LXXXVIII: Charter of James VI concerning lands and barony of Glasgow (1603)

Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.

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'LXXXVIII: Charter of James VI concerning lands and barony of Glasgow (1603)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp258-269 [accessed 14 March 2025].

'LXXXVIII: Charter of James VI concerning lands and barony of Glasgow (1603)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp258-269.

"LXXXVIII: Charter of James VI concerning lands and barony of Glasgow (1603)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp258-269.

In this section

LXXXVIII. Charter by King James VI., under his great seal, disponing in feu to Ludovick, Duke of Lennox, and his heirs on the estate of Lennox, of the lands and barony of Glasgow and other lands and baronies. Berwick, 7 April 1603.

[Latin text]

Jacobus Dei gracia Rex Anglorum, Scotorum, Gallorum et Hybernorum, fideique protector: Omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue clericis et laicis salutem. Sciatis quia recordantes quod nos ex familia de Lennox nuper descendimus, que fuit nobilis fame et nominis, ac volentes quod eadem in honore et commoditate tempore futuro premoueatur, et presertim per terras, dominia et baronias, balliatus et regalitatem archiepiscopatus de Glasgow, que in manibus nostris deuenerunt per actum factum et conclusum in parliamento nostro tento apud Edinburgh in mense Julii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo octuagesimo septimo; quoquidem acto integre terre temporales, regalitates, et officia omnium prelatiarum et beneficiorum maiorum et minorum infra nostrum regnum, in personam nostram deuoluuntur, et corone nostre annexantur, ac dissolutio facta pro locatione earundem iterum in feudifirma: Igitur nos, cum auisamento et consensu predilecti nostri consiliarii magistri Joannis Prestoun de Fentoun Barnis, nostri collectoris generalis ac thesauraii nostrarum Nouarum Augmentationum, dedimus, concessimus et hereditarie in feudifirma disposuimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre damus, concedimus et hereditarie in feudifirma disponimus charissimo consanguineo nostro Ludouico Lennocie duci, comiti de Darnlie, domino Tarboltoun, Methuen et Aubigney, etc., magno camerario nostri regni, heredibus suis masculis et tallie in ipsius infeofamento ducatus de Lennox contentis, omnes et singulas terras, dominium, burgum, baroniam, regalitates, officia, aliaque respectiue subscripta, viz., Totas et integras terras et baroniam de Glasgow, castrum, ciuitatem, burgum et regalitatem de Glasgow, cum omnibus terris, bondis et tenementis, domibus, edificiis, pomariis, hortis, caudis, vstrinis, horreis, brasinis, aliisque edificiis infra predictum burgum, cum omnibus aliis castris, turribus, fortaliciis, maneriebus, pomariis, hortis, siluis, molendinis, piscationibus, annexis, connexis, lie outsettis, partibus, pendiculis, tenentibus, tenandriis, liberetenentium seruitiis, omnibusque suis pertinentiis; totas et integras terras de baroniam de Carstaris, cum castris, turribus, fortaliciis, maneriebus, pomariis, hortis, siluis, molendinis, piscationibus, annexis, connexis, lie outsettis, partibus, pendiculis, tenentibus, tenandriis, liberetenentium seruitiis, omnibusque suis pertinentiis; jacentes infra vicecomitatum nostrum de Lanerk: totas et integras terras et baroniam de Stobo cum castris, turribus, fortaliciis, maneriebus, pomariis, hortis, siluis, molendinis, piscationibus, annexis, connexis, lie outsettis, partibus, pendiculis, tenentibus, tenandriis, libere tenentium seruitiis, omnibusque suis pertinentiis; totas et integras terras et baroniam de Eddilstoun, cum castris, turribus, fortalieiis, maneriebus, pomariis, hortis, siluis, molendinis, piscationibus, annexis, connexis, lie outsettis, partibus, pendiculis, tenentibus, tenandriis, liberetenentium seruitiis, omnibusque suis pertinentiis, jacentes infra vicecomitatum nos trum de Peiblis: totas et integras terras et baroniam de Ancrum, cum castris, turribus, fortaliciis, maneriebus, pomariis, hortis, siluis, molendinis, piscationibus, annexis, connexis, lie