Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Volume 8, Bath and Wells Diocese. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1964.
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'Index of persons', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Volume 8, Bath and Wells Diocese, ed. B Jones (London, 1964), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Index of persons', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Volume 8, Bath and Wells Diocese. Edited by B Jones (London, 1964), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Index of persons". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Volume 8, Bath and Wells Diocese. Ed. B Jones (London, 1964), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
Abel, Richard, 82
Abendon, Henry, 33, 72, 73
Abyndon, Henry, 52
Abyndon, Richard de, 79
Acciaioli, Angelo, 78
Aigrefeuille, William de, 16
Aiscough, Robert, 73
Akum, Adam, 51
Alcock, John, 40
Alderbury, Walter de, 37, 51
Aldryngton, Richard, 48, 63
Algar, John, 58
Alston, Thomas, 20
Ammonius, Andrew, 41
Appulton, Robert, 30
Argentyne, John, 24, 52
Arnald, John, 29, 31
Arum, John, 51
Arundell, John (c. 1419-53), 64
Arundell, John (d. 1504), 36
Arundell, Thomas, 16
Asshcombe, Robert, 28
Assheden (Asshedale), Thomas, 71
Astariaco, Amaneuus de, 10
Astel, Thomas, 65
Aston, Thomas de, 42
Aubert, Stephen, 13
Audley (Awdeley), Edmund, 42
Auger, John, 11, 58
Aungerville, see Bury, Richard de
Austell, John, 58, 59
Austell, Thomas, 79
Austeyne, see Gumby
Averburi, Peter de, 16
Awdeley, see Audley
Aylington, Thomas de, 32
Ayra, Henry, 64
Ayremynne, William de, 32
Badgeworth, see Boggeworth
Baker, John, 73
Baldock, Robert de (d. 1327), 80
Baldock, Robert de (d. 1353), 19
Balton, John, 73
Banastre, Richard, 43
Banastre, Thomas, 30
Banastre, William, 30 (bis), 46
Barbour, Anthony, 39
Baret, Andrew, 13, 63, 79
Barnet, John, 1
Barons, William, 26
Barough, John, 35
Barowe, Thomas, 35
Barre, Lawrence de la, 70
Barton, Peter de, 48
Basleiden, Francis de, 14
Basset, William, 42
Bate, John, 76
Bathe (Bawthe), John, 78
Baynbridge, Reginald, 37
Bays, Robert, 25
Beauchamp (Bello Campo), Philip de, 1
Beauford, Thomas de, 59
Beaufort, Henry, 4
Beaumont (Bello Monte), Louis de, 45
Beaumont (Bello Monte), Thomas, 14, 15, 35, 49, 66
Becham, John, 35
Bedell, Thomas, 56
Bedewynde, Walter de, 82
Beer, John, 13
Beere, Richard, 61
Beggeworth, see Boggeworth
Bekynton, Thomas, 2, 44, 79
Bele, see Wraxall
Bello Campo, see Beauchamp
Bello Monte, see Beaumont
Belton, Simon, 26
Beneyt, John, 25 & n., 35
Beneyt, Michael, 82
Bennet, Thomas, 27
Bennet, William, 56
Bensted, Andrew, 71
Bentworth, see Bynteworth
Bere, de la, see Delaberd
Berewyk, John de (d. 1312), 48
Berewyk, John de (d. 1377), 21 & n. 2
Bergevenny, William de, 77
Berkeley, Eudo de, 46
Berkeley, Ivo de, 49
Berkeley, James de, 46, 68
Berkeley, Peter de, 34, 46
Bermyngeham (Birmingham), Fulk, 40
Bernard, Benjamin, 61
Bernard, John, 7, 11, 52, 79
Berners, Ralph, 70
Bernham, William, 28 & n., 32 & n.
Betty, Richard, 48
Billesden, Nicholas, 47
Billyngsford, James de, 65
Birckinshawe, see Brekynshall
Birkhede (Bryhed), John, 67
Birmingham, see Bermyngeham
Bisse (Bysse), James, 40
Bisse (Bysse), Robert, 18
Blakmoor, Henry, 40
Blancherd, John, 32
Blasgrove, Robert, 74
Blebury (Blewbury), John de, 56 & n., 68
Blibury (Bliburgh), William de, 54
Blodewell, John, 29
Bochell, John, 73
Bockyng (Bokyng), Thomas de, 54 & n.
