Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'XLII : Appointment of patrons of chaplainry in church of St Roche (1508)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'XLII : Appointment of patrons of chaplainry in church of St Roche (1508)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"XLII : Appointment of patrons of chaplainry in church of St Roche (1508)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
In this section
XLII. Instrument setting forth the appointment by Mr Thomas Muirheid, rector of Stobo, of the Provost, Bailies, and Councillors of the Burgh as patrons of a chaplainry founded by him in St Roche's Church. Dated 10 October 1508.
[Latin text]
In nomine Domini amen. Per hoc presens publicum instrumentum cunctis pateat euidenter et sit notum quod anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo octauo, die vero decimo mensis Octobris, indictione duodecima, pontificatusque sanctissimi in Christo [patris et domini nostri domini] Julii diuina prouidencia Pape secundi anno quinto: In mei notarii publici et testium infrascriptorum presentia personaliter constitutus venerabilis et profunde sciencie vir Magister Thomas Muirheid canonicus Glasguensis Rector de Stobo comparuit coram prouidis viris Johanne Stewart de Mynto milite preposito ciuitatis Glasguensis, Dauid Lyndezaie dicte ciuitatis balliuo, necnon aliis ciuibus dicte ciuitatis in magna et copiosa multitudine et numero congregatis in pretorio Glasguensi, curia confirmata; et ibidem exposuit et declarauit idem Magister Thomas quod ob reuerentiam et honorem Dei Omnipotentis, beatissime Virginis Marie, Sancti Roche tociusque curie celestis triumphantis, animarumque parentum suorum et omnium fidclium defunctorum salutem, ex patrimonio Christi et bonis fortune sibi a Deo collatis fundauit et erexit varias capellanias capellanis perpetuis celebraturis infra ecclesiam Sancti Roche nouam fundatam infra territorium dicti ciuitatis: quarum capellaniarum vnam instituit dispositione et presentatione perpetuis futuris temporibus, dum vacare contigerit, communitati dicte ciuitatis iuxta formam et continenciam fundationis et erexionis eiusdem per ipsum Magistrum Thomam fiendarum. Et in signum predictarum institutionis, concessionis et donacionis patronatus huiusmodi capellanie per ipsum Magistrum Thomam factarum, et concessarum dicte communitati, sepedictus Magister Thomas realiter et cum effectu, coram dictis preposito, balliuis et communitate dicte ciuitatis, induxit discretum virum dominum Alexandrum Robertone capellanum, quem supplicauit idem Magister Thomas presentari et acceptari in et ad huiusmodi capellaniam, fructus, redditus et prouentus eiusdem per dictam communitatem. Qui prepositus, balliuus et communitas requisicionem, supplicacionem dicti magistri Thome pensantes justas, honorabiles et rationi consonas, predictum dominum Alexandrum capellanum in et ad huiusmodi capellaniam, fructus, redditus et prouentus eiusdem juxta continentiam erexionis et fundationis tenorem presentarunt. Super quibus omnibus et singulis honorabilis vir Thomas Hutchisoune ciuis dicte ciuitatis, nomine et ex parte dicte communitatis, a me notario publico subscripto sibi fieri petiit vnum et plura publicum et publica instrumentum et instrumenta: Cui instrumento, pro maiore securitate premissorum, sigillum commune dicte ciuitatis dictus magister Thomas presentibus apponi cum instantia procurauit. Acta erant hec in dicto pretorio horam circa decimam ante meridiem, anno, die, mense, indictione et pontificatu quibus supra. Presentibus ibidem venerabilibus et egregiis viris magistro Dauid Cunninghame et domino Andrea Merschell canonicis Glasguensibus ac reuerendissimi in Christo patris Roberti archiepiscopi Glasguensis in remotis agentis vicariis generalibus, Magistris Adamo Colquhoune Glasguensi canonico, Matheo Stewart, Andrea Byrkmyr clericis, Archibaldo Watsone, Dauid Knox, Willelmus Smyth, et Joanne Curry, burgensibus dicte ciuitatis cum diuersis aliis testibus ad premissa audienda vocatis pariterque et rogatis.
Et ego Johannes Niger clericus Glasguensis diocesis, etc.
In the name of God, amen. By this present public instrument be it evidently known and patent to all men, that on the tenth day of the month of October in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and eight, the twelfth indiction, the fifth year of the pontificate of our most holy father in Christ and lord the lord Julius the Second, by the providence of God pope; in presence of me notary public and witnesses underwritten personally compeared a venerable man of profound learning, Mr. Thomas Muirhead, canon of Glasgow, rector of Stobo, before prudent men John Stewart of Mynto, knight, provost of the city of Glasgow, David Lyndezaie, bailie of the said city, and other citizenes of the said city gathered in great and overflowing multitude and numbers in the Tolbooth of Glasgow, the court being confirmed; and there the said Master Thomas showed and declared that for the worship and honor of Almighty God, the most blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Roche, and the whole court of heaven triumphant,,and for the weal of the souls of his parents and all the faithful dead, out of the patrimony of Christ and the goods of fortune bestowed on him by God, he founded and erected sundry chaplainries for chaplains to serve in time to come for ever within the new church of St Roche founded within the territory of the said city. Of which chaplainries he appointed one to be at the disposal and presentation of the community of the said city in all time to come for ever, when it should happen to fall vacant, according to the form and contents of the foundation and erection thereof to be made by the said Master Thomas. And in token of the foresaid institution, grant and gift of patronage of such chaplainry made and granted by the said Master Thomas to the said community, the abovesaid Master Thomas really and with effect, in presence of the said provost, bailies, and community of the said city, inducted a discreet man, Sir Alexander Robertone chaplain, whom the said Master Thomas asked to be presented and accepted by the said community, in and to the said chaplainry, fruits, rents and profits thereof. And the said provost, bailie, and community, deeming the request and supplication of the said Mr Thomas to be right, honorable and agreeable to reason, presented the foresaid Sir Alexander chaplain in and to the said chaplainry, fruits, rents and profits thereof, according to the contents of the erection and tenor of the foundation. Upon which all and sundry an honorable man, Thomas Hutchisone, citizen of the said city, in name and behalf of the said community, asked one or more public instruments to be made to him by me, notary public underwritten; to which instrument for the greater security of the premises, the said Master Thomas procured by request the common seal of the said city to be affixed. These things were done in the said tolbooth, about the tenth hour before noon, year, day, month, indiction and pontificate, as above. Present there the venerable and notable men, Master David Cunninghame, and Sir Andrew Merschell canons of Glasgow, and vicars general of the most reverend father in Christ, Robert archbishop of Glasgow, being abroad; Master Adam Colquhoun, canon of Glasgow, Matthew Stewart, Andrew Byrkmyr, clerks, Archibald Watsone, David Knox, William Smyth, and John Curry, burgesses of the said city, with divers other witnesses to the hearing of the premises called and asked.
And I, John Blak, clerk of the diocese of Glasgow, etc.