Canons whose prebends cannot be identified

Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 7, Bath and Wells. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 2001.

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'Canons whose prebends cannot be identified', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 7, Bath and Wells, ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 2001), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Canons whose prebends cannot be identified', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 7, Bath and Wells. Edited by Diana E Greenway (London, 2001), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Canons whose prebends cannot be identified". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 7, Bath and Wells. Ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 2001), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

Canons whose prebends cannot be identified

A- Lugdun'

Occ. as can. at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 42). Cf. Dalmasius de Lugduno who occ. as steward 1175 × 27 Nov. 1191 (Cal. I 25). (fn. 1).


Occ. as can. at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 29).

M. Adam de Clenefeld (fn. 2)

First occ. as can. 3 Nov. 1218 (Acta of Hugh of Wells no. 93). Occ. several times. Occ. in reg. of Hugh of Wells, bp. of Lincoln (Rot. Welles I 69, II 106, 133, 185, 188). Last occ. 7 Nov. 1227 (Acta of Hugh of Wells no. 284).

Adam de Dorchester (fn. 3)

Occ. as can. once only, 5 March 1260 (below, app. 3 no. 47 G). D. or res., called Adam of Dorset, before 2 Jan. 1267, when his unnamed preb. gr. to M. Alexander de la Cnoll (CPR 1266-72 p. 22; see below).

M. Adam of Gussage (fn. 4)

First occ. as can. 2 Feb. 1248 (below, app. 3 no. 27 B, also C-F), and prob. already can. 10 Jan. 1248 (Cal. I 4). Bp.'s official Sept. 1247 (ibid. p. 79) and 17 March 1248 (CPL I 242 = Reg. Innoc. IV no. 3720). Occ. as can. frequently. Papal mandate for his excomm. for having laid violent hands on some monks of Quarr, at Stanley (Wilts.), 28 Nov. 1250 (Sayers, Original Papal Docs. no. 383). Last occ. as can. 13 July 1254 (Cal. I 136). D. shortly before 20 Jan. 1257 (ibid. p. 138). Held a house in Wells (ibid.) and a tenement in New Salisbury (ibid. p. 140). His anniversary mentioned 5 Dec. 1273 (ibid. p. 110). His obit in Christmas Term (ibid. II 12).

Adam de Mora

Kinsman of bp. William of Bitton I, said on 7 March 1252 to have res. unnamed preb. in favour of Hugolinus (CPL I 278 = Reg. Innoc. IV no. 5836; cf. below). Occ. as can. four times: 13 March 1257 (CPL I 343 = Reg. Alex. IV no. 1800), 25 Apr. 1257 (Chart. Bath II 35 (no. 161)), ? 1268 (Cal. I 106), and ? c. 1270 (ibid. II 573 (no. 126)).

Adam de Nutsted (fn. 5)

Occ. as can. once only, 1 Dec. 1248 (Cal. I 84). ? To be identified with Adam de Nutzard, abbot of St Benet Holme (Ben., Norf.), el. 21 Apr. × 8 May 1256, d. 1 Aug. 1268 (Russell, Dict. of Writers p. 9); grammarian and poet (ibid.; Biog. Ox. III 1688-9, as 'Shidyerd'; Sharpe, Handlist no. 32).

Adam of Osgodby

Papal disp., on recommendation of Odo de Grandisson, to retain canonry and unnamed preb. in Wells 25 May 1308 (CPL II 40 = Regestum Clementis Papae V, ed. O.S.B. (Rome 1885-92) no. 2785). His unnamed preb. vacant 1 Sept. 1316 (Reg. Droxford fo. 99r, cal. Reg. Drokensford p. 115; incorrect reference in 2 Fasti VIII 81). Also preb. of York, gr. 16 Sept. 1299, still alive 13 Apr. 1315, res. by 8 Aug. 1316, d. 12 Aug. 1316 (1 Fasti VI 103).

M. Alan

Occ. as can. c. 1204 (Select Canterbury Cases p. 14). Prob. to be identified with M. Alan de Cretton, official of bp. Savaric (EEA X pp. lv-lvii; full name given ibid. nos. 203, 219, 224, 231, 234).


Occ. as can. once only, early 1130s, before March 1136 (EEA X no. 7, for which see below, app. 1 n. 2).

M. Alexander de la Cnoll

Royal pres. to church of Kingston (Kent) 24 Aug. 1265 (CPR 1258-66 p. 444). Not yet can. when occ. at Wells 6 June 1266 (Cal. I 104). Royal gr. of unnamed preb. in succession to Adam de Dorchester, s.v., 2 Jan. 1267 (CPR 1266-72 p. 22; cf. above). Occ. as can. 8 June 1283 (Reg. Giffard (Worc.) II 176). Prob. a relative of M. Edward de la Cnoll, dean 1256-84 (list 3).

M. Amandus

Occ. as can. once only at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 16). Presum. to be identified with M. Amandus who witnesses 1189 × 1204 [?c. 1200] (Sarum Chs. p. 60 no. 73).

Bartholomew de Castell'

Occ. as can. once only, on prec.'s side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 20).

Bogo de Clare (fn. 6)

Occ. as can. twice only: on dean's side 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 10) and 30 Dec. 1292 (Cal. I 529). Preb. of York from 5 Nov. 1265; treas. of York from 15 Sept. 1285 (1 Fasti VI 88, 26, 109); preb. of Exeter from 30 Jan. 1267 (Reg. Bronescombe II no. 652); prec. of Chichester by 22 May 1283 (1 Fasti V 14); chanc. of Llandaff by 16 Oct. 1287 (CPL I 519 = Reg. Nic. IV nos. 3397-3402). Had numerous livings. D. towards the end of Oct. 1294 (Ann. Worc. p. 517).

Boniface of Cocconato

Royal gr. of unnamed preb. in succession to M. Gregory of Naples, s.v., 2 Feb. 1275 (CPR 1272-81 p. 84; cf. below). Also preb. of York. D. in Lombardy before 2 June 1284 (1 Fasti VI 67). Prob. related to Uberto of Cocconato, cardinal-den. of S. Eustachio 1261-76 (ibid.).

M. Charles of Beaumont

Described as can. of Wells, York and Beverley 18 Oct. 1292 (CPR 1292-1301 p. 121; see 1 Fasti VI 120 and Beverley Fasti p. 102). Also can. of Lincoln by papal prov. 30 Sept. 1291 (1 Fasti III 121). Staying overseas 11 May 1296 (CPR 1292-1301 p. 188). Still alive 11 Feb. 1305 (Records of Antony Bek, ed. C. M. Fraser (Surtees Soc. clxii, 1953) p. 107, cf. ibid. p. 105). Son of Louis, vicomte of Beaumont (Maine), (fn. 7) and brother of M. Louis of Beaumont, treas. of Salisbury and preb. of Eastharptree (above, list 38).

M. Constantine of Mildenhall

Not called can. when occ. with full name in connection with Glastonbury abbey 12 Dec. 1274 (Cal. II 570 (no. 110)). Occ. as can. once only, as M. Constantine, appd. one of episcopal electors 23 Jan. 1275 (ibid. I 113 = Chart. Bath II 68 (no. 325)). Official of bp. of Salisbury by 18 Jan. 1262/3; can. of Salisbury by 22 Apr. 1265 (1 Fasti IV 119). Preb. of Crediton, coll. 24 June 1264 (Reg. Bronescombe II no. 554). Preb. of Exeter, coll. 6 Nov. 1265 (ibid. no. 602). Archdcn. of Sudbury by 18 Dec. 1267, last occ. 11 Oct. 1273 (1 Fasti II 71). D. before 26 Jan. 1295 (ibid. IV 119). Commem. at Exeter 15 Apr. (ibid.).

M. E-

Received as can. by bp. R[obert], so before 31 Aug. 1166, with 40s p.a. until a preb. available; but passed over for preb. s.v.; papal mandate that he is to receive preb. wrongly gr. to Stephen of Tournai (Mansi, Concilia XXI 1090 = Jaffé no. 14130), evidently ineffective (see Stephen of Tournai, preb. Whitchurch, list 62). Perhaps to be identified with M. Eustace, who occ. in bp.'s circle, prob. can., before 31 Aug. 1166 (EEA X nos. 27, 36, 51, 55) and c. 1174 (ibid. no. 175; cf. no. 177 and p. xlii). Not likely to be the same as Eustace archdcn. of Wells from before c. 1142, who last occ. after 24 June 1151 and had been succeeded prob. before 4 Nov. 1159 (list 11).


Occ. as can. twice only: 14 Nov. 1148 (Chart. Chichester no. 299 = Cal. Ch. Rolls IV 440) and 24 June 1151 × 31 Aug. 1166, prob. after c. 1157 (EEA X no. 33). Also occ., not called can., as witness to three chs. of bp. Robert: c. 1151 × 1164 (ibid. nos. 13, 26) and 1153 × 64 (ibid. no. 55).

M. Elias of Batheaston (fn. 8)

Occ. as bp.'s clerk 24 May 1246 (Cal. I 308). First occ. as can. Sept. 1247 (ibid. p. 79). Occ. several times. Last occ. 13 Dec. 1249 (below, app. 3 no. 32 E). D. by 1 Feb. 1251, when his obit mentioned (Cal. I 130). Prob. related to M. William de Batheaston, chanc. (list 5).

M. Geoffrey de Acford

Bp.'s clerk, occ. 24 May 1246 (Cal. I 72, 308). Occ. as can. 12 Nov. 1245 (Cal. Ch. Rolls IV 396). Perhaps to be identified with Geoffrey de Coford, who occ. as can. 13 June 1245 (Chart. Bath II 31 (no. 146)).

M. Geoffrey of Aspall (fn. 9)

Occ. as can. once only, on prec.'s side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 22). Queen's chanc., papal disp. to hold addit. benefices before 13 Dec. 1278 (CPL I 456 = Les Registres de Nicolas III, ed. J. Gay and S. Vitte (Bibliothèque des Ecoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 2nd series xiv, 1898-1938) no. 203). Preb. of London, occ. 25 June 1278 (1 Fasti I 29). Archdcn. of Dublin by 1278; can. of Lichfield by 1279; master of St Leonard's hosp., York, by 1281; numerous other benefices. D. overseas 11 June 1287 (Cal. Genealogicum I 379-80). Writer of commentaries on Aristotle (Sharpe, Handlist no. 210).

Geoffrey de Northweg'

Occ. as can. once only, c. 1182 × 18 Nov. 1182 (EEA X no. 151). Not likely to be identified with Geoffrey of Norwich, who was appd. justiciar of the Jews Apr. 1200 (Rot. Chart. p. 61a), last occ. 14 June 1212, and d. as prisoner c. 1213 (S. Painter, Reign of King John (Baltimore, 1949) pp. 270-2).

? Geoffrey of Wiveliscombe

Occ. among convent of Wells, presum. can., 1153 × 4 Nov. 1159 (Cal. I 53). (fn. 10)


Occ. as can. and clerk c. 16 May 1223 (EEA XIX no. 380). Perhaps to be identified with Gilbert of Taunton (unident. preb., below).

M. Gilbert of Bytham

First occ. as can. 2 Feb. 1248 (below, app. 3 no. 25 B). Also occ. 22 March and 23 May 1249 (ibid. no. 25 C D). Prec. by 28 Dec. 1255, so presum. transf. to preb. Pilton (lists 3, 50).

Gilbert of Doulting (fn. 11)

Occ. as can. twice only: at Biggleswade (Beds.) 11 March 1220 (Rot. Welles II 185) and at Dorchester (Oxon.) 22 Nov. 1221 (ibid. p. 194). Occ. at Wells without title 6 July 1222 (Cal. I 10).

Gilbert of Salisbury

Bp.'s clerk, occ. 16 Apr. 1246 and 8 Apr. 1247 (Cal. I 78, 79). Proctor of dean and chapter 1 Jan. 1248 (ibid. p. 4) and to papal Curia Easter 1250 (ibid. pp. 89, 90). First occ. as can. before 20 May 1262 (Chart. Bath II 51 (no. 220)). Occ. several times. Last occ. at Wells 6 June 1266 (Cal. I 104). Subdean of York, coll. 10 Feb. 1267, last occ. 13 Sept. 1281 and had been succeeded by 20 Dec. 1281 (1 Fasti VI 28). His obit at Wells in Michaelmas Term (Cal. II 11, 242).

M. Gilbert de Sancto Leofardo (fn. 12)

Bp.'s gr. of pension of 10m p.a. until a preb. available 26 Sept. 1260, conf. by dean and chapter 28 Dec. (Cal. I 141). Clerk of cardinal legate Ottobono, occ. 23 March 1266 (CPR 1258-66 p. 571); official of court of Canterbury 1282-6 (Reg. Pecham II 174; Reg. Epp. Peckham III 921). First occ. as can. 3 Oct. 1284 (Cal. I 403). Can. on prec.'s side 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 32). Last occ. as can. 10 Dec. 1286 (CUL MS Ee. v. 31 fo. 25v). Also preb. of Beverley by 23 Dec. 1269 (Beverley Fasti p. 48); can. of Chichester by 28 Dec. 1264; treas. of Chichester by 5 Apr. 1279; bp. of Chichester, el. 30 Jan. 1288, temps. 24 June, cons. 5 Sept., d. 12 Feb. 1305 (1 Fasti V 50, 19, 6).

