General Index: N

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: N', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: N', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte. "General Index: N". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. (London, 1898), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Nafferton, Naffreton, co. York, land in, 363, 947, 1188; manor of, 477.

Naffreton, co. York. See Nafferton.

Nailynghurst, Hugh, &c. See Naylingherst.

Nalton, John, 512.

Nanfan, Richard, knt., land held of, in co Cornw., 761.

Napton on the Hill, co. Warw., land in, 1032.

Narborough, co. Norf. See Narburgh.

Narburgh, Narborough, co. Norf., manor of, 1008, 1159.

Narburgh, Ela de. See Spelman, Ela.
-, ………, William de, 1159.

Narford, co. Norf., manor of, 1008.

Nash, Naysshe alias Castle, co. Dorset. See Castle.
-, ……, co. Glouc., manor of, 116.

Nassh, Richard, 169.

Naustuke, co. Cornw., manor of, 580.

Navestock, Navestok, co. Essex, Bryan, John, vicar of. See Bryan; Clementys in, 1165; land in, 176, 859, 1165; Slades in, 1165.

Navestok, co Essex. See Navestock.

Naward, co. Cumb. See Naworth.

Nawnton, Nawton, Alice, wife of William and d. and co-heir of Richard, Holdich, 101.
-, ………, William, 101.

Naworth, Naward, co. Cumb., Castle at, 157.

Nawton, Richard, land held of, in co. York, 233.
-, ………, William. See Nawnton.

Nayland, Neylond, co. Suff., manor of, 948.

Naylingherst, Nailynghurst, Clement, s. and h. of Hugh, esq., 759.

Naylingherst, Hugh, esq., Essex, 759.

Naylingherst, Joice, wife of Hugh, esq., 759.

Naylingherst’s tenement, co. Essex. See Rayne, Great.

Naynsour, Nicholas, 1217.

Naysshe alias Castell, co. Dorset. See Nash.

Neatishead, Netisherd, co. Norf., land in, 384.

Nebley, co. Glouc. See Nibley.

Necton, co. Norf., land held of, manor of, 1143; land in, 1143.

Nedeham, Richard. See Needham.

Nedur Thurvaston, co. Derby. See Thurlston.

Needham, Nedeham, co. Suff., land in, 806.

Needham, Richard, 468, 548.

Neel, John, Master of Arundel College, 274.
-, ……… Richard, 419.

Neelys Hall, co. Norf. See Fincham.

Neenton, Nynton, co. Salop, manor of, 997.

Nekyllys manor, in Lye, co. Heref., 825.

Nells, Nelmes, Nelnes, [in Ash], near Sandwich, co. Kent, manor of, 127.

Nelmes, co. Kent. See Nells.

Nelnes, co. Kent. See Nells.

Nelson, John, 1145.
-, ………, William, 1145.

Nessewyk, co. York. See Neswick.

Nest, Stephen, of Wolverton, co. Hants, 964.

Neswick, Nessewyk, co. York, land in, 1211; manor (1/3) of, 947.

Netelbedd, co. Oxford. See Nettlebed.

Nethelbede, co. Oxford. See Nettlebed.

Nether Adhere, co. Somers. See Adber.

Nether Filkins, co. Oxford. See Filkins, Lower.
-, ……… Hall manor, co. Essex. See Bergholt, West.
-, ……… Hall, co. Norf., manor of. See Hillington; manor of, 384.
-, ……… Hall in Eye, co. Suff. See Eye.
-, ……… Hayford, co. N’hamp. See Heyford.
-, ……… Letcombe, co. Berks. See Letcombe.
-, ……… Letton, co. Heref. See Letton.
-, ……… Shelwick, co. Heref. See Shelwick.
-, ……… Sterthill, co. Dorset. See Stirthill, Lower.
-, ……… Stowey, co. Somers. See Stowey.
-, ……… Sudyngton, co, Glouc. See Siddington.
-, ……… Thurlston, co. Derby. See Thurlston.
-, ……… Toyton, co. Linc. See Toynton, Lower.
-, ……… Were, co. Somers. See Weare.
-, ……… Worth, co. Dorset. See Worth.
-, ……… Yea, co. Devon. See Payhembury.

Netheravon, Netherhaven, co. Wilts., baptism at, 919; land in, 752, 942.

