Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'CI: Charter disponing office of bailliary and justiciary to the Duke of Lennox (1621)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'CI: Charter disponing office of bailliary and justiciary to the Duke of Lennox (1621)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"CI: Charter disponing office of bailliary and justiciary to the Duke of Lennox (1621)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
In this section
CI. Charter by James, Archbishop of Glasgow, disponing to Ludovick, Duke of Lennox, the office of bailliary and justiciary of the Barony and Regality of Glasgow. Edinburgh, 7 August 1621.
[Latin text]
Omnibus hanc cartam visurus vel audituris, Jacobus, Archiepiscopus Glasguensis, ac dominus baronie et regalitatis eiusdem, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Cum nobis certo innotescat illustrem et prepotentem principem Ludovicum Lennocie ducem comitem Darnlie et Richmond, dominum Methven, Torboltoun, et Sanctandree, magnum regni Scotie Admirallum, et camerarium, suosque nobilissimos predicessores Lennocie Comites, officio balliuatus, regalitatis et justiciarie infra bondas dominii et baronie de Glasgow, supra omnium hominum memo riam functos et gavisos fuisse, et quod eorum authoritate, ope et auxilio tenentes et inhabitantes dicti dominii et baronie in firmiori obsequio et servitio nobis nostrisque predicessoribus Glasguensibus Archiepisecopis hucvsque perstiterunt; et cum pro conseruatione privilegiorum eiusdem regalitatis equum et necesse sit, dictum illustrem principem suosque heredes infrascriptos in jure et titulo dicti officii, quam potissime et rite fieri potest, confirmari et stabiliri, vtpote quod in evidentem nostri nostrorumque successorum vtilitatem et compendium cedat. Noveritis igitur nos, cum expressis auisamento et consensu et assensu decani et capituli Ecclesie nostre Metropolitane Glasguensis, dedisse, concessise, disposuisse, et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse, necnon tenore presentium dare, concedere, disponere, et hac presenti carta nostra confirmare dicto nobili et potenti principi, Ludouico Lennocie duci, heredibus suis masculis et successoribus, hereditarie, Totum et Integrum dictum officium oficium balliuatus et justiciarie dicte baronie et regalitatis Glasguensis infra bondas dicti dominii et baronie de Glasgow, et omnes eiusdem partes tam infra quam extra burgum de Glasgow, cum omnibus privilegiis et immvnitatibus, feodis, casualitatibus et devoriis quibuscunque, dicto officio quovismodo pertinentibus solitis et consuetis: Dando et Concedendo dicto nobili principi suisque heredibus masculis predictis nostram plenariam potestatem, curias justiciarie et balliuatus dicte nostre regalitatis, infra bondas dicti dominii et baronie de Glasgow, tam infra quam extra dictum burgum de Glasgow, et tam in causis criminalibus quam in ciuilibus, quacunque parte vel loco dicti dominii, toties quoties ipsis expediens videbitur, statuendi, tenendi, inchoandi, affirmandi et continuandi; sectas vocare causandi; omnes et singulas actiones et causas tam criminales quam civiles et alias causas quascunque, coram ipsis suisve deputatis, tanquam justiciariis et balliuis dicte regalitatis infra bondas dicti dominii, motas seu movendas, aut priuilegium dicte regalitatis concernentes, audiendi, et juxta regni jura et consuetudinem patrie determinandi et decidendi; decreta, judicia, rotulamenta, acta, literas testimoniales et alia scripta necessaria, desuper dandi, et eadem debite exequutioni demandandi vel demandari faciendi; delinquentes et transgressores puniendi; tenentes et inhabitantes dicti dominii et baronie coram aliis judicibus quibuscunque attachiatos, arrestatos et vocatos, in quibuscunque causis ciuilibus quam criminalibus, a dictis judicibus et eorum jurisdictione ad priuilegium et libertatem dicte regalitatis et curiarum eiusdem reducendi et replegiandi; cautionem