M. Gilbert of Taunton

Presum. not yet can. when occ. without title 16 July 1217 (Chart. Bath II 21 (no. 103)). First occ. as can. 8 Apr. 1219 (ibid. p. 22 (no. 105)). Occ. several times. Last occ. as can. 7 Nov. 1227 (Acta of Hugh of Wells no. 284) and as bp. Jocelin's datary 22 Aug. 1228 (Cal. I 28). (fn. 13) Archdcn. of Huntingdon by 9 Apr. 1230, last occ. in year 17 June 1238 - 16 June 1239 but prob. out of office before 16 June 1239 (1 Fasti III 28). Perhaps to be identified with M. W- de Tant' who occ. as can. early 1206 (unident. preb., below).

M. Giles of Bridport

Archdcn. of Berks. by 26 Dec. 1237 (1 Fasti IV 30). Occ. as preb. Winsham (one of Combe prebs., lists 18-32) 27 May 1241 (Cal. I 531), and as can. of Wells 5 Feb. and 9 June 1243 and 6 Feb. 1244 (ibid. pp. 94, 70, 76). Dean by 20 Aug. 1253, so presum. transf. to preb. Wedmore I (list 3).

M. Gregory of Naples

Occ. as papal subdcn. and chapl. 8 Nov. 1263 (Reg. Urbain IV no. 2337, cal. CPL I 415). His unnamed preb. vacant on his promotion to bpric. of Bayeux, royal gr. to Boniface of Cocconato, s.v., 2 Feb. 1275 (CPR 1272-81 p. 84; cf. above).

Guy de Palude

Royal gr. of unnamed preb. in succession to William of Chew, s.v., 19 July 1243 (CPR 1266-72 p. 723; cf. below). Also preb. of Chichester, gr. 23 Feb. 1246, and held other benefices (1 Fasti V 59). Keeper of queen's wardrobe (Tout, Chapters V 234-5).

H-de Berkeley

Occ. as can. once only, at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 43).

H-de Langelegh

Occ. as can. once only, 2 Feb. 1248 (below, app. 3 no. 33 B). Perhaps to be identified with Henry de Langelee, son of G. de Langelee the kg.'s marshal, who had indult to hold an addit. benefice 16 March 1248 (CPL I 242 = Reg. Innoc. IV no. 3718). Cf. also T- de Langelegh, unident. preb., below.


Occ. as can. once only, early 1130s, before March 1136 (EEA X no. 7, for which see below, app. 1 n. 2).

Henry de Bluntesdon (fn. 14)

Occ. as can. once only, 25 June 1300, papal disp. as kg.'s almoner to retain archdcnry. of Dorset together with prebs. of Salisbury, Wells, Chichester and London (CPL I 588 = Reg. Bon. VIII no. 3670; see 1 Fasti I 38, V 28, 63, 112).

M. Henry de Bray

D. as preb. before 18 Apr. 1312; his preb. coll. to M. John de Roos (Reg. Droxford fo. 40v, cal. Reg. Drokensford p. 50; cf. 2 Fasti VIII 81).

Henry de Grandisson

Occ. as Master, not called can., 9 May [1284] (Reg. Epp. Peckham II 714-15). Occ. as can. once only, on dean's side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 3).

M. Henry Huse (de Esse)

First occ. as can. ? c. 1270 (Cal. II 573 (no. 126)) and 27 Dec. 1274 (ibid. I 111). Occ. as can., on prec.'s side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 19). Also preb. of Salisbury and Exeter (1 Fasti IV 59-60, 78). Chanc. of Wells by 10 Apr. 1290, last occ. 19 June 1302; dean, first occ. 3 March 1303 (list 5; cf. 2 Fasti VIII 3, 7).

Henry of London

Occ. as can. on four occasions: 19 Sept. 1236 (Cal. I 49), before 28 Jan. 1238 (ibid. p. 35), before 7 May 1238 (Cart. Bruton no. 205), and c. 1245 (Cal. II 556 (no. 43) = I 527). His house next to dean's 19 Sept. 1236 (ibid. I 49). Possibly to be identified with Henry of London formerly clerk of bp. of Chichester, who was in service in queen's chapel 19 Apr. 1253 (Close Rolls 1251-3 pp. 344-5). Not likely to be identified with Henry of London who occ. as treas. 13 Jan. 1236, last occ. 13 July 1254, and had been succeeded by 20 Feb. 1256 (list 6).

Henry de Montfort (fn. 15)

Rector of Stratton (Bath dioc.), indult to hold addit. benefice 2 March 1255 (CPL I 312 = Reg. Alex. IV no. 240). Pres. to rectory of Corton Denham (Som.) ? 1260s (Reg. Drokensford p. 55). Occ. as can. and proctor of dean and chapter in episcopal el. 13 Dec. 1274 (Cal. I 111; cf. CPR 1272-81 p. 74), and as one of electors 23 Jan. 1275 (Cal. I 113 = Chart. Bath II 68 (no. 325)). Possibly to be identified with kg.'s justice, who occ. judging a Wells suit c. 1270 (Cal. I 148), and d. 1275 × 6 (Foss, Judges III 133-4).

Herman of Wiveliscombe

Clerk, occ. c. 1186 × 27 Nov. 1191 (Cal. I 67). (fn. 16) Also occ. without title 23 June 1174 × c. 1184 and 1174 × 91 (EEA X nos. 169, 109; cf. Cal. I 46bis). Prob. can. when occ. 1185 × 27 Nov. 1191 and Lent 1195 × 8 Aug. 1205 (EEA X nos. 171, 262). Occ. as H. of Wiveliscombe can. at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 41).

M. Hugh de Atrio Dei

First occ. as can. 29 Apr. 1243 (Cal. I 96). Also occ. 3 and 5 Feb. 1244 (ibid. pp. 76, 93-4) and after 11 Sept. 1244 (ibid. p. 476). His unnamed preb. mentioned Nov. 1245, when he was perhaps already d. (ibid. p. 126). Certainly d. by 23 Sept. 1250, when his obit mentioned (ibid. p. 130).

Hugh Everard

Rector of Allerton Chapel (Som.), papal disp. to hold also church of Hilperton (Wilts.) 26 May 1263 (CPL I 390 = Reg. Urbain IV no. 285). First occ. as can. c. 1269 × May 1277 (Cal. II 575 (no. 134) =I 531). Occ. several times. Last occ. 17 Dec. 1298 (ibid. I 220). D. 31 May 1299 (ibid. p. 164).

? M. Hugh de Greneford

Clerk, inst. to church of Whitchurch [Canonicorum] (Dorset) 19 Feb. 1222 (EEA XIX no. 292; cf. ibid. no. 293 and Sarum Chs. no. 229 pp. 261-6). Not certainly can. Occ. prob. as can. 15 and c. 16 May 1223 and [1223] (EEA XIX nos. 395, 380, and Sarum Chs. no. 139 p. 125, no. 140 p. 127) and 28 Nov. 1232 (Cart. Bruton no. 95). [Vice-]archdcn. of Taunton, first occ. 7 Jan. 1234, last July [1241] (see above, list 12 n. 133, under M. Hugh de Wilton). Occ. without title early May 1242 (Curia Regis Rolls XVI no. 2038). Also perhaps can. of Salisbury 15 May 1223 (1 Fasti IV 123). Commem. at Wells in St John Baptist Term (Cal. II 12).

M. Hugh de la Mote

Exch. preb. Holcombe with John de Holteby for unnamed bursal preb. 1 Feb. 1266 (Reg. Giffard (Bath) p. 7; list 42). Occ. as can., cited 11 Jan. 1267 to appear at el. to be held on 10 Feb. (Cal. I 102-3).

? Hugh de Podio

Occ. without title, perhaps can., 1175 × c. 1189 (Cal. I 25). (fn. 17)

Hugh de Rumenal

Occ. as can. 7 Aug. 1239 (Cal. Ch. Rolls V 28-9), and as chapl. 9 Aug. 1239 (ibid. p. 29) and c. 1241 (Cal. I 522; for date cf. ibid. p. 527). Subdean by 11 Sept. 1244; treas. by 20 Feb. 1256, d. between 23 Apr. 1263 and 8 Nov. 1268 (lists 6, 7).

Hugh of Wells

Occ. as attorney of M. Ralph of Lechlade 16 May and 8 July 1199 (Rot. Curiae Regis I 291, 435). First occ. as can. 1200 (ibid. II 179; cf. Hugh can. who occ. c. 6 June 1205, Cal. I 10) and as H. of Wells can. at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 26). Also occ. 28 May 1206 × Dec. 1209 (Cal. I 479-80), and issued ch. concerning houses in Wells with assent of bp. Jocelin and witnessed by Hugh of Wells bp. of Lincoln June × Dec. 1209 (ibid. pp. 491-2). Archdcn. of Bath, newly appd. 11 July 1215, d. late 1234 or early 1235, before 14 Feb. (list 10).

M. Hugh de Wilton

Can. of Exeter by 22 Feb. 1199/1200 (EEA XII no. 213). First occ. as can. of Wells at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 30). Also occ. c. 1213 (Chart. Bath II 14 (no. 58)). Occ. without title July 1214 (Cal. I 471, 472, 474, 475), and as parson of Chew Magna 30 Nov. 1215 (ibid. p. 48). Archdcn. of Taunton by 18 Aug. 1221; last occ. presum. after Sept. 1236 (list 12).


Nephew of M. Paul of Garfanagna (fn. 18) papal chapl., papal prov. of an unnamed preb. in succession to Adam de Mora 7 March 1252 (CPL I 278 = Reg. Innoc. IV no. 5836; cf. above). Perhaps to be identified with Hugelin, defendant in assize 21 May 1280, who was vouched to warranty in land in Hewish 'Burnham' (fn. 19) (Cal. I 234).

Iterius Bochard of Angoulême

Royal clerk; first occ. as can. 3 March 1279 (CPR 1272-81 p. 304). Archdcn. of Bath, first occ. 3 Oct. 1295, last 18 Feb. 1297; said never to have kept residence (list 10).

J- de Rak (fn. 20)

Occ. as can. five times: 2 Feb. 1248 (below, app. 3 no. 28 B), 19-21 Aug. 1248 (Cal. I 75), 22 March and 23 May 1249 (below, app. 3 no. 28 C D), and 24 Apr. 1249, as Master (Cal. I 87).

James son of Nicholas

D. in possession of unnamed preb., which was coll. to M. Thomas de Cheshull 10 Dec. 1265 (Reg. Giffard (Bath) pp. 6-7; cf. below). Also preb. of York, d. before 10 Nov. 1265 (1 Fasti VI 101).

? Jerome

Occ. as can. prob. May 1203 (Select Canterbury Cases p. 11, name not clear in MS).

Jocelin the chaplain

Chapl. of bp. Reginald, witnessing 40 of his chs., the highest number of any individual (EEA X p. li), right through the episcopate, from c. 1174 (ibid. no. 175; cf. nos. 59, 61) to 27 Nov. 1189 × 27 Nov. 1191 (ibid. nos. 154-6; cf. nos. 80, 114, 157-66, 178). Occ. as can. once only, late 1189 (ibid. no. 115). Not to be confused with Jocelin of Wells (below), with whom he occ. twice, 23 June 1174 × 1188 (EEA X no. 177) and c. 1189 × 27 Nov. 1191 (ibid. no. 80). (fn. 21)

Jocelin son of Hubert

First occ. as chapl. and can. 18 Aug. 1243 (Cal. I 98). Occ. several times (e.g. ibid. pp. 75-8, 123, 126, 470). Last occ. 17 Oct. 1246 (ibid. p. 127). Had land in Mountroy Lane (ibid. II 556 (no. 43) = I 527; see Bailey, Canonical Houses pp. 42, 62).

Jocelin of Wells

Grew up in church of Wells 'a primo lacte' (Cal. I 63, cf. p. 66), but not to be identified with Jocelin the chaplain (above). Occ. without title 23 June 1174 × 1188 (EEA X no. 177) and c. 1189 × 27 Nov. 1191 (ibid. no. 80), and as clerk 8 Nov. 1186 × 27 Nov. 1191 (ibid. no. 72). First occ. as can. Lent 1195 × 1 May 1204 (ibid. no. 234), 30 June 1199 (Adam de Domerham II 387), and 1200 (Rot. Curiae Regis II 179). Royal clerk (Rot. Litt. Claus. I 9 etc.); royal justice (Foss, Judges II 514-15); kg.'s datary, e.g. 1 May 1205 (Reading Abbey Carts., ed. B. R. Kemp (Camden 4th ser. xxxi, xxxiii, 1986-7) I 76). Occ. c. 6 June 1205 together with his brother Hugh of Wells, archdcn. of Wells (Cal. I 10; list 11). Bp., el. early 1206, temps. 3 May, cons. 28 May (list 1).


Occ. as can. early 1130s, before March 1136 (EEA X no. 7, for which see below, app. 1 n. 2). Prob. to be identified with John the provost, who occ. 1153 × 4 Nov. 1159 among convent of Wells (Cal. I 53) (fn. 22) and as clerk of bp. Robert c. 1151 × 1164 (EEA X no. 14).

M. John of Axbridge

Bp.'s clerk and proctor 23 Oct. 1249 (Cal. II 558 (no. 54) = Chart. Bath II 49 (no. 207)). Occ. as can. 6 March 1251 (Cal. I 131) and 15 Aug. 1252 (below, app. 3 no. 42 F). Subdean by 20 Feb. 1256, last occ. 22 July 1266, d. by 27 Feb. 1270 (list 7).

