CIV: Charter of Charles I confirming rights and foundation etc. of the University (1630)

Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.

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'CIV: Charter of Charles I confirming rights and foundation etc. of the University (1630)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'CIV: Charter of Charles I confirming rights and foundation etc. of the University (1630)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"CIV: Charter of Charles I confirming rights and foundation etc. of the University (1630)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

In this section

CIV. Charter of Confirmation and Novodamus by King Charles I., under his Great Seal, of all the foundations, mortifications, donations, and others granted to the University and College of Glasgow. St James' Palace, 28 June 1630.

[Latin text]

Carolus Dei gracia Magne Britannie, Francie, et Hibernie Rex, fideique defensor, Omnibus probis hominibus tocius terre sue, clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciatis nos cum avisamento et consensu nostri etiam predilecti consanguinei et consiliarii, Guilielmi comitis de Mortoun, domini de Dalkeith, etc., nostri, principalis thesaurarii, computorum rotulatoris et collectoris generalis regni nostri Scotie, ac cum consensu predilecti nostri consanguinei et consiliarii Archibaldi domini Nepare de Merchingstoun, nostri deputati in omnibus prefatis officiis, necnon cum consensu reliquorum dominorum scaccarii nostrorum commissionariorum per nos nominatorum et constitutorum pro dandis et expediendis infeofamentis terrarum aliorumque infra dictum nostrum regnum Scotie: Considerantes quod vniversitas Glasguensis ab antiquo fundata et dotata fuerit cum diuersis redditibus et privilegiis a predicessoribus nostris regibus Scotie eterne memorie; et quod dicta academia et vniversitas continuo et omni tempore preterito a fundatione ejusdem floruit ita continuo quod exinde plurimi doctissimi et digni viri, non solum in vsum et honorem dicti nostri regni Scotie, verum eciam aliorum regnorum et nationum exterarum, progressi et emissi fuerint. Idcirco nos cum consensu predicto ratificavimus, approbavimus ac pro perpetuo confirmavimus, et per presentis carte nostre tenorem ratificamus, approbamus ac pro perpetuo confirmamus omnes fundaciones, mortificationes, dotationes, dona, donationes, infeofamenta, securitates et jura quecunque, facta, data, concessa, concepta et expedita in favorem prefate vniversitatis et collegii Glasguensis; vnacum quibuscunque legibus, statutis, actis parliamentorum, constitutionibus civilibus, canonicis et municipalibus, obligationibus, contractis, consensibus, omnibusque aliis scriptis, documentis et patentibus quibuscunque, factis, concessis et expeditis in favorem dicte vniversitatis et collegii Glasguensis, omniumque membrorum ejusdem, vt dictum est, de et super mansione, maneriei locis, domibus, edificiis, hortis, pomariis aliisque, tam infra precinctum dicti collegii quam extra eundem, pro presenti occupatis et possessis per principalem, regentes, magistros, scolasticos et incorporationem dicti collegii, et de omnibus terris, tenementis, annuis redditibus, ecclesiis, beneficiis, personatibus, viccariis, prebendariis, capellaniis, altaragiis, anniversariis, fratriis lie frieris, obiit siluer, casualitatibus, redditibus, mansis, glebis, proventibus, magnis et minutis decimis, custumis, officiis, jurisdictionibus, immunitatibus, privilegiis, aliis redditibus, proficuis et commoditatibus quibuscunque, pertinentibus et spectantibus ad dictam vniversitatem et collegium Glasguensem omniaque membra et incorporationem ejusdem, fundatis, mortificatis, datis et donatis prefato collegio et vniversitati de quibus sunt in presenti possessione, tam concessis a nostris nobilissimis progenitoribus, presertim vero a nostro quondam charissimo patre eterne memorie, vel in ipsius pupillari et minori etate vel post ejus majoritatem et plenam et perfectam etatem viginti vnius et viginti quinque annorum completam, quam factis et concessis a quondam Gulielmo Turnbull episcopo Glasguensi, aliisque episcopis et archiepiscopis Glasguensibus, et a capitulis et canonicis ejusdem, vel vllo eorum quibuscunque temporibus elapsis, et a prepositis, ballivis, consilio, burgensibus et inhabitantibus civitatis nostre Glasguensis, et a quibuscunque aliis laicis aut ecclesiasticis, tam infra quam extra dictum regnum nostrum Scotie, de quibuscunque datis, tenoribus et contentis prefata infeofamenta, donaciones, mortificationes, litere, jura et securitates suprascripta sunt; in omnibus et singulis capitibus, punctis, clausulis, articulis et conditionibus inibi expressis et mentionatis: Declarando et ordinando eadem tanquam pro expressis per presentis carte nostre tenorem particu lariter; et quod hec nostra generalis ratificatio et confirmatio eorundem est et erit tam bona, valida, effectualis et sufficiens in omnibus respectibus, in favorem dicte vniversitatis et collegii de Glasgow, rectorum, decanorum facultatum, prefectorum, regentium, magistrorum, scolasticorum, omniumque membrorum et incorporationis ejusdem, tenore presentis carte nostre, eorumque successorum imperpetuum, acsi omnia et singula dicta infeofamenta, mortificationes, acta, statuta, aliaque jura et securitates generaliter superius expressa, facta, concessa et donata in favorem dicte vniversitatis et collegii Glasguensis, totius corporis et incorporationis ejusdem, singulorum membrorum vel vnius cujusvis membri dicti collegii et vniversitatis particulariter ad longum et de verbo in verbum in hac presenti carta nostra inserta et expressa fuissent. Preterea nos cum consensu antedicto, post nostram plenam et perfectam etatem viginti quinque annorum completam, et post omnes nostras revocationes generales et speciales, respectum specialem habentes ad honorem et cultum Dei nostri propogationem et sustentationem vere religionis Cristiane, omniumque professorum ejusdem, et ad promotionem prefate vniversitatis et collegii Glasguensis, omniumque moderatorum, professorum, prefectorum, magistrorum, regentium, scolasticorum, studiosorum et reliquorum membrorum et incorporationis ejusdem, ex nostra certa scientia et proprio motu de novo dedimus, mortificavimus, concessimus et disposuimus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris pro perpetuo confirmavimus in favorem dicti collegii Glasguensis, prefectorum, regentium, magistrorum, studentium, omniumque membrorum corporis et incorporationis ejusdem nunc existentium eorumque successorum imperpetuum Totam et integram prefatam mansionem, maneriei loca, domos, edificia, hortos, pomaria, croftas, ecclesias, capellanias, alteragia, prebendas, decimas, fructus, annuos redditus, obiit siluer, anniversaria, aliaque quecunque, tam jacentia infra precinctum dicte vniversitatis et collegii Glasguensis quam extra eundem, et que pro presenti possidentur et occupantur per