Netherbury, Nethirbury, co. Dorset. See Ash; Bowood, South; Camesworth; Furleigh; Hincknolle; Kingsland; Loscombe; Melplash, West; Worth.
-, ……… manor, co. N’hamp. See Sulgrave.

Nethercote, co. Devon, land in, 680.
-, ……… [in Swepston], co. Leic., land in, 343.
-, ………, Westcote alias, co. Wilts. See Westcote.

Netherhaven, co. Wilts. See Netheravon.

Nethersole, John, 996, 1090.

Netherton, co. Heref., messuage in, 262.

Netherwich, Netherwick. See Droitwich.

Nethir Stowey, co. Somers. See Stowey.
-, ……… Worth, co. Dorset. See Worth.

Nethirbury, co. Dorset. See Netherbury.

Nethyr Etyngton, co. Warw. See Eatington, Lower.

Netilsted, co. Kent. See Nettlestead.

Netisherd, co. Norf. See Neatishead.

Netley, Letlee, Nettele, co. Hants, abbey of, land held of, in co. Bucks., 967; in co. Hants, 187, 646, 822; in co. Surrey, 162, 400.

Nettele Abbey, co. Hants. See Netley.

Nettilstede, co. Kent. See Nettlestead.

Nettlebed, Netelbedd, Nethelbede, co. Oxford, land in, 1030.

Nettlestead, Netilsted, Nettilstede, co. Kent. See Hylth; advowson of, 1235; manor of, 1235; Pimpe, John, of, esq. See Pimpe.

Neubarne, co. N’th’l’d. See Newburn.

Neubold, co. Leic. See Newbold.

Neuburgh, John, &c. See Newburgh.

Neuburi, land called, in Aldenham, co. Herts., 175.

Neulond, co. York. See Newland.

Neuman, Richard, &c. See Newman.

Neumarket, co. Suff. See Newmarket.

Neuport, co. Mon. See Newport.

Neupott Episcopi, co. Devon, land in, 685.

Nevendon, Nevyngdon, Newendon, co. Essex, land in, 104, 291.

Neventon, co. Kent. See Newington.

Nevill, Nevyle, Nevyll, Alice. See Conyers, Alice.
-, ………, Alice, wife of Richard, Earl of Salisbury, and d. and h. of Thomas, Earl of Salisbury, 213.
-, ………, Anne. See Stonor, Anne.
-, ………, Ann, Countess of Warwick, feoffment of lands to king, 937, 1214.
-, ………, Anne, Lady, land held of, in co. Devon, 155.
-, ………, Anne, wife of John, Lord Nevill. See Douglas, Anne.
-, ………, Elizabeth. See Scrope, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Elizabeth. See Strangewayes, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of George, Lord Latymer, 905.
-, ………, George, Archbishop of York, 418.
-, ………, George, knt., land held of, in co. Sussex, 401, 662.
-, ………, George, knt., Lord Abergavenny, 1, 779, 1143; land held of, in co. Devon, 155, 255, 680; in co. Essex, 515, 517; in co. Herts, 103; in co. Staff., 791; in co. Worc., 888.
-, ………, George, knt., son and heir apparent to George, Lord Abergavenny, 1.
-, ………, George, Lord Latymer, 905.
-, ………, George (or John, in error), quondam Duke of Bedford, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 217, 218, 219.

Nevill, George, quondam Duke of Bedford, Glouc., 222; Hants, 242; Herts., 239.

Nevill, Henry, knt., son of George, Lord Latymer, 905.
-, ………, Isabel, wife of William Norris, knt., late wife of John Nevill, knt., Marquess Montague, and d. and h. of Edmund Ingoldisthorpe, knt., 220, 222, 239, 242, 1085, 1130.

Nevill, Isabel, wife of William Norris, knt., late wife of John Nevill, knt., Marquess Montague, and d. and h. of Edmund Ingoldisthorpe, knt., Devon, 246; Hants, 217, 218; Herts., 219; Glouc., 213, 214; Middx., 212; Norf., 210, 211; Notts., 215, 216; Somers., 241; York, 221.

Nevill, Isabel. See Huddleston, Isabel.

Nevill, Joan, Countess of Kent, N’hamp.,611; York, 612.

