General Index: F

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: F', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: F', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte. "General Index: F". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. (London, 1898), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Fabyan, Stephen, 813.

Faccombe, co. Hants, advowson of, 1246; manor of, 1246.

Fadewik, Chich, co. Essex. See St. Osyth.

Fairefax, William. See Fairfax.

Fairfax, Fairefax, Farefax, Fayrefax, Guy, knt., J.K.B., 54, 165, 172, 377, 468, 477, 542, 544, 548, 600, 601, 695, 827, 1209.
-, ………, William, land held of, in co. N’hamp., 796.

Fairsted, Fayrsted, co. Essex, land in, 1040.

Fakenham, co. Norf., manor of, parcel of Duchy of Lancaster, land held of, 1143.

Falcott, Fancote, co. N’hamp., land in, 753.

Faldingworth, Faldyngworth, co. Linc., advowson of, 1037; manor of, 1037.

Faldyate, Henry, of Norwich, grocer, 1143.

Faldyngworth, co. Linc. See Faldingworth.

Fale, John, 439.

Falkborn, co. Essex. See Faulkbourn.

Falke, Alice, wife of … Falke, and sister and co-heir of John Sugwas, 130.
-, ………, Anne. See Acton, Anne.
-, ………, Elizabeth. See May, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Henry, 384.
-, ………, Katharine. See Aunsham, Katharine.

Falley, co. Bucks. See Fawley.

Falthorpe Feilde, near Hunmanby, co. York, land in, 233.

Falwell, Agnes, wife of Henry, 615.

Falwell, Henry, gent., Bedf., 615; Bucks., 617.

Falwell, John, s. and h. of Henry, gent., 615.
-, ………, Ralph, 617.

Fambridge, North (North Hambrigge), co. Essex, manor of, 516.

Fancote, co. N’hamp. See Falcott.

Fane, John, Kent, &c. See Vane.

Fange atte Noke, co. Essex. See Vange.

Fangefoss, co. York. See Fangfoss.

Fangfoss, Fangefoss, co. York, manor of, 477.

Farefax, Guy. See Fairfax.

Fareley Mortymer, co. Hants. See Farleigh.

Faresley, co. Staff. See Fazeley.

Farewell, Fayrewell, Joan, d. and h. of Thomas, 107.

Farewell, Thomas, Bucks., 107.

Farlam, Farlan, co. Cumb., manor of, 157.
-, ………, West, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Farlan, co. Cumb. See Farlam.

Farlegh, co. Devon, manor of, 685.

Farleigh, Fareley, Ferley, Monkton, co. Wilts., Abbey of, land held of, in co. Wilts., 657; land in, 657.
-, ……… Mortimer, co. Hants, manor of, 187.

Farley, co. Wilts., hamlet of, 1122.

Farmcot, Fernecote, co. Glouc., manor of, 225.

Farndish, Farnedyssh, co. N’hamp., land in, 966.

Farndon, Farnedon, Faryngdon, co. N’hamp., land in, 796.
-, ………, West, co. N’hamp., manor of, 790.

Farnedon, co. N’hamp. See Farndon.

Farnedyssh, co. N’hamp. See Farndish.

Farnham, Fernham [Royal], co. Bucks., land in, 564.

Farnyngho, co. N’hamp. See Farthingho.

Farrance, Hill, co. Somers. See Hill Farrance.

Farrencheherst in Sandeherst, co. Kent. See Sandhurst.

Farringdon, Faryngdon, Chipping (Chepyng), co. Berks., inquisition at, 763.

Farringdon, John, 1203.

Farrington, Faryngdon, co. Hants, land held of manor of, 358; land in, 358.

Farthingho, Farnyngho, co. N’hamp., manor of, 372.

Farthingston, Farthyngston, co. N’hamp., land in, 372.

Farthyngston, co. N’hamp. See Farthingston.

Faryngdon, co. Berks. See Farringdon.
-, ……, co. Hants. See Farrington.
-, ……, co. N’hamp. See Farndon.

Faryngdon, John. See Farringdon.

Fastolff, Thomas, esq., 312, 809.

Fauconberg, co. York, land in, 1062.

Fauconberg, Joan. See Nevill, Joan, Countess of Kent.
-, ………, John, of Bilton, co. York, heirs of, 612.

Fauconer, Faukener, Anne. See Bygar alias Byker, Anne.
-, ………, William, 676.

Faudon, co. N’th’l’d. See Fawdon.

Faukener, William, &c. See Fauconer.

Faulkbourn, Falkborn, co. Essex, advowson of, 1040; manor of, 1040.

Faune, Ralph, 238.

Fauthorpe, co. Linc., land in, 1125.

Favell, Weston, co. N’hamp. See Weston.

Faversham, Feversham, co. Kent, St. Saviour’s Abbey, land held of, in co. Kent, 694.

Fawdon, Faudon, co. N’th’l’d, manor of, 542.

Fawley, Falley, co. Bucks., Saukvyle, Thomas, knt., of. See Sackville.

Faxton, co. N’hamp., land held of manor of, 9.

Fayre …, Edmund, 795.

Fayrechyld, co. Norf. See Haylesdon.

Fayrefax, Guy, &c. See Fairfax.

Fayrewell, Thomas, &c. Farewell.

Fayrsted, co. Essex. See Fairsted.

Fazakerlcy, Isabel, widow, sister and co-heir of Thomas Stokes, clk., 1179.

Fazeley, Faresley, co. Staff., advowson of free chapel, 791.

Featherstone, Federston, co. York, land in, 220, 221.

Featherstonhaugh, Fetherstonhalgh, co. N’th’l’d., manor of, 671.

Featherstonhaugh, Nicholas, esq., N’th’l’d., 671.

Featherstonhaugh, Nicholas, s. and h. or Nicholas, esq., 671.

Febrigge Hundred, co. Norf. See Freebridge.

Feckenham, Fekenham, co. Worc., rent in, 1224.

Federston, co. York. See Featherstone.

Feering, Feryng, co. Essex, land in, 152, 1144; land held of Feering Bury (Feringbery) manor in, 152.

Fees, Book of, cited, 1197.

