C: Charter of disponition of Subdean Milns (1620)

Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.

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'C: Charter of disponition of Subdean Milns (1620)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp309-314 [accessed 6 March 2025].

'C: Charter of disponition of Subdean Milns (1620)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp309-314.

"C: Charter of disponition of Subdean Milns (1620)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp309-314.

In this section

C. Charter by Sir Walter Stewart of Mynto, disponing to the Provost, Bailies, Dean of Guild, Treasurer, Deacons of the Crafts, Councillors, and Community of the Burgh and City of Glasgow, the two corn mills and man mill called the Subdean's mills, with the little kiln belonging thereto, and the multures and others therein mentioned. Glasgow, 5 May 1620.

[Latin text]

Omnibus hanc cartam visuris vel audituris Dominus Walterus Stewart de Mynto, miles, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noveritis me, cum consensu et assensu Domine Christine Craufurd mee sponse, pro perimpletione vnius partis cujusdam contractus initi et confecti inter me cum consensu et assensu dicte mee spouse ab vna, et Jacobum Stewart propositum, Gabrielum Conynghame, Jacobum Braidwoode et Magistrum Willelmum Stewart, baliuos burgi et ciuitatis Glasguensis, Jacobum Hammiltoun, Jacobum Inglis, Colinum Campbell, decanum de gild, Joannem Conynghame, thesaurarium, Patricium Maxwell, deaconum deaconorum, Matheum Trumble, Willelmum Weymes, Joannem Rowat, Allanum Conynghame, Joannem Diksoun, Joannem Gilmour, Robertum Flemyng, Jacobum Stewart, Walterum Stirling, Robertum Rowat, Thomam Morsoun, Ninianum Andirsoun, Gabrielum Smyth, Alexandrum Cauldwell, Dauidem Scherar, Willelmum Howie, Willelmum Neilsoun, Seniorem, Joannem Padie, Jacobum, Lychtbodie, Andream Mylne, consules dicti burgi; Joannem Stewart, decanum fabrorum murariorum, Jacobum Allansoun, decanum fabrorum lignariorum, Thomam Gray, decanum sartorum, Thomam Richie, decanum coriariorum, Joannem Hall, decanum chirurg[or]um, Willelmum Neilsoun, juniorem, visitorem polentariorum, Michaelem Spens, decanum piliariorum, Matheum Glen, decanum pistorum, Archibaldum Patersoun, decanum textorum, et Willemum Watsoun decanum lanionum, pro seipsis ac onus super ipsos accipientes pro communitate dicti burgi, partibus ab altera, prout in dicto contractu de data decimo tertio et vigesimo quinto die mensis Septembris vltimo elapsi plenius continetur, vendidisse, alienasse, et hac presenti carta mea confirmasse, necnon vendere alienare et hac presenti carta mea confirmare preposito, balliuis, decano de gild, thesaurario, deaconibus artium, consulibus et communitati dicti burgi et ciuitatis presentibus et eorum successoribus in officiis in perpetuum, absque vlla reversione, redemptione aut regressu aliquali Tota Et Integra ilia duo molendina lie corne mylnes et illud molendinum lie man mylne, vocata Molendina Subdecani dicto burgo adjacentia et parvum vstrinum eisdem spectans, cum astrictis multuris et sequelis eorundem et vstrinorum eisdem astrictorum tarn hactenus edificatorum quam edificandorum; vnacum multuris et sequelis de Eistir et Westir Craigis debitis et consuetis, lie damnis, waterdrauchtis, eisdem molendinis spectantibus, passagiis, libero introitu et exitu solitis et consuetis, et omnibus aliis privilegiis et pertinentiis eisdem incumbentibus quibuscunque; cum speciali priuilegio et libertate effodiendi lapides lie fewall faill et divote pro reparatione et sustentatione dictorum molendinorum lie damnis, wattirdrauchtis et passagiorum eorundem, ac cum privilegio et libertate effodiendi lapides pro sustentatione dictorum vstrinorum et edificatione dicti parvi vstrini et sustentatione eiusdem; vnacum superioritate omnium et singulorum viginti trium vstrinorum hactenus edificatorum et hortorum eorundem dictis molendinis prope adjacentium et astrictorum; vnacum omnibus annuis redditibus feodifirmalibus de dictis vstrinis et hortis