter.

Wodhay, East, co. Hants. See Woodhay.

Wodhed, co. Rutl. See Casterton.

Wodhill, Robert. See Woodhall.

Wodhome [Adam], chaplain, 1049.

Wodhorn, co. N’th’l’d. See Woodhorn.

Wodhous, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Wodhull, co. Bedf. See Odell.

Wodhull, Odyll, Wodell, Fulk, land held of, in co. Bedf., 968.
-, ………, Fulk, s. and h. of John, esq., 655.
-, ………, Joan, wife of John, esq., 655.

Wodhull, John, esq., Bedf., 655.

Wodhull, Thomas, land held of, in co. N’hamp., 295.

Wodland, co. York. See Woodland.
-, ……… in Ugborough, co. Devon. See Woodland.

Wodroue, John, &c. See Woodroffe.

Wokefeld, co. Berks., manor of, 877.

Wokeham, co. Rutl. See Oakham.

Wokingham, Wokyngham, co. Berks., Cage in, 1120; land in, 1244.

Wokyndon, co. Essex. See Ockendon.

Wokyngdon, North, co. Essex. See Ockendon.

Wokyngham, co. Berks. See Wokingham.

Wokysyesplace, in Shipton-Moyne, co. Glouc., 4.

Wolaton, co. Notts. See Wollaton.

Wolberough, co. Kent, land held of manor of, 1235.

Wolborough, Wolbourgh, co. Devon, Ridon in, 755.
-, ……, co. Sussex. See Crawley.

Wolbourgh, co. Devon. See Wolborough.

Wolby, Richard, 152.

Wold, co. N’hamp., land in, 1213; manor of, 295, 298.
-, ………, manor of Boynton on, co. York. See Boyuton.

Wolde, Boythorpe on, co. York. See Boythorpe.

Wolder, Thomas, 1250.

Woldingham, Waldyngham, co. Surrey, manor of, 400.

Wolds, Burton on the, co. Leic. See Burton.

Wolecombe, Alice. See Woollcombe.

Wolf Hall, Wolfale, Wulfale, alias Crofton, co. Wilts., manor of, 770.
-, ………, [in Great Bedwin], co. Wilts., rent from manor of, 83; Seymour, John, of. See Seymour, John, esq.

Wolfale, co. Wilts. See Wolf Hall.

Wolfarehull, co. Somers. See Wolferhill.

Wolferhill, or Wolfarehull, co. Somers., land in, 1150.

Wolfeton, co. Somers., land in, 385.

Wolff, Anthony, gent., Devon, 798.

Wolff, Joan, d. and h. of Anthony, gent., 798.

Wolffehowse, co. Rutland, manor of, 525.

Wolfhamcote, co. Warw. See Wolthampcote.

Wolfhampcote, Wolfhamcote, co. Warw., manor of, 292.

Wolfhampton by Chikwell, co. Essex. See Wolston by Chigwell.

Wolflete, William, clk., 1075.

Wolfreton, co. Hants. See Wolverton.
-, ………, co. Norf. See Wolverton.

Wollricheston, co. Warw. See Wolston.

Wollaston, co. N’hamp., land in, 966.

Wollaston, Guy, esq., 910.

Wollaton, Wolaton, co. Notts., advowson of, 725; land held of mauor of, 917; manor of, 725.

Wollehampton, co. Berks. See Woolhampton.

Wolleston, co. Salop. See Wolston.

Wolley, co. Derby. See Woolley.
-, ……, co. Hunt. See Woolley.
-, ……, co. York. See Wooley.

Wollor, co. N’th’l’d. See Wooler.

Wolmet, John, clk., 117, 339.

Wolnoth, St. Mary, London. See Woolnoth.

Wolryngton, co. Devon. See Worlington.

Wolston, Wolfhampton, Wolfricheston, Wolleston, Wullston, co. Salop, land in, 726.
-, ……, co. Warw., manor of, 136. See also Marston.
-, ……… by Chigwell (Chikwell), co. Essex, manor of, 779.
-, ……… Gyan, co. Somers., manor of, 513.
-, ………, Little, co. Bucks. See Woolstone.

Wolston, Guy, esq., 77, 429, 994.

Wolterton, co. Norf., Wolterton manor (1/2) in, 98.

Woltertons manor (1/2), in Field Dalling, co. Norf., 98.

Wolton, co. Linc. See Welton.