dictum prefectum, regentes, magistros, scolasticos, totumque corpus et incorporationem ejusdem, et fundata in quibuscunque ecclesiis et collegiis infra dictam nostram civitatem Glasguensem et locis omnium fratrum et viccariorum chori eorundem; cum omnibus terris, domibus et possessionibus, tam infra quam extra dictam nostram civitatem Glasguensem, pertinentibus et spectantibus ab antiquo ad dictos fratres predicatores et viccarios chori; cum domibus et hortis dictorum fratrum et viccariorum jacentibus infra et extra prefatam civitatem; cum omnibus aliis terris, tenementis, annuis redditibus, ecclesiis, beneficiis, decimis magnis et minutis, custumis, officiis, jurisdictionibus, immunitatibus, privilegiis, aliis redditibus, proficuis et com moditatibus quibuscunque pertinentibus et spectantibus ad dictam vniversitatem et collegium Glasguense. Presertim vero illas particulares capellanias et alteragia subscripta, viz,: duas capellanias vocatas capellanias Sancti Michaelis, Capellaniam Sancti Jacobi, Capellaniam Sancti Nicolai, Capellaniam Sancti Rochii, Capellaniam Sancti Martini in Rutherglen, Capellaniam Sancte Thome, Capellaniam Sancti Petri, Capellanias Sanctorum Stephanii et Laurentii, Capellaniam Sancti Quintigerni, vulgo Sanct Mungois chaplanrie, Capellaniam Sancti Sanguinis, vulgo the Halie bluid chaplanrie, Capellaniam Sancti Quintigerni minoris extra torrentem, Capellaniam fundatam apud altare Sancti Quintigerni infra Inferiorem Ecclesiam Glasguensem, Capellaniam Sancti Joannis, Capellaniam Sancti Machanis, altare Crucis in Glasgow vulgo the Rude Altar, Capellaniam Sancte Andree; cum omnibus et singulis aliis prebendis, dignitatibus, altaragiis et capellaniis fundatis infra quamcunque ecclesiam et collegium de Glasgow; cum omnibus et singulis terris, tenementis, domibus, hortis, censibus, firmis, decimis magnis et minutis, fractibus, redditibus, emolumentis, aliisque divoriis quibuscunque, and eadem pertinentibus et spectantibus; necnon omnes et singulas ecclesias parochiales, presonatus seu rectorias et viccarias earundem particulariter subscriptas, viz.: Ecclesiam parochialem, rectoriam et viccariam de Govane, decimas magnas et minutas, fructus, redditus, emolu menta et devorias ejusdem, mansas, glebas, terras ecclesiasticas, domos, edificia, hortos, aliaque ad dictam ecclesiam pertinentia et spectantia; cum plena et speciali potestate moderatoribus dicti collegii de Glasgow presentibus, eorumque successoribus in futurum, elegendi, nominandi seu presentandi et acceptandi ministrum pro deservitione cure apud dictam ecclesiam de Govane qui prestabit suam actualem residentiam apud dictam ecclesiam omni tempore affuturo, toties quoties necesse fuerit; quiquidem minister nominatus et electus, vt predicitur, conferendus et admittendus erit omni occasione quoties sedes vacaverit tanquam minister dicte ecclesie de Govane a suo ordinario, secundum consuetudinem et ordinem ecclesie: Ac etiam ecclesiam parochialem, rectoriam et viccariam de Renfrew, decimas magnas et minutas, terras ecclesiasticas, redditus et devorias ad prefatam ecclesiam de Renfrew pertinentes et spectantes: necnon ecclesiam de Kilbryde, et ecclesiam de Torrence vnitam et annexatam ad dictam ecclesiam de Kilbryde, rectorias et viccarias prefatarum ambarum ecclesiarum, decimas magnas et minutas earundem, cum terris de lie kirktoun de Kilbryde, terris de Newhous et Machlenehall ab antiquo pertinentibus et spectantibus ad rectores dicte ecclesie de Torrence; ac cum omnibus aliis terris, mansis, glebis, hortis, pomariis, decimis, fructubus, redditibus emolumentis et devoriis ad prefatas ecclesias de Kilbryde et Tor bursariis ejusdem, Omnes et singulas decimas garbales, aliasque decimas, tam personatus seu rectorie quam viccarie dictarum ecclesiarum seu parochialium de Govane, Renfrew, Kilbryde, Torrence et Dalzell, et dictas decimas viccarie dicte ecclesie de Colmonell in Carrik, mansiones, maneriei loca, domos, edificia, hortos, pomaria, terras ecclesiasticas, census, firmas, canas, custumas, divorias et vniversum patrimonium earundem ad easdem pertinens et juste spectare valens. Similiter nos cum consensu predicto De Novo damus, concedimus, mortificamus, disponimus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris confirmamus in favorem dicti collegii et vniversitatis Glasguensis et totius corporis membrorum et incorporationis ejusdem, eorumque successorum imperpetuum omnia et singula privilegia et immunitates exemptionis et protectionis factas et concessas per nostrum quondam charissimum patrem Jacobum regem; eximendo simpliciter, quemadmodum et nos per presentis carte nostre tenorem eximimus, prefatas personas, rectores, decanos facultatum, prefectos, doctores, professores, magistros, regentes, studentes, pedellos, scribas, bibliopolas, librorum compactores, omnesque suppositos et membra dicte vniversitatis et academie in eadem residentia (nisi sint prelati) omnesque eorum servos, necnon omnes et singulas eorum terras, tenementa, possessiones, redditus, beneficia minora prelatiis, eorumque res et bona quecunque, propria et communia, mobilia rence pertinentibus et spectantibus; cum omnibus mansionibus, maneriei locis, domibus, edificiis, hortis, pomariis, pertinentibus et spectantibus ab antiquo ad rectorias et viccarias dictarum ecclesiarum de Govane, Renfrew, Kilbryde et Torrence, jacentibus infra dictam nostram civitatem Glasguensem; et nominatim illam mansam nuncupatam mansam cantoris vulgo the Chantoris Manse et hortum in Glasgow iacentem ex oriente adjambulacro [adjacentem ex oriente ambulacro] vicariorum vulgo the Viccaris Alay; vnacum domo, horto, duabus acris terrarum et privilegio communitatis nuncupate Sainct Leonards ab antiquo pertinentibus ad rectores de Torrence in Newhous: Ac etiam ecclesiam parochialem, rectoriam et viccariam de Dalzell, et viccariam de Colmonell in Carrick, mansas, glebas, terras ecclesiasticas, decimas, fructus, redditus, emolumenta, et devorias ad easdem pertinentes et spectantes (Reservando et excipiendo solummodo, in favorem ministrorum presentium et futurorum inservientium cure ad dictas ecclesias, eorum separatas et particulares mansas et glebas secundum acta parliamenti penes designationes mansarum et glebarum ministris desuper factas et concessas.) Preterea nos pro nobis et successoribus nostris, cum consensu antedicto, damus, concedimus et imperpetuum mortificamus et disponimus in favorem dicti collegii de Glasgow prefatisque personis eorumque successoribus in futurum, viz.: prefecto, regentibus, magistris, scolasticis, studentibus et et immobilia, tam spiritualia quam temporalia, infra dictam civitatem Glasguensem et extra eandem, ab omni solutione omnium et singulorum vectigalium, taxationum, actionum, impositionum, collectionum summarum monete, et ab omnibus vigiliis, guaddiis [guardiis] et pedagiis, vulgo lie watching, wairding, and peddages. Ac declaramus et ordinamus eos eorumque successores in futurum