de Colleraith, vel aliam cautionem quamcunque, pro justicia partibus conquerentibus infra terminum juris administranda, dandi et inveniendi: Et super omnibus criminibus et delictis judicandi; exitus et amereiamenta curiarum justiciarie et balliuatus dicti dominii, baronie et regalitatis eiusdem, vnacum escaetis dictarum curiarum que ratione convictionis ad nos pertinere possent, petendi, levandi, exigendi, et ad vsus suos proprios applicandi: Exceptis et reservatis nobis nostrisque successoribus escaetis reorum homicidii vel murthuri, et pro dictis criminibus convictorum; brevia inquisitionis et alia quecunque ad capellam nostram dicte nostre regalitatis hac parte eiusdem infra dictas bondas eiusdem dominii et baronie de Glasgow in formis solitis et consuetis quoties opus fuerit dirigendi, eademque debite deserviri faciendi, et ad dictam nostram capellam retornandi; sasinam super nostris sasine preceptis super dictis retornatis, et aliis nostris sasine preceptis quibuscunque, dandi et deliberandi, et sasinarum boves levandi, et ad vsus proprios applicandi; deputatos sub ipsis in dictis officiis justiciarie et balliuatus, vnacum clericis, serjandis et adjudicatoribus, aliisque curie membris necessariis, faciendi, creandi, substituendi et ordinandi, pro quibus respondere tenebuntur: Cum Potestate etiam prefato nobili principi, heredibus suis et successoribus antedictis, omnes et singulos nostros homines et tenentes et alios quoscunque infra dictum dominium et baroniam de Glasgow commorantes, ad conveniendum cum ipsis nostris balliuis eorumque deputatis, quoties opus fuerit, pro fortificatione authoritatis serenissimi domini nostri Regis successorumque suorum, ac manutentione, defensione et obseruatione immunitatum, priuilegiorum et libertatum nostri successorumque nostrorum, ac regalitatis nostre dicti dominii et baronie de Glasgow, et inhabitantium eiusdem, ac presidio dictorum nostrorum balliuorum in suis propriis negotiis, sub penis in talibus vsitatis et consuetis, mandandi, gerendi et percipiendi, et anniversariam lustrationem faciendi; certeraque omnia experiendi et administrandi, que ad dicta officia infra limites et bondas dicte baronie de jure et consuetudine pertinere dignoscuntur. Tenendum et Habendum totum et integrum dictum officium balliuatus et justiciarie dicte baronie et regalitatis, cum omnibus et singulis escaetis, priuilegiis, immunitatibus, feodis, casualitatibus et divoriis quibuscunque predictis, prenominato nobili principi, heredibus masculis et successoribus suis, de nobis et successoribus nostris Glasguensibus Archiepiscopis, in feodo, hereditate et libera albafirma imperpetnum; cum omnibus aliis libertatibus, proficuis, asiamentis ac iustis suis pertinentiis quibuscunque, tam non nominatis quam nominatis, ad predictum officium spectantibus seu iuste spectare valentibus quomodolibet infuturum, libere, quiete, plenarie, integre, honorifice, bene et in pace, sine aliquo impedimento, reuocatione, contradictione aut obstaculo aliquali. Reddendo inde annuatim dictus nobilis mandatum habentes, homicidii ant furti criminis infra dictum burgum committentes in recenti et flagranti crimine apprehendere, et in publicam custodiam et carcerem committere, postea infra juris terminum vel ad maximum infra viginti quatuor horas deputatis dicti nobilis principis offerendos et presentandos, vt super iis justicia habeatur vel administretur secundum leges patrie. Acetiam licebit nobis et successoribus nostris creare et constituere ballivos, clericos, serjandos et alia curie membra necessaria, infra bondas dicti dominii et baronie de Glasgow, coram quibus nos nostrique factores et camerarii actiones moueant contra tenentes et vassallos dicte baronie, aliosque censuum nostrorum debitores, pro solutione censuum, firmarum, canarum, custumarum et aliarum diuoriarum nobis nostrisque successoribus debitarum: Et ad hunc effectum curias statuere et figere quoties opus