Wolvedon, co. Cornw., land held of manor of, 154.

Wolverhampton, Wolvernehampton, co. Staff., manor (1/2) of, 499.

Wolvernehampton, co. Staff. See Wolverhampton.

Wolverston, co. Bucks. See Wolverton.

Wolverton, Wolfreton, Wolverston, co. Bucks., land in, 595.
-, ……, co. Hants., advowson of, 964; Hyetowne in, 964; manor of, 964.
-, ……, co. Norf., land in, 872; manor of, 35.

Wolves Nymet, co. Devon. See Nymet.

Wolvesey, Wulvesey, co Hants, land held of manor of, 358.

Wolveton, Wulveton, [in Charminster], co. Dorset, manor of, 1114.

Wolwade, co. Somers. See Wulwade.

Wolwardeston, co. Somers., land in, 603.

Womberlegh, co. Devon. See Umberleigh.

Wombewell, Roger, &c. See Wombwell.

Wombwell, Umbwell, Wombewell, co. York, Wombwell, John, esq., of. See Wombwell.

Wombwell, John, of Wombwell, esq., York, 315.

Wombwell, Roger, cousin and heir of John, esq., 315.

Wonford, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 757.

Wood, Wode, Woode, co. Devon, land in, 855, 1042.

Wood, Aldelin, s. and h. of Richard, 855.
-, ………, Christopher, 38.
-, ………, Elizabeth. See Dawtrey, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Emyne, wife of Richard, 855.
-, ………, Joan. See Exham, Joan.
-, ………, John, 303.

Wood, John, Devon, 1042.

Wood, John, chaplain, 250, 388.
-, ………, John, clk., 681.
-, ………, John, father of Richard, 855.

Wood, John, knt., Essex, 278.

Wood, John, of Hatfeld, 50, 152.
-, ………, John, the younger, 641.
-, ………, Margaret, d. of Thomas, and niece and co-heir of John, knt., 278.
-, ………, Margery, wife of Thomas, knt., 278.
-, ………, Richard, 656; land held of, in co. Devon, 403, 760.

Wood, Richard, Devon, 855.

Wood, Richard, s. and h. of John, 1042.
-, ………, Thomas, 39, 270, 506, 537, 985 1088.
-, ………, Thomas, brother of John, knt., 278.
-, ………, Thomas, clk., M.A., 457.
-, ………, Thomas, of Langrake, co. York, 1145.
-, ………, Thomas, serjeant-at-law, and J. C. P., 674, 1085, 1140, 1194, 1196, 1244, 1249.
-, ………, Thomas, Shaa’s feoffee, 381.
-, ………, Thomazine, wife of John, 855.
-, ………, William, clk., 677.
-, ………, William, clk., M.A., 457.
-, ………. See also A Wood.

Wood Hall, Wodehall, co. York, manor of, 258.

Woodborough, Wodebarough, co. Somers., land in, 716.

Woodcock, Wodecok, Wodecokke, Henry, 793.

Woodcocks, co. Middx. See Harefield.

Woodcot, Wodecot, co. Hants., manor of, 622.

Woodcote, co. Sussex, manor of, 1060.

Woode, John, &c. See Wood.

Woodfalls, Wodfolde, near Downton, co. Wilts., land in, 1092.

Woodford, Wodeford, Wodford, co. Devon, knight’s fee in, 536.
-, ……, co. N’hamp., land in, 966; manor of, 297.

Woodford, Anne, wife of William, 352.
-, ………, Margaret, d. and h. of William, 352.
-, ………, Ralph, knt., land held of, in co. Leic, 352.

Woodford, William, Leic, 352.

Woodgate, Wodegate, William, 530.

Woodhall, Wodehall, Wodehill, Wodehyll, Wodhall, Wodhill, co. Essex, manor of, 291.
-, ………, tenement called, in Rattlesden, co. Suff., 234.

Woodhall, Robert, 415, 439.
-, ………, Thomas, his servant captured by Scots., 470.
-, ………, Thomas, clk., 754.

Woodham, Wodham, Ferris (Ferrers), co. Essex, land in, 32, 238.

Woodham, Walter (Wautier), co. Essex, land in, 391.

Woodhay, Wodhay, East, co. Hants, land in, 354.

Woodhorn, Wodhorn, co. N’th’l’d., land held of manor of, 344.

Woodhows, John, &c. See Wodehouse.