liberos et immunes fore ab omnibus tributis, collectis et taxationibus ordinariis et extraordinariis, antehac impositis et imponendis super eos eorumque terras, redditus, summas monete, res et bona quecunque, communia aut propria, quouismodo directe vel indirecte: Et quod dicte persone, per seipsos eorumque ballivos, deputatos, scribas, syndicos et officiarios ab ipsis creandos, eligendos et admittendos, pro quibus tenebuntur rationem reddere, exercebunt omnes jurisdictiones, tam curiarum quam aliorum, infra omnes bondas et limites dictarum terrarum aliorumque, in proprietate et tenandria ad eos pertinentium et spectantium, datorum et concessorum prefato collegio a quibuscunque personis vllo tempore preterito: et quod ipsi possidebunt, gaudebunt, fruentur et exercebunt per se suosque prescriptos et eorum substitutos, omnes et singulas dictas jurisdictiones et immunitates ad eorum emolumentum et commoditatem pro ipsorum arbitrio et libito. Porro nos, cum consensu predicto, De Novo damus, concedimus, mortificamus et disponi mue, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris tenore presentis carte nostre pro perpetuo confirmamus dicto collegio Glasguensi, ac prefectis, regentibus, magistris et membris incorporationis ejusdem eorumque successoribus, omni tempore futuro et imperpetuum, custumas de lie tron dicte civitatis Glasguensis, magnas et minutas custumas nundinarum et mercatuum, custumas de lie mettis, measoris et wechtis omnium et singulorum emolumentorum, fructuum, reddituum, proficuorum, anniversariorum aliarumque commoditatum quarumcunque pertinentium et spectantium ad dictum collegium Glasguense, dispositas per Archiepiscopos Glasguenses; vnacum vno annuo redditu sexdecim bollarum farine avenatice proviso et disposito alias etiam dicto collegio Glasguensi et ejusdem membris predictis, annuatim levando et percipiendo inter festa nativitatis Domini et purificationis Marie Virginis de molendino de Parthik vocato Parthikmylne, terris molendinariis, multuris et pertinentiis ejusdem, jacente infra baroniam de Glasgow; Et similiter omnes et singulas illas terras et tenementa ab antiquo pertinentia ad dictam capellaniam Sancti Quintigerni, fundatam infra Ecclesiam Inferiorem Glasguensem, nunc provisam et dispositam in favorem prefati collegii de Glasgow, et membrorum ejusdem suprascriptorum, per Jacobum King, advocatum, capellanum dicte capellanie; et nominatim tenementa illa, que ab antiquo designata sunt constitisse de duabus magnis cameris et tribus parvis cameris, cum quinque cellis seu bothis lie buithis, et parvo Norto ex parte posteriore earundem, ab antiquo ruinosa nunc vero edificata et constructa, jacentia infra dictam nostram civitatem Glasguensem, inter dictum collegium ex boreali, cemiterium de Blakfrieris dicte civitatis Glasguensis ex australi, communem viam regiam ex occidentali, et petiam terre que fuit ab antiquo parvum pratum pertinens ad dictos lie Blakfrieris ex orientali partibus, nunc vero dictum parvum pratum est pars dicti collegii et horti ad prefectum ejusdem spectantis; Et ex australi, vbi dicte terre et tenementa bondata fuerunt ad prefatum cemiterium de lie Blakfrieries, eadem nunc bondantur linealiter ab ecclesia vocata lie Blakfrierkirk ad dictam viam publicam ex australi parte: Et generaliter nos cum consensu antedicto damus, concedimus, mortificamus et disponimus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris tenore presentis carte nostre pro perpetuo confirmamus dicto collegio de Glasgow, ejusque membris et successoribus suprascriptis, et in eorum favorem imperpetuum, Omnes et singulas alias terras, tenementa, annuos redditus, mansas, domos, edificia, hortos, pomaria, census, firmas, canas, custumas, ecclesias, beneficia, decimas magnas et minutas, aliosque redditus et devorias quascunque perprius pertinentes et spectantes vel competere valentes ad dictam vniversitatem et collegium Glasguense, fundatas, donatas, provisatas et mortificatas ad dictam vniversitatem et collegium, et ad membra et incorporationem ejusdem, vt predictum est, a nostris predicessoribus vel quibuscunque aliis laicis et ecclesiasticis personis, vnacum omni jure, actione, titulo et interesse petitorio et possessorio, que nos nostrique predicessores et sucessores habuimus, habemus aut vllo modo ad eadem habere, clamare vel pretendere poterimus, per privilegium corone nostre, acta annexationum, revocationum generalium et specialium, aliaque acta parliamenti, jura civilia municipalia et canonica, statuta et constitutiones qualescunque. Renunciando iisdem simpliciter juri liti et cause in favorem dicti collegii Glasguensis, prefectorum, regentium, magistrorum, scolasticorum, bursariorum, membrorum et incorporationis ejusdem, eorum successorum imperpetuum; cum pacto de non petendo, ac cum supplemento omnium defectuum in contrarium objiciendorum et obtrudendorum, que tanquam pro expressis in hac presenti carta nostra haberi volumus. Insuper nos cum consensu predicto separavimus et disvnivimus et dissolvimus omnes et singulas predictas terras, tenementa, annuos redditus, custumas, mansiones, maneriei loca, domos, edificia, hortos, pomaria, ecclesias, beneficia, personatus seu rectorias, viccarias, capellanias, altaragias, prebendas, census, firmas, decimas, fructus, redditus, emolumenta et divorias quascunque, ad easdem pertinentes et spectantes; et omnia et singula reliqua generaliter et specialiter superius expressa nunc mortificata, donata, provisa et disposita in favorem dicti collegii de Glasgow, membrorum et incorporationis ejusdem, ab omnibus prioribus fundationibus, mortificationibus, erectionibus, beneficiis, aliisque in corporationibus, et specialiter ab actis annexationum terrarum ecclesiasticarum ad coronam nostram; ac de novo vnivimus, annexavimus et incorporavimus easdem ad dictum collegium Glasguense et ad membra et incorporationem ejusdem, eorumque successores imperpetuum, vt firma maneant cum ipsis et dicto collegio nunquam inde dissolvenda nec separanda in toto vel in parte infuturum. Ac volumus etiam et declaramus, et pro nobis et successoribus nostris decernimus et ordinamus, quod vnica sasina nunc capienda per prefectum vel vnum dictorum quatuor regentium dicti collegii Glasguensis, apud anteriorem januam dicti collegii virtute nostre carte et precepti sasine desuper dirigendi, est et erit sufficiens sasina ipsis et eorum successoribus, absque vlla reiteratione vel sumptione vllius nove sasine super premissis quovis tempore futuro, non obstante quod prefate terre, ecclesie, beneficia, aliaque generaliter et specialiter superius expressa, nunc vnita et annexata ad dictum collegium Glasguense, insimul et contigue non jacent, eo quod dicta membra prefati collegii sunt insolidum vnum corpus et incorporatio: Ac vt dictus prefectus et quatuor regentes prefati collegii Glasguensis pro presenti et eorum successores in futurum certo et perfecto sciant et intelligant quantitatem annuorum reddituum, stipendiorum