M. John de Bestan (fn. 23)

Bp.'s coll. of unnamed preb. in succession to M. William de Sardene 18 Nov. 1297 (Cal. I 159). Also archdcn. of Shropshire (Hereford dioc.), coll. 6 Sept. 1287, res. 1 Aug. 1290; preb. of Hereford coll. 13 Aug. 1295; preb. of Salisbury (1 Fasti IV 50). D. by 31 Aug. 1304 (Reg. Ricardi de Swinfield, ed. W. W. Capes (CYS vi, 1909) p. 536 and n.).

John of Bitton

First occ. as can. 1 Aug. 1244 (Cal. I 75). Occ. frequently. Rector of Ashbury (Berks.) by 5 Apr. 1249 (CPL I 254 = Reg. Innoc. IV no. 4465), still 19 Oct. 1259 (Cal. I 140-1). Referred to as having been archdcn. [? of Wells], res. before 12 Dec. 1249 (list 11). Provost by 13 July 1254 (list 69). Last occ. 13 Jan. 1269 (Cal. I 108). D. by 21 Sept. 1273 (ibid. pp. 110-11). Commem. 4 Sept. (ibid. p. 23). His chantry at altar of St Nicholas in Lady chapel by the cloister (ibid. p. 376). Brother of bp. William of Bitton I (ibid. pp. 86, 133, 165; CPL I 254 = Reg. Innoc. IV no. 4465); uncle of bp. William of Bitton II, who was his heir (Cal. I 23, 110-11, 393).

John de Bohun

Occ. without title Lent 1195 × c. 1205 (EEA X no. 223). Presum. can. when occ. 30 June 1199 (Adam de Domerham II 387). Occ. as can. at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 33).

M. John of Caen (fn. 24)

Apostolic notary; royal clerk 1276-1310; preb. of York by 1288; dean of Stafford from 28 Oct. 1294 (1 Fasti VI 68); preb. of Lincoln from 1307 (2 Fasti I 83). D., his unnamed preb. in Wells vacant by 9 Apr. 1310 (Reg. Droxford fo. 31v; cf. 2 Fasti VIII 81).

M. John de Calne

Clerk, occ. Lent 1195 × 12 Sept. 1204 (EEA X no. 208), 2 Feb. 1202 or 1203 (ibid. no. 210), and before 8 Aug. 1205 (ibid. nos. 193, 205, 222-4, 233, 238). Bp. Savaric's official, occ. Lent 1195 × c. 1205 (ibid. no. 221; but see ibid. p. lvii). Occ. as can. once only, as J. de Kaln', early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 49).

John the chaplain

Not called can. when occ. c. 1189 × 27 Nov. 1191 (EEA X no. 145) and Dec. 1199 × late 1200 (ibid. no. 247). Prob. to be identified with J. capellanus who occ. as can. at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 27).

John Chauvel

Clerk, first occ. 19 Sept. 1192 × Lent 1195 (EEA X nos. 194, 230). Gr. church of Street by bp. Savaric c. 1199 (Adam de Domerham II 389). First occ. as can. Dec. 1196 × Dec. 1197 (ibid. p. 369) and Lent 1195 × 1 May 1204 (EEA X no. 234). Occ. as can. at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 18). Also occ. as can. c. 1230 (Cal. I 29) and 5 Oct. 1234 (ibid. p. 320; cf. ibid. p. 11). Last occ., presum. can., 17 Aug. 1245 (ibid. p. 123).

J[ohn] of Combe

Chapl., occ. 22 March 1249 (Cal. I 85); pres. to vicarage of Bishop's Lydeard 15 July 1252 (ibid. I 90). Occ. as can. and bp.'s official 16 Jan. 1270 (Chart. Bath II 124 (no. 648)).

M. John Cumin

Archdcn. of Bath, from 31 Aug. 1166 × c. 1167, prob. res. by 1176 (list 10). In possession of a preb. of 40s paid s.v. 1166-7 and 1167-8 (Pipe Rolls 13 Hen. II p. 202, 14 Hen. II p. 168). Occ. perhaps as can. c. 1170 (Cart. of Oseney Abbey, ed. H. E. Salter (Oxford Hist. Soc. lxxxix-xci, xcvii-xcviii, 1929-35) V no. 578D). Occ. without title 8 July 1175 × 9 Aug. 1179 (EEA X no. 61). Also preb. of London (1 Fasti I 55). Abp. of Dublin, el. 6 Sept. 1181, cons. at Velletri 21 March 1182, d. c. Nov. 1212 (list 10).

M. John of Derby

Occ. as can. once only, on prec.'s side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 18). Also preb. of Salisbury by May-June 1284 (1 Fasti IV 45); dean of Lichfield, el. 1280, d. 12 Oct. 1319 (H. Wharton, Anglia Sacra (1691) I 441, 442; cf. Reg. of Roger Martival, bp. of Salisbury, ed. K. Edwards et al. (CYS lv-lix, lxviii, 1959- 75) I 141).

John of Droxford (fn. 25)

Occ. as preb. when gr. papal disp. for plurality 27 Sept. 1298 (CPL I 193-4 = Reg. Bon. VIII no. 2638). Took oath on admission as can. (Cal. I 193-4). Also preb. of Chichester, Lincoln, London, Salisbury and Wells and of several collegiate churches (1 Fasti III 91, IV 66; 2 Fasti VII 34). Bp. of Bath and Wells, el. 5 Feb. 1309, temps. 15 May, cons. 9 Nov., d. 9 May 1329 (2 Fasti VIII 1). (fn. 26)

John of Hereford

Clerk, occ. 5 Feb. 1243 (Cal. I 93). First occ. as can. 13 June 1245 (Chart. Bath II 31 (no. 146)). Occ. frequently (e.g. below, app. 3 no. 21 A-G). Last occ. 5 March 1260 (below, app. 3 no. 21 G). Sold a tenement in Wells to M. John le Fortis chanc., before 10 Aug. 1271 (Cal. II 568-9 (no. 104)). D. by 29 July 1272, when his obit arranged (ibid. I 153; cf. ibid. p. 402 for his executors). Commem., as Master, 19 June (Dean Cosyn p. 154; cf. Cal. II 12, in Lady Day Term), also 20 May (Wells Cath. Libr. obit 1498-1530). His chantry at altar of All Saints (Dean Cosyn p. 17).

M. John de Holteby

Exch. unnamed bursal preb. with M. Hugh de la Mote for preb. Holcombe, 1 Feb. 1266 (Reg. Giffard (Bath) p. 7; list 42).

M. John de Ickford (fn. 27)

Bp.'s official (Chart. Bath II 18 (no. 84), 20 (nos. 92, 96 etc.)). Prob. can. when occ. c. 1213 (ibid. p. 14 (no. 58)). Occ. as can. and official May 1217 × May 1218 (Cart. Bruton no. 65). Also occ. as can. 1214 × 19 (Cal. I 70) and c. 1220 (ibid. p. 42).

John de Kirkeby (fn. 28)

Occ. as can. once only, on prec.'s side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 27). Also preb. of York, coll. 11 Nov. 1279 (1 Fasti VI 59); preb. of Salisbury by May- June 1284 (ibid. IV 90); treas. of exchequer; royal justice; archdcn. of Coventry (Lichfield dioc.). Bp.-el. of Rochester, res. 16 June 1283 (ibid. II 77). Bp. of Ely, el. 26 July × 6 Aug. 1286, temps. 7 Sept., cons. 22 Sept., d. 26 March 1290 (ibid. p. 47).

M. John de Lacy

First occ. as can. 17 Dec. 1298 (Cal. I 220), presum. a bursal preb. Transf. from bursal preb. to preb. Warminster, instal. 11 June 1299 (list 56). Was succeeded in bursal preb. by Theobald de Grandisson (below).

M. John Lovel

Can. of St Davids by 1291 (Taxatio p. 274b). Occ. as can. of Wells 1 Apr. and 1 May 1300 (CPR 1292-1301 pp. 506, 548, cf. pp. 73, 226). Also preb. of Lichfield, occ. 23 Feb. 1287 (Reg. Giffard (Worc.) II 327), and of Lincoln, gr. 26 Nov. 1299 (1 Fasti III 57). D. at Wells 16 July 1300 (Cal. I 164).

John de Mettingham (fn. 29)

Preb. of York by 10 May 1280, last occ. 13 Apr. 1301, d. before 26 Oct. 1301 (1 Fasti VI 58). Royal justice 1276-1301 (Foss, Judges III 131). Not called can. of Wells until his successor in his unnamed preb., John de Godele, instal. 24 Sept. 1301 (Cal. I 159). (fn. 30)

John de la Pole

Chapl. of archdcn. of Wells, pres. to St Cuthbert's, Wells, 26 March 1256 (Cal. I 137), occ. as vicar of St Cuthbert's 29 Dec. 1262 (ibid. p. 145). Occ. as can. three times: 1 July 1273 (Salisbury Cath. Libr. I/D-F/Fordingbridge/14 and 16), before May 1277 (Cal. I 531 = II 575 (no. 134)), and 1278 × 84 (ibid. I 148). Can. of Hereford, last occ. 17 Nov. 1298 (Reg. Ricardi de Swinfield, ed. W. W. Capes (CYS vi, 1909) p. 547). D. as can. of Wells before 12 Nov. 1301 (Cal. II 581 (nos. 157, 158) = I 510-11). His obit in St John Baptist Term (ibid. II 12).

M. John de Ramsbury (fn. 31)

Occ. without title 19 Sept. 1192 × Lent 1195 (EEA X no. 254) and ? 1192 × 98 (ibid. no. 207, perhaps spurious). Occ., prob. can., May 1203 × July 1205 (Select Canterbury Cases p. 12). Occ. as J. de Ramsbury can. at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 45). Prob. to be identified with M. John de Ramesbury, who occ. at Oxford in 1216 and 1220-1 (Biog. Ox. III 1544).

John Saracenus

Papal subdcn. and chapl., can. of Wells when el. dean, between 28 July 1237 and 28 Jan. 1238, prob. after papal prov. (Cal. I 65, letter of Gregory IX n.d., not in Reg. Grág. IX; list 3).

John de Sutton (fn. 32)

First occ. as can. 29 July 1243, when it was decreed that he should have no vicar by reason of his unnamed preb. [? in city, or bursal] so long as he should live in Wells and his vicar John de Cumpt' res. (Cal. I 74). Occ. several times (e.g. below, app. 3 no. 22 A-E). Last occ. 13 Dec. 1249 (below, app. 3 no. 22 E).

M. John of Taunton

First occ. as can. 17 Apr. [1245] (Cal. I 123). Occ. several times (e.g. below, app. 3 no. 26 B C). Last occ. 24 Apr. 1249 (ibid. p. 87). (fn. 33)

John de Templo

Bp.'s datary, occ. 30 Sept. 1230 (Adam de Domerham II 347) and 8 Nov. 1231 (Cal. I 390). Bp.'s clerk and attorney Nov. 1232 (Curia Regis Rolls XIV nos. 2128, 2376). Dean's attorney Oct. 1233 (ibid. XV no. 423). Attorney of dean and chapter Jan. 1234 (Cal. I 322). Occ. as can. c. 1241 (ibid. p. 522, cf. ibid. p. 527) and 25 Aug. ? 1245 (ibid. p. 122).

John de Th...eb'

Occ. as can. once only, 1255 × 68 (Wells Cath. Libr. ch. 60, omitted from Cal. II 559 (no. 60)).

John Walram

Occ. as can. once only ('Iohannes dictus Walram') 13 June 1258, having had custody of vacant see of Ely (1256-7) (Reg. Alex. IV no. 2650, cal. CPL I 359). Escheator, occ. 1257 (Close Rolls 1256-9 p. 162). Royal envoy to papal Curia 18 Feb. 1272 (CPR 1266-72 p. 649). Presum. to be identified with John Walraund, who had royal gr. of preb. of Hereford 8 Dec. 1268 (ibid. p. 306), where he had been succeeded by 5 Feb. 1279, perhaps by 22 Feb. 1273 (1 Fasti VIII Hereford (forthcoming)).

John de Wymburne (fn. 34)

Prob. not yet can. when occ. 1267 × 84 (Cal. II 574-5 (nos. 131, 132)). (fn. 35) First occ. as can. before 10 Apr. 1290 (Chart. Bath II 96 (no. 487)). Occ. several times. Last occ. 30 March 1294 (Cal. I 108). His obit mentioned c. 1299 (ibid. p. 163).

M. Luke de Membury (fn. 36)

First occ. as can. 18 Nov. 1236 (Cal. I 70). Occ. frequently (e.g. below, app. 3 no. 18 A-D). Last occ. 13 Dec. 1249 (below, app. 3 no. 18 E). D. by 10 Aug. 1251, when his unnamed preb. was held by Richard of Bitton (below). His obit mentioned 15 and 24 Aug. 1251 (Cal. I 5, 131). Commem. in St John Baptist Term (ibid. II 12, 678 (no. 635)), so presum. d. 24 June × 28 Sept. 1250 or 24 June × 10 Aug. 1251. Had houses in Mountroy Lane (ibid. I 5, 148; cf. Bailey, Canonical Houses pp. 43, 45, 48, 76).