Feffecote, co. Hants, manor of, 964, 965.

Fekenham, co. Worc. See Feckenham.

Felbrigg, Felbrygge, co. Norf., land in, 1143.

Felbrigg, Elizabeth. See Scales, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Simon. See Scales, Elizabeth, and Tindal, Alana.

Felbrygge, co. Norf. See Felbrigg.

Feld. See Field.

Feldecourt, co. Glouc. See Fieldcourt.

Felkirthorp, co. York, land in, 363.

Felley, co. Notts., Priory of, land held of, in co. Notts., 382.

Felsham, co. Suff., land in, 52; manor of, 52.

Felsham Hall alias Capellys manor, co. Suff., 813.

Felthorpe, co. Norf., land in, 384.

Felton, Edmund, s. and h. of William, 1014, 1135.
-, ………, John, land held of, in co. Essex, 1157.

Felton, William, gent., Essex, 1135; Suff., 1014.

Feltwell, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 903.

Feltwell, Stephen, 996.

Femarschall, co. Cornw. See Femershall.

Femershall, Femerschall, co. Cornw., manor of, 48.

Fenell, Henry, 201.

Feneux, John. See Fyneux.

Fenhampton, co. Somers., land in, 197.

Feniton, Fynyton, co. Devon, advowson of, 944; manor of, 944.

Fenkell, Fyncle, Fynkell, Agnes, wife of Edward, 532.
-, ………, Edmund, 322, 434, 436.
-, ………, Edward, cit. and draper of London, 532.
-, ………, John, 322.
-, ………, John, cit. and draper of London, 532.
-, ………, John, knt., 434, 436, 532.
-, ………, Katharine, wife of John, knt., 532.

Fenlake, co. Devon, land in, 799.

Fenne, Hugh at, 1143.
-, ………, Joan, wife of Robert, and d. of William Scott, the elder, esq., 779.
-, ………, Margaret at. See Nevill, Margaret.
-, ………, Robert, 407, 779.
-, ………, Thomas, 1.

Fenney, John, clk., 1144.

Fenton, co. Cumb., land in, 157; messuage in, 157.
-, ……, co. Devon, land in, 155, 303, 680.

Fentynges, co. Suff. See Wetheringsett.

Fenwick, Fenwyk, co. York, land in, 377.
-, ………, Southworth, Thomas, of. See Southworth.

Fenwick, Joan, wife of William, and d. and ch. of Thos. Musgrave, 344.
-, ………, William, 344.

Fenwyk, Joan, &c. See Fenwick.

Fenys, Richard, &c. See Fiennes.

Ferby, Fereby, John, Kent, 393.

Ferby, Margaret, d. and h. of John, 393.

Ferbyez family, 171.

Fereby, John, &c. See Ferby.

Ferers, Heyghan, co. N’hamp. See Higham Ferrers.

Feringbery, co. Essex. See Feering.

Ferley, co. Wilts. See Farleigh.

Fermar alias Richards, Thomas, &c. See Fermor.

Fermor, Fermar, John, s. and h. of Thomas Fermar alias Richardes, 169.

Fermor alias Richards, Thomas, Berks., 169; Oxford, 170.

Ferne, co. Heref., manor of, 866.

Fernecote, co. Glouc. See Farmcot.

Fernehall, co. Staff., land in, 874.

Fernham, co. Bucks. See Farnham.

Ferour, Christine. See Ferrour.

Ferreby, co. York. See Ferriby.

Ferrers, Ferers, Ferres, Ferrey, Ferris, Ferrys, Elizabeth, d and h. of Richard, esq., 1212.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of Richard, esq., 1212.

Ferrers, Henry, clk., Glouc., 44.

Ferrers, Henry, knt., 89, 530; land held of, in co. Essex, 291.
-, ………, Joan, Lady. See Devereux.

Ferrers, Joan, wife of Richard, and heir of William Malherbe, esq., 943.
-, ………, John, knt., 951.
-, ………, Martin, 1082.
-, ………, Martin, s. of Richard, 943.
-, ………, Maud, widow of John, knt., 951.
-, ………, Ralph, clk., Dean of church of Tamworth, 867.
-, ………, Richard, 943.
-, ………, Richard, esq., land held of, in co. Glouc., 116, 511, 683.

Ferrers, Richard, esq., Glouc., 1212.

Ferrers, Richard, esq., brother and heir of Henry, 44.
-, ………, Thomas, 1212.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., land held of, in co. Warw., 292.
-, ………, Walter, Lord. See Devereux.
-, ………, William, 899.

Ferrers de Groby, Lady. See Grey, Elizabeth; Lord. See Bourchier, John, knt.

Ferrers, Churston, co. Devon. See Churston.
-, ………, Higham, co. N’hamp. See Higham.
-, ………, Neuton, co. Devon. See Newton.
-, ………, Sibford, co. Oxford. See Sibford-Ferris.
-, ………, Wodham, co. Essex. See Woodham Ferris.

Ferres, Ralph, &c. See Ferrers.

Ferrey, Martin. See Ferrers.

Ferreys, Hygham, co. N’hamp. See Higham Ferrers.

Ferriby, Ferreby, co. York, land in, 1045.

Ferris, Sibford, co. Oxford. See Sibford-Ferris.

Ferris, Woodham, co. Essex. See Woodham Ferris.

Ferrour, Ferour, Christine, of Wendling, co. Norf. See Yelverton, Christine.
-, ………, Richard, the younger, cit. and alderman of Norwich, 1229.

Ferry over the Humber, 1045.

Ferrys, Henry, &c. See Ferrers.

Ferthyngton, co. Linc., manor of, 1041.

Feryng, co. Essex. See Feering.

Fetherstonhalgh, co. N’th’l’d. See Featherstonhaugh.

Fetiplace, Peter. See Fettiplace.

Feton, Robert, 1145.

Fettiplace, Fetiplace, Fetyplace, John, s. and h. of Peter, 1214.

Fettiplace, Peter, Berks., 1214.

Fetyplace, Peter. See Fettiplace.

Feversham, co. Kent. See Faversham.