Nevill, Joan, wife of Robert, esq., d. of John Walsh, esq., 1148.
-, …….., Joan, wife of Robert, esq., the father, 1148.
-, ………, Joan, wife of William, of Rolleston, co. Notts., esq., late wife of William Palmer of Carleton, and d. and ch. of John Francis, knt., and Isabel his wife, 418, 1062, 1172, 1257.
-, ………, John, Duke of Bedford. See Nevill, George.
-, ………, John, Earl of Northumberland (Marquess Montague), 377.
-, ………, John, knt., father of Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland, 227.
-, ………, John, knt., Marquess Montague, 210, 212, 219, 222, 239, 241. See also Nevill, John, Earl of Northumberland.

Nevill, John, knt., Marquess Montague, N’th’l’d., 161; York, 220.
-, ………, John, Lord Nevill, 227,
-, ………, Katharine. See Dudley, Katharine.
-, ………, Lucy. See Fitzwilliam, Lucy.
-, ………, Margaret. See Mortimer, Margaret.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of George, knt., Lord Abergavenny, and d. and heir of Hugh at Fenne, 779, 1143.

Nevill, Margaret, wife of George, knt., Lord Abergavenny, and d. and h. of Hugh at Fenne, Norf., 1.

Nevill, Michael, s. and h. of Robert, esq., 1148.
-, ………, Philippa. See Dacre, Philippa.
-, ………, Ralph, land held of, in co. Wilts., 351.
-, ………, Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland, 227; land held of, in co. Devon, 855; in co. Linc., 551; in co. N’th’l’d., 565; in co. York, 600, 669, 998.
-, ………, Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland, father of Philippa, Lady Dacre, 336.
-, ………, Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland, son and heir of Anne, Countess of Douglas, 227.
-, ………, Richard, Earl of Salisbury, 213, 217; heirs of, land held of, in co. Dorset, 514; in co. Somers., 513.
-, ………, Richard, Earl of Warwick, attainder of, 571.
-, ………, Richard, Earl of Warwick and Salisbury, 237; land held of, in co. Glouc., 271.
-, ………, Richard, Lord Latymer, land held of, in co. Bedf., 1104.
-, ………, Richard, Lord Latymer, nephew and heir of Katharine Dudley, 905.
-, ………, Robert, esq., 79.

Nevill, Robert, esq., Bucks., 1148.
-, ………, Robert, esq., the father, 1148.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 37.
-, ………, William, land held of, in co, Leic., 1251.

Nevill, William, of Rolleston, co. Notts., esq., 1062, 1257.

Nevill Fee, co. Linc. See Rasen, Middle.

Neville, Fifehead, co. Dorset. See Fifehead.

Nevyle, John, &c. See Nevill.

Nevyll, Thomas, &c. See Nevill.

Nevyngdon, co. Essex. See Nevendon.

Nevynton alias Ovyngton, co. Sussex, manor of, 190, 662.

New …, Joan, wife of John, esq., 291.

New College, Oxford. See Oxford, New College.
-, ………, Winchester. See Winchester, St. Mary’s.

New Hall, co. Norf. See Fincham.
-, ……… Malton, co. York. See Malton, New.
-, ……… Wodestoke, co. Oxford. See Woodstock.

Newark, co. Notts., land in, 1227.
-, ………, co. Surrey, priory of. See Brydges, Richard.

Newberry, Thomas. See Newbury.

Newbiggin, Newbiggyng, Newbriggyng, Newbyggyng, co. Cumb., lands in, 157; Lord Dacre’s land in, 245.
-, ……… in Dacre, co. Cumb., cottages in, 157.

Newbigging, Newbygyng, co. York, birth at, 949; manor (1/3) of, 947; Salvin, Ralph, of. See Salvin; Shirthwayt in, 1211.

Newbiggyng, co. Cumb. See Newbiggin.

Newbold, Neubold, co. Leic, land in, 1116.
-, ……, co. N’hamp., land in, 845; manor of, 1027.
-, ……… Comin (Comyn) [in Leamyngton Priors], co. Warw., land in, 27, 136.
-, ……… Pacey (Pacy), co. Warw., land in, 835.

Newbold, John, of Hagynthorpe, co. Derby, 424.

Newboroo, John. See Newburgh.

Newbriggyng, co. Cumb. See Newbiggin.

Newburgh, Neuburgh, Newboroo, Alice, wife of John, 1163.

Newburgh, Christine, widow, late wife of William Newburgh, knt., Dorset, 747.

Newburgh, Joan, wife of John, 38.
-, ………, John, 1163.