Malcolm de Harley (fn. 37)

First occ. as Malcolm can. of Wells when inducted into church of Chetton (Salop) on pres. of Sir Hugh Burnel (brother of bp. Robert Burnel) 27 May 1279 (Reg. Thome de Cantilupo, episcopi Herefordensis, ed. R. G. Griffiths and W. W. Capes (CYS ii, 1907) p. 211; cf. Cal. Genealogicium II 464). Occ. as Malcolm can., on dean's side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 4). Occ. with full name at el. of bp. William de Marchia 30 Jan. - 2 Feb. 1293 (Canterbury Cath. Libr. Reg. Q fos. 60r-61r). Kg.'s clerk; escheator this side Trent 1285-97 (cf. Cal. of Inquisitions Post Mortem I (1904) nos. 1338, 1747). Still alive 10 May 1298 (Cal. I 354). His obit mentioned c. 1299 (ibid. p. 163).

Matthew de Stratton

Occ. as can. once only, 2 Feb. 1248 (below, app. 3 no. 23 B). Occ. not called can. 31 July 1262 (Cal. I 145). Archdcn. of Oxford in Aug. and Sept. 1221, archdcn. of Buckingham by 25 Dec. 1221 to d. 6 Sept. 1269 (1 Fasti III 36, 40, 101; Ann. Oseney p. 225). His obit mentioned at Wells (Cal. II 10, 678 (no. 635)), commem. in St John Baptist Term (ibid. p. 12).

Maurice de Berkeley (fn. 38)

Vice-archdcn. of Taunton, occ. Lent 1195 × 8 Aug. 1205 (EEA X no. 246; see above, list 12 n. 131, under M. William of Wrotham). Occ. as can. at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 32).

M. Nicholas de Cranford (fn. 39)

Clerk, occ. as bp.'s proctor 23 Oct. 1249 (Cal. II 558 (no. 54)). Occ. as N. de Cranford, without title, perhaps can., twice: 11 May 1251 (Cal. I 90) and 22 Feb. [? 1251] (ibid. p. 80, from Wells Liber Albus I (R. I) fo. 68, where the year is illegible). First certain occ. as can. 20 Feb. 1256 (Cal. I 137). Proctor of chapter to papal Curia, occ. 18 May 1256 (ibid.). Occ. several times. Last occ. as can., on dean's side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 1).

? M. Nicholas de Luvers (fn. 40)

Not called can. Occ. as witness to 10 chs., first c. 1189 × 27 Nov. 1191 (EEA X nos. 68, 154-5, 157, 161, 166), last Lent 1195 × 8 Aug. 1205 (ibid. nos. 184, 188, 221-2, 262). Incumbent of Charlton Horethorne (Som.), occ. Lent 1195 × 8 Aug. 1205 (ibid. no. 233). Last certain occ. c. 1198 (Adam de Domerham II 377).

M. Nicholas de Sancto Quintino

First occ. as can. 9 Apr. 1264 (Cal. I 101 = Chart. Bath II 64 (no. 296)). Occ. several times (e.g. CPR 1266-72 p. 22; Salisbury Cath. Libr. I/D-F/Fordingbridge/ 14, 16; Cal. II 575 (no. 134) = I 531). Last occ., on dean's side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 6). Cf. M. Bonetus de Sancto Quintino, preb. Holcombe (list 42), M. Robert of St Quentin, unident. preb. (below), and M. Walter of St Quentin, archdcn. of Taunton (lists 12, and unident. preb., below).

Nicholas of Wells I

Scribe of Hugh de Nonant, bp. of Coventry, occ. 2 Sept. 1192 (EEA XVII no. 67, cf. ibid. no. 56 and p. lix). First certain occ. as can. at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 51), but prob. to be identified with Nicholas can. who occ. c. 6 June 1205 (Cal. I 10). Made gr. to church of Wells of a house before the cans.' great gate, 28 May 1206 × Dec. 1209 (ibid. p. 18). (fn. 41) Still alive, his house in Wells mentioned late 1209 (ibid. p. 491).

M. Nicholas of Wells II (fn. 42)

D. as can. before 17 March 1310 (Reg. Drokensford p. 31), his unnamed preb. coll. to Nicholas Waryn 20 June 1311 (ibid. p. 42; cf. 2 Fasti VIII 81). Presum. to be identified with man of this name who occ. as can. of Southwell Apr. 1280, chanc. of abp. of York May 1281, papal disp. for illegitimacy 1 Aug. 1289, archdcn. of Northumberland by 24 Feb. 1291, last occ. [? Oct.] 1311 (Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense: Register of Richard de Kellawe, ed. T. D. Hardy (RS lxii, 1873-8) I 66), d. by 4 March 1312 (1 Fasti II 42).

Nicholas de Wodeford

Occ. as can. twice only: on prec.'s side 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 25) and 10 Nov. 1286 (Reg. Giffard (Worc.) II 326).

Octavian son of Bernardinus

Occ. as can. 11 Feb. 1290, staying beyond seas, presum. an Italian (CPR 1281- 92 p. 342).

? Odo

Not called can. Occ. as witness to five chs.: 1153 × 31 Aug. 1166 (EEA X no. 27), July 1163 × 31 Aug. 1166 (ibid. no. 51), 14 March 1165 (Cal. I 39), 1160s (ibid. p. 59) and n.d. (ibid. p. 29). House formerly his mentioned late 1209 (ibid. p. 491).

P- de Inglesham (fn. 43)

Occ. as can. once only, at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 28). Presum. to be identified with M. Peter de Inglesham, royal clerk, who occ. 12 Aug. 1205 and 2 Nov. 1205 (Rot. Litt. Claus. I 46a, 56a) and as Master P. de Inglesham 27 Jan. 1205 and c. 21 Sept. 1205 (ibid. pp. 49a, 50b).


Occ. as can. once only, 24 June 1151 × 31 Aug. 1166, prob. after c. 1157 (EEA X no. 33). Also occ. four times without title, but prob. can.: prob. 1153 × 31 Aug. 1166 (ibid. no. 27), July 1163 × 31 Aug. 1166 (ibid. no. 51), 14 March 1165 (Cal. I 39), and 6 Oct. 1174 × 29 Sept. 1175 (EEA VIII no. 186). Perhaps to be identified with the only man of this name who occ. in 12th-cent. English caths., Paris nephew of cardinal Robert Pullen, preb. of London from before Sept. 1150, archdcn. of Rochester by [1145], last occ. 1190, prob. d. by c. 1192 (1 Fasti I 34, II 81).

M. Peter de Avebury

Occ. as can. once only, 11 Dec. 1295 (CPR 1292-1301 p. 213). Archdcn. of Taunton by 13 Feb. 1302 (Cal. I 170, 193), had been succeeded by 11 Dec. 1308 (2 Fasti VIII 16).

M. Peter Blanc

Occ. as can., a native of Savoy 'where he now dwells', 26 Dec. 1295 (CPR 1288-96 p. 503).

M. Peter Canutus

Occ. as can. once only, at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 17). His houses in Wells held after his d. by Roger the chaplain, from some time before Jan. 1235 (Cal. II 552 (nos. 32, 33) = I 37; cf. ibid. I 35-6). His son William occ. before 19 Sept. 1236 (ibid. I 201). (fn. 44)

Peter of Chichester

Datary of bp., occ. 8 March 1208 (Chart. Glastonbury I 67) and 9 Nov. 1208 (cart. Glastonbury: Bodl. MS Wood Empt. 1 fo. 15r). First occ. as can. 28 May 1206 × Dec. 1209 (Cal. II 553 (no. 37); ibid. I 480). Also occ., without title, June × Dec. 1209 (ibid. I 491) and in exile with bp. Jocelin 13 Nov. 1212 (Acta of Hugh of Wells no. 2; cf. ibid. no. 3). Prob. to be identified with Peter, treas. by 2 Oct. 1213, last 16 July 1217 (list 6), and with Peter archdcn. of Taunton who occ. 2 Dec. 1217 and 28 May 1217 × 27 May 1219 (list 12). Dean of Wells by Apr. 1220, last occ. 12 and 13 Jan. 1236, d. before 19 Sept. 1236 (list 3).

M. Peter de Insula

Occ. as can. of Wells and bp.'s official 11 Sept. 1295 (Cal. I 158). Archdcn. of Wells by 11 Dec. 1295, so presum. transf. to preb. Huish and Brent; d. 24 Jan. 1303 (lists 11, 43).

M. Philip de Gildeford (fn. 45)

Bp.'s datary, occ. 4 Oct. 1226 (cart. Glastonbury: Bodl. MS Wood Empt. 1 fo. 16r-v). First occ. as can. before 12 Jan. 1236 (Chart. Glastonbury II 461). (fn. 46) Also occ. Dec. 1242 (Cal. I 91; Wells Liber Albus I (R. I) fo. 75, omitted from Cal. I 92). Last occ. 2 Jan. 1243 (CPL I 215, detail omitted in Reg. Innoc. IV no. 1203).

Philip de Lucy (fn. 47)

Clerk of royal chamber before 1207 (Tout, Chapters I 161). Occ. as can. once only, at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 35). Ineffective royal gr. of treasurership and preb. of Lincoln, c. 25 June 1206 (1 Fasti III 19, 57-8). Papal disp. for illegitimacy 15 March 1224 (CPL I 95 = Reg. Hon. III no. 4868). Still alive Apr. 1231, d. by Apr. 1233; commem. 27 Sept., so presum. d. c. 27 Sept. 1231 or 1232 (EEA IX 200).

Philip de Sideham (fn. 48)

Occ. as can. twice only: 2 Feb. 1248 (below, app. 3 no. 29 B), and 1 March 1248 (Cal. I 79, 80). Proctor of chapter to papal Curia 30 May and 19 June 1248 (CPL I 245, 246 = Reg. Innoc. IV nos. 3919, 3977), licensed for plurality 20 June 1248 (CPL I 246 = Reg. Innoc. IV no. 3949).

M. Philip de Stanton

Clerk of Walter Giffard, abp. of York, 1268-70 (Reg. Walter Giffard Archbishop of York [ed. W. Brown] (Surtees Soc. cix, 1904) pp. 2, 14, 29, 30bis, 131, 217). Can. of Llandaff by 22 Nov. 1269 (Reg. Giffard (Worc.) II 31; Llandaff Episcopal Acta, ed. D. Crouch (South Wales Rec. Soc., 1988) p. xxiv). Occ. as can. of Wells 23 Jan. 1275 (Cal. I 113 = Chart. Bath II 68 (no. 325)). Bp.'s official and vicargeneral, occ. 12 May and 19 Sept. 1278 (Chart. Glastonbury I 112; Cal. I 384- 5). Prec. by ? 1278, so presum. transf. to preb. Pilton (lists 4, 50).

R- of Bath

Occ. as can. once only, at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 50).

R- de Berth'

Occ. as can. once only, at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 53).

M. R-de Ford

Prob. can. when occ. before 7 May 1238 (Cart. Bruton no. 205). Perhaps to be identified with M. Robert de Ford, royal clerk, papal disp. to hold addit. benefice 20 Nov. 1244 (CPL I 210 = Reg. Innoc. IV no. 822), whose anniversary was linked with that of M. Gilbert de Bytham (above, p. 14).

R- of Stowey (fn. 49)

Occ. as can. once only, at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 38). Perhaps to be identified with Roger parson of Nether Stowey who occ. 1186 or 1187 (Cal. I 40).

R- de Tresgoz

Occ. as can. once only, at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 22). Not likely to be identified with Richard de Tresgoz, clerk, vicar of North Curry (Som.), who occ., not called can., several times between 5 July 1233 and 2 Feb. 1248 (Cal. I 78, 314, 316, 320, II 557 (no. 51)).

R-de Tymbresb' (fn. 50)

Occ. as can. once only, at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 36).

M. Ralph of Framingham (fn. 51)

Clerk of Canterbury dioc., papal disp. for plurality 22 Nov. 1258 (Reg. Alex. IV no. 2700, cal. CPL I 360). Preb. of London by 13 Dec. 1261; can. of Chichester by 22 May 1283 (1 Fasti I 74, II 111, V 66). Occ. as can. of Wells once only, on prec.'s side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 24). Still alive 1 Aug. 1283; d. before 28 Aug. 1287 (Reg. Pontissara I 7, 29).

M. Ralph of Lechlade

Member of bp. Reginald's familia from c. 1174 (EEA X no. 175), attesting 37 chs. (ibid. pp. 1-li). First certain occ. as can. 23 June 1174 × 1186, prob. before 1184 (ibid. no. 135). Parson of Chiddingfold (Surr.), occ. Aug. 1175 × 18 Nov. 1184 (ibid. XVIII no. 56). Archdcn. [? of Taunton] in mid 1180s (list 12). Presum. had ceased to act as archdcn., occurring without title 8 Nov. 1186 × 29 Sept. 1188 (Cal. II 548 (no. 10)), c. 1188 (EEA X no. 147), and frequently after c. 1189 (ibid. nos. 68-9, 154-65). Continued as witness temp. bp. Savaric, usually without title, but once as can. Lent 1195 × 1 May 1204 (ibid. no. 234; cf. ibid. nos. 184, 194, 213, 264). Occ. as can. 1200 (Rot. Curiae Regis II 179), 9 May 1204 (Rot. Chart. p. 129a), and at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 14; cf. Cal. I 63, 64, 65). Prec. by 8 March 1208 (list 4); dean by Dec. 1209 (list 3).

Ralph de Lidiard (fn. 52)

Occ. as clerk c. 1214 × 1219 (Cal. I 486) and without title 1219 × 42 (ibid. p. 360). Occ. as can. once only, c. 1230 (ibid. II 553 (no. 35)).

Ralph de Lullington (fn. 53)

First occ. as can. 1 July 1260 (Cal. I 142). Occ. several times. Last occ. ? 1268 (ibid. p. 106). D. before 18 March 1278 (ibid. p. 148). Commem. in Christmas Term (ibid. II 12). Arrangements for his obit [c. 1291] (ibid. I 152). Bequeathed to Wells cath. houses in churchyard (ibid. p. 267).