Fiddington, Fodyngton, Fytyngton, co. Somers., manor of, 537.
-, ……, co. Wilts., land in, 1163.

Field, Feld, Dalling, co. Norf. See Dalling, Field.

Field, Thomas, 406.

Fieldcourt, Feldecourt, in Hardwick, co. Glouc., manor of, 126.

Fielding, Fildyng, Fyldyng, Elizabeth. See Verney, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Richard, merchant, 616.
-, ………, William, esq., 23, 56, 656.

Fiennes, Fenys, Fynes, Anne, wife of Henry, Lord Say, 201, 397.
-, ………, Anne, wife of Thomas, esq., and late wife of —— Doreward, 1144.
-, ………, Henry, Lord Say, 397, 1079.

Fiennes, Joan, wife of Richard, knt., Lord Dacre (of the South), d. and h. of Thos. Dacre, knt., Linc., 336; Norf., 190, 261; Suff., 189; Sussex, 662.

Fiennes, John, 392.
-, ………, John, s. and h. of Joan, Lady Dacre, 261.
-, ………, Margaret, Lady de Say, 1079.
-, ………, Philippa, wife of Robert, esq., and d. and ch. of Thos. Dacre, knt., 189, 190, 662.

Fiennes, Richard, esq., s. and h. of Henry, s. and h. of William, Lord de Say, Oxford, 1079.

Fiennes, Richard, knt., Lord Dacre, 189, 190, 261, 336, 392, 662, 1078; land held of, in co. Hants., 96.
-, ………, Robert, esq., 189, 190, 662.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 778, 1144.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., Lord Dacre, 1144; land held of, in co. Norf., 677.
-, ………, Thomas, Lord Dacre, grandson and h. of Joan, Lady Dacre, 189, 190, 261.
-, ………, William, knt., Lord de Say, 1079.

Fifeffide, co. Essex. See Fyfield.

Fifehead, Fifehuyde, Fyfed, Fyfete, Neville, co. Dorset, land in, 608; manor (1/2) of, 181.
-, ……… St. Quintin (Quynteyn), co. Dorset, manor of, 1114.

Fifehuyde Nevyle, co. Dorset. See Fifehead.

Fiffyde, co. Essex. See Fyfield.

Fifhed, co. Essex. See Fyfield.

Fifield, Fyffehede, Fyffhyde, Fyffylde, co. Oxford, manor of, 467.
-, ……, co. Wilts., manor of, 873, 1092.
-, ……… See also Fyfield.

Fighelden, Fykildene, co. Wilts., manor of, 83.

Fildyng, Elizabeth, &c. See Fielding.

Filey, Fylay, co. York. See Gristhorpe.
-, ………, manor of, 998.

Filgrave, Fylgrave, co. Bucks., land in, 576, 703.

Filiol, Filoll, Fyloll, John, land held of, in co. Sussex, 1245.
-, ………, William, esq., 145, 1023, 1114; land held of, in co. Dorset, 15.

Filkins, Fylkyng, Fylkyns, [in Broadwell], co. Oxford, land in, 170.

Filkins, Lower [in Broadwell], co. Oxford, Goodfellows Court manor in, 140; land in, 140.

Filleigh, Filley, Fylly, co. Devon, Fortescu, John, of. See Fortescue.
-, ………, Buckland, co. Devon. See Buckland Filleigh.

Filley, Bukelonde, co. Devon. See Buckland Filleigh.

Filling, Fyllyng, Gregory, 415, 439.

Fillongley, Fylyngley, John, land held of heirs of, in co. Essex, 1144.

Filoll, William. See Filiol.

Finch, Fynch, Vincent, 137, 1078.

Fincham, Fyncham, co. Norf., Curpell manor in, 1162.
-, ………, Doo, William, of. See Doo.
-, ………, Fincham, Simon, &c., of. See below.
-, ………, Grandcourt (Gaun Courtes) manor in, 1162; land in, 210; Neelys Hall manor in, 1162; New Hall in, 1162; wood in, 210.

Fincham, John, 1, 33, 1058, 1143.
-, ………, John, lawyer, s. of Simon of Fincham, 904, 912, 1143.
-, ………, John, of Fincham, co. Norf., 101, 309.

Fincham, John, of Fincham, co. Norf., gent., 1162.

Fincham, John, son and heir of John, of Fincham, 101, 309, 1143, 1162.
-, ………, Robert, land held of, in co. Norf., 904.
-, ………, Simon, of Fincham, co. Norf., 904, 912.

Finchampstead, Fynchampsted, Fynchamsted, co. Berks., land in, 1244; manor (1/2) of, 207, 763; manor of, 763, 1252.

Finchingfield, Fynchyngfeld, co. Essex, Colbayns in, 86; land in, 1144.

Findern, Fynderne, Robert, esq., 423.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., 784.
-, ………, William, knt., 291, 567, 740, 1038; land held of, in co. Essex, 152.

Fineshade, Fynshed, co. N’hamp., Abbey of, land held of, in co. Rutl., 525.

Fingland Rig. Flynglandrig, co. Cumb., land in, 157.

Firbeck, Fyrbek, co. York, deed dated at, 389; manor of, 389.

Firley, co. Dorset. See Furleigh.

Firth, Le, meadow called, in manor of Burgh-upon-the-Sands, co. Cumb., 157.

Fish, Fysshe, John, Norf., 1072.

Fish, Katharine, wife of John, d. and ch. of William Wootton, 1072.
-, ………, John, 1161.

Fisher, Fyssher, John, gent., 782.
-, ………, John, serjeant-at-law, 749, 778, 800.
-, ………, William, 681, 1022, 1235.

Fisheries, at Coningsby, co. Linc., 1041; Eaton, co. Bedf., 568; Tillingham, co. Essex, 381; in co. Cumb., called Brighogarth, 157; in Edenwater, co. Cumb., called Newdraght, 157; between Irthingfoot and Polmergham, co. Cumb., 157; near Cumwhitton, co. Cumb., 157; in Thames, 466, 1190; Tynyel-logh and Tauken-logh, co. Camb., 157; Ulleswater, co. Westmd., 10.