Bocland, see Bokland
Bodenham, Richard de, 67
Bodley, Helesius, 31
Boerio, Bernard, 81
Boerio, Jerome, 80
Boggeworth (Badgeworth, Beggeworth), Walter de, 51
Bokbridge, William de, 69
Bokelly, Richard, 51
Boket, William, 12, 64, 76
Bokland (Bocland, Bubland), William de, 6
Bokyng, see Bockyng
Boleyn (Bolen), John, 52
Boleyn (Bolen), Thomas, 7, 12, 44
Bolton, William, 48
Bondeby, Ralph de, 83
Bonyngton, John, 72
Borstal, William, 23
Botler, Thomas, 50
Boule, Richard de, 20
Bouler, Edmund, 8
Boureman (Bowreman), William, 12, 20, 66
Bourgchier, John, 40
Bourgchier, Thomas, 36
Bowet, Henry, 2
Bowreman, see Boureman
Brabazon, John de, 26 n., 42
Bracy, John, 53
Bradeneye, Anthony de, 46
Bradston, John, 62
Brampton (Brankton), John, 28
Brancacio, Raynald de, 10, 79
Branche, see Braunche
Brankton, see Brampton
Brantyngham, Thomas de, 10, 33
Braunche (Branche), Robert, 64
Brawode, Stephen de, 81
Bray, Edward, 56
Bray, Henry de, 81
Bray, John, 56
Bray, Thomas, 19, 26
Braybroke, Nicholas de, 23
Braybroke, Robert de, 23
Breinton, see Breynton
Brekesbourne, see Brokesbourne
Brekynshall (Birckinshawe), Maurice, 47
Brereton, William, 45
Breto, Arnald, son of Ameneuus de le, 10
Brett, William, 72
Breynton (Breinton), John de, 60
Bridlington, Thomas, 14
Brigencourt, Peter de, 81
Brigge, John, 57
Briguencourt, John de, 82
Brinton (Brytone), Walter de, 46
Bristol, Simon de, 8
Brita, see Bryte
Brocas, Arnald, 61
Brocas, Bernard, 61
Broke, Thomas, 54
Brokesbourne (Brekesbourne), Stephen de, 54
Brokhole, John, 29
Bromehale, Thomas, 38, 76
Broun, Richard, see Cordon
Broun, Walter, 11
Browning, John, 66
Bruer (Bruera), Gilbert de, 39, 48
Brunell, William, 34
Bruton, John de (d. 1342), 10, 48
Bruton, John de (d. 1432), 53
Bruton, Richard, 9, 18
Bryhed, see Birkhede
Brymesgrave, see Dyppull
Bryte (Brita), Reynold, 23
Brytone, see Brinton
Bubland, see Bokland
Bubwith, Nicholas, 2, 55
Bubwith, Thomas, 9, 14, 20, 62
Bugwell, Reginald de, 51, 61
Buk, Walter, 65 & n., 80 n.
Bukton, Thomas de, 19, 51, 63
Bulneye, Hugh, 45
Burdett, John, 28 & n., 32 & n.
Burley, Adam de, 68
Burley, Walter de, 63
Burne, William de, 82
Burnett, John, 33
Burton, John de, 65
Burton, Nicholas, 31
Burton, Walter de, 11, 66
Burton, William, 73
Bury, Ralph, 23
Bury (Aungerville, Sancto Edmundo), Richard de, 3
Buttele, John de, 69
Bykonill, William, 44, 59
Byngham, Thomas, 12, 76
Bynteworth (Bentworth), Richard de, 63
Byrde, William, 22
Byrecombe, Walter de, 20
Bysse, see Bisse
Cadomo, John de, 81
Calf, William, 59
Cammel, William de, 4, 6, 11, 27, 73 & n., 79
Canon, Ralph, 45
Cantlow, John, 22
Cantuaria, Robert de, 26
Capon, William, 24
Carent, Nicholas, 5, 38
Carleton, Henry de, 23
Carleton, John de (d. 1361), 4, 8, 39, 48
Carleton, John de (d. 1366), 66
Carleton, Richard de, 6, 41
Carleton, William de, 19
Carlton, Nicholas, 16, 39
Carmelian, Peter, 40
Carnyka, see Karneka
Carselegh, Peter, 64
Carswell (Craswell), Robert, 77
Castellensis, see Vergil
Castello, Hadrian de, 3
Cawdray (Caudray), Richard, 20
Ceccano, see Gaetani
Chamber, John, 11, 78
Charlton (Cherelton), Thomas de, 13, 81
Chaumbre, William, 18
Chaundeler, Thomas, 9, 32, 52, 75 & n. 1
Chedworth, John, 55
Chelcheheth, Geoffrey de, 32
Cherde, John, 53
Cherelton, see Charlton
Cherleton, William de, 26 n.