Ralph Preciosus

Occ. as R. Preciosus can. at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 37). Not called can., gave to church of Wells a messuage in Wells for his obit n.d. (Cal. I 18). (fn. 54) D. some years before 13 Aug. 1246 (ibid. p. 307; cf. ibid. pp. 150, 202, and II 562 (no. 80)). Commem. in Christmas Term (ibid. II 562 (no. 80)).

Ralph de Waraville (fn. 55)

Familiar of Hugh of Wells, bp. of Lincoln (see, e.g., Rot. Welles II 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 194). First occ. as can. of Wells 23 Sept. 1217 (Acta of Hugh of Wells no. 63) and 3 Nov. 1218 (ibid. no. 93). Occ. frequently as can. of Wells in Lincoln documents. Can. of Lincoln by 27 March 1222; datary of bp. Hugh of Lincoln 1225-32 (1 Fasti III 102); executor of bp. Hugh's will 1 June 1233 (Acta of Hugh of Wells no. 408 (p. 194)). Rector of Grainthorpe (Lincs.) (see Letters of Guala no. 93 and note). Last occ., without title, res. vicarage of Mudford (Som.) 14 Jan. 1240 (Cal. I 132).

M. Reginald de Sancto Albano

Already d., his stall as can. of Wells coll. to M. Robert de Sidesterne 15 Oct. 1311 (Reg. Drokensford p. 45; cf. ibid. p. 46). No other occ. as can. of Wells. Rector of Cheshunt, papal disp. to hold addit. benefice 15 Jan. 1290 (CPL I 509 = Reg. Nic. IV no. 1936); can. of Southwell by 15 Feb. 1300 (CPL I 585 = Reg. Bon. VIII no. 3463). Preb. and archdcn. of London by 1309, d. by Sept. 1311 (2 Fasti I V 7, 20, 59, 66).

Reymund de Rading

Occ. as can. twice: on prec.'s side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 23); acting for bp. Robert Burnel 7 May 1286 (CCR 1279-88 p. 394).


Bp.'s official, receiving a preb. in church of Wells, from bp.'s chamber, namely money due from archdcnry. of Wells, 1209 × 13, the preb. to cease on his d. (Cal. I 58).

M. Richard de Aldsworth (fn. 56)

Bp.'s datary, occ. several times between 7 Jan. 1245 (Cal. I 359) and Sept. 1247 (ibid. p. 79, cf. ibid. pp. 308, 470). Occ. as can. twice only: 2 Feb. 1248 (below, app. 3 no. 31 B) and 5 March 1260 (below, app. 3 no. 31 G). Occ. without title 11 March 1251 (Cal. I 89).

Richard de Attebere

Coll. and inst. to Charlton Mackrell (Som.) 28 Dec. 1217 (Cal. I 404), and to Gosberton (Lincs.) 3 Nov. 1218 (ibid. p. 401). Occ. as can. twice c. 1230 (ibid. p. 29, and II 553 (no. 35)). D. as can. some time before 13 Aug. 1246 (ibid. I 307). Commem. in Lady Day Term (ibid. II 12). Gave houses in Wells (ibid. I 150, 307, cf. ibid. p. 18).

Richard of Bitton

Chapl. of [William of Bitton] archdcn. of Wells, occ. 5 Feb. 1243 (Cal. I 93). Can., occ. 10 Aug. 1251 holding preb. in succession to M. Luke de Membury, who last 13 Dec. 1249 (ibid. p. 5; cf. above). Succentor, prob. by 15 Aug. 1252, last occ. 8 Jan. 1267 (list 8). Prec. by 29 Sept. 1269, so presum. transf. to preb. Pilton (lists 4, 50).

Richard de Cobbeham (fn. 57)

Occ. as can. once only, c. 1230 (Cal. II 553 (no. 35)). Commem. in St John Baptist Term (ibid. p. 12).

Richard de Dynam (fn. 58)

First occ. as can. 28 Apr. 1243 (Cal. I 96). Occ. frequently. Last occ. 23 May 1249 (below, app. 3 no. 39 D). D. before 28 Aug. 1251 (Cal. I 131).

M. Richard of Kenilworth

Occ. as can. 28 Sept. 1220 (Chart. Bath II 76 (no. 357)), and perhaps already can. when occ. 16 July 1217 (ibid. p. 21 (no. 103)). Treas., first occ. 15 and c. 16 May 1223, last occ. 5 Oct. 1234 (list 6). Chanc., first occ. 12 and 13 Jan. 1236, last occ. 11 Sept. 1244 (list 5).

Richard de Marisco

Occ. as can. four times only: 8 Jan. 1245 (Cal. I 119), 2 Feb. 1248 (below, app. 3 no. 37 B), 9 and 10 March 1252 (Cal. I 131), and 15 Aug. 1252 (below, app. 3 no. 37 F).

M. Richard de Stanes (fn. 59)

Not called can., occ. as bp.'s attorney 15 Feb. 1259 (Cal. I 2). Occ. as can. once only, as one of mediators for bp. in dispute with Glastonbury (Longleat House Muniment 10590 fo. 66v). Royal justice 1269-72 (Judges of England 1272-1990, comp. J. Sainty (1993) p. 5).

Richard of Wells

First occ. as can. c. 1230 (Cal. II 553 (no. 35); ibid. I 29; ibid. II 550 (no. 23) = I 35-6). Occ. several times. Last occ. 13 Jan. [1236] (ibid. I 37). Held a messuage in High Street, Wells (ibid. p. 202).

M. Richard de Wilton

Not called can. when occ. 19 Sept. 1192 × Lent 1195 (EEA X no. 194). Occ. as can. once only, as Master R. de Wilton at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 46).

M. Robert de Berkeley

First occ. as can. 1213 × 19, perhaps before 2 Dec. 1217 (Cal. I 70). (fn. 60) Occ. several times as can. Last occ. as can. 5 Oct. 1234 (ibid. p. 320). (fn. 61) Occ. as subdean 1238/9, before 7 May 1238 and n.d. (list 7).

Robert Brachel

Occ. as can. once only, as one of mediators for bp. in dispute with Glastonbury (Longleat House Muniment 10590 fo. 66v; cf. Richard de Stanes, unident. preb., above).

M. Robert de Brandon

Clerk, occ. 10 Apr. 1252 (Cal. I 455). First occ. as can. 13 Dec. 1274 (ibid. p. 111; cf. CPR 1272-81 p. 74). Occ. several times. Last occ. as can. 23 July 1283 (Reg. Giffard (Worc.) II 210). (fn. 62) Rector of Marnhull (Dorset), occ. 17 June 1286 (Chart. Glastonbury I 160). Succentor, occ. once only, 15 Nov. 1284 × Apr. 1290 (list 8).

Robert Burnel

Can. when el. bp. 23 Jan. 1275 (Cal. I 113 = Chart. Bath II 68 (no. 326)), temps. 15 Feb., cons. 7 Apr. (list 1).

Robert de Cadebury (fn. 63)

Occ. as can. once only, 12 June 1290, going to Holy Land with Odo de Grandisson (CPR 1281-92 p. 364).

Robert de Camera

Occ. as can. twice only: at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 39), and 1219 × 33 (Cal. I 135). (fn. 64) Succentor by 8 Apr. 1219, last occ. 11 × 18 Nov. 1236 (list 8).

M. Robert de Fangfoss (fn. 65)

Clerk, occ. at Wells 23 May 1264, with M. Godfrey Giffard can. (preb. Dultingcote, list 37) in connection with el. of Walter Giffard as bp. (Cal. I 103); clerk of Walter Giffard as abp. of York 1268, still 1271 (Reg. Giffard (York) pp. 14, 30, 92, 115, 124). First occ. as can. 22 Nov. 1269 (Reg. Giffard (Worc.) II 31). Also can. of Beverley (Beverley Fasti pp. 80-1); archdcn. of Gloucester by 25 March 1274 (1 Fasti II 108). Last occ. as can., on dean's side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 5). D. 6 March 1288 (Ann. Worc. p. 495; cf. Reg. John le Romeyn Archbishop of York [ed. W. Brown] (Surtees Soc. cxxiii, cxxviii, 1913, 1917) I 372). Commem. at Worcester 7 March (see 1 Fasti II 108).

Robert Giffard

Occ. as can. three times only: 13 Dec. 1249 (below, app. 3 no. 40 E), 5 March 1260 (below, app. 3 no. 40 G), and 9 Apr. 1265, when he confessed incontinence and was exiled from Wells until Michaelmas (Cal. I 134). Not to be identified with Robert Giffard chapl. of St Cuthbert's, Wells, who d. before 26 March 1256 (ibid. p. 137, cf. ibid. p. 135). Perhaps to be identified with Robert Giffard who was coll. to preb. of Crediton 23 Sept. 1274 (Reg. Bronescombe II no. 1006) which he res. by 6 May 1275 (ibid. no. 1071), and res. Farringdon (Devon) by 12 Jan. 1276 (ibid. no. 1141, cf. ibid. no. 1192).

Robert de Lexington (fn. 66)

Presum. can. [Nov. 1242 - Feb. 1243] (Cal. I 94, cf. ibid. pp. 366, 478). Res. unnamed preb. before 23 Oct. 1243 when it was gr. to Thomas de Stretton (CPR 1232-47 p. 398; cf. below). Royal justice 1218-44 (Turner, Judiciary pp. 194, 218-19, 257, 301). Also preb. of Salisbury, coll. 28 Dec. 1227 (1 Fasti IV 46, 60). D. before 15 June 1250 (Cal. of Inquisitions Post Mortem I (1904) no. 174).

Robert de Monte Sorelli (fn. 67)

Occ. as can. once only, 7 Nov. 1227 (Acta of Hugh of Wells no. 284).

M. Robert of St Quentin

Occ. without title, among Bath witnesses, 5 Feb. 1243 (Cal. I 93), and as clerk of archdcn. of Taunton [M. Walter of St Quentin, list 12] (to whom he was presum. related) 30 Apr. 1243 (ibid. p. 97). Occ. as can. once only, 1 Dec. 1248 (ibid. p. 84). Cf. M. Bonetus de Sancto Quintino and M. Nicholas de Sancto Quintino, both cans. (unident. prebs., above).

M. Robert of Thetford (fn. 68)

First occ., not called can., 23 Dec. 1242 (Cal. I 92). Papal disp. to hold addit. benefice 23 Jan. 1244 (CPL I 204 = Reg. Innoc. IV no. 396). Occ. 5 Feb. 1243 as clerk of prior of Bath (Cal. I 93). Also occ., not called can., 19 Jan. 1247 (ibid. p. 79) and ? 1249 (ibid. p. 87). Occ. as can. twice only: 13 June 1245 (Chart. Bath II 31 (no. 146)) and 11 May 1251 (Cal. I 89). Perhaps to be identified with man of the same name who was chanc. of Exeter, coll. 10 July 1259 (Reg. Bronescombe I no. 99) and had been succeeded by 18 May 1264 (ibid. II no. 547). Not to be identified with M. Robert de Tefford, official of bp. of Exeter, who was coll. to archdcnry. of Cornwall 3 Apr. 1264 (Reg. Bronescombe II no. 538).

Robert de Waye

Occ. as can. once only, on dean's side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 8).


Archdcn. of Winchester from before 1181 (1 Fasti II 92). Occ. as can. of Wells once only, at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 13). D. 1207/8 (ann. Winchester, in Ungedruckte Anglo-Normannische Geschichtsquellen, ed. F. Liebermann (Strassburg, 1879) p. 184).

M. Roger Baret

Clerk of Exeter dioc., occ. 20 June 1264 (Reg. Urbain IV no. 1971, cal. CPL I 414). Preb. of Exeter, coll. 23 Apr. 1272 (Reg. Bronescombe II no. 883, cf. ibid. nos. 630, 675 etc.); preb. of Salisbury by 9 Oct. 1282, last occ. 10 May 1288 (1 Fasti IV 42-3). Occ. as can. of Wells once only, on prec.'s side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 26). D. by 6 Oct. 1292 (Reg. Oliver Sutton VIII, ed. R. M. T. Hill (Lincoln Rec. Soc. lxxvi, 1986) p. 178); commem. at Exeter 8 and 12 July (see 1 Fasti IV 42-3).

Roger de Bohun

Received a preb. before d. of bp. Savaric Aug. 1205 (Rot. Litt. Claus. I 52a). Occ. as can. 8 Apr. 1206 (ibid.). Prob. to be identified with Roger, brother of Richard archdcn. of Coutances, who occ. without title before 27 Nov. 1191 (Cal. I 51). See Robinson, SHE p. 87 n. 6. Perhaps to be identified with Roger de Bohun who was preb. of Lincoln by 9 Jan. 1218, last occ. 9 Apr. 1230 (1 Fasti III 94).

