Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'LXXXVII: Charter of James VI concerning rights of election of magistrates (1600)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
'LXXXVII: Charter of James VI concerning rights of election of magistrates (1600)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
"LXXXVII: Charter of James VI concerning rights of election of magistrates (1600)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
In this section
LXXXVII. Charter by King James VI., under his Great Seal, in favour of Ludovic, Duke of Lennox, of the Castle of Glasgow and the heritable right of electing the magistrates of Glasgow. Holyrood, 17 November 1600.
[Latin text]
Jacobus Dei gratia Rex Scotorum, omnibus probis hominibus tocius terre sue clericis et laicis, salutem. Sciatis nos, cum auisamento et consensu nostri thesaurarii Nouarum Augmentationum, dedisse, concessisse et in feudifirma hereditarie disposuisse charissimo nostro consanguineo et consiliario Ludouico Lennocie duci, comiti Darnelie, Domino Tarboltoun, Methuen et Aubigney, etc., magno camerarii nostri regni, et heredibus suis masculis inferius nominatis, totum et integrum castrum de Glasgow, domos, edificia, hortos et vireta eidem spectantia, cum libertatibus, priuilegiis et pertinenciis eiusdem quibuscunque, necnon hereditarium jus nominationis et annuatim electionis prepositi, balliuorum, aliorum officiariorum et magistratuum burgi et ciuitatis de Glasgow, adeo libere in omnibus respectibus sicuti Archiepiscopi de Glasgow, prius habuerunt; ac similiter fecisse, constituisse et ordinasse prefatum dominum Lennocie ducem, heredesque suos masculos inferius specificatos, hereditarios balliuos et justiciarios omnium et singularum terrarum, dominiorum, baroniarum, possessionum et aliorum quorumcunque, ad temporalitatem Archiepiscopatus de Glasgow pertinentium, et extra integras bondas regalitatis eiusdem, vbicunque eadem infra regnum nostrum jacent; ac dedisse, concessisse, et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse dicto domino Lennocie duci heredibusque suis masculis predicta officia balliatus et justiciarie, vnacum dispositione omnium eschaetarum infra bondas predicte regalitatis de Glasgow devenientium, tam per cornua, bastardias, aut quouis alio modo, per leges nostri regni. Dando, concedendo et committendo memorato domino Lennocie duci et suis heredibus masculis nostram plenariam, liberam, planam potestatem et speciale mandatum, balliatus et justiciarie curias, super omnes et singulas terras, dominia, baronias, possessiones et alia quecunque, temporalitati Archiepiscopatus de Glasgow pertinentia, proprietatem et tenandriam earundem, aut aliquam partem eiusdem, tenentibus, assedatoribus, inhabitantibus aliisque quibuscunque, locandi, incipiendi, affirmandi, tenendi et quoties opus fuerit continuandi; sectas vocare faciendi, absentes amerchiandi, transgressores puniendi; exitus, amerchiamenta, eschaetas et bludwitas dictarum curiarum recipiendi, leuandi et inducendi, et ad suos proprios vsus pro eorum laboribus et diligentia applicandi, ac pro eisdem, si opus fuerit, namandi et distringendi, namata appreciandi, venendi et abducendi, secundum juris ordinem; acetiam namandi et distringendi pro censibus, firmis, proficuis et deuoriis omnium et singularum terrarum, dominiorum, baroniarum, aliorumque supraspecificatiorum, proprietatis et tenandrie eiusdem, quoties ad id requisiti fuerint; tenentes et inhabitantes predictarum terrarum, dominiorum, baroniarum et possessionum coram quibuscunque judice aut judicibus attechiati aut arrestati fuerint, ad priuilegium et libertatem dictorum balliuorum et justiciorum curiarum replegiandi, reducendi et afferendi; cautionem de collerath pro justicia administranda partibus conquerentibus infra juris terminum dandi et prestandi; deputatos vnum seu plures sub ipsis, cum clericis, seriandis, adiudicatoribus, aliis officiariis et membris curie necessariis substituendi, creandi et jurari faciendi, pro quibus respondere tenebuntur; et generaliter omnia alia et singula faciendi, vtendi et exercendi, que ad predicta officia balliuorum et justiciariorum talibus pertinentia, seu rite eisdem pertinere dinoscuntur. Firmum atque stabile habentes et habituri totum et quicquid dictus dominus Lennocie dux heredesque sui inferius designati, balliui et justiciarii superius nominati, eorum deputati et officiarii, in premissis rite duxerint faciendum. Quodquidem castrum de Glasgow, domos, edificia, hortos et vireta eidem spectantia, cum priuilegiis et pertinentiis eiusdem, acetiam jus nominationis et annuatim electionis