outsettis, partibus, pendiculis, tenentibus, tenandriis, liberetenentium seruitiis, omnibusque suis pertinentiis; totas et integras terras et baroniam de Lileisleiff, cum castris, turribus, fortaliciis, maneriebus, pomariis, hortis, siluis, molendinis, piscationibus, annexis, connexis, lie outsettis, partibus, pendiculis, tenentibus, tenandriis, liberetenentium seruitiis earundem, omnibusque suis pertinentiis; totas et integras terras et baroniam de Eskirk, cum castris, turribus, fortaliciis, maneriebus, pomariis, hortis, siluis, molendinis, piscationibus, annexis, connexis, lie outsettis, partibus, pendiculis, tenentibus, tenandriis, liberetenentium seruitiis, omnibusque suis pertinentiis; jacentes infra vicecomitatum nostrum de Roxburgh: terras de Bischoppis Forrest, terras de Nuddrieforrester, terras vocatas Halff Penny land in Carrik, terras ecclesiasticas de Cambusnethame; ac omnes et quascunque alias terras ex antiquo archiepiscopatui de Glasgow pertinentes, vbicunque eedem infra regnum nostrum jacent. Acetiam fecimus, constituimus et ordinauimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre, pro nobis et successoribus nostris, facimus, constituimus et ordinamus prefatum Ludouicum Lennocie ducem, heredes suos masculos antedictos, dominos totius regalitatis de Glasgow infra omnes bondas eiusdem, tam proprietatis quam tenandrie eiusdem; cum plena potestate ipsis, curias regalitatis et iusticiarie infra bondas predicte regalitatis, seu alicuius partis eiusdem, proprietatis et tenandrie eiusdem, tenentibus et inhabitantibus earundem aliisque quibuscunque quorum interest, statuendi, inchoandi, affirmandi, tenendi et quoties opus fuerit continuandi; sectas vocari faciendi, absentes amerchiandi, transgressores puniendi; exitus, amerchiamenta, bludewitas, et eschaetas dictarum curiarum, acetiam omnes alias eschaetas quas infra dictam regalitatem et bondas eiusdem cadere contingerit, pro quibuscunque criminibus per dictos inhabitatores seu quosuis alios infra bondas earundem (criminibus proditorii tantum exceptis) leuandi, percipiendi et ad eorum proficuum, applicandi, ac desuper ad eorum libitum voluntatis disponendi; et pro eisdem, si opus fuerit, namandi et distringendi, namata appreciari faciendi, vendendi et abducendi, secundum juris formam: omnes et singulos tenentes et inhabitantes eiusdem et tenandrie predicate regalitatis, qui coram quibuscunque judice seu juris judicibus, spiritualibus vel temporalibus, attechiati seu arrestati fuerint, ad priuilegium et libertatem dicte regalitatis replegiandi, reducendi et reportandi; cautionem de colleraith pro justicia partibus conquerentibus infra juris terminum dandi et prestandi; deputatos vnum seu plures sub ipsis, cum clericis, seriandis, adiudicatoribus omnibusque aliis officiariis et membris curie necessariis, faciendi, creandi et jurari causandi; pro quibus dictus dominus dux et sui predicti respondere tenebuntur; cum libera capella et cancellaria regalitatis: ac generaliter omnia et singula alia vtendi et exercendi, que ad premissa dinoscuntur necessaria facienda. Cum plena potestate dicto domino duci suisque predictis vocandi et prosequendi pro reductione, annullatione et expiratione infeofamentorum feudifirmariorum (si que sunt hactenus locata), terrarum et baronarium respective supraspecificatarum secundum leges nostri regni. Ac similiter volumus et concedimus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris decernimus et ordinamus quod memoratus noster charissimus consanguineus, Ludouicus Lennocie dux, heredesque sui masculi antedicti, habebunt plenum jus superioritatis omnium et singularum terrarum, dominii, baroniarum, castrorum, turrium et fortaliciorum, molendinorum, siluarum, piscationum, omniumque aliorum respectiue suprascriptorum, cum suis pertinentiis : et quod feudifirmarii, tenentes et possessores earundem easdem omni tempore futuro de dicto domino duce et heredibus suis in feudifirma tenebunt, pro annua solutione feudifirmarum et deuoriorum in infeofamentis earundem contenta, modo et ad terminos in eisdem specificatos : et ad hunc effectum dedimus