Chestrefeld, Roger de, 10
Chichele, John, 69
Chinnock, John, 60
Chippenham, Richard de, 76
Chirche, Benedict atte, 36
Chokke, William, 74 n., 83
Churche, Roger, 27
Chykewell, Robert de, 63
Circestre, Thomas, 26
Clarkson, Richard, 64
Claymonde, John, 75
Clerke, John, 3
Cleve, Michael, 25
Clifford, Richard (d. 1421), 2, 50, 78
Clifford, Richard (d. 1422), 64
Clifford, Thomas, 75
Clipston, Richard de, 20
Clipston, Robert de, 20
Clipston, Walter de, 20
Cloos (Close), Nicholas, 73
Clopcote, Robert de, 21
Clopcote, William de, 31
Clopton, William de, 10
Close, see Cloos
Clyff, Henry de, 63
Clyst, Robert, 32
Coale, John, 30
Cobeham, James de, 81
Cobham, Thomas de, 70
Cockes, William, 28
Cockham, William, 72
Coddington, John, 44
Codeford, see Silvestre
Codeworth, John de, 53
Cok, John, 37
Coldseye, John, 39
Cole, John, 71
Coleshull, Nicholas de, 82
Colles, John, 55
Colson, Thomas, 41
Colville, John, 59
Colvyle, William, 19
Colyngtree, John, 70
Conge, John, 42
Cook, Walter, 25
Cordon (Broun), Richard, 25
Corf, John, 23
Corff, Richard, 79
Corffe, see Remston
Cornish, Thomas, 7 & n., 9, 41, 42
Coryndon, Roger, 59
Cosneburg, Alan de, 34, 80
Cosyn, Thomas, 26
Cosyn, William, 5, 15, 55
Court, William de, 13
Courtenay, Peter, 31
Courtenay, Richard, 5, 75
Cowton, Thomas, 33
Cranmer, Thomas, 17
Craswell, see Carswell
Crekynge, William, 26
Cretynge, Walter, 15, 72
Crist, Thomas, 21
Crocket, Robert, 44
Crofte (Froste), Robert, 36 & n.
Cromwell, Thomas, 6
Crowton, William, 68
Crukerne, William, 53
Crykkelade, John de, 56 & n., 69 n.
Cryshale, Thomas, 37
Dakyn, John, 17
Damport, see Davenport
Daniel, Nicholas, 8
Davenport (Damport), Adam, 42
Daventre, Philip de, 82
Daventry, John, 75
Delaberd (de la Bere, de Labere), John, 5, 70
Dele, Adam, 45
Dele, John, 79
Dene, Peter de, 41
Denham, see Dynham
Depeden, John, 72, 73
Derby, John de, 33, 77
Derby, William, 32
Derlynton, see Dylyngton
Devenolde, Philip, 31
Diaz, Roderic, 33
Dixon, Nicholas, 37
Dogyon (Dudgeon), George, 7
Dolbera (Dulbeare), William, 47
Donford, Thomas de, 29
Donyngton, Reginald de, 77
Dowce (Douse), Stephen, 58
Downe, Thomas, 74
Drayton, Richard, 31, 76
Drokensford, Andrew de, 79-80
Drokensford, John de, 1 & n.
Drokensford, Michael de, 44
Drokensford, Richard de (d. 1316), 8, 18
Drokensford, Richard de (c. 1326-8), 6, 80
Drokensford, Thomas de, 40, 54
Duck (Duke), Richard, 21
Dudgeon, see Dogyon
Dudley, John, 43
Duke, see Duck
Dulbeare, see Dolbera
Dunster, John (d. 1412), 22
Dunster, John (d. 1480/2), 22
Dyker, Robert, 9, 60
Dylyngton (Derlynton), Thomas de, 6
Dynham (Denham), Oliver, 21, 56, 71
Dyppull (Brymesgrave), John, 69
Ediall, see Edyall
Edington, Thomas, 74
Edmondys, John, 71
Ednam, John, 17
Edyall (Ediall), Henry, 38, 62
Eggeworth, Roger, 70
Elleford, William, 16
Elys, John, 70
Ende, Thomas atte, 41
Erghum, John, 51
Erghum, Ralph (d. 1400), 2
Erghum, Ralph (d. 1410), 7, 16, 61
Ergym, Henry, 25
Eryngton, Richard, 20