Woodland, Wedland, Wodelond, Wodland, Wudlond, co. Devon, land in, 680; manor (1/4) of, 978.
-, ……, co. York, place called, 363, 1188.
-, ………, in Ugborough, co. Devon, rent in, 785.

Woodland, John, clk., 816.

Woodlands [in Horton], co. Dorset, land in, 15.

Woodperry, Wod Pury [in Stanton St. John], co. Oxford, manor of, 75.

Woodrew, Woderewe, co. Wilts., manor of, 752.

Woodroffe, Woderowe, Wodroue, John, esq., York, 256.

Woodroffe, Richard, s. and h. of John, esq., 256.

Woods, messuage called, in co. Herts., 171.

Woodspring, Warsprynge, Worspring, co. Somers., land held of, manor of, 1150; priory of, land held of, in co. Somers., 192, 1150.

Woodstock, Wodestoke, New, co. Oxford borough of, tenements held of, 676; tenements in, 676.
-, ………, Old, co. Oxford, land in, 676.

Woodward, Wodeward, Ellen. See Chicheley, Ellen.
-, ………, John, 854.

Woolavington, Wullavyngton, co. Somers., manor of, 603.

Wooler, Wollor, co. N’th’l’d., manor (1/4) of, 638; St. Mary Magdalen Hospital, advowson of, 638.

Wooley, Wolley, co. York, manor of, 256.

Woolhampton, Wollehampton, co. Berks., land in, 934.

Woollcombe, Wolecombe, Alice, land held of, in co. Devon, 155.

Woolley, Wolley, co. Derby, manor of, 3.
-, ……, co. Hunt., manor (1/3) of, 1086.

Woolnoth, Wolnoth, St. Mary. See London.

Woolstone, Wolston, Little, co. Bucks., manor of, 576.

Wootton, Wotton, Wutton, co. Bedf., land in, 842.
-, ……, co. N’hamp., manor of, 372.
-, ……, co. Wilts., land in, 770.
-, ……… Bassett, co. Wilts., land held of, manor of, 1152; land in, 1152.
-, ……… Courtney (Courteney), co. Somers., land held of manor of, 1232.
-, ……… Fitzpaine (Fitzpayne), co. Dorset, land held of manor of, 972.
-, ……… Rivers (Ryver), co. Wilts., advowson of, 770; manor of, 770.

Wootton Wawen, co. Warw., land held of manor of, 325; land in, 748.

Wootton, Eleanor, wife of William, 1072.
-, ………, John, 384.
-, ………, Katharine. See Fish, Katharine.
-, ………, Margaret. See Gawsell.
-, ….…, Margaret, wife of Thomas, and daughter and heir of Christine Esthalle, 1072.

Wootton, Nicholas, Kent, 694.

Wootton, Robert, s. and h. of Nicholas, 694.
-, ………, Thomas, 1072.
-, ………, William, s. and h. of Thomas, 1072.
-, ………, William, s. and h. of William, 1072.

Worcester, co. Worc., Alcock, John, Bishop of. See Alcock; bailiffs of, land held of, 888; Batenhale by. See Batenhall; Bishop of, land held of, in co. Glouc., 123, 271, 973; in co. Worc., 837, 1107; Earl of. See Tiptoft; Green, Thomas, bailiff of. See Green; Hosyer, Richard, bailiff of. See Hosyer; messuages in, 792; 888, 1224; Morton, Robert, Bishop of. See Morton.

Worcester alias Botener, William, clk., 1229.

Workington, Wyrkynton, co. Cumb., Curwen, Thomas, of, esq. See Curwen.

Worlaby, Warleby, Wirlaby, Worleby, co. Linc., land in, 706, 1257; manor (1/2) of, 883.

Worle, Worley, co. Somers., land held of manor of, 192; land in, 1202; messuages in, 1150.

Worleby, co. Linc. See Worlaby.

Worley, co. Somers. See Worle.

Worley, William. See Wyrley.

Worlington, Wolryngton, Wyrlyngton, co. Suff., advowson of, 36; manor of, 36.
-, ………, East, co. Devon, baptism at, 1249; manor of, 403.
-, ………, West, co. Devon, manor of, 403.

Wormegay, Wermegey, Wyrmegey, co. Norf., honor of, land held of, 1162; land held of manor of, 1019, 1159.

Wormehyll, co. Derby. See Wormhill.

Wormelowe, co. Heref, land held of manor of, 262.

Wormesley, co. Heref. See Wormsley.