mihi et heredibus meis debitis et astrictis, extendentibus annuatim ad summam centum duarum librarum xiijs. iiijd monete hujus regni Scocie. Tenenda Et Habenda tota et integra dicta illa molendina lie corne mylnis et illud molendinum lie man mylne vocata Molendina Subdecani [etc., ut supra] prenominatis proposito, balliuis, decano de gild, thesaurario, consulibus, deaconibus artium et communitati dicti burgi et ciuitatis presentibus et eorum successoribus in officiis de me heredibus meis et successoribus in feodo et hereditate in perpetuum libere plenarie quiete integre honorifice bene et in pace sine aliquo impedimento contradictione aut obstaculo aliquali: Reddendo inde annuatim prefati propositi, balliui, decanus de gild, thesaurarius, consules, deaconi artium, et communitas dicti burgi et civitatis presentes et eorum successores in officiis mihi heredibus meis et successoribus meis summam sexcentarum librarum monete antedicte ad duos anni terminos consuetos festa, videlicet, Pentecostes et Sancti Martini in hyeme per equales portiones nomine feodifirme tantum, pro omni alio onere exactione questione demanda seu servicio seculari que de predictis molendinis, vstrinis, hortis, astrictis multuris, et sequelis antedictis, cum pertinentiis per quoscunque juste exigi poterint quomodolibet vel requiri. Et Ego vero dictus dominus Walterus Stewart de Mynto, miles, heredes mei et successores prescripti cum consensu et assensu antedictis tota et integra dicta duo molendinaria lie corne mylnis et illud molendarium lie man mylne [etc., ut supra] prefatis proposito, balliuis, decano de gild, thesaurario, consulibus, deaconibus artium et communitati dicti burgi et civitatis presentibus et eorum successoribus ab omnibus wardis, releviis, non introitibus, conjunctis infeodationibus, dominarum tertiis, vitalibus redditibus, annuis redditibus, eschaetis, forisfacturis, reductionibus, purprusiis, disclamationibus, bastardiis, alienationibus, sasinis priuatis seu publicis, inhibitionibus, interdictionibus, evictionibus, reversionibus, redemptionibus, appreciationibus, assedationibus longis seu brevibus, feodifirmariis, taxationibus aut aliis impositionibus, periculis, damnis et inconvenientiis quibuscunque quam non nominatis quam nominatis preteritis presentibus seu futuris, secundum formam et tenorem dicti contractus warrantizabimus, acquietabimus et in perpetuum defendemus. Insuper dilectis meis Niniano Stewart, portionario de Newtoun . . . ac vestrum cuilibet conjunctim et divisim, balliuis meis in hac parte specialiter constitutis salutem. Vobis precipio et firmiter mando quatenus visis presentibus indilate statum et sasinam hereditariam, necnon realem actualem et corporalem possessionem totorum et integrorum predictorum duorum molendinorum [etc., ut supra] prenominatis proposito, balliuis, decano de gild, thesaurario, consulibus, deaconibus artium et communitati dicti burgi et ciuitatis presentibus et eorum successoribus inofficiis vel eorum certis actornatis latoribus presentium per terre et lapidis fundi lie clap et hopper et vnius denarij respectiue deliberationem ut moris est secundum formam et tenorem antescripte mee carte tradatis et deliberetis seu aliquis vestrum tradat seu deliberet et hoc nullo modoomittatis: ad quod faciendum vobiset vestrum cuilibet conjunctim et divisim meam plenariam et irrevocabilem tenore presentium committo potestatem. In Cujus Rei Testimonium huic presenti carte mee (ex chyrographo Adami Scot seruitoris Joannis Thomsoun clerici dicti burgi et ciuitatis) manu mea ac manu dicte mee sponse in signum ejus consensus et assensus sigillum meum proprium est appensum, apud Glasgow quinto die mensis Maij anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo vigesimo, coram his testibus magistro Jacobo Corbet de Towcors, Magistro Jacobo Andirsoun, Georgio Huchesoun de Lambhill et Adamo Scot servitore Joannis Thomsoun clerici dicti burgi [Sic subscribitur]. S. W. Stewart off Mynto; J. Corbet, witnes; J. Andersoun, witnes; Adame Scot, witnes; George Huchesone, witnes.