Roger the chaplain alias of Chewton

Bp.'s chapl., first occ. 28 May 1206 × Dec. 1209 (Cal. II 553 (no. 37)). Occ. with bp. Jocelin in exile 13 Nov. 1212 (Acta of Hugh of Wells no. 2). Perhaps to be identified with Roger can. of Wells who occ. 29 Sept. 1215 with bp. Jocelin at ? Troyes (ibid. no. 42). Occ. without title 16 July 1217 (Chart. Bath II 21 (no. 103)). First occ. as can. 8 Apr. 1219 (ibid. p. 22 (no. 105)). Occ. frequently. Rector of Chewton Mendip (Cal. I 35-6, 37, 201 etc.). Gift to church of Wells of houses for schoolmaster, after 5 Oct. 1234, with arrangement for his own anniversary (ibid. p. 35). (fn. 69) Last occ. 12 and 13 Jan. 1236 (ibid. p. 37). D. before 28 Jan. 1238 (ibid. p. 35). (fn. 70)

Roger de Cruk (fn. 71)

Occ. as can. once only, 23 Jan. 1275 (Cal. I 113 = Chart. Bath II 68 (no. 325)). Not called can. when occ. ? after 8 July 1269; provost, occ. 22 Jan. 1278 and Oct. 1279; d. some time before Feb. 1292 (list 69).

M. Roger de Doueliz

Occ. frequently without title, first 23 June 1174 × c. 1184 (EEA X no. 73), last c. 1189 × 27 Nov. 1191 (ibid. nos. 68, 80, 145, 154-5, 158, 160-2, 164, 168, 178; Cal. I 25, 38, 47-8). But prob. can. on some of these occasions, and certainly can. late 1189 (EEA X no. 115). Perhaps to be identified with M. Roger who occ. as can. c. 1204 (Select Canterbury Cases p. 14bis, and ibid. app. I no. 64). Chanc., occ. Lent 1195 × 7 Sept. 1201 (list 5). Prob. to be identified with M. Roger of Winsham chanc., first certain occ. Lent 1195 × 8 Aug. 1205, last early 1206 (list 5).

M. Roger de Sanford

Received an unnamed preb. before d. of bp. Savaric Aug. 1205, occ. 4 Nov. 1205, 19 Jan. 1206, 8 Apr. 1206 (Rot. Litt. Claus. I 52a, 56a, 63b). Occ. as can. c. 6 June 1205 (Cal. I 10), at el. of bp. Jocelin early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 54), and 28 May 1206 × Dec. 1209 (Cal. II 553 (no. 37)). Nephew of dean Alexander (EEA X p. lii, no. 193; Adam de Domerham II 368; Rot. Litt. Claus. I 52a, 56a, 63b; and see Robinson, SHE p. 87 n. 6); dean's attorney 1201 and 1202 (Curia Regis Rolls II 38-9, 42, 131-2).

M. Roger of Shapwick (fn. 72)

First occ. as can. 22 March 1249 (below, app. 3 no. 43 C). Occ. frequently. Proctor of dean and chapter in episcopal el. 1264 (Cal. I 101, 102, Chart. Bath II 65 (no. 302)). Last occ. as can. 8 Jan. 1267 (Chart. Bath II 67 (no. 317)).

Roger de Thurkelby (fn. 73)

Occ. as can. once only, on dean's side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 9). Perhaps related to Roger de Thurkelby, royal justice, who d. 1259 (Foss, Judges II 483-4).

M. Roger of Winsham

See above, under M. Roger de Doueliz.

Samuel de Melnes (fn. 74)

Not called can. when occ. 5 Oct. 1252 (Cal. I 130). Occ. as can. twice only: 13 July 1254 (ibid. p. 136), and 5 March 1260 (below, app. 3 no. 44 G). Commem. in Lady Day Term (Cal. II 12).

? Savaric (son of Geldewin)

Occ. as witness to four Wells chs. while archdcn. of Northampton, just possibly also can. of Wells: 1175 × Nov. 1184 (EEA X nos. 112, 176), and 27 Nov. 1189 × 27 Nov. 1191 (ibid. no. 156; Cal. I 25). Bp., el. 1191, cons. [20] Sept. 1192 (list 1).

M. Silvester de Everdon (fn. 75)

Occ. as can. twice only: [Dec. 1242] (Cal. I 92) and [Nov. 1242 - Feb. 1243] (ibid. p. 94). Parson of Norton under Hamdon (Som.), occ. Feb. 1242 (ibid. p. 399). Chancery clerk; keeper of kg.'s great seal 1244-6; judge in 1250s (Tout, Chapters I 288, VI 4; Foss, Judges II 322-3). Preb. of London prob. May 1245 (1 Fasti I 44); prob. can. of Chichester Dec. 1245 (ibid. V 69-70); archdcn. of Chester (Lichfield dioc.) by Jan. 1245; bp. of Carlisle, el. Nov. 1246, temps. 8 Dec., cons. 13 Oct. 1247, d. Feb. or March 1254 (ibid. II 20).

Simon de Cumton

Occ. as can. once only, 28 May 1206 × Dec. 1209 (Cal. II 553 (no. 37)).

Simon de Elmeham (fn. 76)

Occ. as can. twice only: at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 24) and 28 May 1206 × Dec. 1209 (Cal. I 479-80).

M. Simon de Micham (fn. 77)

First occ. as can. 19 Sept. 1256 (Cal. I 138). Houses in Wells promised to him, 10 July 1264 (ibid. p. 145). Occ. as can., on prec.'s side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 21). Also can. of Salisbury by 29 Sept. 1269 (1 Fasti IV 115); chanc. of Salisbury by 29 March 1272 (ibid. p. 19); dean of Salisbury, el. 11 July 1287, last occ. 10 Apr. 1297, d. perhaps c. 8 June 1297 (ibid. p. 12). As dean of Salisbury, returned books to Wells cath. 24 Aug. 1291 (Cal. I 152).


Clerk and kinsman of bp. Robert (EEA X nos. 10, 11). Occ. as can. three times only: c. 1143 × 1147 (ibid. no. 10, for which see below app. 1), c. 22 March 1136 × c. 1153 (EEA X no. 32), and c. 22 March 1136 × 4 Nov. 1159 (ibid. no. 11). (fn. 78)

M. Stephen of Chichester

Occ. as can. once only, 1270s (Cal. II 575 (no. 134) = I 531). Commem. as can. 6 March (Dean Cosyn p. 153).

Stephen Ridel

Occ. as can. once only, at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 15). Formerly chanc. of kg. John as count of Mortain (cf. Cal. I 7). Preb. of Lincoln, gr. 26 Dec. 1202 (1 Fasti III 145). Imprisoned by kg. c. Aug. 1212 (Ann. Dunstable p. 34). Can. of Salisbury by 7 Jan. 1213/14 (1 Fasti IV 134); archdcn. of Ely by [1215, late Feb.], res. after June 1215 (ibid. II 51). D. between 1215 and 1219 (ibid.) Kinsman of Geoffrey Ridel, bp. of Ely (1174-89) (ibid.).

M. T-

Occ. as can. once only, as judge-delegate 14 Apr. 1191 × 8 Jan. 1198 (Letters of Innocent III no. 179). Perhaps to be identified with M. Thomas of Tournai (unident. preb., below). Cf. also Master T. Griff', prob. clerk, who occ. c. 1188 (EEA X no. 147).

T- de Langelegh

Occ. as lord of M. John of Shrivenham vicar of Wells 19 March 1249 (Cal. I 84), so presum. preb. Cf. H- de Langelegh (unident. preb., above).

T- de Lond[on]

Occ. as can. once only, at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 19). If to be identified with Thomas of London, who occ. as can. of Salisbury Apr. or May 1193 (1 Fasti IV 134), he was a different individual from M. Thomas of Hurstbourne, who d. 1200 or 1201 (ibid.).

Theobald de Grandisson

Instal. 20 June 1299 in a bursal preb. vacated by M. John de Lacy by 11 June (Cal. I 159; see John de Lacy, unident. preb., above, and preb. Warminster, list 56). Occ. as can. 4 March 1301 when prov. with a canonry of Lincoln (CPL I 594 = Reg. Bon. VIII no. 4015). Also preb. of Geneva and York (ibid.).

Theobald of Piacenza

Occ. as preb. of Wells 28 July 1269 (CPR 1266-72 p. 360). Also archdcn. of Liège; can. of St Martin le Grand, London; el. pope as Gregory X 1 Sept. 1271 (cf. 1 Fasti I 11n).

M. Thomas de Charlton

First occ. as can., on dean's side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 7). Parson of Pucklechurch (Glos.) (CPR 1292-1301 pp. 122, 274). Also occ. as can. 13 Apr. 1300 (Cal. I 170). Res. unnamed preb. before 28 June 1302 (CPR 1301-7 p. 41; cf. 2 Fasti VIII 81). Presum. to be identified with archdcn. of Wells, from after 24 Jan. 1303, who res. 24 May 1326 (2 Fasti VIII 12-13).

M. Thomas de Cheshull (fn. 79)

Bp.'s coll. to an unnamed preb. in succession to James son of Nicholas 10 Dec. 1265 (Reg. Giffard (Bath) pp. 6-7; cf. above).

Thomas of Chichester

Occ. as can. once only, at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 44). Occ. not called can. four times before late 1209 (Cal. I 42, 135, 477, II 549 (no. 13)). D. as can., his land in Wells inherited by Peter of Chichester dean after c. 1215 (ibid. I 402).

M. Thomas de la Cnoll

Bp.'s coll. to bursal preb. in succession to M. William le Rus 7 Dec. 1265 (Reg. Giffard (Bath) p. 6), having had ineffective coll. of preb. Easton in Gordano (list 39). Also preb. of Exeter, d. by 21 Feb. 1280 (Reg. Bronescombe II no. 1384). Presum. related to M. Edward de la Cnoll, dean of Wells 19 Sept. 1256 - 16 Sept. 1284 (list 3).

M. Thomas de Gorges

Occ. as can., representing chapter, c. Nov. 1292 (Cal. I 529) and 16 Dec. 1292 (CPR 1292-1301 p. 2). Prec. by 17 Dec. 1295, so presum. transf. to preb. Pilton (lists 4, 50).

M. Thomas de Lugoure (fn. 80)

Royal clerk, prob. by 4 Feb. 1290 (CPR 1281-92 p. 342; cf. ibid. p. 463); executor of papal prov. at Lincoln 1292 (Select Canterbury Cases pp. 567-611); clerk of royal household, occ. 1295 (CPR 1292-1301 p. 139). First occ. as can. 13 Apr. 1300 (Cal. I 170). Chanc. by 12 May 1306, d. before 24 Nov. 1313 (2 Fasti VIII 7).

Thomas de Middleton

Occ. as can. once only, on prec.'s side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 31).

Thomas de Sodinton (fn. 81)

Occ. as can. once only, on prec.'s side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 34). Also can. of Lichfield, occ. 23 Feb. 1287 (Reg. Giffard (Worc.) II 327). Occ. as Master, pres. as rector of Settrington (Yorks., E.R.) by earl of Norf. 8 Dec. 1294 (Reg. John le Romeyn Archbishop of York [ed. W. Brown] (Surtees Soc. cxxiii, cxxviii, 1913, 1917) I 236); had been succeeded in Settrington by 25 May 1299 (Fasti Parochiales V, ed. N. A. H. Lawrance (Yorks. Rec. Ser. cxliii, 1985) 42). His obit at Wells mentioned c. 1299 (Cal. I 164).

Thomas de Stretton

Royal gr. of unnamed preb. in succession to Robert de Lexington, s.v., 23 Oct. 1243 (CPR 1232-47 p. 398; cf. above).

Thomas of Tournai

Royal clerk by 29 June 1200 (called 'Magister') (Rot. Chart. p. 73a; cf. Rot. Litt. Claus. I 26b of 1205, and Recueil des actes de Henri II, ed. L. V. Delisle and E. Berger (4 vols. Paris, 1909-27) II no. 646 p. 260, of 10 Apr. 1185). Vicar of Doulting (Som.), occ. 1189 × 93 (Chart. Glastonbury I 48). First occ., prob. as can. of Wells, before 27 Nov. 1191 (Cal. I 22, 24-5). Received a preb. before d. of bp. Savaric Aug. 1205 (Rot. Litt. Claus. I 52a, 56a, 63b). Occ. as can. several times; perhaps also as Master T., judge-delegate (above). Occ. at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 25). Succentor by 8 March 1208 (list 8). Prec. by 2 Oct. 1213, last occ. after 14 Jan. 1215 (list 4). Prob. preb. Pilton as prec. (list 50).

W- de Dinam (fn. 82)

Presum. can. when occ. 30 Apr. 1249 (Cal. I 87). Cf. William de Dynant vicar of Wells who confessed fornication 22 Aug. 1246 (ibid. p. 126), and Richard de Dynam, unident. preb., above.

W- de Sar'

Occ. as can. once only, at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 40).

M. W- de Tant'

Occ. as can. once only, at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 21). Possibly to be identified with M. Gilbert of Taunton (unident. preb., above).

M. Walter

Occ. as can. and kg.'s envoy to pope 26 May 1284 (Sayers, Original Papal Docs. no. 867 = CPL I 473) and 20 Apr. 1285 (Sayers no. 877 = CPL I 479; cf. Sayers no. 878, 'M. William'). Perhaps to be identified with M. Walter de Haselshawe (unident. preb., below).

M. Walter of Bath (fn. 83)

Not called can., acting for convent of Bath 24 Jan. 1275 (Cal. I 113). First occ. as can. 8 June 1283 (Reg. Giffard (Worc.) II 176, cf. p. 202). Acolyte of Salisbury dioc., papal disp. for illegitimacy at instance of cardinal H[ugh of Evesham], 6 July 1283 (CPL I 468 = Reg. Martin IV no. 346; cf. CPL I 482 = Reg. Hon. IV no. 74, of 22 June 1285). Also preb. of Chichester by 22 May 1283 (1 Fasti V 27). Occ. as can. of Wells, on dean's side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 14). Last occ. as can. 10 Apr. 1290 (Chart. Bath II 96 (no. 487)). Still alive 28 Sept. 1294 (CPR 1292-1301 p. 92; 1 Fasti V 27).