Wormhill, Wormehyll, co. Derby, land in, 1156.

Wormingford, Wurmyngford, Wythermondeford, co. Essex, manor in, late Geoffrey Rokell’s, 263; Poley, John, esq., of. See Poley.

Wormsley, Wormesley, co. Heref., priory of, land held of, in co. Heref., 825.

Worsely, John. See Worsley.

Worsley, Worsely, Alice. See Staveley, Alice.
-, ………, John, clk., 23.
-, ………, John, 1062.

Worspring, co. Somers. See Woodspring.

Worstead, Worsted, Wursted, co. Norf., land in, 384; manor of, 976.

Worsted, co. Norf. See Worstead.

Worston in Yealmpton (Yalmeton), co. Devon, land in, 974.

Worston, Joan, 974.
-, ………, Robert, 974.
-, ………, Roger, 974.
-, ………, Thomas, 974.

Worston, William, Devon, 974.

Worston, William, s. and h. of Roger, 974.

Worth, co. Sussex, forest (1/8) of, 878; land in, 1160.
-, ………, Nether [in Netherbury], co. Dorset, land in, 117, 339.

Worthing, Worthyng, co. Norf., land in, 469.

Worthington, co. Leic., land in, 1116.

Worthy in Berry Pomeroy, co. Devon, land in, 1167.

Worthyn, co. Devon, land in, 899.

Worthyng, co. Norf. See Worthing.

Wortley, co. Glouc., advowson of St. John’s chantry, 778.
-, ………, co. York, Wortley, Thomas, of, esq., 1100, 1101.

Wortley, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas, late wife of John Fitzwilliam, esq., 1100, 1101.
-, ………, Nicholas de, rent held of, in co. York, 488.

Worton, co. Oxford, manor of, 592.

Wote, Thomas, 742.

Wotton, co. Bedf. See Wootton.
-, ……, co. Devon, land in, 760, 908.
-, ……, co. Norf., land in, 210.
-, ……… Bassett, co. Wilts. See Wootton Bassett.
-, ……… Courteney, co. Somers. See Wootton Courtney.
-, ……… Fitzpayne, co. Dorset. See Wootton Fitzpaine.
-, ……… under Edge (Egge, Hegge), co. Glouc., advowson of, 778; Combe by. See Combe; land held of manor of, 630; manor in, 778.
-, ……… Wawen, co. Warw. See Wootton.

Woxbrigge, co. Middx. See Uxbridge.

Wra, co. Cumb. See Wreay.

Wrabnase, co. Essex. See Wrabness.

Wrabnasse, co. Essex. See Wrabness.

Wrabness, Wrabnase, Wrabnasse, co. Essex, advowson of, 152; manor of, 152, 459.

Wraby, co. Linc. See Wragby.

Wragby, Wraby, co. Linc., land held of manor of, 570, 1037; land in, 883, 1037; Langton near. See Langton, North.
-, ……… by Goltho (Golthaugh), co. Linc., manor of, 686.

Wralebrigge, co. Essex. See Weald, North.

Wranegeworthy, co. Devon, land in, 688.

Wrantage, Wrentage, Wrentygge, co. Somers., land in, 510, 870.

Wrawlesford, co. Cornw., land in, 660.

Wraxhall, Wroxsale, South, co. Wilts., manor of, 656.

Wreake, Ratcliffe on the, co. Leic. See Ratcliffe on the Wreake.

Wreay, Wra, co. Cumb., land in, 157, 245.

Wreke, Ratclyff on, co. Leic. See Ratcliffe on the Wreak.

Wrekin, Wellington, under the, co. Salop. See Wellington.

Wrekyn, the, co. Salop. See Wrekin.

Wrentage, co. Somers. See Wrantage.

Wrentham, co. Suff., manor of, 189, 190

Wrentygge, co. Somers. See Wrantage.

Wressell, Wresyll, co. York, castle of, 477; manor of, 477.

Wrestelyngworth, co. Bedf. See Wrestlingworth.

Wrestlingworth, Wrestelyngworth, co. Bedf., land in, 577.

Wresyll, co. York. See Wressell.

Wretton, Wrotton, co. Norf., land in, 940.

Wright, Wryght, John, 237.
-, ………, Nicholas; clk., 380.
-, ………, Thomas, rector of mediety of East Keal, co. Linc., 1127.
-, ………, William, clk., 801.

