Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'CIII: Charter confirming charter no. CI', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'CIII: Charter confirming charter no. CI', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"CIII: Charter confirming charter no. CI". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
In this section
CIII. Charter by King Charles I., under his Great Seal, confirming to Ludovick, Duke of Lennox, the Charter, No. ci. Holyrood House, 1 April 1629.
[Latin text]
Carolus, Dei gratia Magne Britannie, Francie, et Hybernie, fideique defensor, Rex. Omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue, clericis et laicis salutem; Sciatis nos, cum auisamento et consensu predilecti nostri consanguinei et consiliarii Joannis comitis de Mar, domini Erskein et Garioche, etc., nostri principalis thesaurarii regni nostri Scotie, et remanentium dominorum nostri scaccarii nostrorum commissionariorum, pro concessione infeofamentorum et nostrorum reddituum infra hoc regnum nostrum gubernatione ordinatorum, quandam cartam alienationis, et dispositionem in eadem contentam, factam, datam et concessam per dilectum nostrum consiliarium Jacobum Glasguensem Episcopum, dominii baronie et regalitatis eiusdem, cum consensu decani et capituli Ecclesie Metropolitane de Glasgow, quondam nostro charissimo consanguineo Ludouico Duci Lennocie, heredibus suis masculis et successoribus hereditarie, de toto et integro officio balliuatus et justiciarie dicte baronie et regalitatis de Glasgow, infra bondas dicti dominii et baronie de Glasgow, et omnes partes eiusdem, tam infra dictum burgum de Glasgow quam extra, cum omnibus priuilegiis, immvnitatibus, feodis, casualitatibus et divoriis quibuscunque ad dictum officium quovismodo pertinentibus; Tenendo de dicto nostro consiliario Jacobo Archiepiscopo Glasguensi et successoribus suis Archiepiscopis eiusdem, de mandato nostro visam, lectam, inspectam et diligenter examinatam, sanam, integram, non rasam, non cancellatam, nec in aliqua sui parte suspectam, ad plenum intellexisse, sub hac forma: Omnibus hanc cartam visuris vel audituris, Jacobus Archiepiscopus Glasguensis [etc., ut supra, No. ci.]. Quamquidem cartam suprascriptam, alienationem et dispositionem in eadem contentas, in omnibus suis punctis et articulis, conditionibus et modis ac circumstanciis suis quibuscunque, in omnibus et per omnia, forma pariter et effectu, vt premissum est, ratificamus, approbamus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris, cum auisamento et consensu predicto, pro perpetuo confirmamus: Salvis tamen et reseruatis nobis et successoribus nostris, juribus et servitiis nobis et predicessoribus nostris de dicto officio ante hanc presentem nostram confirmationem debitis et consuetis. Insuper nos cum auisamento et consensu predicto, volumus et concedimus, as pro nobis et successoribus nostris decernimus et ordinamus, quod hec presens nostra confirmatio est, et omni tempore affuturo erit, tanti valoris, roboris, efficacie et effectus, charissimo nostro consanguineo Jacobo nunc Lennocie duci fratrueli et heredi dicti quondam charissimi nostri consanguinei Ludouici Lennocie ducis sui patrui, heredibus suis masculis et successoribus, pro gavisione et possessione dicti officii balliuatus et justiciarie suprascripte, as si eadem ipso vel dicto quondam Ludovico Lennocie duci, per nos vel nostros predicessores, sub suo magno sigillo, ante sasinam per ipsos de dicto officio, data et concessa fuisset, non obstante sasina alias de eodem suscepta, et omnibus defectibus et imperfectionibus quibuscunque sequentibus, vel que desuper sequi poterint, et omnibus actis, statutis et constitutionibus factis vel in contrarium faciendis; penes que nos pro nobis et successoribus, cum dicto charissimo consanguineo Jacobo nunc Lennocie duce fratrueli dicti quondam Ludouici Lennocie ducis sui patrui, heredibus masculis et successoribus suis, nunc et imperpetuum dispensamus. In Cuius Rei Testimonium, huic presenti carte nostre confirmationis, magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus. Testibus . . . Apud Halyrudhous, primo die mensis Aprilis, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo vigesimo nono, et regni nostri anno quinto.
Charles, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and defender of the faith, to all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting: Know ye that we, with advice and consent of our well-beloved cousin and counsellor, John, earl of Mar, lord Erskine and Garioche, etc., our principal treasurer of our kingdom of Scotland, and remanent lords of our Exchequer, our commissioners ordained for granting of infeftments, and oversight of our rents within this our kingdom, have fully understood a certain charter of alienation, and disposition contained therein, made, given, and granted by our well-beloved counsellor, James, Bishop of Glasgow, of the lordship, barony, and regality thereof, with consent of the dean and chapter of the metropolitan church of Glasgow, to our late dearest cousin Ludovic, duke of Lennox, his heirs male and successors heritably, of all and whole the office of bailliary and justiciary of the said barony and regality of Glasgow, within the bounds of the said lordship and barony of Glasgow, and all parts thereof, as well within the said burgh of Glasgow as outwith, with all privileges, immunities, fees, casualities, and duties whatsoever, pertaining in any manner of way to the said office; to be held of our said counsellor James, Archbishop of Glasgow, and his successors, archbishops thereof, by our mandate seen, read, inspected, and diligently examined, and found to be sound, whole, not erased, not cancelled, nor in any part thereof suspected, under this form: To All who shall see or hear this charter, James, Archbishop of Glasgow [etc., as above, No. ci.]. Which charter above written, the alienation and disposition therein contained, in all its points and articles, conditions and modes and circumstances whatsoever, in all and by all, alike in form and effect, as aforesaid, we ratify, approve, and for us and our successors, with advice and consent foresaid, for ever confirm. Saving nevertheless and reserving to us and our successors, the rights and services due and wont to us and our predecessors from the said office before this our present confirmantion. Further, we, with advice and consent foresaid, will and grant, and for us and our successors decern and ordain, that this our present confirmation is, and in all time to come shall be, of as great strength, force, efficacy, and effect, to our dearest cousin James, now duke of Lennox, brother's son and heir of our said de ceased dearest cousin Ludovic, duke of Lennox, his uncle, his heirs male and successors, for enjoying and possessing of the said office of bailliary and justiciary above written, as if the same had been given and granted to him or the said late Ludovic, duke of Lennox, by us or our predecessors, under onr Great Seal, before sasine by them of the said office, notwithstanding sasine otherwise taken of the same, and all defects and imperfections whatsoever following, or that may follow thereupon, and all acts, statutes, and constitutions made or to be made in the contrary; wheranent we, for us and our successors, with our said dearest cousin James, now duke of Lennox, nephew of the said deceased Ludovic, duke of Lennox, his uncle, his heirs male and successors, for now and ever dispense. In Witness Whereof, to this our present charter of confirmation, we have commanded our great seal to be appended. Witnesses. . . at Halyrudhous, the first day of the month of April, the year of God one thousand six hundred and twenty nine and of our reign the fifth year.