Newburgh, John, Dorset, 39; Somers., 38; Wilts., 40.

Newburgh, John, bro. of William, knt., 39, 747.
-, ………, John, the elder, 39, 40, 462, 1198.
-, ………, Roger, land held of, in co. Dorset, 145.
-, ………, Roger, bro. and heir of John, 38, 39, 40, 747.
-, ………, Thomas, bro. of William, knt., 39.
-, ………, William, knt., s. and h. of John, the elder, 39, 40, 747.

Newburgh, Wynfryth, co. Dorset. See Winfrith.

Newburn, Neubarne, co. N’th’l’d., manor of, 542.

Newbury, Newberry, Newbyry, co. Berks., Pembrokes rent in, 460; Souches rent in, 460.

Newbury, Thomas, clk., 1178.

Newby, co. York, land in, 250.

Newby, Robert, heirs of, land held by, in co Cumb., 157.

Newbyggyng, co. Cumb. See Newbiggin.

Newbygyng, co. York. Sse Newbigging.

Newbyry, co. Berks. See Newbury.

Newcastle in Newport, co. Mon., manor of, 601.

Newcom, Martin, land held of, in co. Linc., 1127.

Newdegate, co. Surrey. See Newdigate.

Newdigate, Newdegate, Nudegate, co. Surrey, land in, 436.

Newdigate, John, esq., land held of, in co. Middx., 82.

Neweham, co. N’th’l’d. See Newham.

Newelond, co. Glouc. See Newland.

Newenden, Newenton, co. Kent, land in, 745.

Newendon, co. Essex. See Nevendon.

Newenham, co. Salop. See Newnham.
-, ………, co. Wilts. See Newnham.

Newenham Abbey, co. Devon. See Newnham.

Newenton, co. Kent. See Newenden.
-, ……, co. Leic. See Newton.
-, ……, co. N’hamp. See Newton.

Neweport, co. Salop. See Newport.

Neweseles, co. Herts. See Newsells.

Newesom, co. N’th’l’d. See Newsham.
-, ……, co. York. See Newsholme.

Neweton, co. Norf., &c. See Newton.
-, ……… Kyme, co. York. See Newton.

Newgates, co. Norf. See Walton, East.

Newham, Neweham, co. N’th’l’d., manor of, 542.

Newhouseland, land called, in manor of Burgh-on-the-Sands, co. Cumb., 157.

Newington, Neventon, Newnton, Newyngton, Newynton, co. Kent. See Tracies; land held of manor of, 1055; land in, 606, 1169.
-, ……… Cold, co. Glouc., member of the manor of Dursley, 68.
-, ………, South, co. Oxford, manor of, 751.

Newland, Neulond, Newelond, co. Cumb. See Burgh-on-the-Sands.
-, ……, co. Glouc., land in, 597.
-, ……, co. York, land in, 1145.

Newland, William, 1145.

Newlond, co. Devon, manor of, 81.

Newman, Neuman, Andrew, 381.
-, ………, John, chaplain, 1150.

Newman, Richard, land held of, in co. Devon, 1184.

Newmannysland, in Mayfield, co. Sussex, land in, 202.

Newmarket, Neumarket, co. Suff., Argenteins manor in, 77.

Newneham, co. N’hamp. See Newnham.

Newneham, Edmund. See Newnham.

Newnham, Newenham, Newneham, co. N’hamp., land in, 1051.
-, ……, co. Salop, land in, 604.
-, ……, co. Wilts., land in, 1247.
-, ……… [in Axminster], co. Devon, abbey of, land held of, in co. Somers., 764.

Newnham, Agnes. See Somerton, Agnes.
-, ………, Edmund, gent., 1027.

Newnham, John, N’hamp., 1051.

Newnham, Thomas, 655.
-, ………, Thomas, s. and h. of John, 1051.
-, ………, William, 910, 1128.
-, ………, William, of Thenford, co. N’hamp., esq., 655.

Newnton, South, co. Oxford. See Newington.

Newport, Neuport, Neweport, co. Devon, land in, 680.
-, ……, co. Essex, Boles in, 993; Jerdevyle, John, of. See Jerdevyle; land in, 291; land held of manor of, 291; Rede, John, of. See Rede.
-, ………, I. of Wight, land held of manor of, 105.
-, ……, co. Salop, land in, 1010.
-, ……, co. Somers., land in, 870.
-, ……… in Kemeys, co. Mon., Castle, &c., of, 601; Newcastle in. See Newcastle.
-, ……, co. Salop, borough (1/2) of, 604.