Walter Burnel

Vicar of Wells, occ. twice n.d. (Cal. 148, 192). Occ. without title before 16 Sept. 1284 (ibid. p. 114). Occ. as can. three times only: before 10 Apr. 1290 (Chart. Bath II 96 (no. 487)), 12 March 1292 (Cal. I 111), and 17 May 1292 (ibid. p. 152). Commem. in St John Baptist Term (ibid. II 12, 14, 15).

Walter Calvus

Presum. can. when occ. 1153 × 4 Nov. 1159 (Cal. I 53). (fn. 84)

M. Walter de Derham

Occ. as can. once only, 5 Oct. 1234 × 28 Jan. 1238 (Cal. I 35). (fn. 85) Cf. M. Elias of Dereham and John de Dereham, both preb. Litton (list 46).

M. Walter Giffard

Papal subdcn. and chapl., kinsman of bp. William of Bitton I, indult to hold a benefice addit. to rectory of 'Wikam', Salisbury dioc. (? Wickham, Berks.), 22 Aug. 1250 (CPL I 261 = Reg. Innoc. IV no. 4806). Occ. as can. when el. bp. 22 May 1264 (Cal. I 102); his houses mentioned 10 July 1264 (ibid. p. 145). Temps. 1 Sept. 1264, cons. 4 Jan. 1265 (list 1).

Walter de Grey (fn. 86)

Occ. as can. once only, as W. kg.'s chanc., at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 6). Royal chanc. 3 Oct. 1205 - 5 Oct. 1214 (Tout, Chapters VI 3). Also archdcn. of Totnes and can. of Exeter, gr. 10 May 1207 (see EEA XII 308 n. 38); bp.-el. of Coventry and Lichfield 1210 and 1213, but both els. qua. Bp. of Worcester, el. 20 Jan. 1214, temps. 7 July, cons. 5 Oct. (1 Fasti II 101); abp. of York, papal conf. 10 Nov. 1215, d. 1 May 1255 (ibid. VI 5). (fn. 87) Nephew of John de Grey, bp. of Norwich (1200-14) (ibid.).

M. Walter de Haselshawe

First occ. as can. 8 June 1283 (Reg. Giffard (Worc.) II 176). Occ. as can., on dean's side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 13). Archdcn. of Wells by 2 Sept. 1286; last occ. 27 July 1295 (list 11). Dean, first occ. 1295/6 and 17 Feb. 1296 (list 3). Bp., el. 7 Aug. 1302, temps. 12 Sept., cons. 4 Nov. (2 Fasti VIII 1).

M. Walter de Langeton

Royal clerk, dcn., papal chapl., occ. as can. of Wells 2 Oct. 1295, as well as of Bishop Auckland, Chichester, Dublin, Howden, Lanchester, Lichfield, London, Salisbury and York (CPL I 559 = Reg. Bon. VIII no. 415; see also 1 Fasti I 55, IV 135, V 72, VI 75). Wardrobe clerk, keeper of wardrobe 1290-5, treas. of exchequer 1295-1307 (Tout, Chapters II 15-16). Bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, el. 20 Feb. 1296, temps. 16 June, cons. 23 Dec., d. 9 Nov. 1321.

M. Walter of Lechlade

Rector of Norton St Philip (Som.), occ. 17 Nov. 1262 (Chart. Bath II 59 (no. 261)). First occ. as can. 8 Jan. 1267 (ibid. p. 67 (no. 319)). Occ. several times. Succentor by 1268/9, last occ. 4 Apr. 1279, prob. d. before 12 or 13 Apr. 1284 (list 8).

M. Walter de Maydenstan (fn. 88)

Not called can., occ. as bp.'s datary frequently between 15 Jan. 1235 (CPR 1281- 92 p. 216) and 1 Aug. 1241 (Cal. I 33). Occ. as can. twice only: 7 Aug. 1239 (Cal. Ch. Rolls V 28), and c. 1241 (Cal. I 522; for date cf. ibid. p. 527). Occ. as proctor of dean and chapter 22 Nov. 1242, to announce d. of bp. Jocelin (ibid. p. 90).

Walter de Purle

Chapl., occ. 12 Nov. 1245 (Cal. Ch. Rolls IV 396) and 24 May 1246 (Cal. I 72). First occ. as can. Sept. 1247 (ibid. p. 79). Occ. frequently (e.g. below, app. 3 no. 30 B C E-G). Guilty of incontinence, 3 Apr. 1257 (Cal. I 133). His unnamed preb. said to be worth 8m p.a. (ibid.), and might therefore have been any of prebs. Combe, Timberscombe or Wanstrow (see valuations in 1291, lists 18-32, 54-5). Last occ. 8 Jan. 1267 (Chart. Bath II 67 (no. 317)).

M. Walter of St Quentin

Perhaps can. when occ. without title after 1221 (Cal. II 551 (no. 25)). (fn. 89) Occ. as can. 7 Aug. 1239 (Cal. Ch. Rolls V 28) and c. 1241 (Cal. I 522, for date, cf. ibid. p. 527). Archdcn. of Taunton and preb. Milverton from 3 Apr. 1241 (lists 12, 48).

M. Walter de Sinemuro

Occ. as can. once only, ? 1258 × 60 (C. T. Clay, 'Yorks. portion of Lewes chart.', Yorks. Archaeological Journal xxxi (1933) pp. 290-319 at p. 309). Can. of Beaune, judge-delegate, occ. 13 July 1256 (Reg. Alex. IV no. 1445, cal. CPL I 333). Proctor of [Andrew of Lavagna] prec. of Salisbury, occ. 6 July and 4 Sept. 1263 (Reg. Bronescombe II nos. 485, 503; cf. 1 Fasti IV 15n.).

? M. William

Perhaps can. when occ. with bp. Jocelin in exile 13 Nov. 1212 (Acta of Hugh of Wells no. 2).

William of Bitton II

Clerk, nephew of bp. William of Bitton I, cited to appear before official of Canterbury 1251 (Cal. I 411); papal disp. to hold two benefices 17 Feb. 1251 (CPL I 267 = Reg. Innoc. IV no. 5079); rector of Buckland (Salisbury dioc.), occ. 11 March 1257 × c. 13 Dec. 1262 (Cal. I 103), (fn. 90) and of Congresbury (Som.), occ. 10 Apr. 1252 (ibid. p. 455). First occ. as can. before c. 13 Dec. 1262 (ibid. p. 323). Archdcn. of Wells by 20 Apr. 1263, so presum. transf. to preb. Huish and Brent (lists 11, 43). Bp., el. 10 Feb. 1267, temps. 3 or 4 March, cons. shortly after 17 Apr. (list 1).

William of Bossington (fn. 91)

First occ. as can. 13 July 1254 (Cal. I 136). Occ. several times. Last occ. 6 June 1266 (ibid. p. 104).

William of Chard

Parson of Chard (Som.), occ. c. 1184 × 29 Sept. 1188 (EEA X no. 62; cf. Cal. I 42, of similar date). Occ. frequently, without title but among cans., first 23 June 1174 × c. 1184 (EEA X no. 73; cf. ibid. nos. 68, 73, 80-1, 114-15 etc.), last Lent 1195 × 8 Aug. 1205 (ibid. nos. 226, 238). Chapl., occ. together with Jocelin the chaplain, unident. preb. (for whom see above) before c. 1189 (Cal. I 38) and c. 1189 × 27 Nov. 1191 (EEA X nos. 155-8, 161, 164, 178). Occ. as can. twice only: late May 1198 × 8 Aug. 1205 (ibid. no. 192) and at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 56). Prob. provost of Combe, occ. 1209 × 13 (Cal. I 58; cf. list 69).

William of Chew

Can., d. before 9 July 1243, when his burial arranged (Cal. I 73). His unnamed preb. gr. to Guy de Palude 19 July 1243 (CPR 1266-72 p. 723; cf. above).

M. William of Dinder

Occ., not called can., late 1189 × 27 Nov. 1191 (Cal. I 486). (fn. 92) First occ. as W. de Ditira can. prob. May 1203 (Select Canterbury Cases p. 11). Occ. as W. de Dinr' can. at el. of bp. Jocelin, early 1206 (below, app. 2 no. 48) and 28 May 1206 × Dec. 1209 (Cal. II 553 (no. 37)). Occ. several times (e.g. ibid. p. 550 (no. 21), and I 490). Last occ. after 8 Apr. 1219 (ibid. I 135). (fn. 93)

William of Estravayer (fn. 94)

Nephew of Odo de Grandisson, (fn. 95) indult to hold benefice without being ord. pr., 5 Nov. 1289 (CPL I 505 = Reg. Nic. IV nos. 1648-9). Occ. as can. and preb. of Wells 1 Dec. 1289 (CPL I 508 = Reg. Nic. IV nos. 1797-8). Also archdcn. and preb. of Lincoln, coll. Dec. 1290 or 1291 (1 Fasti III 26, 62-3, as William de Estiniaco). Due to exch. his preb. of Lincoln for provostship of Lausanne 12 Aug. 1325, but d. 7 Aug. (ibid. p. 63; CPL II 253).

M. William (Seguin) de Got

Papal chapl., occ. as can. and preb. of Wells when gr. papal disp. for plurality 23 Aug. 1297 (CPL I 572-3 = Reg. Bon. VIII no. 2085). Does not occ. as can. Also preb. of Lichfield (ibid.); preb. of York (1 Fasti VI 131). Royal clerk; brother of Berard de Got, cardinal-bp. of Albano (ibid.); therefore also brother of Bertrand de Got, abp. of Bordeaux, pope Clement V (1305-14). (fn. 96) D. before 28 Sept. 1299 (ibid.).

William de Gundeville

In possession of a preb. of 20s paid s.v. 1166-7 to the half-year 1172-3 (Pipe Rolls 13 Hen. II p. 202, 19 Hen. II p. 105). Occ. without title, but presum. can., 6 Oct. 1174 × 29 Sept. 1175 (EEA VIII no. 186 = Cal. I 493).

William de Hameldon

Occ. as can. 29 Sept. 1283 (CCR 1279-88 p. 241) and on dean's side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 11). One of executors of bp. Robert Burnel's will, after Oct. 1292 (CCR 1288-96 pp. 264, 315, 500 etc.). Prob. to be identified with William of Hambleton, who was chancery clerk by 1266, keeper of great seal 1299, archdcn. of York from 5 Dec. 1288, prec. of Beverley by 23 March 1290, dean of York el. before 12 Dec. 1298 and prov. by pope 18 March 1300, d. 19 Apr. 1307 (1 Fasti VI 13, 36, 105).

William de Husseburn (fn. 97)

Occ. as can. once only, 1214 × 19 (Cal. I 486).

M. William de Lalade (fn. 98)

Clerk of Bath dioc., papal mandate to prior of Maiden Bradley (Aug., Wilts.) to receive him as can. of Wells and cause unnamed preb. to be prov. to him, residence to be enforced, 14 July 1264 (CPL I 413 = Reg. Urbain IV no. 1896). Possibly preb. Wanstrow (list 55), which is close to Maiden Bradley.

M. William de Marchia

Occ. as can. of Wells when gr. papal disp. for plurality at kg.'s request, 20 March 1291 (Reg. Nic. IV no. 4606, cal. CPL I 530-1). Also preb. of Salisbury by 26 June 1284 (1 Fasti IV 84); can. of Chichester by 20 March 1291 (ibid. V 73-4). Can. of Wells when el. bp. [28 Jan. 1293] (Canterbury Cath. Libr. Reg. Q fo. 60r). Temps. 19 March 1293, cons. 17 May (list 1).

? M. William Medicus

Possibly can. when occ. Lent 1195 × 8 Aug. 1205 (EEA X no. 233). Cf. M. William Medicus, can. of Hereford, who occ. 1181 × 9 May 1186 (EEA VII no. 173).

William de Middleton

Occ. as can. once only, on dean's side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 12). Perhaps to be identified with William of Milton Abbas, who occ. 15 Aug. 1252 × 21 Sept. 1273 (Cal. I 481, 484), (fn. 99) or with William de Middleton, parson of Writhlington (Som.), who occ. 18 Oct. 1294 (1 Fasti IV 67). Not to be identified with M. William de Middleton, preb. of Bosham, Exeter and London; archdcn. of Canterbury 1275-8; bp. of Norwich 1278-88 (1 Fasti I 28, II 15, 58; Biog. Ox. II 1278-9).

William de Pulton (fn. 100)

First occ. as can. 18 Aug. 1243 (Cal. I 98). Occ. several times. Last occ. 5 March 1260 (below, app. 3 no. 46 G). Bequeathed rent in Wells to be paid on 31 Jan. each year for his obit (Cal. I 241, 463, 464). Commem. in Christmas Term (ibid. II 12).

M. William de Sancta Fide

First occ., prob. can., 1153 × 64 (EEA X no. 55) and July 1163 × 31 Aug. 1166 (ibid. no. 51). Occ. frequently (e.g. ibid. nos. 177, 202 note, 259, 268 etc.). Prec. from before 21 Dec. 1188, prob. by Oct. 1187; last occ. summer 1206 (list 4).