magistratuum aliorumque officiariorum dicti burgi et ciuitatis de Glasgow; et similiter officium balliatus et justiciarie terrarum, dominiorum, baroniarum, possessionum aliorumque temporalitati Archiepiscopatus de Glasgow pertinentium, vnacum dispositione integrarum eschaetarum infra eundem Archiepiscopatum deuenientium [que] nunc nobis nostreque dispositioni pertinent, virtute nostri acti annexationis, seu quocunque alio modo per leges nostri regni. Tenendum et habendum totum et integrum predictum castrum de Glasgow, domos, edificia, hortos et vireta eidem spectantia, cum libertatibus, priuilegiis et pertinentiis eiusdem prefato Ludouico Lennocie duci et heredibus suis masculis, de corpore suo legittime procreatis seu procreandis, quibus deficientibus Esmo Stewart domino Aubignie suo fratri germano, heredibusque suis masculis de corpore suo legittime procreandis, quibus deficientibus nobis et successoribus nostris reuertendum, de nobis et successoribus nostris in feudifirma et hereditate imperpetuum; per omnes rectas metas suas antiquas et diuisas, in domibus, edificiis, bondis, hortis et viretis, cum libero introitu et exitu: acetiam tenendum et habendium totum et integrum jus nominationis et annuatim electionis dictorum prepositi, balliuorum, magistratuum, aliorumque officiariorum dicti burgi et ciuitatis de Glasgow; necnon tota et integra predicta officia balliatus justiciarie et regalitatis integrarum terrarum, dominiorum, baroniarum, aliorumque temporalitati dicti Archiepiscopatus de Glasgow pertinentium, vnacum dispositione integrarum eschaetarum infra eundem deuenientium, prenominato Ludouico Lennocie duci heredibusque suis masculis superius specificatis, de nobis et successoribus nostris in feodo hereditate ac libera albafirma imperpetuum; cum libero introitu et exitu; ac cum omnibus aliis et singulis libertatibus, commoditatibus, proficuis et asiamentis, ac justis suis pertinentiis quibuscunque, tam non nominatis quam nominatis, tam subtus terra quam supra terram, procul et prope, ad predictum castrum, jus electionis, officia, aliaque particulariter respectiue prescripta, cum suis pertinentiis, spectantibus seu juste spectare valentibus quomodolibet in futurum, libere, quiete, plenarie, integre, honorifice, bene et in pace, sine aliqua reuocatione, contradictione, impedimento aut ob staculo quocunque. Insuper nos, pro bono fideli et gratuito seruitio nobis per prefatum nostrum charissimum consanguineum et consiliarium, Ludouicum Lennocie ducem impenso, vnimus, annexamus et incorporamus jus nominationis et annuatim electionis magistratuum et officiariorum dicti burgi et ciuitatis de Glasgow, necnon predicta officia balliatus et justiciarie, vnacum dispositione integrarum eschaetarum infra dictum Archiepiscopatum de Glasgow deuenientium, prefato castro de Glasgow, ac partes et pendicula eiusdem fore. Acetiam volumus et concedimus, ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris decernimus et ordinamus, quod vnica sasina nunc per dictum Ludonicum Lennocie Ducem, et omni tempore futuro per eius heredes masculos, de prescripto Castro de Glasgow, stabit et sufficiens erit sasina pro jure electionis et annuatim electionis magistratuum et officiariorum dicti burgi et ciuitatis de Glasgow, acetiam pro predictis officiis balliatus et justiciarie, cum dispositione eschaetarum infra dictum Archiepiscopatum de Glasgow deuenientium, tanquam partes et pendicula dicti Castri de Glasgow existentes, absque aliqua alia particulari sasina de eisdem tempore futuro capienda. Prefatus Ludouicus Lennocie dux heredesque sui masculi superius nominati soluendo annuatim nobis et successoribus nostris nostrisque thesaurariis Nouarum Augmentationum presentibus et pro tempore existentibus, summam viginti solidorum monete regni nostri, ad duos anni terminos festa, viz., Penthecostes et Sancti Martini in hieme per equales portiones, nomine feudifirme; acetiam edificando et reparando dictum castrum in necessariis eiusdem; necnon dictus dominus Lennocie dux heredesque sui masculi predicti exonerando sufficiens officium in utendo et exercendo predictorum officiorum balliatus et justiciarie infra bondas superius mentionatas, ac in nominatione et in annuatim electione prepositi, balliuorum, magistratuum et officiariorum dicti burgi et ciuitatis de Glasgow. In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti carte nostre magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus. Testibus . . . Apud Halierudehous, decimo septimo die mensis Nouembris, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo, ac anno regni nostri tricesimo quarto.