Fisherton, Fissherton, co. Wilts., land held of manor of, 369,
-, ……… Anger (Aucher), co. Wilts., cottages in, 369.
-, ……… Delamere (Delamare), co. Wilts., manor of, 823.

Fishley, Fysshelegh, Fysshlee, Fyssle, co. Devon, land in, 661.
-, ………, co. Norf., advowson of, 916; Burgh Hall manor in, 916.
-, ………, Burgh, Thomas, de, of. See Burgh.
-, ………, Sawystoft atte Hall in, 916.
-, ………, Vilnes, manor in, 916.

Fissh Strete, Old, London. See London.

Fitelton, co. Wilts. See Fittleton.

Fithyan, William, burgess of Calais, 871.

Fitilworth, co. Sussex. See Fittleworth.

Fittleton, Fitelton, co. Wilts., advowson of, 952; manor of, 952.

Fittleworth, Fitilworth, co. Sussex, land in, 274.

Fitton, Ellen. See Hawton, Ellen.

Fitz, John, 1206.

Fitz-Alan, Fitz-Aleyn, John, 46.
-, ………, John (Arundel), knt., 331.
-, ………, John, Earl of Arundel, land held of, in co. Norf., 743.
-, ………, Margaret, wife of Thomas, Earl of Arundel, and sister and ch. of Richard Widville, Earl Rivers, 681.
-, ………, Thomas (Arundel), knt., Lord Maltravers, 199, 681.
-, ………, Thomas, Earl of Arundel, 331, 738; his bailiff at Castle Acre, co. Norf., 1143; land held of, in co. Dorset, 972; in co. Hants, 830, 1240; in co, Kent, 380, 1235; in co. Norf., 976. 1083, 1159, 1162; in co. Salop, 726, 840, 982, 1143; in co. Surrey, 436, 1044; in co. Sussex, 274, 401, 437, 824, 1003, 1245; in co. Wilts., 351, 829.
-, ………, William, Earl of Arundel, 681, 1250; land held of, in co. Glouc., 126; in co. Hants, 185; in co. Kent, 362; in. co. Norf., 35, 98, 101, 623; in co. Salop, 196, 198; in co. Staff., 359; in co. Sussex, 322; in Warw., 136.
-, ………, William, Lord Maltravers, nephew and ch. of Richard Widville, Earl Rivers, 681.

Fitz Aleyn, John, &c. See Fitz Alan.

Fitz-Andrewe, Roger, 391.

Fitz-Andrewes, Hoggekyn, in Willingale Spain, co. Essex, 391.

Fitzherberd, Robert, &c. See Fitz-Herbert.

Fitz-Herbert, Fitzherberd, John, 278.
-, ………, Margaret, 934.
-, ………, Robert, 365.

Fitzhugh, Fytzhewe, Elizabeth, wife of Richard, Lord Fitzhugh, and d. of Thos. Burgh, knt., Lord Burgh, 346.
-, ………, George, 1047.
-, ………, George, Dean of Lincoln, 778.
-, ………, George, Lord Fitzhugh, land held of, in co. Derby, 424.
-, ………, George, s. and h. of Richard, Lord Fitzhugh, 257, 348, 350.
-, ………, Henry, Lord Fitzhugh, 612.

Fitzhugh, Richard, knt., Lord Fitzhugh, Derby, 346; Linc., 349; Notts., 347; N’th’l’d., 348; York, 258; York City, 350.

Fitzhugh, Lord, land held of, in co. Dorset, 145; in co. Sussex, 431.

Fitzjames, Alice. See More, Alice.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of John the younger, and d. and ch. of Margaret Clodisham, 692.
-, ………, John, esq., 14, 15, 249, 337, 609, 657.
-, ………, John, the elder, 38, 39, 40, 464, 510, 716; land held of, in co. Somers., 716.
-, ………, John, the younger, 38, 39, 464, 537, 692.

Fitzjames, John, the younger, Somers., 716.

Fitzjames, Richard, clk., M.A., 39, 167.
-, ………, Richard, s. and h. of John, the younger, 716.

Fitz Johnys manor, co. Bucks. See Sherington.

Fitzpaine, Cheadon, co. Somers. See Cheddon.
-, ………, Radwey, co. Somers. See Radway.
-, ………, Staple, co. Somers. See Staple.
-, ………, Week, co. Somers. See Week.

Fitzpayn, Ackeford, co. Dorset. See Okeford Fitzpaine.
-, ………, Cary, &c. See Fitzpaine.

Fitzpayne, Wotton, co. Dorset. See Wootton Fitzpaine.

Fitz-Rauff, Elizabeth. See Chamberlain, Elizabeth.
-, ………, John, esq., 705.

Fitz-Robert, Richard, 846.

Fitzroger, Roger, land held of, in co. Norf., 976.

Fitz-Walter, Fitz Water, Fitzwaulter, Lord, See Radcliff.

Fitzwaren, Lord. See Bourchier.

Fitz-Warine, Fitzwaren, Joan. See Bewshin, Joan.
-, ………, Lord. See Bourchier.

Fitz-Warine, Philip, knt., 1197.

Fitz-Water, John, Lord. See Radcliff, John.

Fitzwaulter, Lord. See Fitz Walter.

Fitzwilliam, Elizabeth. See Wortley, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Elizabeth, mother of William, knt., 1101.
-, ………, John, esq., s. of William, knt., 1100, 1101.
-, ………, Lucy, wife of Thomas, knt., and d. and co-heir of John Nevill, Marquess Montague, 161, 221, 241, 1085, 1130.
-, ………, Richard, knt., 1100, 1101.
-, ………, Robert, 291.
-, ………, Thomas, 962; land held of, in co. York, 220.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., 161, 241, 477, 1037, 1043, 1044, 1085, 1100, 1101, 1130; land held of, in co. Linc., 639.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., Recorder of London, 195, 764, 1165.
-, ………, Thomas, rector of Sprotbrough, co. York, 1100.
-, ………, William, grandson and h. of William, knt., 1100, 1101.

Fitzwilliam, William, knt., Notts., 1101; York, 1100.

Fitzwilliam, William, of Sprotbrough, land held of, in co. York, 256.