Newport, George, esq., 446, 1027.
-, ………, Margaret. See More, Margaret.
-, ………, Robert, 831.

Newsells, Neweseles [in Barkway], co. Herts., manor of, 34.

Newsells, Thomas, Lord. See Scales.

Newsham, Newesom, Newsom, co. N’th’l’d., manor of, 161.
-, ……, co. York, manor of, 477; manor (1/3) of, 223, 663.

Newsholme, Newesom, Newson, co. York, land near Park of, 220.
-, ……… by Bempton, co. York, land in, 363, 1188.

Newson, co. York. See Newsham.

Newson beside Bempton, co. York. See Newsholme.

Newstead, Newstede, co. N’th’l’d., manor of, 542.
-, ……, co. Notts., priory of, land held of, in co. Notts., 1210.

Newstede, co. N’th’l’d. See Newstead.
-, ……, co. Notts. See Newstead.

Newton, Neuton, Newenton, Neweton, co. ——, Hall, Richard, of, esq. See Hall.

Newton, co. Camb., manor of, 1098.
-, ……, co. Cumb., land in, 157.
-, ……, co. Heref., land in, 825.
-, ……, co. Norf., land in, 210, 795.
-, ……, co. N’th’l’d., land in, 565.
-, ……, co. Wilts., land in, 151, 282, 1122.
-, ……, co. York, manor of, 675, 1145.
-, ……… Abbot, co. Devon, land in, 755, 977.
-, ………, Brycham, co. Norf. See Bircham.
-, ……… Bushell (Busshell), co. Devon, land in, 899.
-, ……… by Higham Ferrers, co. N’hamp., Newton manor in, 1192.
-, ……… by Westbury, co. Salop, land in, 726.
-, ……… by Wintringham (Wynteryngham) co. York, land in, 264, 556, 1005. See also Newton, Place.
-, ……… Ferrers, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 443; land in, 443.
-, ……… Flotman (Flatman, Floteman), co. Norf., advowson of, 677; Blomefields manor in, 677; land held of Bumpstedes manor in, 1229; land in, 721; Malherbes manor (3/4) in, 677.
-, ………, Fullyng (Fullers), or West, co. Norf., land in, 1084.
-, ……… Hall in Great Dunmow, co. Essex, 276.
-, ……… in Cleveland (Clyveland), co. York, manor of, 600.
-, ……… in Cleylond, co. Salop, manor of, 726.
-, ……… [in Swepston], co. Leic., land in, 343.
-, ……… Kyme, co. York, advowson of, 1053; manor of, 1053.
-, ………, Maiden, co. Dorset. See Maiden Newton.
-, ………, Place, near Wintringham, co. York, manor in, 233. See also Newton by Wintringham.
-, ……… Regis, co. Warw., manor (1/3) of, 91.
-, ……… St. Loe (Saynt Loo), co. Somers., advowson of, 462; manor of, 462, 1198.
-, ……… St. Petrock, co. Devon, land in, 685, 688.
-, ……… Sermonville (Sarmavyle), co. Somers., land in, 609.
-, ……… Toney (Tony), co. Wilts, Norris manor in, 479.
-, ……… Valence, co. Hants, land in, 402.
-, ………, West, co. Norf., land in 872; Rivetts manor in, 872.

Newton, Elizabeth, widow, land held of, in co. Somers., 1150.
-, ………, Isabel, wife of John, knt., 435.
-, ………, Joan, wife of Thomas, knt., and d. and ch. of Thomas Hampton, esq., 1150.

Newton, John, knt., Somers., 435.

Newton, Richard, esq., s. and h. of John, knt., 435.

Newton, Thomas, knt., land held of, jure ux., in co. Somers., 1150.
-, ………, William, rector of Edington Monastery, co. Wilts., 1197.

Newyngton. See Newington.
-, ……, co. Kent. See Newington.

Neylond, co. Suff. See Nayland.

Nibbeley, co. Glouc. See Nibley.

Nibley, Nebley, Nibbeley, Nubley, co. Glouc., land in, 213, 456, 778.

Niche, Thomas, 82.

Nine Churches, Stowe, co. N’hamp. See Stowe.

Ninehead, Nyned, Florey, co. Somers., baptism at, 616.