et concessimus, tenoreque presentis carte nostre damus et concedimus memorato domino duci et heredibus suis masculis plenam potestatem, jus, actionem et interesse, causandi et compellandi dictos feudifirmarios, tenentes et possessores persoluere dicto domino duci et heredibus suis annuatim feudifirmas, deuoria et seruitia in ipsorum infeofamentis contenta, ac omnes alias clausulas et conditiones in eisdem specificatas perimplere, simili modo et adeo libere sicuti aliquis alius dominus superior, spiritualis aut temporalis, infra, regnum, nostrum, facit vel facere poterit. Insuper nos pro causis suprascriptis, ac certis aliis magnis respectibus et considerationibus nos mouentibus, vniuimus, annexauimus, creauimus et incorporauimus, ac tenore presentis carte nostre, pro nobis et successoribus nostris, vnimus, annexamus, creamus et incorporamus omnes et singulas predictas terras, dominium, baronias, burgum, et regalitatem superius mentionatas, cum castris, turribus, fortaliciis, maneriebus, pomariis, hortis, pratis, siluis, molendinis, piscationibus, officiis, tenentibus, tenandriis, liberetenentium seruitiis, lie outsettis, partibus, pendiculis, aliisque particulariter et generaliter suprascriptis, omnibusque suis pertinentiis, in vnum integrum et liberum temporale dominium et regalitatem, cum priuilegio libere capelle et cancellarie, ac cum omnibus priuilegiis, immvnitatibus, honoribus, dignitatibus, casualitatibus, proficuis et commoditatibus, quibuscunque, in vnum liberum temporale dominium et liberam regalitatem, liberamque capellam et cancellariam memorato Ludouico Lennocie duci et heredibus suis masculis supraspecificatis, omni tempore futuro dominium de Glasgow nuncupandum. Ac Volumus et concedimus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris decernimus et ordinamus quod vnica sasina per dictum Ludouicum Lennocie ducem, ac omni tempore futuro per eius heredes masculos antedictos apud castrum et fortalicium de Lochwod capienda, est et erit sufficiens sasina pro omnibus et singulis predictis terris, dominio, baroniis, officiis, aliisque respectiue superius recitatis, cum suis pertinentiis, absque aliqua alia particulari sasina, ad aliquam aliam partem seu locum earundem sumenda; non obstante quod non jacent contigue sed in diuersis vicecomitatibus; penes quas dispensauimus, et per presentis carte nostre tenorem pro nobis et successoribus nostris pro perpetuo dispensamus; Tenendas et Habendas omnes et singulas predictas terras et baroniam de Glasgow, castrum, ciuitatem, burgum, et regalitatem de Glasgow, terras et baronias de Carstairis, Stobo, Edilstoun, Ancrum, Leilisleive, Eskirk, predictas terras de Bischopis Forrest, terras nuncupatas Half Penny Land in Carrik, terras de Nudrieforrester apud Kirklistoun, et terras ecclesiasticas de Cambusnethame, ac omnes alias villas et terras particulariter et generaliter superius mentionatas, cum castris, turribus, fortaliciis, maneriebus, pomariis, hortis, siluis, molendinis, piscationibus, annexis, connexis, lie outsettis, partibus, pendiculis, tenentibus, tenandriis, liberetenentium seruitiis, omnibusque suis pertinentiis, nunc vnitas, annexatas et incorporatas in vnum integrum et liberum temporale dominium et regalitatem, cum libera capella et cancellaria, vt predicitur, prenominato nostro charissimo consanguineo et consiliario Ludouico Lennocie duci et heredibus suis masculis supraspecificatis, de nobis et successoribus nostris, in feudifirma et hereditate imperpetuum; per omnes rectas metas suas antiquas et diuisas, prout jacent in longitudine et latitudine, in castris, burgo, fortaliciis, domibus, edificiis, boscis, planis, moris, marresiis, viis, semitis, aquis, stagnis, riuolis, pratis, pascuis et pasturis, molendinis, multuris et eorum sequelis, aucupationibus, venationibus, piscationibus, petariis, turbariis, carbonibus, carbonariis, cuniculis, cuniculariis, columbis, columbariis, fabrilibus, brasinis, brueriis, et genestis, siluis, nemoribus et virgultis, lignis, tignis, lapicidiis, lapide et calce; cum curiis, querelis, herezeldis, bludewitis, amerciamentis et eschaetis dictarum curiarum; cum priuilegio