Estdene, William de (c. 1313), 24
Estdene, William de (c. 1313-19), 24
Eston, Michael de, 82
Everdon, John de, 24
Excestre, William, 25, 43
Exton (Eyton), Geoffrey or Gilbert de, 54
Eye, John, 24
Eyr, John, 29
Eyton, see Exton
Fastolf (Fastole), Thomas, 4, 13
Felde, Walter, 9, 67
Felter, William, 70, 76
Ferdinandus, Gundissalvus, 21
Ferriby, William de, 48
Feryby, Thomas, 43
Fitzherbert, William, 20
Fitzjames, James, 9, 12 n., 42, 77, 79
Fitzjames, John, 75
Fitzjames, Richard, 66
Fitzjames, or Fitzwilliams, William, 6
Flemmyng, John, 29
Foolde, Walter, 24
Ford, Nicholas, 75
Forde, Richard de, 10, 81
Forde, William de la, de Yatton, 11, 37
Fordham, John de, 4
Forest, John, 5 & n. 1, 37
Forest, Richard, 28
Fox, Edward, 40
Fox, John, 50
Fox, Richard, 3
Frank, John, 68 (bis)
Fraunceys, John, 30
Free, see Phreas
Frelandi, Walter, 35
Frome, Nicholas, 60
Frome, Thomas, 27, 71, 72, 82
Fromond, Geoffrey de, 60
Froste, see Crofte
Fryer, Robert, 55
Fulford, William, 42, 59
Gabriell, Richard, 69
Gaetani, Anibaldus, de Ceccano, 49
Gamull, John, 70
Gardener, Richard, 33
Gardiner, Henry, 65
Gardiner, Stephen, 17
Garnesey, John, 35
Garton, Thomas de, 49, 74
Gascoigne, Thomas, 32
Gascy, Isuard, 77
Gaunstede, Simon, 76
George, John, 57
Giffard, John, 61
Gigliis, John de, 38
Gilberd, Richard, 66
Gilberd, William, 66 & n.
Gilbert, James, 42
Gilbert, Thomas, 50
Gloucestre, Robert de, 61
Glym, William, 64
Godde, William, 69
Godeford, John, 36
Godelee, Hamelin de, 18
Godeley, John de, 3, 81
Goldwege, Thomas, 42
Goldwell, Nicholas, 21
Gorce, Ranulf de, de Monterac, 15
Gorges, Thomas de, 6
Gothurst, Richard de, 57
Gournay, Edmund, 6, 27, 78
Graa, William, of Trusthope, 66
Grandisson, John de, 74
Grandisson, William de, 74
Gray, William (c. 1431), 21 & n. 1
Gray, William (d. 1478), 21 n. 1
Grene, John, 51, 58
Greye, Edward, 27
Gudman, John, 60
Gumby (Austeyne), Robert, 44
Gunthorpe, John, 5
Hache, Robert de, 57
Hakelut, Thomas de, 76
Halswell, Nicholas, 26, 72
Halywell, John, 43
Hamlyn, Robert, 58
Hanlo, William de, 40, 54
Hans, John, 12, 52
Hanworth, Hugh de, 43
Harborough, Henry, 41
Harewedon, Henry de, 45
Harewell, John de, 2
Harewell, Richard, 56 & n.
Harewell, Roger, 15, 40
Harris, Thomas, 11, 46, 50
Haryngton, William, 74
Haselscawe, Robert de, 7, 34, 77
Haselschawe, Thomas de (c. 1305), 31
Haselschawe, Thomas de (c. 1343), 78
Haselschawe, Walter de, 1, 3
Hatfield, Thomas de, 78
Hatton, Ranulph, 63
Hatton, Richard, 74
Haukesworth, William, 37
Hay, Thomas, 47 & n. 2
Haydour, John, 42
Hayman, Richard, 56, 74
Haywardine, Henry, 47
Henneage, George, 17
Henton, John de, 53
Hereward, Robert, 16
Hereward, Thomas de, 66
Herle, Hugh, 15
Herte, John, 58
Hertyndon, Adam de, 48
Hewish (Huish), John, 57
Hichman, William, 39
Highwey, William, 28
Hill, John, 19, 75 & n. 2
Hillier, John, 18, 62
Hillum, Robert de, 77
Hilton, Adam de, 34
Hispania, James de, 63, 76
Hobbys, Thomas, 49
Hody, Alexander (c. 1418-20), 71 & n., 72 & n.