Niton, Nyton, Isle of Wight, manor (1/4) of, 105.

Noddon in Bigbury, co. Devon, land in, 443.

Nogeons manor, co. Norf, See Bale and Sall.

Noke, Fange atte, co, Essex, See Vange.

Noke, Robert, 53.

Nokes manor, co. Hunt. See Stukeley, Great.

Nomanneslond, co. Sussex, profits (1/8) of court of, 878.

None, Henry. See Noone.

Nonwyk, co. York. See Nunwick.

Noone, None, Nowne, Nune, Henry, Norf., 319; Suff., 318.

Noone, Henry, esq., land held of, in co. Norf., 812.
-, ………, Henry, s. and h. of Henry, 318.
-, ………, John, 52.

Norbery, John, knt. See Norbury.

Norbourough, co. Leic. See Northborough.

Norbury, Norbery, Norbyry, co. Surrey, manor of, 846.

Norbury, John, knt., 392, 554; land held of, in co. Hants, 1246; in co. Warw., 656, 835.

Norbyry, John, &c. See Norbury.

Nordeley, co. Salop. See Nordley.

Nordemersh, co. Essex, land in, 64; manor of, 64.

Nordley, Nordeley, co. Salop, land in, 720.
-, ………, King’s, co. Salop, land in, 720; Toke, Thomas of. See Toke.

Nores, John, &c. See Norris.

Noreys, William, &c. See Norris.

Norfolk, Duchess of, land held of, in co. Norf., 1025.
-, ………, Duke of, &c. See Howard and Mowbray; land held of, in co. Notts., 962; land held of heirs of, in co. Norf., 721.

Norfolk, John, of Dennington, co. Suff., clk., 700, 804.

Noris, Robert. See Norris.

Norman, John, captured by Scots, 470.
-, ………, Roger, land held of, in co. Somers., 510.

Normanby, co. York, knight’s fee in, 250.

Normanton, co. Notts., land iu, 1193.
-, ……, co. Wilts., manor of, 1207.

Normanvill, Normavell, John, esq., s. and h. of Thomas, knt., 600.

Normanvill, Thomas, knt., York, 600.

Normavell, John, &c. See Normanvill.

Norres, Thomas, &c. See Norris.

Norreys, Edmund, &c. See Norris.

Norrington, Northyngton, co. Wilts., Gawens manor in, 88.

Norris, Nores, Noreys, Noris, Norres, Norreys, Norrys, Alice, daughter of William, knt., 210.
-, ………, Edmund, land held of, in co. Herts., 727, 847.
-, ………, Edmund, son and heir of John, esq., 106.
-, ………, Joan, daughter of William, knt., 210.
-, ………, John, bro. of Thos., 479.

Norris, John, esq., Bucks, 106; Kent, 127.

Norris, John, land held of, in co. Herts., 321.
-, ………, Katharine, wife of William, knt., 937.
-, ………, Richard, bro. of Thos., 479.
-, ………, Robert, clk., 146.

Norris, Thomas, gent., Wilts., 479.

Norris, William, gent., 106.
-, ………, William, knt., 106; land held of, in co. Bucks., 55; land held of, jure ux., in co. Glouc., 937.
-, ………, William, knt., husband of Isabel, Marchioness Montague, 210, 212, 213, 215, 217, 222, 239.
-, ………, William, son of Willam, knt., 210.

Norris’ manor, co. Wilts. See Newton Toney.

Norrys, William, &c. See Norris.

North Alverton, co. York. See Northallerton.
-, ……… Alyngton, co. Devon. See Allington.
-, ……… Assley, co. Hants. See Ashley.
-, ……… Bemflete, co. Essex. See Benfleet.
-, ……… Birlyngham, co. Norf. See Burlingham.
-, ……… Bovy, co. Devon. See Bovey.
-, ……… Bowre, co. Somers. See Bower.
-, ……… Cadbury, co. Somers. See Cadbury.
-, ……… Chiriton, co. Somers. See Cheriton, North.
-, ……… Chiriton, co. Somers, See Cheriton, North.
-, ……… Clenchwarton, co. Norf. See Clenchwarton.
-, ……… Cove, co. Suff. See Cove, North.
-, ……… Cray, co. Kent. See Cray, North.
-, ……… Creyk, co. Norf. See Creake.
-, ……… Curry, co. Somers. See Curry, North.
-, ……… Dencheworth, co. Berks. See Denchworth.

