Prebendaries: Ealdstreet

Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 1, St. Paul's, London. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1968.

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'Prebendaries: Ealdstreet', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 1, St. Paul's, London, ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1968), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Prebendaries: Ealdstreet', in Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 1, St. Paul's, London. Edited by Diana E Greenway (London, 1968), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Prebendaries: Ealdstreet". Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Volume 1, St. Paul's, London. Ed. Diana E Greenway (London, 1968), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


See lists in Cats. I fo. 94v, II fo. 111/118r.

Ansketin or Ansketil

First preb. in cats., 'Anschitinus archidiaconus Cant''. Does not occ. as can. Occ. as archdcn. of Canterbury in 1075 and 1086, and had been succeeded by 1089.


Occ. in cats. between Ansketin and Hamo de Rem', 'Fulcherus episcopus frater episcopi Rannulfi episcopi' (Cat. I), 'Fulcherus episcopus' (Cat. II). Does not occ. as can. Perhaps to be identified with Fulcher, chapl. of king William II, who occ. [1093 × 1100] (Regesta I no. 464) and [1096 × 1100] (ibid. no. 480). Bp. of Lisieux, cons. June 1102, d. Jan. 1103; brother of Ranulph Flambard, bp. of Durham (preb. of Totenhall) (Orderici Vitalis Historiae Ecclesiasticae, ed. A. Le Prévost (Paris, 1838-55) IV 116, and see Southern, Ranulf Flambard pp. 115, 119).

Hamo de Rem'

Occ. in cats. between Fulcher and Theodoric Junior, 'Hamo de Rem' [Rein', Cat. II]'. Presum. to be identified with Hamo the can. who first occ. 1104/5 (WD 4 fo. 19/23r-v, pd. in Rep. p. 61b), and last occ. 1115/16 (A/24/1478 and WD 4 fos. 19/23v- 20/24r, pd. in Rep. pp. 61b-62a). Brother of Theodoric, can. and unident. preb. (see below p. 95).

Theodoric Junior (fn. 1)

Occ. in cats. between Hamo de Rem' and Godfrey de Lucy, 'Theodoricus junior'. First occ. as can. [c. 1128 × 1138] (WD 4 fo. 52/56v, pd. in Rep. p. 67a-b). (fn. 2) Last occ. 26 May 1162 (Gibbs no. 217). Prob. d. before 1174 (A/71/1797, cal. in Rep. p. 50b). (fn. 3) Presum. called 'junior' to distinguish him from Theodoric, can. and unident. preb., brother of Hamo de Rem' (see below p. 95). Possibly related to Theodoric and Hamo.

Godfrey de Lucy (fn. 4)

Occ. in cats. between Theodoric Junior and Peter de Waltham, 'Godefridus de Luci [Lucy, Cat. II]'. Does not occ. as can., but occ. once in connection with St. Paul's (G.F.L. no. 251; G.F. p. 198). Dean of St. Martin le Grand (Diceto 11 69). Bp. of Winchester, el. Sept., cons. Oct. 1189.

M. Peter de Waltham

Occ. in cats. between Godfrey de Lucy and William of Ste.-Mère-Eglise, 'Petrus de Walm''. Presum. to be identified with M. Peter de Waltham, who first certainly occ. as can. [c. 1180 × 1192] (A/71/1799), (fn. 5) but may occ. earlier, [1180 × c. 1181] (G.F.L. no. 387). Archdcn. of London from before Dec. 1192, to after March 1194.

William of Ste.-Mère-Eglise (fn. 6)

Occ. in cats. between Peter de Waltham and Alan de Hertilande, 'Willelmus de Sancte Marie Ecclesia'. Does not occ. as can., but occ. as dean of St. Martin le Grand Dec. 1189 (Rot. Chartarum, ed. T. D. Hardy (Record Comm., 1837) p. 64a) and [1192 × 93] (cart. of Waltham: B.M., Harley MS. 391 fo. 101r-v), and occ. in St. Paul's document 22 Nov. 1196 (Gibbs no. 319). Bp. of London, el. Dec. 1198, cons. May 1199.