ad sese singulos spectantium et allocatorum, ac que ipsis singulis solvi debent annuatim, pro eorum servitiis et cura in dicta vniversitate et collegio Glasguensi omni tempore futuro Nos cum consensu predicto assignamus, allocamus et disposuimus de primis maximeque expeditis redditibus dicti collegii prefato prefecto ejusdem et successoribus ejus infuturum vnum annuum censum, divoriam et stipendium mille librarum monete hujus regni nostri Scotie; ac primo et summo dictorum quatuor regentium dicti collegii et successoribus ipsius summam quadringentarum mercarum monete predicte annuatim; et secundo regenti summam tercentarum mercarum; tercio etiam regenti summam ducentarum mercarum; et quarto regenti, scilicet, infimo omnium, summam centum mercarum monete predicte: Solvendo ipsis ipsorumque successoribus annuatim pro rato, tanquam annuum censum et stipendium, de primis et expeditissimis redditibus dicti collegii Glasguensis prout concipere consueverunt diversis his annis preteritis; Vnacum quotidiano victu et sustentatione dicti prefecti et quatuor regentium in prefato collegio more solito: Ac etiam cum horto et domo in vsum dicti prefecti pro ipsius cum familia ejus habitatione et occupatione, prout ipse, et ipsius predicessores perprius possessores erant et occuparunt; vnacum servitoris stipendio et quotidiano victu, secundum fundationem, atque hec preter et vltra stipendia prius memorata. Tenendam Et Habendam Totam et integram vniversitatem, accademiam et collegium Glasguense, cum mansione, maneriei locis, domibus, edificiis, hortis, pomariis, tenementis, terris, aliisque generaliter et particulariter superius expressis, jacentibus tam infra quam extra precinctum dicti collegii; vnacum prefactis reliquis terris, tenementis, mansionibus, manerierum locis, domibus, edificiis, hortis, pomariis, ecclesiis, beneficiis, personatibus seu rectoriis, viccariis, prebendis, capellaniis, altaragiis, mansis, glebis, terris ecclesiasticis, custumis, officiis, immunitatibus, privilegiis, annuis redditibus, aliisque generaliter et specialiter predictis, nunc vnitis, annexatis et incorporatis in et ad dictam vniversitatem et collegium Glasguense, et ad membra et incorporationem ejusdem, vnacum omnibus et singulis censibus, firmis, custumis, redditibus annuis, devoriis, decimis magnis et minutis, aliisque generaliter et specialiter superius mentionatis, ad dictam vniversitatem et collegium pertinentibus et spectantibus, omnibusque suis partibus pendiculis et pertinenciis, prefatis prefecto, regentibus, magistris, scolasticis totique corpori et incorporationi dicte vniversitatis et collegii Glasguensis, eorum que successoribus, de nobis et successoribus nostris superioribus ejusdem, in pura elymosina, feodo et hereditate imperpetuum per omnes rectas metas suas antiquas et divisas, prout jacent in longitudine et latitudine, cum libero [introitu] et exitu, ac cum omnibus aliis et singulis libertatibus, commoditatibus, proficuis, asiamentis, ac justis suis pertinentiis quibuscunque, tam non nominatis quam nominatis, tam subtus terra quam supra terram, procul et prope, ad dictam vniversitatem, collegium et accademiam aliaque predicta cum suis pertinentiis spectantibus, seu juste spectare valentibus quomodolibet in futurum, libere, quiete, plenarie, integre, honorifice, bene et in pace, sine vllo impedimento revocatione contradictione aut obstaculo aliquali. Reddendo inde annuatim prefati prefectus, regentes, magistri, et cetera membra dicte universitatis accademie et collegii Glasguensis eorumque successores preces et supplicationes domino Deo omnipotenti, Patri, Filio et Spiritui Sancto, pro nobis et successoribus nostris, vnacum institutione et instructione juventutis et studiosorum in dicta vniversitate et collegio in scientiis divinis et humanis, prout iis incumbit. Necnon sustentando et alendo bursarios, ordinarios servos et reliqua membra dicti collegii ex reliquis redditibus et fructibus dicti collegii, more solito et consueto: Ac etiam solvendo annuatim ministris inservientibus cure apud prefatas ecclesias, eorumque successoribus in futurum, particularia stipendia subscripta viz: Ministro dicte ecclesie de Renfrew annuatim duodecem scheldras victualis: ministro dicte ecclesie de Kilbryde et Torrence vnitis in vnam ecclesiam, vt predictum est, annuum stipendium duodecim scheldrarum victualis; suspendendo nihilominus solutionem dictorum duorum stipendiorum solvendorum dictis rectoribus et ministris inservientibus cure apud dictas ecclesias de Renfrew, Kilbryde et Torrence pro omnibus diebus vite, respectiue, Magistri Joannis Hay, nunc rectoris et ministri de Renfrew, et Magistri Dauidis Scharp, rectoris et ministri de Kilbryde et Torrence, durante ipsorum vita dumtaxat; propterea quod dicti rectores et ministri prefatarum ecclesiarum sunt provisi et in titulo dictorum beneficiorum durante ipsorum vita. Necnon solvendo ministro dicte ecclesie de Govane et successoribus suis vnum annuum stipendium quingentarum mercarum monete predicte, vel quinque scheldrarum victualis, pro arbitrio et libitu prefecti, regentium et magistrorum dicte vniversitatis et collegii Glasguensis: Reservando etiam ministro dicte ecclesie de Dalzell ipsiusque successoribus eorum annuum stipendium modificatum seu modificandum secundum leges dicte regni nostri Scotie et acta parliamenti de decimis prefate parochie de Dalzell; ac reliqua omnium et singulorum prefatorum reddituum et divoriarum ad dictam vniver sitatem et collegium Glasguense nunc fundatorum, mortificatorum et dotatorum, applicanda et impendenda a prefecto, regentibus, magistris, membris et incorporatione dicti vniversitatis et collegii Glasguensis, eorumque successoribus in fabricam dicti collegii, et pro sustentatione, reparatione et edificatione operum et edificiorum ejusdem et ad alios pios vsus, vt Deo nobis nostrisque successoribus, patronis dicte vniversitatis et collegii, rationem reddere valeant. Insuper nos in verbo principis promittimus dictam nostram cartam et infeofamentum cum omnibus inibi contentis non solum ratificandam et approbandam fore in primo nostro parliamento tenendo infra dictum regnum nostrum Scotie cum omnibus solemnitatibus; verumeciam quod nos cum consensu ordinum dicti nostri parliamenti, ex certa scientia, in plano et aperto parliamento, pro gravibus, visis et dignissimis causis, de novo, per vocem, votum seu suffragia totius parliamenti mortificabimus, donabimus, disponemus et imperpetuum confirmabimus prefate vniversitati et collegio Glasguensi, prefecto, regentibus, magistris, totique corpori et incorporationi ejusdem, et in eorum favorem, omnia et singula premissa generaliter et particulariter superius mentionata; et quod dicta carta et infeofamentum per speciale actum prefati parliamenti declarabitur per expressum reservatum et exceptum fore ab illo acto de restitutione capitulorum facto et concluso in parliamento tento apud Edinburgh, mense Julii anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo decimo septimo; et quod dicta carta per nos et ordines dicti nostri parliamenti per speciale actum desuper conficiendum declarabitur fore tam bona, valida et efficax ac si eadem fuisset concessa, conclusa, inacta et specialiter excepta a dicto nostro [acto] restitutionis dictorum capitulorum, tam valida ac ampla quam vlla exceptio que in predicto acto continetur aut contineri potest. In Cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte nostre magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus. Testibus vt in aliis cartis consimilis date precedentibus: Apud palatium vel curiam nostram de Sanct James, vigesimo octauo die mensis Junii, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo trigesimo, et anno regni nostri sexto.