et liberatate libere foreste, vert et venysoun, sok, sak, thole, theme, infangtheif, outfangtheif, pit et gallous, wrak, wair; cum communi pastura, libero introitu et exitu; ac cum omnibus aliis et singulis libertatibus, commodistatibus, proficuis et asiamentis, ac justis suis pertinentiis quibuscunque, tam non nominatis quam nominatis, tam subtus terra quam supra terram, procul et prope, ad predictas terras, dominium, baroniam et regalitatem, aliaque superius mentionata, cum suis pertinentiis, spectantibus seu juste spectare valentibus infuturum; libere, quiete, plenarie, integre, honorifice, bene et in pace, sine aliqua reuocatione, contradictione, impedimento aut obstaculo quocunque. Reddendo annuatim prefatus noster charissimus consanguineus et consiliarius Ludouicus Lennocie dux heredesque sui masculi supraspecificati nobis et successoribus nostris, camerariis et factoribus presentibus et pro tempore existentibus, pro predictis terris et baronia de Glasgow, castro, ciuitate, burgo et regalitate eiusdem, cum suis pertinentiis, summam tricentarum quatuor librarum octo solidorum quatuor denariorum monete, triginta sex celdras quatuor bollas farine, triginta vnam celdras quinque bollas ordei, tredecim celdras quatuor bollas auenarum, quadraginta nouem duodenas caponum, triginta vnam duodenas pultriarum, quatuordecim duodenas cane salmonum lie cayne salmond; pro predictis terris et baronia de Carstairis cum suis pertinentiis, quadraginta octo libras monete, quatuor celdras farine, vnam celdram quindecim bollas auenarum, quindecim duodenas caponum; pro predictis terris et baronia de Stobo cum suis pertinentiis, summam centum nouem librarum vnius solidorum et duorum denariorum monete, quadraginta trium bollarum ordei, viginti bollarum farine, quadraginta trium vernicum lie wedderis, quatuordecim duodenarum caponum; pro predictis terris et baronia de Edilstoun, summam quadraginta unius librarum, decem bollarum hordei, octodecim vernicum et dimidie partis vnius vernicis, duorum duodenarum caponum, quatuor duodenarum et duarum pultrearum; pro predictis terris et baronia de Ancrum cum suis pertinentiis, summam quinquaginta duarum librarum quatuordecim solidorum monete; pro predictis terris et baronia de Lileisleiff cum suis pertinentiis, summam quinquaginta trium librarum octodecim solidorum, octo denariorum monete; pro predictis terris et baronia de Eskirk cum suis pertinentiis, summam sexaginta trium librarum tredecim solidorum quatuor denariorum; pro predictis terris de Bischopis Forest cum suis pertinentiis, tredecim libras sex solidos octo denarios; pro predictis terris de Nudreisforrester cum suis pertentiis sex libras tredecim solidos quatuor denarios; pro predictis terris vocatis Half Penny Land in Carrik, summam quinque librarum monete; ac pro predictis terris ecclesiasticis de Cambusnethame, tredecim solidos quatuor denarios monete; vnacum omnibus et quibuscunque aliis censibus, firmis, deuoriis et seruitiis in antiquo rentali episcopatus de Glasgow contentis, Archiepiscopis de Glasgow perprius persoluere consuetis, ad terminos solutionis vsitatos et consuetos; necnon summam viginti mercarum monete annuatim in augmentationem predicti rentalis, ad duos anni terminos, festa viz. Penthecostes et Sancti Martini in hyeme per equales portiones nomine feudifirme; ac duplicando dictas feudifirmas primo anno introitus cuiuslibet heredis ad terras, dominium, baroniam, regalitatem, aliaque superius mentionata, prout vsus est feudifirme tantum. Ac preterea promittimus in verbo principis ad ratificandum et approbandum hoc presens infeofamentum feudifirme, integras clausulas et conditiones suprascriptas in eodem contentas, in nostro proximo parliamento, predicti domini Ludouici Ducis et heredum suorum masculorum majore securitate eiusdem. In cuius Rei testimonium huic presenti carte nostre magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus. Testibus, . . . Apud Beruik, septimo die mensis Aprilis anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo tertio, ac anno regni nostri Scotie tricesimo sexto, ac anno regnorum nostrorum Anglie, Gallie et Hybernie primo.


James, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, and defender of the faith: to all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye, whereas we calling to mind, that we are recently descended of the family of Lennox, which was of noble fame and name, and willing that the same should be advanced in honour and estate in time to come, and specially by the lands, lordships, and baronies, bailliaries, and regality of the archbishopric of Glasgow, which have fallen in our hands by an Act made and concluded in our Parliament, holden at Edinburgh in the month of July, the year of God, one thousand five hundred and eighty seven; by which Act, the whole temporal lands, regalities, and offices of all prelacies and benefices, greater and less, within our kingdom, devolve upon our person, and are annexed to our crown, and a dissolution made for setting the same again in feufarm: Therefore we, with advice and consent of our well-beloved councillor, master John Prestoun, of Fentoun Barnis, our collectorgeneral, and treasurer of our New Augmentations, have given, granted, and in feufarm heritably disponed, and by the tenor of our present charter, give, grant, and heritably in feufarm dispone, to our dearest cousin, Ludovic, Duke of Lennox, Earl of Darnlie, Lord Torboltoun, Methuen, and Aubigney, etc., great chamberlain of our kingdom, and his heirs male and of taillie, contained in his infeftment of the dukedom of Lennox, All and sundry the lands, lordship, burgh, barony, regalities, offices, and others respectively underwritten, to wit, All and whole the lands and barony of Glasgow, castle, city, burgh, and regality of Glasgow, with all lands, bounds, and tenements, houses, buildings, orchards, gardens, butts, maltkilns, barns, brewhouses, and other buildings within the foresaid burgh, with all other castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, orchards, gardens, woods, mills, fishings, annexes, connexes, outsets, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants, and all their pertinents: all and whole the lands and barony of Carstaris, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, orchards, gardens, woods, mills, fishings, annexes, connexes, outsets, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants, and all their pertinents, lying within our sheriffdom of Lanark: all and whole the lands and barony of Stobo, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, orchards, gardens, woods, mills, fishings, annexes, connexes, outsets, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants, and all their pertinents: all and whole the lands and barony of Eddilstoun, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, orchards, gardens, woods, mills, fishings, annexes, connexes, outsets, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants, and all their pertinents, lying within our sheriffdom of Peiblis: all and whole the lands and barony of Ancrum, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, orchards, gardens, woods, mills, fishings, annexes, connexes, outsets, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants, and all their pertinents; all and whole the lands and barony of Lileisleiff, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, orchards, gardens, woods, mills, fishings, annexes, connexes, outsets, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants thereof, and all their pertinents; all and whole the lands and barony of Eskirk, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, orchards, gardens, woods, mills, fishings, annexes, connexes, outsets, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenandries, services, of free tenants, and all their pertinents; lying within our sheriffdom of Roxburgh: the lands of Bischoppis Forrest, the lands, of Nuddrie-Forrester, the lands called the half-penny land in Carrik, the kirklands of Cambusnethane; and all and whatsoever other lands, belonging of old to the archbishopric of Glasgow, wheresoever the same lie within our kingdom. And Likewise we have made, constituted, and ordained, and by the tenor of our present charter, for us and our successors, make, constitute, and ordain, the foresaid Ludovic, Duke of Lennox, his heirs male aforesaid, lords of the whole regality of Glasgow, within all the bounds thereof, as wellproperty as tenandry of the same; with full power to them, to set, begin, affirm, hold, and as often as need be to continue courts of regality and justiciary, within the bounds of the aforesaid regality, or any part of the same, property and tenandry thereof, for the tenants and inhabitants thereof, and others whomsoever whom it concerns; suits to cause be called, absents to amerce, transgressors to punish; issues, amerciaments, bludewites, and escheats of the said courts, and also all other escheats which shall happen to fall within the said regality and bounds thereof, for