fuerit, tantummodo, et non ad alium vsum vel finem. Et nos vero dictus Jacobus Glasguensis Archiepiscopus et successores nostri, totum et integrum dictum officium balliuatus et justiciarie totius baronie et regalitatis de Glasgow, tam infra burgum quam extra totius dicte baronie, cum omnibus priuilegiis, immunitatibus, feodis, casualitatibus et diuoriis quibuscunque, dicto officio quovismodo pertinentibus, prenominato nobili principi heredibus suis masculis et successoribus, in omnibus et per omnia, forma pariter et effectu, vt effectum princeps, heredes sui masculi et successores, nobis et successoribus nostris, vnum denarium vsualis monete huius regni Scotie in die festo Penthecostes, nomine albefirme si petatur tantum, apud castrum de Glasgow; et ministrando justitiam provt de jure convenit, pro omni alio onere, exactione, questione, demanda seu servitio seculari, que de predicto officio per quoscunque juste exigi poterit quomodolibet vel requiri. Prouiso tamen quod dictus illustris princeps suique successores tenebuntur vnum ex suis deputatis in dictis officiis habere, qui continuo resideat et habitet infra dictum burgum de Glasgow, qui paratus sit ad omnem occasionem transgressores et delinquentes apprehendere, carcerare et ad delicti modum punire. Acetiam dicti deputati, tarn extra quam infra dictum burgum residentes, tenebuntur, omni cum obsequio et reverentia, nos et nostros successores persequi et observare. Et si contra fecerint, vel in justitia ministranda defecerint, dictus illustris princeps suique successores tenebuntur ad nostram vel successorum nostrorum delationem et intimationem in deputato[s] suos delatos inquirere, et, causa recognita, officio privare, aliosque magis morigeros, obedientes et justitie fautores in eorum locum substituere. Et si quando contingat dictos deputatos abesse e dicto burgo, licebit nobis nostrisque successoribus, per nos aliosque nostrum speciale est, contra omnes mortales warrantizabimus a nostro proprio facto acquietabimus et imperpetuum defendemus. Insuper dilectis nostris, domino Waltero Steuart de Mynto militi, et eorum cuilibet conjunctim et diuisim, balliuis nostris in hac parte specialiter constitutis, salutem. Vobis et vestrum cuilibet precipimus et firmiter mandamus, quatenus visis presentibus, indilate statum, sasinam hereditariam, pariter et possessionem realem actualem et corporalem totius et integri dicti officii balliuatus et justiciarie dicte baronie et regalitatis de Glasgow, infra bondas predicti dominii et baronie de Glasgow, et omnes eiusdem partes, tam infra quam extra burgum de Glasgow, cum omnibus priuilegiis, immunitatibus, feodis, casualitatibus et diuoriis quibuscunque dicto officio quovismodo pertinentibus solitis et consuetis, prenominato nobili et potenti principi Ludouico Lennocie duci, vel suo certo actornato latori presentium, secundum consuetudinem huius regni in talibus fieri et tenorem carte nostre antedicte, in omnibus suis punctis, tradatis et deliberetis, seu aliquis vestrum tradat et deliberet, et hoc nullo modo omittatis: Ad quod faciendum vobis et vestrum cuilibet conjunctim et diuisim balliuis meis in hac parte antedictis, meam plenariam et irreuocabilem tenore presentium committimus potestatem. In Cujus Rei testimonium, presentibus, per Franciscum Kennedie servitorem Thome M'Awlay scribe in Edinburgh scriptis, manu nostra subscriptis, vnacum subscriptionibus manualibus dicti decani et capituli dicte ecclesie nostre de Glasgow, sigillum nostrum proprium vnacum sigillo communi dicte ecclesie sunt appensa; Apud Edinburgh, septimo die mensis Augusti, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo vigesimo primo; coram his testibus, domino Roberto Steuart de Scheillinglaw, milite, Georgio Law, meo filio legitimo, Magistro Jacobo Law meo servitore, Magistro Jacobo Seatoun de Littill Fawside, Magistro Joanne Andersoun et Frederico Wetche, servitoribus dicti domini Roberti Steuart de Scheillinglaw militis.