Charles by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, and Defender of the Faith, to all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye that we with advice and consent of our well beloved cousin and counsellor, William Earl of Mortoun, lord of Dalkeith, etc., our principal treasurer, comptroller, and collector general of our kingdom of Scotland; and with consent of our well beloved cousin and counsellor Archibald, Lord Napare of Merchingstoun, our depute in all the foresaid offices: and with consent of the remanent lords of the Treasury, our commissioners nominated and constituted by us, for giving and expeding of infeftments of lands and others within our said kingdom of Scotland; taking into consideration that the university of Glasgow was anciently founded and endowed with divers rents and privileges by our predecessors, kings of Scotland, of everlasting memory, and that the said college and university has constantly and in all time bypast, from the foundation thereof, flourished so steadily that therefrom a very great number of most learned and worthy men have proceeded and been sent forth, not only for the weal and honour of our said kingdom of Scotland, but even of other realms and foreign nations: Wherefore we with consent foresaid have ratified, approved and for ever confirmed, and by the tenor of our present charter ratify, approve, and for ever confirm all foundations, mortifications, endowments, gifts, donations, infeftments, securities and rights whatsoever, made, given, granted, conceived and expede in favour of the foresaid university and college of Glasgow, together with whatsoever laws, statutes, acts of Parliaments, constitutions, civil, canonical, and municipal, obligations, contracts, agreements, and all other writings, documents and patents whatsoever made, granted and expede in favour of the said university and college of Glasgow, and of all members thereof as said is, of and upon the mansion, manor places, houses, buildings, gardens, orchards, and others as well within the precinct of the said college as without the same, presently possessed and occupied by the principal, regents, masters, students and incorporation of the said college, and of all lands, tenements, annual rents, churches, benefices, parsonages, vicarages, prebends, chaplainries, altarages, anniversaries, lie frieris, obitsilver, casualties, rents, manses, glebes, profits, great and small teinds, customs, offices, jurisdictions, immunities, privileges, other rents, profits and commodities whatsoever pertaining and belonging to the said university and college of Glasgow, and all the members and incorporation thereof, founded, mortified, given and bequeathed to the foresaid college and university, of which they are presently in possession, as well those granted by our most noble progenitors and particularly by our late dearest father of everlasting memory, whether during his pupillarity and minority or after his majority, and full and perfect age of one and twenty and five and twenty years complete, as those made and granted by the late William Turnbull, bishop of Glasgow, and other bishops and archbishops of Glasgow, and by the chapters and canons of the same or any of them in any time bypast, and by the provosts, bailies, council, burgesses and inhabitants of our city of Glasgow, and by others whomsoever, kirkmen or laymen, as well within as without our said kingdom of Scotland of whatsover dates, tenor and contents the foresaid infeftments, gifts, mortifications, letters, rights and securities above written be; in all and sundry heads, points, clauses, articles and conditions therein expressed and mentioned: Declaring and ordaining the same to be held as if expressed particularly by the tenor of our present charter; and that this our general ratification and confirma tion of the same is and shall be as good, valid, effectual and sufficient in all respects in favour of the said university and college of Glasgow, rectors, deans of faculty, principals, regents, masters, scholars, and all the members and incorporation thereof, by the tenor of our present charter, and their successors for ever, as if all and sundry the said infeftments, mortifications, acts, statutes and other rights and securities generally above written, made, granted and bequeathed in favour of the said university and college of Glasgow, the whole body and incorporation thereof, and sundry members, or any member whatsoever, of the said college and university, had been particularly at length and word by word inserted and expressed in this our present charter. Moreover, we, with consent foresaid, after our full and perfect age of twenty-five Years complete, and after all our revocations, general and special, having particular regard to the honour and worship of God, the increase and maintenance of the true Christian religion and all professors thereof, and for the advancement of the foresaid university and college of Glasgow, and of all the moderators, professors, principals, masters, regents, scholars, students and remanent members and incorporation thereof, of our certain knowledge and proper motion, of new have given, mortified, granted and disponed and for us and our successors for ever confirmed in favour of the said college of Glasgow, principals, regents, masters, students, and all the members of the body and incorporation thereof, for the time being and their successors for ever, All and Whole the foresaid mansion, manor places, houses, buildings, gardens, orchards, crofts, churches, chaplainries, altarages, prebends, teinds, fruits, annual rents, obitsilver, anniversaries and others whatsoever, as well lying within the precinct of the said university and college of Glasgow as outwith the same, and which are at present possessed and occupied by the said principal, regents, masters, scholars, and whole body and incorporation thereof, and founded in whatever churches and colleges within our said city of Glasgow, and in the places of all the friars and vicars choral thereof; with all lands, houses and possessions, as well within as without our said city of Glasgow pertaining and belonging of