Flamborough, Flamburgh, co. York, manor of, 363.

Flamburgh, co. York. See Flamborough.

Flamvyle, Aston, co. Leic. See Aston Flamville.

Flaskeagh, co. Cumb. See Fluskew.

Flatherwyk, co. Essex. See Bumpstead, Steeple.

Flatman, Newton, co. Norf. See Newton Flotman.

Flaxley, co. Glouc., abbey of, land held of, in co. Glouc., 116.

Flambards manor, co. Essex. See Cold Norton.
-, ……, co. Middx. See Harrow-on-the-Hill.

Fleccher, John, &c. See Fletcher.

Flecchyng, co. Sussex. See Fletching.

Flechampstede, co. Warw. See Fletchampstead.

Fleecethorpe, Flixthorp, co. Notts., Hodsock Soke in, 714.

Fleet, Flete [in Ash near Sandwich], co. Kent, land held of manor of, 127.
-, ……… Street, London. See London.

Fleforde, co. Worc., land in, 888.

Flegge, Agatha, 516.
-, ………, John, 516.

Flemming, Flemmynge, Flemyng, Christopher, s. and h. of James, knt., 851.

Flemming, James, knt., Devon, 851.

Flemming, James, knt., land held of, in co. Devon, 674.
-, ………, Burton, co. York. See Burton.

Flemmyng, James. See Flemming.

Flemmynge, Burton, co. York. See Burton Flemming.

Flempton, co. Suff., manor of, 1001.

Flemyng, James, &c. See Flemming.

Fletchampstead, Flechampstede, co. Warw., land in, 375.

Fletcher, Fleccher, John, 454.

Fletching, Flecchyng, co. Sussex, land in, 1245.
-, ………, Reynold, John, of, 591.

Flete, co. Kent. See Fleet.
-, ………, or Flute, in Berry Pomeroy, co. Devon, land in, 1167.

Flete Strete, London. See Fleet.

Fliccham, co. Norf. See Flitcham.

Flitcham, Fliccham, Flytcham, co. Norf., land in, 872, 1022, 1084.

Flitt, Flytte, hundred, co. Bedf., land held of, in co. Bedf., 1028.

Flitwick, Flytwyk, co. Bedf., land in, 577.

Flixthorp, co. Notts. See Fleecethorpe.

Flixton, co. York, land in, 363.

Floore, Flore, co. N’hamp., land in, 372; manor (1/2) of, 910.

Flore, co. N’hamp. See Floore.

Florey, Combe, co. Somers. See Combe Florey.
-, ………, Nyned, co. Somers. See Ninehead.

Floteman, Neuton, co. Norf. See Newton Flotman.

Flotman, Newton, co. Norf. See Newton.

Floyer, John, 1203.

Fluskew, Flaskeagh, co. Camb., Lykstath Close in, 245.
-, ………, moor called, 245.

Flute, co. Devon. See Flete.

Flynglandrig, co. Cumb. See Fingland Rig.

Flyntford, co. Somers., manor of, 385.

Flytcham, co. Norf. See Flitcham.

Flytte hundred, co. Bedf. See Flitt.

Flytwyk, co. Bedf. See Flitwick.

Fobbing, Fobbyng, co. Essex, land held of manor of, parcel of earldom of Hereford, 291; land in, 104, 291.

Fobbyng, co. Essex. See Fobbing.

Fodryngay College. See Fotheringhay.

Fodrynghay, co. N’hamp. See Fotheringhay.

Fodrynghay, Thomas, &c. See Fotheringhay.

Fodyngton, co. Somers. See Fiddington.

Fogge, John, knt., 30, 138, 181, 182, 681, 735, 738, 739.
-, ………, John, the younger, 735.

Fokcray, Gregory. See Folkray.

Folde, co. Hants. See Fordingbridge.

Folkes, John, 1196.

Folkingham, Folkyngham, co. Linc., land held of castle, or manor, of, 953, 1037, 1149.

Folkray, Fokcray, Gregory, 855.

Folkyngham, co. Linc. See Folkingham.

Folle, co. Devon, land in, 661.

Folsham, co. Norf. See Foulsham.

Folton Hall, co. Essex. See Ramsey.

Folwell, John, 1145.

Folyet, Tamerton, co. Devon. See Tamerton Foliott.

Forcett, co. York. See Ovington.

Ford, co. Devon, land in, 923.
-, ……, co. Somers., abbey of, land held of, in co. Devon, 403, 808; in co. Dorset, 332.
-, ………, East, co. Devon, land in, 680.
-, ………, West, co. Devon, land in, 680.

Ford, Richard, 416, 1078.
-, ………, William, 1136.

Fordeham, co. Norf. See Fordham.

Fordesham, co. Salop, manor (1/2) of, 604.

Fordham, Fordeham, co. Camb., manor of, 1085.
-, ……, co. Essex, Great Fordham manor in, 779; land in, 1040.
-, ……, co. Norf., land in, 210.
-, ……… Forthe, co, Essex, land in, 1144.

Fordingbridge, Fordyngbrigge, co. Hants, East Mylle manor near, 407; Folde manor in, 407; Sandy Ball in, 407.

Fordington, Fordyngton, co. Dorset, land held of manor of, 1114; land in, 1114.

Fordowne, Close called, in Alwington, co. Devon, 206.

Fordyngbrigge, co. Hants. See Fordingbridge.

Fordyngton, co. Devon. See Fordington.

Forehoe, Fourehough, co. Norf., hundred of, 507.

Forest of Worthe, co. Sussex. See Worth.

Forest Hill, Frosthill, co. Oxford, land in, 75.

Forester service, 465, 467, 471.

Forgery, alleged, 599.

Forham, co. Somers., manor of, 118.

Formeson, Clyst, co. Devon. See Clyst.

Forncett, Fornsett, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 701, 1056, 1229.

Fornfeld, Walter, 1143.

Fornsett, co. Norf. See Forncett.

Forster, Foster, Agnes, Dame, widow, late wife of Stephen, cit. and alderman of London, 515.
-, ………, Elizabeth, wife of George, and sister and co-heir of Thomas Delamere, 763, 1252.
-, ………, George, 763, 1252.
-, ………, Humphrey, esq., 803.