Wrington, Wryngton, co. Somers., land in, 716.

Writell, John, &c. See Writtle.

Writhe, Edward. See Rithe.

Writtle, De Wrytell, Writell, Wrytel, Wrytell, Wryttell, Wrytill, Anne. See Raynsford, Anne.
-, ……… Joan, wife of Walter, and d. and h. of John Hinde the elder, 109, 152.
-, ………, John, esq., 459, 895; land held of heirs of, in co. Essex, 1144.

Writtle, John, esq., Essex, 152; Kent, 109; London, 49; Surrey, 50.

Writtle, John, s. and h. of John, esq., and Anne (Starkey) his wife, 49, 50, 109, 152, 459, 895, 1165.
-, ………, Katharine. See Hawte, Katharine.
-, ………, Robert de, 152.
-, ………, Walter, father of John, 152, 895.

Wroksetur, co. Salop. See Wroxeter.

Wrottesley, Walter, knt., 79, 934, 935.

Wrotton, co. Norf. See Wretton.

Wroughton, co. Wilts., land in, 864.
-, ………, Nether, co. Wilts., land in, 479.

Wroughton, Christopher, esq., 385.
-, …….., Christopher, knt., s. and h. of John, esq., 1152, 1216.
-, ………, Elizabeth. See Chokke, Elizabeth.
-, ………, John, esq., 386, 413, 479, 897, 973, 1016, 1030, 1031, 1197; land held of, jure ux., in co. Somers., 1126.

Wroughton, John, esq., Somers., 1216; Wilts., 1152.

Wroughton, Margaret, wife of John, 1126.

Wroxeter, Wroksetur, co. Salop, land held of manor of, 1243.

Wroxham, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 384; land in, 384.

Wroxhill, co. Bedf. See Wroxill.

Wroxill, Wroxhill, in Marston-Moretaine (Merston), co. Bedf., manor of, 723.

Wroxsale, co. Wilts. See Wraxhall.

Wryght, William, &c. See Wright.

Wryngton, co. Somers. See Wrington.

Wrytel, John, &c. See Writtle.

Wrytell, John, &c. See Writtle.

Wrytill, John, &c. See Writtle.

Wryttell, John, &c. See Writtle.

Wudlond, co. Dorset. See Woodlands.

Wulfale, co. Wilts. See Wolf Hall.

Wulferston, Robert, esq., Suff., 1015.

Wulferston, Thomas, esq., s. and h. of Robert, esq., 1015.

Wullvyngton, co. Somers. See Woolavington.

Wullston, Guy. See Wolston.

Wulman, Thomas, 384.

Wuluen, Thomas, 1023.

Wulvesey, co. Hants. See Wolvesey.

Wulveton, co. Dorset. See Wolveton.

Wulwade, or Wolwade, co. Somers., manor of, 462, 1198.

Wurmyngford, co. Essex. See Wormingford.

Wursted, co. Norf. See Worstead.

Wutlon, co. Wilts. See Wootton.

Wutton, John, &c. See Wootton.

Wybarne, Richard, 530.

Wyberton, co. Linc. See Tytton.

Wyholston, co. Bedf. See Wyboston.

Wyboston, Wyholston, co. Bedf., manor of, 243.

Wybton, co. Heref. See Webton.

Wycet, co. Suff. See Wisset.

Wychampton, co. Dorset. See Witchampton.

Wyche, co. Worc. See Droitwich.

Wyche, Thomas, Vicar of Dormington, co. Heref., 113.

Wychyngham, John. See Witchingham.

Wycombe, co. Bucks., land in, 426.
-, ………, Chipping (Chepyng), co. Bucks., land in, 107. See Loudwater.

Wydbury, Joan, &c. See Widbury.

Wydecomb, co. Devon. See Widecomb.

Wydefeld, co. Devon, land in, 155, 661.

Wydeford, co. Herts. See Widford.

Wydenhay by Bentley Heath, co. Warw., 748.

Wyder, John, 712.

Wydeslade, Marina, &c. See Wideslade.

Wydevyle, Anthony, &c. See Widville.

Wydihale, co. Herts. See Widiall.

Wye, co. Kent, land in, 380.

Wye, Monyngton on, co. Heref. See Monnington.

Wyfelyng, co. Norf., land in, 872.

Wyfordby, co. Leic., manor of, 352.

Wygauby, co. Cumb. See Wiggonby.

Wygdon, co. Devon, manor of, 661.