old to the said Preaching Friars and vicars choral, with the houses and gardens of the said friars and vicars lying within and outwith the foresaid city, with all other lands, tenements, annual rents, churches, benefices, teinds great and small, customs, offices, jurisdictions, immunities, privileges, other rents, profits and commodities whatsoever pertaining and belonging to the said university and college of Glasgow. And especially the particular chaplainries and altarages underwritten, viz., the two chaplainries called the chaplainries of Saint Michael, the chaplainry of Saint James, the chaplainry of Saint Nicholas, the chaplainry of Saint Roche, the chaplainry of Saint Martin in Rutherglen, the chaplainry of Saint Thomas, the chaplainry of Saint Peter, the chaplainries of Saints Stephen and Laurence, the chaplainry of Saint Quintigern, commonly called Sanct Mungois cheplanrie, the chaplainrie commonly called the Holy Bluid cheplanrie, the chaplainry of Saint Quintigern the less, on the other side of the burn, the chaplainry founded at the altar of Saint Quintigern in the Laigh Kirk of Glasgow, the chaplainry of Saint John, the chaplainry of Saint Machan, the Altar of the Cross in Glasgow, commonly called the Rude Altar, the chaplainry of Saint Andrew, with all and sundry other prebends, dignities, altarages and chaplainries founded within whatever church and college of Glasgow; with all and sundry lands, tenements, houses, gardens, maills, ferms, teinds great and small, fruits, rents, emoluments and other duties whatsoever pertaining and belonging to the same; and all and sundry the parish churches, parsonages or rectories and vicarages of the same particularly underwritten, viz., the parish church rectory and vicarage of Govan, teinds great and small, fruits, rents, emoluments and duties of the same, manses, glebes, kirk lands, houses, buildings, gardens and others pertaining and belonging to the said church; with full and special power to the present governors of the said college of Glasgow and their successors in time to come, to choose, nominate, or present and receive a minister for serving the cure at the said church of Govan, who shall make his actual residence at the said church in all time to come, as often as need shall be. Which minister nominated and elected as aforesaid, shall be collated and admitted on every occasion, as often as the office shall be vacant, as the minister of the said church of Govan by his ordinary, according to the custom and order of the church. And also the parish church, rectory and vicarage of Renfrew, teinds great and small, kirk lands, rents and duties pertaining and belonging to the foresaid church of Renfrew: and the church of Kilbryde and church of Torrence united and annexed to the said church of Kilbryde, rectories and vicarages of the foresaid two churches, teinds great and small of the same, with the lands of the Kirktoun of Kilbryde, lands of Newhous and Mauchlenehall, anciently pertaining and belonging to the rectors of the said church of Torrence, and with all other lands, manses, glebes, gardens, orchards, teinds, fruits, rents, emoluments and duties pertaining and belonging to the foresaid churches of Kilbryde and Torrence, with all mansions, manor places, houses, buildings, gardens, orchards, pertaining and belonging of old to the rectories and vicarages of the said churches of Govan, Renfrew, Kilbryde and Torrence, lying within our said city of Glasgow; and specially that manse called the Chantoris Manse, and garden in Glasgow, on the east adjoining the alley of the vicars commonly called the Vicars' Alley, together with the house, garden, two acres of land, and the privilege of the commonty called Sanct Leonard's, of old pertaining to the rectors of Torrence in Newhous; and also the parish church, rectory and vicarage of Dalziel, and vicarage of Colmonel in Carrick, manses, glebes, kirklands, teinds, fruits, rents, emoluments and duties pertaining and belonging to the same; reserving and excepting always in favour of the ministers present and to come serving the cure at the said churches, their separate and particular manses and glebes according to the Acts of Parliament anent designations of manses and glebes to ministers thereupon made and granted. Moreover we, for us and our successors with consent foresaid give, grant, and for ever mortify and dispone in favour of the said college of Glasgow and to the foresaid persons and their successors in time to come, viz., to the principal, regents, masters, scholars, students and bursars of the same, all and sundry the teind sheaves and other teinds as well of the parsonage or rectory as of the vicarage of the said churches or parishes of Govan, Renfrew, Kilbryde, Torrence and Dalziel, and the said vicarage teinds of the said church of Colmonel in Carrick, mansions, manor places, houses, buildings, gardens, orchards, kirklands, maills, ferms, kains, customs, duties, and whole patrimony thereof pertaining and which may justly belong to the same. In like manner we, with consent foresaid, of new give, grant, mortify, dispone, and for us and our successors confirm in favour of the said college and university of Glasgow and whole body of members and incorporation thereof and their successors for ever: all and sundry the privileges and immunities of exemption and protection made and granted by our late dearest father King James; exempting simpliciter, likeas we by the tenor of our present charter exempt the foresaid persons, rectors, deans of faculty, principals, doctors, professors, masters, regents, students, beadles, clerks, booksellers, bookbinders, and all supposts and members of the said university and academy residing in the same (except prelates), and all their servants, and all and sundry their lands, tenements, possessions, rents, benefices less than prelacies, and their goods and gear whatsoever, private and common, moveable and immoveable, as well spiritual as temporal, within the said city of Glasgow and without the same, from all payment of all and sundry taxes, taxations, exactions, imposts, collections of sums of money, and from all watching, warding and pedages; and we declare and ordain them and their successors in time to come to be free and exempt from all tributes, collections and taxes ordinary and extraordinary heretofore imposed and to be imposed upon them and their lands, rents, sums of money, goods and gear whatsoever, common or private, in whatever way directly or indirectly; and that the said persons by themselves and their bailies, deputes, clerks, syndics and officers to be created, elected and admitted by them, for whom they shall be bound to answer, shall exercise all jurisdictions as well of courts as others within all the bounds and limits of the said lands and others pertaining and belonging to them in property and tenandry given and granted to the foresaid college by whatever persons at any time