To all who shall see or hear this charter, Sir Walter Stewart of Mynto, knight, greeting in the Lord everlasting. Know ye that I, with consent and assent of Lady Christian Craufurd, my spouse, for fulfilment of a part of a certain contract made and concluded between me, with consent and assent of my said spouse on the one part, and James Stewart, provost, Gabriel Conynghame, James Braidwoode, and Master William Stewart, bailies of the burgh and city of Glasgow; James Hammiltoun, James Inglis, Colin Campbell, dean of gild; John Conynghame, treassurer; Patric Maxwell, deacon convener; Matthew Trumble, William Weymes, John Rowat, Allan Conynghame, John Diksoun, John Gilmour, Robert Flemyng, James Stewart, Walter Stirling, Robert Rowat, Thomas Morsoun, Ninian Andirsoun, Gabriel Smyth, Alexander Cauldwell, David Scherar, William Howie, William Neilsoun, elder; John Padie, James Lychtbodie, Andrew Mylne, councillors of the said burgh; John Stewart, deacon of the masons; James Allansoun, deacon of the wrights; Thomas Gray, deacon of the tailors; Thomas Richie, deacon of the cordiners; John Hall, deacon of the chirurgeons; William Neilsoun, younger, visitor of the maltmen; Michael Spens, deacon of the bonnet-makers; Matthew Glen, deacon of the bakers; Archibald Patersoun, deacon of the weavers; and William Watsoun, deacon of the fleshers, for themselves, and taking burden upon them for the community of the said burgh, on the other part, as in the said contract of date the thirteenth and twenty-fifth days of the month of September last bypast more fully is contained, have sold, alienated, and by this my present charter confirmed, and sell, alienate, and by this my present charter confirm to the provost, bailies, dean of gild, treasurer, deacons of the crafts, councillors and community of the said burgh and city that now are, and their successors in office for ever, without any reversion, redemption, or regress whatever, All And Whole those two mills, the Corne Mylnes, and that mill the Man Mylne, called the Subdean's Mills, lying beside the said burgh, and a little kiln belonging to the same, with the thirled multures and sequels thereof, and of the kilns astricted to them, as well already built as to be built; together with the multures and sequels of Eistir and Westir Craigis due and wont, dams, water-draughts belonging to the said mills, passages, free ish and entry used and wont, and all other privileges and pertinents whatsoever pertaining to them, with the special privilege and freedom of digging stones, fewall, faill and divot, for mending and upholding the said mills, dams, water-draughts, and passages of the same, and with privilege and freedom to quarry stones for upholding of the said kilns, and building of the said little kiln, and upholding thereof; together with the superiority of all and sundry twenty-three kilns heretofore built, and gardens of the same lying adjacent to the said mills and astricted to them; together with all annual rents of feefarm due and astricted to me and my heirs furth of the said kilns and yards, extending yearly to the sum of one hundred and two pounds thirteen shillings and fourpence money of this realm of Scotlaud. To Have And To Hold all and whole the said mills, the Come Mylnis, and that mill, the Man Mylne, called the Subdean's Mills [etc.], to the forenamed provost, bailies, dean of gild, treasurer, councillors, deacons of the crafts, and community of the said burgh and city now being, and their successors in office, of me, my heirs and successors in fee and heritage for ever, freely, fully, quietly, wholly, honourably, well and in peace, without any hindrance, gainsaying, or obstacle whatsoever. Paying therefor yearly the foresaid provosts, bailies, dean of gild, treasurer, councillors, deacons of the crafts, and community of the said burgh and city, now being, and their successors in office, to me, my heirs and successors, the sum of six hundred pounds money foresaid, at the two usual terms in the year, to wit, the feasts of Whitsunday and Martinmas in winter, by even portions, in name of feufarm only, for all other burden, exaction, quest, demand, or secular service, which may be rightly exacted or required in any manner of way, from the foresaid mills, kilns, yards, thirled multures, and sequels foresaid, with their pertinents, by any whomsoever. And I the said Sir Walter Stewart of Mynto, knight, my heirs and successors beforewritten, with consent and assent foresaid, shall warrant, acquit, and for ever defend, according to the form and tenor of the said contract, all and whole the said two mills, the Corn Mylnes, and that mill, called the Man Mylne [etc.], to the foresaid provost, bailies, dean of gild, treasurer, councillors, deacons of the crafts, and community of the said burgh and city now being, and their successors, from all wards, reliefs, non-entries, conjoint fees, ladies tierces, liferents, annualrents, escheats, forfeitures, reductions, purprusions, disclamations, bastardies, alienations, private or public scizins, inhibitions, interdictions, evictions, reversions, redemptions, apprizings, tacks long or short, feefarms, taxations, or other impositions, risks, skaith, and inconvenients whatsoever, as well not named as named, past, present, or to come, according to the form and tenor of the said contract. Moreover, to my well-beloved Ninian Stewart, portioner of Newtown, . . . and every one of you, jointly and severally, my bailies in that part specially constituted, greeting. I charge and strictly command you, that on sight hereof, incontinent ye give and deliver, or any one of you give and deliver, state and heritable seizin, and real, actual, and corporal possession of all and whole the foresaid two mills [etc.], to the forenamed provost, bailies, dean of gild, treasurer, councillors, deacons of the crafts and community of the said burgh and city now being, and their successors in office, or to their certain attorneys bearers hereof, by delivery of earth and stone of the ground, the clap and hopper, and one penny respectively, as use is, according to the form and tenor of my before-written charter; and this in no wise ye leave undone. For the doing whereof, to you and every one of you, jointly and severally, by the tenor hereof, I commit my full and irrevocable power. In Witness whereof to this my present charter (written by Adam Scot, servitor to John Thomson, clerk of the said burgh and city), with my hand and the hand of my said spouse, in token of her consent and assent, my proper seal is appended, at Glasgow, the fifth day of the month of May, the year of God one thousand six hundred and twentieth, before these witnesses, Master James Corbet of Towcors, Master James Andirsoun, George Hutchesoun of Lambhill, and Adam Scot, servitor to John Thomsoun, clerk of the said burgh. Sic subscribitur S. W. Stewart of Mynto. Ja. Corbet, witness; J. Anderson, witness; Adame Scott, witness; George Hutchesoune, witness.