Wygenhale, co. Norf. See Wiggenhall.

Wygenhale Thomas. See Wiggenhall.

Wygge, Ralph, of Ledbourn in Mentmore, co. Bucks., 615, 617.

Wyggenhale, co. Norf. See Wiggenhall.

Wyggynton, co. Staff. See Wigginton.

Wyghtham, co. Berks. See Wytham.

Wyghtill, Weighill, Robert, esq., 932, 1200.
-, ………, Thomas, 932, 1200.
-, ………, Walter, 932, 1200.

Wyghtlyngham, co. Norf. See Witlingham.

Wyghton, co. Norf. See Wighton.

Wygmor, co. Heref. See Wigmore.

Wygnale, co. Norf. See Wiggenhall.

Wygston, co. Leic. See Wigston.

Wykam, co. Kent. See Wickham.

Wykambrok, co. Suff. See Wickhambrook.

Wyke, co. Glouc., manor of, 860.

Wyke, co. Somers., advowson of chantry of, 463; land in, 463. See also Week Eitzpaine.
-, ……, co. Wilts., manor of, 1063.
-, ……… beside Torrington, co. Devon, messuage called, 155.
-, ……… by Yatton, co. Somers., manor of, 435.
-, ……… Fitzpayn, co. Somers. See Week Fitzpaine.
-, ……… Perham, co. Somers., manor of, 463.

Wyke, John, &c. See Wikes.

Wykeford, co. Essex. See Wickford.

Wyken, Wykyn, co. Essex. See Wicken.
-, …….. in Coventry, manor of, 865.

Wykes, co. Essex. See Wicks.

Wykes, John, &c. See Wike.

Wykes manor in Swanbourn, co Bucks., 8.

Wykewyke, co. Glouc. See Wickwick.

Wykham Breux, co. Kent. See Wickhambreux.
-, ……… Market, co. Suff. See Wickham.

Wykhams tenement, co. Suff. See Wickhams.

Wyksande, co. Sussex, manor of, 552.

Wykylwode, co. Norf. See Wicklewood.

Wykyn, co. Camb. See Wicken.
-, ……, co. Suff. See Wicken.
-, ……… in Coventry. See Wyken.

Wykys, Edmund, &c. See Wike.

Wykys, John, &c. See Wikes.

Wylcaulton, co. Somers. See Wincanton.

Wyld, John, &c. See Wild.

Wyldecotes, Thomas. See Wilcot.

Wyldegoos, Thomas. See Wildgoose.

Wyldgose, Thomas. See Wildgoose.

Wyle, co. Dorset, manor of, 972.

Wyleton, co. Somers. See Williton.

Wylfford, Julian. See Wilford.

Wylkynnys, Thomas, &c. See Wilkins.

Wylkyns, John, &c. See Wilkins.

Wylle, or Will, co. Devon. See Will.

Wylleley, co. Salop. See Willey.

Wyllughby, Robert, Lord de Broke. See Willoughby.

Wylly, John, &c. See Willy.

Wyllyen, co. Herts. See Willian.

Wyllyngale, co. Essex. See Willingale.

Wyllyngdon, co. Sussex. See Willingdon.

Wyllyon, co. Herts. See Willian.

Wyllysford, William, land held of, in co. Devon, 797.

Wyllyswell, co. Devon, land in, 680.

Wylmondley, co. Herts. See Wymondley.

Wyloughby, Robert, &c. See Willoughby.

Wylowyncotys, co. N’hamp., land in, 1147.

Wylton, co. Heref. See Wilton.
-, ……, co. Norf. See Wilton.
-, ……, co. Wilts. See Wilton.

Wyltons manor, in Witton, co. Norf., land held of, 1229.

Wylyen, co. Bucks. See Willen.
-, ……, co. Herts. See Willian.

Wymark, John, &c. See Wimark.

Wymbleton, Thomas, &c. See Wimbledon.

Wymbottysham, co. Norf. See Wimbotsham.

Wymbourne, co. Dorset. See Wimborne.

Wymbourne, William. See Wimborne.

Wymbysh, Thomas. See Wimbish.

Wymerk, William. See Wimark.

Wymeryng, co. Hants. See Wimmering.

Wymington, Wemyngton, co. Bedf., manor of, 718; Stokes, John, rector of. See Stokes.

Wymondham, co. Norf., Abbey of, land held of, in co. Norf., 1143; Norton in Wadker in. See Norton.