Hody, Alexander (d. 1519), 9, 49
Hody, John, 7, 9, 27, 40
Hogekyn, John, 76
Holbache, Hugh, 66
Holes (Hulse), Andrew, 14 & n. 1, 17, 46
Holloway, William, 22
Holme, Adam, 26
Holme, Roger de, 34
Honywode, Robert, 17
Hope, John, 51
Hope, Thomas, 28
Hoper, William, 46
Hore, Richard, 29, 35
Horn, Thomas, 66
Horsey, William, 73
Horsington, John de, 8, 39, 48, 83
Hothom, Alan de, 40, 42
Howell, John, 69
Howeren, John, 38
Howes, Adam, 30
Hugh, 13
Huish, see Hewish
Hull, Richard, 27
Hull, Stephen of, see Martin
Hulle, Walter de, 11, 15, 24
Hulse, see Holes
Humberton, Alan, 68
Humphrey (Umfray), Thomas, 74
Hunt (Hurst), Robert, 38
Huse, Peter, 71
Husee, Henry, 3, 7
Husee, Mathew, 24
Hyckelyng, Hugh, 23
Hylle, Robert, 57
Hynton, Thomas, 66
Idesworth, Henry de, 54
Iforde, John de, 21
Ikelyngton, John, 14
Ildesleigh, John de, 54
Ile, Robert de, 57
Ilford, Nicholas de, 38
Ine, Thomas, 54
Inge, see Ynge
Ingleby, Henry de, 45
Insula (Lisle), Peter de, 12
Iterii, Peter, de Perigueux, 10
Jakes, William, 28
Jane, Thomas, 14 n. 2, 36
Kantia, John de, 60
Karneka (Carnyka), Thomas, 5
Kene, Nicholas, 36
Keten, Robert, 75
King, Oliver, 3, 17, 33
King, William, 32, 71
Kinnersley, see Kynardeseye
Kirkeby, Thomas, 71
Knesworth, see Strete
Knight, William, 3, 49
Knovill, Ralph de, 66
Knyght, John, 20, 33
Kyldesby, William de, 77
Kymer, Gilbert, 38
Kynardeseye (Kinnersley), John de, 64
Kyngeston, Richard, 50
Kyngman, John, 28
Kyngoscot, William de, 49
Kyrkeby, John, 73, 78
Kyrketon, Thomas, 65
Labere, de la, see Delaberd
Lacock, Thomas, 22
Lacy, John de, 68
Lambrok, William, 10, 18, 79
Lane, John, 75
Lane, Thomas, 68
Langeton, John de, 10
Langham, Simon, 13 & n.
Langley, Thomas, 80
Langport, Richard, 17
Langton, John, 28
Langton, Thomas, 62
Lanton, William de, 81
Lascy, John, 29, 76
Lavenza, Anthony de, 79
Lavyngton, William de, 11
Lee, Roland, 17
Lens, Baldwin de, 28
Lepton, Ralph, 18
Leson, Thomas, 81
Leyott, Richard, 41
Lichefeld, John, 43
Lichefeld, Richard, 15, 59
Likamstede, Richard de, 72
Linacre, Thomas, 47
Lincoln, John de, 19
Lisle, see Insula
Littleton, Wibert de, see Lutleton
Littleton (Lutleton), William de, 6, 8 & n., 27
Loggoure, Thomas de, 7
Logwardyn, John, 65
London, Walter de, 3
Loughteburgh, William de, 4
Lovel, Thomas, 12, 21, 79
Luffenham, Robert de, 74
Luggore, Thomas, 8
Lugwardyn, John, 43, 67
Lukk, John, 37
Lumbard, John, 45
Luna, Peter de, 15 n.
Lutleton (Littleton), Wibert de, 3, 13, 76
Lutleton, William de, see Littleton
Lyndwood, William, 65
Lynton, Thomas, 10, 79
Macclesfield, John, 34-5
Mackworth, John, 27, 80
Maddynglee, Thomas, 31, 51, 54
Madefrey, Thomas, 40, 82
Maior, John, 58
Maitel, John, 81
Malo Ingenio, Arnald de, 32
Manneston, John, 48
Marchall, John, 68
Marcia, William de, 1
Marini (de Maronibus), Christopher, 39
Marsh, see Merssh
Marston, William, 48
Martin, Stephen, of Hull, 32
Marton, Thomas, 8, 16, 66
Maundour, John, 47
Maunham, Nicholas de, 82
Maydenhith, John de, 82
Mayhew, Richard, 28
Maynard, David, 54
Medeford (Medford, Mitford), Richard de, 2, 50
Medeford (Medford, Mitford), Walter de, 5, 19
Melbourne, William de, 63 (bis)
Melward, see Milward
Menhir, John, 39, 43
Menyman, John, 43
Mere, John, 7, 33
Merer, see Morer
Merssh (Marsh), Thomas, 50, 59, 73
Merston, Henry, 48, 64
Mertok, John, 49
Mettingham, John de, 81
Middelond, Robert, 82
Middelton, Robert, 80
Middleton, Gilbert de, 49
Middleton, John de (c. 1337), 8
Middleton, John de (c. 1382), 23
Milward (Melward), John, 32
Minutulis, Henry de, 4
Mitford, see Medeford
Mockyng, Nicholas, 12
Molendino, William de, 16
Moleyns, Adam, 16, 70
Mona (Moon), Guy de, 4 n., 25
Montacute, Simon de, 13
Monterac, see Gorce
Monyngton, Hugh de, 33 n.