whatever crimes committed by the inhabitants, or others whomsoever within the bounds there of (crimes of treason only excepted), to uplift, receive, and apply to their profit, and dispone thereupon at their own will and pleasure; and if need be, to poind and distrain for the same, to cause appraise, sell, and lead away the goods poinded according to form of law; to repledge, lead and carry back all and sundry tenants and inhabitants of the same, and tenandry of the foresaid regality, who shall have been attached, or arrested before any judge or judges of law, spiritual or temporal, to the privilege and freedom of the said regality; to give and afford to parties complaining cautio de colleraith for justice within term of law; to make, create, and cause be sworn, deputes one or more under them, with clerks, serjeants, adjudicators, and all other officers and members of court needful, for whom the said lord duke and his foresaids, shall be bound to answer; with free chapel and chancery of regality: and generally all and sundry other things to use and exercise, which are known to be needful to be done in the premises. With full power to the said lord duke and his foresaids, to call and pursue for reducing, annulling, and putting to end, of infeftments of feufarmers (if any be heretofore let), of the lands and baronies respectively above specified, according to the laws of our kingdom. And in like manner we will and grant, and for us and our successors, decern and ordain that our said dearest cousin, Ludovic, Duke of Lennox, and his heirs male aforesaid, shall have the full right of superiority, of all and sundry, the lands, lordship, baronies, castles, towers, and fortalices, mills, woods, fishings, and all others, respectively abovewritten, with their pertinents; and that the feufarmers, tenants, and possessors thereof, shall hold the same in feufarm, of the said lord duke and his heirs in all time coming, for the yearly payment of the feufarms and duties contained in the infeftments thereof, in the manner and at the terms specified therein; and to this effect we have given and granted, and by the tenor of our present charter, give and grant to the said lord duke and his heirs male, full power, right, action, and interest, to cause, and compel the said feufarmers, tenants, and possessors, to pay yearly to the said lord duke and his heirs the feufarms, duties, and services contained in their infeftments, and to fulfil all other clauses and conditions contained in them, in like manner, and as freely as any other lord superior, spiritual or temporal, within our kingdom, does or may do. Moreover we for the reasons abovewritten, and certain other great respects and considerations moving us, have united, annexed, created, and incorporated, and by the tenor of our present charter for us and our successors, unite, annex, create, and incorporate, all and sundry, the foresaid lands, lordship, baronies, burgh, and regality abovementioned, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, orchards, gardens, meadows, woods, mills, fishings, offices, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants, outsets, parts, pendicles, and others particularly and generally abovewritten, and all their pertinents, into one whole and free temporal lordship and regality, with privilege of free chapel and chancery, and with all privileges, immunities, honours, dignities, casualities, profits, and commodities whatsoever, into one free temporal lordship, and free regality, and free chapel and chancery to the said Ludovic Duke of Lennox, and his heirs male, above specifie d to be called in all time to come the lordship of Glasgow. And we will, and grant, and for us, and our successors, decern and ordain, that our seisin to be taken by the said Ludovic Duke of Lennox, and by his heirs male aforesaid, in all time to come, at the castle and fortalice of Lochwod, is, and shall be a sufficient seisin for all and sundry, the foresaid lands, lordship, baronies, offices, and others respectively above recited, with their pertinents, without any other particular seisin to be taken at any other part or place thereof, notwithstanding that they do not lie contiguous, but in diverse sheriffdoms; wherewith we have dispensed, and by the tenor of our present charter, for us and our successors dispense for ever. To have and to hold, all and sundry, the foresaid lands and barony of Glasgow, castle, city, burgh, and regality of Glasgow, the lands and baronies of Carstairis, Stobo, Edilstoun, Ancrum, Leilisleive, Eskirk, the foresaid lands of Bischopis Forrest, the lands called the half-penny Land in Carrik, the lands of Nudrie-Forrester at Kirklistoun, and the kirklands of Cambusnethane, and all other towns and lands particularly and generally above-mentioned, with castles, towers, fortalices, manor-places, orchards, gardens, woods, mills, fishings, annexes, connexes, outsets, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenandries, services