Wymondley, Wilmondley, Wylmondley, co. Herts., advowson of priory of, 31; Abington, Giles (Guy), lord of Wymondley, land held of, in co. Herts., 321; land in, 512.
-, ………, Great, co. Herts., Lammers manor in, 321; manor of, 31.
-, ………, Little, co. Herts., advowson of chapel in, 31; manor of, 31.

Wymongham, John, knt. See Windham.

Wympolle, co. Camb. See Wimpole.

Wympooll, co. Camb. See Wimpole.

Wympyll, co. Camb. See Wimpole.

Wymston, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 461.

Wyncent, Guy, chaplain, 273.

Wynche, West, co. Norf. See Winch, West.

Wynchelse, co. Sussex. See Winchelsea.

Wynde, tenement called in Hastings, co. Sussex, 322.

Wyndell, co. Norf., advowson of, 507.

Wyndesore, Thomas, &c. See Windsor.

Wyndham, John, &c. See Windham.

Wynford, John, 811.

Wynfryth, co. Dorset. See Winfrith.

Wyngar, Henry. See Wingar.

Wynge, John. See Wing.

Wyngefeld, Robert, &c. See Wingfield.

Wynger, John. See Wingar.

Wyngfeld, co. Suff. See Wingfield.

Wyngfeld, John. See Wingfield.

Wynkelegh, co. Devon. See Winkleigh.
-, ……… Keynes, co. Devon. See Winkleigh.

Wynketon, co. Hants. See Winkton.

Wynnyslond in Dartington, co. Devon, land in, 755.

Wynsby, co. Linc., land in, 953.

Wynsford, co. Somers. See Winsford.

Wynslowe, Robert. See Winslow.

Wynteney, co. Hants. See Wintney.

Wynterbourne Martyn, co. Dorset. See Winterborne St. Martin.

Wynterburn, co. Wilts. See Winterbourne.

Wynterburne Basset, co. Wilts. See Winterbourne Bassett.

Wynterslew, co. Wilts. See Winterslow.

Wynterton, co. Norf. See Winterton.

Wynteryngham, co. York. See Wintringham.

Wynthorpp, co. Linc. See Winthorpe.

Wyntringham, co. York. See Wintringham.

Wyntryngham, co. Linc. See Winteringham.

Wyntyr, John. See Winter.

Wypsnade, co. Bedf. See Whipsnade.

Wyram, co. Norf. See Wereham.

Wyrardisbury, Wyrardysbury, co. Bucks., manor of, 418.

Wyrkebroke, co. Heref. See De la Haye.

Wyrkynton, co. Cumb. See Workington.

Wyrley, Wirley, Worley, co. Staff., land in, 874.
-, ………, Great, co. Staff., manor of, 310.

Wyrley, John, land held of, in co. Staff., 288.
-, ………, William, 372.

Wyrlyes alias Vyrlyes, co. Norf. See Pickenham, North.

Wyrlyngton, co. Suff. See Worlington.

Wyrmegey, co. Norf. See Wormegay.

Wysbich, co. Camb. See Wisbech.

Wyse, Thomas, &c. See Wise.

Wyseman, Simon. See Wiseman.

Wysenden, co. Rutl. See Whissendine.

Wyset, Lucy, &c. See Wissett.

Wysett, co. Suff. See Wissett.

Wyssett, co. Suff. See Wissett.

Wyssheley, co. Surrey. See Wisley.

Wyssyngset, co. Norf. See Whissonsett.

Wystamstowe, co. Salop. See Wistehamstowe.

Wystow, co. York. See Wistow.

Wytham, Wyghtham, co. Berks., deed dated at, 167; land in, 167.
-, …….., Philip, co. Berks., advowson of, 167; manor of, 167.

Wytham, Thomas. See Witham.

Wytheley, Richard, clk., 888.

Wythermondeford, co. Essex. See Wormingford.

Wythes manor, co. Norf. See Reedham.

Wythom, North, co Linc. See Witham.

Wythrygge, co. Devon. See Witheridge.

Wythyford, Thomas, &c. See Withiford.

Wyvell, Robert. See Wivell.

Wyvell, William, esq. See Wyvill.

Wyvill, Wyvell, Margaret. See Ward, Margaret.
-, ………, William, 1049.

Wyvill, William, esq., Leic, 1049.

Wyvill, Staunton, co. Leic. See Staunton.