Forster, Humphrey, esq., Berks., 414; Oxford, 413.

Forster, Humphrey, esq., s. and h. of Humphrey, esq., 413.

Forster, Joan, d. and h. of Robert, Somers., 1232.

Forster, Joan, wife of John, and daughter of Elizabeth Cook, 94.

Forster, Joan, wife of Richard, s. of John of Bristol, and d. and h. of James Venables, esq., 268.
-, ………, John, 94, 143, 409, 1232; land held of, in co. Herts., 171.
-, ………, John, clk., 133.
-, ………, John, clerk to Richard Mill, 1250.
-, ………, John, cousin and heir of Joan, 1232.
-, ………, John, esq., 398, 1166.
-, ………, John, merchant of Bristol, 268.
-, ………, John, son and heir of Robert, 133.
-, ………, Nicholas, 173.
-, ………, Richard, 257, 756.
-, ………, Richard, esq., 268.

Forster, Richard, esq., Glouc., 123.

Forster, Richard, of Little Sodbury, co. Glouc., s. and h. of Richard, esq., 123.
-, ………, Richard, s. of John of Bristol, 268.
-, ………, Robert, 542, 1232.

Forster, Robert, Middx., 133.

Forster, Stephen, cit. and alderman of London, 515.
-, … ….., Sybil, wife of Humphrey, esq., 413, 414.
-, ………, Thomas, 1232.

Forster, Thomas, Leic., 1103.

Forster, William, s. and h. of Thomas, 1103.

Fortescue, Fortiscu, John, 303, land held of, in co. Devon, 461.
-, ………, John, knt., 173, 758, 899, 1175.
-, ………, John, knt., C.J.K.B., 190.
-, ………, John, of Filleigh, co. Devon, esq., 1167.
-, …….., Mary. See Stonor, Mary.
-, ………, William, 974; land held of, in co. Devon, 852.
-, ………, William, esq., 443, 977.

Forteyne in Alverstoke, co. Hants, land in, 830.

Forth, Richard, 653.
-, ………, William, gent., 618.

Fortiscu, John, &c. See Fortescue.

Fortz, Isabel, Countess of, knights fees sold by, to Crown, 712.

Forum, Blandford, co. Dorset. See Blandford Forum.

Fosbury, Fostebury, co. Wilts., land in, 193; manor of, 193.

Fosse, co. Devon, land in, 1042.

Fosse, The, co. Warw., Halford by. See Halford.

Fostebury, co. Wilts. See Fosbury.

Foster, Robert, &c. See Forster.

Foston, co. Leic., manor of, 544.

Fotheringhay, Fodryngay, Fodrynghay, co. N’hamp., College of, land held of, in co. Heref., 825; in co. Wilts., 151, 282, 1122.

Fotheringhay, Christine. See Vere, Christine de.

Fotheringhay, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas, and sister and heir of John Doreward, esq., 1144.
-, ………, Ellen. See Thursby, Ellen.
-, ………, Margaret. See Beaupre, Margaret.
-, ………, Thomas, 1144.

Fougell, William, 1253.

Fouler, Richard. See Fowler.

Foulmere, Fowlemere, co, Camb., Haslarton manor in, 950.

Foulsham, Folsham, co. Norf., advowson of, 507; land in, 469; manor of, 507.

Fountains, Funtayns, abbey, co. York, land held of, in co. York, 353, 998.

Fountley, co. Hants. See Tichfield.

Fourehough, co. Norf. See Forehoe.

Fournes, Hugh. See Furness.

Fowelestowe, John, &c. See Fulstowe.

Fowkys Payferer, co. Kent, manor of, 482.

Fowlemere, co. Cumb. See Foulmere.

Fowler, Fouler, John, of Little Steeping, co. Linc., 686.
-, ………, Richard, land held of, in co. Oxford, 1030.
-, ………, Richard, Chancellor of the Exchequer to K. Edw. IV., 30, 158, 506, 1237, 1238.
-, ………, Robert, 927.
-, ………, Sybil. See Chamberlain, Sybil.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., 54, 172, 868.

Fowlescote, co. ——, Streatley, Thomas, of, 999.

Fox, Anne, d. and h. of Richard, esq., 291.
-, ………, John, 53.
-, ………, Richard, Bishop of Exeter, Bath and Wells, Durham, and Winchester, successively, 629, 764, 829, 1037, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1050, 1053, 1174.
-, ………, Richard, esq., 291.
-, ………, Thomas, land held by heirs of, in co. Cumb., 157.
-, ………, William, of Barford St. Michael, co. Oxford, 688.

Foxcote, co. Somers., advowson of, 1248; manor of, 1248.

Foxham, co. Wilts., land in, 1163.

Foxston, co. Camb., manor (1/2) of, 150.

Foxton, co. York, land in, 233.

Foy, co. Heref. See Eaton Tregoze.

Framelyngham, co. Norf. See Framingham.

Framesden, co. Suff. See Framsden.

Framingham, Framelyngham, Framlyngham, Framyngham, co. Norf., Castle of, land held of, 574, 909, 1159; land in, 721, 1026.
-, ……… Earls, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 795.

Framley, co. ——, land held of manor of, in co. Bucks., 8.

Framlingham, Framlyngham, co. Suff., land in, 939.

Framlingham, Margaret, 1158.

Framlyngham, co. Norf. See Framingham.
-, ……, co. Suff. See Framlingham.

Framlyngham, Margaret. See Framlingham.

Frampton, co. Linc., Erlishalle in, land held of Lord of, 1041; manor of, 1041.
-, ……… Cotterell (Cotell), co. Glouc., advowson of, 271; manor of, 271.

Frampton on Severn, co. Glouc., manor of, 184.

Frampton, John, s. and h. of William, 1065.

Frampton, William, Dorset, 1065, 1066.

Framsden, Framesden, co. Suff., Bondes, land called, in, 265; manor of, 265; Masonz, land called, in, 265.

Framyngham, co. Norf. See Framingham.

Franceis Court, co. Devon. See Killerton.

