XLI : Donation from Martin Wan of several annual rents for the maintenance of the poor at St Martin's Hospital (1501)

Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.

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'XLI : Donation from Martin Wan of several annual rents for the maintenance of the poor at St Martin's Hospital (1501)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp92-96 [accessed 6 March 2025].

'XLI : Donation from Martin Wan of several annual rents for the maintenance of the poor at St Martin's Hospital (1501)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp92-96.

"XLI : Donation from Martin Wan of several annual rents for the maintenance of the poor at St Martin's Hospital (1501)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp92-96.

In this section

XLI. Donation by Martin Wan, chancellor of the Metropolitan Church of Glasgow, of several annual-rents, for the maintenance of one poor person in St Nicholas' Hospital. Glasgow, 1 June 1501.

[Latin text]

Universis [Sancte matris] ecclesie [filiis has literas insp]ecturis Martinus Wan, cancellarius ecclesie metropolitane Glasguensis salutem in eo qui est omnium vera salus. Nouerit vniuersitas vestra quod ex [intuitu] caritatis intrinsece z[eloque . . accensus in] laudem gloriam et honorem Dei omnipotentis sanctissimeque Dei genitricis Virginis Marie, Sancti Nicolai confessoris, ac omnium sanctorum supernorum ciuium, nec non pro salute anime mee animarumque omnium fidelium defunctorum . . modo constituo et in puram elimosinam dono vni pauperi degenti in Elemosinario siue Hospitali Sancti Nicolai in ciuitate Glasguensi situato imperpetuum omnes et singulas terras domus et annuos redditus [infrascriptos]: Imprimis viginti solidos de tenemento Johannis Darroch iacente in magno vico ciuitatis Glasguensis extendente ab ecclesia metropolitana eiusdem usque ad crucem fori ex parte orientali eiusdem vici inter tenementum Patricii Greneleif ex parte boreali et tenementum Johannis Cunnynghame ex parte australi; item duos solidos et duos denarios annui redditus de tenemento Roberti Browniswald iacente inter tenementa Johannis Akinhed ex parte australi et Mariote Browniswald ex parte boreali; item quatuor solidos et sex denarios de tenemento dicti Johannis Akinhed iacente inter tenementa prefati Roberti Browniswald ex parte boriali et Magistri Andree Stewart archidiaconi Candide Case ex parte australi; item quinque solidos annui redditus de tenemento Thome Wadd iacente inter tenementa Willelmi Dwn ex parte boriali et Andree Ross ex parte australi; item quinque solidos annui redditus de tenemento Magistri Willelmi Stewart iacente inter tenementa Roberti Hugonis ex parte australi et Johannis Brady ex parte boreali; item quinque solidos annui redditus de tenemento dicti Roberti Hugonis iacente inter tenementa Willelmi Dwn ex parte australi et prefati Magistri Willelmi Stewart ex parte boriali; item tresdecim solidos et quatuor denarios annui redditus de tenemento dicti Willelmi Dwn iacente inter tenementa prefati Roberti Hugonis ex parte boreali et Jacobi Clerk ex parte australi; item octo solidos annui redditus de tenemento olim domini Johannis Gluvar et nunc Johannis Hamiltoun iacente inter tenementa prefati Jacobi Clerk ex parte boreali et Thome Hugonis ex parte australi; item viginti septem solidos annui redditus de sex acris terrarum campestrium quondam domini de Murehous iacentibus prope ciuitatem Glasguensem super lie Dowhill