James, by the grace of God, king of Scots, to all good men of his whole land, clerics and laics, greeting. Know ye, that we, with advice and consent of our Treasurer of our New Augmentations, have given, granted, and in feu-farm heritably disponed to our dearest cousin and councillor, Ludovic, Duke of Lennox, Earl of Darnelie, Lord Tarbolton, Methuen and Aubigney, etc., high chamberlain of our kingdom, and to his heirs male below named, all and whole the castle of Glasgow, houses, buildings, gardens and greens belonging to the same, with freedoms, privileges, and pertinents thereof whatsoever, and the heritable right of nomination and yearly election of the provost, baillies and other officers and magistrates of the burgh and city of Glasgow, as freely in all respects as the Archbishops of Glasgow formerly had; and, in like manner, have made, constituted and ordained the foresaid lord, Duke of Lennox, and his heirs male under-specified, heritable baillies, and justiciars, of all and sundry lands, lordships, baronies, possessions and others whatsoever, belonging to the temporality of the Archbishopric of Glasgow, and without the whole bounds of the regality thereof, wherever the same lie within our kingdom; and have given, granted, and by this our present charter confirmed, to the said lord, Duke of Lennox and his heirs male, the foresaid offices of bailliary and justiciary, together with the disposal of all escheats falling within the bounds of the aforesaid regality of Glasgow, as well by horn, bastardies, or in any other way, according to the laws of our kingdom. Giving, granting and committing to the said lord, Duke of Lennox, and his heirs male, our full, free, plain power and special bidding, to set, begin, affirm, hold, and as often as need be, continue courts of bailliary and justiciary for the tenants, leaseholders, inhabitants, and others whomsoever, upon all and sundry lands, lordships, baronies, possessions and others whatsoever belonging to the temporality of the archbishopric of Glasgow, property and tenandry thereof, or any part thereof; suits to cause call, absents to amerce, transgressors to punish, issues, amerciaments, escheats and bludwites of the said courts, to receive, uplift and gather in, and apply to their own proper uses for their labours and diligence; and to poind and distrain for the same, if need be, poinds to apprise, sell and lead away according to order of law; and also to poind and distrain for the rents, maills, profits and duties of all and sundry lands, lordships, baronies and others above specified, property and tenandry thereof, as often as they shall be required to do so; tenants and inhabitants of the foresaid lands, lordships, baronies and possessions to repledge, bring back and carry to the privilege and freedom of the said baillies and justice courts, before whatever judge or judges they be attached or arrested; to give and afford to parties complaining cautio de collerath for administration of justice within term of law; deputes under them, one or more, with clerks, serjeants, adjudicators, and other officers and members of court needful, to substitute, create and cause be sworn, for whom they shall be bound to answer; and generally, all and sundry other things to do, use and exercise which belong to the foresaid offices of bailies and justiciars in such cases, or are known rightly to belong to the same. Firm and stable holding and to hold, all and whatsoever the said Lord Duke of Lennox, his heirs underdesigned, bailies and justiciars above-named, their deputes and officers, shall rightly deem meet to be done in the premises. Which castle of Glasgow, houses, buildings, gardens and greens belonging thereto, with privileges and pertinents thereof, and also the right of nomination and yearly election of the magistrates and other officers of the said burgh and city of Glasgow, and in like manner the office of bailliary and justiciary of the lands, lordships, baronies, possessions and others belonging to the temporality of the archbishopric of Glasgow, together with the disposal of all the escheats falling within the