Francis, Fraunceis, Fraunces, Fraunceys, Frauncez, Agnes. See Sanger, Agnes.
-, ………, Alice. See Stavely, Alice.
-, ………, Elizabeth. See Brecknock, Elizabeth.
-, ………, Ellen, wife of Nicholas, 121.
-, ………, Isabel. See Sapcote, Isabel.
-, ………, Joan. See Palmer, Joan.
-, … ….., Joan. See Sapcote, Joan.

Francis, John, esq., Devon, 125; Somers., 121.

Francis, John, esq., land held of, in co. Devon, 125; in co. Somers., 768.
-, ………, John, knt., 418, 1062, 1257.
-, ………, Nicholas, land held of heirs of, in co. Devon, 808.
-, ………, Nicholas, father of John, esq., 121.
-, ………, Nicholas, s. and h. of John, esq., 121, 125.
-, ………, Thomas, 381, 985.

Francketon, co. Salop. See Frankton.

Frank, Arthur, 1057.
-, ………, Edward, esq., 169.
-, ………, Elizabeth, d. of Arthur, 1057.
-, ………, John, 697.
-, ………, Richard, s. of Arthur, 1057.

Frankcheny, John, Devon, 757.

Frankcheny, John, s. and h. of John, 757.
-, ………, Thomas, 757.

Frankeleyn, Richard. See Franklin.

Frankleyn, William. See Franklin.

Franklin, Frankeleyn, Frankleyn.
-, …. …., John, 827.
-, ………, Richard, 641.
-, ………, William, of Drax, 1145.

Frankton, Francketon, co. Salop, land in, 633.

Fransham, Fraunsham, Great, co. Norf., manor (1/3) of, 1205.

Fransham, William, 1143.

Frating, Fratyng, co. Essex, land in, 893, 1144.

Fratyng, co. Essex. See Frating.

Fraunceis, John. See Francis.

Fraunces, John, &c. See Francis.

Fraunceys Court, co. Devon. See Franceis.
-, ………, Stoklegh, co. Devon. See Stockleigh.

Fraunceys, John, &c. See Francis.

Frauncez, Nicholas, &c. See Francis.

Fraunsham, Great, co. Norf. See Fransham.

Fraunsham, William. See Fransham.

Fray, Agnes. See Say, Agnes.
-, ………, John, 152.
-, ………, John, knt., 225, 993, 1161.

Frayes, co. Essex. See Roding.

Freebridge, Febrigge, Frebrigge, co. Norf., hundred of, 742; land held of, in co. Norf., 872.

Frebrigge, co. Norf. See Freebridge.

Freeby, Freithby, Frethby, co. Leic., land in, 1222; manor of, 352.

Freeman, John, 1146, 1251.

Freene, Sutton, co. Heref. See Sutton Freene.

Freeston, ——, clk., 518.

Freethorpe, Frethorp, co. Norf., land in, 916.

Freithby, co. Leic. See Freeby.

Frelond, Roger, 106.

Fremington, Fremyngton [in Grinton], co. York, manor of, 258.

Fremyngton, co. York. See Fremington.

Frenche, Robert, rector of Thornbury, co. Devon, 688.
-, ………, Walter, 759.

Frendesbury, co. Kent. See Frindsbury.

Frene, Sutton, co. Heref. See Sutton Freene.

Frenge, co. Norf. See Fring.

Frenston, co. Devon, land in, 461.

Frere, John, 1145.

Freschevill, Fressewell, Peter, land held of, in co. Derby, 3.

Fressewell, Peter. See Freschevill.

Frestling Hall, co. Essex. See Margaretting.

Freston, co. Linc., manor of, 1041.

Freston, Richard, clk., 1096.

Frethby, co. Leic. See Freeby.

Frethorp, co. Norf. See Freethorpe.

Frevell, John, esq., land held of, in co. Camb., 632.

Friars Preachers. See Rochford, William.

Frickley, Frikeley, co, York, land in, 256.

Frikeley, co, York. See Frickley.

Frindsbury, Frendesbury, co. Kent, land in, 606, 745.

Fring, Frenge, co. Norf., land in, 210; manor of, 53.

Fringford, Furyngford, co. Oxford, land in, 803.

Frippe, John, 1163.

Friskney, Fryskeney, Fryskney, co. Linc., manor of, 1037, 1041.

Fristhorp, co. Linc., land in, 1037.

Fritham, co. Hants, hamlet of, 1121.

Frithelstock Frystoke, Frythelstoke, co. Devon, land in, 155, 685; prior of, land held of, in co. Devon, 685.

Frodewik, Chiche, co. Essex. See St. Osyth

Frog Strete, co. Salop, hamlet of, 649.

Froggeby, co. Devon, land in, 907.

Frogmer, co. Dorset. See Frogmore.

Frogmore, Frogmer [in Toller Porcorum], co, Dorset, messuages in, 15.

Froill, co. Hants. See Froyle.

Frolbery alias Throlbery, co. Hants, manor of, 920.

Frollesworth, co, Leic. See Frowlesworth.

Frome, co. Somers., hundred of, 67, 1153; land held of lord of, 385; messuages in, 18, 334.
-, ……… St. Quintin, co. Dorset, land held of manor of, 145.
-, ……… Valeys, co. Somers., manor of, 67, 1153.
-, ……… Vouchurch, co. Dorset. See Froome-Vauchurch.

Fromonde, Margaret, d. and h. of John Snell, 394.
-, …….., Richard, 394.

Froome, Frome, Vauchurch (Vouchurch), co, Dorset, land in, 15.

Froste, William, 103, 479, 1196, 1240.

Frosten, Maud, wife of Robert, 60.

Frosten, Robert, Middx., 60.

Frosten, Robert, son and heir of Robert, 60.

Frosthill, co. Oxford. See Forest Hill.

Froucestre, John, chaplain, 268.

Frowek, Thomas, &c. See Frowick.

Frowick, Frowek, Frowyk, Henry, s. and h. of Thomas, knt., 58, 159.
-, ………, Henry, s. of Thomas of London, gent., 51.
-, ………, Joan, wife of Thomas, knt., 58, 159.
-, ………, Thomas, 409.
-, ………, Thomas, esq., land held of, in co. Wilts., 956.