Monyngton, Walter de, 1, 60
Monyns, John, 17
Moon, see Mona
Moraunt, Jordan de, 10
More, Walter, 60
Morehay, John, 69
Morer (Merer), John, 9, 23
Moresby, Richard, 18
Morpath, Stephen, 41, 58
Mors, William, 24
Mortimer (Mortuo Mari), Robert, 3, 13
Morton, John (d. 1463), 38, 75
Morton, John (d. 1500), 43 & n., 62
Morton, Thomas, 30, 64
Mortuo Mari, see Mortimer
Mory, Henry, 70
Moryn, Walter, 51
Motte, Gaillard de la, 54
Muchelney, Ralph de, 52
Mulcastre, John, 29
Murymuth, Adam de, 51
Murymuth, Thomas de, 51
Nantolio, Peter de, 19
Naples, see Tomacelli
Nase, John, 62
Nassington, Roger de, 18
Nettleton, Robert de, 67
Neuport (Newport), John de, 37, 63
Newbald, Robert, 59
Newenham, John de, 20, 34
Newport, see Neuport
Nix (Nik, Nykke), Richard, 14 & n. 2, 80
Noel, Robert, 37
Norris, see Sugar
Nottyngham, John de, 29, 50
Nowell, Edmund, 33
Nykke, Richard, see Nix
Nykke, William, 14, 55
Nyweton, Nicholas de, 23
Obezis, John, 23
Odecumbe, William de, 29, 49, 59, 72
Offord (Ufford), Andrew de, 34
Offord (Ufford), John de, 33, 77
Orgrave, Thomas de, 23
Orleton, Adam de, 67
Orleton, John de, 67
Orum, John, 52
Osbern, John, 33
Osborn, Walter, 30, 64
Osgodby, Adam, 81
Overary, Thomas, 7, 9, 41, 43 n.
Overtone, Thomas de, 53
Owen, Richard, 14 n. 1
Page, Roger, 29
Pakenham, John, 36
Palmer, Richard, 65
Parfit, Robert, 38, 47
Parham, Thomas, 30
Pates, Richard, 46
Pavy, Hugh, 46
Pavy, William, 43
Paxton, Thomas de, 4
Payn, Roger, 27
Pederton (Petherton), John, 65
Pederton (Petherton), Walter de, 30
Pedewell, John, 72
Pelegrini, Raymond, 49
Pellican, Thomas, 25
Pemberton, John, 64
Pempel, Stephen de, 4
Pencriz, Hugh de, 32
Pencriz, William de, 24
Pennaude, John, 33
Penwortham, Henry, 28, 69
Penyfader, Richard, 82
Perche, John, 26
Percy (Perse), George, 26, 55
Perigueux, see Iterii
Perse, see Percy
Pert, see Spert
Peter, 22
Petherton, John (d. 1458), 57
Petherton, John (d. 1460), see Pederton
Petherton, Walter de, see Pederton
Petteworth, Richard, 36
Peuesy, Robert, 59, 73
Philpot, Richard, 77
Phreas (Free), John, 2
Piers (Pyers), William, 7, 52
Pikman, John, 9, 15, 26, 55
Pipe, Thomas, 53
Pittes, Richard, 39
Plumstock, Richard de, 42
Polton, Thomas, 16, 39
Pontesbury, Nicholas de, 11, 51
Pope, John, 25, 50, 62, 74
Power, John, 15, 24, 44
Prata (Prés), Pileus de, 35
Preston, William, 36
Price, David, 18, 62 (bis)
Prophete, John, 27, 80
Pryston, John, 36 & n.
Pulle, John de, 73
Pulteneye, John, 65
Purveour, Thomas, 55, 65 & n., 80 & n.
Purviour, Robert, 38
Pycott, see Pygott
Pyers, see Piers
Pygott (Pycott), Richard, 38
Radeley, Humphrey, 41
Rawlyns, Henry, 38
Rawlyns, Richard, 66
Rawson, Richard, 51 & n.
Rayns, Thomas, 42
Rede, Lewis, 30
Redmayn, John, 17
Remston, Robert, of Corffe, 74
Retford, John, 30
Retford, Thomas de, 8, 30
Reynold, John, 12, 26, 55
Ricardi, Hugh, 83
Riche, see Roche
River, John, 36
Roche (Riche, Ryche), John, 47, 65
Rodeneye, Richard de, 41, 55, 78
Rogers, Edward, 79
Rogers, James, 68
Rokeby, William, 46 n.