North Hambrigge, co. Essex. See Fambridge.
-, ……… Kylworth, co. Leic. See Kilworth.
-, ……… Kyme, co. Linc. See Kyme.
-, ……… Langton, co. Linc. See Langton.
-, ……… Lewe, co. Devon. See Lew, North.
-, ……… Leyverton, co. Notts. See Leverton.
-, ……… Molton, co. Devon. See Molton, North.
-, ……… Morton, co. Berks. See Moreton.
-, ……… Muskham, co. Notts. See Muskharn.
-, ……… Pedyll, co. Worc. See Piddle, North.
-, ……… Petherton, co. Somers. See Petherton, North.
-, ……… Pickenham, co. Norf. See Pickenham, North.
-, ……… Piddle, co. Worc. See Piddle, North.
-, ……… Pit, manor of, co. Essex, 64.
-, ……… Porton, co. Dorset. See Burcombe.
-, ……… Radworthy, co. Devon. See Radworthy.
-, ……… Reston, co. Linc. See Reston.
-, ……… Rounghton, co. Norf. See Runcton, North.
-, ……… Taweton. See Tawton, North.
-, ……… Tawton, co. Devon. See Tawton, North.
-, ……… Walsham, co. Norf. See Walsham.
-, ……… Weald Bassett, co. Essex. See Weald.
-, ……… Wellughby, co. Linc. See Willoughby, North.
-, ……… Weston, co. Oxford. See Weston, North.
-, ……… Winfield, co. Derby. See Williamsthorpe.
-, ……… Wokyndon, co. Essex. See Ockendon.

Northall, co. Somers. See Isle Abbotts.

Northallerton, North Alverton, co. York, burgages in, 675; land held of manor of, 376, 541.

Northam, co. Devon, land held of manor of, 674; land in, 206.

Northampton, co. N’hamp., burgesses of, land held of, 910; Coton by. See Coton; Gobyons manor in, 910; messuages in, 372, 796; St. Andrew’s Priory in, or beside, land held of, in co. N’hamp., 372, 966; St. James’ Abbey by, land held of, in co. N’hamp., 796; St. John’s Hospital in, land held of, in co. N’hamp., 529.

Northauton, co. Devon. See Tawton, North, Northaw, co. Herts, land in, 512.

Northborough, Norbourough, co. Leic., manor of, 307.

Northfield, co. Worc., manor of, 285.

Northgate, Bullington and, hundred, co. Oxford, 75.

Northhales, co. Suff., manor of, 189, 190.

Northmore, co. Cumb., rents in, 157.

Northumberland, Earl of. See Percy.
-, ………, John Nevill, Earl of. See Nevill.

Northweld, co. Essex. See Weald, North.

Northwod, co. Cumb. See Northwood.

Northwode, co. Devon. See Northwood.

Northwood, Northwod, Norwode, Norwood, co. Cumb., land in, 157.
-, …… co. Devon, land in, 855.
-, ……… Chasteners (Chastyners) manor, co. Kent. See Milton.

Northwood, Elizabeth, d. and ch. of John, 1169.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of John, 1169.
-, ………, Joan, d. and ch. of John, 1169.
-, ………, John, 136.

Northwood, John, Kent, 1169.

Northwood, John, the elder, esq., 396, 1169, 1175.
-, ………, John, the younger, esq., 1175.

Northyatestrete in Oxford. See Oxford.

Northyngton, co. Wilts. See Norrington.

Norton, co. Derby, manor of, 3.
-, ……, co. Devon, land in, 1185.
-, ……, co. Essex. See Cold Norton.
-, ……, co. Hants, manor of, 827.
-, ……, co. N’hamp. See Muscote.
-, ……, co. Somers., land held of manor (Devereux) of, 1126; manor of, 1126.
-, ……, co. Staff., land in, 874.
-, ……, co. Suff., land in, 495.
-, ……, co. York, deed dated at, 377; land in, 377.
-, ……… Beauchamp, co. Somers, manor of, 764.
-, ……… Bruyn, co. Oxford, manor of, 139.
-, ………, Burnham. co. Norf. See Burnham.
-, ……… by Daventry (Daventre), co. N’hamp., manor of, 372, 667.
-, ………, Cold, co. Essex. See Cold Norton.
-, ……… Conyers, co. York, manor of, 541.
-, ……… in Hales, co. Salop, manor of, 726.
-, ……… in Wadker in Wymondham, co. Norf., land in, 721.
-, ………, Kings (Kynges), co. Worc., manor of, 1224.
-, ……… near Malton, co. York, manor of, 233.
-, ……… Pudding (Podyng), co. Norf., rent due from lord of, 1143.