inter terras Johannis Blichman ex parte orientali et Johannis Leich ex parte occidentali; item quindecem solidos de tenementis siue terris Mauricii Quhite et Andree Robinson iacente in vico de lie Drygate ex parte australi eiusdem inter terras quondam Willelmi Cragane alias Watson ex parte orientali et terras siue tenementum Johannis Masone ex parte occidentali; item viginti solidos annui redditus de tenemento Roberti Gluvar et de tribus rigis terre sue cum pertinentis iacentibus in Longa Crofta eidem tenemento annexis inter terras Johannis Bothoch ex orientali et Johannis Stewart ex occidentali partibus; item septem solidos et octo denarios annui redditus de quatuor rigis terre Roberti Gluvar iacentibus in Longa Crofta inter terras Jacobi Masone ex occidentali et terras Johannis Menteith ex orientali partibus. Cuiusquidem pauperis seu indigentis post obitum meum duntaxat presentatio siue donatio huiusmodi lecti cum vacare contigerit volo constituo et ordino Prepositum Balliuos et Consilium ciuitatis Glasguensis patronos, sic quod presentatio huiusmodi lecti eisdem pertinebit presentando huiusmodi pauperem seu indigentem magistro Hospitalis quo presentato admittatur per eundem et in possessione instituatur. Ita quod admissio eiusdem pauperis seu indigentis supradicti lecti magistro antedicto pertinebit et nulli alteri post obitum meum duntaxat. Et cum locus dicti pauperis per mortem vel alias ipsius demeritis causantibus depriuationem vacare contigerit, volo quod pauper in quo pauperies senectus et debilitas respectiue et apparenter magis concurrere videntur ad locum sic ut premittitur vacantem, pretio, prece, odio, amore, favore seu carnalitatis affectu seclusis, dicto magistro hospitalis per prefatos patronos presentetur, et per magistrum Hospitalis antedictum admittatur et non aliter: ita tamen quod dictus pauper sit de parochia Glasguensi oriundus. Et ad huiusmodi fundationem prefati Prepositus, Balliui et Consilium ciuitatis Glasguensis antedicte obligant se, suos heredes et successores per presentes manus porrigere adiutrices in defensione, protectione, supplemento et importatione annuorum reddituum terrarum, possessionum, domorum et edificiorum dicto lecto seu pauperi pertinentium, per suos clientes, si necesse fuerit. Insuper volo quod dicti patroni diligenter attendant quod huiusmodi pauper seu indigens observet statuta, ceremonias et ordinationes debitas et consuetas, sicut ceteri pauperes fundati commorantes in dicto Hospitali, secundum consuetudinem, formam et tenorem fundationis pie et recolende memorie Andree episcopi Glasguensis fundatoris eiusdem Hospitalis. In quorum omnium et singulorum fidem et testimonium premissorum sigillum commune ciuium dicte ciuitatis, cum instantia procuratum, vnacum sigillo mei magistri Martini Wan huic mee fundationi sunt appensa, nec non subscriptione notarii subscripti; apud ciuitatem Glasguensem, primo die mensis Junii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo primo, coram hiis testibus, magistris et dominis Martino Rede vicario de Mernys, Patricio Wischard vicario de Cupro, Johanne Smyth vicario de Campsy, David Gardner vicario de Moffett, Thoma Hugonis, Willelmo Smyth, balliuis dicte ciuitatis, Andrea Ottirburn, Johanne Schaw, Archibaldo Harbartson, Johanne Broun, Georgeo Robison, Thoma Law, Dauid Knoxis, David Lindesay, Johanne Hammilton, Andrea Oliuer, et Roberto Craig, seriandis, testibus ad premissa vocatis cum diversis aliis pariter et rogatis.