Roland, John, 18, 20, 25, 44, 72
Roos, I. de, 81
Rosedefe, William, 50
Ruggeley, Thomas, 29
Ruthall, Thomas, 67
Ryche, see Roche
Ryell, William, 23
Rygge, Robert, 44
Rypon, John de, 13
Sacro Fonte, see Sancto Fonte
Salopia (Shrewsbury, Shrouesbury), Ralph de, 1, 83
Salter, Thomas, 69
Salton, William de, 46, 68
Sambourne, Robert de, 70, 71
Sampson, Richard, 17
Sancto Edmundo, see Bury, Richard de
Sancto or Sacro Fonte, Andrew de, 56
Sancto Paulo, John de, 34, 45, 67
Sancy, see Saucy
Sandale, John de, 34, 40, 77
Sandwyco, Henry de, 14
Saucy (Sancy), John, 67
Saunford, John de, 18
Savaric, 22
Saxeby, William de, 59
Say, William, 55
Saynteloo, see Seylo
Scales, Henry de, 17
Schavington, Henry de, 16
Schepton, Thomas de, 65
Schepton, William de, 53
Sergeaux (Sergoys), Michael, 43
Seylo (Saynteloo), Edward, 36
Seymour, John, 47 & n. 2
Sharp, Henry, 45, 74 n., 83 & n.
Shelford, John, 19 & n.
Shelford, Thomas, 9, 44, 62, 69, 70
Shelwood, John, 61
Sherburn, Robert, 17, 75
Shillyngford, John, 67
Shirborn, John, 54
Shirford, John, 36
Shiryngton, Walter, 25, 74, 82
Shorton, Robert, 15, 45
Shrewsbury, Shrouesbury, see Salopia
Sidenham, George, 36
Silk, William, 31
Silvestre (Codeford), John, 37
Skelton, William, 31, 35, 47
Skirlaw, Walter de, 2
Skirwyth, William, 50
Skyfteslyng, John, 29
Slake, Nicholas, 4, 14
Slaughter, William, 74
Sleford, John, 80
Sloo, Robert atte, 24, 72
Smyth, Robert, 29
Smythe, William (c. 1487-93), 35 & n., 47 & n. 1
Smythe, William (c. 1490), 33
Smythe, William (d. 1514), 35 n.
Snapp, John, 68
Sobbury, John de, 31
Sobbury, Thomas de, see Sudbury
Somerset, Thomas, 39
Somertone, John de, 53
Soper, William, 69
Southbroke, William, 22
Southwode, John, 44
Sowi, Osmund de, 56
Spaldyngton, William, 45, 75
Sparkeford, Thomas, 16, 43, 45
Spekyngton, John, 12, 25, 47, 52
Sperkhauke, John, 18
Spert (Pert), Thomas, 8, 78
Spicer, Richard, 45
Sprever, William, 15
Stafford, John, 2, 5, 19
Stanhowe, Richard de, 81
Stanley, Thomas de, 4, 50
Stapleton, Thomas de, 27, 82
Staundon, Thomas, 66
Staunton, Hervey de, 40, 62
Staunton, John, 19
Stephens, John (d. 1467), 33
Stephens, John (c. 1488), 59
Stephens, Thomas (d. 1420), 26, 55
Stephens, Thomas (d. 1520/1), 52
Stephens, William, 7, 37, 62
Steur, Nicholas, 72
Stillington, John, 68
Stillington, Robert (c. 1473-86), 55
Stillington, Robert (d. 1491), 2, 17, 45, 62, 75
Stillington, William, 69
Stokes, John (c. 1410-41), 50, 75
Stokes, John (d. 1479), 58
Stone, Gilbert, 20, 70
Stone, John, 59
Stonore, Robert de, 19, 26
Stopynton, John, 48
Storthwayt, John, 7, 9, 31, 47, 56
Stoure, John de, 57
Stourton, Richard, 24
Stowe, William de, 42
Stratford, Robert de, 3, 80
Stratton, Nicholas, 53
Strete, Thomas, de Knesworth, 37, 63
Streynsham, John, 44
Stronge, William, 28
Strotton, Robert, 82
Stukeley (Stucle), Peter, 11, 44, 62, 78
Sturgeon, Nicholas, 48, 50
Sudbury, Adam de, 60
Sudbury, Gerard de, 77
Sudbury, John, Simon, and Thomas de, see Thebaud
Sugar (Norris), Hugh, 11, 15, 29, 56, 71
Sutton, John de, 25
Sutton, Robert de, 21
Sutton, Thomas, 58