bygone; and that they shall possess, bruik, enjoy and exercise by themselves and their foresaids and their substitutes, all and sundry the said jurisdictions and immunities for their emolument and profit at their own free will and pleasure; Farther we, with consent foresaid, of new give, grant, mortify and dispone, and for us and our successors by the tenor of our present charter for ever confirm to the said college of Glasgow, and the principal, regents, masters and members of the incorporation thereof, and their successors in all time to come for ever, the customs of the Trone of the said city of Glasgow, great and small customs of fairs and markets, customs of mettis, measoris et wechtis of all and sundry emoluments, fruits, rents, profits, anniversaries and other commodities whatsoever pertaining and belonging to the said college of Glasgow, disponed by the archbishops of Glasgow, together with an annual rent of sixteen bolls of oat meal formerly provided and disponed also to the said college of Glasgow and the foresaid members thereof, to be uplifted and taken yearly between the feasts of the Nativity of our Lord and the purification of the Virgin Mary from the mill of Parthik, called Parthik mylne, mill lands, multures and pertinents of the same, lying within the barony of Glasgow; and in like manner all and sundry those lands and tenements anciently belonging to the said chapel of Saint Quintigern, founded within the Laigh Kirk of Glasgow, now provided and disponed in favour of the foresaid college of Glasgow, and members thereof above written, by James King, advocate, chaplain of the said chapel, and specially those tenements which were formerly described as consisting of two great chambers and three small chambers, with five cellars or booths, and the small garden on the back side of the same, formerly ruinous, but now built and restored lying within our said city of Glasgow, between the said college on the north, the cemetery of Blackfriers of the said city of Glasgow on the south, the common king's highway on the west, and a piece of land which was formerly a little meadow belonging to the said Blackfriars on the east side, but now the said little meadow is part of the said college, and the garden pertaining to the principal thereof; and on the south, where the said lands and tenements were bounded at the foresaid cemetery of the Blackfriers, the same are now bounded in a straight line from the church called the Blackfrier Kirk to the said public road on the south side; And generally we, with consent foresaid, give, grant, mortify and dispone, and for us and our successors by the tenor of our present charter for ever confirm to the said college of Glasgow and the members and successors thereof above written, and in their favour for ever, all and singular other lands, tenements, annual rents, manses, houses, buildings, gardens, orchards, maills, ferms, kains, customs, churches, benefices, teinds great and small, and other rents and duties whatsoever formerly pertaining and belonging, or which might pertain to the said university and college of Glasgow, founded, given, provided and mortified to the said university and college, and to the members and incorporation thereof as aforesaid, by our predecessors or whatsoever other persons, lay or cleric, together with all right, action, title and interest, petitory and possessory, which we and our predecessors and successors had, have, or in any way may have, claim or pretend thereto, by our royal prerogative, acts of annexations, and of revocations general and special, and other acts of parliament, civil, municipal and canon laws, statutes and constitutions of what kind soever; renouncing simpliciter the said right, law, and cause in favour of the said college of Glasgow, principals, regents, masters, scholars, bursars, members and incorporation of the same and their successors for ever; cum pacto de non petendo, and with supplement of all defects which may be objected and put forward in the contrary, and which we will to be held as expressed in this our present charter. Moreover we, with consent foresaid, have separated and disunited and dissolved all and singular the foresaid lands, tenements, annual rents, customs, mansions, manor places, houses, buildings, gardens, orchards, churches, benefices, parsonages or rectories, vicarages, chaplainries, altarages, prebends, maills, ferms, teinds, fruits, rents, emoluments and duties whatsoever pertaining and belonging to the same, and all and sundry others generally and specially above expressed, now mortified, gifted, provided and disponed in favour of the said college of Glasgow, members and incorporation thereof, from all prior foundations, mortifications, erections, benefices, and other incorporations, and specially from the acts of annexation of kirk lands to our crown: And of new have united, annexed and incorporated the same to the said college of Glasgow, and to the members and incorporation thereof and their successors for ever, to remain firmly with them and the said college, never to be dissolved or separated therefrom, in whole or in part, in time to come: And also we will and declare, and for us and our successors decern and ordain, that a single sasine now to be taken by the principal, or one of the said four regents of the said college of Glasgow at the fore gate of the said college, by virtue of our charter and precept of sasine thereupon to be directed, is and shall be a sufficient sasine to them and their successors, without any repetition or taking of any new sasine upon the premises at any time to come, notwithstanding that the foresaid lands, churches, benefices, and others generally and particularly above expressed, now united and annexed to the said college of Glasgow, do not lie contiguously together, because the said members of the foresaid college are one body and incorporation in solidum. And to the end that the said principal and four regents of the foresaid college of Glasgow for the present, and their successors in time to come, may certainly and perfectly know and understand the amount of annual rents, stipends belonging and allocated to every one of them, and which ought to be paid yearly to every one of them for their services and charge in the said university and college of Glasgow in all time coming, we, with consent foresaid, assign, allocate and dispone from the first and readiest rents of the said college to the foresaid principal thereof, and his successors in time to come, an annual salary, duty and stipend of one thousand pounds money of this our kingdom of Scotland; and to the first and principal of the said four regents of the said college and his successors, the sum of four hundred merks money foresaid yearly; and to the second regent the sum of three hundred merks, and to the third regent the sum of two hundred merks, and to the fourth regent, to wit, the lowest of all, the sum of one of