Frowick, Thomas, knt., Berks., 58; Middx., 159.

Frowick, Thomas of London, gent., 51.
-, ………, Chiche, co. Essex. See St. Osyth.

Frowlesworth, Frollesworth, co. Leic., land in, 1081.

Frowyk, Henry, &c. See Frowick.

Froxmer, Thomas, 64, 495.

Froyle, Froill, co. Hants, Catlees in, 12; land in, 1194.

Frysby, co. Linc., land held of manor of, 1257; land in, 1257.

Fryskeney, co. Linc. See Friskney.

Fryskney, co. Linc. See Friskney.

Frystoke, co. Devon. See Frithelstock.

Fryth, co. Oxford, deed dated at, 168; land in, 168.

Frythelstoke, co. Devon. See Frithelstock.

Fukholme, co. Cumb., messuages in, 157.

Fulford, Fulforth, Fulfurde, Little, co. Devon, baptism at, 598.

Fulford, Florence, wife of Humphrey, knt., and d. and ch. of John Bonvile, esq., 972, 1059, 1082, 1142.
-, ………, Humphrey, land held of, in co. Devon, 680; in co. Somers., 651.
-, ………, Humphrey, knt., 972, 1059, 1082, 1142.
-, ………, Humphrey, s. and h. of Thomas, esq., 658.
-, ………, John, land held of, in co. Devon, 907.

Fulford, Thomas, esq., Cornw., 660; Devon, 661; Somers., 658.

Fulford, Thomas, knt., 526, 899; land held of, in co. Devon, 155.

Fulforth, Thomas, knt. See Fulford.

Fulfurde, Thomas, &c. See Fulford.

Fulham, co. Middx. See Pallenswick.

Fuller, John, 406.
-, ………, Robert, clk., 1143.
-, ………, Robert, of Eastwood, co. Essex, 373.

Fullers Newton, co. Norf. See Newton, Fullyng.

Fulmer, co. Bucks., land in, 564.

Fulmer, Robert, 426.

Fulmodestone, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 98.

Fulneby, John. See Fulnetby.

Fulnetby, Fulneby, John, esq., 1145.

Fulready, Fulredy, co. Warw., land in, 91.

Fulredy, co. Warw. See Fulready.

Fulstowe, Fowelestowe, John, Linc., 1127.

Fulstowe, Margaret, wife of John, 1127.
-, ………, Richard, s. of John, 1127.
-, ………, Robert, s. and h. of John, 1127.

Fulwod, co, Cumb., rents in, 157.

Funtayns Abbey, co. York. See Fountains.

Furbysshour, John, 913.

Furleigh, Firley, in Netherbury, co. Dorset, land in, 417.

Furness, Fournes, Fournesse, Hugh, 207, 362.

Furse, co. Devon, land in, 680.

Furtho, co, N’hamp., land in, 584.

Furyngford, co. Oxford. See Fringford.

Fust, John, 1078.

Futor Land, messuage called, in Dykefeld, co. Cumb., 157.

Fyfed Nevyll, co. Dorset. See Fifehead Neville.

Fyfede, co. Hants. See Fyfield.

Fyfeld, Thomas, &c. See Fyfield.

Fyfete Nevile, co. Dorset. See Fifehead.

Fyffehede, co. Wilts. See Fifield.

Fyffhyde, co. Essex. See Fyfield.
-, …… co. Wilts. See Fifield.

Fyffyd, co. Hants. See Fyfield.

Fyffylde, co. Oxford. See Fifield.

Fyfield, Fifeffide, Fiffyde, Fifhed, Fyfede, Fyfeld, Fyffyd, Fythfeld, co. Berks., land held of manor of, 691; land in, 691.
-, ……, co. Essex, advowson of, 924; Brittes tenement in, 924; Lampets manor in, 152, 895; land in, 152, 895; manor of, 924.
-, ……, co. Hants, land in, 187, 1246.

Fyfield, Thomas, Berks., 691; Oxford, 689.

Fyfield, William, s. and h. of Thomas, 689.
-, ……… See also Fifield.

Fyfields manor, co. Oxford. See Adderbury.

Fykildene, co. Wilts. See Fighelden.

Fylay, co. York. See Filey.

Fyldyng, William, &c. See Fielding.

Fyler, Joan. See Rawson, Joan.
-, ………, Thomas, 391.

Fylgrave, co. Bucks. See Filgrave.

Fylkyng, Nether, co. Oxford. See Filkins, Lower.

Fylkyns, co. Oxford. See Filkins.

Fylly, co. Devon. See Filleigh.

Fyllyng, Gregory. See Filling.

Fyloll, William. See Filiol.

Fylyngley, John. See Fillongley.

Fynch, Vincent, &c. See Finch.

Fyncham, John, &c. See Fincham.

Fynchampsted, co. Berks. See Finchampstead.

Fynchamsted, co. Berks. See Finchampstead.

Fynchyngfield, co. Essex. See Finchingfield.

Fyncle, Edmund, &c. See Fenkell.

Fynderne, William, &c. See Findern.

Fynes, Thomas. See Fiennes.

Fyneux, Feneux, Fynyeux, John, 704, 1090, 1092.
-, ………, John, serjeant-at-law and J.C.P., 764, 781, 1072, 1144, 1175.

Fynkell, John, &c. See Fenkell.

Fynshed, co. N’hamp. See Fineshade.

Fynyeux, John. See Fyneux.

Fynyton, co. Devon. See Feniton.

Fyrbek, co. York. See Firbeck.

Fysshe, John, &c. See Fish.

Fysshelegh, co. Devon. See Fishley.

Fysshley, co. Norf. See Fishley.

Fyssher, William. See Fisher.

Fysslee, co. Norf. See Fishley.

Fythfeld, co. Berks. See Fyfield.

Fythfeld, Thomas, &c. See Fyfield.

Fytton, co. Norf., land held of manor of, 872.

Fytyngton, co. Wilts. See Fiddington.

Fytzhewe, George. See Fitzhugh.