To all who shall see or hear this charter, James, Archbishop of Glasgow, and lord of the barony and regality of the same, greeting in God everlasting. Whereas it has certainly been made known to us that an illustrious and most mighty prince, Ludovic, duke of Lennox, earl Darnlie and Richmond, lord Methven, Torboltoun and St Andrews, great admiral and chamberlain of the realm of Scotland, and his most noble predeccssors earls of Lennox, have possessed and enjoyed, beyond all memory of man, the office of bailliary, regality and justiciary within the bounds of the lordship and barony of Glasgow, and that through their authority, help and assistance the tenants and inhabitants of the said lordship and barony have hitherto continued in most stedfast obedience and service to us and our predecessors, archbishops of Glasgow; and seeing that right and necessary it is for the preservation of the privileges of the said regality, that the said illustrious prince and his heirs underwritten be confirmed and established in the right and title of the said office, as efficaciously and righteously as may be done, as conducing to the evident weal and advantage of us and our successors: Therefore, know ye that we, with express advice and consent and assent of the dean and chapter of our metropolitan church of Glasgow, have given, granted, disponed, and by this our present charter confirmed, and by the tenor hereof give, grant, dispone, and by this our present charter confirm, to the said noble and mighty prince, Ludovic, duke of Lennox, his heirs male and successors heritably, All and Whole the said office of bailliary and justiciary of the said barony and regality of Glasgow, within the bounds of the said lordship and barony of Glasgow, and all parts thereof, as well within as outwith the burgh of Glasgow, with all the privileges and immunities, fees, casualties and duties whatsoever, in any way pertaining, used and wont, to the said office. Giving and Granting to the said noble prince and his heirs male foresaid our full power to set, hold, begin, affirm and continue courts of justiciary and bailliary of our said regality, within the bounds of the said lordship and barony of Glasgow, as well within as outwith the said burgh of Glasgow, and in criminal as well as in civil causes, in any part or place of the said lordship, as often as it shall seem expedient to them; suits to cause be called; all and sundry actions and causes, as well criminal as civil, and other causes whatsover, moved or to be moved before them or their deputes as justiciars and bailies of the said regality within the bounds of the said lordship, or concerning the privilege of the said regality, to hear, and according to the laws of the kingdom and custom of the country to determine and decide; decreets, judgments, rolls, acts, certificates and other writings needful, to give thereanent, and to put or cause the same to be put to due execution; delinquents and transgressors to punish; tenants and inhabitants of the said lordship and barony, before whatever other judges they be attached, arrested and called, in whatever causes, civil or criminal, to reclaim and replege from the said judges and their jurisdiction to the privilege and freedom of the said regality and courts thereof; surety of colleraith, or other surety whatsoever, to parties complaining, for administration of justice within term of law to give and find; and to adjudicate upon all crimes and misdemeanors; issues and amercements of the justice and bailie courts of the said lordship, barony and regality thereof, together with the escheats of court, which by reason of conviction may appertain to us, to ask, lift, exact, and apply to their own proper use; excepting and reserving to us and our successors the escheats of persons accused of homicide and murder, and convicted of the said crimes; briefs of inquest and others whatsoever to direct to our chancery of our said regality, on behalf thereof, within the said bounds of the said lordship and barony of Glasgow in forms used and wont, as often as need be, and to cause the same to be duly served and retoured to our said chancery; sasine upon our precepts of sasine upon the said retours, and our other precepts of sasine whatsoever, to give and delivers, and uplift and apply to their own use the sasine oxen; deputes under them in the said offices of justiciary and bailliary, together with clerks, serjeants, and adjudicators, and other members of court needful, to make, create, substitute and ordain, for whom they shall be bound to answer. With Power also to the foresaid noble prince, his heirs and successors foresaid, to charge, direct, and command all and sundry our men and tenants and others whomsoever dwelling within the said lordship and barony of Glasgow, to convene with our said bailies and their deputes, as often as need shall be, for the upholding of the authority of our sovereign lord the king and his successors, and maintaining, defending, and observing of the immunities, privileges and freedoms of us and our successors, and of our regality of the said lordship and barony of Glasgow and inhabitants thereof, and for the protection of our said bailies in their proper affairs, under the penalties in such cases used and wont, and to hold the yearly riding of the marches; and to exercise and perform all other things that by right and custom are known to pertain to the said offices within the bounds and limits of the said barony. To Have And To Hold all and whole the said office of bailliary and