one hundred merks money foresaid, to be paid to them and to their successors annually pro rato, as a yearly salary and stipend from the first and readiest rents of the said college of Glasgow, as they have been accustomed to receive these several years past, together with the daily victual and maintenance of the said principal and four regents in the foresaid college in the usual way; and also with the garden and house for the use of the said principal, to be inhabited and occupied by him and his family, as he and his predecessors formerly possessed and occupied, together with a servitor's stipend and daily victual, according to the foundation, and these over and above the stipends formerly enumerated: To have and to hold all and whole the university, academy and college of Glasgow, with the mansion, manor places, houses, buildings, gardens, orchards, tenements, lands and others generally and particularly above expressed, as well lying within as without the precinct of the said college, together with the foresaid other lands, tenements, mansions, manor places, houses, buildings, gardens, orchards, churches, benefices, parsonages or rectories, vicarages, prebends, chaplainries, altarages, manses, glebes, kirklands, customs, offices, immunities, privileges, annual rents, and others generally and specially foresaid, now united, annexed and incorporated in and to the said university and college of Glasgow, and to the members and incorporation thereof, together with all and sundry maills, ferms, customs, annual rents, duties, teinds greate and small, and others generally and particularly above mentioned, pertaining and belonging to the said university and college, and with all their parts, pendicles and pertinents, to the foresaid principal, regents, masters, scholars, and whole body and incorporation of the said university and college of Glasgow and their successors, of us and our successors, superiors thereof, in pure almsgift, fee and heritage for ever, by all their right meiths and old marches, as they lie in length and in breadth, with free ish and entry, and with all and sundry other liberties, commodities, profits, easements, and their right pertinents whatsover, as well not named as named, as well under the ground as above the ground, far and near, belonging, or that may rightly belong in any manner of way in time to come to the said university, college and academy and others foresaid, with their pertinents, freely, quietly, fully, wholly, honourably, well and in peace, without any hindrance, revocation, gainsaying or obstacle whatsoever. Rendering therefor yearly the said principal, regents, masters, and remanent members of the said university, academy and college of Glasgow and their successors, prayers and supplications to Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for us and our successors, together with the education and instruction of youth and students in the said university and college in sciences divine and human, as is incumbent upon them, and maintaining and supporting bursars, ordinary servants, and other members of the said college out of the remaining rents and fruits of the said college, in manner used and wont; and also paying yearly to the ministers serving the cure in the foresaid churches, and their successors for ever, the particular stipends underwritten, viz., to the minister of the said church of Renfrew yearly twelve chalders of victual; to the minister of the said churches of Kilbryde and Torrence, united into one church as aforesaid, an annual stipend of twelve chalders of victual; suspending nevertheless the payment of the said two stipends payable to the said rectors and ministers serving the cure in the said churches of Renfrew, Kilbryde and Torrence during all the days of the life respectively of master John Hay, now rector and minister of Renfrew, and master David Scharpe, rector and minister of Kilbryde and Torrence, during their lifetime only, because the said rectors and ministers of the foresaid churches are provided and in right of the said benefices during their lifetime; also paying to the minister of the said church of Govan and his successors an annual stipend of five hundred merks money foresaid, or five chalders of victual, at the will and pleasure of the principal, regents and masters of the said university and college of Glasgow. Reserving also to the minister of the said church of Dalzell and his successors their annual stipend, modified or to be modified according to the laws of our said kingdom of Scotland and Acts of Parliament, from the teinds of the foresaid parish of Dalzell: and the residue of all and singular the foresaid rents and duties now founded, mortified and bequeathed to the said university and college of Glasgow, to be applied and expended by the principal, regents, masters, members, and incorporation of the said university and college of Glasgow, and their successors, upon the fabric of the said college, and for the maintenance, reparation, and erection of works and buildings of the same, and for other pious uses, as they shall answer to God, and to us and our successors, patrons of the said university and college. Further, we promise, on the word of a prince, that our said charter and infeftment, with all therein contained, shall not only be ratified and approved in our first parliament, to be held within our said kingdom of Scotland with all solemnities, but also that we, with consent of the estates of our said parliament, of certain knowledge, in plain and open parliament, for weighty, evident and worthy causes of new, by voice, vote, or suffrage of the whole parliament, shall mortify, give, dispone, and for ever confirm to the foresaid university and college of Glasgow, principal, regents, masters, and whole body and incorporation thereof, and in their favour, all and singular the premises generally and particularly above mentioned, and that the said charter and infeftment, by special act of the foresaid parliament, shall be expressly declared to be reserved and excepted from the act of restitution of chapters made and concluded in the parliament held at Edinburgh in the month of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and seventeen, and that the said charter shall be declared, by a special act to be made thereupon, by us and the estates of our said parliament, to be as good, valid, and effectual as if the same had been granted, concluded, enacted, and specially excepted from our said act of restitution of the said chapters, as valid and ample as any exception which is contained or may be contained in the foresaid act. In witness whereof we have commanded our great seal to be affixed to this our present charter. Witnesses as in other charters of like date preceding.—At our palace or court of Saint James, the twenty-eighth day of the month of June, the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and thirty, and sixth year of our reign.