Alan de Hertilande

Occ. in cats. between William of Ste.-Mère-Eglise and Hugh of Wells, 'Alanus de Hertilande [Herulande, Cat. II]'. Not otherwise known, unless to be identified with Alan de Herteland' who occ. c. 1200 in suit concerning church of 'Sefcler' ' (? Exeter dioc.) (Canterbury, D. & C., Ecclesiastical Suits no. 341).

Hugh of Wells

Occ. in cats. between Alan de Hertilande and Bartholomew, 'Hugo archidiaconus Wellon'. Does not occ. as can. Keeper of king's great seal and vice-chanc., 1204-09 (Tout, Chapters 1 183 n., VI 3); archdcn. of Wells, 1204-09; bp. of Lincoln, el. c. Apr., cons. Dec. 1209.

M. Bartholomew

Occ. in cats. between Hugh of Wells and Hugh de Sancto Edmundo, 'Bartholomeus archidiaconus Winton'. Does not occ. as can. Archdcn. of Winchester by May 1213, to d. in 1230.

M. Hugh de Sancto Edmundo (fn. 7)

Occ. in cats. between Bartholomew and Amaury de Montfort, 'Hugo de Sancto Edmundo'. Not appd. until after [Oct. 1229 × June 1230], when occ. as bp.'s chapl. (Gibbs no. 64). First certain occ. as can. 12 Dec. 1237 (Gibbs no. 98), but prob. can. when occ. [1231 × June 1236] (charter roll of Holy Trinity, Aldgate: B.M., Cotton Roll xiii. 18 no. 6). (fn. 8) Archdcn. of Essex by Aug. 1248, to Dec. 1250 or later; and archdcn. of Colchester before Aug. 1257, to Oct. 1260 or later. Possibly res. archdcnry., but retained preb., before 15 Nov. 1260, when occ. as can. (A/2A/613). Will proved 24 Nov. 1264 (Cal. of Wills 1 9).

Amaury de Montfort

Occ. in cats. between Hugh de Sancto Edmundo and William de Sardene, 'Almaricus de Monteforti'. Gr. of preb. [c. 1262 × 1263] (C.P.L. 1 417). Amaury's preferments withdrawn after Aug. 1265 (cf. Hist. Church York 111 186), but disp. to retain treasurership and preb. of York, 19 March 1267 (Les Registres de Clement IV, ed. E. Jordan (Bibl. des Ecoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 2nd ser. xi) no. 451). Imprisoned 1275-Apr. 1282 (cf. Reg. Epp. Peckham 1 325-6). Said to have renounced orders and become a knight 1287 (Flor. Hist. 111 67). Styled can. of London, among other titles, in will dated 1289 (see Comp. Peer. VII 547 n.). Still alive Feb. 1300/1 (ibid.).

M. William de Sardene (fn. 9)

Occ. in cats. between Amaury de Montfort and Thomas de Cobham, 'Willelmus de Sardena [Sarndena, Cat. II]'. Occ. as dean of Arches 1291 (Cal. London Letter-Books: A, c. 1275-1298, ed. R. R. Sharpe (1899) p. 129). Occ. this preb. c. 1294 (Liber F valor), (fn. 10) and as can. 14 Oct. 1294 (Reg. Winchelsey 1 6). D. by 5 Nov. 1303 (reg. J. Dalderby: Lincoln, Lincs. Archives Office, Reg. II fo. 277b). Will proved 16 Dec. 1303 (Reg. R. de Swinfield, ed. W. W. Capes (Canterbury and York Soc. vi) p. 395).


  • 1. See also G.F. p. 279.
  • 2. Temp. Hugh, archdcn. of Middlesex (above p. 15).
  • 3. Temp. Godfrey, treas. (above p. 21).
  • 4. See also G.F. p. 279.
  • 5. Temp. Richard de Stortford, mag. schol. (above p. 26), and Nicholas, archdcn. of London (p. 9).
  • 6. Cf. above p. 2 n. 5.
  • 7. Cf. above p. 14 n. 1.
  • 8. Temp. Robert de Bonewell, archdcn. of Middlesex (above p. 17), and Peter de Neuport, precentor (p. 24).
  • 9. Prob. Sardinia; see D. L. Douie, in Reg. J. Pecham 11 p. xi n. 1.
  • 10. See below App. II.