justiciary of the said barony and regality with all and sundry escheats, privileges, immunities, fees, casualities and duties whatsoever aforesaid, to the beforenamed noble prince, his heirs male and successors, of us and our successors archbishops of Glasgow, in fee, heritage and free blenchferm, for evermore; with all other freedoms, profits, easements and their right pertinents whatsoever, as well not named as named, belonging or that may rightly belong in any way in time to come to the foresaid office, freely, quietly, fully, wholly, honourably, well and in peace, without any impediment, revocation, gainsaying or hindrance whatsoever. Paying therefor yearly the said noble prince, his heirs male and successors, to us and our successors, one penny usual money of this realm of Scotland on the day of the feast of Whitsunday, in name of blenchferm if asked only, at the castle of Glasgow; and administering of justice, agreeably to law, for every other burden, exaction, quest, demand or secular service, which may rightly in any manner of way be exacted or required of the foresaid office by any whomsoever. Provided nevertheless that the said illustrious prince and his successors shall be bound to have one of their deputes in the said offices, who shall continually reside and dwell within the said burgh of Glasgow, who shall be ready on every occasion to apprehend, incarcerate and punish, according to the measure of their fault, transgressors and delinquents. Also the said deputes, residing as well outwith as within the said burgh shall be bound to attend and wait on us and our successors with all worship and reverence. And if they do in the contrary, or fail in administering of justice, the said illustrious prince and his successors shall be bound at our or our successors' delation and information, to make inquiry about his deputes delated, and on taking cognition of the cause to remove them from office, and substitute in their stead others more attentive, obedient, and favourers of justice. And if at any time the said deputes shall happen to be absent from the said burgh, it shall be lawful to us and our successors by ourselves and others having our special mandate, to apprehend committers of the crime of homicide or theft within the said burgh taken in the act, and to commit to public custody and prison; afterwards within term of law or at the most within twenty-four hours, to be offered and presented to the deputes of the said noble prince, that justice may be had or ministered upon them according to the laws of the country. Also it shall be lawful to us and our successors to create and constitute bailies, clerks, serjeants and other members of court needful, within the bounds of the said lordship and barony of Glasgow, before whom we and our factors and chamberlains may bring actions against the tenants and vassals of the said barony, and others debtors of our rents, for payment making of rents, maills, kains, customs, and other duties due to us and our successors; and to that effect to set and fix courts, so oft as may be needful, only, and not to any other use or end. And we the said James archbishop of Glasgow and our successors, shall warrant from our own proper fact, acquit and for ever defend against all deadly all and whole the said office of bailliary and justiciary of the whole barony and regality of Glasgow, as well within as outwith of all the said barony, with all privileges, immunities, fees, casualities, and duties whatsoever, in any way belonging to the said office, to the forenamed noble prince, his heirs male and successors, in all and by all, alike in form and effect as aforesaid. Further, to our well-beloved Sir Walter Steuart of Mynto, knight, . . . and every one of them jointly and severally our bailies in that part specially constitute, greeting. We command and strictly charge you and every one of you that on sight hereof, incontinent ye give and deliver, or any one of you give and deliver, state, heritable sasine, and real actual and corporal possession of all and whole the said office of bailliary and justiciary of the said barony and regality of Glasgow, within the bounds of the foresaid lordship and barony of Glasgow, and all parts thereof, as well within as outwith the burgh of Glasgow, with all privileges, immunities, fees, casualties, and duties whatsoever pertaining in any manner to the said office, used and wont, to the forenamed noble and mighty prince, Ludovic, duke of Dennox, or his certain attorney bearer hereof, according to the custom of this kingdom in such cases, and the tenor of our foresaid charter in all its points. And this in no wise ye leave undone. To the doing whereof by the tenor of these presents we commit to you and every one of you, jointly and severally, our bailies in that part aforesaid, my full and irrevocable power. In Witness Whereof to these presents, written by Francis Kennedy, servitor to Thomas M'Awlay, writer in Edinburgh, subscribed with our hand, together with the subscription manual of the said dean and chapter of our said church of Glasgow, our proper seal, together with the common seal of the said church is appended. At Edinburgh, the seventh day of the month of August, the year of God one thousand six hundred and twenty one, before these witnesses, Sir Robert Steuart of Scheillinglaw, knight; George Law, my lawful son; Master James Law, my servitor; Master James Seatoun of Littill Fawside; Master John Andersoun and Frederick Wetshe, servitors to the said Sir Robert Steuart of Scheillinglaw, knight.