of free tenants, and all their pertinents, now united, annexed,and incorporated into one whole and free temporal lordship and regality, with free chapel and chancery, as aforesaid, to our beforenamed dearest cousin and councillor, Ludovic, Duke of Lennox, and his heirs male above specified, of us and our successors, in feufarm and heritage for ever; by all their right meiths and old marches, as they lie in length and breadth, in castles, burgh, fortalices, houses, buildings, woods, plains, moors, marshes, ways, paths, waters, dams, streams, meadows, grazings, and pastures, mills, multures, and their sequels, fowlings, huntings, fishings, peatmosses, turfbogs, coals, coalheughs, coneys, coneywarrens, doves, dovecots, smithies, brewhouses, heaths and broom, woods, groves, and thickets, wood, timber, quarries, stone and lime; with courts, plaints, hereyelds, bludewites, amerciaments and escheats of the said courts; with privilege and freedom of free forest, vert and venison, sok, sak, thole, theme, infangthief, outfangthief, pit and gallows, wrak, wair; with common pasture, free ish and entry; and with all and sundry other freedoms, commodities, profits, and easements, and their right pertinents whatsoever, as well not named as named, as well under the ground as above the ground, far and near, belonging, or that may rightly belong in time to come, to the foresaid lands, lordship, barony, and regality, and others abovementioned, with their pertinents, freely, quietly, fully, wholly, honourably, well and in peace, without any revocation, gainsaying, let or hindrance whatsoever. Paying yearly our foresaid dearest cousin and councillor, Ludovic, Duke of Lennox, and his heirs male above specified to us and our successors, chamberlains and factors, present and for the time being, for the foresaid lands and barony of Glasgow, castle, city, burgh, and regality thereof, with their pertinents, the sum of three hundred and four pounds, eight shillings, four pennies of money, thirty six chalders four bolls of meal, thirty one chalders five bolls of barley, thirteen chalders four bolls of oats, forty nine dozen capons, thirty one dozen poultry, fourteen dozen kane salmon; for the foresaid lands and barony of Carstairis, with their pertinents, forty eight pounds of money, four chalders of meal, one chalder fifteen bolls of oats, fifteen dozen capons; for the foresaid lands and barony of Stobo, with their pertinents, the sum of one hundred and nine pounds, one shilling, and two pennies money, forty three bolls of wheat, twenty bolls of meal, forty three wethers, fourteen dozen capons; for the foresaid lands and barony of Edilstoun, the sum of forty one pounds, the bolls of wheat, eighteen wethers and a half wether, two dozen capons, four dozen and two poultry; for the foresaid lands and barony of Ancrum, with their pertinents, the sum of fifty two pounds, fourteen shillings money; for the foresaid lands and barony of Lileisleiff, with their pertinents, the sum of fifty three pounds, eighteen shillings, eight pennies money; for the foresaid lands and barony of Eskirk, with their pertinents, the sum of sixty three pounds, thirteen shillings, four pennies; for the foresaid lands of Bischopis Forest, with their pertinents, thirteen pounds, six shillings, eight pennies; for the foresaid lands of Nudrie Forrester, with their pertinents, six pounds thirteen shillings four pennies; for the foresaid lands, called the half-penny Land in Carrik, the sum of five pounds money; and for the foresaid kirklands of Cambusnethane, thirteen shillings, four pennies money; together with all and whatever other maills, farms, duties, and services are contained in the old rental of the archbishopric of Glasgow, in use before to be paid to the archbishops of Glasgow at the terms of payment used and wont: and the sum of twenty merks money yearly in augmentation of the foresaid rental, at two terms in the year, to wit, the feasts of Whitsunday and Martinmas in winter, by equal portions in name of feufarm; and doubling the said feufarm the first year of the entry of every heir to the lands, lordship, barony, regality, and others, above mentioned, as is the use of fenfarm only. And further we promise on the word of a prince to ratify and approve this present infeftment of feufarm, the whole clauses and conditions abovewritten contained therein, in our next parliament, for the greater security of the foresaid Lord Ludovic, Duke, and his heirs male therein. In witness whereof, we have commanded our great seal to be set to this our present charter. Witnesses, . . . At Berwick, the seventh day of the month of April, the year of God, one thousand six hundred and three, and of our reign in Scotland the thirty-sixth, and of our reign in England, France, and Ireland, the first year.