No ton, John, esq., s. and h. of John, knt., 541.

Norton, John, knt., York, 541.

Norton, Richard, clk., 1147.
-, ………, Robert, chaplain, 541.
-, ………, Thomas, 727, 996.

Norwell, co. Notts., prebend of, land held of, in co. Notts., 1210.

Norwich, co. Norf., Bishop of, land held of, in co. Norf., 35, 540, 1143, 1181, in co. Suff., 439; Carrow, Priory of, land held of, in co. Norf., 384; Claxton, Hamon, cit. and alderman of. See Claxton; Faldyate, Henry, of, grocer. See Faldyate; Ferrour, Richard, cit. and alderman of. See Ferrour; Goldwell, James, Bishop of. See Goldwell; Hart, Walter, Bishop of. See Hart; Holy Trinity Priory in, land held of, in co. Norf., 53; land in, 721; London, William, Mayor of. See London; Massyngham, John, of, grocer. See Massingham; Mayor of. See London, William; St. Michael Much-Stow, or at Pleas, advowson of, 190; Trowse by. See Trowse; Welles, Robert, alderman of. See Welles; Wyghtlyngham by. See Witlingham.

Norwich, John, esq., 1178.
-, ………, William, 916.

Norwode, John, &c. See Northwood.

Norwood, John. See Northwood.

Notcombe, Thomas, 855.

Notford, co. Dorset. See Nutford.

Notingam. See Nottingham.

Notlee, co. Essex. See Notley.

Notley, Notlee, co. Essex, land in, 1040.
-, ………, Black, co. Essex, advowson of, 61; manor of, 61.
-, ………, White, co. Essex, manor of, 574.

Nottingham, Notingam, Notynghamme, co. Notts., Brygeford by. See Bridgford; Castle of, parcel of honor of Peverell, land held of, in co. Notts., 725; Clyfton by. See Clifton; Earl of. See Berkeley, William, Marquess Berkeley.

Notton, co. York, land in, 256.

Notynghamme, Earl of. See Nottingham.

Nowell, Charles, 204.
-, ………, Charles, escheator in co. Herts., 214, 218.

Nowers, Edmund, s. and h. of John, esq., 659.

Nowers, John, of Tackley, co. Oxford, esq., Oxford, 659.

Nowne, Henry, &c. See Noone.

Noxton, co. Glouc., manor of, 116.

Nubley, co. Glouc. See Nibley.

Nudegate, John, &c. See Newdigate.

Nun Appleton (Appilton), co. York, manor of, 1062.

Nune, John. See Noone.

Nunnington, Nunyngton, in Ryedale (Ridale), co. York, land in, 612.

Nunwick, Nonwyk, co. York, manor of, 541.

Nunyngton, co. York. See Nunnington.

Nursling, Nusshlyng, Beaufeo, co. Hants. manor of, 961.

Nursted, Nustede, co. Wilts., land in, 864.

Nusshlyng Beaufeo, co. Hants. See Nursling.

Nustede, co. Wilts. See Nursted.

Nutfeld, Richard, See Nutfield.

Nutfield, Nutfeld, Richard, 877, 964, 965.

Nutford, Notford, [in Blandford, Forum], co Dorset, land in, 11.

Nuttecombe, Thomas, 526.

Nuttecot, co. Devon, land in, 680.

Nuttyngcote, co. ——, Beckwith, William, of. See Beckwith.

Nye [in Winscombe], co. Somers., land in, 268.

Nymet, Broad (Brode), co. Devon, advowson of, 1220; land in, 1220.
-, ……… Regis, co. Devon, advowson of, 562; manor of, 562.
-, ……… Rowland (Rowlond), co. Devon, manor of, 760.
-, ………, Wolves, co. Devon, land in, 798.

Nympton, Bishop’s, co. Devon. See Whitechaple.

Nyned, co. Somers. See Ninehead.

Nynyght, Thomas, clk., 1143.

Nynton, co. Salop. See Neenton.

Nyton, Isle of Wight. See Niton.