M. William de Sardene (fn. 101)

Unnamed preb. formerly held by him coll. to M. John de Bestan 18 Nov. 1297 (Cal. I 159; cf. above). Does not occ. as can. Also dean of Arches 1291, official of court of Canterbury 1296-1300 (Reg. Winchelsey I 392, II 910); preb. of London by c. 1284 (1 Fasti I 49); preb. of Salisbury, from 10 Aug. 1296 (ibid. IV 52); preb. of Lincoln, coll. 4 Apr. 1297, archdcn. of Oxford, coll. 15 Feb. 1298 (ibid. III 106, 39); preb. of Hereford, coll. June 1297 (2 Fasti II 18); preb. of Lichfield (ibid. X 59). D. 5 Nov. 1303 (1 Fasti III 39).

William de Smalebroke (fn. 102)

Occ. as can. once only, 12 Dec. 1274 (Cal. II 570 (110)). Occ. without title (? a layman) 1256 × 84 (ibid. I 143). (fn. 103)

William de Wellington

First occ. as can. 25 June 1261 (Cal. Ch. Rolls IV 174). Occ. frequently. Gave rent in Wells to Wells cath. for obit of Roger de Cruk, unident. preb. and provost (Cal. I 460-1; cf. above and list 69). Monks of Bath borrowed money from him 1290 (Chart. Bath II 84 (no. 400); cf. ibid. p. 158). Presum. to be identified with William de Waleton, who occ. as can. of Wells 31 Dec. 1291 (Reg. Pontissara II 480). Last occ. 10 Apr. 1299 (Chart. Bath II 68, 84 (nos. 324, 399)). D. 8 Apr. 1300 (Cal. I 164, II 12).

William de Whethamstede (fn. 104)

First occ. as provost of Combe and can. 26 Dec. 1234 (Cal. I 245). Occ. frequently (see list 69). Last occ. 13 Dec. 1249 (below, app. 3 no. 16 E). D. by ? 28 Jan. 1252 (Cal. I 131); arrangements for his obit before 17 Nov. 1259 (Cal. I 144, 153, II 564 (no. 87)). Commem. 23 Jan. (ibid. I 153); his chantry at altar of St Mary Magdalene (Dean Cosyn pp. 17-18).

William son of William

Occ. as can. once only, 1153 × 4 Nov. 1159 (Cal. I 53). (fn. 105)

William son of William

Occ. as can. once only, on dean's side, 11 Oct. 1284 (below, app. 4 no. 2).


  • 1. Temp. Savaric archdcn. of Northampton, 1 Fasti III 31, and bp. Reginald of Bath, list 1.
  • 2. ? Clanfield, Hants or Oxon. The latter was in the patronage of Elstow nunnery, Beds., CPL 1 352 = Reg. Alex. IV no. 2322.
  • 3. ? Oxon. or Dorset.
  • 4. 'Gessich', 'Gessiz' etc.: Gussage All Saints, St Andrew or St Michael, Dorset.
  • 5. ? Nurstead Kent or Suff.
  • 6. He was son of Richard de Clare, earl of Gloucester (d. 1262); see Comp. Peer. V 701 n. For his career as a notorious pluralist, see A. H. Thompson, 'Pluralism in the mediaeval Church', Reports and Papers... of the Architectural Societies xxxiii (1915-16) 35-73, at pp. 53-7.
  • 7. Not Beaumont-sur-Sarthe as stated in 1 Fasti III 121.
  • 8. Som.: 'Badeston'.
  • 9. Suff. For his career, see Biog. Ox. I 60-1.
  • 10. Temp. Thomas archdcn. [of Bath], list 10, and Richard de Monte Acuto [can.], list 33.
  • 11. Som.
  • 12. For a possible origin in W. Suss., Lordington ('Leofred's farm'), see 1 Fasti V 10 n. 30. For his career, see Biog. Ox. III 1628, and EEA XXII, ed. P. Hoskin (forthcoming), pp. xlv-xlvii; his chs. are edited in EEA XXIII, ed. P. Hoskin (forthcoming), nos. 297-344.
  • 13. Incorrectly dated as after 8 Aug. 1229 in 1 Fasti III 28.
  • 14. ? Blundeston, Suff., or Blunsdon St Andrew or Broad Blunsdon, both Wilts.
  • 15. Sir Henry de Montfort and Henry de Montfort of Nunney occ. 1256 × 84, Cal. II 568 (no. 100); plaint of advowson against Henry de Montfort [1245], ibid. 1 123.
  • 16. Temp. M. Robert de Geldford archdcn. [of Taunton], list 12, and bp. Reginald, list 1.
  • 17. Temp. Savaric archdcn. of Northampton, 1 Fasti III 31, and before M. Alexander became dean, list 3.
  • 18. Nr Lucca, Italy.
  • 19. Presum. East or West Hewish, near Weston super Mare, Som.
  • 20. ? The Rake, Suss. or Reculver, Kent.
  • 21. These are the chs. cited by Robinson, SHE p. 157.
  • 22. Temp. Thomas archdcn. [of Bath], list 10, and Richard de Monte Acuto [can.], list 33.
  • 23. For his career, see Biog. Ox. III 2151-2.
  • 24. He is called 'Johannes Erturi [son of Arthur] de Cadamo'. Although his family derived from Caen, he prob. belonged to a branch living in England. For his English origin and his career as notary, see C. R. Cheney, Notaries Public in England (Oxford, 1972), esp. p. 21 n. 4 and pp. 142-51.
  • 25. Hants, 'Drokensford'; see Reg. Drokensford pp. 16, 29.
  • 26. For his episcopal reg., see Reg. Drokensford.
  • 27. 'Ikeford', 'Jekeford'; perhaps Ickford, Bucks. For his career, see Biog. Ox. II 998.
  • 28. See Survey of the county of York ... Kirkby's Inquest [ed. R. H. Scaife] (SS xlix, 1867) pp. xi-xiii; DNB s.n. Kirkby.
  • 29. Prob. Mettingham, Suff.
  • 30. 2 Fasti VIII 81, citing R. I (Liber Albus I) fo. 122, wrongly gives 22 June 1301; Cal. I 159 gives the correct date, 24 Sept. 1301.
  • 31. ? Wilts.
  • 32. Perhaps same as John de Sutton son of Richard of Spaxton, Cal. II 562 (no. 77).
  • 33. Presum. not to be identified with John de Tantone, alias of London, who occ. as chapl. Dec. 1218 × Dec. 1219, Rot. Welles 1 150-1, and occ. as chapl. of Hugh of Wells, bp. of Lincoln, 1223-5, ibid. II 290, III 133, 54, who became can. of Lincoln by 24 Oct. 1224, prec. by 26 Sept. 1225, last occ. 17 May 1237, and had been succeeded before 1239; see 1 Fasti III 14, 113.
  • 34. Presum. Wimborne Minster, Wimborne St Giles or Monkton Up Wimborne, Dorset.
  • 35. Temp. Walter de Lechlade succentor, list 8.
  • 36. ? Devon or Wilts.
  • 37. In view of his connection with the Burnel family, this is prob. Harley, Salop.
  • 38. ? Som. or Glos.
  • 39. ? Middx. or Northants
  • 40. ? Louvières, Calvados, France: thus EEA X index.
  • 41. For the site, see Bailey, Canonical Houses p. 123.
  • 42. DCnL; for his career, see Biog. Ox. II 2226-7, which does not, however, mention his preb. of Wells.
  • 43. ? Inglesham, Wilts.
  • 44. Temp. Peter of Chichester dean, list 3.
  • 45. ? Guildford, Surrey.
  • 46. Temp. M. Richard of Kenilworth treas., list 6.
  • 47. For his career, see EEA IX 198-200.
  • 48. ? Sydenham, Som., but there are places called Sydenham also in Devon and Oxon.
  • 49. 'Staweya': Nether or Over Stowey, Som.
  • 50. Prob. Timsbury, Som.; cf. EEA X nos. 9, 39.
  • 51. Norf., where he was tenant-in-chief, see CCR 1279-88 p. 496.
  • 52. Prob. Bishops Lydeard, Som., manor of bp. of Bath and Wells; cf. DB I 89b.
  • 53. His connection with the priory of Woodspring (Dodlinch) and his interest in houses at Marksbury suggest that his origin was Lullington, Som. There are places also called Lullington in Derbs. and Suss.
  • 54. For this property, on the Mountroy, see Bailey, Canonical Houses pp. 41-2, 46-8.
  • 55. ? Varaville, Calvados, arr. Caen, cant. Troarn, France; cf. Pat. Rolls 1225-32 p. 45.
  • 56. ? Glos. or Suss.
  • 57. ? Cobham, Kent or Surrey.
  • 58. Prob. a member of family of Dinan, lords of Buckland Dinham; cf. above list 14, n. 137.
  • 59. ? Staines, Middx. For his career, see Biog. Ox. III 1758.
  • 60. Temp. Peter [? of Chichester] treas., list 6.
  • 61. Robert de Berkeley appears without title as witness to a ch. dated 1 Apr. 1239, Cal. I 135, but this date must be erroneous; see above, list 3 n. 37.
  • 62. 'Walter' de Brandon, who occ. as can. 11 June 1283 in Reg. Giffard (Worc.) II 202, is prob. an error for Robert.
  • 63. ? Cadbury, Som. or Devon.
  • 64. This ch. bears an erroneous date of 1 Apr. 1239; see above, list 3 n. 37.
  • 65. Presum. Fangfoss, Yorks. E.R. He was rector of Foxholes, a little over 20 miles to the NE of Fangfoss; see Cartularium Abbathiae de Whiteby [ed. J. C. Atkinson] (Surtees Soc. lxix, lxxii, 1879, 1881) I 312.
  • 66. Laxton, Notts.; for his origins and career, see Rufford Chs., ed. C. J. Holdsworth (Thoroton Soc. xxix, xxx, xxxii, xxxiv, 1972-81) 1 pp. xcii-xcv; also Turner, Judiciary p. 209. He was related to Henry de Lexington, bp. of Lincoln (1254-8); see, e.g., Cal. Genealogicum I 243.
  • 67. Mountsorrel, Leics.
  • 68. Norf.: he occ. as M. Robert de 'Tefford', of Norwich dioc., 23 Jan. 1243, CPL I 204 = Reg. Innoc. IV no. 396.
  • 69. Temp. M. Richard of Kenilworth chanc., list 5. For another house, see Cal. I 37 = II 552 (no. 33), and Bailey. Canonical Houses pp. 53-4.
  • 70. Temp. M. William de Merton dean, list 3.
  • 71. ? Crook Burnell, Devon.
  • 72. Som.
  • 73. ? Thirkleby, Yorks. N.R.
  • 74. Prob. Mells, Som.; but there are places called Mells and Mellis in Suff.
  • 75. ? Northants.
  • 76. ? Norf. or Suff.
  • 77. ? Mitcham, Surrey. He was DTh; for his career, see Biog. Ox. II 1272.
  • 78. For date, see above, list 33 n. 153.
  • 79. ? Chishall, Essex.
  • 80. Identified as Lewknor (Oxon.) in Select Canterbury Cases p. 567 n. 8. He was DCL; for his career, see Biog. Ox. II 1174-5.
  • 81. ? Sodington, Worcs.
  • 82. Prob. a member of family of Dinan, lords of Buckland Dinham; cf. above, list 15 n. 137.
  • 83. DCL; for his career, see Biog. Ox. III 2150.
  • 84. Temp. Thomas archdcn. [of Bath], list 10, and Richard de Monte Acuto [can.], list 33.
  • 85. Temp. M. Richard of Kenilworth chanc., list 5, and before d. of Roger the chapl. can., unident. preb., above.
  • 86. For his parentage, see 1 Fasti VI 5 n. 12; also Biog. Ox. II 807-8; DNB.
  • 87. For his archiepiscopal reg., see The Register or Rolls of Walter Gray, Lord Archbishop of York [ed. J. Raine] (Surtees Soc. lvi, 1872).
  • 88. ? Maidstone, Kent.
  • 89. Temp. Mark prior of Montacute, Heads I 122.
  • 90. Temp. M. Giles of Bridport, bp. of Salisbury, 1 Fasti IV 5.
  • 91. Som., where the abbey of Athelney had an interest (Taxatio p. 205b): William occ. in connection with Athelney (e.g. Cart. Muchleney no. 11).
  • 92. Temp. dean Alexander, list 3, and bp. Reginald, list 1.
  • 93. Temp. M. Richard of Kenilworth treas., list 6. The ch. is dated 1 Apr. 1239, but this must be erroneous; see above, list 3 n. 37.
  • 94. The name appears as Estravayco and Estiniaco; it is doubtless to be identifed as Estravayer, on Lake Neuchâtel, Switzerland, not far from Grandson, the place of origin of his uncle Odo de Grandisson.
  • 95. Kg.'s counsellor, for whom see Comp. Peer VI 69-73.
  • 96. The family was influential in S. W. France; see S. Menache, Clement V (Cambridge, 1998), and for William, ibid. pp. 7-8.
  • 97. ? Hurstbourne Prior or Tarrants Hants.
  • 98. Long Load, Som.
  • 99. Temp. John of Bitton provost, list 69.
  • 100. ? Pilton, Som.
  • 101. ? Sarre, Kent; see 1 Fasti III 39n. DCL; for his career, see Biog. Ox. III 1641-2.
  • 102. ? Smallbrook in Warminster, cf. BL Addit. Ch. 26711.
  • 103. Temp. M. Edward de la Cnoll dean, list 3.
  • 104. Presum. Wheathampstead, Som., rather than Herts.
  • 105. Temp. Thomas archdcn. [of Bath], list 10, and Richard de Monte Acuto [can.], list 33.