said bishopric, now belong to us and at our disposal, by virtue of our Act of Annexation, or in whatever other manner by the laws of our kingdom. To have and to hold all and whole the foresaid castle of Glasgow, houses, buildings, gardens, and greens belonging thereto, with freedoms, privileges, and pertinents thereof, to the foresaid Ludovic, Duke of Lennox, and his heirs male, lawfully begotten or to be begotten of his body; whom failing, to Esmè Stewart, Lord Aubignie, his brother-german, and his heirs male, lawfully to be begotten of his body; whom failing, to return to us and our successors; of us and our successors in feu-farm and heritage for ever, by all their right, meiths and old marches, in houses, buildings bounds, gardens and greens, with free ish and entry; and also to have and to hold all and whole the right of nomination, and yearly election of the said provost, bailies, magistrates, and other officers of the said burgh and city of Glasgow; and all and whole the foresaid offices of bailliary, justiciary and regality of the whole lands, lordships, baronies, and others belonging to the temporality of the said archbishopric of Glasgow, together with the disposal of all escheats falling within the same, to the forenamed Ludovic, Duke of Lennox, and his heirs male above specified, of us and our successors, in heritable fee and free blench-farm for evermore; with free ish and entry; and with all and sundry other freedoms, commodities, profits, and easements, and their right pertinents whatsoever, as well not named as named, as well above the ground as under the ground, far and near, belonging or that may rightly belong in any way in time to come, to the foresaid castle, right of election, offices and others particularly and respectively above written, with their pertinents; freely, quietly, fully, wholly, honourably, well and in peace, without any revocation, gainsaying, let or hindrance whatever. Further, we, for the good, faithful, and acceptable service done to us by our foresaid dearest cousin and counsellor Ludovic Duke of Lennox, unite, annex, and incorporate the right of nomination and yearly election of the magistrastes and officers of the said burgh and city of Glasgow, and the foresaid offices of bailliary and justiciary, together with the disposal of all escheats falling within the said archbishopric of Glasgow to the foresaid castle of Glasgow, and to be parts and pendicles of the same. And also we will and grant, and for us and our successors decern and ordain that a single seisin of the foresaid castle of Glasgow now to be taken by the said Ludovice, Duke of Lennox, and by his heirs male in all time to come, shall stand and be a sufficient seisin for the right of election and yearly election of the magistrates and officers of the said burgh and city of Glasgow, and also for the foresaid offices of bailliary and justiciary, with the disposal of escheats falling within the said archbishopric of Glasgow, as being parts and pendicles of the said Castle of Glasgow, without any other particular seisin to be taken of the same in any time to come. The foresaid Ludovic, Duke of Lennox, and his heirs male above named, paying. yearly to us and our successors, and our treasurers of our New Augmentations present and for the time being, the sum of twenty shillings money of our kingdom, at two terms of the year, to wit, the feasts of Whitsunday and Martinmas in winter, by equal portions, in name of feu-farm; and also building and repairing the said castle in the necessaries thereof; also the said Lord, Duke of Lennox, and his heirs male aforesaid, discharging sufficient duty in using and exercising the foresaid offices of bailliary and justiciary within the bounds abovementioned, and in nomination and yearly election of the provost, bailies, magistrates and officers of the said burgh and city of Glasgow. In witness whereof we have commanded our great seal to be affixed to this our present charter. Witnesses . . . At Halierudehous, the seventeenth day of the month of November, the year of God one thousand six hundred, and thirty fourth year of our reign.