Et ego Johannes Bigholme presbyter Sancti Andree dioceseos, &c.


To all the sons of Holy Mother Church that shall see these letters, Martin Wan chancellor of the metropolitan church of Glasgow, greeting in him who is the true salvation of all men. Know all of you, that I animated by unfeigned charity and zeal . . to the praise, glory, and honor of God Almighty, and the most holy mother of God, the virgin Mary, saint Nicholas the confessor and all the saints of the celestial court, and for the salvation of my soul and the souls of all the faithful dead . . constitute, and give in pure almsgift for ever to one poor person living in the Almshouse or Hospital of Saint Nicholas situated in the city of Glasgow, all and sundry the lands, houses, and annual rents underwritten: In the first place, twenty shillings furth of the tenement of John Darroch, lying in the High Street of the city of Glasgow, leading from the metropolitan kirk thereof to the market cross on the north side thereof, between the tenement of Patrick Greneleif on the north side and the tenement of John Cunnynhame on the south side: Item, two shillings and two pence of yearly rent from the tenement of Robert Browniswald lying between the tenements of John Akinhed on the south and Marion Browniswald on the north side: Item, four shillings and six pence from the tenement of the said John Akinhed, lying between the tenements of the foresaid Robert Browniswald on the north side and of Master Andrew Stewart archdeacon of Whithorn on the south side: Item, five shillings of annual rent from the tenement of Thomas Wadd, lying between the tenements of William Dwn on the north side and Andrew Ross on the south side: Item, five shillings of annual rent from the tenement of Master William Stewart lying between the tenements of Robert Hughson on the south side and of John Brady on the north side: Item, five shillings of annual rent from the tenement of the said Robert Hughson, lying between the tenements of William Dwn on the south side and of the foresaid Master William Stewart on the north side: Item, thirteen shillings and four pence of annual rent from the tenement of the said William Dwn, lying between the tenements of the foresaid Robert Hughson on the north side and of James Clerk on the south side: Item, eight shillings of annual rent from the tenement of the late Sir John Gluvar, and now John Hamilton's, lying between the tenements of the foresaid James Clerk on the north side and of Thomas Howieson on the south side: Item, twenty seven shillings of annual rent from six acres of meadow land of the deceased laird of Murehouse lying beside the city of Glasgow upon the Dowhill between the lands of John Blichman on the east side and of John Leich on the west side: Item, fifteen shillings from the tenements or lands of Maurice Quhite and Andrew Robinson, lying in the Drygate on the south side thereof between the lands of the late William Cragane or Watson on the east side and the lands or tenement of John Mason on the west side: Item, twenty shillings of annual rent from the tenement of Robert Gluvar, and from his three rigs of land with the pertinents lying in Long Croft annexed to the said tenement, between the lands of John Bothoch on the east and of John Stewart on the west sides: Item, seven shillings and eight pence of annual rent from the four rigs of land of Robert Gluvar lying in Long Croft between the lands of James Mason on the west and the lands of John Monteith on the east sides. Of which poor or needy person I will, constitute and ordain the provost, bailies, and council of the city of Glasgow, patrons, as to the presentation or donation to such bed, when it shall happen to fall vacant, after my death only; so that the presentation to such bed shall belong to them, on presenting which poor or indigent person to the master of the hospital he shall be admitted by him and put in possession; and so that the admission to the bed of the abovesaid poor or needy person shall pertain to the aforesaid master, and none other, after my death only. And when the place of the said poor man shall happen to fall vacant through his death, or his misdeeds causing his deprivation thereof otherwise, I will that the poor man in whose case poverty, age, and infirmity respectively and evidently are most seen to concur, bribe, prayer, hate, love, favor or carnal affection put away, shall be presented to the said master of the hospital by the foresaid patrons and admitted by the foresaid master of hospital, and not otherwise; provided however that the said poor man be a native of the parish of Glasgow. And to this foundation the foresaid provost, bailies and council of the city of Glasgow foresaid, bind themselves, their heirs and successors, by these presents, to put forth helping hands, by their officers if need be, in the defence, protection, supply and inbringing of the annual rents, lands, possessions, houses,and biggings, pertaining to the said bed or poor man. Moreover I will that the said patrons shall give diligent heed that such poor or indigent person observe the statutes, ceremonies and ordinances, due and wont, as do the other poor foundationers staying in the said hospital, according to the custom, form and tenor of the foundation of Andrew bishop of Glasgow of pious and worthy memory, founder of the said Hospital. In faith and witness of which premises all and sundry, the common seal of the citizens of the said city procured at request, together with the seal of me master Martin Wan are hung to this my foundation, with the subscription of the notary underwritten, at the city of Glasgow, the first day of the month of June, the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and one; before these witnesses, masters and sirs Martin Rede vicar of Mernys, Patrick Wischard vicar of Cupar, John Smyth vicar of Campsy, David Gardner vicar of Moffat, Thomas Hughson, William Smyth, bailies of the said city, Andrew Ottirburn, John Schaw, Archibald Harbartson, John Brown, George Robison, Thomas Law, David Knoxis, David Lindsay, John Hamilton, Andrew Oliver and Robert Craig, serjeants, with divers others witnesses to the premises, asked and required.

And I John Begholm, presbyter of the diocese of St Andrews, etc.