Swan, Richard, 35, 73
Swyft, John, 26
Swyft, Thomas, 43
Sydenhale, John de, 46, 68
Sydenham, Christopher, 36
Symson, William, 67
Talbot, Robert, 71
Tarry, Robert, 48
Taunton, Robert de, 34, 77
Taunton, Walter de, 60
Taylour, John (d. 1493), 30
Taylour, John (d. 1534), 72, 81
Tebrightone, Roger, 51, 59
Telesford, John, 22
Terry, Thomas, 8, 20
Thebaud, John, de Sudbury, 49
Thebaud, Simon, de Sudbury, 49
Thebaud, Thomas, de Sudbury, 4, 49
Thingull, William, 16
Thirlow, William, 44
Thistleden, Richard de, 6, 10, 45, 80
Thompson, William, 19
Thomson, John, 39
Thormeton, see Tormeton
Thursteyn, John, 83
Tirel, Bartholomew, 41, 55
Toby, William, 27
Toly, William, 28
Tomacelli, Piero, of Naples, 16
Tomyow, Thomas, 15, 32
Tormeton (Thormeton), Richard de, 8, 10, 74
Trevaur, John, 6, 33
Trevenaunt, John, 35, 52, 71
Trewelove, Adam, 29
Trillek, Thomas de, 80
Trippe, Stephen, 28
Trobelfyld, Richard, 34
Trusthope, see Graa
Tuttebury, Thomas, 4, 13
Twynyoo (Twynhoe), Christopher, 23
Tyndall, Martin, 30
Tyssebury, John, 58, 82
Ufford, see Offord
Umfray, see Humphrey
Upton, John de, 73
Upton, Nicholas, 43
Upton, Thomas, 13
Urry, John, 69
Urswick, Christopher, 47
Valenciis, Matthew de, 11, 14, 25
Vannes, Peter, 41
Vergil (Castellensis), Polydore, 5 n. 3, 14
Verreriis, Poncius de, 37
Vigerous, William, 40
Villiers, James, 67
Villiers, William, 67
Viterbo, Mark de, 10
Vowell, John, 39
Wakering, John, 64, 82
Walrond, John, 63
Waltham, William, 39
Walton, Henry de, 49
Walwayn, Elias de, 83
Wamberg, John de, 37
Wamberg, Robert de, 13, 63, 76
Wansford, John, 12, 18, 65
Warde, Thomas, 15
Ware, John de, 32
Wareyn, John, 32
Warham, William, 7
Warini, John, de Wellesleigh, 30, 46
Warle, Ingelard de, 39
Waryn, Nicholas, 81
Wasyn, Thomas, 61
Webbe, see Wybbe
Webber, Henry, 5 n. 2, 71
Welbourne, John, 38
Welles, John, 26
Welles, Nicholas de, 81
Wellesleigh, see Warini
Wellington, John, 57
Wellis, Thomas, 55
West, Reginald, 12, 31, 52
Weston, Lawrence, 45
Weston, Thomas, 46
Weston, William de, 38
Whyte, William, 12
Whyting, Richard, 61
Widewe, Robert, 12, 24, 52
Wilde, see Wylde
William, 13 n.
Willughby, Edward, 78
Wilson, Robert, 9, 67
Wilton, Thomas de, 18
Winchelsey, John de, 19
Windelzore (Wyndesore), Ralph de, 72
Winsford, John, 76
Winter, Thomas, 6, 56
Winterborne, Thomas, 38
Winton, Thomas de, 21
Witham, William, 5, 55
Woleman (Wuleman), Richard, 6
Wolsey (Wulcie), Thomas, 3, 6, 41
Worsley, William, 17
Worthington, Richard, 35, 78
Wraxall (Bele), Richard, 57
Wulcie, see Wolsey
Wuleman, see Woleman
Wyat, see Wyott
Wybbe (Webbe), Thomas, 25
Wygrome (Wygrym), John, 23
Wyke, William, 53
Wykeham, William de, 69
Wykes, William, 24
Wylde (Wilde), Edmund, 77
Wyncaulton, Walter, 69
Wyndesore, see Windelzore
Wyneyarde, William, 71
Wynwyk, John de, 78
Wyott (Wyat), Richard, 47
Wyte, Roger, 70
Wyte, Walter le, 73 n.
Wytehurst, Roger de, 73
Wytton, Robert, 38
Yarnemothe (Yernemuth), John, 37
Yatton, see Forde, William de la
Yernemuth, see Yarnemothe
Ynge (Inge), Hugh, 42, 46 & n.
Young, Robert, 31
Young, Thomas, 27
Zouche, Eudo de la, 36